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      • KCI등재

        Evolution and Sedimentation Mechanisms of Estuarine Beach in the Nakdong River Estuary, Korea: Natural and Human Impact

        정주봉,회수,이준호,박경규,김석윤,우한준 한국해양과학기술원 2022 Ocean science journal Vol.57 No.3

        Dadae Beach located in the Nakdong River estuary has been continuously evolving as the result of natural and anthropogenetic activities. Due to the geographic characteristics of an estuarine beach, in which the estuary, ocean, and human activities converge, it is very difficult to identify the factors shaping changes in the sedimentary environment and present quantitative results. Nevertheless, this study presents a survey of hydrological characteristics that reveals major depositional mechanisms and the factors impacting the sedimentary environment by analyzing morphological variations over the last five decades. We found that Dadae Beach has transformed from a marine system to an estuarine system through three major stages of evolution over the last five decades and has now reached a quasi-equilibrium state. The depositional mechanism contributing to the deposition of Dadae Beach is mainly driven by rainfall during the wet season. In addition, the strengthening of ocean energy during the dry season causes erosion. By proposing a new evolutionary history of Dadae Beach which had previously been considered a byproduct of the barrier island generation process of the Nakdong River, we suggest a novel conceptual model for estuarine beach evolution.

      • KCI등재후보

        무인항공기를 이용한 다대해빈 퇴적환경 장기 변화 및 해석

        정주봉 (사)지오에이아이데이터학회 2023 GEO DATA Vol.5 No.2

        Dadae Beach, located at the Nakdong river estuary, has been continuously evolving over the years, and this is the result of complex interactions between natural and artificial factors. In particular, in the case of Dadae Beach, located at the estuary of the Nakdong river estuary, it is located at the boundary between the river and the ocean, and it is an environment in which various deposition mechanisms operate. It is a very difficult research task to analyze the beach evolution mechanism, and a long-term study using precise measurement methods is required. Therefore, in this study, precision unmanned aerial surveys were conducted three times (2015, 2019, and 2021) for 5 years to identify the sedimentary characteristics of Dadae Beach, and the sedimentary environment was analyzed through the analysis of surface sediment texture characteristics. Seasonal waves and winds caused by the East Asian monsoon climate are the main mechanisms for the sedimentation of Dadae Beach, and finegrained sediments are distributed throughout the beach. In addition, the formation of sandbar, which arose rapidly due to artificial influences such as the construction of estuary banks in the past, is a major factor in the evolution of large-scale beaches. This study is meaningful in identifying the mechanism of beach evolution and presenting quantitative analysis results through comparison of precision aerial survey data over a long period of time.

      • KCI등재

        북한의 지급결제 현황 및 발전방향 고찰

        정주봉 ( Jubong Jung ) 한국지급결제학회 2018 지급결제학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        본고에서는 유일적 은행제도하에서 지급결제제도를 운영하고 있는 북한의 현황을 살펴보고 향후 발전을 위한 추진방향을 간략하게 제시해 보고자 한다. 북한은 중앙은행법에 화폐발행, 결제에 관한 사항을 명시하고, 금류통수단의 발행 · 유통 · 결제에 관한 사항을 화페류통법에서 규정하고 있다. 금융기관으로는 조선중앙은행(상업은행 겸영)과 외환 관련 조선무역은행 · 외환전문은행 · 합영은행 등을 두고 있다. 현금 이외에 비현금 지급수단으로는 은행계좌, 무현금류통수단, 전자카드(선불 · 직불)을 이용한다. 무현금류통수단에는 장표방식의 즉시지불청구서, 무현금행표, 지불청구서, 지불위탁서 등이 있다. 전자카드는 선불카드를 중심으로 온 · 오프라인에서 대금결제는 물론 현금 인출 및 송금에도 사용되고 있다. 북한은 지급채널로 조선중앙은행과 체신성의 본 · 지점과 카드채널, pc · 휴대폰 기반의 전자상거래채널을 이용하고 있으며 일부 은행, 호텔 등에서는 개별은행 단위로 ATM을 운영하고 있으나 인트라넷 · 모바일뱅킹은 확인할 수 없다. 무현금 류통수단에 의한 지급제시 및 자금결제는 조선중앙은행 본 · 지점에서 대부분 이루어지며, 금융기관간 자금결제 필요시 차액결제방식을 적용한다. 북한은 지급결제제도의 발전을 위하여 첫째, 은행을 기피하고 현금을 선호하는 관행을 개선해 먼저 은행과 북한 원화에 대한 신뢰를 회복한 후 경제주체의 은행 이용도를 높여나 가야 한다. 둘째, 국가 경제에 필수적인 금융기관간, 기업간 자금결제에 필요한 거액 · 소액 결제시스템을 우선적으로 구축하여야 한다. 셋째, 미래사회 트랜드에 부합하게 모바일 중심 의 소액결제시스템을 구축하고 지급결제업무 전반에서 전산화, 정보화를 지속해 나가야 한 다. 넷째, 남한의 지급결제 인프라 구축 · 운영 경험과 기술 및 지급결제서비스 모델을 활용 하고 향후 남북한 시스템 통합에 대비하여야 한다. This paper addresses the current developments and future directions of payment systems in North Korea. The Central Bank Act of North Korea governs the currency issuance and payment systems. And the Currency Circulation Law handles the matters on the issuance, distribution and settlement of cash and non-cash payment media. The financial institutions in North Korea include the Democra社c People's Republic of Korea Central Bank(hereafter ‘Central Bank’) and foreign exchange-related banks such as the Chosun Trade Bank, foreign exchange specialized banks and foreign joint ventures. Besides cash, non-cash payment media covers bank accounts, paper-based media, and electronic prepaid or debit cards. As paper-based media there are instant payment invoices, checks, payment invoices, and request invoices. A majority of electronic cards are prepaid cards, which are used not only for payments on-line and off-line but also for cash withdrawal and remittance. The main channels for payments in North Korea are the offices of the Central Bank and the Post Office. Residents in North Korea use PCs and mobile devices for e-commerce and ATMs located in some banks and hotels for banking services with electronic cards. But whether the intranet and mobile banking channels are used in North Korea remains unknown. Settlement via non-cash payment media takes place across the deposit accounts at the Central Bank. The net settlement takes place in case of the payments among financial institu社ons. In order to modernize its payment systems, North Korea should first encourage economic entities to use banks more often by enhancing the reliablity of banks and its legal tender and lowering their preference for cash. Second, it is necessary to build large-value and retail payment systems in the first place for financial institutions and then for companies. Third, North Korea needs to build a mobile-based payment system for consumers who are familiar with social trends, and make payment services computerizedFourth, North Korea should take advantage of the experiences and know-how South Korea has gained in establishing and operating payment systems and prepare for the time when the payment systems of two Koreas can be integrated.

      • KCI등재

        뉴스를 활용한 유아환경교육활동이 유아의 환경보전태도와 이야기 이해력에 미치는 영향

        주봉,신미영,현선 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2023 한국교육문제연구 Vol.41 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of early childhood environmental education activities using news on infants' environmental conservation attitudes and story comprehension. The subjects of the study were 32, 4 year old infants (16 in the experimental group and 16 in the comparative group) in S kindergarten in Gyeonggi-do. A total of 14 activities organized using environmental news were conducted and applied in second session. The experimental group encountered environmental problems through the news and conducted related activities, and the comparative group encountered environmental problems through photo data and conducted related activities. Pre- and post-inspection was conducted using Hong Ji-myeong's (2006) environmental conservation attitude test tool and Rand (1991)'s story comprehension test tool, and the collected data were analyzed through t-verification. As a result of the study, first, it was found that early childhood environmental education activities using news had a statistically significant effect on the overall environmental conservation attitude of infants and all sub-factors such as saving, recycling, and environmental pollution prevention. Second, it was found that early childhood environmental education activities using news had a statistically significant effect on all sub-factors such as overall story comprehension, story structure comprehension, and story inference comprehension. The research results of this study can be utilized as basic data for effective teaching methods and media use for early childhood environment education. 본 연구는 뉴스를 활용한 유아환경교육활동이 유아의 환경보전태도와 이야기이해력에 미치는 영향을 검증하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 대상은 경기도 소재 S유치원 만 4세 유아 32명(실험집단 16명, 비교집단 16명)이며, 환경 관련 뉴스를 활용하여 구성한 14개의 활동 내용을 각각 2차시로 진행하여 적용하였다. 실험집단은 뉴스를 통해 환경문제를 접한 후 이와 연계된 활동을 실시하였고, 비교집단은 사진 자료를 통해 환경문제를 접한 후 연계활동을 실시하였다. 홍지명(2006)의 환경보전태도 검사도구와 Rand(1991)의 이야기이해력 검사도구를 사용하여 사전사후검사를 실시하였으며, 수집된 자료는 t 검증을 통해 분석하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 뉴스를 활용한 유아환경교육활동은 유아의 환경보전태도 전체와 절약, 재활용, 환경오염방지 등 모든 하위요인에서 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 뉴스를 활용한 유아환경교육활동은 유아의 이야기이해력 전체와 이야기구조이해, 이야기추론이해 등 모든 하위요인에서 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 연구결과는 유아환경교육을 위한 효과적인 교수방법과 매체 활용의 기초자료가 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        미디어를 활용한 유아미술감상활동이 유아의 미술감상능력, 미술표현능력 및 이야기 이해력에 미치는 효과

        주봉,현선 한국영유아교원교육학회 2024 유아교육학논집 Vol.28 No.1

        This study aims to verify the effects of early childhood art appreciation activities using media on young children’s art appreciation, art expression, and story comprehension. The subjects of this study were 44 five-year-old children in a kindergarten located in S city, Gyeonggi-do (22 in the experimental group and 22 in the comparative group), and 18 sessions of early childhood art appreciation activities using media were organized and applied. The experimental group participated in activities introducing and appreciating artwork using various media content and digital technologies, and the comparative group in activities introducing and appreciating artwork through photos and screen-printed data. Preand post-tests were conducted using Jang Soon-mi’s (2008) art appreciation ability scale, Lee Mi-hye’s (2009) art ability evaluation scale, and Rand’s (1991) story comprehension test tool. The collected data were analyzed using a t-test. The results showed that early childhood art appreciation activities using media had statistically significant effects on young children’s art appreciation ability, art expression ability, and story comprehension ability as well as their sub-factors. The results of this study provide basic data for the development of various early childhood art activity programs using media by presenting the value of media in effective early childhood art education.

      • KCI등재

        해운대 연안 표층퇴적물 분포의 계절변화와 이동

        김석윤,정주봉,이병관,Kim, Seok-Yun,Jeong, Joo-Bong,Lee, Byoung-Kwan 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.1

        해운대 연안의 계절별 퇴적물 분포와 연간 이동경향을 추정하기 위하여 2007년 6월, 10월, 12월, 2008년 3월과 6월의 총 5차례 표층퇴적물의 조직 변화를 관측하였으며 이차원 이동모델인 Gao and Collins(1992)의 모델을 적용하여 퇴적물의 이동경향을 파악하였다. 또한 침 퇴적 양상을 알아보기 위하여 2007년 2월, 5월, 8월과 12월의 수심자료를 이용하여 계절에 따른 수심변화를 파악하였다. 계절별 표층퇴적물 분포는 2007년 하계에서 추계 및 동계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면에서 입도가 조립해지며 역질이나 암반층이 드러나는 환경으로 변하였으며, 미포항 전면에서 해수욕장 중앙으로 퇴적물 이동경향이 강하게 나타났고, 서측, 동백섬 전면은 입도가 세립해지며 사질과 니질의 퇴적상이 관측되었다. 퇴적물의 이동경향은 서측에서 해수욕장 방향으로의 이동이 감소하였다. 2007년 동계에서 2008년 춘계 및 하계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면은 평균입도와 퇴적상의 세립화가 관측된 반면, 서측, 동백섬 전면의 평균입도와 퇴적상은 다시 조립해지는 경향이 관측되었다. 퇴적물의 이동경향은 동측, 미포항 전면에서 해수욕장 방향의 이동은 감소하고, 서측, 동백섬 전면에서 해수욕장 방향으로의 이동경향은 증가하였다. 해운대 연안의 침 퇴적변화는 2007년 춘계동안 동측, 미포항 전면에서 전반적인 퇴적이 진행되었으며 춘계에서 하계로 갈수록 전 해역에서 침식이 이루어졌다. 이는 연구기간동안 해역을 통과한 태풍 (마니, 우사기, 피토)의 영향으로 판단된다. 하계에서 동계로 갈수록 동측, 미포항 전면에서는 침식 및 유지가 관측되었으나 서측 동백섬 전면에서는 퇴적이 관측되었다. 결론적으로, 표층퇴적물의 침 퇴적변화와 이동경향은 춘계는 서에서 동으로 이동되어 동측, 미포항 전면에서 퇴적되며 태풍이 발생하는 하계는 연안 대부분에서 침식이 이루어지고 추계 및 동계는 동에서 서측으로 퇴적물 이동이 이루어져 서측, 동백섬 전면에서 퇴적이 진행되었다. To study the seasonal pattern of sediment distribution and the transport tendency in Haeundae nearshore area; i) the grain size texture of surface sediment was examined in June, October, and December of 2007, and March and June of 2008, and secondary, ii) the transport tendency was studied by using a two-dimensional sediment transport model of Gao and Collins (1992), and finally, iii) the bathymetric changes were analyzed by using the data collected in February, May, August, and December of 2007 by Haeundae District Office. Spatial distribution of sediment texture, the tendency of sediment transport as well as the bathymetric change showed significant seasonal variations. From June to December of 2007, the eastern part of the Haeundae area, off Dalmaji Hill showed the coarsening of mean grain size with a prominent transport tendency toward the Haeundae beach. On the contrary, the western part of the area, off Dongbaek Island showed a fining trend of mean grain size, and the transport tendency toward the beach was relatively weakened. From December of 2007 to June of 2008, the mean grain size of Mipo Harbor became finer, and the transport tendency toward the central beach decreased. The mean grain size of Dongbaek Island became coarser, while the tendency increased in the direction of the beach. The areas of significant net accumulation and erosion were depicted based on the bathymetric changes between observation periods. During the period of February to May of 2007, net accumulation was observed on the eastern part of the study area, in front of Mipo Harbor. Erosion was generally occurred throughout the area from May to August of 2007. From August to December of 2007, erosion and accumulation was observed off Mipo Harbor and Dongbaek Island, respectively. The change of sediment facies also suggests the accumulation on the eastern coast during the spring, erosion around the entire coast during the summer, and accumulation on the western coast during the winter. The changes in the accumulation and erosion were most apparent during the summer when several typhoons have passed by, while unnoticeable during the spring.

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