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      • KCI등재

        식민지 군수동원과 군수회사 체제의 연구-군수회사법의 조선 시행과 운용을 중심으로-

        정안기 한일경상학회 2014 韓日經商論集 Vol.63 No.-

        The Japanese Government General of Korea in October 1944 initiated a logistics mobilization policy in colonial Korea and designated munitions companies as part of the policy. This study aimed to empirically review the structure and characteristics of the logistics mobilization policy and munitions companies. To begin with, a total of 100 Korean munitions companies designated in the first or second round were listed and analyzed according to their business form, capital system, business line, ethnicity and asset scale. Further, from the perspective of business history, this study considered the realities of logistics mobilization by Korean capitalists such as Park Heung-sik, Shin Yong-wook and Paik Nak-seung among the designated munitions companies. The present work was intended to contribute to the accumulation of empirical studies regarding the history of wartime Korean economy or colonial logistics mobilization regimes. 본 연구는 1944년 10월 식민지 조선에서 조선총독부가 주도하는 군수 동원정책과 이에 대응하는 지정 군수회사의 구조와 특질을 실증적으로 검토하였다. 먼저, 제1-2차 지정 조선 군수회사 100사를 대상으로 회사형태별․자본계통별․업종별․민족별․자산규모별 집계분석을 실시하였다. 또한, 지정 군수회사 가운데 조선인 자본가 박흥식․신용욱․백낙승의 군수동원 혹은 군수협력의 실태를 기업사적 시점으로 구체적으로 검토하였다. 본 연구는 전시기 조선 경제사 연구 혹은 식민지 군수동원 체제와 관련한 실증연구 축적에 기여하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        식민지기 조선인 자본의 근대성 연구-경성방직(주)과 조선방직(주)과의 비교 시점에서-

        정안기 부경역사연구소 2009 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.25

        A study on the history of entrepreneurswho played an important role for the economic development of joseon during the colony has been conducted with the 20th-century historical view under which ‘imperialism and colony’ is seen as plundering- being plundered or ruling-resistance relationship. In other words, while ‘Joseon’s Capital=Native Capital or Comprador Capital’has been seen as the physical base/ subject of national economy which resisted against imperialism, the Japanese capital in joseon has been regarded as monopoly capital (a means of exploitation) and ignored in studies. However, the standardized research pattern-‘focusing on joseon’s capital only, ignoring Japanese capital’-has created a severely negative effect in Joseon. In otherwords, while the world economy is rapidly globalized, nationalistic whiplash against foreign buyout firm is still severe here in Korea. Therefore, it is urgent for Korea to establish correct sense of economy or economic viewpoint to narrow the current gap in domestic economic problems. In otherwords, it is necessary to investigate Japanese capitalists as well as Joseon’s capitalists during the Japanese colonial period. This paper has attempted to investigate the Japanese entrepreneurial activities during the colony and compare them with the entrepreneurial capital of Joseon. In other words, this paper has seen the relationship between Japanese and Joseon’s capital during the colony as the relationship between competition and mutual learning and tried to examine the entrepreneurial activities from the perspective of business history. For this, this paper has investigated the investment activities of joseon’s first cotton spinning company Chosun Spinning Co. (known as a subsidiary of Mitsui Conglomerate) and the localizing process of multinational companies’capital. In addition, this paper has tried to reevaluate the modernity of business management by seeing Kyungsung Spinning Co. as separate capital from the colony and nationalism. This kind of research perspective is based on a belief that the conventional studies have ignored facts, focusing on the theoretical framework such as Japan’s Korean Entrepreneurial Development Policy or Competence Development Movement by Gochang Kim family despite prominent research results confined to Kyungsung Spinning Co. and that the relative poor performance of Joseon’s capital during the colonial period was because of Korean entrepreneurs’ lack of management will and capability instead of political problems. In this paper, therefore, it has been tried to specify the business management Chosun Spinning Co. and Kyungsung Spinning Co. promoted during interwar era, examine the modernity of both companies and reinterpret the historical aspects of their entrepreneurial activities. A study on the history of entrepreneurswho played an important role for the economic development of joseon during the colony has been conducted with the 20th-century historical view under which ‘imperialism and colony’ is seen as plundering- being plundered or ruling-resistance relationship. In other words, while ‘Joseon’s Capital=Native Capital or Comprador Capital’has been seen as the physical base/ subject of national economy which resisted against imperialism, the Japanese capital in joseon has been regarded as monopoly capital (a means of exploitation) and ignored in studies. However, the standardized research pattern-‘focusing on joseon’s capital only, ignoring Japanese capital’-has created a severely negative effect in Joseon. In otherwords, while the world economy is rapidly globalized, nationalistic whiplash against foreign buyout firm is still severe here in Korea. Therefore, it is urgent for Korea to establish correct sense of economy or economic viewpoint to narrow the current gap in domestic economic problems. In otherwords, it is necessary to investigate Japanese capitalists as well as Joseon’s capitalists during the Japanese colonial period. This paper has attempted to investigate the Japanese entrepreneurial activities during the colony and compare them with the entrepreneurial capital of Joseon. In other words, this paper has seen the relationship between Japanese and Joseon’s capital during the colony as the relationship between competition and mutual learning and tried to examine the entrepreneurial activities from the perspective of business history. For this, this paper has investigated the investment activities of joseon’s first cotton spinning company Chosun Spinning Co. (known as a subsidiary of Mitsui Conglomerate) and the localizing process of multinational companies’capital. In addition, this paper has tried to reevaluate the modernity of business management by seeing Kyungsung Spinning Co. as separate capital from the colony and nationalism. This kind of research perspective is based on a belief that the conventional studies have ignored facts, focusing on the theoretical framework such as Japan’s Korean Entrepreneurial Development Policy or Competence Development Movement by Gochang Kim family despite prominent research results confined to Kyungsung Spinning Co. and that the relative poor performance of Joseon’s capital during the colonial period was because of Korean entrepreneurs’ lack of management will and capability instead of political problems. In this paper, therefore, it has been tried to specify the business management Chosun Spinning Co. and Kyungsung Spinning Co. promoted during interwar era, examine the modernity of both companies and reinterpret the historical aspects of their entrepreneurial activities.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 육군특별지원병의 군사적 역량

        정안기 육군군사연구소 2018 군사연구 Vol.- No.146

        This study aims to empirically elucidate that Army Special Volunteers from Korea who had served as loyal advance guards of imperial Japan during the colonial period stayed loyal and patriotic to their own country Korea as the bulwark of national defense after its liberation from Japanese rule in 1945. Many of those with a military background as Army Special Volunteers under Japanese colonial rule were trained in 1946 at Military English Language School, the Korea National Guard Academy or the Korea Military Academy and were reborn as army officers to work on the frontlines of Korea's national defense. They attended primary school during the period of Japanese colonial rule and served in the Japanese military through the Army Volunteer Training Center under the Japanese Government-General of Korea. This eventually led them to internalize Japanese emotions and sentiments and learn the values of obedience and loyalty to their nation's orders and self-sacrifice for their people. Further, they gained a lot of military expertise and practical experience during their participation in the Sino-Japanese War and the Asia-Pacific War in 1930s-1940s and contributed to thwarting Stalin's and Kim Il-sung's war plans while serving as frontline commanders during the Korean War of 1950-1953. They tended to reveal the mentality of the Japanese military in their views of the nation, life and death, and military service and remained on a roll as top-notch officers of the Korean army, including Army Chief of Staff, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Minister of National Defense. Typical examples include Lieut. Gen. Choi Gyeong-nok, Lieut. Gen. Ham Byeong-seon and Major Gen. Lim Butaek, and Lieut. Gen. Song Yochan who held the positions of Army Chief of Staff, Minister of National Defense and even Prime Minister between 1950s-1960s. The present study is an attempt to elucidate the historical context where in the capability of Korea's armed forces during the founding period of the Republic of Korea and the Korean War could never be dissociated from the military legacies of the Japanese colonial period. 이 연구는 육군특별지원병 출신 군사 경력자들이 식민지기 일본 천황에 충성을 맹세하는 ‘제국의 첨병’이었지만, 1945년 해방 이후에는 새로운 조국 대한민국에 진충보국하는 ‘조국의 간성’이었음을 군사적 역량과 관련해서 실증분석하였다. 연구 방법은 국방부의 전사와 본인의 회고 그리고 관계자 증언을 대조·확인하는 크로스 체깅(cross checking)의 방법을 적용하였다. 육군특별지원병 출신 군사 경력자들은 1946년 군사영어학교 등 다양한 군사학교를 거쳐 대한민국 육군 초급장교로 변신하였다. 이들은 식민지기 중일전쟁과 아시아태평양전쟁에 참전해서 전문적인 군사지식과 풍부한 실전경험을 쌓았다. 또한, 국가의 명령에 대한 복종, 충성, 희생의 사회적 가치를 내면화하였다. 이들은 6·25전쟁기 최일선 부대장으로 스탈린을 비롯한 국제 공산주의 세력의 남침 기도를 초전에 저지·분쇄하는 발군의 군사적 역량을 발휘하였다. 이들은 1950~60년대 대한민국 육군 60만 대군을 통괄하는 육군참모총장, 합참의장, 국방장관으로 활약하였다. 대표적인 인물은 육군참모총장, 국방장관, 내각수반의 지위에 올랐던 송요찬 중장을 시작으로 최경록 중장, 함병선 중장, 임부택 소장 등이었다. 그럼에도 그 동안 이들은 학계와 사회로부터 정당한 평가를 받지 못하였다. 그 점에서 이 연구의 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        제국의 농정, 조선면화증산정책의 연구 - 제2차(1919-1928년) 조선면작장려정책을 중심으로 -

        정안기 한일경상학회 2010 韓日經商論集 Vol.47 No.-

        Due to ‘Japan’s Cotton Crisis’ caused by sharp decline in cotton import from India after the outbreak of World War I and the satisfying result of the 1st upland cotton production encouragement policy which was led by the Joseon Governor General office since 1913, the 2nd Joseon cotton crop production encouragement policy (a 10-year plan from 1919 to 1928) was promoted. In other words, Japanese spinning industry had been mostly dependent on Indian cotton since the late 1890s. Because of a shortage of the promissory notes (means of payment for Indian cotton) issued by the British Empire in India after the outbreak of the 1st World War, Japan fell into a great trouble. Because of sharp increase in silver price and short of Rupee after the outbreak of World War I, the British Empire in India reduced the issuance of its promissory notes at the end of 1916. Therefore, Japan had to import American cotton, find a way of resuming the payment system and review a cotton production increase plan in chosun. The final plan was the 2nd Joseon cotton crop production encouragement policy (a 10-year plan from 1919 to 1928). Unlike the 1st upland cotton production encouragement policy, Japanese empire encouraged to produce upland cotton in three southern districts and regular cotton in Gyeonggi and northern areas under the 2nd cotton production encouragement plan. As a result, Joseon cotton production sharply increased in 1920 despite the economic crisis since the outbreak of the 1st World War. Since 1926, however, the cotton manufacturing industry started to decline due to global cotton crisis. This paper has attempted to investigate the background, performance and production conditions of the 2nd Joseon cotton production encouragement policy which was one of the Japanese empire’s agricultural administration policies. In fact, a study on the manufacture of Joseon cotton during the 1920s is inevitable in analyzing Joseon economy during interwar era in the context of the economic history of Asia or world economic history which sees Asian economic development as economic interdependence and complement instead of regarding the relation between imperialism and colony as ‘ruling-being ruled’ or ‘plundering-being plundered’relationship.

      • KCI등재

        戰時期 조선방직의 對 滿洲投資와 營口紡織 : 경성방직과 比較經營史의 관점에서

        정안기 부산경남사학회 2003 역사와 경계 Vol.48 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to thoroughly examine the overall management structure of the Chosun Spinning Company, which was Korea's first textile manufacturing company to use a mechanical system, and its investment in Manchuria. In 1930s, with improved profitability and colonial reorganization of the cotton textile market in Manchuria, the Chosun Spinning Company started making a full-scale investment in Manchuria through its core affiliate "The Yeonggu Spinning Company." Furthermore, since the outbreak of Chinese-Japanese War, the Yeonggu Spinning Company could have achieved higher performance than its parent company "Chosun Spinning Company" by setting up a coherent manufacturing system in reaction to Manchuria's unique market conditions and controlling policies. During the World War Ⅱ since 1939, however, the Yeonggu Spinning Company had to cut down operations and experience sharp reduction in profit due to the fierce internal competition between Manchuria's cotton textile businesses and the shortage of raw cotton. In order to get over this unfavorable situation, the Yeonggu Spinning Company promoted diversificationin munitions with the establishment of a number of affiliates. As you can see, the investment of the Yeonggu Spinning Company in Manchuria and its management during the war get us to pay attention to the previous study subjects regarding the Chosun Spinning Company-such as a great amount of capital accumulation during the war, its conditions, and the penetration of the Kyungsung Spinning Company to Manchuria-as part of comparative management. Therefore, based on the comparative analysis with the Kyungsung Spinning Company, this study examined the management status of the Yeonggu Spinning Company, which was the leading one in Manchuria investment during the war in terms of corporate governance, business management, and financial structure focusing on its internal operation and growth of capital during the war.

      • KCI등재후보

        해방 전후 삼화제철(주)의 경영사 연구

        정안기 강원사학회 2017 江原史學 Vol.0 No.29

        This study is a work of business history that examines logistical mobilization and entrepreneurial activities in colonies during the 1940s, the structure and characteristics of the Korean steel industry in wartime, and its steel production capacity from wartime to post-liberation, with a focus on the formation and business operations of Korekawa Steel Co., Ltd. in the 1940s and Samhwa Steel Co., Ltd. after the liberation of Korea in 1945. The founder of Korekawa Steel established with a capital of one million Korean won at the end of 1943 is Korekawa Kinnzou who was widely known as an “undaunted entrepreneur” in the colonial period and a “daring adventurer” in the postwar Japanese stock market. In the 1940s, after founding the steel company with full support from the Japanese Government-General of Korea and government-run Oriental Development Company, Korekawa pushed forward the business of small-scale furnace-based steelmaking with the facility funds of Industrial Facilities Corporation, a government-run financial institution, and working funds of Wartime Finance Bank. However, Korekawa Steel experienced poor operational performance due to technical failures in anthracite steelmaking, serious resource limitations, and sharply increased costs. The corporate governance of Korekawa Steel was so weak and vulnerable that it was impossible for the company to maintain its business status without financial assistance and active support from the government. After liberation, Korekawa Steel was succeeded by Samhwa Steel Corporation, but since wartime it had failed to overcome resource and technical limitations and its operations had remained in serious trouble. In May 1958, Samhwa Steel Corporation was eventually sold to Seol Dosik, president of Beomhan Trading Co., Ltd., making a fresh start as Korea’s first private steel company under the name of Samhwa Steel Co., Ltd. However, the relaunched company still struggled with poor operational performance even after the sale. In October 1973, Samhwa Steel was acquired by Dongkuk Steel Mill Co., Ltd. and reorganized into a quicklime calcination plant. In 1991, Daedong Construction Co., Ltd. acquired the Samhwa Steel Mill and dismantled its production facilities to work on the construction of apartment buildings on the site. 이 연구는 1940년대 전반 是川제철(주) 혹은 해방 이후 삼화제철(주)의 설립과 경영 활동을 대상으로 1940년대 식민지 군수동원과 기업가 활동, 전시기 조선 철강업의 구조와 특질, 해방 전후 철강 생산력의 계승 여부를 검토하는 경영사 연구이다. 1943년 말 자본금 100만 원으로 설립된 是川제철(주) 창업자는 식민지기 ‘七顚八起의 기업가’ 혹은 전후 일본의 주식시장에서 ‘최후의 승부사’로도 널리 회자되는 是川銀藏이다. 1940년대 是川은 국책회사 동양척식(주)과 조선총독부의 파격적인 지원으로 是川제철(주)을 설립했고, 국책금융기구 산업설비영단의 시설자금과 전시금융금고의 운전자금으로 소형 용광로 제철사업에 진출하였다. 그러나 是川제철(주)의 전시경영은 무연탄 제철의 기술적 결함, 심각한 자원적 제약, 급격한 원가 상승으로 심각한 조업 부진을 면치 못하였다. 그래서 是川제철(주)은 정부의 적극적인 지원과 금융수혈이 없이는 사업의 계속성 확보가 곤란한 경영의 피동체로 전락하였다. 해방 이후 是川제철(주)은 삼화제철공사로 계승되었지만, 전시기 이래 자원 및 기술적 제약을 극복할 수 없었고, 심각한 조업부진의 연속이었다. 1958년 5월 삼화제철공사는 범한무역(주) 사장 설도식에게 불하되면서 대한민국 최초 민간 제철의 삼화제철(주)로 재출발하였다. 그러나 민간 불하 이후에도 삼화제철(주)은 조업 부진을 극복할 수 없었고, 1973년 10월 동국제강(주)이 삼화제철소를 인수해서 생석회 燒成공장으로 활용하였다. 1991년 대동건설(주)은 삼화제철소를 인수해서 아파트 건설 부지로 전용하게 되면서 제철설비 일절을 매각·철거하고 말았다.

      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 조선총독부의 중소상공업정책의 연구

        정안기 한국민족운동사학회 2011 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.67

        The purpose of this paper is to identify the backgrounds and specific conditions behind the trade and industrial policies for small and medium enterprises the Japanese Government-General of Joseon had promoted since the Sino-Japanese War of 1937. The industry of Joseon that grew on the basis of civilian demands in the early 1930s was being transmuted into the munitions industry centered on mining and manufacturing under full economic control with the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. Above all, the priority distribution of limited resources and the all-out trade control intended for foreign currency savings sharply reduced the inflow of consumer goods from Japan, and this constricted the mining-and-manufacturing-centered “munitions industrialization” of Joseon which was then in the state of rapid expansion. Accordingly, the Japanese Government-General of Joseon could not help but push aggressive policies for attraction and promotion of small and medium businesses in the commercial and industrial sectors to expand munitions production in response to the self-supply of consumer goods and mobilize capital for military purposes. Further, the Japanese Government-General sought to attract Japanese small and medium enterprises facing business reorganization to the Joseon Peninsula for the purpose of maximizing self-supply in the light industry sector. Those industrial policies of the Japanese Government-General were independent of and distinguished from Japan's high-handed policies of the 1940s for expansion of munitions production in the country by forced business reorganization. In conclusion, the findings suggest that the Japanese Government-General of Joseon in wartime not just complied with the imperial government’s policies but also formulated and enforced commercial and industrial policies for attraction and promotion of small and medium businesses in view of the political and economic situations of Joseon. 본 논문의 목적은 1937년 중일전쟁 이후 조선총독부가 추진한 중소상공업정책의 추진 배경과 구체적인 실태를 밝히는데 있다. 1930년대 전반 民需를 기반으로 성장한 조선공업화는 1937년 중일전쟁 발발에 따른 본격적인 경제통제를 배경으로 광공업 중심의 軍需공업화로 변질하였다. 특히 한정된 자원의 중점배분과 외화절약을 의도한 무역통제의 본격화는 일본 국내로부터의 소비재 이입의 격감을 초래하는 한편, 이는 급격한 확대 국면에 있던 광공업 중심의 조선지역 군수공업화를 제약하는 것이었다. 따라서 조선총독부는 소비재의 자급화에 따른 군수부문의 확충과 조선인 자본의 軍需動員을 목적으로 적극적인 중소상공업의 유지ㆍ육성정책을 추진하지 않으면 안되었다. 나아가 조선총독부는 경공업 부문의 자급화를 위해 일본 국내로부터 기업정비에 직면한 중소기업의 조선유치를 추진하였다. 이러한 조선총독부의 중소상공업정책은 1940년대 일본 국내에서 강압적인 기업정비에 의한 군수부문 확충정책과 구별되는 독자적인 산업정책이었다. 이러한 실태는 전시기 조선총독부가 제국정부의 方針에 일방적으로 順應했던 것만이 아니라 조선지역의 정치경제적 사정을 반영해서 維持ㆍ育成을 특징으로 하는 중소상공업정책을 추진했음을 시사한다.

      • 1930년대 조선형특수회사, 조선광업진흥(주)의 연구

        정안기 대한경영학회 2015 대한경영학회 학술발표대회 발표논문집 Vol.2015 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 1930년대 조선 공업화 연구와 조선형특수회사 연구의 일환으로 1930년대 후반 식민지 조선에서 광업국책을 담당했던 朝鮮鑛業振興(주)의 설립과 경영의 전체상을 실증적으로 검토하는데 있다. 1930년대 식민지 조선경제는 식민본국 일본경제의 중화학공업화에 따른 특수 광물시장 확대를 배경으로 특수 광물광산 개발이 급진전하였다. 그 과정에서 조선총독부는 일본 광업자본의 조선 유치를 목적으로 계획적인 광상조사와 적극적인 광산 개발을 추진하는 광업국책을 결정하였다. 1940년 6월 조선총독부는 조선광업진흥주식회사령 공포와 함께 역내외 민간자본을 동원해서 자본금 1,000만 원의 조선광업진흥(주)을 설립하였다. 그 과정에서 조선총독부는 6개년에 걸친 6% 주주배당의 보증, 납입자본금 5배의 사채 발행과 원리금 보증, 설립 이후 10개년에 걸친 광산세 면제 혜택을 제공하였다. 조선광업진흥의 주력사업은 특수 광물 광산의 경영, 특수광물의 매매와 할당, 광업금융 등이었지만, 1943년 말에 이르러 조선지역의 금광업 정비사업을 겸하였다. 조선형특수회사 조선광업진흥(주)의 사례는 식민지기 조선총독부가 단순한 식민통치의 헤게모니 혹은 수탈기구로만 존재했던 것이 아니라 변화하는 경제환경에 대응하는 합리적인 경제제도와 산업정책의 설계자 혹은 실행자라는 자본주의 식민정부로 행동했음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        만주국기 조선인의 만주 이민과 鮮滿拓殖(주)

        정안기 동북아역사재단 2011 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.31

        본 논문은 이민제도사의 시각에서 1930년대 조선인의 만주국 이민을 새롭게 검토하는데 있다. 즉, 1936년 설립된 국책 이민회사 선만척식(鮮滿拓植)과 그 자회사 만선척식(滿鮮拓植)의 설립 경위와 사업 내용 그리고 1941년 일본인의 만주국 이민 전담기구였던 만주척식공사(滿洲拓植公社)와의 통합·해산에 이르는 일련의 과정이다. 1931년 만주국 성립 이후 자유방임의 자발적 이민을 특징으로 했던 조선인의 만주이민은 1936년 선만척식(주)과 자회사 만선척식(주)의 설립을 계기로 해서 양적, 질적, 지역적 제한을 특징으로 하는 계획과 통제의 정책이민으로 바뀌었다. 이후 모회사 선만척식(주)은 주로 북선개척사업과 자회사 만선척식(주)에 대한 투자와 대부사업을 담당했던 반면, 자회사 만선척식(주)은 동아권업(東亞勸業)을 흡수해서 조선인의 신규 입식을 위한 토지매입과 영농자금 대부 그리고 자작농 창정사업을 담당하였다. 이러한 민족차별을 특징으로 하는 조선인의 만주이민정책은 1937년 중일전쟁 발발에 따른 재만 조선인의 전시협력과 오족협화(五族協和) 이데올로기에 대한 제도적 대응이 불가피하게 되었다. 그 결과, 1941년 선만척식(주)은 동양척식(東洋拓植)으로 흡수·합병되어 북선개발(北鮮開發)로 재편되었던 반면, 자회사 만선척식(주)은 당시 일본인의 만주이민을 전담했던 만주척식공사에 통합되었다. 결국, 조선인의 만주이민은 만주척식공사에 통합되면서 형식적으로 일본인 이민에 준하는 위치를 차지하기에 이르렀다. 이러한 만선척식(주)과 만주척식공사와의 통합은 1937년 중일전쟁의 영향을 반영한 만주국 건국이념이었던 오족협화 이데올로기의 제도적 완성으로도 간주할 수 있을 것이다. 이상, 만주국 시기 조선인 만주이민정책은 종래 연구가 관동군의 이니셔티브를 강조했던 것과는 달리 조선총독부가 보다 주도적인 역할을 담당하였다. 그래서 당시에는 선만척식(주)의 설립을 ‘우가키(宇垣)정책의 백미(白眉)’라고까지 회자(膾炙)되었다. 이상의 경위를 고려하면, 1930년대 조선인 만주이민정책의 플래너(planner) 혹은 디자이너(designer)는 바로 조선총독부였다고 하겠다. This paper intends to newly examine the formation and use of the immigration policy for Joseon farmers into Manchuria in the 1930s. For this purpose, it will put its focus on the foundation background and the business details of Seonman Colonization Co., Ltd., which was a state policy immigration company founded in 1936, and Manseon Colonization Co., Ltd., the affiliated company of Seonman Colonization. It will also pay its attention to the whole process that Manseon Colonization became unified into Manchu Colonization. In 1931 after Manchuria was built up, Joseon people’s immigration into Manchuria was characterized by permissive voluntary immigration, but it was changed into plan,control-based policy immigration with quantitative, qualitative, and regional restrictions in 1936 when Seonman Colonization Co., Ltd.,which was a state policy immigration company taking full charge of Joseon farmers’ immigration into Manchuria separately from Japanese immigration, and its affiliated company, Manseon Colonization Co.,Ltd., were founded. Seonman Colonization was involved in pioneering the northern part of Joseon and making investment and loaning for its affiliated company, Manseon Colonization. On the other hand,Manseon Colonization assimilated Dongah Gwonup Co., Ltd. and worked on the purchase of lands for the settlement of Joseon people,the loaning for agriculture, and the creation of independent farmers. This immigration policy for Joseon people into Manchuria, which was based on clear national discrimination, was totally corrected because the war between China and Japan, which broke out in 1937, required Joseon residents in Manchuria to cooperate during the wartime and the ideology of 5-nation cooperation had to be systematically completed. That is, Seonman Colonization became assimilated into Dongyang Colonization Co., Ltd. and then, reorganized into Bukseon Development Co., Ltd., but Manseon Colonization became unified into Manchu Colonization Corporation which took full charge of Japanese’immigration into Manchuria. While Joseon people’s immigration into Manchuria became entrusted to Manchu Colonization, the immigration organization for Japanese, it got positioned in the same level as Japanese’ immigration. The unification of Manseon Colonization and Manchu Colonization can be regarded as the systematic completion of the 5-nation cooperation ideology which was the spirit of the national foundation of Manchuria reflecting the shock of China-Japan war in 1937. The previous researches highlighted the initiative of Gwandong Army in Joseon people’s immigration into Manchuria during Manchu period, but actually, Japanese Government-General of Joseon worked for it more actively. That is, the foundation of Seonman Colonization,which took charge of Joseon people’s immigration into Manchuria in the 1930s, was the top of ‘Ugaki Policy’, which suggests that Japanese Government-General of Joseon was the planner of the immigration policy for Joseon people into Manchuria.

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