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        억제 유전자를 포함치 않은 효모의 절제회복 관여 RAD4 유전자의 분리

        김재범,박상대,최인순,전성호 한국유전학회 1990 Genes & Genomics Vol.12 No.2

        The RAD4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is absolutely required for the incision step of UV-induced nucleotide excision repair. The previsously cloned RAD4 gene by phenotypic complementation of UV-sensitive rad 4-4 mutants with a yeast genomic library (pPC1) appeared to localize in the right arm of chromosome V as determined by rapid chromosome mapping. This cloned RAD4 gene did not contain a suppressor gene as determined by suppression test of various auxotrophic mutants containing nonsense mutations. In addition, all different plasmids harboring the cloned yeast DNA inserts conferred UV resistance to rad 4-4 mutants to a similar level regardless of their copy number. These results indicated that the pPC1 is a truly functional RAD4 gene and its complementing activity must be resulted from the yeast RAD4 gene.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘금융소비자 보호에 관한 법률안’의 내용 및 문제점

        김재범 한국금융법학회 2013 金融法硏究 Vol.10 No.2

        Recently it has become an urgent pending problem to protect financialconsumers since several financial accidents which produced to massive victims. For the purpose it needs to enact the law of financial consumer protection andto reform the financial supervisory authority. The government legislative bill has been proposed since 2011, howeverit has not been enacted yet. Final government bill of July 6, 2012 has been stilldebated in the Assembly. As regards the independence of financial supervisoryauthority, it is offered in the bill that it should be established within the'Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)' and have more strengthened power thanpresent in budget, personnel matters and work by the bill. However I think theindependence of it is very weak because it is proposed to consult with governorof FSS to decide budget and personnel matters in the bill. Even it needs therecommendation of the governor of FSS to appoint director of it. Several legislation bills by Assemblymen have been proposed too. According to them it is majority opinion that financial supervisory authority beplaced under Financial Committee and it has equivalent status to FSS. In thisway financial supervisory function could be worked more independently and efficiently than present. Although diverse opinions can be proposed, it should be achieved that financial supervisory authority be independent and be grantedpowers needed to supervise the financial company. Recently it has become an urgent pending problem to protect financialconsumers since several financial accidents which produced to massive victims. For the purpose it needs to enact the law of financial consumer protection andto reform the financial supervisory authority. The government legislative bill has been proposed since 2011, howeverit has not been enacted yet. Final government bill of July 6, 2012 has been stilldebated in the Assembly. As regards the independence of financial supervisoryauthority, it is offered in the bill that it should be established within the'Financial Supervisory Service (FSS)' and have more strengthened power thanpresent in budget, personnel matters and work by the bill. However I think theindependence of it is very weak because it is proposed to consult with governorof FSS to decide budget and personnel matters in the bill. Even it needs therecommendation of the governor of FSS to appoint director of it. Several legislation bills by Assemblymen have been proposed too. According to them it is majority opinion that financial supervisory authority beplaced under Financial Committee and it has equivalent status to FSS. In thisway financial supervisory function could be worked more independently and efficiently than present. Although diverse opinions can be proposed, it should be achieved that financial supervisory authority be independent and be granted powers needed to supervise the financial company.

      • KCI등재

        주주총회결의 정족수의 확보와 제도의 개선

        김재범 한국경영법률학회 2017 經營法律 Vol.27 No.4

        섀도우보팅제도는 올해 말에 폐지될 것이 예정되어 있는데 이로 인하여 주주총회의 정족수를 충족하는 데 어려움을 겪는 기업들이 그 대책을 촉구하고 있고, 학계에서도 정족수제도를 근본적으로 바꾸자는 논의가 활발히 이루어져왔다. 주주총회의 정족수 문제에는 기존 정족수요건을 완화하여 주주총회운영을 원활하게 하자는 실무계의 요구와 형식화된 주주총회로부터 주주총회 본래의 기능을 회복시켜 주주총회의 최고기관으로서 위상을 세우자는 주장 및 실무계의 요구도 수용하고 주주총회의 기능을 회복시키는 절충적인 안이 섞여 있다. 주주총회의 정족수를 확보하기 위하여 위임장권유제도, 서면투표 및 전자투표가 이용될 수 있는데, 주주권의 보장을 위하여는 이들 제도 모두 전주주를 대상으로 실시되어야 한다. 위임장권유제도를 전자적 방법으로 활용한다면 정족수의 확보에 효과적으로 이용될 수 있다. 전자투표제도는 비용과 편의 면에서 우월하며 정족수 확보에 매우 유용한 수단이 될 수 있다. 상법의 전자투표는 전자서명이 요구되는 엄격한 절차인데, 주주 편의를 높이고 정족수도 확보하기 위하여는 다른 정보통신기술을 활용하는 방법도 도입되어야 한다. 중소규모의 회사에서는 서면결의의 이용이 확대되어야 한다. 현행법은 서면결의를 이용할 수 있는 회사로 자본금 10억 원 미만의 회사를 정하는데, 이를 삭제하여야 하고, 서면과 함께 전자문서에 의한 결의도 허용하여야 한다. 정족수제도는 ‘발행주식총수의 4분의 1’ 또는 ‘발행주식총수의 3분의 1’의 요건을 삭제하고 ‘출석주주 의결권수의 과반수 찬성’으로 개정하며, 정관으로 이를 가중하는 방안이 적당하다. 또한 현행 상법규정 하에서도 출석정족수를 완화하는 정관변경이 가능하다고 보는데, 그 이유는 출석정족수에 관한 정족수규정은 강행법으로 보지 않기 때문이다. 출석정족수의 완화는 주주총회에 불참하는 주주에게 전자투표, 서면투표, 위임장권유 등처럼 의결권행사의 편의를 도모하는 방법과 결합하여 도입될 수 있다고 본다. The voting requirements has been debated since the enactment in 1995. Since then the abolition of quorum has been criticized that it does not agree with the general rule of resolution and the requirement of ‘affirmative votes at least a quarter of the total issued shares’ would not reflected the opinions of shareholders as a whole. Recently voting requirement is being under discussion with the abolition of shadow voting. Among some listed corporations there has been raised serious concern about the quorum issue. It has been argued that they could not meet the voting requirements after the abolition of shadow voting. A company which stocks are widely dispersed like as a listed company could suffer difficulty in meeting the requirement of ‘affirmative votes at least a quarter of the total issued shares’. The voting requirement should be amended as follows. To satisfy the quorum the articles of Commercial Act on proxy, written ballot and electronic vote should be revised. A proxy solicitation could be used easier if it be delivered electronically and written ballot and electronic vote should be compulsory. When the opportunity to exercise a right to vote would be guaranteed, that’s enough. It’s impossible to force a shareholder to vote. As for quorum system the requirement of ‘affirmative votes at least a quarter of the total issued shares’ should be abolished and substituted with the majority rule of present shareholders’ votes. This regulation could be made more strictly by the articles of incorporation in accordance with the equity ownership relations of individual company.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        실증실험 검증을 통한 FDS 화재모델의 신뢰성 연구

        김재범,이재문,민세홍 한국방재학회 2019 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        현대 사회는 건축물의 화재위험성을 평가하기 위한 수단으로 FDS를 사용하고 있으며, 신뢰도 높은 화재시뮬레이션의 결과를 얻기 위해서는 가연물의 정확한 인자 값 입력 및 적절한 Mesh 설정이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구를 통하여 가구 재료로 많이 쓰이는 미송을 목재화원실험 및 FDS로 비교분석하여 신뢰도 높은 인자 값을 추출하였다. 미송의 발화온도 및 HRRPUA를 FDS에 입력하여 시뮬레이션 값을 목재화원실험값과 비교분석해본 결과 HRR, CO 및 CO2의 상관분석값은 최대 95%, 88%, 65%로 분석되었다. HRR의 해석 방법과는 달리 CO 및 CO2는 Device를 사용하여 한 지점에 대한 정보를 출력하기 때문에 룸코너테스터의 출력 값과 차이가 발생하여 상관도가 비교적 낮게 계산되었다. 하지만 CO 및 CO2의 최댓값이 인명안전기준의 허용한계에 비하여 매우 작아 위험도에 영향을 미치지 않으므로, 이 목재화원 인자값은 추후 고층 건물의 목재 화재시뮬레이션을 수행하기 위한 FDS의 신뢰도 높은 기본 자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. Currently, fire dynamics simulation (FDS) is used as a means to evaluate the risk of fire in a building. It is necessary to input the correct factor values and set the proper mesh for combustible materials to obtain highly reliable fire simulation results. In this study, American pine, which is often used as furniture material, was compared and analyzed via lumber fire source experiments and FDS to extract a highly reliable factor value. According to the comparative analysis of the simulation values and the lumber fire source experiment values after inputting the ignition temperature and heat release rate per unit area (HRRPUA) into the FDS, the heat release rate (HRR) and the correlation analysis values for CO and CO2 were found to be 95%, 88%, and 65%, respectively, at maximum. Unlike the HRR interpretation method, CO and CO2 measurements use a device to output the information at one point so that the difference from the output value of the room corner test is generated. As a result, the correlation was calculated to be comparatively low. However, the maximum values of CO and CO2 are very small in comparison with the allowed limits for human life safety standards, so they do not affect the risk. Hence, in the future, the factor value of the lumber fire source can be used as highly reliable data for FDS to perform lumber fire simulations of high-rise buildings.

      • KCI등재

        조직 구성원간의 신뢰가 조직내 지식 창출 및 전파에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 국제 비교를 중심으로 -

        김재범,최종주 한국국제경영학회 2002 國際經營硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        조직 구성원간의 신뢰는 조직내에서 지식을 창출하고 또한 창출된 지식이 조직내에서 전파되는 데에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 본 논문에서는 사회내의 기관, 제도등의 차이에 따라 조직내 구성원들간의 신념 공유나 상호 이해의 정도가 상이하며 이렇게 상이한 신념의 공유 정도나 상호 이해도가 조직내에서 지식을 창출하려는 동기부여나 창출된 지식의 조직내 전파 가능성 혹은 전파 범위나 속도 등에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 것을 분석한 개념적 논문이다. This paper aims to analyze, in organizations where employees share beliefs and understandings as to what is acceptable as a base for identifying, promulgating, sustaining and creating knowledge and understanding, how designing, setting-up and maintaining such organizations depend, among other things, upon an efficient incentive structure to ensure the "transmission and communication" of knowledge and understanding within the organization to foster the "emergence" of new knowledge. This paper tries to analyze how organization, institutions or societies can help to sustain "shared" values among its members. Trust has increasingly played a key role in the effective functioning of most societies. This is especially true in the non Anglo-Saxon western world, where the explicit legal contract is relatively less important than the informal relationships build upon trust and understanding. Developing intra-organizational trust requires mechanisms to increase the level of "communication" and understanding. Our objective was to develop and refine the seminal idea of epistemic communities in a manner useful for understanding organizational design.

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