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      • 다중 쓰레드 기반의 병렬처리서버용 안티바이러스 엔진

        유주영;김미애;박은옥;박유미;최주영;최은정;김명주 서울여자대학교 컴퓨터과학연구소 2004 정보기술논문지 Vol.2 No.-

        악성코드에 대한 보다 바람직한 예방은 클라이언트측이 아닌 서버측에서 이루어지는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 새로운 개념 의 서버용 안티바이러스 엔진인 SAVE 1.0을 설계 구현하여 제시한다. SAVE는 기본적으로 1개의 AV모니터와 다수의 AV에이전트로 구성되어 있는데 다중 CPU를 장착한 병렬처리서버의 특징을 직접 활용하기 위하여 관리자가 다중쓰레드 기법을 직접 지정할 수 있도록 하고 있다 악성코드를 5가지 부류로 구분하여 바이러스 시그너쳐 DB를 구축 제공함으로써 부류별 진단을 지정할 수 있도록 하고 있으며 실시간 네트워크 패킷 검사를 통한 악성코드 유입 점검 기능도 제공한다. 웹 기반의 관리자 인터페이스는 뛰어난 사용자 편의성을 제공하고 있다. 성능실험결과 악성코드 검색율은 국내외 상용제품과 비교해서 매우 우수한 것으로 나타났으며 검색속도에 있어서도 서버의 CPU 수 증가에 거의 선형 비례하여 향상되는 특징을 보이고 있다. It is more desirable to prevent and detect the malicious codes in server system rather than in client PCs. In this paper, we suggest a new anti-virus engine, SAVE 1.0, which is executed on a parallel processing server. SAVE consists of 1 AV monitor and several AV agents. A system administrator can control the degree of multi-thread directly in order to enhance the utilization of parallel processing servers. Virus signature DBs in SAVE are classified into 5 categories, which support system administrator's options to use the classifier or not. By real-time checking of network packets, the influx of malicious codes can be prevented. Web-based GUI is one of the convenient functions provided in SAVE. In performance tests, we have confirmed that SAVE has higher virus detection ratio than any other AV engine, and SAVE has a desirable feature as an software of parallel processing servers since the performance of SAVE is improved almost linearly as the CPUs in a parallel processing server increases.

      • Isoquinolinium Chlorochromate와 Quinolinium Chlorochromate를 이용한 알코올류의 선택적 산화반응

        최선도,박영조,이은주 三陟大學校 産業科學技術硏究所 2003 産業科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        Isoquinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) and quinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) were synthesized. which were used to oxidize benzylic alcohol, allylic alcohol. primary alcohol and secondary alcohols in DMF to give aldehyde of each compound. Their structures were verified by IR, EA and ICP. The oxidation of alcohols was examined by isoquinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) and quinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) in DMF. As a result, isoquinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) and quinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) were found as efficicent oxidizing agents that converted benzylic alcohol, allylic alcohol, primary alcohol and secondary alcohols to the corresponding aldehydes or ketones. The selective oxidation of alcohols was also examined by isoquinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) and quinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) in DMF. isoquinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) and quinolinium chlorochromate(C_(9)H_(7)NHCrO₃Cl) were selective oxidizing agents of benzylic alcohol. allylic alcohol and primary alcohol in the presence of secondary alcohols.

      • 골수염의 진단에 있어서의 Tc-99m Hexamethylpropylene amine oxime 백혈구 스캔의 임상적 유용성

        최상호,김양수,정준원,정진원,추은주,서동대,배인규,양승오,우준희,류지소 대한화학요법학회 2001 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        배경 : 골수염의 진단에 있어 Technetium-99m을 이용한 삼상 골스캔(Tc-99m MDP스캔)은 단순방사선 검사상 정상소견을 보이는 경우에 쓰이는 1차적 검사로 매우 높은 민감도를 보인다. 그러나 Tc-99m MDP 스캔은 골절이나, 정형외과적 삽입물, 신경병적 관절병변과 같이 뼈의 재형성이 증가되는 상황에서도 양성소견을 보여 특이도가 낮은 단점이 있다. 이러한 단점을 보완하고자 골수염의 진단에 있어 Tc-99m HMPAO 백혈구 스캔의 유용성을 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 골수염이 의심되어 Tc-99m HMPAO 백혈구 스캔을 시행했던 15명의 의무기록을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 골수염의 확진은 임상관찰 소견과 배양검사 결과와 병리소견을 기준으로 하였다. 결과 : 골수염의 진단에 있어 Tc-99m HMPAO 백혈구 스캔의 민감도와 특이도는 각각 100%와 78%였고 Tc-99m HMPAO 스캔의 경우는 100%와 18%였다. 가장 흔한 원인균은 methicillin-resistant S. aureus였다. Tc-99m MDP 스캔에서 양성소견을 보였던 환자중 3명의 환자가 Tc-99m HMPAO 백혈구 스캔에서 음성 소견을 보였으며 이 환자들은 추적관찰상 골수염이 없는 것으로 확인되었다. 결론 : Tc-99m HMPAO 백혈구 스캔은 골수염의 존재를 진단하는데 있어 민감도와 특이도가 높으며, 특히 뼈의 재형성이 증가되어 Tc-99m MDP 스캔의 특이도가 낮게 나타나는 상황에서 유용하리라 사료된다. Background Three phase bone scintigraphy, performed with technetium-labeled diphosphonates (Tc-99m MDP scan), is the very sensitive radionuclide procedure of choice for diagnosing osteomyelitis. But, Tc-99m MDP scan is less specific when bone remodeling is increased. To overcome this limitation, we evaluated the diagnostic value of technetium-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime (HMPAO) labeled leukocyte scan in osteomyelitis. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 15 patients with suspected osteomyelitis who performed Tc-99m HMPAO labeled leukocyte scan. The diagnosis of osteomyelitis was based on clinical course and bacterial culture, and pathologic findings. Results The sensitivity and specificity of Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte scan was 100% and 78%, and those of Tc-99m MDP scan was 100% and 18%, respectively. The most common organism was Methicilein-Resistant S. aureus. Among the patients that showed persistent accumulation on Tc-99m MDP scan, three patients showed no uptake on Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte scan and these patients were confirmed that had no osteomyelitis. Conclusion : Tc-99m HMPAO leukocyte scan is a useful test for determining the presence or absence of osteomyelitis, especially under condition that bone remodelin is increased.

      • 경직성 뇌성마비아동의 도형-배경 색상역전과 시지각 및 시각-운동 수행능력

        최은주,안병즙 大邱大學校 再活科學硏究所 1993 再活科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        The present study was designed to investigate the effect of color reversal of figure-ground on visual perceptional and visuo-motor performance of cerebral palsied. The 20 spastic cerebral palsied and the 20 non-cerebral palsied children participated in the study as subjects. Perceptual subtest of perceptuo-Motor Development Diagnostic Test(PMDT) and Beery-Buktenica Development Test of Visual-Motor Intergration(VMI) were administered to assess visual perceptual and visuo-motor performance, respectively. The main conclusions from the study were as follows. First, the cerebral palsied subjects performed more poorly in both visual perceptional and in visuo-motor tasks than non-cerebral palsied counterparts. However, it was revealed that the relatively poor performance of the former in visual perceptual tasks were primarily due to Synthesis of Figure factor. Second, for spastic cerebral palsied subjects, the color reversal of testing materials had the facilitating effect on visual perception but not on visuo-motor. However, any improvement as a function of color reversal was evidenced neither in visual perceptioanl nor in visuo-motor performance of the non-cerebral palsied. Finally, presentation order did not produce significant improvement of visual perceptional and visuo-motor performance in either group. It suggest thath improvement by color reversal did not result from presentation order.

      • Bromobenzene에 유도된 간 독성에 미치는 Scoparone의 효과(Ⅱ)

        최종원,김은주 慶星大學校 環境問題硏究所 1992 環境硏報 Vol.2 No.1

        Brcmobenzene 투여로 야기되는 간독성의 경감에 scoparone 이 관여하는가를 간찰할 목적으로 간 조직중과산화 지질생성, 혈액증 생화확 검사 및 형채학적 측면에서 비교 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 급성독성 시험에서 bromobenzene(1,000㎎/㎏)을 복강내에 주사하였을 때 사망률이 현저히 증가되던 것이 scoparone(5㎎/㎏)을 전처리함으로 대조군 수준으로 감소되었다. 간 조직증 과산화 지질함량도 bromobenzene(310㎎/㎏) 투여로 현저히 증가되던 것이scoparone, scopoletin 전처리로 억제되었으며, 혈청증 aminotransferase 와so-rbitol dehydrogenase 활성 변동에서도 지질과산화 생성과 유사한 결과이었다. 형채학적 검사에서bromobenzene의 투여로 간괴사, 세포의 파괴등의 변화가 scoparone, scopoletin 투여로 정상적인 세포가 형성되었으나, esculetin의 전처리로는 bromobenzene에 의한 간조직 병변의 변화에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않았다. Scoparone is derivatives of coumarin and the hydrogen of 6 and 7 position of coumarin moeity was substituted by methoxy groups. We have studied the mechanism by examing the protective effect of scoparone on the brom obenzene-induced hepatotoxicity. Scoparone poretreatment before the administration of bromobenzene has blocked subsequent increase in liver to body weight ratio. When biological changes were measured, scoparone and scopoletin protects against bromobenzene inducible hepatotoxicity in rats as evidenced by the decreased formation of lipid peroxide, lowered serum aminotransferase(ALT,AST) and sorbitol dehydrogenase(SDH) activties and reduced acute toxicity. It was also observed that histological changes of livers with scoparone and scopoletin pretreatment were less sever than in livers that was only bromobenzene-injected rats. Consquently, it was abserved that the mechanism for the observed protective effect of scoparone against the bromobenzene-induced hepatotoxicity by the scopoletin, the intermediate metabolite of scoparone.

      • Isoquinolinium Dichromate에 의한 Alcohol류의 산화반응 속도론과 메카니즘

        최선도,박영조,이은주 三陟大學校 産業科學技術硏究所 2003 産業科學技術硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.2

        Isoquinolinium dichromate[(C_(9)H_(7)NH)₂Cr₂O_(7)] was synthesized by the reaction of isoquinoline with chromium(VI) trioxide in water. isoquinolinium dichromate[(C_(9)H_(7)NH)₂Cr₂O_(7)] structure was verified by IR. EA and ICP. The oxidation of benzyl alcohol by isoquinolinium dichromate[(C_(9)H_(7)NH)₂Cr₂O_(7)] in carious solvents showed that the reactivity increased with the increase of the dielectric constant s order: cyclohexen < chloroform < acetone < acetonitrile. In the presence of acid, isoquinolinium dichromate [(C_(9)H_(7)NH)₂Cr₂O_(7)] oxidized the substituted benzyl alcohols in N,N-dimethylformamide. The Hammett reaction constant p was -0.69 at 303K. The observed experimental data was used to rationalize the hydride ion transfer in the rate-determining step.

      • 교실 색채환경 개선을 위한 연구 : 강원도 중학교 중심으로

        최은주,최법진 강원대학교 조형예술연구소 2005 조형예술논문집 Vol.6 No.-

        Colors are psychologically influential environment, and they play an important part in young students' emotions. Since young people spend most their time at school. Especially classroom colors are very important to students psychologically and emotionally. The preference of a person in charge and financial factors are mostly considered than the educational aspect for choosing colors used for the interior of secondary schools. This study examined the effect of colors on young students, and the importance of classroom colors. Also, it surveyed and analyzed the color preferences, the degree of the students' satisfaction with the present classroom colors, and the desired colors for classrooms of the middle school students in Kangwon-do. According to the result, students preferred the bright colors, and a great number of students were not satisfied with their classroom colors which are mostly colorless. It is also known that the students' negative attitude caused by classroom colors made students feel bored with their school life and those colors made their eyes tired easily. If we try to improve the classroom color environment, we will help students to enhance learning efficiency and to foster their emotions soundly.

      • 여러 가지 상변화물질 슬러리의 원형관내 대류 열전달에 관한 연구

        崔恩洙,鄭東柱 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2003 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        To investigate convective heat transfer of various the phase-change-material slurries in a circular tube, paraffin slurry, MC-lauric acid slurry, MC-octadecane slurry and ice slurry were tested in two kinds of heat transfer experimental apparatus with constant heat flux test section. Nusslet numbers of the phase-change-material slurries were found to increase when the phase-change- material melted. Nusselt number of the phase-change material slurry increased, as the size and fraction of the phase-change material increased. The effective thermal capacities of the phase-change-material slurries were higher than those of water. As fraction and fusion energy of the phase-change-material increased, the effective thermal capacity increased.

      • KCI등재

        튀김 기름의 저장 기간에 따른 향신료 및 허브류 첨가에 의한 항산화 효과 `

        최은미,윤혜경,윤기주,구성자 동아시아식생활학회 2000 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        The effect of heated oil on human nutrition has recently become of great interest to nutritionists and food chemists, However, the detrimental effect of heated oil has been hardly studied extensively and many problems have still remained unsolved. This study was carried out to investigate the storage stability of the heated oils at room temperature (25±5℃), with the variation in storage conditions (addition of spices and herbs) for 7 weeks period. The rancidity of the oils according to storage time and condition was measured and compared with TBA, ferric thiocyanate, and DPPH method. For fresh oil, when stored for 7 weeks at room temperature, there was no significant change in the degree of oxidation. But for the heated oil with frying materials, the degree of oxidation significantly increased at 5 weeks(p<0.05), When stored with spices and herbs, the degree of oxidation significantly decreased with storage period(p<0,05), Antioxidative activity of herbs, especially sage group was higher than that of any other group.

      • 요통 환자에서 요통 및 방사통과 요추 자기공명영상의 이상소견에 대한 Tree모형의 활용

        최영칠,손은주,이태용 건국대학교 의과학연구소 2002 건국의과학학술지 Vol.12 No.-

        To detect the MRI findings related to The low back pain and sciatica according to age group, authors used tree model analysis of 80 patient's grading their low back pain and sciatica, with their lumbar MRI findings. And the results were as follows: 1. In teens and twenties(n=22), the low back pain was related to high maximum of spinal canal narrowing and large sum of disc degeneration, and the sciatica was related to the psoas spine ratio. 2. In thirties and forties(n=33), the sum of disc degeneration, the sum of foraminal narrowing, the maximum of disc degeneration affected the low back pain, and the sum of disc degeneration, disc herniation and maximum of canal narrowing were related to sciatica. 3. In fifties and sixties(n=23) the low back pain was related to large sum of foraminal narrowing and small psoas spine ratio, and thesciatica was largely affected by high maximum of foraminal narrowing and some by large sum of canal narrowing and large sum of disc degeneration.

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