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        웹사이트 워마드의 ‘흉자’ 담론 분석: 굴절된 자기혐오라는 성공에의 동력

        고은해 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2019 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.34 No.4

        This study attempt to adopt a critical approach toward discourses <Womad> has constructed, especially focusing on ‘honorory-men’ discourse (aka ‘Hyung-Ja’ discourse). <Womad> has been categorizing Women in discursive dimension under the ‘We must Only care for Women’ banner. But this categorization exposes a self-contradiction of <Womad> through ‘honorary-men’ discourse, which is a kind of hate speech against Other Women. Since <Womad> can be considered as a feminism group, it is problematic that they are practicing misogyny by doing so. This contradiction strongly suggests the need for study of ‘honorary-men’ discourse. Accordingly, this study analyzes ‘honorary-men’ discourse that justifies the criticism of Other Women, by applying Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA). Summary of the analysis result is following: firstly, ‘honorary-men’ discourse follows and repeats the mechanism of misogyny that generalizing characteristics of non-specific women, which shows the influence of strong hegemony of deep-rooted misogynic culture in Korean society. Secondly, the discursive practice of ‘honorary-men’ discourse is related to social isolation of <Womad> and their attempt to overcome the isolation forms a recursive structure that leads to the practice of enlightment against ‘Hyung-ja’. Lastly, the affect of anxiety <Womad> reveals through the practice of ‘honorary-men’ discourse, has built a connection to the social practices of <Womad>, which are neoliberalistic projects that only limited and selected individuals can succeed within. This analysis result tells us that practicing ‘honorary-men’ discourse represents <Womad>’s survival strategy within the reality of korean society, which has a twofold suppression structure of misogyny and neoliberalistic economy system. This means that young women generation called <Womad> is newly mapping ‘discourse of young generation’ and ‘discourse of Hell-Joseon’ from women perspective. For deconstruction of the self-hatred mechanism represented in practice of ‘honorary-men’ discourse of <Womad>, this study emphasizes two kinds of proposals. One thing is forming a solidarity through a critical consideration of closed collective identity. Another thing is forming a critical discourse that incubates potential for disarticulation between two macroscopic hegemonies in korean society, which are misogyny and neoliberalistic competition system. 이 연구는 웹사이트 <워마드>가 구성하고 있는 담론 중 특히 ‘흉자’담론에 대한비판적 접근을 시도한다. 남성 동성애자들에 대한 비하표현 여부를 두고 갈등을 빚으며 <메갈리아> 사이트로부터 분화되어 나온 웹사이트 <워마드>는, ‘오직 여자만챙겨야 한다’는 기치 아래 ‘여성’에 대한 범주화 작업을 담론의 차원에서 구성해왔다. 그 과정에서 불거져 나온 <워마드>의 ‘흉자’ 담론은 ‘다른 여성’을 향한 비난을실천하게 하는 기제로 작용함으로써, 이들이 구성하고 있는 ‘여성’ 범주의 모순을강하게 암시한다. 이는 ‘여성주의’ 집단으로 분류될 가능성을 가진 <워마드>가 ‘흉자’ 담론을 통해 일종의 ‘여성혐오’를 실천하게 된 배경에 대한 고찰의 필요성을 역설한다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 <워마드>의 ‘흉자’ 담론을 페어클로의 비판적 담론분석 접근을 원용하여 분석하였다. 분석의 결과를 간략하게 요약하자면, 첫째, ‘흉자’ 담론은 불특정한 여성들의 특성을 일반화하고 있는 여성혐오의 매커니즘을 반복하고 있으며, 이는 한국 사회의 여성혐오 문화의 강력한 헤게모니적 영향력을 보여준다. 둘째, ‘흉자’ 담론의 실천은 <워마드>의 사회적 고립과 연관되며, 이 고립의 극복은 ‘흉자’들에 대한 폭력적 구제 행위의 실천으로 연계되는 순환 구조를 이룬다. 마지막으로, ‘흉자’ 담론의 분석을 통해 드러난 <워마드> 구성원들의 불안의 정동은, ‘탈코르셋 운동’, ‘야망보지 프로젝트’ 그리고 ‘탈조선 프로젝트’와 같은 신자유주의적 자기계발 주체의 계발을 통해 이를 극복하고자 하는 사회적 실천과 강력한 개연성을 구축하고 있다. 이러한 분석 결과는 <워마드>가 한국 사회의 여성혐오 및 신자유주의적 무한경쟁 체제가 긴밀하게 얽혀 있는 이중적 억압의 구조 속에서, ‘흉자’ 혐오를 통해 각자도생의 생존전략을 모색하는 현실을 재현하고 있다. 이는 <워마드> 라는 일부 ‘여성 청년 세대’가 기존의 몰젠더적인 청년 세대 담론과 ‘헬조선’ 지형도의 다른 한 축을 <워마드> 버전으로 기록하고 있음을 뜻하기도 한다.

      • 조현병 감별진단에 대한 머신 러닝 기법의 적용 : WAIS-IV의 진단 예측 역량

        고은해,강희양,김용식,정성훈 대한신경정신의학회 2017 신경정신의학 Vol.56 No.3

        Objectives Machine learning (ML) encompasses a body of statistical approaches that can detect complex interaction patterns from multi-dimensional data. ML is gradually being adopted in medical science, for example, in treatment response prediction and diagnostic classification. Cognitive impairment is a prominent feature of schizophrenia, but is not routinely used in differential diagnosis. In this study, we investigated the predictive capacity of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV (WAIS-IV) in differentiating schizophrenia from non-psychotic illnesses using the ML methodology. The purpose of this study was to illustrate the possibility of using ML as an aid in differential diagnosis. Methods The WAIS-IV test data for 434 psychiatric patients were curated from archived medical records. Using the final diagnoses based on DSM-IV as the target and the WAIS-IV scores as predictor variables, predictive diagnostic models were built using 1) linear 2) non-linear/non-parametric ML algorithms. The accuracy obtained was compared to that of the baseline model built without the WAIS-IV information. Results The performances of the various ML models were compared. The accuracy of the baseline model was 71.5%, but the best non-linear model showed an accuracy of 84.6%, which was significantly higher than that of non-informative random guessing (p=0.002). Overall, the models using the non-linear algorithms showed better accuracy than the linear ones. Conclusion The high performance of the developed models demonstrated the predictive capacity of the WAIS-IV and justified the application of ML in psychiatric diagnosis. However, the practical application of ML models may need refinement and larger-scale data collection.

      • 논문분석을 통한 국내 실어증 연구고찰

        고은 한국청각언어장애교육학회 2014 한국청각·언어장애교육연구 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine domestic aphasia-related theses, dissertations and academic journal articles published during a period of 11 years from 2002 to 2012 in an effort to shed light on domestic research trends in aphasia. 144 papers were analyzed by the year of publication, the type of materials, theme, subjects and treatment strategies, and what institution the papers were published through was also taken into account. As a result, it's found that constant research efforts were directed into aphasia, as a mean of 13 papers were published every year during that period, and aphasia was most researched in the theses. The largest number of the studies were concerned with speech & language pathology, followed by medicine. As a result of analyzing the themes of the studies, linguistic approaches were most prevailing. The greatest number of the studies examined the linguistic characteristics of aphasic patients, and the second biggest number of the studies examined the effects of language intervention. The third largest number of the studies made clinical case reports. Specifically, clinical case studies were dominant when medical approaches were taken. When the studies were analyzed by subjects, the largest number of the studies didn't examine any particular type of aphasic patients, and it seemed because papers that dealt with evaluation, screening tools and cognition usually examined every kind of aphasia. One noteworthy finding was that Broca's aphasia was more widely covered than any other kind of aphasia. When the studies were analyzed by treatment strategies, MIT strategy and functional communicative approach were most common, and the reason seemed that the weight of Broca's aphasia was greater than that of any other kind of aphasia overall. The effort by this study to analyze domestic research trends in aphasia such as research themes and methods is expected to provide useful information on aphasia research. 본 연구는 2002년부터 2012년까지 11년 동안의 국내 실어증 관련 석․박사학위논문과 학술지 논문 분석을 통해 실어증 연구의 동향을 살펴보고자 하고자 하였다. 총 144편의 논문을 발표연도 및 자료유형, 발표기관, 연구주제, 연구대상, 치료전략별로 나누어 분석하였다. 분석 결과 실어증 연구는 매해 평균 13편의 논문이 꾸준히 발표되고 있으며 석사논문에서 가장 활발히 연구가 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 실어증 연구는 언어치료학에서 가장 많은 논문이 발표되었으며 다음은 의학 순으로 나타났다. 연구주제별 분석 결과에 따르면 실어증 연구는 실어증 환자의 언어적 특성을 밝히는 연구가 가장 많았다. 그 다음으로는 언어중재효과 그리고 임상사례 보고인 것으로 나타났다. 연구대상별 분석에 있어서는 특정 실어증 유형을 규정하지 않은 경우가 가장 많았는데, 그 이유는 평가 및 검사도구 관련 논문과 인지를 주제로 한 논문에서는 실어증 전체를 대상으로 하고 있기 때문인 것으로 볼 수 있다. 치료전략별 분석 결과에서는 MIT 전략과 기능적 의사소통접근법이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났는데, 그것은 전체적으로 볼 때 브로카 실어증의 비중이 높은 데서 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 최근 국내 실어증과 관련된 논문의 연구주제와 연구방법 등을 파악하여 실어증 연구의 경향을 분석함으로써 실어증 연구를 위한 기초자료를 제시하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 주제어 : 실어증, 문헌분석, 언어치료, 실어증 연구 동향

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 간호 학술지에 게재된 종양관련 연구 동향 분석: 2003~2009년

        고은,소향숙,조인숙,김혜영,김영재,서남숙,이명숙 전남대학교 간호과학연구소 2010 Nursing and Health Issues(NHI) Vol.15 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze korean cancer nursing research trends in published articles. Methods: Analytic review was conducted for all published papers in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, Journals of affiliated academy of the Korean Society of Nursing Science, and others, using the key words cancer and nursing. A total of 265 articles published were selected. They were analyzed according to criteria such as published artide, research design, participants, diagnosis, treatment type, theoretical framework, key concepts, research instruments, and the level of evidence. Results: About 29.1 % were published in the Journal of Korean Oncology Nursing. Quantitative studies were 86.8% and non-experimental studies were 63.8%. The most medical diagnosis was breast cancer (23.1%). The top key concepts were quality of life, symptom experience, depression, pain, and nausea/vomiting in order. Middle based rating, LOE (level of evidence) 4 to 6 were the most(61.8%), low based rating, LOE 7 and 8 were the least(11.6%). Conclusion: For the last 6 years, oncology nursing research using quasi-experimental design has increased. It is necessary to increase the strong research design, LOE 1 to 3.

      • KCI등재

        <유효공선행록>의 감정 표출 양상과 서술의식

        고은임 ( Ko Eunim ) 한국고소설학회 2021 古小說 硏究 Vol.52 No.-

        본고는 <유효공선행록>의 가족관계에 나타난 감정 표출 양상을 살펴, 가족 간 증오와 학대의 대물림 현상과 그 서술의식을 논의한 연구이다. 유연은 작품 내에서 성인으로 추앙된 인물로, 포악한 부친 유정경과 간험한 동생 유홍의 지독한 괴롭힘 속에서도 효제(孝悌)의 가치를 추구하였다. 그는 강도 높은 폭언과 폭행에 지속적으로 노출되는데도 자신을 향한 가족의 학대를 학대라 인지하지 못하고, 그들에 대한 부정적 감정을 극도로 억압하는 한편 자책하는 방식으로 고통을 감내했다. 그런데 부친과 동생을 향해 억압되었던 그의 부정적 감정은 아내 정씨, 아들 유우성, 그리고 장인 정관을 향해 과잉 표출되고 만다. 그리고 그런 환경에서 자란 유우성은 어려서부터 불안과 우울을 경험하며, 패륜적 사건을 일으키는 문제아가 된다. 특히 아내 이소저를 폭행함으로써 자신을 혐오하는 아버지에 대한 원한과 분노의 감정을 왜곡된 방식으로 분출하는데, 이는 기실 유연의 감정 표출 방식이 반복 재생산된 것으로, 강박적인 효우를 고수하며 자신을 증오하던 부친과 동생에 대해서는 부정적 감정을 억압한 반면, 아내와 아들에 대해서는 왜곡된 부정적 감정을 쏟았던 유연의 모습이 유우성에게서 보다 증폭되어 나타난 것이라 할 수 있다. 유연은 서술자에 의해 지속적으로 성인, 군자로 추앙되었으나 그가 아내와 아들에게 보이는 구체적 모습은 성인이나 군자의 형상과는 거리가 멀었다. 즉 유연에 대한 서술자의 발화와 구체적 장면에서 형상화된 유연의 모습 사이에 큰 괴리가 발생하는 것이다. 본고는 이러한 괴리가 발생한 데 대해 두 가지 측면에서 논의한바, 우선 <유효공선행록>이 강하게 위계화된 감정질서에 기반한 작품이라는 점을 주목했다. 감정의 적절성에 있어 고려되어야 하는 상황 맥락보다 위계관계에 따른 차별적 감정질서를 압도적으로 우선하는 서술의식 하에서 창작되었기에 유연의 비합리적이며 부당해 보이는 감정들도 구체적 장면에서 노출될 수 있었다고 생각된다. 가부장제 하에서 위계상 ‘윗사람’ 유연이 ‘아랫사람’에 해당하는 형성가족, 즉 아내와 아들에게 행한 폭언, 폭행 정도는 그의 명예를 훼손하지 않는, 용인 가능한 일이라는 의식기반이 있었던 것이다. 둘째, 유연을 훌륭하게 그리려는 서술자의 의식지향과 무관하게, 현실적 모습을 충실히 묘사하려는 작가적 충동이 작동한 결과 유연과 같은 인물 형상이 그려질 수 있었다고 보인다. 당대의 인간과 그 삶을 상세히 관찰하고 그 현실태를 구체적으로 그려내려는 작가적 충동, 리얼리즘 충동에서, 유연의 위대함 혹은 효제의 가치를 말하려던 서술자의 의식지향과는 상반된 장면들이 탄생했던 것이다. 그 결과 부자관계에서 폭력적이며 억압적 상황에 놓여 있던 유연의 고통, 그로 인한 신체적, 정신적 문제, 그 문제들의 대물림 상황까지 서사화될 수 있었다고 생각된다. This study discusses the legacy of familial resentment and abuse by examining the emotional expression patterns of family relationships in Yuhyogongseonhaengrok (Mr. Yu Hyo's Records of Good Deeds, 柳孝公善行錄). Yoo Yeon, the protagonist, is a saint-like and revered figure in the work who pursues the values of filial piety (孝悌) despite the brutal harassment of his tyrannical father, Yoo Jeong-gyeong, and scheming and sinister younger brother, Yoo Hong. While he is constantly the subject of intense verbal and physical abuse, he does not recognize this treatment as abusive; he endures the pain while feeling guilty and suppresses any negative feelings toward his family. However, his negative feelings toward his father and younger brother are amplified in his treatment of his wife, Ms. Jeong, son Yoo Woo-seong, and father-in-law, Mr. Jeong. Yoo Woo-seong, having grown up in such an environment, experiences anxiety and depression from a young age, eventually becoming a problem child who acts out in depraved ways. He expresses his resentment and anger toward his father by misdirecting it into beating his wife, Yi So-jeo. Yoo Yeon’s emotional expression along with his intense filial piety, suppressing negative emotions toward his father and brother, is amplified through its repetitive occurrence in the novel. Yoo Yeon is revered as a saint and man of honor by the narrator; however, this is in contrast of the image of himself that he reveals to his wife and son. There is a clear disconnect between the portrayal of the narrator and Yoo Yeon’s behavior in the novel's scenes. This study discusses this particular disconnect from two perspectives; first, from the fact that Yuhyogongseonhaengrok is a work heavily based on a hierarchical emotional structure. This narrative consciousness overwhelmingly prioritizes a discriminatory emotional structure governed by the hierarchical relationships over the situational context normally considered for emotional appropriateness. This is revealed by the unreasonable and unfair emotional burst by Yoo Yeon in specific scenes. It is based on the understanding that the verbal and physical abuse perpetrated by Yoo Yeon, a supposedly superior person in the hierarchy, to those lower down on the hierarchy―his wife and son―was considered acceptable and not damaging to his reputation. Second, regardless of the narrator’s intention to portray Yoo Yeon in a positive light, the impulse to present him in a realistic manner resulted in this depiction of Yoo Yeon as a two-faced character. Scenes that stand in contrast to the narrator’s intention about Yoo Yeon’s greatness or the values of filial piety are evidence of an adherence to realism and the author’s impulse toward recording the realities of contemporary life in detail. As a result, this work shows how Yoo Yeon’s suffering through a violent and oppressive relationship with his father caused him physical and psychological ailments, and goes further to detail the circumstances of how these problems were passed down through the generations.

      • KCI등재후보

        시뮬레이션 기반 간호교육에서 마인드맵을 활용한 구조화된 팀디브리핑의 효과

        고은 한국간호시뮬레이션학회 2019 한국간호시뮬레이션학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Purpose: Debriefing is very important in simulation-based education. The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of structured team debriefing on clinical performance, self-confidence in nursing activities, and the satisfaction of nursing students, using mind mapping. Method: A non-equivalent control group post-test design was conducted. The participants in the study were 83 nursing students. The experimental group consisted of 42 seniors in 2018, and the control group consisted of 41 seniors in 2019. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire and an observed performance checklist. The collected data were analyzed using chi-square and independent t-tests with the statistical software package IBM SPSS/WIN 25.0. Results: There were significant differences in clinical performance (t=7.64, p<.001), self-confidence in nursing activities (t=4.93, p<.001), and learner’ satisfaction (t=2.94, p=.004) between the experimental and the control groups. Conclusion: These results indicate that simulation-based nursing education applying structured team debriefing using mind mapping was effective in improving nursing students' clinical performance, self-confidence in nursing activities, and satisfaction. Thus, there is a need to develop and apply a range of clinical scenarios and debriefing strategies in simulation-based nursing education. Technical and non-technical skills of nursing students also need to be evaluated in simulation-based nursing education using various debriefing methods

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