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      • 뇌사환자의 갑상선 기능, 전신대사 및 중증도에 관한 연구

        이영주,정금희,왕희정,문봉기,한연희,이영석 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1999 아주의학 Vol.4 No.1

        Background and Objectives : Brain death may lead to hormonal depletion, metabolic derangement and multiple organ dysfunction. We have carried out present study to examine the effects of brain death on the thyroid function, metabolic indices, and the severity scoring systems. Methods : 13 adults patients admitted for organ donation or brain death evaluation were examined after brain death was confirmed. Thyroid hormones measured were .thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and free thyroxine (FT4). The metabolic indices measured were arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR), lactic acid (LA), and base defiat (BD). as for reference to the severity scoring systems, APACHE Ⅲ and multiple organ failure score (MOFS) were assessed on the day of brain death confirmation. Arterial blood was drawn for all measurements. Results : As for the thyroid function, there were significant decreases in T3 (40.48±20.96 ng/dL) and T4 (3.47±2.15 ㎍/dL), but no significant change in FT4 (0.75±0.31 ng/dL) and TSH (1.12±1.37 uIU/mL) compared to the normal range. Significant decreases in AKBR (0.39±0.31) and BD (-9.46±5.83 m㏖/L), and significant increase in LA (2.57±2.46 m㏖/L) In metabolic indices, were shown, as for severity scoring systems, APACHE Ⅲ score (101.54±19.41) and MOF score (9.11±2.57) indicated a high mortality. There were significant correlation between thyroid hormones (r=0.565 -0.781) but no correlation among other indices. Also, significant inverse correlations were shown between base deficit and lactic acid (r=-0.660), APACHE Ⅲ score (r=-0.726) and MOF score (r=-0.604). The highest correlation was observed between APACHE Ⅲ score and MOF score (r=0.851). Conclusions : As for the thyroid function, significant decrease in T3 and T4, and almost normal range of FT4 and TSH imply the euthyroid sick syndrome. Abnormal finding of the metabolic parameters indicates an inhibition of the aerobic metabolic rate of the body as a whole. And the severity scoring parameters are compatible with high mortality.

      • Purge & Trap-GC를 이용한 의약품 필름코팅 정제 중 잔류용제에 관한 연구

        장준식,이명자,소유섭,문춘선,이주헌,박희라,김진숙,강경모,이선옥,방성연,유미자,유문균,금오성,이병욱 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        의약품은 약물을 생체에 적풋하기 위하여 유효성분의 효과가 언제나 일정하게 확보되고 사응에 편리하도록 만들어지는 것이므로 유효썽분 이외에 약효에 영향을 주지 않는 성분이 첨가되는 경운가 많다. 이 때 사용되는 용매들은 제피의 광택 및 건쪼시간의 단축 등을 위하여 휘발점이 낮을 용매들이 주로 사용되어진다. 본 연구는 의약품 필름코팅정제 중 잔류용매 4종(chlorofonr benzen, trichloro ethylen, 1,4-dioxane)에 대한 변형된 pirge & trap-GC 장치를 이용한 동시분석방법을 개발하였으며, 각 표준품의 RSD 값은 chloroform 3.03%, benzen 3.17%, trichloroethylen 3.69% and 1,4-dioxane 3.41%였다. 또한 시중 유통중인 의약품 50종에 대하여 잔류웅매 양을 측정하였으며, 검출되는 잔류용매는 한 건도 없었다. This study nras carried out to develope the analytical method for the mixture of chlorefonn, benzen, trichloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane simultaneously and determine the remainingorgauic solvents in coating tablets by Purge & Trap-GC. The results were as follouFs ; 1. Chloroform, benzen, trio:tloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane separated by tenax #5 trap by HP-624GC column by terrlperature programming. The peaks were separated completely at retentiontime of 6.88min for chloroform, 8.21min for benzen, 10.38miu for trichloroethylen and 11.95minfor 1,4-dioxane. 2. Standard RSD were individually chloroform 3.03%, benzen 3.17%, trichloroethylen 3.69%and 1,4-diorane 3.41%. 3. 60 samples were not detrcted chloroform, benzen, trichloroethylen and 1,4-dioxane.

      • 발라(Giacomo Balla)의 생활예술로서의 악세서리 디자인 연구

        이금희 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        The Futurist movement was intent on abolishing the distance which separate art from life. Balla who was a forerunner and creator of the Futurist movement developed the innovating ability of art. He claimed the creation of art for life and invented a new type of work of art. His consciousness of the presence of art in life represented at stage design, film, type setting machine, graphic design and house hold goods. He experimented in the minor art and tried to revolutionize people's clothing, furniture, and house hold projects. He projected accessory design as a modernizing factor. Scarfs, bags, fans, belts and embroideries were created with dynamic patterns using geometric character and highly colurful character. Neck ties and modifiers were anti-traditional style and were made of unconvention materials. Transformable dress was individual creation by way of dress modifiers. Hats and shoes were simple shape with asymmetric lines, geometric motifs, and dynamic colors. These fashion projects were realized for the renewal of taste in the applied art and were recreated as part of his utopian vision of a total Futurist environment.

      • <한중록>과 혜경궁 홍씨의 삶 : focused on the First Part(基一) 基一을 중심으로

        이금희 尙志大學校 1998 論文集 Vol.19 No.-

        Hanjungrok is the record of the life of Hyegyunggung Hong. She was obliged to live an authorized life instead of a common one because she had a relation with royal Family as the wife of the Crown Prince. Specially in the First Part(基一) of Hanjungrok, she described the fact related to her own native family in detail particularly, so it became clear that Hanjungrok was not written in order to explain the historical fact, only written in order to set up her own native family to make her family history well-known to her nephews. While Sadoseja(Crown Prince) caught a serious disease, a dark shadow begun to be hung down on the life of Hyegyunggung Hong. Causing conflict between Yongjo and Sadoseja, the life of Hyegyunggung HOng became to be more complicated and tensed. Jungjo's success to the throne after death of Yongjo made Hyegyunggung Hong happy only a little while, and then, she begun to be complicated with her family again. As Jungjo granted Hong Bonghan a posthumous name and her Grandson(순조) was born on her birthday, the life of Hyegyunggung Hong escaped complication and conflict and was full of life. Indeed, Hyegyunggung Hong was in harmony and accord with Jungjo's bounty to ger in her 60th year she wrote the First Part of Hanjungrok.

      • 麗朝 景幾體歌의 性格 : 景幾體歌의 形成 및 構造를 中心으로 Concentrating on their formation and structure

        李金喜 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1983 원우논총 Vol.1 No.-

        In Spite of the Variety of its form, the name of Kyung-ki-che-ka(景幾體歌) is derived from the fact that it ends with 「…Kyung-ki-ha-yo(…景幾何如)」 in the last phrase. The first work of it is 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」 in the middle of Koryo dynasty. In that time there were generating successively many literary genres, for instance Si-hwa(詩話)·Ka-jeon(假傳)·Sa(詞) etc,. Therefore Kyung-ki-che-ka(景幾體歌) must be examined giving attention to its relation with these other genres. 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」, to be canon of its style, is the text of a song in its content, and 「Kwan-dong-pyul-kog(關東別曲)」·「Jug-ke-pyul-kog(竹溪別曲)」 may be said to be poems for recitation rather than the text of a song. The form of 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」 is almost formal, but it does not have the same definite form as the Chinese poetry does. This slightly informal phenomenon, which results from the difference in the number of words (about from 2 to 6 words) is found clearly in 「Kwan-dong-pyul-kog(關東別曲)」·「Jug-ke-pyul-kog(竹溪別曲)」. Therefore, we can say that though their form is originated from the form of 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」, they demonstrate that they were created in the process of its formation, independent from the difinite form to some degree. 「…Kyung-ki-ha-yo(…景幾何如)」 is the phrase directly related to the nature of Kyung-ki-che-ka(景幾體歌). It is through this unique phrase that the theme is represented and exaggerated. But it has the limitation that it cannot express the substantial feeling of the poet. In order to get over this limitaton, the structure of the successive chapters and the structure of the divided clauses, in which each chapter consists of the former long clause and the latter short clause, are designed. And by placing this phrase 「…Kyung-ki-ha-yo(…景幾何如)」 at the end of each clause, the theme can be more manifestly expressed. As previously said, out of the three works of Kyung-ki-che-ka(景幾體歌) in Koryo Dynasty, 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」 is regarded to be sung as the text of a song, 「Kwan-dong-pyul-kog(關東別曲)」 and 「Jug-ke-pyul-kog(竹溪別曲)」 as poems for recitation. According to this distiction of their characteristic, we must not say that the three Kyung-ki-che-ka(景幾體歌) are all belong to the kind of 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」. At the same lime, the relevance of 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」 to Sog-yo (俗謠) must be studied, because there is affinity between 「Han-lim-pyul-kog(翰林別曲)」 and Sog-yo(俗謠) in that they were both selected as Ag-Jang(樂章) to be sung at Court. This research of both relation can make clear the characteristic of Koryo-ka-yo(高麗歌謠).

      • 「仁顯王后傳」考 : 作品의 構造 및 性格을 中心으로 Focusing on Structure and Characters

        李金喜 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1984 원우논총 Vol.2 No.-

        In Hyun Wang Hoo Jeon (Story of Queen In Hyun) is a novel with an epic structure. It can be deduced from such reasons as follows: 1. The ancestry, birth, and growth of the heroine are the same as the structure frequent in our epic literature. 2. The characters are divided into two groups of good and evil, and reveal the moral of the days, pursuing good and punishing evil. 3. Usage of dream, a technique resorted for denouement and allusion in the old stories, is appealing with considerable important meaning. 4. The symbolic number 3, signifying the big, the abundant, and the frequent, is used as a comprehensive symbol. 5. The epilogue and comments at the end is in the same matrix of the traditional structure of literary forms ranging from the Sam Kook Sa Ki Yeol Jeon (Biographical History of the Three Kingdoms) to epic poetry, Chinese short stories, old novels, and new novels. Comments within the work are narrated from the omniscient point of view of the author, and they summarize and allude the theme. Such structure reveals the social attitude regarding novels as dcrivated from the historical narratives, and, consequently, the narrative point is focused not on aesthetic expression but on pursuing ethical good. In Hyun is a novel in which historical or empiric self and fictional or epic self are in fusion. In other words, In Hyun, taking the secret of the court as the material, is not different from Kye Choog Il Ki (Diary of the Year of Kye Choog) and Han Joong Rog (Miscellany of Leisurly Mind), but the former marks wide difference in the narrative point. To elucidate, Kye Choog Il Ki is narrated from the side of Queen Mother In Mog to put on Kwanghae Kun more blame than he in fact deserved; Han Joong Rog is written by the victim Lady Hong of Haekyung Palace with a distinct aim of clarifying the facts of the tragedy of Royal Prince Sa Doh and clearing her native family of a false accusation. In Hyun Wang Hoo Jeon, however, is written not in the subjective point of view as in Kye Choog Il Ki and Han Joong Bog, but in the objective one at calm, meditative, and omniscient position. In conclusion, In Hyun Wang Hoo Jeon is based on historical facts and a (enovel of historical) (empiric) self and fictional (epic) self in fusion. It is also an thical work searching for "good," the foremost idea of the time.

      • 제왕절개술시 Prostaglandin F₂α 자궁근주가 심혈관계에 미치는 영향

        이영주,정금희 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1999 아주의학 Vol.4 No.1

        Background : Intramyometrial injection of prostaglandin F₂ α (PGF₂ α), in doses varying from 0.5 to 2 ㎎, has been used as a safe and effective method in the control of severe postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony which does not responding to conventional treatment. We earlier reported 8 cases of acute but transient hypertension after myometrial injection of PGF₂ α. The purpose of the present study was to examine cardiovascular consequence of intramyometrial injection of PGF₂ α and incidence of hypertension. Methods : Forty full term pregnant women with no cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, who were scheduled for elective cesarean section under general anesthesia, were randomly grouped into two groups: control (pitocin) and experimental (PGF₂ α) groups. Hypertension developed in five cases after PGF₂ α intramyometrial injection, Thus PGF2 a group was divided into PGF₂ α -normotension (PGF-N) and PGF₂ α -hypertension (PGF-HS) groups, and 20 units of pitocin was infused intravenously in both groups after placental delivery. Twenty unit of pitocin in the control group and 2 ㎎ of PGF₂ α in the PGF₂ α group were directly injected into myometrium, respectively Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and EKG were continuously monitored, and arterial blood was withdrawn for arterial blood gas analysis. Results : The systotic BP was markedly increased in the PGF-HS group and slightly decreased in the PGF-N group (P< 0.05). The diastolic BP was markedly increased in PGF-HS group, but decreased in the PGF-N and pitocin groups (P< 0.05). The HR was increased at 2 min in the PGF-HS group (P< 0.05). There was no significant difference in ABGA among the groups. Change of EKG occurred in 4 cases only in the PGF-HS group. Conclusions : Only in the PGF-HS group, HR, systolic and diastolic BP are markedly increased and EKG changes are observed. These findings suggest that careful attention should be paid to toxemia as well as to healthy patients when PGF₂ α is used.

      • 20세기 초 이탈리아의 실험예술 의상에 관한 연구

        이금희 복식문화학회 2001 服飾文化硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        This study concentrates on the relationship between the early 20th century Italian artists and their works in the field of clothing design. They advocated the creation of art for lif? and introduced a new type of work of art which I will call 'experimental clothing far art'. The experimental clothing far art showed its dynamic characteristics in the fields of line and farm, color, pattern, and material. The Italian artists made simple and functionalistic dresses, using asymmetric, geometric cuts in patters making. They employed dynamic patterns in textile design and favored brilliant colors which they debunked as stodge and traditional. With regard to material, they used unusual materials such as metal, net, wire, and paper and inexpensive materials. The investigations of the visual expression of experimental clothing for art in Italy have led us to the internal expressions which are avant-garde, dynamic & speed, functionality & popularity, ephemeral & transformable, and warlike. As a result of the reflection of the times and the artists' will and roles the experimental clothing for art in Italy implicated contemporary clothing in the early twentieth century and it was only laboratory art that underwent various experiments in canvas but a model of efferts for the art of living, which was anti-traditional, It offered a new future and created a new environment.

      • KCI등재

        '존재' There 구문과 '목록' There 구문

        이금희 서울대학교 어학연구소 1995 語學硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the syntactic phenomena of existential there-sentences and list there-sentences within the minimalist framework. We argue that list there-sentences must be distinguished from existential there-sentence has the accusative Case feature while the existential verb be does not. So, a postverbal pronoum bearing accusative Case in a list there-sentence is checked off its Case feature by the verb be. Second, the expletive there in an existential there-sentence bears the [-Definite] feature but the there in a list there-sentence does not bear any feature relevant to definiteness. This assumption while only an indefinite postverbal noun phrase is allowed in existential there-sentences. Finally, the number agreement phenomenon appearing in list there-sentences is accounted for by assuming that the ellipsis of there and be occurs in list there-sentences.

      • 「謝氏南征記」 硏究(Ⅱ) : 人物의 性格 및 內容的 特性을 中心으로

        李金喜 숙명여자대학교 대학원원우회 1986 원우논총 Vol.4 No.-

        「Sasinamjungki」is a literary work to express well and digest thoroughly the literary imagination of the author, Sopo, who bore even in his mind the historical event of the King Sookjong, the Queen Inhyunwanghoo and the Queen Jangheebin, but was not attached to the very historical fact. And 「Sasinamjungki」, setting up the neutral characters to have both good and evil together as well as the only good characters or the only evil characters, broke the classic formal system of Korean ancient story. Especially Sasi, the character in this work, is similiar to the Queen Inhyunwanghoo of 「Inhyunwanghoo-jun」 in meeting womanly virtue but they are different in their behaviors overcoming the troubles and despairs. It marks an epoch in the spirit and the needs of those days that Confucianism and Buddhism are told not to be opposed and distinctive each other in 「Sasinamjungki」. In 「Sasinamjungki」, both side characters of water are appeared, one side character is positive, the other is negative. Both sides of water like this could be found to have the interconnection with Korean ancient literature works. In 「Sasinamjungki」, sorcery is used in praying for their own happiness and future happinss that the evil of the lower classes uses in common, we can easily find sorcery like this in this work. In conclusion, 「Sasinamjungki」 is a great work that outstanding literary culture and imagination of the author, Sopo, arouses our general Sympathy above the history. Excessive argument against the purpose of 「Sasinamjungki」 would have the possibility to injure his literary culture.

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