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        추봉조 ; 차시환 ; 정신교 김천대학교 2014 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.35 No.-

        With women and children for sexualtypical case of rape cases on the rise in our soci ety continue to Yongsan child abuse cases since 2000 (2006.2), the amount Hye, arts events (2007.12). sexuesin case (2009.12), szimgiltae case (2010.2), gimsucheol case(2010 6), Gwangjin housewife murder (2012 08), and the like. May exacerbate the anxiety and fear of the people, for the crime. Accordingly, var- ious measures have poured out competitively government and parliament. Identifying sex offenders, especially public institutions in 2000, 2007 Electronic Monitoring System, in 2010 DNA Database System. 2011 drug treatment is also being implement-ed and the like. The problem is also important to have emerged more powerful than the correspond- ing criminal sanctions to the atrocious crimes of sexual violence, but this is getting so angry criminal sanctions for human rights violations, according to the information is dif-ficult to carry, and also the effectiveness of the policy is to ensure the problem The sit-uation facing the. And now became so difficult to understand the complex system of legal experts and law-related sexual crimes. This study is the analysis, we propose a method to incorporate the structural prob-lems of the Penal Code and the Criminal Penal Code and special laws and regulations in the country for sexual offenses, and review current legislation on sexual violence against international crime. This study analyzes what the nature of the crime of sexual violence response plan that is currently being implemented in the country know, and the problem of comparative legal study such as this throughout the United States, Germany, Japan, the major crimes of sexual violence response system, including the criminal We present a countermeasure for our sexual reality.

      • 광섬유 집합체 센서를 이용한 6MV 광자선의 반음영 및 심부선량백분율 측정

        신상훈,장경원,조동현,유욱재,서정기,이봉수,문주현,박병기 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        In this study, a fiber-optic bundle sensor has been developed using water-equivalent organic scintillating fibers for photon beam measurement. Beam penumbra and percent depth doses(PDD) are measured according to the depth of the photon beam. This sensor has many advantages such as high resolution, real-time measurement and ease of calibration over conventional radiation measurement devices.

      • 先加力 후 補修-補强한 鐵筋콘크리트 壓縮部材의 構造特性에 관한 實驗的 硏究

        신용석,최진석,김판선,조철희,손순채,김정섭 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2(구조계)

        This study examined the Stress and structural characteristics of reinforced concrete compressive member repair and strengthening by CFS and GFS after pre-loading. The following results were obtained. The results of compressive testing by the kind of fiber suggested that: In CFS, Specimen increased by about 26.9% and strengthening after pre-loading, by about 111.8%, compared with after strengthening, In GFS, Specimen increased by about 69.0% and repaired and models after pre-loading, by about 76.7%, compared with after strengthening. In the compressive testing, strengthen with CFS-Specimen showed a brittle fracture and strengthen with GFS-Specimen represented ductile fracture. More increasing in stress of Specimen, and repair and Strengthening specimen after pre-loading than loading specimen after strengthening suggested the strengthen effect of fiber.

      • 콘크리트용 잔골재로서 고막 패각의 활용성에 관한 연구

        신용석,이설,김판선,조철희,김정섭 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1(구조계)

        1) As a result of compressive strength experiment, rupture compressive strength showed more increases in specimens of 15% and 20% of Cockle shells in those of non-mixture. Comparing compressive strength between no-mixed Specimens and Specimens of containing Cockle shells, Specimens containing Cockle shells showed higher strength in 60 days of age, and as ark Cockle is contained and age is elapsed, compressive strength is also increased. 2) To sum up the above experimental results, it is found that using splitted Cockle shells as aggregate for concrete by 10% - 20% showed the same or higher compressive strength and shear strength as concretes using general aggregate and it can be used as substitute aggregate of concrete. It is considered that for future use of splitted Cockle shells as substitute concrete aggregate, continuous researches of its durability, applicability and economy are needed.

      • 명예훼손에 대한 ISP의 형사책임

        정신교, 추봉조, 차시환 김천대학교 2012 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.33 No.-

        ISP is Internet operators means that If you have access to the Internet to take advantage of the general users, businesses, institutions, organizations, etc. Typically refers users to Internet access, Web site hosting, search engines, bulletin board system provides various services, such as those that provide through the Internet. This paper examined ISP's civil liability and criminal liability from point of view of the Criminal Act. As a result, ISP's Criminal liability shall be limited to aiding and abetting by omission' only when ISP's access and control against illegal contents objectively admit-ted. The damage of defamation using the internet is so quick and extensive that in many cases the results from human rights violations due to it happen to be gone to an irreversible state to recover. The thing that will need to be preceded before the criminal law restriction on internet defamation, is the freedom of speech and harmonizing issues It is difficult to draw the exact line for the collision between freedom of speech on the Internet and rights of respect for individuals. In other words, defamation issues should be dealt carefully to protect rights of respect for individuals because cyber space doesn't permit an individual infinite freedom of speech. Basically admitting freedom of speech, a limited responsibility should be asked within the boundary of not violating a personal honor.

      • 仁川海域 開發에 따른 潮汐變化 및 汚染物質 運送 豫測

        鄭信澤,趙烘輦,蔡璋源 圓光大學校 環境建設硏究所 1997 環境建設論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        Horizontal 2-D models which includes the wetting-drying treatment technique in the intertidal zone are established for the predietion of tidal changes and contaminant transport due to the development of Incheon coastal zone. Flow model is verified by the measurement data at Jeong-Do, and then the computed value is closely matched to the observed water elevation and velocity of main-flow direction. In the spring tide condition, pollutants transport pattern is simulated for the arbitrary pollutants loads. By the analysis of this numerical simulation results, pollutants are mainly transported by the advection along the narrow deep troughes. Thus, these models can be used as the compatible prediction model for the tidal change and pollutant transport due to the development plan of Incheon coastal zone.

      • 최근 5년간 피부외과술로 치료받은 환자의 분석 : 1994. 1∼1998. 12

        신정현,강민정,조소연,황규광,함정희 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2000 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.23 No.2

        연구 목적 : 1990년대 이후 국외 및 국내에서 피부외과의 영역이 넓어지고 있으나 현재 국내에서 시행되고 있는 피부외과적 수술에 대한 통계는 아직 보고되지 않아 그 현황이 잘 파악되지 않고 있다. 이에 저자들은 본교실 미용피부외과 클리닉에 내원하여 수술을 받은 환자 1,075명을 대상으로 통계적 분석을 시행하여 피부외과 환자의 분포, 경향을 파악하여 향후 발전의 토대로 삼고자 한다. 방법: 1994년 1월부터 1998년 12월까지 5년간 이화여자대학교 의과대학 부속 동대문병원 피부과 미용피부외과 클리닉에 내원하여 수술을 받은 환자 1,075명을 대상으로 성별, 연령별, 주거지역별 분포와 진단명 및 수술의 종류에 대하여 통계적 분석하였다. 결과: 1) 남녀비는 1 : 2.4였고, 연령은 10개월부터 87세까지로 다양하였으나 20, 30대가 66.0%로 가장 많고 평균연령은 남자 30.6세, 여자 30.2세였다. 환자의 주거지역별 분포는 서울시가 75%로 가장 많았고 서울시내 지역구별의 차이는 크지 않았다. 2) 환자 1명이 두 가지 이상의 질환을 가질 때 각 질환을 개개로 간주하여 총 1.354예의 질환을 수술하였으며 반흔(39.8%), 색소성 질환(30.8%), 악성/양성종양(21.2%), 기타질환(8.2%) 순이었다. 3) 수술은 총 2,334회 시행되었고 그 종류별 빈도는 화학박피수술 가장 많아 846예(36.2%)이었고 다음으로 냉동외과술 650예(27.8%), CO_2 레이저 255예(10.9%), 기계박피술 209예(8.9%), 외과적 절제술 113예(4.8%), Mohs 미세도식수술 61예(2.6%), 혈관응고술 50예(2.1%), 피판재건술 48예(2.0%)이었으며 그 외 모발이식 15예, 표피이식 13예, 자가지방이식 2예 등이 있었다. 4) 각 반흔의 종류에 따라 분류하면, 여드름반흔은 화학박피술(72.7%), CO_2 레이저(11.9%) 및 기계박피술(9.7%)로, 위축성반흔은 기계박피술(37.3%). CO_2 레이저(27.8%) 및 펀치상향술(11.9%)로, 비후성반흔은 냉동외과술(28.2%), 기계박피술(24.2%) 및 CO_2 레이저(22.7%)로 치료하였다. 5) 악성종양 및 일부 양성종양에 Mohs 미세도식수술을 시행하였으며 재건술로 총 61예 중 피판재건술을 시행한 예가 가장 많아 45.9%이었고, 단순봉합이 36.1%, 복합봉합은 18.0% 이었다. 결론: 피부외과적 수술환자는 여자가 남자보다 2.4배 많았으나 남자의 비율이 증가추세에 있고 남녀 모두 평균 연령은 30대였다. 수술질환은 반흔과 색소성 질환이 가장 많아 미용적인 관심이 매우 높음을 알 수 있었고 연도별 유의한 차이는 없었다 총 2,334회 수술 중 화학박피술, 냉동외과술이 50% 이상을 차지하였고 반흔의 종류에 따라 선호되는 수술이 달랐다. 악성종양은 모두 Mohs 미세도식 수술하였으며 주로 국소 피판술로 재건하였다. 이상의 분석으로 피부외과적 수술환자의 분포, 대상질환, 수술방법 등을 빈도별로 파악할 수 있었으며, 향후 각 질환별 혹은 수술별로 세분하여 수술성과 및 만족도 조사를 시행함으로써 피부외과 분야 및 본 크리닉의 발전 방향을 설정하는 가늠자 역할을 할 것으로 기대한다. Background : The field of dermatologic surgery has seen trementdous developments in the past few years. Objective : Our purpose was to discuss current statistical data on the dermatologic patients treated by surgical methods at our institute. Methods : We analyzed 2,334 cases of surgeries performed on 1,075 patients at the Department of Dermatology of Ewha Womans University Tongdaemun Hospital during a period of 5 years (1994. 1 - 1998. 12). Results & Conclusion : The results are summarized as folows: 1) Of the 2,334 cases of surgeries, 846 cases(36.2%) were chemical peelings, 650 cases(27.8%) cryosurgeries, 255 cases(10.9%) CO_2, lasers, 209 cases(8.9%) dermabrasions, 113 cases(4.8%) scalpel surgeries, 61 cases(2.6%) Mohs micrographic surgeries, 50 cases(21.1%) sclerotherapy, 48 cases(2.0%) flap repair surgeries, 35 cases(1.5%) punch elevations, 15 cases(0.6%) hair transplantations, 13 cases(0.5%) epidermal grafts, and 2 cases(0.1%) autologous fat/collagen transplantations. 2) The ratio of male to female was 1 : 2.4 and the mean age of patients was 30.3 years. 3) A total of 1,354 cases of diseases were managed surgically : among them, the most frequent disease was scar(39.8%), followed by pigmentary disorders(30.8%), and benign or malignant tumors(21.2%). 4) With respect to the types of scars, acne scar was treated most frequently by chemical peeling (72.7% of 580 cases), atrophic scar by dermabrasion(37.3% of 126 cases), and hypertrophic scar (including burn scars) by cryosurgery(35.3% of 85 cases).

      • KCI등재

        강직성 슬관절에서의 슬관절 전치환술

        조우신,박종희,김정민,오세관 대한슬관절학회 2003 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        목적: 강직이 동반된 슬관절염 환자에서 슬관절 전치활술의 문제점, 결과 및 합병증을 분석하고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 1994년 1월부터 2000년 12월까지 슬관절 강직(운동 범위 50도이하)이 있는 환자에게 슬관절 전치환술을 시행하여 2년 이상 추시가 가능하였던 16례를 대상으로 하였다. 수술은 관절 강직이 발생한지 평균 12.2년(1~40년)에 시행하였으며, 추시기간은 평균 3.3년(2~6년)이었다. 16례 중 남자 3례, 여자 13례였고, 평균 나이는 55.8세(34세~75세)였다. 감염에 의한 후유증 6례로 가장 많았고 그 외 퇴행성 관절염 4례, 외상 후 관절염 3례, 류마티스성 관절염 3례의 순이었다. 술 후 평가는 추시기간 중의 운동 범위와 HSS score 및 합병증을 분석하였다. 결과: 관절 운동 범위는 술 전 평균 31.6도(0~50도)에서 추시시 평균 95.4도(80~120도)로 증가하였으며, 1례에서만 5도의 굴곡 구축이 있었다. HSS score는 술 전 평균 59.6점(43~76점)에서 추시시 평균 84.6점(76~92점)으로 향상되었다. 1례에서 수술 중 슬개건 부분파열이 있었으나 보조기 착용과 적극적 재활로 술 후 1년째 90°의 관절 운동이 가능했다. 표재성 감염 1례는 창상의 변연절제술 후 피부이식으로 치유되었고, 심부 감염된 3례는 추후 관절 유합술을 시행하였다. 결론: 슬관절 전지환슬은 강직된 슬관절의 기능을 회복시킬 수 있는 좋은 술기이지만 감염등의 합병증을 고려해서 시행되어야 한다. Purpose: To evlauate the results of TKRA (Total knee replacement arthroplasty) for the treatment of stiff knee. Methods & Materials : TRKA has been performed for 18 cases of stiff knee ( ROM < 50° ) between January 1994 and December 2000. 16 cases which have been followed up for more than 2 years were analysed. Average follow-up was 3.3 years(2~6 years). 3 were male and 13 female. The average age was 55.8 years(34~75 years). Sequales of infection were most with 6 cases and followed by osteoarthritis (4 cases, 2 cases had been performed arthroscopic debridement) and rheumatoid arthritis (3 cases) and traumatic arthritis (3 cases) in order. TKRA was performed on average 12.2 years (1~40 years) after knee stiffness has been developed. We evaluate the results with ROM, HSS score and complications. Results : Average ROM was increased from 31.6°(0°~50°) preoperatively to 95.4°(80°~120°) postoperatively. 5° of flexion contracture was present in only 1 cases. Average HSS score was improved from 59.6 points preoperatively to 84.6 points postoperatively. The patella tendon was partially ruptured in 1 case surgery, but by brace application and rehabilitative exercise, ROM was improved to 90°, 1 year post operatively. There were 1 superficial skin infection which was resolved by revision of wound and skin graft, and deep infection in 3 cases, which needed knee fusion finally. Conclusion : TKRA is a good method for improving function in knee stiffness although infection risk is high.

      • KCI등재
      • 나노크리스탈 약물 전달 기술

        황우신,황성주,박정숙,조정원 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 2012 藥學論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        Nanotechnology affects on various aspects including medicine and pharmaceutics. This nanocrystal technology which transforms to nano-sized material is able to develop the innovational formulation strategy for poorly water-soluble drugs due to the change of physicochemical properties of drug. Scale-up methods using pearl milling or high pressure homogenizer was described and commercialized products based on nanotechnology were introduced in this manuscript.

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