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      • 이행성 협심증 환자에서 운동부하 심전도 검사

        이정우,박형서,박용규,노상필,이유선,정승현,김보영,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        목적 : 관상동맥의 경련에 의한 이형성 협심증환자에 있어서 운동부하 심전도 검사의 결과는 매우 다양하다. 이에 저자들은 충남대학교병원 순환기내과에서 관상동맥조영술상 이형성 협심증으로 확진된 환자를 대상으로 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하여 이에 대한 결과를 연구하였다. 방법 : 1995년 1월부터 2002년 3월까지 흉통을 주소로 충남대학교병원 순환기 내과에 입원하여 관상동맥조영술을 시행하여 관상동맥의 내경이 50% 미만의 협착이 있고, 에르고노빈(ergonovine) 유발검사도 이형성 협심증으로 진단을 받은 233명중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 183명의 환자를 연구 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과의 판독시 발생할 수 있는 오류를 줄이기 위해서 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행하기전 심전도상 ST분절의 상승(5예)이나 하강(8예)이 있는 경우 EH한 T파의 역위(19예)가 있는 32명의 환자를 제외한 총 151명의 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 운동부하는 Marquette사의 case 15 답차를 이용하였고, Bruce protocol에 따라 증상이 나타날 때까지 최대로 실시하였으며 각 stage 및 운동후의 혈압을 측정하고 12 유도 심전도를 기록하였다. 결과 : 1) 임상적 특성 - 내원시 임상 상은 안정형 협심증이 39예(25.8%), 불안정형 협심증이 103예(68.2%), 심근경색증이 9예(6.0%)이었다. 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과 양성 군과 음성군간에 있어서 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연 여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도, 연축의 수 등을 조사하였는 바 어떠한 인자들도 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 2) 운동부하 심전도 검사 - 운동부하 심전도 검사를 시행 받은 151명의 환자중 음성인 경우는 134예(88.8%)이었고, 양성인 경우는 17예(11.2%)이었다. 양성 소견을 보인 환자들중 ST 분절의 상승이 4예(2.6%), ST 분절의 하강이 13예(8.6%)이었다. 3) 관상동맥조영술 - 관상동맥조영술상에서 혈관 경력 위치는 우관상동맥이 70예(46.1%), 좌전하동맥이 44예(28.9%), 좌회선동맥이 17예(11.2%)의 순으로 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 예중 Ⅱ, Ⅲ, aVF에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상 동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, V2-V4에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 2예중 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌전하행동맥에서 경련이 나타난 예는 1예이었으며 다른 1예는 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났고, V5-V6에서 ST 분절의 상승이 있었던 1예는 관상동맥조영술상에도 좌회선동맥에서 경련이 나타났다. 운동부하 심전도 검사상 V5 또는 V6에서 ST 분절의 하강이 있엇던 13예중 6예(46.1%)는 관상동맥조영술상 우관상동맥에서 경련이 발생하였고, 3예(23.1%)는 좌전하행동맥에서, 1예(7.7%)는 좌회선동맥에서, 나머지 3예(23.1%)는 2개의 혈관이나 기타 분지에서 경련이 발생하였다. 결론 : 1) 이형성 협심증 환자는 운동부하 심전도 검사에서 11.2%의 양성소견을 보였다. 이중 ST 분절의 상승은 2.6%이었고, ST 분절의 하강은 8.6%이었다. 2) 이형성 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 음성을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 3) 이형성 협심증 환자중 운동부하 심전도 검사를 실시하여 ST 분절의 상승을 보이는 경우 다혈관 관상동맥질환이기 보다는 이형성 협심증일 가능성이 더 높다고 예측할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 4) 운동부하 심전도 검사 결과에 대한 당뇨병, 고혈압, 비만도, 총 혈청콜레스테롤치, 현재의 흡연여부, 병력상 운동시 흉통의 유무, 내원시 임상적 진단, 협착의 정도 등 어떠한 인자들도 3그룹(ST 분절의 상승, ST 분절의 하강, 음성)간에 유의한 차이를 발견할 수 없었다. 5) ST 분절의 상승 부위와 관상동맥조영술상 관상동맥의 연축이 일어나는 혈관과의 상관관계는 매우 높았다. No reports in the literature describe the results of exercise testings in a large number of patients with pure variant angina(coronary stenosis <50%) in Korea. In this report, We present the results of treadmil exercise testing in 151 patients with variant angina. 151 patients with angiographically proven coronary artery spasm underwent a treadmil exercise test. The clinical characteristics of variant angina patients classified according to ST-segment response to exercise were analyzed. Of 151 patients underwent a treadmil exercise test, negative result was seen in 134 patients(88.8%) and positive result was in 17 patients(11.2%). Of 17 patients saw positive result, exercise-induced ST segment elevation was present in 4 patients(2.6%) and ST segment depression was seen in 13 patients(8.6%). There was not a significant relationship between the ST segment response to exercise and the clinical variables(diabetes, hypertension, obesity, total cholesterol, current smoking, effort angina, clinical diagnosis, and degree of stenosis) assessed. Of 4 patients with ST segment elevation in treadmil exercise test, 1 patient with ST segment elevation in Ⅰ,Ⅲ,aVF had spasm in right coronary artery(100%) on coronary angiography, of 2 patients in V2-V4 had spasm in left anterior descending coronary artery in 1 patient(50%) and 1 patient in V5-V6 had spasm in left circumflex artery(100%). Positive treadmil exercise test was present in 11.2% of variant angina patient. If we have negative treadmil exercise result in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we may have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. If we have exercise-induced ST segment elevation in patients with clinical manifestation of unstable angina at admission, we have a suspicion of variant angina rather than multi-vessel disease. Our result suggests that the correlation between the site of the ST segment elevation and the artery involved is quite good.

      • 관상동맥 질환에서 SDF-1α의 농도

        김보영,박용규,박형서,노상필,정승현,이유선,이정우,이재환,최시완,정진옥,성인환 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        Atherosclerosis is now viewed as an inflammatory disease of the vascular system. Expression of several chemokines, including monocyte chemoattractant protein(MCP)-1, MCP-4, RANTES(regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and secreted), and interleukin-8(IL-8) are increased in human atherosclerotic plaques compared with normal vessels. They are involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque rupture by activating and directing leukocytes into the atherosclerotic lesions. However, some are involved in homeostatic functions such as normal leukocyte traffic and growth regulation. SDF-la is a multi-functional cytokine that is involved in myelogenesis, hematopoiesis, angiogenesis and injured gastric mucosal regeneration in the gastric ulcer patient. SDF-la is recently shown to be highly expressed in atherosclerotic plaques and a potent platelet agonist. At least in high concentrations, SDF-la may mediate antiinflammatory and matrix stabilizing effects in unstable angina. Many studies are going on to know the function of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. I investigated the difference of the plasma level of SDF-la between control group and coronary artery disease group. Total 75 subjects were enrolled. The diagnosis of coronary artery disease was confirmed in all patients by coronary angiography. Control subjects in this study were confirmed normal by coronary angiography. Clinical profile and risk factors were also reviewed. Control subjects in this study were 27 (M=10, F=17). Plasma for the study was collected before the angiography and centrifuged. SDF-la analysis was performed by ELISA. Plasma level of SDF-la is significantly increased in patients with stable angina(n=20) and unstable angina group(n=28) compared with healthy control group(n=27). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases. In this study, plasma level of SDF-la is increased in patients with stable angina and unstable angina groups compared with healthy control group(P<0.05). the risk factors do not influence the plasma level of SDF-la in coronary artery diseases.

      • KCI등재
      • RESEARCH ARTICLE : Role of metabolish by intestinal microbiota in pharmacokinetics of oral baicalin

        ( Mi Jeong Kang ),( Gyu Sub Ko ),( Do Gyeong Oh ),( Jin Sung Kim ),( Keumhan Noh ),( Wonku Kang ),( Won Ki Yoon ),( Hyoung Chin Kim ),( Hye Gwang Jeong ),( Tae Cheon Jeong ) 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2014 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.24 No.0

        Baicalin (baicalein-7-glucuronide) is a flavonoid purified from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi that has traditionally been used for treatment of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and viral hepatitis. In this study, the effects of intestinal microbiota on the pharmacokinetics of baicalin were investigated in normal and antibiotic-pretreated rats following p.o. administration of 100 mg/kg baicalin by using liquid chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry. When rats were pretreated orally with cefadroxil, oxytetracycline and erythromycin for 3 days to control the number of intestinal bacteria, the pharmacokinetic parameters of oral baicalin were significantly affected by antibiotics: Cmax, T1/2(β), Kel and AUC values were significantly changed compared to those in normal rats. These results indicate that intestinal microbiota might play a key role in the oral pharmacokinetics of baicalin.

      • KCI등재


        노규정(Gyu-Jeong Noh) 대한종양외과학회 2013 Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol.9 No.2

        As a result of improvements in health care, nutrition, and general living standards, the average life expectancy and elderly population is increased worldwide. Aging is associated with a universal and progressive loss of functional reserve and degenerative changes in all organ systems. Although physiologic compensation for age-related changes may be adequate in most geriatric patients, the functional reserve of organ systems is reduced, and susceptibilities to stress- and disease-induced organ system decompensation can occur. Anticipating the interactions between underlying diseases, limited end-organ reserve, and perioperative stress should aid physicians in providing the best perioperative care possible. We review the age-related physiologic changes in organ systems and pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes of anesthetics in elderly surgical patients.


        Role of metabolism by intestinal microbiota in pharmacokinetics of oral baicalin

        Kang, Mi Jeong,Ko, Gyu Sub,Oh, Do Gyeong,Kim, Jin Sung,Noh, Keumhan,Kang, Wonku,Yoon, Won Ki,Kim, Hyoung Chin,Jeong, Hye Gwang,Jeong, Tae Cheon 대한약학회 2014 Archives of Pharmacal Research Vol.37 No.3

        Baicalin (baicalein-7-glucuronide) is a flavonoid purified from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi that has traditionally been used for treatment of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and viral hepatitis. In this study, the effects of intestinal microbiota on the pharmacokinetics of baicalin were investigated in normal and antibiotic-pretreated rats following p.o. administration of 100 mg/kg baicalin by using liquid chromatography/ion trap mass spectrometry. When rats were pretreated orally with cefadroxil, oxytetracycline and erythromycin for 3 days to control the number of intestinal bacteria, the pharmacokinetic parameters of oral baicalin were significantly affected by antibiotics: $C_{max}$, $T_{1/2(\beta)}$, $K_{el}$ and AUC values were significantly changed compared to those in normal rats. These results indicate that intestinal microbiota might play a key role in the oral pharmacokinetics of baicalin.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        기관내삽관시 전기 화상 환자에 대한 Vecuronium의 근이완 효과

        김규삼,권은정,이혜정,배성진,노규정,정해정 대한마취과학회 1999 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.36 No.1

        Background : In inducing anesthesia for burn patients, nondepolarizing muscle relaxant (NDMR) is usually used, because succinylcholine, a widely used muscle relaxant may cause hyperkalemia. It is well known that because burn patients show resistance to NDMR, a high dose of NDMR is needed for them. In this study, we wanted to know whether there is significant difference of the relaxation effect between 0.1 mg/Kg and 0.15 mg/Kg dose's of vecuronium, and between burn and unburn patients. Methods : Subjects are 40 male patients having 1 or 2 ASA physical status (20 are burn patients and the other 20 are unburn patients). We divided them into 4 groups; 1) Group BI (burn patients, vecuronium 0.1 mg/Kg) 2) Group BII (burn Pts, vecuronium 0.15 mg/Kg) 3) Group UBI (unburn Pts, vecuronium 0.1 mg/Kg) 4) Group UBII (unburn Pts, vecuronium 0.15 mg/Kg). Average onset times (time from injection of vecuronium to zero first twitch height (T1)) were measured and intubating condition were scored on 0 to 4 scale. Results : The onset time of vecuronium and distribution of intubation scores didn't show statistical differences among 4 groups. Conclusion : The onset time of vecuronium and intubating condition in burn patients dosen't show a difference from unburn patient. (Korean J Anesthesiol 1999; 36: 21∼26)

      • 와전류와 히스테레시스가 자체 측정 자기베어링의 성능에 미치는 영향

        노명규,정민경 충남대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 산업기술연구논문집 Vol.16 No.1

        A preliminary analysis of the effects of eddy currents and magnetic hysteresis on the performance of self-sensing magnetic bearings is presented. A self-sensing magnetic bearing employs an estimator of rotor position utilizing the information available in the electromagnets, instead of using separate position sensors as in typical magnetic hearings. An estimator which embeds a model of the bearing is designed using parameter estimation technique. The performance of the estimator is briefly presented. The model of the bearing on which the estimator is based assumes that the magnetic material is perfectly linear without eddy currents and hysteresis. A simple analysis is carried out to see how the performance of the estimator is affected by eddy currents and hysteresis which can be substantial in high-performance magnetic bearings.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Root Nodule Biomass of Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha fruticosa Seedlings with Fertilization Treatments

        Noh, Nam-Jin,Son, Yo-Whan,Seo, Kyung-Won,Kim, Rae-Hyun,Koo, Jin-Woo,Ban, Ji-Yeon,Kim, Jeong-Gyu The Ecological Society of Korea 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.2

        Root nodule biomass, and seedling biomass and growth were examined for 2-year-old Robinia pseudoacacia and Amorpha fruticosa seedlings following fertilization treatments. Organic fertilizer, solid combination fertilizer, and organic fertilizer plus solid combination fertilizer were used for the study. Root nodule biomass (g/plant) ranged from 3.00 to 7.06 for R. pseudoacacia and varied from 1.52 to 2.32 for A. fruticosa, respectively. In all treatments, root nodule biomass of R. pseudoacacia was significantly higher than those of A. fruticosa. Fertilization significantly increased root nodule biomass for only R. pseudoacacia, however, there were no significant differences in root nodule biomass among fertilization treatments. Root nodule biomass was not influenced by soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) concentrations following fertilization treatments. Seedling biomass (components and total) and growth (diameter at root collar and height) were strongly correlated with root nodule biomass for the two N fixing tree species.

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