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      • 網狀織內皮細胞系統이 胸腺『아렐기-』性變化에 미치는 影響에關한 實驗的硏究

        柳昌鉉 최신의학사 1958 最新醫學 Vol.1 No.1

        Series of studies regarding to the relation of the R.E.S. to allergic changes were carried out by many investigators. Boyd, Topley and Wilson, Wilson and Bloom, Hayashi and Maruyama described the produc- tion of antibody in the R.E.S.. Oka found that anaphyla ctic shock was inhibited by splenectomy. Prof.Yun, Far- mer reported that anaphylactic shock was inhibited by thymusectomy: Meanwhile, Ogawa and Isida recogni- zed that , anaphylactic shock was aggrevated by the administration of thymic substance. Juiigeblut and Berlot, Gay and Clark, Tuft, Oka, Sakurai, Watanave, Hirakawa and Ozima and Iwaii also recognized inhibition of anaphylactic shock in !he R.E.S. blockaded animals. Akahoshi, Apitz, Klinge and Umasugi reported that the main hyperallergic changes in liver were changed' in the stellet cells. Haedel and,Karsue have reported that anaphylactic- shock was inhibited by the-injection of a large dose of India ink solution and was aggrevated by a small dose of India ink solution: Prof. Yun, Moldovan, Slavoacet et Zolog found a protective substance against anaphylactic shock in the serum of the R. E. S. blockaded animal and claimed that the protective substance seems to be corresponded by the endocrine function in the R.E.S..Seul has reported that allergic in the liver were inhibited either by the injection of India ink solution or serum from the R. E. S. blockaded animal. 'Song also has recognized that the injection of India ink solution or serum from the R. E. S. blockaded animal inhibited allergic changes in the lungs. The experiment to be reported in this paper was to study the influence of the R.E.S. on allergic changes in thymus. Experimental material and method Normal rabbit weighing around 800 grams were used. I cc. of normal horse serum per kilogram of horse serum per kilogram of body weight given' locally . in thymus parencyma two weeks later.: For blockading the R.E.S., India ink solution obtained by the sterili- zation of i0% of BOPIL MUkJIP saline. solution was used. 1. Nonsensitizing group. The normal horse serum was injected locally in'the thymus parenchyma without sensitization. 2. Sensitizing group. The normal horse serum was injected subcutaneo 4 times for sensitizing. For reinjection, O.I cc, of normal horse serum per kilogram of body weight was given to the thymus parenchyma two weeks later. 3. Single injection of 50c. India ink solution. Allergic changes were observed in rabbits into which India ink solution, 5 cc. per kilogram of body Weight, was injected- intravenously 24 hours before sensitization. 4. Plural injection of 5 cc. India ink solution. Allergic changes were observed An rabbits into which India, ink :solution, 5 cc. per kilogram of body weight, was injected intravenouslly 6 times with 12 hours intervals 24 hours before sensitization. 5. Injection of the serum from normal rabbits. Allergic changes in. the thymus were observed in rabbits into which normal rabbit serum, 2 cc. per kilogram of body weight was injected intravenously 24 hours before sensitization. 6. Injection of the serum from single injection of 5 cc. India ink solution. Serum from rabbits, 2 cc. per kilogram of body weight,' into 'which 5 cc, of India ink solution per kilogram. of body weight had,,been injected was given 24 hours before sensitization. ` 7. Injection' of the serum from "plural injection of 5 cc. India ink solution. "The serum from rabbits, ,2 cc. per kilogram of body weight, into which 5, cc, of India ink solution per Kilogram of body weight " had been `injected 6 times with 12 hours intervals was given 24 hours before sensitization. Discussion Moldvan, Slovoaca of Zolog, Prof. Yun claimed the existance of inhibitory substance against allergic changes in the serum of the R.E,S. blockade. As ohs erved in these experiment, the 'injection of serum from rabbits blockaded with India ink solution, especially in the group receiving the serum from single iniection of India ink solution inhibited markedly allergic changes in thymus. It is quite apparent that the serum of the R. E. S. blockaded rabbits contain an inhibited subst- ante against allergic changes. Allergic changes in thymus were slightly inhibited. in rabbits directly blockaded with India ink solution. Jungeblut and Berlot, Gay and. Clark, Siegmond and Okazaki previously descrived the inhibition of allergic changes in the R.E.S. blockade. That is the inhibitory substance against allergic' changes were secreted from the R. E. S.. Conclusions. Studies on the relation between allergic changes in thymus and the R. E. S. are reported. 1) The injection of serum from the R.E.S. blockade with India ink solution inhibited allergic changes in thymus. 2) Direct blockade of the R. E. S. slightly, inhibited, allergic changes in thymus.

      • KCI등재

        『생활과 윤리』교과서의 기후변화 교육 내용 분석

        장유정 ( Chang¸ Yu-jeong ) 한국초등도덕교육학회 2021 초등도덕교육 Vol.- No.74

        기후변화가 환경과 생태계, 인간의 삶에 미치는 영향이 커지면서 기후변화 교육의 중요성이 부각되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 생활과 윤리 과목에서 내실 있는 기후변화 교육 방안을 마련하기 위해 교과서의 기후변화 관련 교육 내용을 분석하였다. 『생활과 윤리』 교과서는 기후변화의 의미와 특성, 영향, 대응 등 기후변화 교육의 내용요소를 모두 서술하고 있었다. 그리고 다양한 자료를 통해 토론, 의견 정당화를 촉진하며 기후변화의 특성, 대응 방안을 스스로 추론해볼 수 있도록 구성되어 있었다. 특히, 기후정의와 같은 내용요소는 타교과 교육과 차별되는 내용으로 기후변화 교육에서 도덕과 교육의 역할을 분명히 밝혀주고 있었다. 반면, 개인적·지역사회적 차원 등 다양한 차원에서 실천 방안을 모색하고 기후변화의 원인을 객관적으로 바라볼 수 있는 내용은 다소 부족하였다. 이에 본 연구는 텍스트의 서술뿐만 아니라 표, 다이어그램. 사진 등의 다양한 자료를 활용해 압축적으로 정보를 제공할 수 있는 방안을 제안하였다. As the impacts of climate change on the environment, ecosystem and human life grow, the importance of climate change education is being highlighted. Therefore, this study analyzed the contents of climate change-related education in textbooks to lay the foundation for substantial climate change education in ‘life and ethics’ subjects. ‘Life and ethics’ textbooks described every content of climate change education, such as the meaning, characteristics, impacts and responses of climate change. In addition, various datum were presented to infer the characteristics of climate change and countermeasures through activities such as discussion and justification of opinions. In particular, it dealt with the issue of climate justice. It provided an education that distinguished from other curriculum education. However, it was insufficient to find ways to act at the individual and local level and provide objective informations on the causes of climate change. Thus, this study is proposed a method to provide informations compressively using not only the descriptions of the text but also various datum such as tables, diagrams, and photos.

      • 現代韓國漢字音의 性格과 體系

        兪昌均 명지대학교 1968 明大論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        There are the following thre types in the Present-day Sino-Korean pronunciations: (1) Standard Pronunciation (2) Vulgar Pronunciation (3) The pronunciations of the words which were originally Sino-Korean but now completely fossilized into Korean and are not considered to be loan words. The standard prounciation system was formed, generally based on the system of yu¨n-shu(韻書) after the mid-ancient period. However, the following differences can be found: (1) The initial does not contain the sonant but aspirate surd, which is conformed not by the mid-ancient sound system but by the sound change of Korean. Hence, the contrast between the unaspirate surd and the aspirate surd has a wayward relationship. (2) The system of the vowel is distinguished by k’ai-hou(開合) and t’en-yu¨n(等韻) in the mid-ancient period. This means that the Sino-Korean pronunciation was formed after the division of the k’ai-hou(開合) and t’en-y¨un(等韻). (3) The system of Yu¨n-shu(韻書) is also similar to that in mid-ancient period. The only difference between them is the change of /-t/ to /-r/, and its characteristic consists in the point that the final vowel of /Ø, i, u/ included in the vowel. (4) The tone is expressed on the basis of that in the mid-ancient period but in acturality it is replaced by the long and short sounds.

      • KCI등재

        소설 『엽기알바』의 영화기획안 개발 사례

        유창국(Yu, Chang-Kook) 인문콘텐츠학회 2014 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.34

        쇠퇴한 구 마산시 창동 · 오동동 지역의 도심재생 전략으로써 영화 ‘엽기알바’의 장소마케팅을 기획하고자 한다. 장소마케팅 믹스전략인 이미지전략, 채널전략, 지역전략을 도입하여 현실적이고 구체적인 장소마케팅을 위해 소설『엽기알바』를 영화로 구현시키고자 한다. 영화기획개발의 실제로서 시나리오, 오디션캐스팅, 로케이션 헌팅, 파이낸싱을 현장감 있게 구체적으로 제시한다. 영화 ‘엽기알바’기획개발 방안의 긍정적인 영향을 말한다면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 도심재생에 무관심하거나 모르고 있는 창원시민과 타지역 주민들에게 창동 · 오동동의 문화예술적 가치와 감성을 홍보마케팅 한다. 둘째, 장소마케팅을 위해서 변모하는 창동 · 오동동을 영화 ‘엽기알바’에 많이 노출시킴으로써 쇠퇴한 이 지역의 부정적인 면을 긍정적인 측면으로 이미지 업 시킬 수 있다. 셋째, 멜로 코미디 영화 ‘엽기알바’의 장소마케팅 채널전략의 결과로 창동 · 오동동지역이 가보고 싶은 관광루트로 고착될 수 있다. 관광루트화 되면 상권이 살아나고 지역경제 활성화에 크게 기여할 것이다. 넷째, 지역민의 정체성에 대한 자부심과 할 수 있다는 자신감을 심화시켜 상인과 지역민들의 행복감을 증대시킬 것이다. 이러한 긍정적인 측면도 있지만 한편으로는, 상권 활성화냐? 문화예술 활성화냐? 라는 문제도 노출되고 있다. 영화 ‘엽기알바’가 성공적으로 상업과 문화예술이란 두 마리 토끼를 잡을 수도 있지만, 도시재생의 고유한 색깔이 없거나, 도시디자인이 역사와 문화적 의미를 담아내는 독창성이 없다면, 도시재생정책은 실패할 확률이 높을 것이다. 도시재생(Urban Renaissance)에 대한 기획과 추진전략은 창원시토탈디자인과 장기적인 장소마케팅 · 브랜딩전략을 기반으로 하여야 하고, 이 전략을 헌신적이고 열정적으로 추진할 민관산학연 거버넌스조직이 꼭 필요하다 하겠다. We plan a place marketing of the film, ‘Yubgi Alba’(‘The bizarre part-time job’) as a regeneration strategy of an old Masan-city’s areas, Chang-dong and Ohdong-dong. It is our intention to produce a realistic and detailed film by adopting mixed strategies of the place marketing, an image channel and regional strategies all together. We would like to propose specific audition casting, location hunting, and financing scenarios. Positive impacts of the development planning of the film are as follows: Firstly, artistic and cultural values and sensibilities of Chang-dong and Ohdong-dong could be aroused by implementing promotional marketing to those indifferent or unaware of the urban regeneration in other residents as well as Changwon citizens. Secondly, by exposing people to Chang-dong and Ohdong-dong in the film’Yubgi Alba’( ‘The bizarre part-time job’ ) many times, the images of the places could be improved. Thirdly, the place marketing of the film ‘The bizarre part-time job’ could make Chang-dong and Ohdong-dong be sightseeing routes, which result in the regional economic activation. Fourthly, it could increase the pride, confidence and happiness of the local residents. The film ‘Yubgi Alba’(‘The bizarre part-time job’) may vitalize both the regional economy and cultural art. However, the urban renaissance policy is likely to fail if it lacks the originality that capture the historical and cultural meaning. Therefore, planning strategies for the urban renaissance should be based on the whole design of Changwon-city, long-term place marketing and branding strategy. In addition, to promote this strategies, we need the dedicated governance organization where civil society, government, and academy cooperate.

      • Correlating Structural Changes and Gas Evolution during the Thermal Decomposition of Charged Li<sub><i>x</i></sub>Ni<sub>0.8</sub>Co<sub>0.15</sub>Al<sub>0.05</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Cathode Materials

        Bak, Seong-Min,Nam, Kyung-Wan,Chang, Wonyoung,Yu, Xiqian,Hu, Enyuan,Hwang, Sooyeon,Stach, Eric A.,Kim, Kwang-Bum,Chung, Kyung Yoon,Yang, Xiao-Qing American Chemical Society 2013 Chemistry of materials Vol.25 No.3

        <P>In this work, we present results from the application of a new in situ technique that combines time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction and mass spectroscopy. We exploit this approach to provide direct correlation between structural changes and the evolution of gas that occurs during the thermal decomposition of (over)charged cathode materials used in lithium-ion batteries. Results from charged Li<SUB><I>x</I></SUB>Ni<SUB>0.8</SUB>Co<SUB>0.15</SUB>Al<SUB>0.05</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB> cathode materials indicate that the evolution of both O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> gases are strongly related to phase transitions that occur during thermal decomposition, specifically from the layered structure (space group <I>R</I>3̅<I>m</I>) to the disordered spinel structure (<I>Fd</I>3̅<I>m</I>), and finally to the rock-salt structure (<I>Fm</I>3̅<I>m</I>). The state of charge also significantly affects both the structural changes and the evolution of oxygen as the temperature increases: the more extensive the charge, the lower the temperature of the phase transitions and the larger the oxygen release. Ex situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are also utilized to investigate the local structural and valence state changes in Ni and Co ions, and to characterize microscopic morphology changes. The combination of these advanced tools provides a unique approach to study fundamental aspects of the dynamic physical and chemical changes that occur during thermal decomposition of charged cathode materials in a systematic way.</P><P><B>Graphic Abstract</B> <IMG SRC='http://pubs.acs.org/appl/literatum/publisher/achs/journals/content/cmatex/2013/cmatex.2013.25.issue-3/cm303096e/production/images/medium/cm-2012-03096e_0014.gif'></P><P><A href='http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/cm303096e'>ACS Electronic Supporting Info</A></P>

      • 폐경 후 여성의 심혈관질환 예방을 위한 식사중재에 대한 준수도(adherence) 평가

        정경아,김상연,우정익,장유경 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 2001 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.19

        The purpose of this study is to assess the adherence to dietary intervention for prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) in postmenopausal women by observing changes of antioxidant vitamins and fatty acid composition in dietary intake and seam level. The subjects with hypercholesterolemia (TC≥240mg/dl) were treated with one of hormone replacement therapy (HRT group), dietary intervention (DIET group) or combination of hormone replacement therapy and dietary intervention (HRT+DIET group) for 12 weeks. The results were as followed. Mean daily nutrient intakes were not significantly changed in the HRT group, but were significantly changed in the DIET group and the HRT+DIET group. Especially, dietary vitamin A and E intakes were increased from less than 75% to more than 90% of RDA for Korean in the two groups. With changes of dietary intakes, serum vitamin A and E levels were also significantly increased in the DIET group and tended to increase in the HRT+DIET group. Dietary fatty acid composition was also not significantly changed in the HRT group, but was significantly chanced in the DIET group and the HRT+DIET group. With changes of dietary fatty acid composition, serum phospholipid fatty acid composition was significantly changed in the DIET group and the HRT+DIET group although there was tendency of returning to initial value after 12 weeks. Judging from changes in serum phospholipid fatty acid composition, subjects' adherence to dietary intervention tended to decrease after 12 weeks. However, the changes of antioxidant vitamins and fatty acid composition in dietary intake were compatible with the changes of those in serum level, and we can conclude that dietary intervention was adhered quite well by subjects.

      • KCI등재

        4분과 : 미래 기후변화 시나리오에 따른 우리나라 소나무 임부의 재적 추정

        김문일 ( Moon Il Kim ),이우균 ( Woo Kyun Lee ),( Gui Shan Gui ),( Hang Nan Yu ),최솔이 ( Sol E Choi ),김창길 ( Chang Gil Kim ),권태성 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.1

        본 연구는 우리나라 주요 수종인 소나무림을 대상으로 RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway)8.5 시나리오에 따른 임목 재적의 시·공간적 변이를 예측하기 위해 수행되었다. 전국 규모의 예측을 위해 5차임상도와 국가산림자원조사 자료를 이용하였으며, 기후와 공간의 변이가 임목 생장에 미치는 영향을 반영하기 위해 기상 및 지형인자를 반영한 생장모형을 적용하였다. 모형의 검증을 위해 시, 도별 산림통계와 모형 결과를 비교한 결과, 비교적 높은 적합도를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 기후변화를 고려하였을 때, 소나무림의 임분 재적은 현재 131 m3/ha에서2050년에는 212.42 m3/ha까지 증가 할 것으로 예측되었으며, 현재의 기후가 유지될 경우에는 221.92 m3/ha까지 증가할 것으로 예측되었다. 기후변화의 영향으로 인해 일부 고산지대를 제외한 대부분의 지역에서 소나무림의 생장률이감소할 것으로 예측되었으며, 특히 해안지역과 남부지역에서 생장률의 감소가 클 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구결과를 통해 기후변화가 소나무림 생장에 미치는 영향을 시·공간에 따라 정량화 할 수 있었으며, 이는 기후변화 적응을 고려한 산림관리 및 시업계획을 수립하는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이다. The main purpose of this study is to measure spatio-temporal variation of forest tree volume basedon the RCP(Representative Concentration Pathway) 8.5 scenario, targeting on Pinus densiflora forests which is the main tree species in South Korea. To estimate nationwide scale, 5th forest type map and National Forest Inventory data were used. Also, to reflect the impact of change in place and climate on growth of forest trees, growth model reflecting the climate and topography features were applied. The result of the model validation, which compared the result of the model with the forest statistics of different cities and provinces, showed a high suitability. Considering the continuous climate change, volume of Pinus densiflora forest is predicted to increase from 131 m3/ha at present to 212.42 m3/ha in the year of 2050. If the climate maintains as the present, volumeis predicted to increase to 221.92 m3/ha. With the climate change, it is predicted that most of the region, except for some of the alpine region, will have a decrease in growth rate of Pinus densiflora forest. The growth rate of Pinus densiflora forest will have a greater decline, especially in the coastal area and the southern area. With the result of this study, it will be possible to quantify the effect of climate change on the growth of Pinusdensiflora forest according to spatio-temporal is possible. The result of the study can be useful in establishing the forest management practices, considering the adaptation of climate change.

      • KCI등재후보

        근골격계질환의 제도적 관리에 관한 연구

        장성록,김용수,이관석,김유창,배동철 한국안전학회 2003 한국안전학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Recently, work-related musculoskeletal disorders(WMSDs) are one of major issues in occupational safety and health in Korea Main risk factors of WMSDs include manual handling of heavy weight loads, awkward posture, repetitive tasks, prolonged static muscle contraction, and so on. The number of injured workers has rapidly increased and the related regulation was amended to improve the work conditions and environments. And demands for workers' compensation and improvement of work conditions and environment to prevent WMSDs have increasingly been raised. This study focused on managerial system to prevent WMSDs. Literal survey and questionnaire survey were accomplished to propose a management system in Korea for preventing WMSDs.

      • KCI등재

        예술의 위기 : 토마스 만의 「파우스트 박사」를 중심으로

        유창국 慶南大學校 人文科學硏究所 2002 人文論叢 Vol.15 No.-

        Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich zum Ziel, die Krise von Kunst, besonders in Th. Manns 「Doktor Faustus」abzulesen. Tatsa¨chlich entha¨lt das Gesamtwerk Manns auch einen umfassenden Beitrag zur Krise der Kunst. Er entstammt intensiver Bescha¨ftigung mit modernen und modernsten Kunsttheorien und musikkritische Schriften Thoedor Adornos. Der Roman Doktor Faustus und in ihm die Musik repra¨sentieren fu¨r Thomas Mann den krisenhaften Zustand der moderen Kunst. Die Kritik Adornos an bestimmten Richtungen moderner Musik, von Thomas Mann aufgenommen und erweitert zu einer Kritik zur Situation der gesamten kunst und sogar Gesellschaft der Gegenwart. Ob und wie Kunst heute u¨beerhaupt noch mo¨glich ist, versucht der Doktor Faustus zu beantworten. In der Fragestellung beru¨hren sich auch literarische (die erscho¨pfte Poetik konventioneller Sprache) und politische Perspektiven der Gegenwart. Wenn Thomas Manns politische Essayistik seit den fru¨hen 20er Jahren immer wieder auf die Notwendigkeit, "politisch Neues zu erfinden", hinweist, so unterbleibt nie die Begru¨ndung im Gesellschaftlichen. Dort verankert er auch die Kunstkritik des Doktor Faustus. Seiner Hinwendung zum "Sozialismus" entspricht schlieβlich der Ausblick auf eine Kunst, "mit der Menschheit auf du und du". Die politische Utopie wird erga¨nzt um die Utopie der Kunst.

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