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        베르베르 문화를 이해하기 위한 카빌리 설화 연구 - 물루드 마므리의 『카빌리의 베르베르 민담』을 중심으로

        안화진 한국불어불문학회 2022 불어불문학연구 Vol.- No.131

        Dans un environnement aride et isolé, la langue berbère a longtemps représenté et préservé une culture oralisée forte et élaborée. Les anciens mythes et contes kabyles étaient également transmis oralement jusqu'à récemment, bien que les lettres et autres médias se soient répandus. Parmi les styles de contes oraux, les contes folkloriques oraux peuvent être vus comme une expression condensée de l'inconscient collectif et de la pensée traditionnelle de la tribu. Contrairement à d'autres traditions qui suivaient un ordre paternel, celles berbères mettaient en valeur les femmes. Les contes oraux étaient dédiés aux femmes et le public était principalement composé d'enfants préadolescents. Ces histoires véhiculées dans la langue parlée reflètent le concept de système de vie sociale dans le cadre de l'éducation familiale des femmes pour élever les enfants, ainsi que les valeurs auxquelles chacun doit adhérer afin de maintenir les communautés familiales et villageoises. Mouloud Mammeri présente huit contes folkloriques oraux, Les ogres, Le Prince Guêpier et la Princesse d'Émeraude, Aubépin, L'Oiseau d'Or, Blanche-Colombe, Zalgoum, La fille du charbonnier et La fiancée du Soleil. A travers ces contes, nous avons pu interroger l'imaginaire traditionnel kabyle et nous avons trouvé les quatre mots-clés significatifs : « pauvreté », « jalousie », « abandonné » et « mariage interne ». Et avec ces mots nous avons examiné les valeurs et coutumes de la société kabyle.

      • KCI등재
      • 항암화학요법을 받는 암환자의 영적건강과 불확실성의 관계

        안화진(Ahn Hwa Jeen),태영숙(Tae Young Sook),한영인(Han Young In) 대한종양간호학회 2007 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for development of nursing intervention to decrease the uncertainty in cancer patients having chemotherapy through promoting their spiritual health and identifying the relationship between spiritual health and uncertainty. Method: 174 cancer patients who were admitted for chemotherapy at hospital were recruited from the 7th March to the 10th April, 2006. Two instruments have been used for this study. One was Highfield's Spiritual Health Inventory and the other was Mishel's MUIS(Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale). The collected data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean value, average mean, standard deviation, t-test, Scheffe's test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficients with the SPSS PC 12.0 program. Results: The average mean value of the spiritual health 3.50± .48 and the uncertainty was 1.91±.46. It meant that the relationships between spiritual health and uncertainty were shown to have a moderately negative correlation(r=-.489, p=.000). This means that the greater is the spiritual health, the less is the patient's uncertainty. Conclusions: It was identified that cancer patients having chemotherapy had moderate spiritual health and uncertainty, and negative correlation between spiritual health and uncertainty. Therefore, it will be necessary for the development of spiritual nursing intervention strategies to relieve the uncertainty among cancer patients having chemotherapy.

      • 간호계와 비간호계 여자대학생의 흡연 실태와 흡연에 대한 지식 및 태도 비교

        박금자,안화진,정경숙,이애란,서지영,김지현,신소정,장은정 고신대학교 전인간호과학연구소 2008 전인간호과학학술지 Vol.3 No.-

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the compare of actual condition, knowledge and attitude on smoking in nursing and non-nursing female students Method : Data were obtained by self-reported questionnaires from 100 nursing and 100 non-nursing female students from September 1 to October 5,2005. And data were analyzed using SPSS/PC WIN 12.0 program. For the statistical analysis of the data, frequency and percentage, t-test, ANOVA and Sheffe-test were used. Result :1. Actual condition of smoking in nursing students and non-nursing students was significantly different(x2= 13.685, p=0.003). In Nursing students, no smoking in past was 87.2%, sometimes smoking in past was 8.3%, frequently smoking in past was 4.6%. And in non-nursing students, no smoking in past was 68.8%, sometimes smoking was 21.4%., frequently smoking was 4.5%. 2. Mean of knowledge toward smoking of nursing students was more high than those of non-nursing students(t=3.412, p=0.001). 3. Mean of attitude toward smoking of nursing students was more positive than those of non-nursing students(t=-4.64, p=0.000). 4. The levels of knowledge toward smoking by their various characteristics of subjects showed significant difference according to degree of grade of school(F=7.205, p=0.000). 5. The levels of attitude toward smoking by their various characteristics of subjects showed significant difference according to yes or no of smoking(t=-2.401, p=0.017), type of religion(F= 13.338, p=0.000), amount of pocket money monthly(F=3.300, p=0.021) and yes or no of drinking(F=11.215, p=0.000 ). Conclusion:The actual condition of non-nursing student was lower than those of nursing students. The mean of knowledge of nursing female student was higher than those of non-nursing students. The mean of attitude of nursing student was more open than those of nursing students.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        앗시아 제바르Assia Djebar의 글쓰기 -타인의 언어로 역사쓰기

        김정숙 ( Jung Sook Kim ),안화진 ( Hwa Jin Ahn ) 韓國佛語佛文學會 2009 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.80

        Alors que l`on prevoyait "le tarissement naturel de la literature colonisee", la litterature algerienne d`expression francaise survit et poursuit son developpement en integrant une nouvelle generation d`ecrivains. Une question s`impose: pourquoi les ecrivains algeriens continuent-ils a ecrire dans la langue du colonisateur un demi-siecle apres l`independance? Les ecrivains algeriens ne devraient-ils pas delaisser une langue imposee a une epoque douloureuse pour exploiter pleinement leur identite litteraire nationale? Notre objectif est d`essayer de trouver une reponse a ces questions en etudiant le rapport que l`ecrivain maghrebin entretient avec la langue de l`ancienne puissance coloniale. Assia Djebar, romanciere algerienne de renommee internationale, nous semble representative de cette problematique, non seulement par ses oeuvres abondantes ecrites en francais, mais aussi par sa conscience tres aigue du sens porte par l`emploi de cette langue. Sa reflexion sur sa relation avec le francais constitue une des thematiques fondamentales qui parcourt toute son oeuvre. Elle fut initiee au francais par son pere instituteur et fit ses etudes secondaires en France. La guerre d`independance l`obligea a rentrer en Algerie ou elle entama une carriere universitaire. Elle ecrivit son premier roman en 1957: Le Soif. Quatre romans suivirent avant qu`elle n`abandonne brusquement l`ecriture. La mise a nu qu`est l`ecriture provoqua un sentiment de malaise insurmontable chez cette auteur, elevee dans la culture arabe. La langue de sa creation romanesque etait celle de l`ancien oppresseur et perturbait l`integrite de son identite. Eut-elle ecrit en en arabe qu`il en eut-ete autrement? Sa tentative de produire en arabe fut pourtant infructueuse. Pendant ses annees de silence, elle fit cependant une experience qui la reconcilia avec la langue francaise et lui permit d`accepter son bilinguisme. Il s`agit de la realisation d`un documentaire sur les femmes de sa tribu qui participerent a la Guerre d`Algerie. Ce retour au pays de son enfance lui permit de prendre conscience d`une nouvelle dimension de son role d`ecrivain qui influenca toute sa creation ulterieure: l`Histoire et la femme. Cette prise de conscience la decida a relancer son activite litteraire. Elle apprehende l`ecriture comme le moyen de reconstituer une histoire oubliee et occultee et comme le moyen de ressusciter la voix de femmes, qu`elle qualifie "d`etouffee" et "d`ensevelie". Pour accomplir cette tache, elle a deliberement choisit la langue du colonisateur. "Avec le francais comme butin", elle tentera de faire une revolution a sa maniere. "Si la France a colonise mon pays, c`est a mon tour de coloniser sa langue" semble t-elle nous suggerer a travers tous ses ecrits.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        굴 세척액 유래 분말수프의 품질안정성

        김인수(In Soo Kim),허민수(Min Soo Heu),이정석(Jung Suck Lee),김풍호(Poong Ho Kim),조문래(Moon Lae Cho),안화진(Hwa Jin Ahn),심효도(Hyo Do Shim),김진수(Jin Soo Kim) 한국응용생명화학회 2001 Applied Biological Chemistry (Appl Biol Chem) Vol.44 No.4

        This study was carried out to examine the quality stability of powdered soup using powder from oyster wash water (PSW). To compare the quality stability, powdered soup from oyster hot-water extracts (PSE) was also prepared by mixing hot-water extract powder (15 g), table salt (5 g), cream powder (19 g), milk replacer (12 g), wheat flour (20 g), corn flour (15 g), starch (5 g), glucose (7.5 g), and onion powder (1.5 g). In preparing PSW, powder from oyster wash water, instead of powder from oyster hot-water extracts, was added and other additives were the same proportion as PSE. The PSW and PSE were packed with laminated film bag (OPP, 20 ㎛; PE, 20 ㎛; paper, 45 g/㎥; PE, 20 ㎛; Al, 7 ㎛; PE, 20 ㎛), and then stored at ambient temperature for 12 months. The moisture content, water activity, peroxide value, and fatty acid composition showed little changes during storage of the PSW The pH, volatile basic nitrogen content, and brown pigment formation increased slightly, while white index decreased slightly during storage of PSW. No significant difference was observed in the changes of food components between PSW and PSE during storage. According to a sensory evaluation, the change in quality of PSW was negligible during 12 months of storage. From the results of the chemical experiment and sensory evaluation, PSW packed with laminated film bag (OPP, 20 ㎛; PE, 20 ㎛; paper, 45 g/㎛; PE, 20 ㎛; Al, 7 ㎛; PE, 20 ㎛) was revealed to be preserved in good quality during 12 months of storage.

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