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      • KCI등재

        프레탈^(R)정(실로스타졸 50mg)에 대한 실로졸^(R)정의 생물학적 동등성

        최한곤,권기철,이승호,김학미,박병주,유봉규,이종달,이경희,하정희,우종수,박인숙,최진석,용철순 한국병원약사회 2003 병원약사회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Bioequivalence of two cilostazol tablets, the Pletaal^(R)(Korea Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.) and the Cilozol^(R)(Hanmi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), was evaluated according to the guideline of KFDA, Sixteen normal male volunteers(age 20~29 years old) were divided into two groups and a randomized 22 cross-over study was employed. After two tablets containing 50㎎ of cilostazol were orally administered. blood was taken at predetermined time intervals and the concentration of cilostazol in plasma was determined with an HPLC method using UV detector. The pharmacokinetic parameters(C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t)) were calculated and ANOVA was utilized for the statistical analysis of parameters. The results showed that the differences in C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) between two tablets were 4.99%, 1.74% and 7.68%, respectively. The powers(1-β) for C_(max), T_(max) and AUC_(t) were83.92%, 80.12% and 85.03%, respectively. Detectable differences(Δ) and confidence intervals were all less than 20%, and confidence interval of all the parameters were also less than 20% at the significance level(α) of 0.05. All of these parameters met the criteria of KFDA for bioequivalence, indicating that Cilozol^(R) tablet is bioequivalent to Pletaal^(R) tablet.

      • 마르크스主義 社會正義論에 關한批判的 硏究

        최일성,홍용희,노병철 忠州大學校 2003 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.38 No.1

        This dissertation attempts to examine the theories of social justice in Marxism. The Marxist critique of justice requires us to raise the issue of whether justice has a distinctive meaning beyond conformity to established rules and practices and, if so, if this can be distinguished from and related to other social and political ideals. Marx's contention is that rights and justice are essentially bourgeois ideas which impress the ideology of capitalist economic organization. If justice is indeed an intrinsically capitalist concept, then it is predictable that those who propound a normative theory of justice will express the values of bourgeois individualism. There is a good deal of textual evidence for Marx's theoretical amoralism and his anti-justice and anti-rights stances. Certainly Marx did not think that juridical concepts like justice have any significant role to play in the explanation of social structure and social change. Nevertheless Marx's radically different starting-point implies that a socialist theory of justice must differ from liberal theories not only in the content of its principles but also in the function which it allots to justice discourse. Marx rejected Mill's choice criterion of value and Rawls' conception of deliberative rationality as individualistic abstractions. Especially the concept of exploitation plays a key role in Marx's attack on capitalism. Marx's views on justice and rights rejected the idea that juridical conceptions are the most fundamental conceptions for explaining social phenomena. This rejection of the juridical model is, of course, an inference from Marx's materialist views on the relation between the base and the superstructure of a given society. Marx concludes that juridical conceptions of justice and rights play neither a major explanatory nor a major critical role. Marx is committed to a very radical position on the state and social justice. We argue that this radical evaluative perspective is more epistemological than moral in any traditional sence.

      • 실시간 시스템인 승강기 제어기 프로그램 개발

        최병욱,임계영,고경철 제어·자동화·시스템공학회 1999 제어·자동화·시스템공학논문지 Vol.5 No.5

        This paper discusses a real time multi-tasking system model and a development environment for an elevator control system. Recently, as the elevator systems become large-scaled and operate with high speed, there are lots of software tasks to be processed with time constraints. Thus, the control systems are designed with distributed control structure and characteristics of typical real time systems. For structural design of such real time system, we introduce a multi-tasking model based on a real time operating system model and an software development environment based on virtual prototyping which simulates real system operation in the cross development environment. The developed system model and the development environment are successfully applied to development of a new elevator system with distributed control structure and its system reliability can be verified through numerous field tests.

      • 화재시 생성된 유독가스로 부터의 안전관리 방안 연구 : CO가스 대책을 중심으로

        김병석,최만철,장병집 忠州大學校 2011 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.46 No.-

        Recently developed a variety of architectural interior decoration according hwadoeme type of toxic gases generated during fire also are becoming diversified, resulting in fatal casualties occurred in the trend is also being increased. During a fire, toxic gas that is generated varies depending on the combustible material occurs. However, all combustible materials, including carbon, incomplete combustion of carbon monoxide which is generated in the most common toxic gases can be seen as one. Accordingly, in this study of organic solids that are generated in case of fire toxic gases, and briefly discuss the characteristics of the risks and, by far the most common CO gas for measures to prevent human casualties, seolbijeok, the temperature dependence, divided into four aspects of administrative daechaekdeung explained. In seeking to study in Korea due to the nature of the atmosphere in the event of casualties caused by fire victims and casualties of the CO-Hb concentration on the human body by measuring a very limited case said the cause of death in Japan had to use a lot of material in well feel the limit, fire, personal injury that occurs when you share the need for a systematic investigation. This study of the toxic gases generated during a fire on CO Gas will use the tools, basic safety measures. The future development of many combustible interior decorations are coming up in front of my eyes. So I accepted geonchukmulnae occur depending on the type of material appropriate safety measures taken by toxic gases, the research also deemed to be concurrent.

      • 슬관절에 히야루론산 주입후 발생한 활막성 연골종증 : 증례 보고

        최의성,김용민,김동수,손현철,박경진,조병기,배승환 충북대학교 의과대학 충북대학교 의학연구소 2009 忠北醫大學術誌 Vol.18 No.2

        활막성 연골종증은 비교적 드문 양성 종양으로 관절내 활액막 결체조직의 양성 반응성 이형성에 의해 여러 개의 연골성 결절을 형성하고 이것이 관절내로 유리되어 유리체를 형성하는 질환으로 주로 슬관절에 발생한다. 활막성 연골종증의 정확한 발생 기전은 아직 밝혀지지 않았으나 외상, 감염 등이 원인으로 제시되고 있다. 저자들은 슬관절 내 히야루론산 주입후 발생한 슬관절내 활막성 연골종증을 1 례 경험하였으며, 관절경적 제거술을 통해 만족스런 결과를 얻었다. As a relatively rare benign tumor, synovial chondromatosis forms several cartilaginous nodules by the benign reactive metaplasia of synovial connective tissues within joints, which are loosed into the joints and cause a disease forming loose body mainly in knee joint. Accurate mechanism of synovial chondromatosis has not been clarified yet; however, trauma, infections and others have been suggested as its possible causes. The authors of this study experienced an example of a patient with synovial chondromatosis in knee joint occurred after the injection of hyaluronic acid in the joints and had a satisfactory outcome through the arthroscopic resection.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐 안면신경핵 세포의 전기생리학적 및 형태학적 특성

        최병주,조진화,배용철,김영진 大韓小兒齒科學會 2000 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.27 No.3

        흰쥐의 안면신경핵을 구성하는 신경세포들의 시냅스 연결 양태 및 세포막 특성을 규명하기 위해 in vivo 필드전위 및 세포내 전위 측정법을 이용하여 전기생리적 반응을 관찰하였다. 말초 안면신경 분지를 역행성으로 전기자극시 자극세기에 비례하여 전위의 크기가 증가되었고 필드 전위의 양태는 두 가지 반응으로 나타났는데 전기자극 직후 1ms 부근에서 정점을 나타내는 양태와 이와 더불어 7~8ms 부근에서 후기 정점을 동반하는 양태가 있었다. 안면신경핵은 염색시 내측, 배외측, 중간측 및 외측등 4부분의 소핵으로 구분되었다. Neurobiotin으로 채워진 단일 신경세포를 형태학적으로 재구축하였는데 세포체는 추체형태를 나타내었고 주 수상돌기는 모든 방향으로 뻗어져 있었고 각 수상돌기의 영역은 해당 소핵 내에 한정되어 있었다. 일련의 과분극 전류(-1.2~+1.2nA)를 세포내에 가하였을 때 동반되는 세포내 전위변화를 입력저항 값으로 계산하였을 때 그 기울기가 직선형으로 나타났다. 탈분극 전류를 세포내 주입시 지속적인 활동성 전위가 나타났으며 전류의 크기에 비례하여 각 전위의 개수가 증가하였고 spike-빈도 적응 현상이 나타났다. 그러나 시간 의존성 내향성 정류현상은 관찰되지 않았고 anodal break excitation이 나타났다. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 안면신경핵을 구성하고 있는 세포들 사이의 시냅스는 다양한 형태로 존재할 가능성이 있다고 사료되며 이들 시냅스간의 변화를 통하여 안면 신경마비, 반쪽 안면 경련, hypoglossal-facial anastomosis등에서 나타날 수 있는 임상적 신경성 증상 기전을 설명할 수 있을 것으로 여겨진다. 주요어 : 안면신경핵, 시냅스, 신경세포막 특성, 안면신경마비, 반쪽 안면 경련 This study used in vivo intracellular and extracellular fIeld potential recording to evaluate the intrinsic membrane properties and connection pattern within facial nucleus. 1.There were four subdivisions of medial, intermediate, lateral, and dorsolateral in facial nucleus. 2.Principal cells in the facial nucleus was recorded from and filled with neurobiotin in anesthetized rats. The extent of their dendrites and the characteristics of cell body were examined. 3.Principal cells had a large amplitude action potential and afterhyperpolarization was followed a single action potential. 4.The response from facial motonucleus to electrical stimulation of the facial nerve was mainly a monophasic wave, with a latency of 1 msec, which was assumed to reflect antidromic activation of facial motoneurons. In some of rats the response in addition showed late components at a latency of about 7-8 msec, but its amplitude was small. 5.Mest of cells exhibited accommodation of spike discharge upon depolarization of membrane by 0.8 nA for 400 ms. Our results support the hypothesis that there normally are weak connections between different parts of the facial motonucleus to explain pathophysiology of hemifacial spasm and facial nerve paralysis.

      • KCI등재후보

        유교의 정치이론과 종교교육적 구현

        崔秉喆 韓國宗敎敎育學會 2002 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        유교의 이론은 언제나 도덕과 윤리를 교육철학 내지는 정치원리의 중요한 요소로 간주한다. 한마디로 국가공동체를 경영하는 데는 무엇보다 먼저 자신을 수양하고 남을 다스려야 한다는 ‘수기치인’으로 설명된다. 자신의 수양은 바로 학문과 교육이요, 남을 다스린다함은 공동체의 안녕과 번영을 위한 정치를 의미한다. 그러나 국가체제의 정치와 교육은 ‘하늘’(天)이라는 절대개념과 이론적으로 불과분의 관계이다. 여기서는 유교의 정치·교육적 해석과 종교교육적 의미연관을 탐색하고자 한다. 결론적으로 유교에서 정치적 공동체 이론과 교육적 개별자 이론을 매개하고 절대적 가치로 설정한 것이 하늘의 개념이다. 정치는 하늘의 뜻을 구현하는 일이며 교육의 핵심도 하늘의 뜻과 합일하려는 이론적 근거이다. 정치와 교육이 하늘이라는 절대적·자연적 존재에 의하여 매개되며 그 도덕성에 의하여 종교성이 구현되는 것임을 말해 준다. 가정의 도에는 먼저 어버이부터 모범이 되는 부도(父道)가 있고, 교육에는 사도(師道)가 있으며, 정치적 구현에는 왕도가 있는 바, 군·사·부(君師父) 일체가 성립된다. 이러한 유교의 공동체 이론은 하늘을 절대적 존재로 인식, 정치와 교육적 합일을 이루며 마침내 종교교육적 구현을 이루고자 하는 변증법적 통일성을 지닌다 할 것이다. Confucian political theory has the idea, ‘T'ien Ming’(天命) thought, that all politial decision are derived from Heaven, the absolute being. As a result King is inaugurated by T'ien Ming that are entirely dependent on ‘people's minds’(民心), we have appreciated. Therefore people's minds are stressed first of all in the ‘political road of king’(王道). In the end the ideal community of nation can be formed just when ‘heaven, people and king achieve trinity(天·王·民 三位一體)’. Then we can see a religional pattern in the relations of undivided national units. But the most important unit of nation is people's mind that can't be easily grasped. Only when king plays a role from his mind that loves his people as beings to be loved just as Mencius already proposed that idea, the emperor can be only by people's minds. Mencius compared the political road of king as ideal system to Confucius' desciples more than seventy following him. This is the new proposal of political paradigm that the ideas of road of king is adjusted to the relations of teaching and learning. In this systm people choose their king on their own judges just as the desciples choose their teachers. In the meanwhile there are the principles of members to perform the community of nation, which are one of the ideas of road of king, and the form of nation. The former is described on the above, the latter is the form of nation from T'ien Ming which is called nine categories of wide models(洪範九疇) The religional performance of politic affairs and education in Confucianism includes the theory that our problem can be solved by ‘recovering our good nature’(道德性 恢復). In a sense the fact is proved that there is the performance of the unity between politics and religion through T'ien Ming. In conclusions the absolute value in Confucianism is to realize the concept of T'ien, and politics and education are intermediated by T'ien as the absolute and natural being, and the quality of religion is formed by natural morality. For exemple there is father's way in the family, teacher's way in the education, and the trinity of king, teacher and father for the realization of politics, which represents that there is the dialectic seek of unity in various sides in Confucianism.

      • 蓄熱用 TMA 包接化合物의 熱物性에 關한 實驗 硏究(Ⅰ)

        최영범,한영옥,하옥남,김병철,김진흥 조선대학교 동력자원연구소 1996 動力資源硏究所誌 Vol.18 No.2

        This paper presents the test-tube experimental results of thermal properties of TMA clathrate compounds for latent heat storage applications. The results are : ⅰ) subcooling in TMA clathrate compound is the lower than water, ⅱ) Phase change temperature in TMA clathrate compound is the higher than water. ⅲ) Latent heat of 25wt% TMA clathrate compounds of 220.4kJ/㎏K appear to be maximum. ⅳ) Comparing with water, volume of TMA clathrate compounds decreased as the phase change. ⅴ) TMA clathrate compounds precipitated because of increase of density as phase change. Thus, TMA clathrate compounds are found to be the promising compounds for the heat storage from the viewpoint of thermal property.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐의 발치아에 이식된 태아 치아싹의 발육

        최병재,장석철,정한성,이제호,김성오 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        정상적인 치열의 형성 및 치아의 생성과정을 분석하고 실제로 임상에 적용하기 위해 치아의 발생과정을 연구하는 것은 매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 이식된 태아 치아싹의 석회화가 가능하고 정상적인 구조로 발육할 수 있는지 밝히기 위해, 그리고 악골 자체가 새로운 이식 공여부로 사용가능한지 알기 위해 흰쥐의 발치와에 치아싹을 이식하여 치아의 형성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 성숙한 흰쥐의 상악 제 1구치를 발거한 발치와에 13.5일된 태아쥐의 치아싹을 이식한 후 4,8주 후에 희생하여 조직학적 및 방사선학적으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 이식된 치아싹에서 상아질과 백악질, 치수, 치주인대의 소견을 갖는 석회화된 조직이 형성되었다. 2. 형성된 경조직 및 연조직은 정상적인 치아형성과정에 비해 발육이 늦었으며 유착 및 골양상아질(osteodentin)과 같은 비정상적 조직이 관찰되었다. 3. 석회화된 조직은 8주내에 악궁으로 맹출하는 소견이 관찰되지 않았다. The developmental process of a tooth is being presented as an important study subject to analyze formation of normal dental arch and tooth. The purpose of this study was to see the formation of tooth from a tooth bud transplanted in a white rat regarding that the jawbone could be used as a new donor site of a trasplant. The first molar of a matured white rat was extracted and the tooth bud of a 13.5 day rat embryo was transplanted. The histological and radiographical results after 4 and 8 weeks respectively are as the following. 1. Calcification in dentin, cementum, pulp and periodontal ligament was formed from the tooth bud transplanted in the alveolar socket. 2. The development of hard and soft tissue was delayed compared to the normal tooth formation and abnormal histologic features such as ankylosis and osteodentin were found. 3. The formed hard tissue did not erupt into the jaw within 8 weeks.

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