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        서해 5도 연구의 현황과 과제 -관할권 문제를 중심으로-

        예대열 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2022 한국학연구 Vol.- No.64

        The military conflict surrounding the West Sea increased after the Post-Cold War Era when inter-Korea reconciliation was started. Through the October 4th North-South Summit Declaration, the leaders of the two Koreas agreed on an agenda for recognizing the West Sea as a peaceful area. “The Special Zone of Peace and Cooperation in the West Sea and border” and “Joint Fishing Area” were declared and this consensus implies that the North accepted the South's plan to establish peace in the West Sea through economic cooperation without touching the sensitive issue of the maritime boundary. However, despite such an agreement, creating a national agreement structure is still not solved. A political dispute in the 2012 presidential election regarding a leaked transcript of an inter-Korean summit shows that issues of the West Sea have remained a controversial topic according to the political interest of inter-Korean and even mutual dialogue is not unsettled. However, to build a peaceful Korean Peninsula in the 21st century, it is essential to make the West Sea a permanent peace zone beyond ideological differences. For this purpose, this article examines the studies regarding the issue of state jurisdiction surrounding the Five Islands of the West Sea. Each chapter discusses the origins of the conflict in the West Sea, differences in interpretations of the Armistice Agreement, disagreement within South Korean academia on the NLL, changes in North Korea’s position on the maritime boundary in the West Sea, and illegal fishing by Chinese fleets. 서해는 탈냉전 이후 남북관계가 화해 분위기로 접어들었을 때 오히려 군사적 갈등이 증폭되었다. 남북 정상은 10․4선언을 통해 서해를 평화로운 바다로 만들기 위한 방법론에 합의하였다. 이 선언에 명시된 ‘서해평화협력특별지대’와 ‘공동어로구역’은 해상경계선이라는 민감한 문제는 건드리지 않고 경제협력을 통해 서해에 평화를 정착시키겠다는 남측의 구상을 북측이 받아들인 것이었다. 그러나 이와 같은 합의와 방법론에도 불구하고 그것을 풀어가야 할 국민적 합의구조는 취약하다. 2012년 대선 당시 정상회담 대화록 유출 논란에서 보듯 서해 문제는 정치권의 정쟁거리로 전락해 각자의 정치적 입장에 따라 상호 대화조차 쉽지 않다. 하지만 21세기 평화로운 한반도를 만들기 위해서는 이념적 차이를 넘어 서해를 항구적인 평화지대로 만들기 위한 노력이 필요하다. 이를 위해 본 논문은 그동안 서해 5도 주변 수역의 관할권 문제를 둘러싼 연구 현황을 분석하였다. 구체적으로 서해 갈등의 기원과 정전협정을 둘러싼 해석 차이, 남한 학계의 NLL에 관한 이견, 북한의 서해 해상경계선에 관한 입장 변화, 중국어선의 불법어로에 대해 각 장별로 정리하였다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘망각(忘却)’과 ‘비등(沸騰)’의 공존 - ‘여순 10⋅19사건’ 이후 전남 동부 지역민들의 ‘기억투쟁’ 고찰

        예대열 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2023 탐라문화 Vol.- No.72

        The ‘Special Act on the Jeju 4⋅3 Incident’ was enacted in 1999, and the ‘Special Act on the 10⋅19 Yeosu·Suncheon Incident’ was enacted in 2021. This time gap reflects the history of the ‘Memory Struggle’ of Jeju and the eastern part of South Jeolla Province. The long journey toward the truth-finding of the two incidents is in line with the democratization movement, but the opportunity is about 20 years apart, such as the time of April 19 in 1960 and May 18 in 1980. This thesis aims to examine the ‘Memory Struggle’ of the residents of the eastern part of Jeonnam, targeting the period from after the ‘Yeosun Incident’ to before the fact-finding movement in the 1980s. The reason is to seek the answer to the question “What should be done?” in history, in the current situation where the ‘Special Act’ is enacted and the ‘Committee on Yeosun Incident’ is active. This thesis aims to examine the ‘objectivity’ and ‘will’ through the ‘Memory Struggle’ of the local people before the full-fledged truth-finding movement in the 1980s. On the one hand, they had no choice but to live by ‘oblivion’ of the ‘Yeosun incident’, whether of their own will or not, but on the other hand, they had ‘boiled’ toward the point of severing under the water. ‘제주 4⋅3사건 특별법’은 1999년, ‘여수⋅순천 10⋅19사건 특별법’은2021년 제정되었다. 이 시간의 격차는 제주와 전남 동부 지역민들의‘기억투쟁’ 역사를 고스란히 반영한다. 두 사건의 진상규명을 향한 대장정은 민주화운동과 궤를 같이하지만, 그 계기는 1960년 4⋅19와 1980 년 5⋅18의 시간만큼 20여 년의 차이가 난다. 본 논문은 여순사건 이후부터 1980년대 진상규명 운동이 벌어지기 이전까지의 시기를 대상으로 전남 동부 지역민들의 ‘기억투쟁’을 고찰하고자 한다. 그 이유는 현재 ‘특별법’이 제정되고 ‘위원회’가 활동하고 있는 상황에서 “무엇을 해야 할 것인가?”에 대한 해답을 과거 역사 속 ‘객관’과 ‘의지’를 통해 구해보고자 하기 위함이다. 그들은 한편에서는 여순사건을 자의건 타의건‘망각(忘却)’하며 살아갈 수밖에 없었지만, 다른 한편에서는 수면 아래에서 끊는 점을 향해 항시 ‘비등(沸騰)’해 왔다.

      • Fine tuning the flux in glyoxylate shunt to improve 5-Aminolevulinic acid production in Escherichia coli

        예대열,임현규,노명현,백동엽,박성훈,서상우,정규 한국공업화학회 2020 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2020 No.-

        Microbial fermentation of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) has received much attention because of its potential in clinical applications. Overexpression of the related enzymes and an analogue transporter yielded remarkable achievements in ALA production, accompanying with deciphering its regulation. However, there is still significant room for carbon flux optimization to improve ALA production. This study aimed for precise carbon flux optimization for high ALA production in Escherichia coli. Initially. Genes hemA and hemL were overexpressed with strong promoters and synthetic 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR). Then, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle was knocked-out for re-distribution of carbon flux toward the ALA production, additional precise tuning of carbon flux to the glyoxylate shunt by varying the transcriptional strength of aceA led to substantially improved ALA production.

      • KCI등재

        1945~ 1950년 북한의 공채발행 구상과 ‘인민경제발전채권’ 응모사업의 시행

        예대열 한국근현대사학회 2022 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.103 No.-

        After the end of the Cold War, North Korea found itself in a situation where it had no choice but to issue public bonds, which had been critically defined in the past. Then, in order to buffer the sudden policy change, North Korea recalled the experience and memory of issuing public bonds in 1950, and began to emphasize that it was inherent in his history. It is not known what kind of economic system North Korea will switch to in the future, but it is worth noting that the past methods have been recycled in terms of the inevitable use of capitalist elements. With this awareness of the problem, this thesis first tried to clarify that public bonds were raised in the process of internal development after liberation rather than in connection with the war. Public bonds was not immediately implemented immediately after liberation due to the people’s experience of exploitation at the end of Japanese colonial rule and lack of purchasing power, but socialist economic theorists had envisioned issuing public bonds as a major fiscal policy method from the beginning. Second, since public bonds were issued before the Korean War, there was a strong tendency to view them as a part of war preparations, but the original purpose of issuance was to invest in insufficient economic sectors and infrastructure construction. In a situation where divided governments were established in South and North Korea, public bonds were issued largely to gain an upper hand in “competition” between systems rather than “obliteration” through war. Third, the management method of public bonds stimulated the public’s ‘desire’ to live well by citing a lottery-type method rather than simply allocation or imposition of duties. Public bonds returned to the people as a result of the inflation caused by the war, but the government’s ‘pragmatic’ policy and the people’s ‘practical’ choice were inherent in it. 북한은 냉전 해체 이후 과거 비판적으로 규정했던 공채를 다시금 발행할 수밖에 없는 상황에 놓이게 되었다. 그러자 급격한 정책 변화를 완충시키기 위해1950년 공채를 발행했던 경험과 기억을 재소환하며 그것이 자신의 역사 속에내재되어 있었다는 점을 강조하기 시작했다. 북한이 향후 어떤 경제체제로 전환할지 알 수는 없지만, 자본주의적 요소의 활용이 불가피하다는 측면에서 과거의방식이 재활용되었다는 점은 주목할 만한 가치가 있다. 이와 같은 문제의식 하에 본 논문은 첫째, 공채가 전쟁과의 연관성보다는해방 이후 내적 발전의 과정에서 제기되었다는 점을 밝히고자 했다. 공채는 인민들의 일제 말기 수탈 경험과 구매력 부족으로 해방 직후 곧바로 시행되지는못했지만, 사회주의 경제이론가들은 초기부터 공채발행을 주요 재정정책의 방식으로 구상하고 있었다. 둘째, 공채는 한국전쟁 직전에 발행되었기 때문에 주로 전쟁 준비의 일환으로 보려는 경향이 강했지만, 애초의 발행 목적은 부족한경제 부문 및 인프라 건설에 대한 투자에 놓여 있었다. 공채는 남북에 분단정부가 수립된 상황 속에서 전쟁을 통한 ‘말살’이 아닌 체제 간 ‘경쟁’에서 우위를 점하고자 발행된 측면이 컸다. 셋째, 공채의 운용방식은 단순히 할당이나의무 부과가 아닌 복권식 추첨 방식을 원용함으로써 대중들의 잘살고 싶은 ‘욕망’을 자극한 측면이 있었다. 공채는 전쟁이 초래한 인플레이션으로 인해 결과적으로 인민들의 피해로 되돌아왔지만, 그 안에는 정부의 ‘실용적’ 정책과 인민들의 ‘실리적’ 선택이 내재되어 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        해방이후(1945~1950) 북한 경제사 연구의 현황과 과제

        예대열 고려대학교 역사연구소 2015 사총 Vol.86 No.-

        The animated study of Economic History which accounts for production in socialism could help general understanding of North Korea. In special, Economic history after the liberation(1945~1950) has a value of forecasting the future of North Korea landed in overstability. As North Korea had experience of mixed economic system during this period, it could justify the reason of North Korea’s own present change. Also, Economic history after the liberation in North Korea has a value of forecasting the alternative system in South Korea. In spite of failure of the Socialism, it’s raising question is still unsolved but rather real capitalism has accelerated economic bipolarization. In this respect, critical mind seeking the third way between socialism and capitalism after the liberation in North Korea is still valid for Capitalism of South Korea. This study aims to thematic review about existing research of economic history in North Korea after the liberation. The first chapter shows state of the time having colonial legacy and endeavor of political group which wanted to escape from this situation. The Second chapter shows ‘Democratic Reform’ in 1946 which included land reform, labor law and nationalization of critical business. Land reform was one of the clearest study and there was a great[rich] diversity of opinion in a prime group, ownership and historical significance. Other ‘Democratic Reform’ was studied in the relationship between nation and laborer, the nature of nationalization and activity of private medium and small traders and manufacturers. The Third chapter shows process of building the economic system and beginning of planned economy. And it shows the basis adopted of planned economy as a operating system of mixed economy, priority decision making, limitation in planned economic system and availability of mixed economy for planned economic system. The last chapter, in a Reflective sense about experience of North Korea socialism, shows the future research theme like as the importance of development in production, rethinking the nation’s role and modern subject ability of economic agent. 북한사회를 총체적으로 이해하기 위해서는 그 사회의 토대를 이루는 사회주의 생산양식의 변화과정인 경제사 연구가 활성화될 필요가 있다. 특히 1945년부터 1950년까지의 경제사는 오늘날 경직된 북한체제의 미래를 전망하는데 유용한 시사점을 제공해 준다. 다양한 경제요소가 공존했던 이 시기 혼합경제 시스템의 경험은 향후 북한이 과거 자기인식을 통한 변화의 근거를 마련하는데 있어서 정당화의 기제로 작용할 가능성이 높다. 아울러 이 시기 경제사는 남한의 보다 나은 대안적 체제를 전망하는데 있어서도 연구해볼 만한 가치가 있다. 현실 사회주의가 실패했다고 해서 그 이념이 우려했던 문제들이 해결된 것은 아니며, 오히려 냉전해체 이후 민주화라는 자기수정의 동력을 잃어버린 자본주의는 부의 편재와 양극화를 더욱 촉진시키고 있기 때문이다. 그런 점에서 북한의 경험이라고는 하지만 당시 사회주의자들이 “자본주의와 공산주의를 뛰어넘는 제3의 유형”이라고 자기규정 했던 문제의식은 현 시기 남한에서도 성찰적으로 검토해볼 필요가 있다. 이와 같은 문제의식을 가지고 본 논문은 해방이후 북한경제사에 관한 기존의 연구를 주제별로 검토하였다. 우선 1장에서는 식민지 경제유산이 잔존했던 경제적 현실과 그것을 타개하고자 했던 각 정치세력들의 경제구상에 대해서 살펴보았다. 2장에서는 1946년에 시행되었던 토지개혁, 노동법령, 중요산업국유화, 중소상공업자들의 활동 보장 등 일련의 ‘민주개혁’에 대해서 살펴보았다. 토지개혁은 이 시기 단일주제로 가장 많은 연구가 되어 있는 분야로서 주도 주체, 소유 형태, 현물세 평가, 역사적 의의 등에 대해 연구자들 간 의견이 엇갈린다. 나머지 민주개혁에 대해서는 국가와 노동자의 관계, 국유화의 성격과 그로 인한 동원 논리, 민간 중소상공업자들의 활동 보장과 견제책 등에 관해 연구가 진행되었다. 3장에서는 계획경제의 실시와 각종 경제시스템이 구축되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 혼합경제의 운영체계로서 계획경제가 채택되었던 이유, 투자의 우선순위를 어디에 둘 것인가에 대한 문제, 계획경제시스템이 갖고 있던 한계와 혼합경제를 통한 극복 가능성을 살펴보았다. 제반 경제시스템과 관련해서는 다양한 경제영역 중에서 현재 연구가 진행된 분야에 한정하여 유통, 재정, 무역 분야를 검토하였다. 마지막으로 한반도 땅에서 현실로서 구현되었던 사회주의의 경험을 성찰적 입장에서 재검토 해보자는 문제의식 하에, 생산력 발전의 중요성, 국가에 대한 역할 재검토, 각 경제주체들의 근대주체로서의 가능성 문제 등을 향후 연구과제로 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        『세기와 더불어』에 서술된 북한 민족해방운동사 인식의 변화상과 함의

        예대열 한국근현대사학회 2010 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.55 No.-

        North Korea’s self-justification is needed for realization of North Korea’s change. As North Korean political system is also inevitable change, decision of change only rest on North Korea. So It is important to confronting and interpreting their history. AS perception on present and future is not alter unless changing viewpoint on the past, it is essential to new interpretaion on their history for searching new way and modifying past policy. In this way, Kim Il Song’s memoir With The Century has many important meanings. From the this book, there is possible of having different interpretaions on various version. This book can cause basis on flexible action for changing of North Korae if it sounds paradoxical. In other words, awareness of history restricted by the Juche ideology can makes new representation by authority on Kim Il Song. With The Century has three features. First, This book narrates history of North Korea’s national liberation movement on the view of national united front and reinterpretes nationalism. The reason is connected on change of policy toward South Korea. North Korea have nothing to do but carry out the policy on the defensive instead of last policy on the viewpoint of the ‘united front ’ because of attaining their goals of survival strategy of political system. With a view to embracing change of policy toward South Korea, The North Korea justify enhancing relations of South Korea by the means of nationalism. Second, This book has new point of view about different group of communist who were judged by communalism. The reason is likely that North Korea want interpret political system’s change as historical inheritance by embracing different groups of Kim Il Song. In fact, Thinking of group criticized of communalsim by Kim Il Song sheds new light. Third, The relation of North Korea, China and the Soviet Union is described realistically. Especially, this book criticizes the Soviet Union intensively but don’t criticize China’s case directly. This description reflects the North Korea’s condition which is urgently needed of support of other country after the post-cold war era. The North Korea’s historical group is going to be change after With The Century. History Science, revised edition of History of the liberation combat against Japan, The History of Korean LabourParty in 2004 has showed flexible historical recognition. This change is important in implying possiblity of interation with South Korea historical recognization. It seems to be so weakly ‘outgrowth’ but the meaning of ‘outgrowth’ is new sign. The change of new sign can take root in the ground of peace and coexistence between North Korea and South Korea only by continuous managing and concerning.

      • KCI등재

        북한 농업현물세의 수취와 국가재정으로의 이전(1945~1950)

        예대열 한국민족운동사학회 2023 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.116

        북한사 연구에서 토지개혁은 가장 많이 연구된 주제이지만, 농업현물세 수취를 둘러싼 ‘착취’ 문제와 농업에서의 가치이전과 관련한 ‘희생’ 여 부를 둘러싸고 이견이 존재해 왔다. 필자는 기존 연구 지형의 대립이 주 로 현물세 징수과정에 집중되어 있기 때문이라는 점을 지적하며, 수취 이 후 전체 국가재정 체계 속에서 현물세가 순환되는 과정을 살펴보고자 했 다. 토지개혁은 지주-소작인 간 생산관계의 모순을 해결하기 위해 시행되 었지만, 전체 국가경제 차원에서 보면 농업생산력 발전을 도모해 도시 노 동자의 식량을 공급하고 국가재정의 기반으로 활용하고자 하는 목적이 있었다. 이에 따라 시장가보다 싼값에 농산물을 배급하여 노동자들의 실 질임금을 안정시키고 국가재정으로 활용해 전체적인 산업 발전을 도모 하고자 했다. 그 과정에서 농촌에서 발생한 가치는 농촌에 재투자되기보 다는 국가 경제 차원에서 도시로 이전되었다. 본 논문은 북한이 곡물 가 격에 대한 통계를 발표하지 않아 농촌에서 도시로 경제 잉여의 추출을 파 악하기 어려운 조건에서 세입과 세출 통계를 통해 그 실상을 살펴보았다. Land reform was a key task in the modern transition period, but Kora was liberated without solving the task. As such, land reform emerged as a major task after liberation, and socialist forces in particular actively engaged in reform to overcome the legacy of Japanese colonial rule over rural areas and the contradictions between landlords and tenants. For this reason, land reform has been the most studied topic in studies of North Korean history, but there have been conflicting opinions regarding the interpretation of ‘exploitation’ surrounding the receipt of agricultural in-kind taxes and ‘sacrifice’ related to value transfer in agriculture. The author pointed out that this is because the existing research landscape is mainly focused on the Tax in kind process, and attempted to examine the process of agricultural Tax in kind circulation within the entire national fiscal system after collection. Land reform was significant in that it was implemented to resolve the contradictions in the production relationship between landlords and tenant farmers, but it also sought to develop agricultural productivity at the level of the overall national economy to supply food for urban workers and to use it as a basis for national finance. To this end, North Korea sought industrial development by stabilizing real wages by collecting agricultural Tax in kind and distributing them to workers at a lower price than the market price. The money from paid rations was transferred to the national treasury and utilized as national finance. Agricultural Tax in kind collected from rural areas were mainly invested in other areas for economic reconstruction rather than being reinvested in projects for expanded reproduction of farmers. However, in exchange for providing surplus from rural areas, North Korea established a support system to supplement the small-scale nature of small-scale farmers finances, and persuaded farmers with the logic that cities would help rural areas once industrialization was completed in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        아시아태평양전쟁과 한국전쟁기 전시 소비와 일상의 모습을 탐구하다 - 국립순천대 인문학술원 대학중점연구소 편, 『전시 소비와 일상의 변용』, 선인, 2023

        예대열 순천대학교 인문학술원 2023 인문학술 Vol.10 No.-

        In April 2023, the Institute of Humanities Research in Suncheon National University published『Consump社on in Wartime and Transformation of Daily Life』. This book is the fifth result of a total of 6 books of『Collection of Researches』designed to carry out the research project of ‘The Asia-Pacific War and the Korean Wars Historical and Cultural Effects, supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea. In the meantime, the Institute of Humanities Research proposed to view the Asia-Pacific War and the Korean War in the context of "transwar history’, and continued research to clarify the relationship between the formation of nations and the cultural constituent power of war. This book examines the relationship between the cultural constituent power of war and state formation, focusing on ① war and reorganization of daily life, ② aspect of wartime consumption control, and ③ construction of wartime knowledge and conversion of ideas. Everyday life seems like a series and repetition of ordinary and worthless things, but the essence of the social system, such as the system that regulates human beings and the desire to escape from it. In addition, life problems such as consumption and knowledge confirm the war culture,formed in the process of nation formation in concrete life.

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