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정전 열 접합을 이용한 Multi-Substrate Bonding
이덕중,주병권,최우범,한정인,조경익,이광배,장진,오명환 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1997 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.8 No.1
We performed silicon-to-glass bonding using silicon direct bonding followed by anodic bonding(SDAB). Initial bonding between glass and silicon was caused by the hydrophilic surfaces of silicon and glass ensemble using silicon direct bonding(SDB) method. We found that the bonded specimen using SDAB process had higher strength than one using anodic bonding process only. We performed multiple layer bonding by SDAB, which is glass- silicon -glass as sandwich structure. In the silicon wafer, the (1mm x 2mm x 500μm)-sized cavity was formed by the anisotropic etching of the silicon substrate in EPW(Ethylendiamin-Pyrocatechol-Water). And, the cavity was sealed with glass wafers by SDAB method.
SrTiO₃첨가에 따른 (x)BaTiO₃-(1-x)SrTiO₃의 유전적, 전기적 특성
정해덕,장동환,김덕근,홍경진,최창주 木浦大學校 工業技術硏究所 1998 工業技術硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-
In this paper, a ferroelectric material BaTiO3 was added to SrTiO3, then (x)BaTiO3-(1-x)SrTiO3(0.7≤x≤1) ceramics were fabricated with stable electrical properties in high voltage. Microstructures and electrical properties were investigated according to mixing conditions of addition material SrTiO3. As a result of the investigation of all experiments, the shrinkage was excellent in 0.9BaTioO3-0.1SrTiO3. The grain size was increased, the curie temperature was shifted low temperature. The 0.9BaTiO3-0.1SrTiO3 was appeared stable property in temperature vs. permittivity. Also, 0.9BaTiO3-0.1SrTiO3 was showed stable dielectric properties at 25~85[C]. V-I properties of specimen were observed in the temperature range of 21~143[C], were divided into three regions. the region I below 10[kV/cm] was shown Ohmic conduction, the region II from 10 to 30[kV/cm] was explained by the poole-Frenkel emission theory and the region III above 30[kV/cm] was analysed by the tunneling effect.
김덕환,이교영,이경갑,최희인,오사메 사토시,이찌조 시게루 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1994 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-
In prder to clarify the changes of serum chemical values(AST, CPK and LDH activities)and LDH isoenzyme fractions in frequent occuring some diseases of dairy cows, total 48 cows(40 patients: 18 with downer cow syndrome, 17 with abomasal displacement and 5 with acute mastitis and 8 controls: clinically healthy cows) were examined. The results obtained were as follows: 1. In changes of total serum enzyme activities of patients group, increase of serum AST(P<0.001), CPK(P<0.01) and LDH activities(P<0.01)were observed in groups of downer cow syndrome and abomasal displacement, respectively by comparison with control group. Increase of AST only was found in group of acute mastitis(P<0.05). 2. In LDH isoenzyme fractions, increase of LDH₁(P<0.01), LDH₂(P<0.05), LDH₃(P<0.01), LDH₄(P<0.01) and LDH_5(P<0.01)fractiona was observed in group of downer cow syndrome and also marker increase of LDH4 and LDH5 fractions was noted in this group. The increase of LDH₁, LDH₂ amd LDH₃ (P<0.01)fractions was found in group of abomasal displacement, but group of acute mastitis showed similar result to that of control group.
조성환,손화영,김혜성,최종윤,류시윤,박배근,윤원기,홍성혁,김덕환 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2002 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.10 No.-
Pilomatricoma was histopathologically diagnosed in a 2.5-year-old male Alaskan malamute. The patient was referred to Chungnam National University, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital with solitary, firm and well-circumscribed mass at shoulder. Grossly, the mass was dome shaped to tumor like and 10 x 8 x 5㎝ in size. Some lesions had gritty or bony consistency and was chalky when sectioned Histopathologic feature included mumerous clusters of tightly arranged, basaloid cells with evenly distributed chromatin and ghost cells were characterized by a central unstained zone. The ghost cells often become calcified and osseous metaplasia was also present.
Pharmacokinetics and correlation analysis of cilostazol in healthy Korean subjects.
Choi, Hye Duck,Lee, Hye Jung,Lee, Sang Hun,Kim, Soo-Hwan,Choi, Chung Am,Chang, Min Jung,Shin, Wan Gyoon Dustri-Verlag Dr. Karl Feistle 2012 International journal of clinical pharmacology and Vol.50 No.5
<P>Cilostazol is frequently used to treat and prevent thrombosis in Korean patients.</P>