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      • KCI등재

        朝鮮時代 封典을 위한 印章과 誥命의 歷史的 意味

        김경록 명청사학회 2019 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.52

        Despite the high historical significance of the Joseon's seal(印章) and Bongjeon(封典), there are few concrete studies to date. In this regard, this study attempted a practical approach to the historical meaning of seal and Bongjeon in the Joseon. Since many Kings of the Joseon received the Gomyong and Seal and the completion of Bongjeon, they were accompanied by very intense diplomatic activities. Nevertheless, this study was conducted because a summary of seal and Bongjeon was needed. Joseon had to complete the Bongjeon by receiving Gomyong(誥命) and Seal from China (Ming and Qing) in order to establish external stability and internal rule of order. Bongjeon is the official king of the Joseon externally, the recognition of Joseon in the international order centered in China, and means that the relationship between the two countries is normalized. Bongjeon means that the king of Joseon is officially rewarded externally and is recognized by Joseon in an international order centered on China, and normalizes diplomatic relations between Joseon and China. In addition, Joseon was granted royal authority from China internally to secure the legitimacy of government. In the Joseon Dynasty, Bongjeon was achieved by receiving Gomyong and Seal. Gomyong is a document proving the status of the king, and Seal is a seal that symbolizes the authority of the king. Immediately after its founding, Joseon informed the Ming of its founding and requested Gomyong and Seal. However, Joseon did not complete Bongjeon from the TaeJo(太祖) period to the Jeongjong(定宗) period because Joseon and the Ming conflicted over the influence of liaodong(遼東) and Jurchen(女眞). Joseon achieved Bongjeon with the Gomyong and Seal as an opportunity for the Ming during the Taejong(太宗) period. The seals of the Joseon Dynasty were ‘the seal of the King of Joseon(朝鮮國王之印)’ received from the Ming, ‘the seal of the State(國璽)’ used for state rule, and ‘the official seal(官印)’ required for administration. Among these, ‘the seal of the King of Joseon(朝鮮國王之印)’ is called ‘a treasure of great value(大寶)’, symbolizes the king of Joseon internally and externally, and was used in major ruling and diplomatic documents. In addition to ‘the seal of the King of Joseon(朝鮮國王之印)’, Joseon created and used various types of ‘the seal of the State(國璽)’ for government. The Joseon implemented foreign policy to receive the Gomyong and Seal, which was essential for national rule and security. oseon actively developed diplomatic activities to achieve Bongjeon in accordance with changes in international order and domestic situation. Above all, Bongjeon was relatively easily achieved when the succession of the king's throne was normal, but Bongjeon was very difficult if he succeeded to the throne rather than restoration(反正) or not the eldest son. In the Joseon, there were many diplomatic cases involving Bongjeon, and Joseon regarded Bongjeon as the largest diplomatic case in China. The Joseon undertook diplomatic activities with all its power to obtain Gomyong and Seal from China. The Joseon regarded diplomatic documents in this process and was careful about the production, transmission, reception and storage of diplomatic documents. As the largest diplomatic documentary of the Joseon, “Tongmunhwigo(同文彙考)” is the best source of information on Joseon's foreign relations. “Tongmunhwigo” established Bongjeon as the first major diplomatic issue in the systematic categorization of diplomatic cases.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        조선시대 조선과 명의 국경인식과 조명관계

        김경록 한국외국어대학교(글로벌캠퍼스) 역사문화연구소 2024 역사문화연구 Vol.0 No.91

        조선은 건국이후 왕조의 정통성과 통치체제를 안정시키기 위해 대외관계를 적극적으로 맺었다. 조선의 대외관계는 명나라를 대상으로 한 외교관계이며, 여진족, 일본 등과 우호적인 관계를 맺었다. 조선의 대외관계는 국제정세 속에서 형성되었으며, 정치적, 군사적 위협을 제거하기 위해 활발한 대외정책을 수립하고 시행했다. 원나라를 대신하여 동아시아 중심국가로 등장한 명은 홍무제 치세기간에 국내적으로 황제 중심의 일원적인 통치체제를 갖추고, 대외적으로 명나라 중심의 국제질서를 형성하고자 했다. 명나라는 동북쪽에 존재한 조선을 주변국으로 인정하고 요동과 한반도 북부에 거주하던 여진족을 명나라의 영향권 아래에 두고자 적극적인 회유정책을 시행했다. 구체적으로 명나라는 요동을 적극 통치하기 위해 군정체제를 갖추고 주변의 여진족을 대상으로 기미위소를 설치했다. 명의 영역으로 인식하지는 않았지만, 명의 영향력에 포함시켰다. 조선에 대해 압록강과 두만강을 경계로 국경을 설정하고 안정적인 국가관계를 형성하고자 했다. 조선은 고려를 대신하여 한반도의 국가로 등장한 뒤, 지속적으로 명나라와 안정적인 외교관계를 맺었다. 또한, 국제정세의 영향으로 여진족을 비롯한 북방민족이 침입할 것에 대비하여 한반도 북부에 거주하던 여진족을 조선의 영향권 아래에 두고자 했다. 이렇듯 조선과 명나라는 상호 요동과 여진족에 대한 영향력을 두고 갈등하기도 했다. 그러나 기본적으로 조선과 명나라는 상호 인식한 국경을 유지하며 안정적인 국제질서를 지향했다. 그러나 16세기 여진족이 통합되어 새로운 세력으로 등장하며 조선의 국경개념은 복잡하게 전개되었다. 여진족이 세력을 확장하는 과정에 조선은 명나라와 연계하여 적극적으로 여진족을 제어하고자 했다. 그러나 임진왜란이란 급변하는 시대상황으로 여진족의 성장을 억제하지 못했다. 여진족은 세력을 확장하며 두만강, 압록강 유역의 여러 여진부족을 굴복시키고, 전체 여진족을 통합한 뒤에 후금이란 국가를 세웠다. 후금은 본격적으로 명나라와 전쟁을 일으키고, 청나라로 개칭한 뒤 명나라를 멸망시켜 동아시아의 중심국가로 등장했다. 조선과 청나라의 국경문제는 조선과 명나라의 국경문제와 연속적인 성격과 함께 독자적인 성격이 있었다. After the founding of the country, Joseon actively established foreign relations in order to stabilize the legitimacy of the dynasty and the ruling system. Joseon established friendly diplomatic relations with the Ming and established diplomatic relations with the Jurchen and Japan. The external relations of the Joseon were shaped by the international situation, and it formulated and implemented an active foreign policy to eliminate political and military threats. The Ming, which replaced the Yuan as the central state in East Asia, sought to establish a unified governance system centered on the emperor domestically during the reign of the Hongwu Emperor(洪武帝) and externally to form an international order centered on the Ming. The Ming recognized Joseon in the northeast as a neighboring country and implemented an active policy of conciliation in order to bring the Jurchen, who lived in Liaodong and the northern part of the Korean peninsula, under the influence of the Ming. Specifically, the Ming established a military government system to actively govern Liaodong and set up a loose rein policy(羈縻政策) for the surrounding Jurchen. The Ming wanted to establish a border with Joseon along the Yalu river(압록강) and Tumen river(두만강) to create a stable relationship. Joseon emerged as a state on the Korean peninsula, replacing Goryeo, and continued to have stable diplomatic relations with the Ming. In addition, Joseon wanted to keep the Jurchen, who lived in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula, under Joseon's sphere of influence in case the northern ethnic groups, including the Jurchen, were invaded by the international situation. As such, the Joseon and Ming clashed over influence over the Liaodong and the Jurchen. Basically, however, Joseon and Ming maintained mutually recognized borders and sought a stable international order. However, the concept of Joseon's borders was complicated by the consolidation of the Jurchen in the 16th century and their emergence as a new power. As the Jurchen expanded their power, Joseon, in conjunction with the Ming, actively sought to control them. However, due to the rapidly changing conditions of the Imjin War, the Joseon and Ming were unable to curb the growth of the Jurchen. The unified Jurchen founded the Later Jin(後金) and went to war with the Ming in earnest, renamed the Qing, and defeated the Ming, emerging as the center of power in East Asia. The border problems of the Joseon and Qing were both continuous and distinct from the border problems of the Joseon and Ming.

      • KCI등재

        宣祖代 洪純彦의 외교활동과 朝ㆍ明관계

        김경록 명청사학회 2014 명청사연구 Vol.0 No.41

        Examined in this article is through the Analysis of Hong Sun-yeon(洪純彦)‘s activity and study main characteristic of the diplomatic relations between Joseon and Ming in the king Seonjo(宣祖) period. Hong Sun-yeon was famous for his distinguished services during the king Seonjo period. He won a vassal of merit(功臣) for his great services to solve the debate on Joseon's ancestral relationship. Hong Sun-yeon played an important role in solve the debate on Joseon's ancestral relationship and Asking for a dispatch of troops(請兵) during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592(壬辰倭亂). But his services restricted to tongsa(通事). Relations with Ming were carried out in the form of Sahaeng(使行) being sent to Ming and Ming envoys coming to Joseon. More than being diplomatic relations conducted according to the character of Ming institutions, the delivery of letters was important. Nowadays, an ambassador plenipotentiary is invested with full power and carries on diplomatic negotiations with another country and organizing it into documents makes treaties and pacts, but an envoy of the Joseon period did not have the power of an ambassador plenipotentiary. The administrative part of diplomacy was entirely entrusted to the tongsa. The tongsa can be categorized as an interpreting official(譯官). The duties of the tongsa were carried out across the whole spectrum of relations with Ming, participation in sahaeng, reception of Ming envoys and dispatch of individual envoys. But, envoy are responsible for final decision and are the final authority for handling diplomatic activity. The debate on Joseon's ancestral relationship in the Ming dynasty began in 1394 and did not finish until 1588 when the Ming dynasty had amended “The Code of Ming Dynasty(大明會典)”. It lasted for nearly two centuries at nineteen requests of twenty-six Joseon's envoys. The debate, to which the kings and ministers paid great attention, finally got a satisfactory solution. The debate on Joseon's ancestral relationship in the king Seonjo period has reflected that king Seonjo had made a significant progress. The king Seonjo have used debate on Joseon's ancestral relationship as a guise for legitimizing his rule and strengthen royal authority. The appraisal of Hong Sun-yeon related to the current of the times, for example, “indebtedness to state reconstruction(再造之恩)” and changes according to the times.

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