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      • KCI등재

        Quality and Yield Characteristics of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Grown at Paddy Field in Spring Season

        임주성,조지홍,장동칠,진용익,박영은,천충기,김동운,유홍섭,이종남,김명준 한국원예학회 2013 원예과학기술지 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of quality and yield in potatoes grown at paddy field before rice transplantation during the spring season. Three potato cultivars (‘Jowon’, ‘Haryeong’,and ‘Goun’) were grown in Gangneung (asl 5 m) and Seocheon (asl 20 m). In both locations, weather condition belonged to the fourth zone (spring cropping) in potato production location’s distribution of Korea. Daily mean soil temperature in both the locations was 0.2-0.6℃ lower than air temperature, while soil moisture was adequate level to potato growth in spite of spring drought. TR ratio was not affected by location, but by cultivar. Specific gravity, starch content, dry matter rate, and yield were significantly influenced by location and by cultivar. There was no difference in total tuber number by location, however there was a large gap in marketable tuber yield according to locations and cultivars. There were high negative relationships between yield and main qualities such as dry matter rate and starch content, while high positive correlation was observed between main qualities. It was possible to produce potato before rice transplanting at drained paddy fields located in representative two locations of potato spring cropping and their characteristics in growth and quality were similar to those generally well known in upland cultivation. Paddy field was thought to be more favorable than upland in terms of available soil moisture supply against spring drought. Further research, however,was needed to increase soil temperature and also preliminary review on proper cultivar according to location seemed to be needed for high yield.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 감자동향 및 국산 품종의 현지생육과 수량특성

        임주성,박영은,조지홍,장동칠,최장규,박현진,서진희,이규빈,이종남,김경호,정진철 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        Russian Federation (RF) is the third largest potato producer in the world. For the last 26 years, total potato area has been decreased by 61.0% in RF and now amounts for 1,314 thousand ha in 2018. Total production has been decreased by 41.6% and was 22,395 thousand tons (TTs) in 2018. The yields per ha have increased 5.7 tons from 11.4 tons in 1992 to 17.1 tons in 2018. Import volumes of fresh potato and frozen potato have been steadily increased. Fresh potato’s imports increased 136 TTs for the last 25 years from 425 TTs in 1992 to 561 TTs in 2017. Frozen imports increased by 118 TTs and in 2017 were 118.4 TTs. In export, fresh potato shows dramatic rise recently and in 2017 was around 200 TTs. Exports of frozen potato were very small, 1.5 TTs in 2017. Over 400 varieties in potato have been registered in RF. Among them, 51.1% has been developed in RF including other CIS countries and the others were introduced from foreign countries. Annual consumption of potato per capita is around 110 kg and processing consumption is about 400 TTs. Every year, RF consumes more than 6,500 TTs of seed potato, while the imports of high quality seed potato are only 4~9 TTs. Most of 9 Korean cultivars grown at local fields of RF matured earlier than local cultivars, while showed lower yields and were more sensitive to the late blight. Among Korean cultivars, ‘Arirang-1ho’ and ‘Jopung’ with an early-maturity and high yields were judged as promising cultivars in RF. Due to the lack of realistic seed potato supply systems in RF, there has been an increasing demand on high quality seed potatoes. These circumstances might be beneficial for Korean seed potato companies to enter the RF’s potato market. 1. 러시아는 세계 3위 감자 생산 대국이며 감자는 밀과 함께 러시아의 중요한 식량작물로서 2018년 현재 약 1,314천ha에서 재배되고 있다. 2. 러시아의 감자 총생산량은 2018년 22,395천 톤 내외이며ha당 생산량은 1992년 11.4 톤에서 2018년 17.1 톤으로 5.7 톤 증가했다. 3. 신선감자와 냉동감자의 수입이 꾸준히 늘고 있으며 신선감자 수입은 지난 25 년동안 1992년 425천 톤에서 2017년561천 톤으로 136천 톤 증가했고 냉동감자 수입은 118.0천 톤증가하여 2017년 118.4천 톤이었다. 4. 신선감자 수출량은 최근 급증하여 2017년 현재 200천 톤내외인 반면 냉동감자 수출량은 2017년 1.5천 톤으로 매우 미미하였다. 5. 감자 품종의 경우 400종 이상이 등록되어 있으며 이들중 약 51.1%는 자체(CIS 국가 포함) 육성 품종이고 나머지는네덜란드, 영국 등 해외 도입종이다. 6. 러시아 국민 1인당 연간 감자 소비량은 110 kg 내외로지난 25년간 큰 변화가 없는 반면 가공용 감자 소비는 꾸준히감소하여 2017년 400천 톤 규모였다. 7. 매년 6,500천 톤의 씨감자가 사용되고 있는 반면 자체수급체계가 미비하고 고품질 씨감자의 수입도 4~9천 톤에 불과하여 씨감자 문제가 갈수록 심화되고 있다. 8. 우리나라 감자 9종의 현지 시험재배 결과, 현지품종 대비파종후 성숙은 빠른 반면 괴경수량이 적고 괴경의 평균 무게가 가벼우며, 역병저항성이 약한 편이었다. 다만 국산품종 중‘아리랑1호’, ‘조풍’은 조숙 및 다수성을 나타내어 현지 진출이유망할 것으로 판단되었다. 9. 구 소련 해체와 함께 고도의 씨감자 기술 및 체계가 붕괴된 러시아는 현재까지 씨감자 수급체계 및 기술이 낙후되어있고 고품질 씨감자에 대한 수요도가 높아 한국 씨감자 업체의 러시아 감자시장 진출 전망은 밝은 편이다.

      • KCI등재

        Sulforaphane and Total Phenolics Contents and Antioxidant Activity of Radish according to Genotype and Cultivation Location with Different Altitudes

        임주성,이응호,이종남,김기덕,김화영,김명준,Im, Ju-Sung,Lee, Eung-Ho,Lee, Jong-Nam,Kim, Ki-Deog,Kim, Hwa-Yeong,Kim, Myung-Jun Korean Society of Horticultural Science 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.3

        무 13종을 고도가 다른 3지역(강릉-해발5m, 진부-해발550m, 대관령-해발 750m)에서 재배하여 설포라판함량, 총페놀함량, 항산화성을 조사하였다. 설포라판함량은 재배지역과 품종에 따라 0.1-$120.5{\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$의 큰 차이가 있었으며 재배지역($P{\leq}0.001$), 품종($P{\leq}0.001$), 그리고 두 요소의 교호작용($P{\leq}0.01$)에 의해 영향을 받은 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 대관령에서 재배된 무 품종들은 다른 두 지역보다 설포라판함량이 높았으며, 품종들 중에는 검정무(근부, $107.8{\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$)와 푸른무(엽부, $120.5{\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$)가 가장 높았다. 총페놀함량은 근부의 경우 품종별($P{\leq}0.001$) 큰 차이가 있었으며, 품종 및 지대의 교호작용($P{\leq}0.01$)에 의해서도 영향을 받았으나, 지역에 따른 유의적 차이는 없었다. 엽에서는 근부와 달리 지역($P{\leq}0.01$)에 따라 차이가 있었으며, 품종별($P{\leq}0.001$) 그리고 지대와 품종의 교호작용($P{\leq}0.001$)에 의해서도 영향을 받았다. 전자공여능으로 분석한 항산화능은 재배지대와 품종, 그리고 두 요소의 교호작용에 의해 차이가 났다. 한편, 주요 시식부위인 무의 근부에서 총페놀함량과 항산화능의 상관성은 매우 높은 정의 상관(Pearson's r=0.897)을 보였으나 설포라판과 총페놀함량 및 설포라판과 항산화능은 상관성이 낮았다. 본 연구에서 무는 일반식품뿐만 아니라 기능성 식품의 원료로도 가치가 있음이 확인되었다. 또한, 건강기능성을 목적으로 한 무의 생산을 위해서는 품종과 재배지대의 선택이 중요하며, 지대가 높은 고랭지가 유리한 것으로 판단되었다. Sulforaphane (SFN) and total phenolics (TPC) contents and antioxidant activity (AA) were analyzed from 13 radish genotypes (Rhaphanus sativus L.), cultivated at 3 locations with different altitudes (Gangneung: asl 5 m, Jinbu: asl 550 m, and Daegwallyeong: asl 750 m). SFN varied greatly from 0.1 to $120.5{\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$ in dry weight test and was significantly affected by location ($P{\leq}0.001$), genotype ($P{\leq}0.001$) and $location{\times}genotype$ interaction ($P{\leq}0.01$). Radishes, cultivated at Daegwallyeong site, showed higher SFN than those of other locations. Among different genotypes, the root of 'Black radish' and leaves of 'Purunmu' of Daegwallyeong had the highest SFN (107.8 and $120.5{\mu}g{\cdot}g^{-1}$, respectively). TPC in root was affected by genotype ($P{\leq}0.001$), and $location{\times}genotype$ interaction ($P{\leq}0.01$), but not by location. In leaves, TPC was affected by location ($P{\leq}0.01$), genotype ($P{\leq}0.001$), and $location{\times}genotype$ interaction ($P{\leq}0.001$). AA expressed as electron donating ability was significantly influenced by location, genotype and $location{\times}genotype$ interaction and correlated positively with TPC ($Pearson's$ $r$=0.897) in root. These results suggest that radish could be a good source of functional food and high altitude location such as Daegwallyeong has potential for the production of radish with high content of health promoting factors.

      • KCI등재

        카자흐스탄의 감자산업 동향과 전망

        임주성,서상기,김미옥,천충기,박영은,조지홍,조광수,장동칠,최장규,이종남,구본철 한국국제농업개발학회 2018 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.30 No.3

        Potato cultivation area in Kazakhstan has been steadily increasing for ten years from 154,000 ha in 2006 to 186,000 ha in 2016. The production amounts are also increasing from 2,360,000 tons in 2006 to 3,550,000 tons in 2016. The average yield(/ha) was 19.0 ton in 2016 while 15.4 tons in 2006. The import volume increased by about 3.2 folds for seven years from 34,874 tons in 2006 to 112,323 tons in 2013. The import price(/ton) has been also showing steady increasing from $180(USD) in 2006 to $202(USD) in 2013. The export volume dramatically increased from 73 tons in 2006 to 8,455 tons in 2013. It shows that the potato trade with neighboring countries is very active recently. Kazakhstan need seed potato of around 700,000 tons each year, which is more than the total production yield (600,000 tons/ year) of Korean potato. Seed potatoes are imported from Europe by the private seed companies and then distributed to farmers after multiplications for two or three years. Potatoes are sown in May and harvested in September or October, which is similar to the summer cropping in Korean potato. The European cultivars such as ‘Sante’ and ‘Rodeo’ are preferred broadly due to their high temperature resistance, salt tolerance, long dormancy period, and yellow flesh color. Meanwhile, Early blight and Colorado potato beetle are known as the main problems at Kazakhstan potato fields. The big yield loss by insects or diseases during storage is one of the severe problems too. Considering the internal and external circumstances of Kazakhstan potato, it is expected that the Korea's high-quality seed potatoes and the post-harvest management technologies could be helpful to enter the Kazakhstan potato market effectively as well as to increase the market competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        우즈베키스탄 감자산업 및 국산 감자품종의 적응성 평가

        임주성,박영은,조지홍,장동칠,최장규,박현진,서진희,이규빈,천충기,이종남 한국국제농업개발학회 2019 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.31 No.4

        The potato cultivation area in Uzbekistan was increased by over 60% from 52,590 ha in 2006 to 84,142 ha in 2016. During the same periods, the amount of potato production was increased by over three folds and the average yield per ha was increased 80%, respectively. This result is attributed to the increase in the import and supply of European virus-free seed potato by macro seed companies. The potato import volume was increased rapidly from 6,912 tons in 2006 to 18,446 tons in 2013, while the export volume decreased from 112 tons in 2006 to 64 tons in 2013. Around 30,000 tons of virus-free seed potato (elite or super elite level) per year are supplied by government (under 1%), by macro import companies (over 90%), and by small import company (including commercial seed potato production farmers, 9%). The low self-sufficiency rate and the steady increasing price in the seed potato are expected to be a severe problem to farmers as well as government. In the southern plains, potato is grown in spring and autumn, while it is only grown in summer at highland. The main challenges during potato cultivation are damaged by early blight, colorado potato beetle, and potato tuber moth. The yield loss rate during storage is very high due to corruption and damages by insects. Meanwhile, most tubers of 13 Korean cultivars grown at Samarkant of Uzbekistan were damaged by physiological disorders due to environmental stress such as high temperature or salinity. These results suggest that potato cultivars with resistance against high temperature and salinity stress is one of the important prerequisites for ODA or export of Korean potatoes. In addition, it is necessary to reduce the yield loss through the technical support on post-harvest management along with an improvement of storage facilities within the major potato production regions. 1. 우즈베키스탄의 감자 재배면적은 2006년 52,590ha에서2016년 84,142ha로 최근 10년 사이 60% 늘었으며, 생산량은2006년 1,021천 톤에서 2016년 2,925천 톤으로서 3배 이상증가하였다. 2. 단위면적당 수량(/ha)은 2006년 19.4톤에서 2016년 34.8 톤으로 15.4톤 증가하였으며, 이는 유럽산 상위단계(elite 및super elite급) 씨감자의 수입이 늘었기 때문이다. 3. 감자 수입은 2006년 6,912톤에서 2013년 18,446톤으로7년 사이 11,000톤 이상 증가한 반면, 수출은 2006년 112톤에서 2013년 64톤 내외로 크게 감소하였다. 4. 톤당 수입가격은 591.6불로서 수출가격인 339.3불보다1.7배 고가이며, 이는 고품질 상위단계 씨감자의 수입에 반하여, 저가의 일반식용 감자가 수출되기 때문이다. 5. 우즈베키스탄에 공식 등록 감자 품종수는 73종(2013년기준)으로서 네덜란드산 45종, 독일산 11종, 폴란드산 2종, 러시아산 1종, 및 자체 육성 14종이 있으나, ‘산테’, ‘피카소’ 등유럽산 수입 품종들이 우점하고 있다. 6. 감자 주된 생산작형으로는 남부 평난지의 봄 가을 2기작과, 고랭지에서의 여름 단작이 있다. 7. 우리나라 감자 13품종의 현지 생육특성 평가 결과, 현지품종 대비 경장이 짧고 주당 괴경수와 괴경수량은 적었던 반면 괴경의 평균 무게는 무거웠다. 국산 품종에서 고온 고염등 환경스트레스에 의한 생리장해 발생이 많아 향후 현지 진출을 위한 품종 선발 시 내서성 등의 검토가 중요할 것으로판단된다. 8. 상위단계 씨감자 가격이 고가임에 따라 농가의 자가 채종이 늘면서 씨감자의 퇴화가 심하여, 고품질 씨감자에 대한농가 및 우즈베키스탄 정부의 ODA 수요는 꾸준히 증가할 것으로 전망된다. 9. 또한 우즈베키스탄 감자분야의 실질적 발전을 위해서는수확 전·후 관리기술 및 주요 거점지역 중심 저장시설 개선을통한 저장 중 높은 감모율의 경감이 우선되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        염스트레스가 감자(Solanum tuberosum L.)의 건물, 환원당, 무기성분의 함량 및 조성에 미치는 영향

        임주성,김미옥,홍미순,김미숙,천충기,박영은,조지홍,조광수,장동칠,최장규,이종남 한국환경농학회 2019 한국환경농학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        BACKGROUND: Salinity is one of the main environmental stresses deteriorating qualities as well as yields of food crops. This study was conducted to identify the effects of salt stress on dry matter ratio, glucose content, and mineral content and composition in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). METHODS AND RESULTS: Four potato varieties were grown in plastic pots (diameter 20 cm and height 25 cm) with three salinity levels (EC: 1.0, 4.0, and 8.0 dS/m) in a glasshouse. Dry matter ratio, specific gravity, starch, and glucose content in tubers harvested at 90 days after sowing were analyzed. Also, mineral contents (T-N, T-C, P2O5, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+) in stem, leaf, and tuber were investigated and statistically analyzed for analysis of variance (ANOVA). Dry matter ratio, specific gravity, and starch content in tubers were reduced in all varieties as the salt concentration increased. Glucose content tended to decrease according to the salt concentration. In ANOVA analysis of mineral contents, there were significant differences in K+ and Mg2+ of leaf and stem, in Na+ of leaf and tuber, and also in Ca2+ of leaf by the interactions of variety and salinity. In the case of K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+, the stem was more sensitively influenced by the salt treatment than the leaf or the tuber. The K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ decreased in leaf, stem, and tuber of four varieties, as the salt concentration became higher. The decreasing level varied according to the varieties. 'Kroda' and 'Duback' maintained relatively higher K+/Na+ and Ca2+/Na+ than 'Atlantic' or 'Goun' under the salt stress conditions. CONCLUSION: The composition and accumulation of minerals in potato plant as well as dry matter ratio, starch, and glucose contents were significantly influenced by salt stress. The respond patterns were different depending on the varieties and it was related to the salt tolerance among varieties.

      • KCI등재

        몽골의 감자산업 현황과 전망

        임주성,조현묵,박영은,조지홍,조광수,김화영 한국국제농업개발학회 2017 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.29 No.2

        The potato production area in Mongolia can be divided into four regions such as central agricultural region, western agricultural region, eastern agricultural region, and gobi agricultural region based on climate and soil conditions. The potato cultivation area increased by over two times for twenty years from 7,806 ha in 1994 to 16,821 ha in 2012. Amounts of potato production also increased by over four times from 53,957 tons in 1994 to 245,935 tons in 2012. The average yield per ha increased by about 8 tons, 15.0 ton/ha in 2012 more than 6.9 tons/ha in 1994. This result is attributed to successful supply of virus-free seed potatoes through the ‘Mongolian Potato Program’ (MPP). The potato import volume decreased dramatically from 35,884 tons in 2008 to under 34 tons in 2013 and the export volume was 3,500 tons in 2013 and 4,800 tons in 2014. Potato breeding program in Mongolia began in the relatively recent years and the important selection criteria were yields, drought tolerance, early maturity, and deep yellow skin and flesh colored variety. The seed potato systems have been improved as follows: traditional clonal selection system(1974-1976), virus free tissue culture system(1988-1990), and MPP seed system( 2004-2008). In the future in Mongolia, combined potato processing facilities are needed for the overproduced potatoes. The official development assistance (ODA) fund being supported for 12 years was stopped along with MPP project termination in 2015, so Mongolia is faced with the difficulty that have to maintain the seed potato system by itself.

      • KCI등재

        고온 건조에 강한 감자 신품종 '아리랑1호' 육성

        임주성,박영은,조지홍,장동칠,최장규,박현진,서진희,이규빈,천충기,구본철 한국국제농업개발학회 2020 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        ‘Arirang-1ho’ is a new potato cultivar released by the Highland Agriculture Research Institute in 2018. The ‘Arirang-1ho’ was originated from a cross between ‘Frontier’ and ‘Daegwan 1- 117ho’ in 2011 and it was selected as a high yielding breeding clone with a good tuber formation and enlargement characteristic under the long-day and high temperature conditions. This cultivar was initially named ‘Daegwan 1-150ho’ after examining its characteristics and productivity at Tekes in Kazakhstan(Summer cropping) and at Gangneung(Spring cropping) and Daegwallyeong(Summer cropping) in Korea from 2014 to 2015. After the regional adaptability test from 2016 to 2018, ‘Arirang- 1ho’ was finally selected from ‘Daegwan 1-150ho’ as an elite cultivar. The ‘Arirang-1ho’ shows a strength vigorous growth as a semi-upright type. Tuber shape is a short-oval, and the color is a yellow in skin and flesh. The shoot length is around 67 cm, which is taller than the one of ‘Superior’ or ‘Sante’. There is no difference between ‘Arirang-1ho’ and the control cultivars in the number of shoots. Tuber numbers per plant are 9.0 which are more than those of ‘Superior’ (5.4 tubers/plant), while they are less than those of ‘Sante’ (14.1 tuber/plant). The average weight of tuber (96.1 g/tuber) is similar to that of ‘Superior’, and it is heavier than 38.9 g of ‘Sante’. Total weight of tubers per plant is 865 g, which is heavier than the one of ‘Superior’ (486 g) or ‘Sante’ (549 g). In diseases resistance, ‘Arirang-1ho’ showed the moderate resistance (MR) to Early blight or Late blight, while it showed the susceptibility to Viruses or Common scab. Its drought resistance was evaluated as the MR which was stronger than the one of ‘Superior’ or ‘Sante’. In specific gravity and dry matter rate, ‘Arirang-1ho’ was higher than ‘Superior’, while it was similar to ‘Atlantic’. The marketable tuber yield (MTY) in Korea was 3,360 kg·10a-1, 57% higher than ‘Superior’. MTY in Central Asia was 3,070 kg·10a-1, 55% higher than ‘Sante’. ‘Arirang- 1ho’ is suitable for the Central Asia as a high yield cultivar showing less physiological disorders under the long-day and high temperature conditions. 신품종 감자 ‘아리랑1호’는 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원 고령지농업연구소에서 2018년도 육성되었다. ‘아리랑1호’는‘Frontier’ 품종을 모본으로 하고 ‘대관1-117호’ 계통을 부본으로 2011년 교배하여, 장일 고온 조건에서 식물체 생육 및 괴경의 형성과 비대가 양호하여 다수확 할 수 있는 계통으로 선발되었다. 중앙아시아(여름재배)와 국내 평난지(강릉, 봄재배) 및 고랭지(대관령, 여름재배)에서 2014~2015년 생산력 검정을통해 ‘대관1-150호’로 계통명을 부여하고, 2016~2018년 지역적응성검정 시험을 거쳐 ‘아리랑1호’로 명명하였다. ‘아리랑1 호’의 초형은 반직립형으로서 초세가 강하고 왕성하다. 괴경모양은 짧은 계란형이며, 괴경 색깔은 표피와 육질부 모두 황색이다. ‘아리랑1호’의 경장은 67.1 cm로 대조품종인 ‘수미’, ‘산테’보다 긴 반면, 경수는 3개 내외로 대조품종과 유사하다. 주당 괴경수는 9.0개로 ‘수미’(5.4개) 보다 많은 반면, ‘산테’ (14.1개)보다 적다. 괴경당 평균 무게와 포기당 총 괴경중은 각각 96.1 g 및 865 g으로서 대조품종보다 무겁다. 겹둥근무늬병과 역병에 대하여 중도저항성이며, 바이러스병과 더뎅이병에있어서는 감수성을 나타낸다. 건조에 대한 저항성은 ‘산테’나‘수미’보다 강한 중도저항성으로 평가되었다. 비중과 건물율은‘수미’보다 높고 ‘대서’와 유사하며, 감자칩 품질은 ‘대서’와 같이 우수한 것으로 평가된다. ‘아리랑1호’의 단위면적당 상서수량은 국내의 경우 3,360 kg·10a-1으로 ‘수미’ 보다 57% 더 많고, 중앙아시아에서는 3,070 kg·10a-1으로 ‘산테’ 보다 약 55% 더 많았다. 신품종 감자 ‘아리랑1호’는 장일 고온 건조한 지역에서 기형, 이차생장 등이 적고 다수성을 나타내어 중앙아시아 등 해외 진출에 유망한 품종으로 판단된다.

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