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      • 비단털쥐의 生態에 關한 硏究

        元炳徽,李正一 세계평화교수협의회 1975 아카데미論叢 Vol.3 No.1

        1970年 10月 17日 강원도 인제군 원통리 야산에서 비단털쥐 암수 1쌍을 생포한 후 실험실內에서 사육하여 오던 중 번식. 발육 및 식성등의 생태에 관하여 연구 조사한 바 있기에 다음과 같은 결과를 얻어 이에 보고하는 바다. 1. 비단털쥐는 主로 콩과식물이 재배되고 있는 곳을 택하여 주위의 뚝 같은 곳에 개별적으로 서식한다. 2. Nest로 통하는 Tunnel(직경 6~7^cm)은 일직선으로 뚫렸고, Nest는 120^cm 정도 땅속 깊히 자리 잡았으며, 폭은 20^cm×15^cm정도다. 3. 비단털쥐 1마리가 1日필요로 하는 섭취량은 평균 29.7^g이었고, 이중 2/3에 다하는 20.8^g이 소채류였다. 4. 식이물의 기호성 조사결과 곡물류에서는 모밀(13.7^g)이 가장 높았고, 찰조(5.3^g)가 가장 낮았으며, 소채류에서는 오이(32.6^g)가 가장 높았고, 고구마(13.6^g)가 가장 낮았다. 5. 식성조사 기간중 비단털쥐의 체중(150^g이 정상)은 완두, 옥수수, 모밀, 녹두, 수수와 오이, 배추, 양배추 등에서 증가하였고, 들깨, 밀, 찰조와 감자, 고구마, 무우 등에세 감소하였다. 6. 식성조사 기간中 사망시의 체중은 100^g~105^g이었다. 7. 번식은 1年에 2회고, 1회의 분만수는 평균 6마리였다. 8. 1日평균 성장속도는 체중이 7.4^g, 두동장이 12.7^mm, 꼬리가 6.6^mm, 뒷다리가 2.2^mm, 귀가 1.5^mm였다. 9. 비단털쥐는 북위 38˚선을 中心으로 남한지대(경기도, 강원도) 일부에 분포하였고, 대부분 북한 전지역에 분포하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.

      • 반도체 제조 공정에서 장비와 호스트간 SECS 프로토콜 개발

        이병훈,김대원 명지대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        The SECS(SEMI Equipment Communications Standard ) is a standard pr communication between equipments and a host in semiconductor processes. T proposes the implementation of the HSMS(High-speed SECS Message Services interface for transmission of the SECS messages and SECS-II containing message defined as an SEMI standard. The HSMS driver is implemented as a type of the program and several DLL files. The SECS-II is composed of the SML(SECS Language) file defining the SECS messages, the SML translator to interpret and the SML and the data indx table to refer to SECS messages. We also define the parameters to exchange the HSMS header and SECS message between the HSMS SPECS-II. Eventually, to show the effectiveness of the proposed drivers, we test communications between equipments and a host using the implemented communication programs.

      • KCI등재

        化學펄프 製造에 微生物의 應用 可能性

        李宣鎬,尹炳虎,李元用 江原大學校 森林科學硏究所 1997 Journal of Forest Science Vol.13 No.-

        要 約 백색부후균인 Fomes pini (Thore) Lloyd에 의해 처리된 chip을 anthraquinone(AQ)을 첨가하여 화학 펄프화를 실시하여 얻은 결과를 미처리재의 것과 비교하였다. 균처리함에 의해 카파값 20에서의 H factor는 소다와 크라프트 증해에서 각각 17%와 15%가 감소되었다. 이러한 결과는 목재를 백색부후균으로 처리함으로 인해 탈리그닌이 용이해졌음을 나타내는 것이다. 비페놀성 β-0-4 화합물인 veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether(I)와 페놀성 β-0-4 화합물인 syringylglycerol-β-syringyl ether(III)에 백색부후균을 작용시키면 반응생물로서 각각 α-guaiacoxy-β -hydroxypropioveratrone(II)과 α-syringyloxy- β -hydroxypropiosyringone (IV)이 생성됨이 밝혀겼다. 따라서 목재에 균처리를 함으로서 카르보닐기가 리그넌의 측쇄 α위에 도입되어 그로 인해 탈리그닌이 용이하게 된 것으로 여겨진다. ABSTRACT The decayed wood by Fomes pini (Thore) Lloyd required a smaller H factor than the sound wood for pulping to permanganate number 20. The H factors for the wood pulping by the kraft and soda processes were reduced by 15% and 17%. respectively. in the presence of 1% anthraquinone. The wood components degraded by fungi are normally more readily solubilized in alkali than the corresponding components in sound wood. The nonphenolic β-0-4 type lignin model compound. veratrylglycerol-β-guaiacyl ether(I), and phenolic model compound, syringlglycerol-β-syringyl ether(III). were degraded by the white-rot fungi to yield α-guaiacoxy-β-hydroxypropioveratrone(II) from the former and α-syringyloxy-β-hydroxypropiosyringone(IV) from the latter. Structures of the degradation products indicated that C r-oxidation could occur with wilite-rot fungi. It has been shown that the alkaline cleavage of β -aryl ether bonds in the lignin units is accelerated by the presence of α-carbonyl groups.

      • 공과대학 교수업적평가 개선에 관한 연구

        이병훈,배원병,하창식 부산대학교 생산기술연구소 2000 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.59 No.-

        본 연구에서는 지난 3년간 부산대학교 공과대학에서 시행해 온 교수업적평가제도를 분석하고, 이를 토대로 공과대학에 바람직한 교수업적평가제 정착에 기여하고자 앞으로의 제도개선 방향을 제시한다. This paper presents a new model of the performance evaluation system for engineering college professors based on the analysis of the system carried out for past three years in Pusan National University.

      • 전통음악 이해의 양면성 : 한국음악 영문교재 개발을 위한 제언

        이병원 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2007 한국문화연구 Vol.13 No.-

        이 글의 목적은 한국의 전통음악을 서양에 효과적으로 소개·보급하기 위한 방법을 제시하는 데 있다. 서양에서 한국음악을 강의하거나 연구하는사람들의 공통적인 불만은 그들이 쉽게 이해할 만한 개론서가 없다는 것이다. 근래에 들어서 한국의 사립대학과 정부 관련 연구기관에서 외국인을 위한 음악·문화·예술 자료를 출판할 계획을 가지고 있어 이러한 불만은 점차 해소되고 있다. 한국음악 영문교재 개발을 위해서 염두에 두어야 할 점은, 첫째 대상문화권마다 다른 접근 방법과 어법이 필요하다는 점이다. 둘째 교재 보급 대상에 따라 내용을 선택적으로 서술하는 것이 필요하다. 셋째 서양음악과 한국음악양쪽에 지식을 가진 학자가 교재를 집필하는 것이 중요하다. 넷째 현지인의 어법으로 전달할 수 있는 내용으로 구성해야 한다. 이러한 점에 유의하여 한국음악 영문교재를 개발한다면 한국음악의 국제화에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The aim of this article is to suggest the methods to introduce and propagateKorean traditional music efficiently to the West. People who teach and studyKorean music in the West often complain about the lack of an introductorybook which is easy to understand. Recently this kind of shortcoming is graduallybeing tended to, with the government research institutions and privateuniversities that plan to publish music, culture and art materials for foreigners. There are certain things to keep in mind when devising a Korean musictextbook in the English language: first, every target culture needs a differentapproach and wording. Second, the contents should be selectively described,according to different target readers of the textbook. Third, the author of thetextbook should have full knowledge of both Korean and western music. Fourth,the textbook should consist of contents that are communicable to the targetlocals. With attention on the points made above, the development of a textbookon Korean music in English will greatly contribute towards theinternationalization of Korean music.

      • 다이빙 전방 파이크 써머쏠팅 동작의 운동 역학적 분석

        오만원,이병근 濟州大學敎 體育科學硏究所 1995 체육과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        This study was undertaken to analysis the forward pike somersaulting in 3m spring board diving with cinematographic method & to suggest quantifying material for performance in spring board diving. The subjects participated in the experiment were consisted of male athlete(2) & female(2) representing CheJu Do. The conclusions obtained were as follows; 1. In temporal analysis, elapsed time in air-phases was the longer, and factors influencing significantly in spring board was consisdered to be touch-down, take-off position, velocity. 2. In vertial & horizontal velocity components, factors influencing significantly in spring board was considered to be horizontal & vertical velocity at the release instant, the number of rotation, touch-down, and take-off position, therefore it was important factors absolutely distributing to horizontal & vertical components. 3. In angular displacement, as the number of rotation, the relative angle between thigh and trunk was higher. therefore it was necessary to decrease moment of inertia for more rotation. 4. In angular velocity, it as thought that Succession in the air-phase depend upon the touch-down in board & initial condition, decrease of moment of inertia according to increase of rotation in release in board. 5. In total angular momentum, The more stable variation in function of time, The more stable angular momentum was, the more deviation of it, the more unstable performance was. 6. Angular momentum of body segments from release on board to max. height was showed little relatively in constraint to entering, larger contribution of relative angular momentum. 7. There was a difference of kinetic variables among each rotations but common conclusions was needed to more short, instantaneous vertical component, less vertical angle, larger depression of board, larger local angular momentum. in 3m spring board.

      • Pyrantel Pamoate (Combantrin)에 依한 蛔蟲 및 鉤蟲感染의 集團治療

        徐丙卨,朴定圭,趙昇烈,姜信榮,魚光本,康世喆,李源宰,李正雨,黃邱一 中央醫學社 1972 中央醫學 Vol.23 No.6

        The mass treatment trial of pyrantel pamoate on Ascaris lumbricoides and Ancylostoma duodenale infections was carried out to school-children and inhabitants in rural areas in the central part of Korea. Pyrantel pamoate ("Combantrin") tablet (123 mg base) was administered as a single dose of 10. 0 mg per kg. body weight to a total of 4,198 Ascaris infected cases selected out of 4,436 (41. 6%) positives, who were screened from the total 10,660 collected stool specimens. Of these, only 3,169. cases were followed up after treatment to provide an analysis in this study. Incidentally 161 cases with concomittently infected hookworm were also subjected to assess the efficacy of pyrantel pamoate against A. duodenale. The egg negative conversion rate on A. lumbricoides was 95.3%, and on A. duodenale, 97.5% four weeks following treatment. In failed cases, the egg reduction rates on both of the infections were 97.6% and 97.3% respectively. No side effects and no problem in drug administration were demonstrated. It is concluded that this study confirms the high efficacy of pyrantel pamoate in the treatment of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ancylostoma duodenale infections and also proves the acceptability and safety of this drug in the mass treatment of ascariasis in a population with relatively high worm burden.

      • 사진의 자동식별을 위한 영상신호 처리

        권병헌,이원명,황병원 한국항공대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.30 No.-

        인간은 거의 아무런 노력없이 얼굴을 확인한다. 그렇지만 이러한 작업을 수행하는 자동시스템을 구현하는 일은 무척 어렵다. 얼굴 인식을 수행하는 시스템은 범인확인, 보안시스템, 그리고 화상전화등 여러분야에 응용될 것이다. 본 연구에서는 얼굴 인식에 부과되는 기본적인 문제들을 검토하였다. 이 문제들로는 얼굴의 표현, 얼굴의 검출, 얼굴의 확인 그리고 얼굴 표정의 해석등을 들 수 있다. 또한 얼굴 인식에 사용되는 특징 추출 알고리즘을 제안하였고 이 알고리즘에서는 얼굴의 특징점을 추출하기 위하여 피드백 메카니즘을 사용하였다. Humans identify faces with little or no effort. However, building an automated system that accomplishes this task is difficult. A system that performs face recognition will be adapted to many applications, for example, criminal identification, authentication in secure system, and videophone, etc. In this study fundamental problems of face recognition is discussed. These are as follows; representation of face, face detection, face identification, and analysis of facial expressions. Also, feature extraction algorithm for face recognition is proposed. In this algorithm the feedback mechanism is used. It is applied to identification system by using the result of this survey.

      • 마이크론 크기의 Poly(Ethyl Methacrylate) 분산 미립자 형성에 관한 연구

        김병철,손태원,이기창 慶尙大學校生産技術硏究所 1991 生産技術硏究所論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Considerable interest has been recently generated by the preparation of large monodisperse polymer particles by dispersion polymerization. In a dispersion polymerization process, the reaction mixture starts out as a homogeneous solution and the resulting polymer precipitates as spherical particles. The present study focused on dispersion polymerization of Ethly Methacrylate in water-ethanol mixture with a Azo initiator and a polymer stabilizer, poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) with an anionic costabilizer, Aerosol MA. Effects of polymerization parameters, such as monomer concentration, initiator concentration, stabilizer concentration, different molecular weight of stabilizer, comonomer concentration, and polymerization temperature on average particle size and size distribution have been investigated. The polymerization recipe of preparation of uniform PEMA particles in 2-6 ㎛ size range has been also made.

      • 한국산 재료를 이용한 밀폐의 차음효과

        백남원,유병국,이광묵 가톨릭대학산업의학센타 산업의학연구소 1977 韓國의 産業醫學 Vol.16 No.4

        In industrial areas where noise level and the worker exposure time exceed the criteria, and evaluation should be made to determine the most economical solution to the problem. A large reduction in noise can be achieved by complete enclosure of a noise source. This study was carried out to determine the effect of Korean-made materials in noise reduction. A blower producing noise level of 91 dBA was used as a noise source, and plywood having surface density of 9.5 kg/㎥ and thickness of 1.8cm was used as sound-isolating partition and glass fivers of various densities and thicknesses were used as sound absorbing materials. Noise reduction effect of total and partial enclosures was evaluated. The results are summarized as follows. 1. When the blower was enclosed with and unlined enclosure constructed by plywood, the noise reductions by total and partial enclosures were 17㏈ and 9㏈ respectively at A-weighted measurements, which indicated lower effectiveness than the theoretical effect of the plywood. This could be resulted from the reverberant buildup in the enclosure. 2. To reduce the reverberation, glass fibers of various densites and thicknesses were covered inside the wall of enclosure and the effectiveness was as follow. 1) Noise reductions by plywood plus glass fibers having densities of 25-48 kg/㎥ and density of 100kg/㎥ were 20-25㏈ and 30㏈ respectively. 2) Noise reductions at 4,000 Hz by plywood plus 48kg/㎥ glass fibers having thicknesses of 2.5cm and 5.0cm were 31 and 41㏈ respectively. By doubling the thickness of glass fibers the noise reduction increased by 5㏈ at A-weighting. 3) The difference in noise reduction between total and partial enclosure was ranged from 5㏈ to 11㏈ at A-weighting. The higher the density of glass fibers were, the difference increased.

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