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      • KCI등재

        디지털 유선방송을 위한 DOCSIS 1.1 프로토콜의 성능분석에 관한 연구

        김수희,손원,김영수,홍인기,Kim Soo-Hee,Sohn Won,Kim Young-Soo,Hong Een-Kee 한국통신학회 2004 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.11A

        이 논문에서는 디지털 유선방송 시스템에서 대역외 채널을 통한 시스템 메시지 전송과 데이터 서비스를 위하여 DOCSIS 모뎀을 사용할 때의 성능을 분석하였다. 객관성을 유지하기 위하여 상/하향 채널과 잡음 환경을 고려한 가운데 패킷 크기, 전송스트림 속도, 연결, 단편화, 우선순위 등에 따른 처리율, 평균 접속 지연 및 상향 채널 이용률을 분석하였다. 우선순위를 적용한 경우에 우선순위가 낮은 서비스들은 채널 상에서 계속적으로 기아 상태가 될 수 있는데, 연결과 단편화 기능을 적용하여 이러한 문제를 해결할 수 있었다. 또한 상/하향 채널 상에 잡음을 적용하였을 때. 처리율과 평균 접속 지연의 성능이 잡음이 없을 때와 비교하여 크게 차이나는 것을 확인하였다. The Data Over Cable System Interface Specification (DOCSIS) protocol enables the delivery of Internet Protocol(IP) traffic over Cable TV networks with significantly higher data rates. In this paper, we assessed the performance of the DOCSIS protocol using the OPNET. The simulation can be used to predict the upstream system throughput, mean access delay and channel utilization on varying packet size and transmission stream and wid/without concatenation, and it has shown that maximum system throughput is 4.6 Mbps for channel capacity of 5.12 Mbps and packet size of 1500 bytes. The mean access delay varies depending on the offered load, and it is assumed that the offered load does not exceed the capacity of the channel. Excess offered load causes service starvation according to the assigned priority.

      • KCI등재

        저소득층 가정 아동의 위축행동 감소를 위한 가창 프로그램 연구

        김수희,Kim, Soo Hee 한국음악치료교육학회 2009 인간행동과 음악연구 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구는 가창 프로그램이 저소득층 가정 아동의 위축행동에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대해 알아본 실험연구로 교사에게 추천 받은 서울 소재 S 지역아동센터에 다니고 있는 위축행동 아동 5명에게 가창 프로그램을 한 회기 60분씩 총 10회기 실시하였다. 양적 측정을 위해 아동에게는 K-CBCL의 자기보고형 위축척도 검사를, 교사에게는 K-CBCL의 교사 평가 위축척도 검사를 실시하여 대상자들의 위축행동 변화를 살펴보았고 그 외 위축관련 행동인 목소리 사용 변화와 자기표현 변화 그리고 눈맞춤 횟수 변화를 관찰하기 위해 매 회기 녹화된 비디오를 분석하고 이를 기록하였다. 그 결과 K-CBCL의 자기보고형 위축척도 점수는 6.4점 감소하였고, Wilcoxon 비모수 검정 결과 유의수준 .042(p < .05)로 통계적으로 유의미하였다. 또 K-CBCL의 교사 평가 위축척도 점수는 3.6점 감소하였고, Wilcoxon 비모수 검정 결과 역시 유의수준 .042(p < .05)로 통계적으로 유의미하였다. 또 대상자들이 가창 활동 안에서 보인 위축관련 행동인 목소리 사용과 자기표현 변화, 그리고 눈맞춤 횟수를 비디오 분석을 통해 회기별로 분석한 결과 가창 활동 초기에 비해 후기에 각 행동이 긍정적으로 변화한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 가창 프로그램은 저소득층 가정 아동의 위축행동을 감소시키는 데에 효과적인 중재도구임을 시사한다고 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of a singing program on withdrawal behaviors of children in low-income families. To measure the effects of the singing program, the researcher compared the results of K-YSR and TRF withdrawal scales before and after the program. Finally, the researcher did research on the subjects' musical and non-musical behaviors related to withdrawal through a record of behavior observation. The results of this study were asfollows: First, after comparing the results of K-YSR and TRF withdrawal scales conducted before and after the singing program, the mean of the scores was decreased by 6.4 and 3.6 points respectively (p = .042). Second, an analysis of withdrawal-related behavioral changes in music activities after the program showed an increase in frequency of eye contact, as well as tone and volume of subjects' voices. The results of this study indicate that the singing program has positive effects on withdrawal behaviors of children in low-income familiesin addition, it is effective in alleviating withdrawal-related behaviors.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일본 돗토리현(鳥取縣)의 동해 진출과 울릉도·독도

        김수희(Kim Soo-hee) 동북아역사재단 2020 영토해양연구 Vol.19 No.-

        17세기 돗토리번 미호노세키는 오키섬을 근거지로 왕래하는 해상운송업자들의 상업근거지였다. 막부의 경제 부흥책으로 미곡지대의 연공미 운반과 지역 간 주요 토산물 운반이 활발해지자 에도와 오사카 항로에는 해상운송업자들이 폭주하였다. 이 과정에서 사카이미나토항을 근거지로 활동하는 해상운송업자 중 오야 무라카와 양가는 울릉도 명칭을 기죽도에서 죽도로 명칭 변칭하고 울릉도 도해 사업을 시작하였다. 막부는 목적지가 기재된 주인장(御朱印)을 대신 돗토리번주 앞으로 외국도해를 허가하는「죽도도해면허」를 발급하였다. 막부는 1620년 울릉도에 거주하고 있는 일본인을 처형해 조선과의 약속을 이행하면서도 다른 한편으로는16 25년 돗토리 상인들의 울릉도도항을 허가하였다. 그러나 안용복 납치 사건으로 울릉도 쟁계가 발생하자 막부는 돗토리인의 울릉도 도항을 금지하는 죽도도해금지령을 내렸다. 러일전쟁기 전략적 요충지를 확보하려는 움직임이 대두되면서 일본은 울릉도를 조선침략의 본거지로 이용하고자 하였다. 러일전쟁기 전략적 요충지를 확보하려는 움직임이 대두되면서 오키섬 오징어 어민은 울릉도로 이식되면서 오키섬 오징어 어민은 울릉도로 이식되었고 시마네현 강치어민 나카이 요자부로는 「리앙코도 영토편입 및 대하원(リヤンコ島領土編入並び貸下願)」을 일본 정부에 제출해 독도를 불법 점거하였다. 전근대기 돗토리 상인들은 오키도를 근거지로 한 서북해 항로가 개발되자 울릉도 명칭을 변경해 「죽도도해」사업을 하였고 근대기 시마네현 어민 나카이 요자부로는 ‘완전히 방치된 무인도, 영토 소속이 정해져 있지 않은 섬’을 일본영토로 변경한 후 어장을 독점하였다. 일본은1 696년과 1837년 2차례의 「죽도도해금지령」과 태정관지령문(1877년)을 내려 공식적으로 울릉도·독도를 조선의 영토로 인정하면서도 한편으로는 근대기 개인의 탐욕을 이용해 울릉도와 독도를 분리해 독도를 일본영토로 불법 편입하였다. In the seventeenth century, Tottori Domain(鳥取藩) Mihonosekki was a commercial base for maritime transporters who traveled to and from Oki(隱岐) Island. As the Shogunate’s economic stimulation initiatives promoted transportation and trade of rice and local products between the regions, maritime carriers rushed into the Edo(江戸) and Osaka(大阪) routes. In this process, Oya and Murakawa(大谷·村川), marine transporters based on Sakaiminato Port(境港), changed the name of Ulleungdo(鬱陵島) from Iso-Takeshima(磯竹島) to Takeshima(Jukdo-竹島) and started the “Crossing to Takeshima Sea(竹島渡海) Project.” Accordingly, the Shogunate issued a “Crossing Takeshima Island Sea Licensing(竹島渡海免許)” that permits foreign voyage to Tottori Province instead of the Red Passport(御朱印), which listed specific destinations. In 1620, the Shogunate executed a Japanese resident in Ulleungdo and fulfilled his promise to Joseon, while permitting the “Crossing to Takeshima Sea Project” of Tottori merchants at the same time. However, when the “Ulleungdo dispute(鬱陵島爭界:竹島一件)” occurred due to the kidnapping of Ahn Yong-bok, the Shogunate recognized Ulleungdo and Dokdo as Joseon territory and issued a “Banning Ordinance on the Voyage to Takeshima(竹島渡海禁止令),” prohibiting Tottori people"s voyage to Ulleungdo and Dokdo. With a rising tendency to secure strategic points during the Russo-Japanese War, Japan tried to use Ulleungdo as home of its invasion against Joseon. As the movement to secure strategic points during the Russo-Japanese War emerged, Oki Island"s squid fishers were transferred to Ulleungdo, and the Shimane Prefecture fisherman Nakai Yozaburo(中井養三郞) also submitted a petition of “Liancourt Island Territory Incorporation and Application for Rental(リヤンコ島領土編入並び貸下願)” to the Japanese government to illegally occupy Dokdo. Just as the former modern Tottori merchants changed Ulleungdo to Jukdo(竹島) Island and carried out the “Crossing to Takeshima Sea(竹島渡海) Project” the Japanese fishermen of Shimane Prefecture, Nakai Yozaburo, also petitioned and attained monopolized fishing rights, insisting that Dokdo was a completely neglected and uninhabited island, an island that did not have any territorial affiliation. Japan officially recognized Ulleungdo and Dokdo as territory of Joseon by issuing two “Banning Ordinance on the Voyage to Takeshima(竹島渡海禁止令)” in 1696 and 1837 and “Daijogan Ordinance: 太政官指令(1877),” but, on the other hand, Japan utilized the greediness of modern individuals to separate Ulleungdo and Dokdo, and illegally incorporated Dokdo into Japanese territory.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 멸치어업 성립과 개항 후의 어업 변화 과정

        김수희(Kim Soo-hee) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2007 한국민족문화 Vol.30 No.-

        Many changes were occurring in production and distribution when Japanese fishermen entered into fishery of Chosun, The biggest changes happened in anchovy fishery. When a good school of fish that was to Japanese taste in Gyungsangdo fishery, Japanese fishermen crowded to there and monopolized the anchovy fishery. As huge amount of anchovy was exported to Japan from Gangwondo, Jejudo, and other islands region, Chosun fishermen developed anchovy fishery and increased their fishery scale to expand anchovy fishery business. However, anchovy business fluctuates very intensively that cannot be estimated and fishermen without fund for fishery were borrowing money at usury from Korean commission agencies or Japanese financiers. These usurers lent money on 30% or higher interest rate every month and a condition that the fishermen had to sell anchovy to them at 30% less price which was harsh to those fishermen without any fund for their fishery business. Despite these conditions, Chosun anchovy fishermen had to borrow funds from those capitalists every year and continued their fishery business dreaming to make a big fortune at one stroke. After all, dream of catching a lot of anchovy became a big burden to those fishermen due to commercial exploitation of financiers and they became employees of fishery. Going through this process, Chosun's anchovy reproduction structure was established and those fisheries were plundered when fishermen couldn not pay back money to financiers or became employees of fishery. However, this anchovy reproduction structure was broken down when there was less migration of anchovy near the coast due to flexible fishery of Japanese fishermen and big sardine fishing grounds were formed in Hamgyungdo. In 1930s, Japanese fishery financiers started businesses such as power vessels, pressing oil from sardines in big scale production facilities, and handling those remnants. Fishermen of Gangwondo who used to work in anchovy fishery were employed by the Japanese and caught sardines as raw material suppliers for sardine production facilities and Jejudo anchovy fishing grounds became a deserted fish farm village of one island region.

      • KCI등재

        柳永 詞의 희극적 면모

        김수희(Kim, Soo-hee) 한국중어중문학회 2019 中語中文學 Vol.- No.75

        LiuYong-Ci got a lot of love from the public in Song Dynasty. This is because of the theatrical aspect of his Ci –poetry. The theatrical aspect is a big feature of Citizen culture of Song Dynasty. Ci –poetry also has a theatrical aspect as one of the Citizen culture. His work was often performed by a concubine. So his works have many theatrical elements. LiuYong-Ci has characters and set up a stage scene. There are male characters in his work, and male characters refer to female characters. This can be seen as the simultaneous appearance of men and women. His work actively utilized the monologue and conversation of characters. This is to tell the audience of the performance, which is a so-called dramatic structure. His work has a lot of typical scenes and Loutai(樓臺)architecture. LiuYong composed a scene through many lines. He connected the scenes which has a literary tradition, and He switched the scenes through imagination activities. This way of connecting scenes and switching scenes is suitable for manci that deal with narrative sanctions. This forms the scene of autumn-riverfarewell, it can be said that this is a typical scene of Songyufeiqiu(宋玉悲秋). And he climbed into the Loutai and recalled the past or guessed the future. Most of these associative scenes are located in the guopian(過片) of Ci-poetry. It can be seen that when the music is resting for a while, the actors are getting ready to perform on the stage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 세계화와 화해 -한반도를 중심으로-

        김수희(Kim Soo Hee) 조선대학교 국제문화연구원 2011 국제문화연구 Vol.4 No.2

        Neoliberalism according to self-regulating function of market, resources creates most suitable distributed efficient economy. Therefore, government leaves to market s competition principle and that small government which do nonintervention to market is desirable. There is basis that globalization is desirable international relation that is formed to the countries that gain economical prosperity. Received cold war and effect of globalization age did result 6.15 joint declarations through South-North summit meeting result in 2000. This was the historic event that retain meaning of broad principle preparation of South-North reconciliation cooperation. Arrived to be connected to 10.4 declarations of 2007 continuously and reach on Problem of the North Korea s nuclear through 6 letters conversation and Korea Peninsula denuclearization joint declaration. Such result in North Korea s situation system protection of government target that help strong and prosperous state construction so-called, and contribute in people economy reconstruction can. South Korea promotes opening of North Korea society through large scale economy support on the assumption ethnic unity. Problem is point that North Korea system is patriarchal totalitarianism system. Totalitarianism system is the dictatorship country that rally power to parents who is taking the responsibility family s living patriarch. But problem economic growth is unavoidable for probability society construction target performance and system preservation is impossible actually without interior binding through economic growth. Finally, action that can heighten opening effect autochthonously in serious situation North Korea in 2002 market economy introduction through 7·1 trillion numerical values formulate. This is action for partial introduction of market economy element with wage and prices of commodities actualization, raise in exchange rates and gradual reduction of distribution, social security reduction, corporation s self-regulation book growth, Incentive payment system introduction. North Korea is limited, but is having structural special quality that can not but accommodate globalization order. This is unavoidable for orthodoxy about leadership of patriarch government as well as system can not live peacefully in estrangement with people. That is feeling sympathy however is limited in value that globalization intends within such condition through South-North summit meeting and interchange results prove. This must be discourtesy that is effective, and show validity of peaceful method that go by ethnic reconciliation and agreement. Therefore, get polished unproductive military confrontation composition in Korean Peninsula, and extension of globalization order that there is no condition convinces length of nation integration justly.

      • KCI등재

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