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      • KCI우수등재

        효율성 분석을 활용한 지자체 에너지 소비에 영향을 미치는 도시특성 분석

        동아(Dong, Ah Hyeon),강정은(Kang, Jung Eun) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2020 國土計劃 Vol.55 No.4

        Energy consumption varies across cities, depending on their characteristics. This study aimed to provide basic information to develop suitable energy policies for any Korean local government by analyzing their energy consumption efficiency. Before the analysis, which was conducted in two stages, urban characteristics were classified into five categories based on previous research: urban spatial and demographic, urban transportation, urban industry-economy, urban energy policy, and urban climate. Based on these categories, seventeen urban characteristics were selected, of which eight were found to be significant. In the first stage, the relationships between urban characteristics and energy usage in municipalities were clarified using multiple regression analysis. The second stage involved applying data envelopment analysis to examine how the local governments’ urban characteristics affect energy consumption efficiency, and what urban characteristics can be adjusted to contribute to increasing it. As a result, each variable’s effect on each local government’s energy consumption was found to be different. Thus, policies will differ to suit the characteristics of local governments. These findings are expected to become a guideline for establishing suitable policies for each local government’s specific conditions regarding the development of local energy plans.

      • KCI등재

        인구특성과 접근성을 고려한 방사능재난 대피시설 입지 적정성 분석 -부산광역시 기장군, 금정구, 해운대구를 대상으로-

        동아,이상혁,강정은 한국지리정보학회 2019 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        우리나라는 원자력재난 발생 시 인근에 거주하는 주민들을 보호하기 위해「원자력시설 등의 방호 및 방사능 방재 대책법」에서 방사선비상계획구역을 설정하고 있다. 그러나 방사능사고에 대한전반적인 관심이 부족하여 원자력 대피시설의 적합성과 관련된 연구는 활발히 이루어지지 않는 것으로 파악된다. 따라서, 본 연구는 취약인구 분포 및 접근성 분석을 기반으로 현재 부산시 방사선비상계획구역 중 긴급보호조치계획구역의 대피시설의 입지 적정성을 분석하고자 하였다. 분석 결과, 현재 원전시설이 입지하고 있어 가장 위험성이 큰 기장군은 전체 도시지역 면적의 4.05% 만이 5분 내 대피가능지역으로 분석되었으며, 금정구는 36.93%, 해운대구는 37.23% 만이 대피시설 서비스 가능지역에 포함되어 해당 지역에 더 많은 대피시설이 필요한 것으로 보인다. 또한, 노인 인구 집중지역에서 대피시설이 부족한 곳이 많았고, 같은 구내에서도 동 간 격차가 커, 취약계층뿐 아니라 지역 간 형평성을 모두 고려하여 긴급보호조치계획구역 내 대피시설 입지 우선순위를결정할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. Korea has set up a radiation emergency planning zone based on the「Act on PhysicalProtection and Radiological Emergency」to protect residents living near nuclear powerplants in the event of nuclear disasters. Little research has been conducted on theappropriateness of existing nuclear evacuation facilities because of a general lack ofinterest in nuclear accidents. This research addresses this gap by analyzing the locationadequacy of evacuation facilities in Busan's emergency protection planning area based onvulnerable populations and accessibility analyses. The Gijang-gun which has the greatestrisk, shows that only 4.05% of the total urban area was included in the evacuationservice area within 5 minutes while only 36.93% of Geumjeong-gu and 37.23% ofHaeundae-gu were included in the evacuation-enabled area. In addition, evaluationfacilities in the elderly population hotspots were lacking, and there was a wide gapbetween dongs within the same Gu. Thus, additional evacuation facilities need to bedesignated and installed considering the spatial equity between areas and safety of boththe public and vulnerable populations.

      • 논리모델 및 사업특성을 활용한 스마트 그린도시 성과평가 지표 및 프레임워크 개발

        동아(Dong, Ah Hyeon),강정은(Kang, Jung Eun) 한국측량학회 2021 한국측량학회 학술대회자료집 Vol.2021 No.11

        우리나라는 기후변화대응, 저탄소사회 전환, 새로운 일자리 창출등 국가가 직면한 다양한 위기를 극복하기 위해 그린뉴딜을 선포하였고, 이의 일환으로 스마트 그린도시 사업을 수행하고 있다. 도시개발사업 등 정책사업 성과평가와 관련된 다양한 연구들이 수행되고 있으나, 스마트 그린도시의 비전 및 목표에 알맞은 성과지표체계개발은 아직 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 스마트그린도시 사업 특징 및 사업 유형을 반영하여 스마트 그린도시 성과평가에 적절한 성과평가체계를 개발하고자 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구는 Kellogg Foundation Logic Model, 스마트 그린도시 사업유형을 기반으로 성과평가 프레임워크를 구축하고, 현재 수행되고 있는 25개 사업 및 기타 사업에 대한 기초조사 후 성과지표를 취합, 선정하여 스마트그린도시 성과평가체계를 구축하였다. 향후 개발된 스마트 그린도시 성과평가체계를 실제 스마트 그린도시에 적용하여, 체계적이고 고도화된 성과관리를 통한 효율적 정책수행에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        실업급여지급을 활용한 COVID-19 확산단계에 따른 지역별 경제회복력 측정 및 영향요인 분석

        동아(Ah Hyeon Dong),강정은(Jung Eun Kang) 한국방재학회 2023 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.23 No.2

        COVID-19는 첫 확진자 발생 이후 한국 내에서 빠르게 확산되었고 방역 지침에 따라 거리두기가 시행되면서 사회, 경제적으로 다양한 영향을 미치고 있다. 다양한 연구들이 COVID-19로 인한 경제적 타격 정도를 측정하고 이전으로 돌아가기 위한 능력을 평가하기 위하여 지역 사회의 회복력을 측정하고 있다. 본 연구는 COVID-19의 충격을 실업으로 정의하고 공간적 변화 및 영향요인을 파악하기 위하여 4개 시기로 코로나 유행 확산기로 분류하여 공간적 특성 및 변화추이를 살펴보았으며, 개별단계에 따른 영향요인을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 지역 회복력에는 각 단계별, 지역별로 차이가 존재하는 것으로 나타났으며, 시기별로 회복력의 특징 역시 다르게 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 연구 결과를 기반으로 충격 이후 단기적, 장기적 관점에서 회복력의 공간적 변화추이 및 회복력에 영향을 미치는 요소를 도출할 수 있었으며 앞으로의 정책에 있어 시사점을 제시하였다. Since the first confirmed case, COVID-19 has spread rapidly in Korea. Furthermore, as social distancing has been implemented per quarantine guidelines, the virus has had various social and economic effects. Previous studies assess the resilience of the local community to measure the degree of economic damage caused by COVID-19 and to evaluate the ability of the community to return to a pre-pandemic state. To determine spatial characteristics and factors influencing resilience, the current study investigates the effects of COVID-19 on unemployment within the four-stage spread period of the outbreak. Differences were observed in regional resilience at each stage and location and the characteristics of resilience also differed temporally. Based on the results, the spatial change trend of resilience and factors affecting resilience from short- and long-term perspectives after the impact and suggest implications for future policies were derived.

      • KCI등재
      • Emulsion-Charring 법에 의한 Ba-Ferrite 분체의 제조 및 소결

        상훈,동아 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1990 논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        Ba-ferrite was synthesized at the relatively low temperature of 680℃ by the emulsion-charring method. Using the mixed oil phase(vol. ratio of kerosene/mineral oil=2/1), the synthesized powders were narrow-sized and unagglomerated. When powders were heat-treated at 1100℃, they grew to a hexagonal plate form with the size of 0.3-0.5㎛. The maximum theoretical relative density(89.7%) of the sintered Ba-ferrite was obtained when synthetic powders were sintered at 1300℃ after heat-treating at 1100℃, Ba-ferrite powders showed the best sinterability when they consisted of clear hexagonal plate forms without aggolomeration. The emulsion-charring technique should be evaluated as a very effective method for the preparation of fine powders such as Ba-ferrite easily agglomerated.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Research Trends Using G-power in Physiotherapy Research in Korea: Systematic Review

        백기,임미수,박미호,서희애,현동아,임형원 대한물리치료학회 2020 대한물리치료학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        Purpose: This study examined the research trends using G-power centered on major Korean registered sites and presents the research trends of studies with a high level of evidence. Method: This study selected three research journals listed in the Korea Research Foundation among physical therapy journals in the field of physiotherapy. The selected papers were classified according to the following: 1) study type, 2) study level, and 3) quality of the study. Result: Sixty-nine articles were selected and classified according to the study type. The musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, and others comprised 73.91% (n=51), 17.39% (n=12), and 8.7% (n=6), respectively. The results were classified into 62 experimental studies, four observational analytic studies, and three descriptive studies. The experimental studies included 22 randomized controlled trials (level 2) and 40 non-randomized trials (level 3). Sixteen randomized controlled trials were classified for a qualitative evaluation, and 12 papers with a score of six or more (good) were found. Conclusion: Many high-level studies were found in G-power, and the quality of the study was also good. Therefore, the effective number of samples obtained using G-power is one of the ways to enable high-quality research.

      • KCI등재후보

        Preliminary Experiences of the Combined Midline-Splitting French Door Laminoplasty with Polyether Ether Ketone (PEEK) Plate for Cervical Spondylosis and OPLL

        오창,진규열,허준석,최원석,동아,이장보 대한척추신경외과학회 2015 Neurospine Vol.12 No.2

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of cervical midline-splitting French-door laminoplasty with a polyether ether ketone (PEEK) plate. The authors retrospectively analyzed the results of patients with cervical laminoplasty miniplate (MAXPACER®) without bone grafts in multilevel cervical stenosis. Methods: Fifteen patients (13 males and 2 females, mean age 50.0 years (range 35-72)) with multilevel cervical stenosis (ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament and cervical spondylotic myelopathy) underwent a combined surgery of midline-splitting French-door laminoplasty with or without mini plate. All 15 patients were followed for at least 12 months (mean follow-up 13.3 months) after surgery, and a retrospective review of the clinical, radiological and surgical data was conducted. Results: The radiographic results showed a significant increase over the postoperative period in anterior-posterior diameter (9.4±2.2 cm to 16.2±1.1 cm), open angles in cervical lamina (46.5±16.0° to 77.2±13.1°), and sectional volume of cervical central canal (100.5±0.7 cm2 to 146.5±4.9 cm2) (p<0.001). The sagittal alignment of the cervical spine was well preserved (31.7±10.0° to 31.2±7.6°, p=0.877) during the follow-up period. The clinical results were successful, and there were no significant intraoperative complications except for screw displacement in two cases. The mini plate constructs did not fail during the 12 month follow-up period, and the decompression was maintained. Conclusion: Despite the small cohort and short follow-up duration, the present study demonstrated that combined cervical expansive laminoplasty using the mini plate is an effective treatment for multilevel cervical stenosis.

      • KCI등재후보

        Vertebral Artery Dissect Injury with Brown-Séquard Syndrome by a Neural Foramen Penetrated Electric Screw Driver Bit : A Case Report

        오창,김민수,노성,동아,지규열 대한척추신경외과학회 2013 Neurospine Vol.10 No.4

        There are few reports in the literature of complete obstruction of the vertebral artery (VA) due to an electric screw driver bit penetration through the neural foramen into the spinal canal with Brown-Séquard syndrome (BSS). A 25-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with a penetrated neck injury by an electric screw driver bit after a struggle. The patient presented the clinical features of BSS. Computed tomography scan revealed that the electric screw driver bit penetrated through the right neural foramen at the level of C3-4, and it caused an injury to the right half of the spinal cord. Emergent angiography revealed VA dissection, which was managed by immediate coil embolization at both proximal and distal ends of the injury site. After occlusion of the VA, the electric screw driver bit was extracted under general anesthesia. Bleeding was minimal and controlled without difficulties. No postoperative complications, such as wound dehiscence, CSF leakage, or infection, were noted. Endovascular approaches for occlusion of vertebral artery lesions are safe and effective methods of treatment.

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