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      • 복부 CT검사에 대하여 CT detector channel 수에 따른 선량 감소율에 대한 연구

        최성민(Seong Min Choi),정성민(Seong Min Chung),김선기(Seon Ki Kim) 대한CT영상기술학회 2012 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        목적 Chanel에 따라 같은 검사를 시행하더라도 Chanel 수가 많으면 scan time이 줄고 그에 따라 Dose가 줄어든다는 것이 일반적인 견해이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 Channel 수가 증가함에 따라 같은 검사에서의 Dose의 경감률을 직접 확인해 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 Rando Phantom 내에 유리 선량계를 삽입하여 Abdomen & Pelvis 부위를 16 Channel인 SOMATOM Sensation 16 장비와 64 Channel인 SOMATOM Definition AS 장비, 64 Dual source SOMATOM Definition, 128 Channel인 SOMATOM Definition AS 장비와 128 Dual source SOMATOM Definition Flash 장비로 모두 Siemens사 장비로 각각 Scan하였다. Scan 후 Rando Phantom에 삽입하였던 유리 선량계를 확인하였다. 그리고 scan이 끝난 후 장비에서 display 되어지는 흡수선량을 비교하였다. 결과 유리 선량계에서 측정되어진 수치에서는 전반적으로 장비의 Channel 수가 증가하면 선량이 감소하는 추세를 보였으나 Single source 64 Channel 장비의 경우는 오히려 16 Channel 장비보다 선량이 높게 측정되었다. 반면에 장비에서 Display 되어지는 흡수선량의 경우에는 64 Single source 장비가 가장 낮게 표시되었으며 16 Channel 장비가 가장 높게 표시되었으며, Dual source 장비보다 Single source 장비의 선량이 더 낮게 표시되었다. 결론 Channel 수가 많은 장비일수록 동일 검사에서 선량이 적게 사용되어지는 것은 사실이나 Detecter의 구조에 따라서 Dose modulation을 사용하지 않을 경우 Channel 수가 적은 장비가 오히려 선량이 적은 경우도 있으며, 같은 이유로 인해서 Dual source 장비에 비하여 Single source 장비가 오히려 선량이 더 적게 사용되어지는 경우가 있음으로 최신 장비나 Channel이 많은 장비만 선호할 것이 아니라 그 장비의 특성에 맞추어 활용하는 것이 검사 시 선량 감소에 도움이 된다 하겠다. I. Purpose It is commonly known that scan time decreases as the number of detector channels increases even if we perform the same CT protocol. In this paper, we measured decreasing rate of radiation dose according to the increase in detector channels. II. Material & Methods We inserted glass dosimeters into Rando phantom and scanned its Abdomen & Pelvis part on Siemens’ CT scanners, 16-channel CT(SOMATOM Sensation 16), 64-channel CT(SOMATOM Definition AS), 64-channel DSCT(SOMATOM Definition) and 128-channel CT(SOMATOM Definition Flash). After scanning, we measured radiation dose of the glass dosimeters. Also, we compared absorbed doses displayed on the CT scanners. III. Result When we masured the radiation dose with glass dosimeter, dose decreased as the number of CT scanner’s detector increased. On the ether hand, radiation dose of 64 channel single source CT was higher than that of 16 channel single source CT showed the highest absorbed dose. Also single CT indicated lower dose than Dual source CT. IV. Conclusion It’s fact that radiation dose decrease5 as CT scanner has more detector channels. However, There’s some cases, Indicated dose decrease acording to structure of detector, without dose modulation, less number of detector channels. For the same reason, Single source CT also less dose than dual source CT. therefore, choosing CT equipment according to it’s characteristics is recommended rather than just seeking brand new ones or many more detector channels.


        ($Implantium^{(R)}$) implant의 단기 생존율 및 치유 양상에 대한 연구

        채경준,정성민,정의원,조규성,채중규,김종관,최성호,김창성,Chae, Gyung-Joon,Chung, Sung-Min,Jung, Ui-Won,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Chai, Jung-Kyu,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Choi, Seong-Ho,Kim, Chang-Sung 대한치주과학회 2006 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.36 No.3

        This study is an analysis of distribution of patients who installed Implantium implant in Yonsei University Dental Hospital and types of implant site for about 1 years recall check and success rate. 164 implants were installed to 52 patients in this study. It shows the conclusion below. 1. Patients at the age of 40s and 50s were 65% of all implant cases and average number of implant was 4 (man), and 2.7 (woman). 75 implants were operated on maxilla and 89 were mandible. 19 implants on anterior region and 145 implants on posterior region. 2. Most distribution of bone qaulity for implant site was type III(37.2%) and bone quantity was type C(61. 7%) 3. The majority of implants were those of 10, 12mm in length (85%) and regular diameter in width (48.8%). 4. 30 implants were installed with the advanced technique-GER, window opemng, osteotome technique. 5. Two implants were removed before prosthodontic treatment due to the osseointegraton failure. The success rate was 98.8% in 15.2 months follow up period and the marginal bone loss was 0.28mm. The results provided us with basic data on patient type, implant distribution, bone condition, and survival rate. Within the limit of present study, It was concluded that Implantium implant could be used satisfactorily in various clinical situations.

      • 관류 전산화단층촬영(CT Perfusion)에서 HU값에 따른 색지도(Color mapping)에 대한 연구

        배성근(Seong Keun Bae),정성민(Sung Min Chung),엄민지(Min Ji Um),추상덕(Sang Deok Chu) 대한CT영상기술학회 2011 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        목적 수술 후 관류검사를 한 환자를 대상으로 SSS(superior sagittal sinus) & MCA(middle cerebral artery)의 혈류량의 최고치(Peak)와 CT값(HU)의 평균값을 구하여 CT관류 Program을 이용하여 검사자들이 동일한 색조치(Window Level, W.L)로 균일하고 객관성 있는 색지도(color mapping)를 하기 위함이다. 대상 및 방법 2009년 3월부터 2009년 11월까지 본원에서 수술 후 관류검사를 한 남성:여성(60:40), 나이분포 20~70세, 평균나이 55세의 120명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 관류영상획득을 위해 somatom Sensation 16 scanner(Simens, Enlarge Germany)를 사용하여 80 kvp, 209 mAs, 12 mm slice thickness로 기저핵이 잘보이는 부위에서 40초간 80장의 영상을 얻었다. 조영제는 4.5cc/sec로 40cc 자동주입 하였고, 이어서 같은 속도로 saline 10cc를 추가로 정맥에 주입하였다. 관류영상분석은 동일한 회사의 관류 Program(Simens, Wizard)을 사용하여 MIP, CBF, CBV, MTT 네 가지 관류영상을 얻었다. 결과 네 가지의 관류영상(MIP, CBF, CBV, MTT)에서 radiologist, operator A, B, C가 SSS, MCA, SSS-MCA에서 얻은 HU값으로 적절한 색지도를 한 결과 SSS의 HU값을 이용한 영상평가가 가장 적절한 색조치를 보였다. 결론 각각의 검사자는 SSS의 HU값을 기준으로 하여 MIP, CBF, CBV, MTT의 색조치를 Window level(W. L)값을 이용하여 균일하고 객관성 있는 색지도를 함으로써 판독에 좋은 영상을 얻을 수 있다. I. Purpose To maintain objectivity of color mapping using the same window level by each operator through CT Perfusion program while comparing the blood flow of arteries and veins and mean value of CT value(H. U) on target patients being examined CT Perfusion after brain operation. II. Meterial and Methods Ftp May to November in 2009, 100 patients (age range: 20-70, mean: 55, male: 60 persons, female: 40 persons) were participated. 80 Images were displayed in an aqusition time of 40 secs, onregion of basal ganglia using Somatom Sensation 16 (Simens, Enlarge Germany) for perfusion image aquisition with 80 Kvp, 209 mAs, 12 mm slice thickness. contrast materials were injected by auto injector (medrad) with 40 cc at 4.5 cc/sec continually injected 10 cc saline by same velocity. 4 types images MIP(maximum intensity projection), CBF(cerebral blood flow), CBV(cerebral blood volume), MTT(mean transit time) were obtained by using perfusion program(Seimence, Wizard). III. Result Radiologists and operators evaluated data through color mapping of proper W. value participations patients obtained data from SSS, MCA, SSS-MCA on 4 type images(MIP, BF, CBV, MTT) as a result, MIP80, CBF 0~100:60~65, 100~00:70~75, 200~300:76~80, 300~00:80~85, 400~500:88~90), 500~600:90~95, CBV 0~100:70~75, 100~00:75~80, 200~00:80~90, 300~00:90~95, 400~00:95~100, 500~600:100~105, MTT 0~00:100~105, 100~200:115~200, 200~300:120~125, 300~400:125~130, 400~500:130~140, 500~600:140~150 also, the higher value of HU, the faster time of time peak on SSS and MCA. IV. Conclusions Each operator obtain good image by color maping maintaining objectivity between MIP, CBF, CBV, MTT, by standard SSS.

      • KCI등재

        성견의 열개형 골결손 부위에 골형성 유도술식을 동반한 임플란트 식립 후의 골형성 : pilot study

        정지윤,손주연,채경준,김성태,정성민,이인섭,조규성,김종관,최성호,Jeong, Ji-Yun,Sohn, Joo-Yeon,Chai, Kyung-Jun,Kim, Sung-Tae,Chung, Sung-Min,Lee, In-Seop,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Choi, Seong-Ho 대한치주과학회 2008 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.38 No.2

        Purpose: Guided bone regeneration(GBR) has emerged as a treatment in the management of osseous defects associated with dental implants. But several studies have reported different degrees of success of guided bone regeneration, depending upon the type of barrier selected, presence or absence of an underlying graft material, types of graft material, feasibility of technique, and clinician's preference. The aim of the present study was to evaluate bone formation following dental implant placement with augmentation materials at dehiscence defects in dogs. Material and Methods: Standardized buccal dehiscence defects($3{\times}5\;mm$) were surgically 2 Mongrel dog's mandibles, each 8 SLA surface, 8 anodizing surface implants. Each buccal dehiscence defect received flap surgery only(no treatment, control), $Cytoflex^{(R)}$ membrane only, Resolut $XT^{(R)}$ membrane only, Resolut $XT^{(R)}+Osteon^{TM}$. Animals were sacrificed at 8 weeks postsurgery and block sections were harvested for histologic analysis. Resuts: All experimental group resulted in higher bone formation than control. Resolut $XT^{(R)}+Osteon^{TM}$ group resulted appeared highest defect resolution. There was no difference between SLA and anodizing surface, nonresorbable and resorbable membrane. Conclusion: GBR results in rapid and clinically relevant bone closure on dehiscence defects of the dental implants.

      • 16 MDCT장비에서 Dose Modulation Program인 CareDose와 CareDose4D의 CTDIvol값 비교

        이희정(Hee Jeong Lee),권성옥(Seong Ohk Kwon),김주(Joo Kim),서동수(Dong Soo Suh),정성민(Seong Min Chung),임청환(Cheong Hwan Lim) 대한전산화단층기술학회 2005 대한CT영상기술학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose The aim of this study is to apply to clinic a proper technical factor by comparing the value of CTDIvol with dose modulation program of CareDose and CareDose4D in 16 MDCT. Material & Method The value of CTDIvol of constant and variable mA(140mA) was measured in Siemens somatom sensation 16 VB10B CT. The measurement of CTDIvol of CareDose and CareDose4D was performed with technical factor variation. With ART phantom of human shape, CareDose used the Siemens somatom sensation 16 VA70C, and CareDose4D done Siemens somatom sensation 16 VB10B. Result The value of CTDIvol of constant mA and variable mA of CareDose4D was 9.8mGy to 10.92mGy, and 4.13mGy to 5.58mGy, respectively. The value of CTDIvol by kVp variation was minimum 2.53mGy, 2.335mGy at 80kVp and maximum 11.34mGy to 10.18mGy at 140 kVp in the two mode. The value of CTDIvol by table pitch variation in CareDose didn’t vary with 8.14mGy, that by pitch variation of 1, 1.2, 1.5, 2 was 7.38, 7.36, 5.94, 4.60mGy, respectively. The value of CTDIvol by slice thickness variation in CareDose also didn’t vary with 8.14mGy, but CareDose4D increased from 7.26 to 7.35mGy according to increment of thickness. When the tube rotation time was 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5 second, the value of CTDivol was 8.14, 8.56, 8.14, 8.21mGy in CareDose and 7.27, 7.30, 7.29, 7.38mGy in CareDose4D, respectively. The value of CTDIvol by scan type was 17.16 and 17.97mGy in CareDose and CareDose4D with sequence mode, and 22.06 and 22.65mGy with spiral mode. Conlclusion The value of CTDivol was decreased by appling CT with dose modulation program for reduction of exposed dose. The value of CTDIvol excluding scan type of technical factor was decreased more in CareDose4D than in CareDose.

      • KCI등재

        열 화학적 환원 처리를 이용한 절연체 12CaO·7Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>의 전도체로의 전환

        정준호,은종원,오동근,김광진,홍태의,정성민,최봉근,심광보,Chung, Jun-Ho,Eun, Jong-Won,Oh, Dong-Keun,Kim, Kwang-Jin,Hong, Tae-Ui,Jeong, Seong-Min,Choe, Bong-Geun,Shim, Kwang-Bo 한국결정성장학회 2010 한국결정성장학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        마이크로 웨이브 연소합성법(microwave-assistant combustion method)를 이용하여 $12CaO{\cdot}7Al_2O_3$(C12A7) 분말을 성공적으로 제작하였고, $H_2$ 가스 분위기에서의 후열처리를 통하여 C12A7:H 제작에 성공하였다. 분말의 합성 여부 와 결정성 확인 및 분말 하소 시 온도에 따른 반응 분석을 위하여 X-ray diffraction(XRD) 및 TG-DSC 분석을 시행하였다. 또한, 후 열처리 후 C12A7 cage 내부의 자유산소 이온이 수소 이온으로 치환되었는지 확인하기 위하여 TG-MS 분석을 시행하였고, $289.5^{\circ}C$에서 H와 $H_2$ 가스가 방출되는 것이 확인되었으므로, H 이온이 cage 내부로 치환된 것을 확인시켜준다. 성공적으로 치환된 C12A7:H 를 홀 측정기(Hall measurement)를 이용하여 전도성을 측정하여 본 결과 $1000^{\circ}C$, Ar/H=8:2의 분위기에서 8h 이상 처리된 C12A7:H의 경우 상온(300 K)에서 $10^2{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$의 비저항 값을 나타내었다. The $12CaO{\cdot}7Al_2O_3$(C12A7) powders were successfully synthesized using combustion method with microwave-assistant and C12A7:H were fabricated by post-annealed process in Ar/H atmosphere. X-ray diffraction patterns and TGDSC were used for investigating to the precursors of crystalline and reaction depending on temperature. C12A7:H that was treated post-annealed process were investigated TG-MS and Hall-measurement for confirming H ions doping and checking electrical resistivity of C12A7:H. H ion substituted to $O^{2-}$ ions in the C12A7 cages were confirmed at $289.5^{\circ}C$ by TG-MS and C12A7:H calcined at $1000^{\circ}C$ in Ar/H=8:2 atmosphere for 8~10 h has low electrical resistivity about $10^2{\Omega}{\cdot}cm$ at room temperature.

      • KCI등재

        Original Article 1 - 합성골 이식재인 Osteon$^{(R)}$을 이용한 상악동 거상술-임상적, 방사선 계측학적 연구

        차재국,정의원,김민수,엄유정,김창성,조규성,최성호,정성민,Cha, Jae-Kook,Jung, Ui-Won,Kim, Min-Soo,Um, Yoo-Jung,Kim, Chang-Sung,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Choi, Seong-Ho,Chung, Sung-Min 대한치과의사협회 2010 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate 1 year cumulative survival rate of implants placed on augmented sinus using Osteon$^{(R)}$, bone graft material and to assess height of the grafted material radiographically. Material and Methods: 10 maxillary sinuses were augmented in 10 patients and 25 implant fixtures were installed simultaneously or after 6 months healing period. The height of the sinus graft material was measured using panoramic images immediately after augmentation and up to 19 months subsequently. Changes in the height of the sinus graft material were calculated with respect to implant length and original sinus wall height. Results: The cumulative survival rate was 100% in all 25 implants. Additionally, normal healing process without any complication was observed in all patients. The mean crown/Implant ratio was 1.25. The mean marginal bone loss was 0.95mm and the mean resorption rate of Osteon$^{(R)}$ was 0.05mm/month. The fastest resorption site of Osteon$^{(R)}$ is the first molar area. The grafted material was well maintained in sinus and decreased slightly over 1 year. Conclusion: In conclusion, It can be suggested that Osteon$^{(R)}$ may have predictable result when it was used as a grafting material for sinus floor augmentation.

      • KCI등재후보

        합성골 이식재인 Osteon<SUP>®</SUP>을 이용한 상악동 거상술

        차재국(Jae-Kook Cha),정의원(Ui-Won Jung),김민수(Min-Soo Kim),엄유정(Yoo-Jung Um),김창성(Chang-Sung Kim),조규성(Kyoo-Sung Cho),최성호(Seong-Ho Choi),정성민(Sung-Min Chung) 대한치과의사협회 2010 대한치과의사협회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate 1 year cumulative survival rate of implants placed on augmented sinus using Osteon<SUP>®</SUP>, bone graft material and to assess height of the grafted material radiographically. Material and Methods: 10 maxillary sinuses were augmented in 10 patients and 25 implant fixtures were installed simultaneously or after 6 months healing period. The height of the sinus graft material was measured using panoramic images immediately after augmentation and up to 19 months subsequently. Changes in the height of the sinus graft material were calculated with respect to implant length and original sinus wall height. Results: The cumulative survival rate was 100% in all 25 implants. Additionally, normal healing process without any complication was observed in all patients. The mean crown/Implant ratio was 1.25. The mean marginal bone loss was 0.95 ㎜ and the mean resorption rate of Osteon<SUP>®</SUP> was 0.05 ㎜/month. The fastest resorption site of Osteon<SUP>®</SUP> is the first molar area. The grafted material was well maintained in sinus and decreased slightly over 1 year. Conclusion: In conclusion, It can be suggested that Osteon<SUP>®</SUP> may have predictable result when it was used as a grafting material for sinus floor augmentation.

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