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      • 식품 중 카드뮴의 위해성평가

        이효민,임철주,윤은경,김종욱,최시내,김효미,한지연,김부영 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        쳐근의 선진외국에서 수행되고 있는 식품중 오염물질의 관리경향을 살펴보면 위험성확인, 노출평가,용량-반응평가, 위해도결정 등의 4단계로 진행되는 위해성평가 (risk assessment)를 통해 그 안전여부를 판단하고 있고, 노출집단의 식품섭취패턴을 고려한 위해성관리를 수행하고 있다. 본 연굴에서는 식품섭취를 통한 카드뭄의 1일노출수준을 파악하고 독성자료를 이용하여 현 노출의 안전여부를 판단코자 하였으며, 식품섭취량을 고려한 식품군별 카드윰의 인체노출기여도를 고려하므로 위해성평가결과에 근거찬 관리패안을 제시코자 하였다. 평가에 고려된 식품꼬염도자료는 친종의 식품을 대상으로 수집된 오염도자료(식품의약품안전청, 국링 수의과학검역원, 국립수산연구소, 1992-1998)를 Meta 분석」동일 목적으로 수행된 독립적 연구결과들을 종합 ·분석하여 대표값을 유도하는 방법)을 통해 얻어진 가중평균 값을 활용하였다. 인체노출평가를 위해 평가대상인구집단을, 우리나라 평균성인으로 하여, 60kg (한국표준과학연구원,1998.1 성인으로 하였으며, 개별식품의 평균오염도자료를 이용하여 구한 1일인체노출량을 모두 합산하여 정량화하는 만성노출평가와 단일식품의 최대오염도값을 이용하여 1일인체노출수준을 정량화하는 단기 노출평가를 수행하였다. 인체노출평가에 ·.초려된 식품소비량자료는 최근에 보고된바 있는 국민건강영양조사결과보고서 (보건 복지븐, 2000)의 연령별 (20-64세) 최고값 (단기노출)과 펼균값 (만섣노출)을 활용하였다. 용량-반응평가에 쓰여진 카드윰의 독성값들은 만성위해성평가를 위하여 FAOJWHO, U.S.FDA,U.S.EPA 등에서 제시하고 있는 신장독성을 toxicologlcal endpoint로 하는 1일 허욥노출수준인 TDI(Tolerable Daily Intakr), RfD (Reference Dose)를 고려하였으며, 단기위해성평가를 웠해서 본 연구에서는 차세대 생식 · 발생독성에 근거한 단기독성자료를 선별하여 구해진 NOAEL 값에 불확실성 계수 100(10 ;from animal to human, 10 , human variabaity)을 고려하므로 단기1일허용노출수준 (Permissible Intake Level, PU)을 구하였다. 노출평가결과와 용량-반응평가결과를 종합하는 위해도결정단계에서는 1일인체노출량을 1일허용노출 수준으로 나누어주므로 러험지수 (퍼azard Index, Hl)를 구하였고, Hl가 1이상일 경우 식품을 통한 카드윰노출로 인하여 유해떵향발생이 기대된다고 판단하며 Hl가 1이하일 경우는 유해영향발쟁이 기대륵지 않는다고 판단하였다. 위해성평가결과에 근거한 관리대안끼시를 위하여 식품섭취를 통한 카드윰1일인체노출량이 만성1일허용노출수준을 초과하지 말아야 한다는 이론하에 식봄섭취패펀(식품군별 소비량, 카드윰의 인체노출기여도)과 체중을 고려하여 제시하였다. 인체노출평가를 통해 구해진 급성노출펑가에서의 식품군별 노출량범위는 곡류(8.Br10-9_1.)4H )0-"mg/Btg/day), 과일류(6.1·7H10~s_1.46 H 10-in)g/kg/day), 두류(1.53×10-7_3.47×10-6mg/1tg/day), 서류(7.45 H 10-6_8.4×10-smg/kg/day), 어 패류(1.i8×107 _ 1.27x tO-imgAgJday), 윽류(1.07 f 10-3_1.33x10-"n19fg/day), 채소류(ri.23r10-7_1.28×10-img/lfg/day)먼으며, 모든 식품의 평균 인체노출량을 합산한 만성인체노출량은 2.09r10-4mgfg/day 였다. 용량-반응평가메서 산출된 신장독성에 근거하 만성1일허용노출수준은 TDI 0.Oo079ing/kg/day, RfD 0.001mg/)tg/daf였으며, 생식 ·발생독성에 근거한 단기1일허용노출수준은 PIL 0.O071mg/kg/daylf)와 0.03smg/h9/dayis)로 산출되었다. 식품섭취를 통한 카드윰의 만성로출에 대한 위해도결정을 위하여 만성인체뇨출량 2.09×10-4D9/k9/0ay를 가장 엄격한 만성1일허용노출수준인 TDI 0.Oo079rrlg/kg/day으로 나누어수므로 구한 Hl는 0,26으로써 본 평가에 고려된 로출상황에서는 유허영향발생(신장독성)이 기대되지 않는 것으로 판단되어졌고, 단기 노출에 대한 위해도결정을 인해서는 단일식품의 단기인체노출량 6.17×10-8_1.33×10-4m8/1t9/day을 가장 엄격한 단기1일허용노출수준인 0.0071in9/k9/0ay로 나누어주므로 53종 식품에 대한 Hl범위가 8.5 x10-s_1.gx10-2로 산출되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 모체의 식품섭취를 통한 단기 카드윰노출로 인해 태아의 생식 ·발생독성이 기대뵉지 않는다는 것을 의미한다. 본 위해성평가에 고려된 총식품량은 176g/4ay로서 성인1일총식품섭취량 ll18g/day(모건복지부,1999)의 약 70%에 해당하는 란으로 본 평가에 고려되지 않은 기타 식품섭취로 인한 카드윰노출과 대기. 토양을 통한 노출을 고려한다면 인체노출량은 다소 상승할 것으로 판단된다. 관리대안제시를 위해 구해진 식품군별 인체노출기여도 순위는 곡류(40.2%), 채소류(19.8%), 육류 (18.1%), 어패류(8.3%) 순이었고, 식품을 통글 1일 인체노출량이 만성1일허용노출수준인 RfD를 초과하지 말하야 한다는 이론을 배결으로 산출된 식품군별 관러대안은 곡류 0.068ppm, 채소류 0.036ppm, 육류 0.148ppm, 어패류 0.066pp1n 퐁이었다. 이상과 같은 결과는 위해성평가자료에 근거하여 식품섭취패턴을 고려하므로 노출비중을 구분힐여 관리해야 한다는 기초자료로서 비용-편익분석, 사회 ·경제적 영향 등을 파악후 쓰여져야 할 것이다. The lerel of individual dietary cadntum varies upon the national food consLrnption pattern and the cadnllum levels in foods. This study aimed to quantify the humandietary cadudvm intake in order to assess the whether the current dietary cadntium exposure issafe and to provide 3nanaging information based on results of the risk assessment.In order to quantify the dietary cadmium make, data were obtained from both the caduiumlevels in foods and consumption data for 53 foods, fhich were selected as foods mostcdrnBontf censumed by the general Korean. The survey data from the Korea food and DrugAdministration and r#rlated agencies were co31ected between 1992 and 1998. The tolerable dailyintake (TDI, U.S.EPA, 1993), which Itidney toricity as toxicologicaB endpoint of cadmium wasapplied, was used for chronic risk assessment and the permissible intake level(PIL) forshort-term risk assersment was calcufated by dividing NOAEL based on reproductive toxicity(Ali et al., 1986) by the uncertaint)· factor of 100 (from animal to human 10, humanvariabilitf'10). The chronic mean intake of daily dietary cadmium, which the general Koreanadult group with 60kg was regarded as the target population and the adult mean in the Reporton National Hea?f? and Nutrition Survey (1999) was used as consumption data for theindividual foods, "tfas estimated to be 2.09×10-a m9/k9/day. The dietary cadmium intake aschronic mean was compared to the TDI of 0.Oo079 mgag/day, from which the hagard index bythe cadmium of 0.26 was produced. If the dietary cadmium exposure was considered along withthe contributions frorri other sources such as ambient air and soil, the hazard index bIT thecadnlium would be higher. The short-term intake of daily dietary cadmium, which was based on single commodityronsumption and maxiuum reported residue level, was estimated between 6.17×10-smg/ltg/dayand 1.33×10-4mg/1tg/day. The aetary cadmium intake as short-term intake was compared tothe PU of 0.0071 mg/kg/day, from Ivhich the haEard indek between 8.7×10-6_1.gx10-2 wasProduced. This study also suggested strategies to manage the hazard based on the principle that thetotal daily cadrrlium inta.to should be controlled below the TDI. For applying this information, acost-benefit analysis, an analysis of the social and economic impact, and other related studieswill be implemented in a future study

      • 石灰石 添加에 따른 二酸化黃 除去率 向上

        김영수,박진식,장성호,장부규,서정민,김장호 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1996 硏究報告 Vol.19 No.2

        This study was carried out to investigate the performance enhancement of forced oxidation operation on the limestone utilization and SO₂ removal efficiency of the pilot flue gas desulfurization system. The results are as follows : 1. The results of the forced oxidation tests have shown that converting from natural to forced oxidation operation can have a significant effect on both limestone utilization and SO₂ removal efficiency of an FGD system. Conversely, if the limestone utilization is maintained at a constant level, the SO₂ removal efficiency will increase. Conversely, if the pH is held constant, the limestone utilization will increase significantly. 2. This characteristic of a forced oxidation system can translate into lower L/G requirements and, therefore, reduced capital and operating costs for slurry recycle pumps. 3. Forced oxidation operation will provide improved limestone utilization and, therefore. reduced limestone reagent costs.

      • KCI등재


        Kim, Pu-Young,Park, Joon-Sik The Youngnam Mathematical Society Korea 1998 East Asian mathematical journal Vol.14 No.2

        The main result is that the connection form in the orthonormal frame bundle by the Levi-Civita connection over a Riemannian symmetric space is a Yang-Mills connection

      • 패류독성물질이 신경계에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 배양신경세포를 이용한 기억상실성 패류중독의 해독제에 대한 연구 Studies on the putative antidotes against amnesic shellfish poisoning in the cultured neuron cells

        김대병,김윤정,김미정,이은희,홍진태,이종권,류승렬,김혜진,김부영 식품의약품안전청 1998 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.2 No.-

        기억상실 및 사망을 유발하는 패류독성물질로서 알려걱있는 dornoic acid는 AMPA/kainate receptor 와 HMDA receptor모두에 B.-용해서 독성이 나타나는 것으로 보고되어 있다. 본 연구에서는 이들 receptor들을 차단하는 시약 및 의약품중에서 domoic acid의 신경독성 해독후보물질을 건색하고자 하였다. 실험에 사용된 신경세포로는 chick telencephalic neuron을 primary culture방법으로 배양하였다. 시험물질로는 AMPA/kaina receptor antagonist(NBqX, DNq:f), NMDA receptor antagonist(MK-801, kynurenic acid, ifenprodil tartrate) , Na^+channel blocker(lamotrigine)등을 사용하였다. 이상의 이물질 농도별, 시간별로 cultured neuron에 처리하고 24시간 후에 MTT test를 실시하엿다. 대조군(domoic acid 무처치군)에 대한 Cell viability(%)를 기준으로 신경세포독성을 비교하여 시험물질들의 domoic ac;건의 독성경감정도를 겋토하였다. Domoic acid 50rM와 시험물질 5μM을 동시에 처리한 경우 NBQX는 거의 대조군과 같은 cell viability을 보여 약 100%의 독성경감효과를 나타냈다, 그 다음으로는 ifenprodil tartrate, kynurenic acid, DNQX, lamotrigine이 70-75%의 cell viability를 나타내어 domoic acid 50μM 단독처리시 나타난 60-70%의 cell viability를 개선하는 효과를 보였으며 aniracetam, MK-801, diazoxide는 독성을 경감시키지 못하엿다. Domoic acid 50μM를 선처리후 5μM의 DNQX을 시간별로 후처리하엿음 때 유의적인 독성경감효과는 나타나지 않앗다. 동일한 방법으로 DNQX를 추처리한 경우에는 2시간내에 시험물질 투여군에서 약 100% 의 cell viability를 보여 완벽한 독성 경감효과를 보였다.반면 2시간이후에는 시간이 지남에 따라 독성경감효과가 감소하여 DNqX와 유사한 경향을 보였다. Domoic acid which is known as a shellfish toxin has been reported to induce loss of memory and 4eath. Neurotoxirity of domoic acid was evaluated in in vifre cell eutture systems and theeffect of putative antidote caTididates of domoic acid was screened. Primary cultures of chiclE telenc☞phalic neuronal cells derived fr'on 5-day embryonic leghorn and 8-flay rat cerebellar neuronal cells wereused. Cell cytotoxicity was evaluated br MTT assay. In case of co-treatmeat of 50ff demoic acid and 5rM each antidote candidates, Beurotoxicity indueed by domoie acid was markedly blocked by 2.3-dihyd roxy -6-nitro -7- sulfamoy tbenzo- ( f ) quin oxaline ( N8qX) and signi ffcan fly a ttenuated by i fenprodiltartrate, kynurenic acid, 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione and lamotrigine. However aniracetam MK-801 and diaBoxide showed little effect in reduciug domoic acid toxicity. Post-treatment of 5ff NBqXwithin 2 hrs did completely neutraliEe the neurotoxicity while there was no difference in case of 4,6 ana12 hrs post-treatment in 50ff domoic acid pre-treated chick telen,cephalic neurons- These results sug-gest that ifef?odil ta.trate, D'nurenic acid, HBQX and lamotrigine ?lay be useful to counteract the poi-sonous effects of domoic acid.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        Pu-Young Kim,Joon-Sik Park,Yong-Soo Pyo 충청수학회 2012 충청수학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        In this paper, let Q be the real quaternion algebra which consists of all quaternionic numbers, and let G be the Lie group of all automorphisms of the algebra Q. Assume that g is an arbitrary given left invariant Riemannian metric on the Lie groupG. Then, we obtain a necessary and su±cient condition for an automorphism of the group G to be harmonic.


        Design of a High Efficiency DC–DC Buck Converter With Two-Step Digital PWM and Low Power Self-Tracking Zero Current Detector for IoT Applications

        Kim, Sang-Yun,Park, Young-Jun,Ali, Imran,Nga, Truong Thi Kim,Ryu, Ho-Cheol,Khan, Zaffar Hayat Nawaz,Park, Seong-Mun,Pu, Young Gun,Lee, Minjae,Hwang, Keum Cheol,Yang, Youngoo,Lee, Kang-Yoon Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2018 IEEE transactions on power electronics Vol.33 No.2

        <P>In this paper, a high efficiency dc–dc buck converter with two-step digital pulse width modulation (DPWM) and low power self-tracking zero current detector (ST-ZCD) is proposed for Internet of Things (IoT) and ultralow power applications. The hybrid DPWM core with high linearity and low power consumption is proposed to implement the high efficiency DPWM dc–dc converter. It is composed of a two-step delay control using the counter and delay line. An adaptive window analog to digital converter is proposed to reduce the output voltage ripple within 20 mV. A dead time generator is implemented with the proposed ST-ZCD to minimize the reverse current. The ST-ZCD can improve efficiency by reducing the control loss that accounts for a large proportion of the dc–dc converter. Also, all digital type-III compensator is implemented for the low power and small die area. This chip is fabricated with a 55 nm CMOS process, which uses the standard supply voltage of 1.5–3 V to generate the output voltage of 1.2 V. The total active area is 500 μm × 300 μm. The measured peak efficiency of the DPWM dc–dc buck converter is 91.5% with a quiescent current consuming only 130 μA.</P>

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Synthesis and Importance of Bulky Aromatic Cap of Novel SAHA Analogs for HDAC Inhibition and Anticancer Activity

        Chun, Pu-Soon,Kim, Won-Hee,Kim, Jung-Su,Kang, Jin-Ah,Lee, Hye-Jin,Park, Ji-Young,Ahn, Mee-Young,Kim, Hyung-Sik,Moon, Hyung-Ryong Korean Chemical Society 2011 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.32 No.6

        On the basis of potent HDAC-inhibitory activity and anticancer activity of SAHA, novel SAHA derivatives 3a-d and 7 with a bulky cap such as p-dimethylaminophenyl, 4-phenylaminophenyl, 4-phenyloxyphenyl, 9H-fluorenyl or naphthalenyl ring were synthesized starting from the corresponding aryl amines or naphthalenyl acetic acid using an EDC-mediated amide coupling reaction in the presence of HOBt followed by a nucleophilic addition-elimination reaction with hydroxylamine. Compounds 3b, 3c and 3d showed more potent inhibitory activity on total HDACs (14~27-fold), HDAC1 (8~15-fold), HDAC2 (1.3~25-fold) and HDAC7 (1~3-fold) and more potent anticancer activity (2~22-fold) against MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, MCF-7/Dox, MCF-7/Tam, SK-OV-3, LNCaP and PC3 human cancer cell lines than SAHA.

      • KCI등재

        A Reference Clock Doubler with Fully Digital Duty-cycle Error Correction Controller

        Dong Gyu Kim,Joon-Mo Yoo,Young Gun Pu,Yeon Jae Jung,Hyung Ki Huh,Seok Kee Kim,Keum Cheol Hwang,Young Goo Yang,Kang-Yoon Lee 대한전자공학회 2021 Journal of semiconductor technology and science Vol.21 No.6

        In this paper, a clock frequency doubler capable of handling large variation in input duty cycle and PVT (Process, Voltage and Temperature) is presented. Clock doubler with XOR gate cannot be used if the duty of the input clock is not 50 %. A circuit that calibrates the duty to 50 % is added in front of the clock doubler, the clock doubler has a low jitter and doubles the frequency even if the duty of the input clock is not 50 %. The fully digital method proposed in this paper overcomes the disadvantages of the existing analog methods, such as standby current and large area due to the use of capacitors and amplifiers, to enable low-current, low-area implementation. The reference clock doubler is implemented using 55-nm CMOS process and the die area is 80 μm x 80 μm. The power consumption is 30 μW under the supply voltage of 1 V. Measured maximum duty cycle error correction range and average frequency error are ±30 % and less than 0.5 %, respectively.

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