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      • KCI등재

        심층면접을 통한 충북지역 종가(宗家) 음식문화 특성 연구

        김미혜(Mi-Hye Kim),한정인(Jung-In Han),정혜경(Hae-Kyung Chung) 동아시아식생활학회 2015 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        This researchs main objective was to analyze the special qualities of food culture of the Main Family in Chung-Buk through a case study on the diversified types of meals that the Main Family cooked, such as courtesy food, normal food, and seasonal food. The research identifies traditional ingredients of specialties from Chung-Buk through old literature. According to ?Sejongsillokjiriji?, there are a myriad of ingredients:, including jujube, ginseng, pine mushroom, manna lichen, persimmon, mandarin fish, crab, sweetfish, lacquer, honey, and terrapin, which represent Chung-Buks unique ingredients. Another reliable source, Banchandungsok , does not provide a detailed list of traditional foods, but rather a simple list. The majority of food from Chung-Buk, in Banchandungsok , consist of side dishes like kimchi and salt greens. Eventually, salt greens became diversified. As Chung-Buk is a landlocked province, people often used dried pollack. Kimchi and raw coaker were frequently used as well, and rice cakes encompassed multiple ingredients such as: jujube, mushroom, pine nut, and, dried persimmon. There were distinct differences in the diversity of food and amount of dishes used by the Main Families of Chung-Buk dependent on the ingredients and wealth of each Main Family. Chung-Buk has a landscape full of mountains, so potatoes were abundant and used to make potato Dasik. When cooking process was completed, people placed kelp on to the finished product. Seasonal foods were considered very important, especially on special occasions such as Backjoong, which was a day dedicated to laborers. These foodsprovided a good opportunity for the community to build stronger bonds by sharing rice cake and Yukgaejang with other members of the community. It is apparent that Jeobbingac culture, or guest culture, flourished since people in Chung-Buk are traditionally taught to leave spare food for the guest at all times.

      • KCI등재

        월남 여성작가 임옥인 소설의 집 모티프와 자유

        정혜경(Chung, Hye-kyung) 한국어문학회 2015 語文學 Vol.0 No.128

        I focused on these keywords ‘defector’, ‘woman’, ‘writer’ that were supposed to be the key way to analyze Im Ok-in’s works. Her female characters in her early works with passion desired the liberty from any kinds of collective subject and tried to build her own home as a modern individual. Around defector tended to emphasize the external reality such as communism rather than the harsh self-criticism. This novel was not obedient to the anti-communism and formed the inevitability of defector at the level of internal motivation. ‘My love, my baby, my own room, my books’ are the components that construct ‘my home’ and explain her identity. When they were all buried, she had no choice but leaving North Korea. The Adventure of Daily Life showed lots of daily episodes but its main structure was made of two characters in terms of unconsciousness. Kang Beon-gil, the prisoner, symbolized the desire of liberty from control that was a kind of trace of passion. Meanwhile, Han Il-seok symbolized the other desire of building my own home that was originated from the orphan experience just after moving to South Korea across the border. The more important thing is that the action of getting there and back between ‘building home’ and ‘the liberty from home’ showed the ‘abject’ like blood. That can be translated regarding the diaspora. The ‘abject’ like blood in Im Ok-in’s novel can be the writer’s ethics because she attempted to get the continuous sufferings between the ambivalent desires during the national devision.

      • KCI등재

        "빈집" 모티프의 서사적 주제 양상 비교

        정혜경 ( Hye Kyung Chung ) 현대문학이론학회 2014 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        본고는 문학주제론(literary thematics)의 일환으로, 동일한 모티프(motif)로 구축된텍스트들이 어떻게 다른 주제(theme)를 생성해 내는지에 대해 고찰하였다. ‘빈집’이라는 공간적 표상은 은폐성·분리성·고립성이라는 ‘내면’의 특징을 고스란히 구현하고 있다는 점에서 “내향화 경향”을 드러낸 1990년대 이후 문학의 전형적인 표상이라 볼 수있다. 본고는 『빈집』이라는 동일한 제목을 가진 세 편의 소설을 비교 분석하기 위해‘집 이미지, 빈집의 장소 경험, 시간성’이라는 세 가지 척도를 제시하였다. 신경숙의 .빈집.(1994)은 ‘아란후에스 궁전’이라는 이상화된 집과 큰 격차를 보이는 ‘소리(소음)로 가득찬 집’이 ‘빈집’의 원인이었고 주인공은 빈집에서 자아와 타자의 환상적 동일시를 통하여 비밀의 봉인이라는 영원성을 추구하였다. 오수연의 『빈집』(1997)은 ‘불안으로 가득찬 집’이 ‘빈집’을 만들었고, 인물들 간의 상사성(相似性)이 하나의 계열을 형성함으로써 비밀을 공유할 수 있는 가능성이 탐색되는데 이때 빈집의 시간은 일종의 ‘일시정지’를 가리킨다. 김인숙의 『빈집』(2012)은 ‘확신으로 가득찬 집’이 집의 균형을 깨뜨렸으며 결말에서 ‘그’는 빈집을 타자 없는 자아의 절대 공간으로 만들어 비밀의 절대성을 확보하는데 이는 반복의 시간성을 함축한다. I tried to analyze the thematic variations of ``empty house`` in terms of literary thematics. ``Empty house`` can be told the typical representation of 1990~2000s. For comparative analysis I suggested three criteria ``home image, sense of empty house, time``. 『Empty house』(1994) written by Kyung-sook Shin shows the image of home full of noises. His guitar performance reaches the ultimate silence. This short story pursues eternity through fantastic identification between the self and the other. 『Empty house』(1997) written by Soo-Yeon Oh shows the image of home full of anxiety. Characters with similitude forms a paradigmatic relation and pursues the possibility of sharing. The sense of time in this short story is a kind of ``pause``.『Empty house』(2012) written by In-sook Kim shows the image of home with confirmation that broke the balance of home. The empty house has a kind of absolutes that is formed through self without the other and implies the sense of repetition.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        노인이 지각한 건강에 대한 주관성 연구

        정혜경,김경희,권혜진,윤은자,정연강,Chung, Hae-Kyung,Kim, Kyung-Hee,Kwon, Hye-Jin,Yeun, Eun-Ja,Chung, Yeoun-Kang 한국지역사회간호학회 1999 지역사회간호학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This study is to classify subjectification and the perceived health of the elderly according to Q-methodology and to provide basic materials for health promotion of the elderly. In this study, 28 elderly people residing in Seoul classified 33 selected statements in to 9 standards. The material taken from this process resulted in 4 types by the analysis using a PC QUANL program. Case 1 thought that religion was important for their health. Case 2 were go-getters they thought they felt healthy at work. Case 3 took a serious view of their relationships with other people. Case 4 centered around the couple, and thought it important to live with their life's companion.

      • KCI등재

        목록 아웃소싱의 타당성 분석에 관한 연구

        정혜경,Chung Hye-Kyung 한국문헌정보학회 2005 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.39 No.2

        본 연구는 목록 아웃소싱의 타당성 분석을 시도하였으며, 아웃소싱으로 인해 발생하는 부가가치를 정보경제학에 기초한 직접편익, 가치연결의 효과로 분류하여 분석하는 경제성 분석모형을 적용하였다. 직접편익은 비용절감과 비용회피로 가치연결 효과는 목록 품질의 향상정도로 측정하였다. 분석결과, 목록 아웃소싱의 종합적인 타당성은 입증되지 않았으며, 이는 납품업체들의 전문성 결여로 품질제어를 하는데 사서의 시간이 많이 투입되어 실제적인 비용절감에 효과가 거의 없는 것이 가장 근 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 이렇게 현실적인 타당성이 미흡한 상태에서 목록 아웃소싱을 무리하게 이용할 경우 운영비용의 절감과 봉사기능의 제고라는 기본 취지를 달성하는 것이 불가능할 것이다. This study attempts feasibility analysis of cataloging outsourcing. The economic analysis model based on information economics categorizes the benefit into direct benefit and value linking. We measure direct benefit by cost savings and cost avoidance, value linking by the degree of improvement in cataloging quality The results show that there is no feasibility overall, because librarians spent more time to control the quality due to vendor's lack of professionalism, resulting little effect on cost savings. When cataloging outsourcing is forcibly used under the economically infeasible condition, it is impossible to achieve the basic purpose of operating cost savings and improvement of service function.

      • 해외소재 한국학관련 역사기록의 정보화 방안 연구

        정혜경,김성식,Chung, Hye-Kyung,Kim, Sung-Sik 한국기록학회 2000 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.1

        Korea was highly successful in maintaining a strong tradition of record preservation. However, Japanese imperialism and the Korean war over this century has seen a huge quantity of these once plentiful records either destroyed or relocated overseas. Many of Korea records remain in the custody of foreign archival institutions. Additionally, many records of foreign states concerned with korean affairs, for example, records of the Department of state, in the U.S.A., are of great relevance to Korean modern history. These records which exist in foreign countries are a necessary and invaluable resource in the advancement of Korea studies. After the 1980s, as research interest in Korean modern history increased gradually, much historical material related to Korea was extensively introduced, removed, collected from the U.S.A., Japan, Russia and China etc. by the efforts of pioneering scholars and institutions. Several attempts at collating and publishing this material have been made. Despite this encouraging result, individual scholars and institutions's efforts face problems in relation to removal of records. Firstly, it is repeated nonproductively to remove and collect the same records, for we didn't establish a comprehensive information system, through which the condition of foreign record removal and management is able to be administrated. Secondly, there is no system for arrangement, preservation, use of removed records. For example, finding aids, such as inventory, register, description, isn't prepared for user. A user may usually not understand an accurate context of their creation, preservation removal. Thirdly, almost institution has arranged the removed records among other materials and books. Each institution has a different classification criteria, too. These conditions seem to make a difficulty in national management. This study investigated how the materials for Korea history which has been removed from foreign countries should be managed for effective preservation and use. For these purpose, we investigated the present conditions of removal and management of these materials. Also, we investigated examples of the foreign state, U.S.A. and Japan to have a idea for removal and management policy. Then, This study propose a establishment of information network system as management policy. To administrate removing and managing records effectively, an idea that records belong to the public should be accepted commonly. The policy for management of the record is followings. Firstly, unification of classification is necessary. The records which were removed from foreign countries had better to be classified according to their origins of states and institutions. Secondly, Finding aids should be prepared for user. There are many accession aids such as catalog, register, inventory for user in archives. This will be a efficient method for management. When a record is removed, a card for description of contents must be composed. Thirdly, a digital input and network system establishment is necessary. It will help to manage a condition of removed records. A digital input and management system establishment is not just a project of digitalizing records. At present, various finding aids need to be introduced to make a database for records and archives. An search using only 'search engine' may make a difficulty in finding materials because such method is apt to have too much or little result. So, classification, arrangement, description, response-service should be integrated in these system. The recent technical advancement give a opportunity to realize this idea. Above all, these procedure should be archival process.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국 공공도서관의 취학 전 어린이를 위한 "이야기 들려주기" 프로그램에 관한 비교 연구

        정혜경,김현희,Chung Hye-Kyung,Kim Hyun-Hee 한국문헌정보학회 2005 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.39 No.1

        이야기 들려주기는 예술의 한 분야로서 글을 모르는 취학 전 어린이에게 취학 준비과정으로 매우 효과적인 방법 중의 하나이다. 현재 여러 공공도서관에서 취학 전 어린이를 위한 이야기 들려주기 프로그램을 운영하고 있지만 그 효과는 크다고 할 수 없다. 이는 무엇보다도 프로그램 자체에 대한 인식이 부족하고 아울러 체계적으로 프로그램을 운영하고 있지 못하고 있기 때문이다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 오래 전부터 이야기 들려주기 프로그램을 운영하고 있는 미국 공공도서관의 실태를 조사, 검토하여 한국 공공도서관의 프로그램 운영 실태와 비교한 후 이야기 들려주기의 네 가지 구성 요소인 프로그램, 어린이 사서, 취학 전 어린이 및 도서관 환경에 초점을 맞춰 한국 공공도서관 실정에 맞는 효율적인 프로그램 운영 방안을 제시하는 데에 있다. Storytelling is a form of arts and a very effective way of school readiness for illiterate preschoolers. Although storytelling programs for preschoolers have been in high increase in Korea, the programs currently operating in Korean public libraries have not been well received by the public because of the lack of understanding of the Public and unsystematic operation of the program. The purpose of this study is to draw out effective ways to reform the storytelling programs for Preschoolers of Korean Public libraries through comparativeanalysis with those of American public libraries. Analytical approaches were discussed with the four essential elements for storytelling program : program, children's librarian, preschooler, and library environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고지방 섭취 흰쥐에서 양파 껍질 추출물의 보충 섭취가 혈중 지질농도와 혈행 개선에 미치는 효과

        정혜경 ( Hye Kyung Chung ),신민정 ( Min Jeong Shin ),차용준 ( Yong Jun Cha ),이경혜 ( Kyung Hea Lee ) 한국식품영양학회 2011 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.24 No.3

        Numerous studies have suggested that dietary flavonoids contribute to prevent cardiovascular disease. Onion contains many functional phytochemicals such as quercetin. The aim of this study was to examine whether onion peel extracts supplementation affect blood lipid profiles and blood coagulation in animal model. Total 48 Sprague-Dawley male rats at 5 weeks old were divided into 6 groups with different diets(C: control, HF: high fat diet, HFOE 0.01%: high fat+onion peel extract 0.01% diet, HFOE 0.02%, HFOE 0.05%, HFOE 0.1%) for 8 weeks. Onion peel extract supplementation significantly decreased serum levels of LDL-cholesterol and increased HDL-cholesterol, while total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not affected. Hematological parameters(hematocrit, white blood cell, red blood cell, and platelet count) and blood coagulation parameters(prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, thrombin time, and fibrinogen) were not significantly different among 6 groups. However, activated partial thromboplastin time of HFOE 0.05% group was significantly longer than that of HF group. These results indicate that onion peel extract supplementation displays hypocholestrolemic effects but does not seem to have anti-coagulation effects in high fat fed SD rats.

      • KCI등재

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