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        기분과 행동의 계절성 변동과 Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme(ACE) 유전자 다형성

        전혜연,이헌정,강승걸,김린,Jeon, Hye-Yeon,Lee, Heon-Jeong,Kang, Seung-Gul,Kim, Leen 대한수면의학회 2007 수면·정신생리 Vol.14 No.1

        목 적:유전학에서 안지오텐신 전환 효소(Angiotensinconverting enzyme, ACE) 유전자 다형성에 대한 관심이 높아지면서, 정신과 영역에서는 ACE 유전자 다형성과 우울증, 우울증 치료 반응과의 연관성 등이 보고되어왔다. ACE 유전자가 인간의 다른 행동 특성과 연관이 있을 가능성이 있으며 본 연구에서는 건강한 한국인 대학생을 대상으로 기분과 행동의 계절성 변동과 ACE 유전자 다형성 사이에 유전학적 연관성이 있는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 방 법:이 연구는 297명의 의과대학 학생을 대상으로 하였으며 모든 대상자들은 주요 내과적 질환과 정신과적 질환을 가지고 있지 않았다. 대상자들에게서 ACE 유전자 다형성에 대한 유전자형 분석을 실시하였으며 계절성 양상 평가 질문지(Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire, SPAQ)를 이용하여 기분과 행동의 계절성 변동을 평가하였다. 결 과:세가지 ACE 유전자형에 따른 GSS 및 수면시간, 사회활동, 기분, 체중, 에너지 수준, 식욕의 계절성 척도를 살펴본 결과, 모든 항목에서 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 겨울형 계절성군, 여름형 계절성군, 비계절성군에서 ACE 유전자형의 빈도와 대립유전자 빈도를 비교한 결과에서는 겨울형 계절성군에서 세가지 유전자형의 빈도에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다($x^2=6.79$, p=0.034). 또한 겨울형 계절성군에서 D 대립유전자를 보유한 경우(D+)와 D 대립유전자를 보유하지 않은 경우(D-)의 빈도에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다($x^2=6.59$, p=0.010;odds ratio [OR]=2.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-4.28). 결 론:이 연구결과는 ACE 유전자형이 기분과 행동의 계절성 변동과 연관되어 있을 가능성을 시사하는 것이다. Objectives: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism has been reported to be associated with depression and therapeutic outcome in depression. The purpose of this study was to determine whether ACE gene polymorphism is associated with seasonal variation in mood and behavior in a young Korean college student sample. Methods: 297 young Korean medical students were recruited in this study. All subjects were free of major medical and psychiatric problems. They were genotyped for the ACE gene polymorphism and evaluated the seasonal variation in mood and behavior by the Seasonality Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ). Results: Global Seasonality Score (GSS) of SPAQ between three genotypes were not different. However, comparison of the group that showed seasonality of mood and behavior during winter with the group that did not showed seasonality indicated significant difference in genotype distribution ($x^2=6.79$, p=0.034). The D allele non-carrier (ll genotype) frequency was significantly higher in winter seasonality group than non-seasonality group ($x^2=6.59$, p=0.010;odds ratio [OR]=2.27, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.20-4.28). Conclusion: These results suggest that the ACE gene polymorphism is related to winter-type seasonality in a Korean population.

      • KCI등재후보

        불안 장애, 우울 장애 및 정신증 환자군의 지적 기능 비교

        전혜연(Hye-Yeon Jeon),박은희(Eun-Hee Park),전덕인(Duk-In Jon) 대한스트레스학회 2010 스트레스硏究 Vol.18 No.4

        본 연구는 불안 장애 환자, 우울 장애 환자와 정신증 환자군의 지적 기능의 특성을 K-WAIS를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 불안 장애 47명, 우울 장애 56명과 정신증 62명을 대상으로 K-WAIS의 결과를 연령과 교육년수를 통제하고 MANCOVA를 실행하였다. 그 결과, 불안 장애 환자군이 우울 장애 환자군과 정신증 환자 장애군에 비하여 숫자 외우기 소검사에서 유의미하게 높은 점수를 받았다. 불안 장애 환자군과 우울 장애 환자군에 비하여 정신증 환자군이 산수 소검사, 동작성 지능과 주의지속능력 요인에서 유의미하게 낮은 수행을 보였다. 또한 정신증 환자군은 이해문제, 차례 맞추기, 모양 맞추기, 바꿔쓰기 소검사와 언어성 지능, 전체 지능, 지각적 조직화 요인에서도 불안 장애 환자군에 비하여 유의미한 수준으로 저조한 수행을 보이고 있었다. 세 집단의 지적 기능에서 유의한 차이를 보인 본 연구의 결과는 각 장애의 일상생활 기능의 손상 정도를 예측할 수 있게 해주는 중요한 정보가 될 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This study was investigated about the characteristics of intellectual functions among patients with anxiety, depressive and psychotic disorder on the Korean-Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (K-WAIS). The participants were 47 patients with anxiety disorder, 56 patients with depressive disorder, and 62 patients with psychotic disorder. The data were statistically analyzed using multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) controlling for age and educational level. It was found that the anxiety disorder group acquired significantly higher scores in digit span subtest than the depressive disorder and psychotic disorder groups. The psychotic disorder group acquired significantly lower scores in arithmetic subtest, performance IQ, Freedom from Distractibility factor than the anxiety and depressive disorder groups. Moreover, the psychotic disorder group scored significantly lower in several subtests (comprehension, picture arrangement, object assembly, and digit symbol), verbal and full scale IQ, and perceptual organization factor than the anxiety disorder group. The result suggests that the three clinical groups are differential differences in terms of intellectual abilities. It implicates the probability that it would reflect the differences of functional level in everyday life in each group. (Korean J Str Res 2010;18:353∼362)

      • KCI등재

        수면박탈에 의한 P300 잠복기 연장과 성격요소와의 연관성

        이헌정,전혜연,김용구,서광윤,김린,Lee, Heon-Jeong,Jeon, Hye-Yeon,Kim, Yong-Ku,Suh, Kwang-Yoon,Kim, Leen 대한수면의학회 2003 수면·정신생리 Vol.10 No.1

        목 적:수면박탈은 인지기능의 저하를 가져오며 이는 신 경생리학적 변화인 P300의 잠복기 연장과 진폭의 저하를 가져온다고 보고된다. 또한 이러한 수면박탈에 의한 변화 정도에 개인의 특성이 영향을 줄 수 있다고 알려져 있다. 본 연구는 수면박탈에 의한 P300의 잠복기 연장 정도와 성격 특성의 관련성에 관하여 살펴보고자 하였다. 방 법:18명의 피험자에게 37시간 동안 수면박탈이 시행되었으며, 2일간의 실험기간동안 아침 7시와 저녁 7시에 총 4차례 P300 검사를 시행하였다. 또한 첫날 10시경에 MMPI와 STAI-T 검사를 시행하였다. 총 4회의 P300의 변화 중 아침, 저녁의 검사 결과끼리 paired t-test를 시행하였다. 이 결과에 기초하여 수면박탈에 의하여 P300의 잠복기 연장이 심하지 않은 군(n=9)(Group A)과 심한 군(n=9) (Group B), 두 군으로 나누었으며, 두 군의 MMPI의 각 척도 점수와 STAI-T 점수를 t-test 통하여 비교하였다. 결 과:수면박탈에 의하여 유의한 P300 잠복기의 연장이 있었다(p<0.005). 그러나 진폭에 있어서는 저녁시간에만 유의한 진폭의 감소가 있었다(p<0.005). 잠복기 연장이 심한 경우(Group B)와 심하지 않은 경우(Group A)를 나누어 MMPI 각 척도 값들을 t-test 시행한 결과, Group B가 Group A에 비하여 Mf척도(t=-2.16, df=16, p=0.046)와 Pa척도(t=-2.61, df=16, p=0.019)에서 유의하게 점수가 높았으며, F척도는 통계적으로 유의한 정도는 아니지만 Group B가 Group A보다 점수가 높았다(t=-2.11, df=16, p=0.052). 결 론:MMPI 소척도 중 F, Mf, Pa 척도가 높은 사람이 P300의 변화로 표현되는 수면박탈에 의한 정보처리 효율성의 저하에 취약한 것으로 보인다. 즉, F 상승으로 표현되는 주관적인 심리적 호소가 많음, Mf의 상승으로 표현되는 예민, 수동, 의존적인 면 그리고, Pa척도의 상승으로 나타나는 예민하고 투사 및 외향화하는 성격이 수면박탈에 취약하다고 추정할 수 있겠다. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the extent of prolongation in P300 latency by sleep deprivation and personality variables. Methods: Eighteen healthy male college students participated in this study. Subjects remained awake for 37 hours under continuous surveillance. In the morning and evening of two consecutive study days, P300 was checked four times. MMPI and STAI-T were checked in the morning of the first day. The 18 subjects were divided into two groups according to their extent of P300 prolongation by sleep deprivation: Group A consisted of short P300 latency prolonged subjects, and group B of long latency prolonged subjects. The MMPI profiles and STAI-T scores of these two groups were compared. Results: Group B showed significantly higher scores in the Mf subscale (t=-2.16, df=16, p=0.046) and Pa subscale (t=-2.61, df=16, p=0.019) than group A. Group B also showed higher F subscale scores at a marginally significant level (t=-2.11, df=16, p=0.052). Conclusion: These results suggest that subjects with higher scores in F, Mf, and Pa subscales tend to have delayed cognitive process and decreased efficiency of mental process by sleep deprivation. It can be hypothesized that individuals who are sensitive, passive, dependent, and easily projecting are susceptible to the deterioration of cognitive function by total sleep deprivation.

      • KCI등재

        Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase를 이용한 아밀로펙틴 클러스터의 생산

        이혜원(Hye-Won Lee),전혜연(Hye-Yeon Jeon),최혜정(Hyejeong Choi),심재훈(Jae-Hoon Shim) 한국식품영양과학회 2014 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.43 No.9

        선행연구에서 얻은 alkalophilic Bacillus I-5 유래의 CGTase wild-type과 가수분해능이 강화된 mutant 효소를 활용하여 waxy rice starch로부터 아밀로펙틴 클러스터를 제조하였다. SEC-MALLS-RI 분석법으로 CGTase wild-type과 mutant 효소가 처리된 시료의 평균 분자량을 확인한 결과 10분가량의 효소반응으로 두 반응 모두 평균 분자량은 104 ∼105 Da으로 급격히 감소하였음을 확인하였으며, 일정 반응 시간이 경과한 이후에는 더 이상 분자량의 감소가 일어나지 않음으로 미루어 시료가 아밀로펙틴 클러스터 단위로 분해되었으며 그 분자량은 104∼105 Da 정도임을 알 수 있다. 또한 MALDI-TOF/MS 분석을 통하여 CGTase wild-type은 다양한 종류의 cyclic 형태의 maltodextrin을 생성하고 있으며 mutant 효소는 주로 소량의 maltooligosaccharide들을 생산함을 확인하였다. To enzymatically prepare amylopectin cluster (APC), cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase I-5) and its mutant enzyme from alkalophilic Bacillus sp. I-5 were employed, after which the hydrolysis patterns of CGTase wild-type and its mutant enzyme toward amylopectin were investigated using multi-angle laser light scattering. CGTase wild-type dramatically reduced the molecular weight of waxy rice starch at the initial reaction, whereas the mutant enzyme degraded waxy rice starch relatively slowly. Based on the results, the molecular weight of one cluster of amylopectin could be about 104~105 g/mol. To determine production of cyclic glucans from amylopectin, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry was performed. CGTase I-5 produced various types of cyclic maltooligosaccharides from amylopectin, whereas the mutant enzyme hardly produced any.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        내적작동모델과 하나님 애착의 관련성 및 기독교 상담적 함의 : 다윗의 아들 압살롬의 시점에서

        신성희 ( Shin Sung Hee ),전혜연 ( Jeon Hye Yeon ),장동진 ( Jang Dongjin ) 한국복음주의상담학회 2023 복음과 상담 Vol.31 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine how parent-child relationship can affect attachment to God from the relationship between David and Absalom. For this purpose, a literature review was conducted to examine Absalom's attachment experience with his father from both the perspective of attachment theory and its portrayal in the Bible. Based on this examination, Christian counseling proposal was suggested. In the attachment theory, the internal working model refers specifically to the representational system of the self in relation to others. Analyzing the biblical account, it is evident that David was characterized as a father who turned away from pain and did not respond, a father who did not discipline, and a father who did not express love. According to Kirkpatrick's theory of attachment to God(2005), which states that attachment to one's father influences one's attachment to God, Absalom was not able to form a sufficiently secure attachment to God due to his relationship with David. This is evident because Absalom did not seek God in the moment of crisis nor expressed his distress to God. Therefore the implication of this study is to suggest necessary Christian counseling intervention methods for Christian parents and children to not have a distorted image of God and to be able to form a stable attachment to God.

      • 여대생의 생활습관 및 스트레스가 변비에 미치는 영향

        문지희,전혜연,강나영,김희정,배나영,양아롬,왕세미,하주영,이자형 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2004 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.38

        The purpose of this research is to analyze relationships among the habitual life, stress, and constipation and to help prevent and improve the constipation among women's university students. This is a descriptive interrelated research that has targeted women's university students. The data had been collected for 10 days, from December 22, 2003 to December 31, 2003. The survey was carried out to the 295 women's university students that had been randomly selected by visiting four-year-course colleges and universities in Seoul. The survey consists of 78 questions: five questions on the general trait, 11 questions on the habitual life, 51 questions on the stress, and 11 questions on the constipation. There are seven questions on the dietary life, four questions on exercising, and Shin Jung Ran's survey(2003) and Lee Ji Jung's survey(2001) was used as a reference. Yoon Ho Yul's five grade stress barometer(1996) was also used to measure the amount of stress. The collected data was analyzed by a real number, percentage, the arithmetical mean, the standard deviation, t-test, x²test using SPSS 10.00 for Windows Program. Results are as follow 1. Four to six cups of daily water intake was the highest by 50.0%. Students not have breakfast(55.7%) mostly because they did not have enough time(62.6%). Dinner was the most overeated meal by 72.3% and the most preferred food was meat by 42.0%. In the questions related to exercising, more than half of the students answered that they hardly do not exercise(58%), work out for less than 30minutes(67.3%), and exercised lightly(75.3%). 2. Students were suffering from stresses due to the personal relations(51.36±14.0426), scholastic achievement and personal direction(24.93±8.3037), financial conditions and family matters(20.28±8.1718) and social circumstances(2.7262). 3. In the defection part, the student's reply that they have more than five times of bowel movement on a weekly basis(48.3%), and that it takes three to five minutes to defecate(41.3%) were the highest. More than half of the students answered that their one time excrement quantity was between 30 grams to 60 grams(72.3%) and that it was normal(68.7%). In a question asking how it feels after the defecation(students were allowed to choose more than one answer), relieved and refreshed was the highest by 66.6%, an uncomfortable followed by 42.8%. 4.4% of the students answered that they suffer from strong abdominal pain during the defecation. The rest of the students answered that they do not have stomachache or that it was normal. The students were classified into the constipation group of 103 people(34.9%) and the normal group of 192 people(65.1%) under the devised definition of this research. 4. Students that live in dormitories and do their own cooking were more likely to have constipation than those that live in private residence or in a lodgins. 5. The research showed that there is a mutual relation between water in a day intake and the constipation. It means that the lesser water students drink, the more they suffer from the constipation. The number of times a student had a meal everyday and the constipation was interrelated. If a student had lesser or irregular meals in a day, they had more constipation. Preferred food and constipation was also interrelated. Students that preferred vegetable, fruit, and dairy products were more likely to belong in a normal/general group. 6. By dividing the stress factors into the lower categories, we were able to see that the total stress(t-2.063, p-0.040), personal relations(t-2.316, p-0.021), scholastic achievements and personal directions(t-20127, p-0.034) had mutual relation with the constipation. The constipation group(120.27±30.2708) was suffering from stronger level of stress than the normal group(112.97±28.1466). Through this study, we were able to verify that the few general traits, habitual life, and stress of the women's university students have mutual relations with the constipation.

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