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      • Reliability of a New Test of Levator Scapula Muscle Length

        송영문,원정혁,정도영 KEMA학회 2019 근골격계과학기술학회 Vol.3 No.1

        Background Shortened levator scapula (LS) is a major cause of neck and shoulder pain and reduced motor function. Therefore, measuring LS muscle length is a key element in evaluating patients with shoulder dysfunction. Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-rater reliability of a newly designed levator scapular length test (LSLT). Study design Intra- and inter-tester repeated measures. Methods We recruited 28 participants in this study. Subjects were divided into two groups: normal scapula length and shortened scapula length. The LS index (LSI) and LSLT were applied twice by one examiner and once by a different examiner. The intraclass correlation coefficient was used to assess intra- and inter-rater reliability of the LSI and LSLT. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation between the tests. Results The intra-rater reliability scores of LSI and LSLT were 0.95 and 0.98, and the inter-rater test reliability scores were 0.96 and 0.98, respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.63, indicating a moderate relationship between tests. Conclusions These findings suggest that LSLT is a reliable method for measuring LS length in clinical practice. Background Shortened levator scapula (LS) is a major cause of neck and shoulder pain and reduced motor function. Therefore, measuring LS muscle length is a key element in evaluating patients with shoulder dysfunction. Purpose The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intra- and inter-rater reliability of a newly designed levator scapular length test (LSLT). Study design Intra- and inter-tester repeated measures. Methods We recruited 28 participants in this study. Subjects were divided into two groups: normal scapula length and shortened scapula length. The LS index (LSI) and LSLT were applied twice by one examiner and once by a different examiner. The intraclass correlation coefficient was used to assess intra- and inter-rater reliability of the LSI and LSLT. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to evaluate the correlation between the tests. Results The intra-rater reliability scores of LSI and LSLT were 0.95 and 0.98, and the inter-rater test reliability scores were 0.96 and 0.98, respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.63, indicating a moderate relationship between tests. Conclusions These findings suggest that LSLT is a reliable method for measuring LS length in clinical practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        멕켈동을 침범한 측두골추체 수막종에 대한 후두하 상내이도 접근법

        송영,승명,이종주,김창진,김정훈,이정교 대한신경외과학회 2003 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.33 No.2

        Objective:The petrosal meningiomas involving the middle cranial fossa through the Meckel's cave represent a difficult surgical challenge. We report our experience of removing these lesions through the suboccipital approach combined with a technique that expose the Meckel's cave by removing the bony prominence located above the porus of the internal acoustic meatus, called the suprameatal tubercle, and the surrounding bone. Methods:Between the period of January 1999 and October 2001, a total of seven patients with petrosal meningiomas involving the Meckel's cave were operated upon using suboccipital suprameatal approach. In the supine position, suboccipital craniotomy was performed. The main mass located predominantly within the cerebellopontine angle(CPA) was removed using intradural approach. The suprameatal tubercle was drilled-out to expose the Meckel's cave. And then, the tumor extended into the middle cranial fossa through the Meckel's cave was removed. Results:In every case, the tumor extending into the Meckel's cave was exposed well. The tumors were completely removed in all patients without serious complications. Conclusion:We believe that suboccipital suprameatal approach offers a safe and effective method to remove some selected lesions of the CPA area extended into the middle cranial fossa through the Meckel's cave without the need for complex procedures, if the main mass is located predominantly in the CPA area. Key words:Suboccipital suprameatal approach;Petrosal meningioma;Meckel's cave.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        지배가능 경로 문맥을 이용한 의존 구문 분석의 수식 거리 모델

        우연(YeonMoon Woo),송영인(YoungIn Song),박소영(SoYoung Park),임해창(HaeChang Rim) 한국정보과학회 2007 정보과학회논문지 : 소프트웨어 및 응용 Vol.34 No.2

        본 논문에서는 한국어 의존 구문 분석을 위한 새로운 확률 모델을 제안한다. 한국어가 자유 어순 언어라 할지라도 지역적 어순은 존재하기 때문에 의존관계를 결정하기 위해 의존하는 두 어절인 의존소와 지배소 사이의 수식 거리가 유용하다는 것은 이미 많은 연구를 통해 밝혀졌다. 본 연구에서는 수식거리의 정확한 수식 거리의 추정을 위해 지배가능 경로 문맥을 이용한 수식 거리 확률 모델을 제안한다. 수식 거리를 위해 지배가능 경로를 고려함으로써, 긴 표층 문맥을 압축하는 효과를 가져다 준다. 이를 통해 구문 분석 정확률 향상과 원거리 의존 관계 향상을 보임을 설명한다. 실험 및 평가를 통해 제안하는 모델의 구문 분석 성능은 86.9%이며, 기존에 제안된 구문 분석 모델과 비교하여 높은 구문 분석 결과를 보이며, 특히 원거리 의존관계에 대하여 더욱 향상된 성능을 보인다. This paper presents a statistical model for Korean dependency-based parsing. Although Korean is one of free word order languages, it has the feature of which some word order is preferred to local contexts. Earlier works proposed parsing models using modification lengths due to this property. Our model uses headible path contexts for modification length probabilities. Using a headible path of a dependent it is effective for long distance relation because the large surface context for a dependent are abbreviated as its headible path. By combined with lexical bigram dependency, our probabilistic model achieves 86.9% accuracy in eojoel analysis for KAIST corpus, more improvement especially for long distance dependencies.

      • KCI등재

        한국 민간경비 실태분석을 통한 운영체제 발전방안

        이강(Lee, Kang Moon),송영남(Song, Young Nam) 한국민간경비학회 2012 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.11 No.1

        국민의 치안요구가 증가하면서 민간경비업체가 성행하고 있지만, 일부 대형 경비업체를 제외하고 상당수 경비업체가 영세성에서 벗어나지 못하고. 일부업체는 불법행위도 저지르고 있어 대책마련이 시급하다는 지적이다. 따라서 민간경비 산업의 역할 증대의 필요성 및 사회학적 배경에서의 범죄의 다양화는 물질적 풍요를 통한 삶의 질이 향상되면서 시민안전에 대한 위협도 상대적으로 줄어들 것이라는 예측과는 달리 가족의 해체현상, 생활수준의 계층화, 노사갈등, 체제불만 등으로 오히려 사회 범죄는 증폭으로 나타났다. 치안 사각지대의 확대로 인하여 민간경비제도를 현실에 맞게 개선 발전시켜 나갈 수밖에 없는 현실에 직면 하게 되었으며, 특히 개인적 법익 중 생명과 신체에 대한 안전 욕구는 더욱 증가되었다고 볼 수 있으며, 이에, 국민의 치안요구가 증가하면서 민간경비업체가 성행하고 있지만 일부 대형 경비업체를 제외하고 상당수 경비업체가 영세성에서 벗어나지 못하고. 일부업체는 불법행위도 저지르고 있어 대책마련이 시급하다는 지적이다. 본 연구에서는 치안서비스에 있어 경찰의 한계와, 국민의 요구(Needs)및 바람(Wants)을 충족시켜주기 위해 한국 민간경비산업의 실태를 파악하고, 제도와 운영상 의 문제점을 파악하여 한국 민간경비산업의 발전에 대하여 고찰하여 제도적 장치를 마련함으로서 현 실정에 맞는 활성화 방안을 다음과 같이 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 법•제도적 측면에서 민간 경비업에 대한 진입장벽을 높일 필요성이 제기되며, 이를 위해 경비업자의 허가 및 자격기준을 강화하여야 한다. 또한 경비업무를 현실에 맞게 그 유형과 직무를 구체화하여야 한다. 둘째, 업무 운영적 측면에서 민간경비원 채용에 있어서 선발 및 자격기준, 교육 등 전반적인 실무에 적합하도록 조정할 필요가 있으며, 대학 인재 활용을 적극적으로 모색하여야 한다. 셋째, 교육․훈련 측면에서 경비원 신임교육에 있어서 현실적인 시간과 실무중심의 교육과목이 배정되어야 하며, 위기관리능력을 향상시킬 수 있도록 질적 발전이 요구된다. 이와 더불어 직무교육에 있어서는 업계의 현실을 반영하여 경비업자가 아닌 전문 교육기관에서 연중 정기적 교육이 이루어지도록 제도적 보완이 마련되어야 한다. 또한 경비지도사 교육에 있어서도 경비원 교육 담당자에 합당한 교육이 이루어져야 하며, 이를 뒷받침하기 위한 보수교육이 이루어져야 한다. 마지막으로 치안환경적 측면에 있어서 공경비인 경찰과의 협력 방안이 제시되어야 하며, 상호 수평적•보완적 관계가 정립되도록 민간경비 자체 질적 향상이 이루어져야 하고, 민간경비에 대한 경찰의 시각적 변화가 이루어져야 할 것이다. Many problems related to the private security in Korea emerges in company with its growth. Hidden behind the structural vulnerability of private security in Korea are legal and institutional problems, which should be solved to lay the foundation for the original example of private security system. In these contexts, this study analyzes the actual conditions and the development measures of private security management system in Korea. The development ways that make up for the imperfection of current private security system are as follows. First, It should be achieved that Legal Criteria is to be improved and the measure plan that can secure security company founder's work ethics should be suggested. Second, the supervision system is to be done in quality for the purpose of the permission for security business. The supervision department in the police should be operated efficiently by being expanded and in the long term, the independent agency to cover administrative duties related to the private security should be founded. Third, the education system for private security personnels and security counsellors should be actualized and the specialized and practical training should be given to them. Fourth, the Expert Certification System should be enforced to test private security personnels' ability, qualification, and work ethics. Fifth, it is necessary to break down Cut-Throat Competition and petty business. So Company Ranking System and Standard Price System should be introduced and the function of Korea Security Association is to be reinforced. Finally, the measures of cooperation between private security and police should be proposed, which will be achieved through the qualitative improvement of private security itself.

      • KCI등재

        연평도 임시주거시설 실태 및 면담조사 연구

        정인,송영,왕우철,임석호,Moon, Jung-In,Song, Young-Hak,Wang, Woo-Chul,Lim, Seok-Ho 한국주거학회 2012 한국주거학회 논문집 Vol.23 No.3

        The artillery fire accident in Yeonpyeong Island showed that the man-made disaster caused by the domestic political conditions as well as the conventional natural disaster can occur in Korea. Especially, it can be known that the whole community can be abandoned despite of a small scale of practical damage in residential district and the resulting large scale of refugees can be produced in the nation. This study investigated the real condition of temporary housing which has been provided at the Island. Firstly, in the theoretical review based on the literature study, the content on the background of temporary housing, the providing procedure of its concept, the status of supply, etc. has been considered. And it researched the current condition of the entire temporary housing through the questionnaire and interviews targeting the residents in the Island. So it purposed to make use of the results as a plan and design for future temporary housing against disaster.

      • 어린이 김치 표준화에 대한 연구(1) : 어린이 김치의 담금법 개발 Development of the Preparation of Kimchi for the Children

        송영,전영수,권명자,빈성미,김은희,정원,김명 부산대학교 가정대학 1995 家政大學硏究報告 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study is reporting the results of first trial for the standardization of children's kimchi in terms of brining standardization, development for the recipe ad pannel test for the children's kimchi. In order to develop the standard recipe for children's kimchi, our research team have visited kimchi factories, temples and houses located in Pusan and Kyung-Sang Nam Do province. Three kinds of chinese cabbage kimchi (hamyang, haeundae, and jinrae kimchi named by region where we collected) which got the top three highest score in panel testing was selected. The original recipes of these kimchi were sightly modified to prepared the kimchi at laboratory. Among three of them, hamyang kimchi which contained dried anchovy power was selected as a model kimchi for development of the children's kimchi recipe. We find out that the optimal salt concentration of brined cabbage and kimchi for the children's kimchi (sliced style kimchi, approximately 2.5X3cm a piece) that showed the hightest pennel score were approximately 1.5% and 2.0%, respectively. The salt concentration of brined cabbage became 1.5, 1.43, and 1.60% after 60 min at 10% brining solution, 45 min at 12% and 30 min at 15%, respectively. The developed recipe used for the children's kimchi at our team is as follows. The major ingredients used for the preparation of kimchi is brined sliced chinese cabbage (salt concentration is 1.5%) 1kg galic 11g, ginger 5.0g, red pepper powder 20.0g, fermented anchovy juice 25.0g, fermented shrimp juice 5.0g dried anchovy and sea weed extracts 30.0g, anchovy power 2.4g glutinious rice gel 40.0g, starch syrup, 10.0g, and apple juice 22.5g. The total acceptability test of developed children's kimchi (test kimchi) was carried out with 84 of 6th grade student during lunch time at elementary school in Pusan where has a school lunch program. Sixty nine percent of student answered test kimchi is very good, 25% of them said it is fair, and only 6% of students answered they didn't like test kimchil. However, for the kimchi supplied from school at lunch, 52% students answered the kimchi is good, 26% of them said it is fair, and 22% of them said they don't like school supplied kimchi. This result tells us that the test kimchi is better than school supplied kimchi and the test kimchi can be developed further as a children's kimchi.

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