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      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)에 있어서 신생아(新生兒)의 인후(咽喉) 및 직장(直腸)에서 분리(分離)된 세균총(細菌叢)에 관(關)하여

        김철웅 대한임상검사과학회 1978 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.10 No.1

        This study was made to observe the change of bacterial flora of throat and rectal specimens of newborns during their first 3days of lige Specimens were collected from 158 newborns and cultures were made. The following results were obtained from the study. 1. Most of throat and rectal specimens were sterile on the first day. However, some newborns yielded E. Coli. which is an opportunistic pathogen, especially in newborns. 2. Some growth noticed from the day specimens most of them were common saprophytes. 3. Almost most of the specimens collected on the third day showed the growth, agin they were found to be nonpathogenie species 4. Some newborns showed to have opportunistic pathogens 5. Some newborn``s showed to have oppartunistic pathrgens throughout the three day-study period, lt is possible that they acquired the organisms from their mothers.

      • KCI등재

        이숭인의 생애 자료와 활동

        김철웅 釜山大學校 韓國民族文化硏究所 2015 한국민족문화 Vol.56 No.-

        Lee, Sung-In was a distinguished wise man of the late Goryeo dynasty era. In the 16th year of Gongminwang’s reign, when the Seong’gyungwan was completed, Lee, Sung-In joined the task of promoting Neo-Confucianism at the side of Yi, Saek. In the first year Wuwang’s reign he opposed the government’s plan to greet the emissary from Northern Yuan. When General Lee, Seong-Gye returned with his troops from Wihwado he sided with officials such as Lee Saek who wanted to preserve the Goryeo dynasty. Lee, Sung-In was very much active in supporting the employment and initiation of Neo-Confucian. He was victimized by political opponents together with the defeat of Goryeo and evaluated that had done every budding bureaucrats and politicions to participare in a real consideration with the defeat of Goryeo as throughout his life that left a very special footsteps. He has never deviated from the course of honestly all his life and was constant in his patriotic resolution through his long career. The first edition of Lee, Sung-In"s Doeunjip(陶隱集) was published in the early Chosun period, and the seven kinds of editions were published until 1923. The six kinds of editions, Doeunjip followed the compiling way of the first edition. The sixth edition were published in 1922, and the seventh edition were published in 1923. The fact that Doeunjip has seven editions means that later generations were much interested in Lee, Sung-In. There are his annals and biographical data in the sixth edition and the seventh edition. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out more systemic studies or researches on Lee, Sung-In"s outlook on world and activities who lived in the turbulent period of history.

      • KCI등재

        홍화약침액(紅花藥鍼液)이 t-Butylhydroperoxide에 의한 가토(家兎)의 뇌조직(腦組織) Na<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase 활성장애(活性障碍)에 미치는 영향(影響)

        김철웅,서정철,윤현민,장경전,송춘호,안창범,Kim, Cheol-Woong,Seo, Jung-Chul,Youn, Hyoun-Min,Jang, Kyung-Jeon,Song, Choon-Ho,Ahn, Chang-Beohm 대한침구의학회 2001 대한침구의학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Objectives ; This study was undertaken to determine whether Carthami-Flos aquacapuncture (CFA) exerts protective effect against oxidant-induced inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity in cerebral synaptosomes. Methods and Results ; The enzyme activity was dependent on incubation time and enzyme protein concentrations. An oxidant t-butylhydroperoxide (tBHP) at 1 mM concentration caused a significant inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity, which was prevented by addition of 0.01% CFA. tBHP inhibition and CFA protection were independent on incubation time or enzyme protein concentrations. The enzyme activity was increased by ATP in a dose dependent manner. Effects of tBHP and CFA were not affected by ATP cocentrations. tBHP (1 mM) produced a significant increase in lipid peroxidation in cerebral synaptosomes, which was prevented by 0.01% CFA. CFA decreased oxygen free radicals generated induced by the phorbol-ester in a dose-dependent manner in human neutrophil. Conclusions ; These results suggest that CFA exerts protective effect against tBHP-induced inhibition of $Na^+-K^+$-ATPase activity, which is due to by an antioxidant action resulting from a direct scavenging effect of oxygen free radicals in the cerebral synaptosomes.

      • KCI등재

        부동산경매절차에서 유치권의 불확실성 재해석-최근 대법원 판례의 태도변화를 중심으로-

        김철웅,김종진,정복환 대한부동산학회 2017 大韓不動産學會誌 Vol.35 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to reinterpret the uncertainty of the lien in the real estate auction procedure and present the direction of its application. For this purpose, it employed the research method composed of both the literature-based legal/institutional method and the change in the position of recent judicial precedents of the Supreme Court as well. And it took the study results together and presented the following suggestions:First, there is a need to make a norms-based harmonious interpretation of the lien so as to coordinate interests between participants in the real estate procedure. Second, there is a need to incorporate the maintenance of the lien on the registered real estate, the abolition of the lien takeover principle and the adoption of the extinction principle into the direction for application of the lien in amending its related contents of the Civil Law. Third, there is a need to introduce the lien registration system and the lien registration order system in relation to the direction for application of the existing public announcement of the lien. Fourth, there is a need to acknowledge both request for distribution and the preferential payment right in relation to the direction for application of the effect of the lien. Fifth, there is a need to incorporate the real screening of the lien by the execution officer and the clarity of providing information on the lien by the court of execution in relation to the direction for administration of the lien by the court of execution. Sixth, there is a need to reinforce criminal punishment for reporters of the falsified and exaggerated lien as the direction for application of the concomitant damages. Seventh, there is a need to incorporate the position of converting the current takeover principle of the lien into its extinction principle in relation to the direction for application of recent judicial precedents of the Supreme Court. 본 연구의 목적은 부동산경매절차에서 유치권의 불확실성을 재해석하여 그 적용방향을 제시하는데 있다. 연구방법은 문헌적인 법·제도적 방법에 최근 대법원의 유치권 판례 태도변화를 가미하였다. 연구결과를 종합하여 시사점을 제시하였다. 첫째, 경매절차 참여자들간의 이해관계조절을 위한 규범조화적 해석이 필요하다. 둘째, 민법 등 일부개정안 적용방향으로 등기부동산에 대한 유치권 유지, 유치권 인수주의 폐지와 소멸주의로 전환하여야 한다. 셋째, 기존 유치권 공시의 적용방향으로 유치권등기제도와 유치권등기명령제도의 도입이 필요하다, 넷째, 유치권 효력의 적용방향으로 배당요구와 우선변제권 인정 등이 필요하다. 다섯째, 집행법원의 유치권 처리의 적용방향으로 집행관의 실질적 유치권심사, 집행법원의 유치권 정보제공의 명확성이 필요하다. 여섯째, 유치권 피해의 적용방향으로 허위·과장 유치권신고자에 대한 형사처벌 강화 등이 필요하다. 일곱째, 최근 판례의 적용방향으로 유치권의 인수주의에서 소멸주의로 전환하는 입장을 입법에 반영하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        高麗와 중국 元·明 교류의 통로

        김철웅 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2013 東洋學 Vol.53 No.-

        지금까지 한·중의 교통로에 대해서는 조선의 한양과 명·청의 燕京 간 사행로가 주목받아 왔다. 그렇지만 연경까지의 교통로가 가장 활발하게 이용되었던 것은 고려·원 시기부터였다. 그런데 원은 大都(燕京)와 함께 上都를 두어 兩京制를 운영하고 있었다. 개경과 大都 간의 교통에 대해서는 어느 정도 연구가 이루어진 상태이지만 개경과 上都 간의 교통에 대해서는 그리 주목하지 않았다. 그리고 고려와 명의 교통에 대해서는 해로에 대해 언급하였을 뿐 육로에 대해서는 아직 구체적인 연구가 진행되지 않고 있다. 이에 개경과 上都 간, 대도와 상도 간의 교통로, 그리고 원·명교체기 개경과 연경의 교통로에 대해 살펴보았다. 먼저 개경과 上都 간의 교통로로 네 개의 노선을 확인하였다. 遼陽→ 昌義縣→ 懿州→ 北京 등을 경유하여 上都 開平府에 도착하는 노선은 瀋州를 거쳐 가지 않은 길이었다. 遼陽→ 瀋州→ 懿州→ 北京 등의 경로는 요양에서 북상하여 심주를 통과해 가는 길이었다. 그리고 『析津志』에 의하면 北京→ 狗羣→ 新店→ 上都 등의역로가 있었다. 네 번째 노선은 懿州에서 北京을 거치지 않고 高州로 하여 상도로 가는 직로가 있었다. 고려에서 懿州, 北京(大寧)을 거쳐 상도로 가는 길은 북방의 내륙을 통과하는 교통로였다. 원은 대도와 상도의 兩京을 운영하여 대도와 상도 간의 교통이 빈번하게 이루어졌다. 이곡의 「灤京紀行」에 따르면 그 길은 大都→ 居庸關→ 雲州路→ 李陵臺→ 灤河→ 上都 開平府로 이어졌다. 황제가 일 년에 한번 상도로 순행을 갔음으로 고려의 사행도 상도까지 가야 하는 경우가 많았다. 한편 원·명 교체기에 요동을 두고 원·명이 대립하자 요동을 통과하는 使行은 원활하지 못했다. 그리하여 고려와 명 남경 간의 사행은 해로를 이용하였다. 그러나 고려는 명에 계속해서 예전의 요동 교통로를 통해 사행할 수 있도록 요청하였다. 권근은 창왕 1년(1389) 6월에 使命을 받들고 명에 갔다가 돌아왔는데, 그 사행로는 開京→ 鴨綠江→ 湯站→ 開州城→ 龍鳳站→ 連山站→ 蚶水站→ 頭舘站→ 遼東城→ 鞍山驛→ 牛莊驛→板橋驛→ 十三山驛→ 沙河驛→ 山海衛→ 楡關→ 永平→ 薊州→ 北平城(前元舊都) 등이었다. 이러한 사행로는 고려와 명이 해로뿐만이 아니라 육로로도 교통하였음을 말해준다. 그런데 권근의 육로 사행로는 조선시대의 ‘연행길’과 유사한 경로였다. 즉 조선과 명의 사행로는 이미 고려말에 확정되어 있었다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        S-PLUS와 XLISP-STAT의 다이나믹그래픽 기능

        김철웅,서한손 한국통계학회 1993 응용통계연구 Vol.6 No.1

        컴퓨터 기능의 발전과 가격의 하락은 컴퓨터를 이용한 통계그래픽을 과거에는 상상할 수 없을 정도로 발전시키고 여러사람이 손쉽게 쓸 수 있게 되었다. 화면 위에서 직접 자료조작과 그 결과의 순간적 출력으로 요약되는 다이나믹 그래픽의 기능을 최근에 개발된 통계패키지인 S-PLUS와 XLISP-STAT에서 비교하여 보았다. XLISP-STAT은 아주 간단한 프로그램으로 여러 다이나믹 그래픽기능을 수행할 수 있다. 아직 초기 단계에 있는 컴퓨터 통계그래픽에는 개선의 여지가 많고 새로운 방법을 창안할 수 있는 가능성도 있어 연구대상으로서도 그 전망이 매우 밝다고 생각된다. The increase in computing power and the decrease in price of computers has enabled statistical computer graphics to progress tremendously in recent years. Many people can now access to the newly developed computer graphical methods easily. The direct manipulation on screen and the symultaneous realization of the results are two main ingradients of dynamic graphics. We compare the dynamic graphical features in two relatively new packages; SPLUS and XLISP-STAT. XLISP-STAT is very lean packed with powerful dynamic graphical tools. The statistical computer graphics, being still in the state of infancy, has a lot of room to grow, and is a new research area with a great potential.

      • KCI등재

        Application of Revised Nursing Work Index to Hospital Nurses of South Korea

        김철웅,이상이,강정희,박보현,박상철,박혜근,이건형,이윤정,정백근 한국간호과학회 2013 Asian Nursing Research Vol.7 No.3

        Purpose: Based on the Revised Nursing Work Index (NWI-R), this research aimed to develop a Korean Hospital General Inpatient UniteNursing Work Index (KGU-NWI). This study also aimed to compare the common points and differences between the subfactors of the KGU-NWI and the subfactors from previous studies. Methods: Based on opinions from 3,151 nurses in Korean hospital general inpatient unit, this research used 57 items of NWI-R and the principal axis factor analysis for deriving subfactors. We evaluated the convergent validity through factor analysis and the content validity of KGU-NWI in terms of the association between nurses’ job outcome and the subfactors derived. Results: Six subfactors and 26 items for KGU-NWI were derived from NWI-R. Among them, ‘physiciannurse relationship’, ‘adequate nurse staffing’ and ‘organizational support and management of hospital’ were the same with results from previous studies. In addition, two subfactors, ‘participation of decision-making processes’ and ‘education for improving quality of care’, which were similar with results from previous Korean studies, were newly added by using Korean hospital cases. In contrast to previous Korean studies, a unique subfactor this study found was ‘nursing processes’. This research confirmed that the six subfactors were highly correlated with job satisfaction, intention to leave, and quality of health care, which represented a nurse’s job outcome. Conclusion: KGU-NWI including six subfactors and 26 items is an applicable instrument to investigate nurse work environment in Korean hospital general inpatient unit.

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