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        평생교육에서 사회적 자본 논의의 비판적 탐색

        정혜령(Jung, Hye Ryung) 한국평생교육학회 2009 평생교육학연구 Vol.15 No.2

        이 연구는 사회적 자본의 개념과 평생교육에서 사회적 자본의 의미를 살펴보고, 사회적 자본의 한계에 대한 논의를 토대로 평생교육에서 사회적 자본의 한계를 검토하여 평생교육에서 사회적 자본 논의의 질적 발전을 도모하고자 하였다. 이 연구에서는 Bourdieu, Coleman, Putnam의 논의를 중심으로 사회적 자본 개념의 전개양상 살펴보았고, 이를 토대로 평생교육에서 논의되고 있는 사회적 자본의 의의를 도출하였다. 즉, 평생교육에서 사회적 자본은 인적자본론의 한계를 보완하고, 지역의 통합적 발전을 강조하고 시민의 중요성을 환기시켰다는 점에서 그 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 그러나 사회적 자본 개념은 불평등한 권력관계를 간과하고 있고, 순환논리의 오류에 직면해 있으며, 시민의 주체성을 소홀히 다루고 있다는 측면에서 한계를 내포하고 있다. 평생교육이 이러한 한계를 면밀히 검토하지 않을 경우 사회불평등 재생산 기제로, 사회통제 장치로, 주체적인 참여의 내용과 과정을 간과하고 피상적인 시민참여 행동만을 강조하는 평생교육으로 기능할 우려가 있다는 점을 지적하였다. 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위해 평생교육의 근본 목적과 사회적 맥락과 과정에 초점을 두어 평생교육에서 사회적 자본 논의를 발전시킬 필요가 있다는 것을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to explore critically the approach to social capital in lifelong education. For doing this, examining the concept of social capital analyzed by Borudies, Coleman, and Putnam, this study explores the meanings of social capital in human capital, emphasizes sustainable community development through social inclusion, and makes pay attention to citizenship in the field of lifelong education. However, the dominant discourse of social capital has limitations in terms of overlooking unequal power relationships in the existing society, focusing only on consent for social inclusion, and not paying attention to civic subjectivity. Scholars and policy makers in the field of lifelong education have not note the limitations of social capital. That could lead that lifelong education for increasing social capital play the role as a important instrument in reproducing unequal power relationships and controlling the existing society. This study concludes that social capital in lifelong education needs to be explored critically and respectively in terms of the fundamental purpose of lifelong education, the understanding of power relationships, and the dynamic process of interrelationship between social capital and lifelong education.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Anthracofibrosis의 결핵활동성 지표로서 혈청 IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$, 그리고 TBGL(tuberculous glycolipid) antibody 측정의 의의

        도영,차영주,이병준,정혜령,이상훈,신종욱,김재열,박인원,최병휘,Jeong, Do Young,Cha, Young Joo,Lee, Byoung Jun,Jung, Hye Ryung,Lee, Sang Hun,Shin, Jong Wook,Kim, Jae-Yeol,Park, In Won,Choi, Byoung Whui 대한결핵및호흡기학회 2003 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.55 No.3

        연구배경 : 기관지내시경에서 관찰되는 anthracofibrosis가 활동성결핵과 연관이 있다는 보고가 있으나, 관찰 당시에 결핵의 활동성 여부가 확실하지 않아서 항결핵치료 시행여부를 결정하기 어려운 경우가 있다. 본 연구에서는 결핵의 활동성과 연관이 높은 IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$의 혈청 농도와 결핵의 혈청진단방법인 TBGL 항체의 농도가 anthracofibrosis 환자에서 결핵의 활동성 여부를 진단하는데 도움이 되는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법 : 건강한 자원자(16명), 활동성결핵으로 진단되어 투약하기 직전의 환자(22명), 활동성결핵으로 진단되고 6개월간 항결핵제 투여를 마친 환자(13명), 그리고 anthracofibrosis 환자(15명)에서 혈청을 채취한 뒤, IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$ 그리고 TBGL 항체의 농도를 ELISA 방법으로 측정하였다. 결 과 : 건강한 자원자, 결핵치료전 환자, 결핵치료후 환자, 그리고 anthracofibrosis 환자의 IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$는 각각 $640{\pm}174$, $1,611{\pm}2,423$, $953{\pm}562$, $863{\pm}401$ pg/ml, IFN-${\gamma}$의 농도는 각각 0, $8.16{\pm}17.34$, $0.70{\pm}2.53$, $2.33{\pm}6.67$ pg/ml, 그리고 TBGL 항체 농도는 각각 $0.83{\pm}0.80$, $5.91{\pm}6.71$, $6.86{\pm}6.85$, $3.22{\pm}2.59$ U/ml였다. TBGL 항체 농도만이 건강한 자원자에서 다른 군에 비해 낮았을 뿐(p<0.05) IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$와 IFN-${\gamma}$ 농도는 네 군 사이에 차이가 없었다. Anthracofibrosis 환자 중에서 나중에 활동성 결핵으로 진단된 6명과 나머지 9명 사이에서도 상기한 지표의 농도 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 결 론 : 1) Anthracofibrosis 환자의 40%에서 활동성 결핵이 동반되었다. 2) 혈청 IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$ 그리고 TBGL 항체 농도는 anthracofibrosis에서 결핵의 활동성 지표로 유용하지 않았다. 3) 혈청 TBGL 항체 농도는 건강한 자원자와 나머지 군 사이에 유의한 차이를 보였다. Background : Anthracofibrosis, a descriptive term for multiple black pigmentation with fibrosis on bronchoscopic examination, has a close relationship with active tuberculosis (TB). However, TB activity is determined in the later stage by the TB culture results in some cases of anthracofibrosis. Therefore, it is necessary to identify early markers of TB activity in anthracofibrosis. There have been several reports investigating the serum levels of IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$ and TBGL antibody for the evaluation of TB activity. In the present study, we tried to measure the above mentioned serologic markers for the evaluation of TB activity in patients with anthracofibrosis. Methods : Anthracofibrosis was defined when there was deep pigmentation (in more than two lobar bronchi) and fibrotic stenosis of the bronchi on bronchoscopic examination. The serum of patients with anthracofibrosis was collected and stored under refrigeration before the start of anti-TB medication. The serum of healthy volunteers (N=16), patients with active TB prior to (N=22), and after (N=13), 6 month-medication was also collected and stored. Serum IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$ were measured with ELISA kit (R&D system, USA) and serum TBGL antibody was measured with TBGL EIA kit (Kyowa Inc, Japan). Results : Serum levels of IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$ in healthy volunteers, active TB patients before and after medication, and patients with anthracofibrosis were $640{\pm}174$, $1,611{\pm}2,423$, $953{\pm}562$, and $863{\pm}401$ pg/ml, respectively. The Serum IFN-${\gamma}$ levels were 0, $8.16{\pm}17.34$, $0.70{\pm}2.53$, and $2.33{\pm}6.67$ pg/ml, and TBGL antibody levels were $0.83{\pm}0.80$, $5.91{\pm}6.71$, $6.86{\pm}6.85$, and $3.22{\pm}2.59$ U/ml, respectively. The serum level of TBGL antibody was lower than of other groups (p<0.05). There was no significant difference of serum IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$ and IFN-${\gamma}$ levels among the four groups. Conclusion : The serum levels of IL-2 $sR{\alpha}$, IFN-${\gamma}$ and TBGL antibody were not useful in the evaluation of TB activity in patients with anthracofibrosis. More useful ways need to be developed for the differentiation of active TB in patients with anthracofibrosis.

      • KCI등재

        4차 산업혁명시대 대학의 신기술 도입 및 제도 전환에 대한 대학교수 인식 분석

        권선아(Sun-a Kyun),양유(You-jung Yang),정혜령(Hye-ryung Jung) 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2018 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.8 No.8

        본 연구는 4차 산업혁명시대 대학교육 혁신을 위하여 대학이 신기술을 도입하고 제도를 전환을 하는 것에 대한 현직교수들의 인식수준과 입장을 조사하고 분석하였다. 이와 같은 목적을 달성하기 위하여 전국의 4년제 대학에 재직하고 있는 대학교수 118명을 대상으로 설문조사를 수행하였다. 연구결과, 전체 응답자의 86.4%가 대학교육 혁신을 위해 신기술 도입이 필요하고, 83%가 제도 전환이 필요하다고 응답하였다. 구체적으로, 일부 신기술(예:빅데이터마이닝, 가상현실 및 증강현실) 도입에 대하여 방송통신대학 교수가 일반대학 교수보다 더 높은 수준으로 동의하는 것으로 나타났고, 한편 일부 대학제도(학기제도유연화, 나노디그리 등) 전환에 대해서는 대학에서 20년이상 재직하고 있는 50-60대 교수가 10년미만의 30-40대 교수보다 더 높은 수준으로 동의하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 사회계열 및 이공계열 교수가 빅데이터마이닝에 대하여, 이공계열 교수가 가상현실 및 증강현실에 대하여, 사회계열 교수가 선행학습인정제도에 대하여 더 높은 수준으로 동의하는 것으로 나타났다 This study analyzed the university professors’ recognition for introducing new technologies to universities and transforming of the current university system for the purpose of university education innovation in the 4th industrial revolution era. To do these, 118 university professors around the country were surveyed. Results indicated that while 86.4% of the respondents agreed to introduce new technology to universities, 83% of them agreed to transform the current university system. Specifically, while professors from KNOU agreed to introduce new technology(eg, bigdata mining & VR & AR) at a higher level than ones from the other universities, professors aged from 50 to 60 who had served for over 20 years agreed to transform university system(eg, flexibility of semester system, nano degree etc) at a higher level than ones aged from 30 to 40 for less than 10 years. Besides, professors from the faculties of social science and science & engineering agreed on bigdata mining, professors from science & engineering on VR & AR, and professors from social science on the prior learning recognition system at a higher level.

      • KCI등재

        일부 지역사회 주민의 치과위생사에 대한 인식 및 업무 인지도 조사

        원균 ( Won Gyun Chung ),손아란 ( A Ran Son ),정혜령 ( Hye Ryung Jung ),김정예 ( Jung Ye Kim ),하정은 ( Jung Eun Ha ),허승희 ( Seung Hee Heo ),김남희 ( Nam Hee Kim ) 한국치위생학회 2006 한국치위생학회지 Vol.6 No.4

        The purpose of this study is that level of community members about dental hygienist`s job of cognition and perception. The subjects of this survey were 500 of community members located in Gumi, Seoul, Incheon, Wonju.(response rate 92%). The results of study could be summarized as follows; 1. Women, 30 age group, officer and house keeper who had were experienced scaling higher level cognition of dental hygienist than another groups. 2. The group that had experienced oral examination, oral health consult, and the young group who had not experienced prosthodontic treatment had higher perception that dental hygienist main role is oral health care education. 3. The student who had experienced scaling had higher perception that dental hygienist`s main role is oral disease prevention. 4. Over 30 age, women group who had experienced dental treatment between 6 month and 2 years had higher perception that dental hygienist main role is dental assistance At the conclusion of this investigation, We investigated that person`s perception and cognition is promoted through scaling. Therefore we have to increase opportunity of oral health prevention and education role. In addition, we should notify dental hygienist with uniform, name tag and information about dental hygienist.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국인에서 분리된 Helicobacter pylori 의 항생제 내성률과 Clarithromycin 에 대한 내성 기전

        김상진(Sang Jin Kim),김재규(Jae Gyu Kim),규(Kyu Jung),홍요한(Yo Han Hong),김진희(Jin Hee Kim),정혜령(Hye Ryung Jung),권정혜(Jung Hye Kwon),양율희(Yool Hee Yang),김형준(Hyung Joon Kim),도재혁(Jae Hyuk Do),박중원(Joong Won Park),유병철 대한내과학회 2001 대한내과학회지 Vol.61 No.5

        Background : Antimicrobial resistance is considered as the primary reason for eradication failure of Helicobacter pylori. Resistance to clarithromycin is mostly due to the point mutation in H. pylori 23S rRNA gene. The aims of this study were to determine the primary resistance rate to clarithromycin and metronidazole and to examine the mechanism of clarithromycin resistance in H. pylori isolates. Methods : Seventynine strains were isolated from 73 patients within about five years. The susceptibility of H. pylori isolates to clarithromycin and metronidazole were tested by E-test and broth dilution test. To detect point mutations in the 23S rRNA gene, PCR-RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) was performed. Mutations in clarithromycin-resistant strains also were analyzed by direct sequencing. Results : The resistance rate to clarithromycin (> 1 mg/L) and metronidazole (> 8 mg/L) were 5.1% and 54.4%, respectively. Annual metronidazole-resistant rates were 43.7% (7/16) in 1996-1997, 61.1% (11/18) in 1998, 55.6% (5/9) in 1999, and 55.6% (20/36) in 2000. Annual clarithromycin-resistant rates were 6.3% (1/16) in 1996-1997, 0% (0/18) in 1998, 11.1% (1/9) in 1999, and 5.6% (2/36) in 2000. Two of 4 clarithromycin-resistant isolates contained the A2144G mutation. One isolate contained A2143G mutation. One isolate possibly contained T2183C mutation. Different strains, isolated separately from antrum and body in 6 patients, showed same susceptibility to clarithromycin. However, different strains in two patients showed different susceptibility to metronidazole. Conclusion : No significant increase of resistantce rate to both clarithromycin and metronidazole were found within recent five years. Resistance of H. pylori to clarithromycin was caused by A2144G and A2143G mutation mainly and by T2183C mutation possibly.(Korean J Med 61:470-478, 2001)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Propofol 을 이용한 마취유도 시 Butorphanol 병용 투여가 Propofol 의 마취용량, 혈역학적 변화와 회복 양상에 미치는 영향

        김태환,김웅,추동훈,원유흥,김형태,정혜령 대한마취과학회 2000 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.38 No.2

        Background : This study was proposed to examine the effects of butorphanol on propofol dose requirements and hemodynamic responses during propofol-N_2O-O_2 anesthesia. In addition, the effects of butorphanol on the recovery time, sedation score and postoperative first analgesic request time were assessed. Methods: Forty patients were allocated to 2 groups. Twenty patients received butorphanol (20 ㎍/kg, group B) and the others received an equal volume of placebo (group P) 3 minutes before induction with propofol. After induction, anesthesia was maintained with propofol (6 - 10 ㎍/kg, iv)-N_2O (70%)-O_2 (30%). Propofol doses for induction and maintenance and hemodynamic responses (blood pressure, heart rate) were checked. After surgery, sedation score, recovery profiles, and postoperative first analgesic request time were assessed. Results : The induction doses of propofol were lower in group B than in group P. Diastolic pressure and heart rate decreased in group B compared to group P after endotracheal intubation and before skin incision. After skin incision, decreased diastolic pressure and heart rate returned to preanesthetic levels in group P, but the decreased level was sustained in group B. There were group differences in sedation score at 5 and 10 minutes after extubation. In group B, recovery was delayed and more time elapsed before the first analgesic request. Conclusions : Butorphanol co-administered with propofol reduces the induction dose of propofol and delays the first analgesic request time, but there are significant fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate during endotracheal intubation and skin incision.(Korean J Anesthesiol 2000; 38: 258~264)

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