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        태평천국(太平天國) 상제교(上帝敎)의 정치적(政治的) 구세관(救世觀)

        최진규 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.86 No.-

        1848年太平天國上帝敎, ?在上帝會內部發生的附體傳言情況, 特別秤天父天兄的楊秀淸·蕭朝貴的登場一起發生了變化。 1837年洪秀全幻夢, 因<勸世良言>的影響充滿了宗敎性色彩。 直至這時夢幻確定洪秀全得到執行今世斬邪留正的任務的眞命天子的使命, 幷以此作僞升天受命證据。 從此所謂升天受命的神話, 爲上帝會正式作了反淸革命的準備。 經過這種轉變后, ?比來世把重點放在今世洪秀全的現實主義的性質一起, 上帝敎樹立了對現世强烈的否定和以求取理想世界爲基礎的政治的救世觀。 特別是以上帝爲中心的天下一家思想正好因爲定型成上帝和他的子女的大家庭, 所以爲了理想世界由直接行動上升到理論性層面。 雖然天父上帝的大家庭里人人都?平等, 但是能子, 愚子, 善人, 肖子, 頑子的劃分和嚴格的序列及傳統的人倫綱常等也共同存在。 特別是以上帝, 耶蘇, 洪秀全, 洪天貴福的父子孫爲中心的小家庭的形成, 證明太平天國和洪秀全自己的對聖性一面, 同時授予他比眞命天子更加聖潔的權戚。 如此, 通過這祥的升天受命和提升到現實認識上的上帝觀的變化, 確定洪秀全爲眞命天子, 上帝親子。 上帝敎通過天堂地獄 妖魔, 正邪等的觀念和嚴格的賞罰及斗爭對象的明硝化, 構筑了現實性的政治的救世觀。 把敎義和倫理道德劃爲一體的上帝敎以對上帝的信仰與否和是否遵守倫理道德爲標准, 通過天堂地獄來設定賞罰, 采用徹底的禁欲主義爲軍規。 ?外一爲面否定現世, 提倡來世永福的禁欲主義, 附予了上帝敎內部團結力和不?死的戰斗性, 同時作爲叛亂思想也必定是不妥當的。 爲彌補這一点上帝敎强調現世中具體的福, 天堂地獄的福禍反映在現世的肉體幷擴大到肉體的, 物質的, 人的領域。 又特別設定大小兩個天堂而在人間世界適用小天堂, 而且宣傳能在今世實現能在天堂的威風凜凜的福, 這祥的宣傳無疑加强了上帝敎的號召力。 上帝敎宣傳, 太平天國卽天朝是上帝小天堂, 以此來勸誘人們參與建設新國家斗爭。 在建設新國家過程中, 宣稱斗爭對象是與上帝的對立的妖魔卽異敎的神, 異敎, 異敎徒等, 后未又指稱是政治的敵人和不追隨上帝敎導的人。 特別宣揚天道, 眞道, 正道是上帝敎導人類的規范, 根据對其遵守與否而分爲正邪兩個類別。 除了以十款天條爲代表的上帝敎區分正邪的重要道德規范以外, 還有『原道救世歌』『天條書』『百正歌』里談到的淫, 汚父母, 行殺害, 爲盜賊, 爲巫覡, 賭博等的六大不正和食洋煙, 好酒等不正。 具體以像堯, 舜, 禹, 稷, 周文, 孔丘等一樣行得好君臣父子的道爲正之例, 和像桀紂, 齊襄, 楚平等一祥行失道, 淫亂爲邪之例, 以傳統的政治倫理槪念來區分了正邪。 以正邪作爲人鬼的劃分標准, 靈界的魔鬼拉爲人界下來。 如此, 上帝敎以生妖·死妖把握魔鬼, 不僅破壞偶像, 就連世間的妖也作爲剿滅對象。

      • KCI등재

        Predicting the hardening depth of a sprocket by finite element analysis and its experimental validation for an induction hardening process

        최진규,박관석,이석순 대한기계학회 2018 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.32 No.3

        Case hardening, or surface hardening, is the process of hardening of a metal object at its outer surface while allowing its core to remain relatively soft, thereby forming a thin layer of harder metal at the surface. Currently, induction heating using high frequency current is applied to carry out this hardening process. We modeled this hardening process using the powerful Abaqus finite element tool and validated the results of the numerical analysis by comparing them with experimental results. Our model accurately predicted the hardened area at the outer surface of the metal for a steel sprocket. Future research will optimize the coil geometry and other parameters.

      • 高山川 流域의 定量的 特性

        李榮大,崔珍奎 釜山工業大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        In recent years, Horton’s empirical geomorphologic laws and Strahler’s ordering scheme of drainage network are used to derive the hydrologic response in consideration of geomorphologic parameters and climatic characteristics. The purpose of this study is to give the basic informations fot the runoff analysis using the geomorphologic characteristics. In this study, Gosan river basins were selected and analyzed on the qtantitative characteristics related to the watershed area, stream number, channel length, from factor, relief, average altitude, stream density.

      • 콤퓨터프로그램을 利用한 貯水池桶管排除能力 檢討

        崔珍奎 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1984 農大論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        This study was conducted to determine the height of cofferdam in the designs of small dams by using the computer program on the general process of the simulation of the timely storage elevation from the inflow and ontflow through the conduit. The obtained results are summarized as follows; 1. The volume of storage with input data was calculated in short time in accordance with various conditions of D.W.L. 2. The difference of max. water level and time between handed and computer operation was little, the more the time interval and water level are subdivided into small parts, the more the values of result are accurate. 3. This program can be applied on the case of open, channel as triangular and trapozoidal types besides the fore-mentioned types if only appending some subroutines.

      • 分布形 有限要素模型의 小流域에의 適用

        崔珍奎,李長春 전북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1991 農大論文集 Vol.22 No.1

        A finite element hydrologic model can Ire widely used the simulate the variation of direct runoff with any changes in land use or environmental conditions. The objectives of this study are to introduce the deterministic. distributed and event -oriented hydrologic watershed models using finite element method, and to test the applicabilities of the models to small watersheds. Of the models developed to be capable of considering a spatial variabilities of heterogeneous hydrologic characteristics to simulate storm runoff, SRAFEM and FESHM model were applied to two selected small watersheds, Yeonwha and Banweol watersheds, and compared in terms of total runoff volume, peak flow and peak time.

      • Monte Carlo, AR(1), MA(1) 模型에 의한 年降水量의 模擬發生

        李榮大,崔珍奎 釜山工業大學校 1986 論文集 Vol.28 No.1

        In this study, the annual precipitations at Chonju were used for analysis, and the app;icabilities of normal and log-normal distribution function were examined by X²-test and Kolmogorov-smirnov test. The outcomes simulated by Monte-Carlo method, AR(1) model and MA(1) model as the sequential generation techniques have been compared with the observed data on the basis of correlograms and statistical characteristics. As a result, it was found that two distribution types were suited to apply in 95% confidence limit and the relative errors of the statistics between the generated data and the historical precipitation series were not large.

      • 회선 스위칭 ADM 상호 접속망의 성능 평가를 위한 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구

        김현욱,최진규 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1986 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        The interconnection of large number of processors and other devices to form a large-scale parallel processing system is a research area receiving a great deal of attention. The interconnection network is the heart of parallel processing system. Simulation is important method for performance evaluation of interconnection network. In this paper, performance of circuit switching ADM(Augmented Data Manipulator) network is investigated with simulation model. In simulation model, four different conflict resolution strategies, regeneration, drop, hold and rerouting, are tried to see the performance difference. In simulation results, it is shown that rerouting strategy is better than drop strategy and drop strategy is better than hold strategy.

      • KCI등재

        직립식 방파제 성능기반 내진 설계 Platform 개발을 위한 기초연구 - 전단파 횟수 누적에 따른 지반 강도 감소를 중심으로

        최진규,조용준 한국해안,해양공학회 2018 한국해안해양공학회 논문집 Vol.30 No.6

        지난 이십여 년 간 우리나라 연안에 집중적으로 거치된 직립식 방파제의 내진 성능을 검토하기 위한 예비 수치모의를 포항, 경주, Hachinohe1, Hachinohe2, Ofunato, 인공지진파를 대상으로 수행하였다. 예비 수치모의 결과 지진으로 인한 전단파가 지반을 통해 전파되는 과정에서 지진에너지가 장주기 대역으로 이동한 Hachinohe2의 경우 항 외곽시설의 활동량이 상당하다는 것을 확인하였다. 지진으로 인한 전단파는 항만시설이 거치된 지표방향으로증폭되며, 지진에너지의 상당부분은 장주기 대역으로 이동된다. 이 중 장주기 대역으로 이동되는 현상은 지반의 점성 혹은 내부 마찰에 기인하며, 전단파 증폭은 구속 응력의 감소로 인해 지표면 방향으로 감소하는 전단계수와 내습하는 전단파 횟수 누적에 따른 지반 강도 감소에 기인하는 것으로 판단된다(Das, 1993). 이러한 인식에서 본고에서는 먼저 전단파 횟수 누적에 따른 전단계수의 감소의 기술이 가능한 Hardin과 Drnevich(1972) 모형과 파동방정식에 기초하여 수치모형을 구성하고, 이어 전단파 횟수 누적에 따른 전단계수의 감소가 전단파 전파과정에 미치는 영향을 정량적으로 평가하기 위한 수치모의를 수행하였다. 이 과정에서 비선형 응력-변형률 관계를 설명하기 위해 Newmark-β 방법과 수정 Newton-Raphson 방법을 차용하였다(Chopra, 1995). 모의결과 전단파가 지표면으로 전파되면서 상당한 확률 질량이 상대적으로 큰 진폭과 장주기 쪽으로 이동하는 것을 확연하게 확인할 수 있었다. In order to evaluate the seismic capacity of massive vertical type breakwaters which have intensively been deployed along the coast of South Korea over the last two decades, we carry out the preliminary numerical simulation against the PoHang, GyeongJu, Hachinohe 1, Hachinohe 2, Ofunato, and artificial seismic waves based on the measured time series of ground acceleration. Numerical result shows that significant sliding can be resulted in once non-negligible portion of seismic energy is shifted toward the longer period during its propagation process toward the ground surface in a form of shear wave. It is well known that during these propagation process, shear waves due to the seismic activity would be amplified, and non-negligible portion of seismic energy be shifted toward the longer period. Among these, the shift of seismic energy toward the longer period is induced by the viscosity and internal friction intrinsic in the soil. On the other hand, the amplification of shear waves can be attributed to the fact that the shear modulus is getting smaller toward the ground surface following the descending effective stress toward the ground surface. And the weakened intensity of soil as the number of attacking shear waves are accumulated can also contribute these phenomenon (Das, 1993). In this rationale, we constitute the numerical model using the model by Hardin and Drnevich (1972) for the weakened shear modulus as shear waves go on, and shear wave equation, in the numerical integration of which Newmark-β method and Modified Newton- Raphson method are evoked to take nonlinear stress-strain relationship into account. It is shown that the numerical model proposed in this study could duplicate the well known features of seismic shear waves such as that a great deal of probability mass is shifted toward the larger amplitude and longer period when shear waves propagate toward the ground surface.

      • KCI등재

        밀리미터파 추적레이더 운용 알고리듬 연구를 위한 RAW 데이터 저장 장비 개발

        최진규,나경일,신영철,홍순일,김윤진,김홍락,주지한,김소수 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2022 한국인터넷방송통신학회 논문지 Vol.22 No.3

        Recently, the tracking radar continues research to develop a new operation algorithm that can acquire and track a target in various environments. In general, modeling similar to the real target and environment is used to develop a new operation algorithm, but there is a limit to modeling the real environment. In this paper, a RAW data storage device was developed to efficiently develop a new operation algorithm required for the tracking radar using millimeter wave to acquire and track the target. The RAW data storage equipment is designed so that the signal processing device of the tracking radar using millimeter wave can save the RAW data output from 8 channels to OOOMSPS. RAW data storage equipment consists of data acquisition equipment and data storage equipment. The data acquisition equipment was implemented using a commercial Xilinx KCU 105 Evaluation KIT capable of high-speed data communication interface, and the data storage equipment was implemented by applying a computer compatible with the commercial Xilinx KCU 105 Evaluation KIT. In this paper, the performance of the implemented RAW data storage equipment was verified through repeated interlocking tests with the signal processing device of the millimeter wave tracking radar. 최근 추적 레이더는 다양한 환경에서 표적을 획득하고 추적할 수 있는 새로운 알고리듬을 개발하기 위한 연구를지속하고 있다. 일반적으로 새로운 운용 알고리듬 개발을 위해 실제 표적 및 환경과 유사한 모델링을 사용하지만, 실제환경을 모델링하는데 한계가 있다. 본 논문에서는 밀리미터파를 사용하는 추적레이더가 표적을 획득하고 추적하는데 필요한 새로운 운용 알고리듬을 효율적으로 개발하기 위해 RAW 데이터 저장 장비를 개발하였다. RAW 데이터 저장 장비는 밀리미터파를 사용하는 추적레이더의 신호처리장치가 8채널에서 OOOMSPS로 출력하는 RAW 데이터를 실시간으로저장할 수 있도록 설계하였다. RAW 데이터 저장 장비는 데이터 획득 장비, 데이터 저장 장비로 구성된다. 데이터 획득장비는 고속통신 인터페이스가 가능한 상용 Xilinx KCU 105 Evaluation KIT를 활용하여 구현하였고, 데이터 저장장비는 상용 Xilinx KCU 105 Evaluation KIT 호환이 가능한 컴퓨터를 적용하여 구현하였다. 본 논문에서 구현한 RAW 데이터 저장 장비는 밀리미터파 추적레이더의 신호처리장치와 반복 연동시험을 통해 성능을 검증하였다.

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