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      • Chromospheric Transient Brightenings associated with Canceling Magnetic Features

        박소영,채종철,박성홍,봉수찬,Park, Soyoung,Chae, Jongchul,Park, Sunghong,Bong, Suchan 한국천문학회 2012 天文學會報 Vol.37 No.2

        Canceling magnetic features (CMFs) are likely to be a result of magnetic reconnection in the lower atmosphere of the Sun. CMFs are related with chromospheric phenomena such as brightening or jets. In order to observe the fine-scale and highly dynamical structures in the chromospheres, Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) was developed and installed at 1.6 m New Solar Telescope at Big Bear Solar Observatory. Using this FISS data we have studied chromospheric brightenings associated with CMFs. As a result, the chromospheric brightenings related with CMFs have stronger shock waves than one of other regions such as internetwork regions or unipolar magnetic elements

      • 재난예측 기술 개발 및 서비스 제공 동향

        박소영,홍상기,이강복,Park, Soyoung,Hong, Sanggi,Lee, Kangbok 한국전자통신연구원 2020 전자통신동향분석 Vol.35 No.1

        This paper describes the development trends and service provision examples of disaster occurrence and spread prediction technology for various disasters such as tsunamis, floods, and fires. In terms of fires, we introduce the WIFIRE system, which predicts the spread of large forest fires in the United States, and the Metro21: Smart Cities Institute project, which predicts the risk of building fires. This paper describes the development trends in tsunami prediction technology in the United States and Japan using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the occurrence and size of tsunamis that cause great damage to coastal cities in Japan, Indonesia, and the United States. In addition, it introduces the NOAA big data platform built for natural disaster prediction, considering that the use of big data is very important for AI-based disaster prediction. In addition, Google's flood forecasting system, domestic and overseas earthquake early warning system development, and service delivery cases will be introduced.

      • KCI등재

        타액 연구의 최신 지견과 임상 응용

        박소영,이은경,신종현,정태성,Soyoung Park,Eungyung Lee,Jonghyun Shin,Taesung Jeong 대한소아치과학회 2023 대한소아치과학회지 Vol.50 No.1

        Function of salivary gland and saliva composition can be an indicator of individual's health status. Recently, saliva has been thought to have a high potential for usage in the biomedical field to diagnose, evaluate, and prevent systemic health due to the technological advances in analyzing and detecting small elements such as immunological and metabolic products, viruses, microorganisms, hormones in saliva. As a diagnostic specimen, saliva has some useful advantages compared to serum. Because of simple non-invasive method, saliva sampling is quite comfort for the patient, and it doesn't require specialists to collect samples. The possibility of infection during the collection process is also low. For this reason, proteins, genetic materials, and various biomarkers in saliva are actively being utilized on studying stress, microbiomics, genetics, and epigenetics. For the research on collecting big data related to systemic health, the needs on biobank has been focused. Regeneration of salivary gland based on tissue engineering has been also on advancement. However, there are still many issues to be solved, such as the standardization of sample collection, storage, and usage. This review focuses on the recent trends in the field of saliva research and highlight the future perspectives in biomedical and other applications.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        열적 쾌적성 증대를 위한 부위별 냉각 효과 비교

        박소영,이예진,Soyoung Park,Yejin Lee 한국의류학회 2024 한국의류학회지 Vol.48 No.3

        This study aimed to compare the cooling effect of specific body parts to increase workers' thermal comfort. The parts to be cooled comprised the head and neck; the coolant was a phase change material. The participants were ten men in their 20s of average size according to the 8th Size Korea. The experiment was conducted under the following conditions: 28.0 ± 0.5℃, 60.0 ± 5.0% RH, and 0.2 ± 0.1m/s. The exercise consisted of participants moving for 15 min at a constant speed of 80 BPM; later, a subjective sensation was performed, and the clothing surface temperature was measured. In doing so, heat, wetness, and discomfort after exercise were confirmed to have increased without a coolant. Significant differences over time appeared only when no coolant was used, showing that thermal comfort decreased. Despite the addition of coolant, the clothing surface temperature gradually increased over time, but it decreased with coolant rather than without it. Therefore, additional coolant areas, a lower temperature, and simultaneous cooling convection were required to improve thermal comfort.

      • KCI등재

        직장인의 피로 심각도 및 이와 연관된 사회 인구학적, 임상적 변인

        박소영,조숙행,김승현,한창수,함병주,고영훈,Park, Soyoung,Joe, Sook-Haeng,Kim, Seung-Hyun,Han, Chang-Su,Ham, Byung-Joo,Ko, Young-Hoon 한국정신신체의학회 2014 정신신체의학 Vol.22 No.1

        Objectives : We aimed to explore the relationship among fatigue and perceived stress, depressive mood in the working population. We also examined associations with demographic and life style factors and investigated the effect of individual coping skills on these associations. Methods : Fatigue Severity Scale(FSS), Perceived Stress Scale(PSS), Brief Encounter Psychosocial Instrument - Korean version(BEPSI-K), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Stress Coping Skill Questionnaire were administered to 621 civil servants. All of above and other demographic factors are self-administered questionnaire survey and this study is cross sectional. Results : Mean FSS score was 3.04 which was lower than 3.22, the severity cut off score. FSS, PSS, BEPSI-K, BDI were all higher in female. Subjects with active coping skills showed relatively low fatigue, perceived stress, depressive mood than those with passive coping skills. Logistic regression analyses indicated that the PSS, BDI, BEPSI-K in working population increase the risk of fatigue and regular exercise lowers the risk. Conclusions : Adults who were afflicted by stress, experienced depressive mood or were physically inactive were at much higher risk of feeling fatigue. Since no other large data sets are available for fatigue, the results from this study could serve a very useful purpose, to furnish a basis for comparison with future research results based on more complete data.

      • KCI우수등재

        가습기 살균제 건강영향 모니터링에서 환경노출조사의 역할

        박소영(Soyoung Park),박주현(Ju-Hyun Park),이승희(Seunghee Lee),장우성(Woo-Sung Jang),김소연(So-Yeon Kim),박지훈(Jihoon Park),문은찬(Eunchan Mun),이예성(Yesung Lee),김현일(Hyunil Kim),김형철(Hyeong-Cheol Kim),박동욱(Dong-Uk Park) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.2

        Objective: The objectives of this study are to update the information on the characteristics of humidifier disinfectant (HD) usage with HD associated health problems and to discuss the role of HD exposure assessment in the national program to monitor health problems in patients with HD associated diseases. Method: A total of 201 HD associated patients who registered to undergo clinical examination at Kangbuk Samsung Hospital was interviewed to acquire their responses regarding several HD use characteristics, including type of HD brands used, HD use duration, average daily HD use hours, and the volume of the room in which HD was used. The responses of the HD associated patients to HD use-related questions were compared between responses in the lung injury investigation and this study. Results: The responses of HD associated patients in this study were found to be different from those in the lunginjury investigation. In particular, some of the patients who had not answered in the lung-injury investigation were able to answer thanks to assistance from the investigator in this study. For their responses regarding the name of the most commonly used HD brand, the number of patients who did not answer (N=11) was reduced to eight in this study. Significant changes in the responses of study subjects to questions related to HD use were achieved through the interview in this study. Conclusion: This study found significant changes in the responses regarding HD use characteristics. HD exposure assessment should be included in the program in order to allow surveillance of HD associated health problems.

      • 제주 바다목장해역에서의 수중테마공원 조성을 위한 개념 설계

        윤한삼(Han-Sam Yoon),김윤(Yoon Kim),박소영(Soyoung Park),박효봉(Hyo-Bong Park),김홍진(Hong-Jin Kim),류청로(Cheong-Ro Ryu) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2009 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        This study conducted to develop the conceptual design for the submarine theme park in the Jeju marine ranching area. The submarine theme park was divided into three individual zonations of Marine tour, Sea culture and Eco park zone based on the traditional legend. The results from this study is expected to be used as a fundamental example of the marine ranching development in the future.

      • KCI등재

        전통미술 교육의 근대적 양상과 그 의미 - 1900년대 초~1945년 해방이전의 전통회화 교육을 중심으로

        박소영(Soyoung Park) 한국미술교육학회 2007 美術敎育論叢 Vol.21 No.1

          본고는 한국 전통미술 교육을 근대시기에 초점을 맞추어 우리 전통회화의 변화 양상을 고찰하고 그와 함께 조선시대 도화서 이후로 화가 양성을 담당했던 사설 미술교육 강습소 및 단체들에서 이루어진 교육방식 및 성격을 밝히고자 한 논문이다. 한국 미술교육의 근대화 과정은 식민지기라는 굴절된 역사 속에서 이뤄졌다는 취약점을 지니고 있다. 이에 전통미술 교육의 근대적 양상을 고찰하기에 앞서 미술의 근대 개념과 한국미술의 근대시기 설정에 관한 논의를 먼저 살펴보았다. 한국미술에서는 근대시기의 설정 자체가 어려운 문제였다. 하지만 1990년대 중반 이후에 활발하게 논의되었던 근대의 시기설정 및 한국미술에서 근대의 의미와 근대적 성격에 관한 연구는 이제 그 성과를 보이고 있다. 연구자는 근대시기의 전통미술 교육에 관한 연구물들이 미미하다는 점을 안타깝게 생각하면서 조선시대 이후, 전통미술의 명맥을 유지시킨 미술교육의 형태와 교육내용을 조명하고자 하였다.   The purpose of this paper is to report on diverse aspects of modern tradition art, with a specific focus on the form and characteristics of traditional art education in private institutes or groups which had been attributed to train painters after the age of Dohwaseo(圖畵署). The modernization of Korean traditional art education had been exposed to distorted history, undergoing colonialization.<BR>  It is shameful that not much research conducted on modernism period. That was because there were several difficulties over establishing modernization period for Korean art history. The upper class of Chosun Dynasty persued the literature, so that they consider painting in the context of calligraphy. The status of painting had been raised gradually from the late Chosun Dynasty to the end of Empire of Korea, which is called the correspondence between calligraphy and painting. It was after modernization-that paintings separated from calligraphy.<BR>  Since mid-1990s, researches on establishment of modern period and significance and characteristics of Korean modernism have been brought to life and is now revealing the achivement of endeavors. These findings showed the arguments on the modernism period and modern aspects in traditional art education.<BR>  Accordingly this study will provide insight into patterns of traditional art education that sustained traditional art after Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        Composition of Expenditures and Economic Performance

        Soyoung Park(박소영),Yongjin Sa(사용진) 한국공공관리학회 2016 한국공공관리학보 Vol.30 No.4

        State governments create fiscal policies, but not all state policy decisions result in better economic performance. Economic performance depends on taxes and types of expenditures. The composition of public expenditures also is considered the instrument for promoting economic growth. This study attempts to examine how different types of expenditures (highway, education, and welfare expenditure) influence economic growth, as measured by change of gross state product (GSP) using a panel data set from 1998 to 2013. The results indicate that a high proportion of highway expenditure and education expenditure are positively related to economic growth rate. In addition, a high level of welfare expenditure is positively related to a state"s economic growth rate.

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