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      • KCI등재

        이인석상등병의 전사와 ‘죽음의 정치성’

        정안기(鄭安基) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.76

        The army special volunteer system of colonial Korea has been characterized as an “embarrassing dilemma and mystery” in studies of modern Korean history. This study attempts to reconstruct and reinterpret the death of Corporal Lee In-Seok-the first army special volunteer soldier killed in action-in the context of colonial political history. To do so, it regards the volunteer system as a historical prism for analyzing the political dependence and interactions between colonial authorities and colonized communities. In the 1940s, Corporal Lee was hailed not only as a loyal spirit of the Korean people and a war hero of their troubled nation but also as a symbol of honorable, patriotic sacrifice. He was the first Korean soldier to be killed in battle during the Sino-Japanese War, in which he was engaged under the army special volunteer system. He is known to have died in June 1939, with a shout of “Hurrah for His Majesty the Emperor.” Contrary to popular belief, however, the death of Corporal Lee was neither so glorious nor heroic as to demonstrate his loyalty to the imperial spirit of Japan. Colonial authorities and Korean political forces that were in pursuit of different political ends hailed and idealized him as a Korean war hero fully motivated by imperial Japanese spirit, rather than by Korean national spirit. As a result, Corporal Lee In-Seok, who had lived his life as a humble individual from a remote mountain village in Okcheon, Chungnam Province, was reborn through the politics of death as a symbol for propaganda driving the institutional completion of naeseon ilche-or the “Korea and Japan are one entity” policy-in the 1940s (including conscription, political rights and compulsory education) or as an icon of the J apanization ideology that stimulated the national pride of Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        일반인구에서 자살사고와 혈장 C반응단백 농도의 연관성 : 국민건강영양조사

        이정안,박선철,김경미,이봉주,박성우,서미경,이정구 대한우울조울병학회 2018 우울조울병 Vol.16 No.1

        Objectives : The purpose of this study is to inquire into the relationship between the association of suicidal ideation and the plasma C-reactive protein level in the general population. Methods : This study selected a total of 5,090 subjects who have responded to the survey item on suicidal ideation status, and received the plasma C-reactive protein test, as a research subject using the 2015 data of the National Health and Nutrition Survey. This study conducted a covariance analysis by correcting a potential influence of demographic and hematological factors. Besides, this study intended to define the cut-off value of the optimum plasma C-reactive protein level, which once identified can distinguish between a subject with and without suicidal ideation using the model of the decision tree. Results : The Plasma C-reactive protein level of a subject having suicidal ideation was noted as being significantly higher than the one having no suicidal ideation in the covariance analysis (p=0.046). In addition, the proper cut-off value of the plasma C-reactive protein level between the subjects with and without suicidal ideation was found to be 1.30 mg/L (p=0.003). Conclusion : It is noted that the high plasma C-reactive protein level showed a significant correlation with individuals with noted suicidal ideation. In addition, this study has significance in that it presented that the plasma C-reactive protein concentration has the possibility as an accurate and significant marker of suicidal ideation in the general population.

      • KCI등재

        Where is the Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Signaling Pathway in Depression?

        이정안 대한우울조울병학회 2022 우울조울병 Vol.20 No.2

        Although the pathophysiology of depression has not been clearly elucidated yet, the mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) signaling pathway has recently taken an increasingly important position in the pathophysiology of depression. In this review, preclinical and clinical studies of depression related to the mTOR signaling pathway will be summarized to explore the current position of mTOR in depression. Because the role of mTOR in the mechanism of the antidepressant effect of ketamine has been attracting attention, related studies will also be reviewed. Summarizing these studies, this review would like to suggest the basis and future direction for treatment and research of depression.

      • KCI등재

        전태일의 글쓰기 변화과정과 그 의미 - <내 죽음을 헛되이 말라>를 중심으로

        이정안 한국현대소설학회 2018 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.72

        In the 1970s, a different genre of literature has been salient in Korean literature. Namely, the labors who were in necropolitical labor vividly described how their lives have been exploited. In particular, Jeon Tae-Il’s diaries, letters and memoirs played a vital role in contributing to both arising labor literature and labor memoirs in the 1970s and narrativizing the workers’ rights activists in the 1980s. Do Not Make My Death Futile is the collection of Jeon Tae-Il’s memoirs, letters, and diaries. In the book, it is noticeable that Jeon Tae-Il’s writings were gradually transformed in a distinctive way. To be more specific, while Jeon Tae-Il wrote mainly diaries and memoirs in the early stage of his writings, he wrote letters and a draft for a novel in the late stage. Thus, Jeon Tae-Il writings had been stylistically sophisticated and he had been slowly aware of the readers. Interestingly, Jeon Tae-Il’s biography excludes his diaries about his unrequited love because this kind of diaries would blemish his reputation as workers’ rights activists. From 1969, when he organized Babohoe (literally The Fools), Jeon Tae-Il’s writing was not confined into a private area. Rather, his writing was turned into reader-oriented writing and he was clearly aware of readers. In his letter to Won-Seop, describing a man with driver’s hat, Jeon Tae-Il configured a labor who was in extreme work condition and was estranged from human being’s Gattungswesen (species-essence). By configuring a typical character instead of describing the inner world and private experience, Jeon Tae-Il’s scope of writing was extended. Furthermore, Jeon Tae-Il attempted to revise his memoir by shifting viewpoints on the same event and describing the same event differently. These attempts reflect his desire to dramatize events. While his diary lacks a coherent narrative, his memoir shows an impressive narrativity. The latent desire to the novel in his memoir and his narrative made Jeon Tae-Il write three drafts for novels. In the end, by creating fictional characters and constructing plots, Jeon Tae-Il attempted to write a novel. The transformation of Jeon Tae-Il’s writing can be wrapped up in two aspects: First, the scope of his writing had been gradually extended from private writing to reader-orient writing. Second, his writing evolved into narrative-oriented writing. The reason why Jeon Tae-Il attempted to write a novel seems to be related to the strong social impact of a novel in the 1970s. 1970년대에는 죽음정치적 노동에 종사하던 노동자들이 어떻게 자신의 생명이 착취당하고 있는가를 생생히 기록한 글들이 증가한다. 전태일의 수기와 편지, 일기 등은 1970년대 노동소설, 노동수기의 출현과 1980년대 노동열사 서사에 중추적인 역할을 담당하였다. 전태일의 수기, 편지, 일기 등을 모은 『내 죽음을 헛되이 말라』을 살펴보면 전태일의 글쓰기가 일기, 회상수기, 편지, 소설초안의 순으로 진행됨을 확인할 수 있다. 열병과 같은 짝사랑의 감정을 토로한 전태일의 일기는 노동열사로서 완결된 그의 서사를 약화시킬 가능성이 있었기 때문에 추후 평전에서 제외되게 된다. 사적공간에 남아있던 전태일의 글쓰기는 그가 바보회를 조직하였던 1969년을 기점으로 수신자를 의식한 글쓰기로 바뀌게 된다. 전태일은 원섭에게 보내는 편지에서 운전수 모자를 쓴 사내를 통해 유적 존재를 탈취당하는 노동자의 모습을 형상화하였으며, 이러한 전형적 인물의 형성화는 그동안 일기라는 사적 공간에 머물러있던 전태일의 글쓰기 공간이 확장됨을 시사된다. 또한 같은 내용을 두고 시점과 특정 장면의 연출을 달리하여 다시 쓰기를 시도하고 있는 전태일의 회상수기에는, 사건을 극적으로 ‘보여주고’ 싶어 하는 전태일의 욕망이 드러난다. 서사가 부재하였던 일기와 달리 그의 회상수기는 강한 서사성을 띤다. 전태일의 자기서사 안에 내장되어 있던 소설에 대한 욕망은 그로 하여금 세 편의 소설 초안을 작성하게 만든다. 전태일은 허구적 인물을 창조하고 서사를 구축함으로써 소설쓰기에 도전한다. 이와 같이 전태일의 글쓰기는 독자를 두지 않는 글쓰기에서 청자(독자)를 의식하는 글쓰기이자 서사성을 지향하는 글쓰기로 바뀌어갔다. 전태일의 글쓰기가 점차 소설에 가까운 형태를 취하게 된 이유는, 당시 소설이 사회 전반에 행사하고 있던 막강한 영향력과 관계가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        1930년대 조선형 특수회사,「조선압록강수력발전(주)」의 연구

        정안기(An Ki Joung) 중앙대학교 중앙사학연구소 2018 중앙사론 Vol.0 No.47

        As part of a research project on Korean special-purpose companies of the 1930s, this study empirically examined the formation and management of Joseon Amnokgang Waterpower Corporation which had undertaken the development of water power on the Amnokgang River since September 1937. In August 1937, the Japanese Government- General of Korea signed a joint operation agreement with Manchukuo to establish Joseon Amnokgang Waterpower Corporation. The company was an ordinary corporation formed by the pooling of private resources, unlike Manchuria Amnokgang Waterpower Corporation characterized as a government-owned special-purpose business entity. Furthermore, by setting up the Korea-Manchuria Amnokgang Joint Technical Committee, the Amnokgang Waterpower Development Committee and the Amnokgang Dam Technical Committee, the Japanese Government- General of Korea had the exclusively authority to supervise and control the overall progress of the Amnokgang River hydropower development project and was inextricably involved in the distribution of ownership. The first phase of the Amnokgang hydropower development plan was intended to build a global-scale dam and power plant in Supung, which started operations in August. The Supung Power Plant served southern Manchuria and the northwestern area of Korea with its power-generating capacity for plentiful and cheap electricity, contributing to the rise of energy-intensive industries and the heavy and chemical industrialization in the areas. Joseon Amnokgang Waterpower Corporation was a strategic capital entity and typical Korean special-purpose company the Japanese Government-General of Korea assigned to promote the development of key industries, by mobilizing capital, technological capabilities and business resources from the private sector.

      • KCI등재

        식민지기 경성방직의 경영사적 연구

        정안기(Joung An-Ki) 고려대학교 아세아문제연구소 2006 亞細亞硏究 Vol.49 No.4

        This paper aims to clarify the characteristics of early management through specific review on the foundation of Kyungsong Spinning Co., Ltd.(the first cotton spinning company established eith Korea’s capital during the Japanese colonial period) in 1919 and its downfall due to ‘Sampum Speculation’, and its recovery process. Kyungsong Spinning Co., Ltd. was co?founded with landlords’ and merchants’ capital, by taking an chance of war boom (World War I) and ‘Colony Business Boom’ by Japanese capital. In 1920, however, the company went into a crisis due to the reckless speculative management known as ‘Sampum Speculation.’ With huge borrowings from the Joseon Siksan(Development) Bank and industrial subsidy from the Joseon General Government Office, the company managed to get over the crisis and resume the facility investment. Against an intense market pressure caused by cheap imported cotton(ex: 3A) in 1923, the cotton spinning company promoted a competition?avoiding production strategy and a nationalism?oriented management policy. Despite a great loss generated by a heavy flood in 1925, besides, the company made a profit from the sharp rise of cotton price. As of the end of fiscal year of 1926, therefore, the company offset the total loss that had been carried forward because of Sampum Speculation and normalized their business. The early management of Kyungsong Spinning Co., Ltd. can be seen as the recovery process from lax management and late dis advantage which can be compared to discreet management and competition?oriented management policy of the leading Joseon Spinning Co., Ltd., Because of Kyungsong Spinning Co., Ltd. early management, besides, the offspring of Empire which was seen as a recovery from the crisis by subsidy by profiting from the Joseon General Government Office?s development policy or the reconnaissance of great army that was considered as a recovery from the financial crisis through late profit and consequent lessons. Unlike the previous abstract history of the imperial policy or even the standardized market?oriented studies, therefore, this paper has taken the economic policy and market conditions as common management environment and focused on a logic of the internal growth of the modern Kyungsong Spinning Co., Ltd.

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