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      • KCI등재

        R.M. Rilke 적 <장미인생> : 그 <순수한 모순 > 의 미학

        이영일 한국독어독문학회 1979 獨逸文學 Vol.22 No.1

        Der Bereich der Pflanzen wind fur Rike zum bevorzugten Gegenstand' einer idealisierenden Symbolik. Die eine Blume, die fur Rilke besondere Symbolbedeutung gewinnt, ist die Rose- Die Beziehurg zur Rose begleitet ihn auch sein ganzes Leben hindurch. Welche Deutung die Rosen in Rilkes. eigenem Leben gehabt haben, lasst sich aus den Briefen and Tagebuchblattern, vor allem der Worpsweder Zeit, leicht veriolgen. Die Rose ist immer wieder das Zeichen eines festlich gehobenen Lebensgefuhls. Vor allem in der letzten Zeit auf dem Turm von Muzot nimmt dies Verhaltnis immer engere Formen an. Die vierundzwanzig Gedichte des franzosischen Zyklus `Les Roses', auf den wir ebenfalls noch gesondert zuruckkommen,. zeugen nnmitteIbar von diesem Verhalt:zis. Hier heisst es in einer schon gradezu mystischen Wendung. So ist die Rose in dieser letzten Phase seiner Eniwiclclung fur Rilke wesentlich mehr als ein tiefsinniges Bild, sie ist fur ihn ein lebendiges. Wesen, mit dem er umgeht and schon fzst in einer Art von mystischer Teihabe mit seinem eigenem Leben verschmolzen ist. Es wirkt fast wie eine tiefere Fiigung, lass sich seine letzte Krankheit in der nichtheilenwollenden Verletztung durch einen Rosendorn ankiindigt. Und endlich nimmt er der Grabschrift, die er sich selbst bestimmte, in. einem betonten Sinn also in seinem letzten Wort sein eignes Leben mit dem der Rose zu einer Einheitzusammen. In ihr hat Rilkes Rosensybol darn seine letzte, gultigste Form gefunden. An ihr hat sich darum auch jedes Verstandnis nicht nur des Rosensymbols, sondern des spaten Rilke uberhaupt zu bewahren. Der entscheidende Schritt zu einer vertieften symbolischen Ausdeutung, wird in dem grossen Gedicht `Die Rosenschale' sichtbar. Hier ist das Neueim Verhaltnis zur Rose deutlich ausgesprochen, wie er sich entsprechend auch in dem Ptwa in derselben Zeit entstandenen Gedicht `Das Roseninnere' ausspricht. Hier setzt die nahere Analyse der Rose in ihrer symbolisch verstandenen Seinsform ein, wie sie in der `Rosenschale' and einigen eng damn zusammen hangenden Erwahnungen angedeutet wird. Die Rose uber alle Grenzen hinaustretende Hingabe wird jetzt dem Menschen unmittelbar als Vorbild hingestellt: So wie die Rose in der ruckhaltlosen Hingabe ihres Bluhens am aussersten Rand des Seins steht, dort, wo es i:n das Nicht-mehr-Sein unschiagt, and wie die Rose sich nicht von sich aus vor dieser Vernichtung zu sichern versucht, sondern sick selberin diese Gefahrdung hineindrangt, so soll auch uns Menschen diese selbe Leistung ein Ausserstes sein. Damit gewinnt jetzt die Rose eine fur den Menschen selber unmittelbar vorbildhafte Bedeutung. Urd wenn spater, in der Fortsetzung dieses Gedichts, sodann die Aufgabe der Rose dahin bestimmt wird, die Welt da draussen-in eine Hand voll Inneres zu verwandeln", so ist dieses Bild von der Rose als solcher her nicht mehr zu verstehen; denn was Boll bei der Rose das `Innere' sein, in die Welt verwandelt werden kann? Welches ist iiberhaupt das 'Innere' der Rose? Das Verhaltnis von Innen and Aussen wind als das einer Spiegelung genemmen, aber wiederum nicht im wortlichen Sinn, wie ein sicherbar verstandener Himmel sich im See spiegelt, sondern es ist ein im ubertragenen Sinn im Roseninneren abgespielt. Indem in der Rose these Vereinigung des Widers~prechenden verwirklicht erscheint, scheint in ihr also dasjenige gelungen zu sein, was fur den Narziss als so unvereinbar gait, Bass nach der Vereinigung auch nur zu streben als unsinnig and existenzwidrig er~chien. Darum fuhren hier die Gedanken noch einmal auf den Zusammenhang zuruck, der damals im Spiegelgedicht der `Sonette as Orpheus' mit der ratselhaften and dort kaum verstandlichen Andeutungvom `klaren gelosten Narziss' sichtbar gewordenvar. Ausdrucklich and wohl in bewusster Wiederaufnahme der damals gepragten Wendung taucht uieser Gedanke wider auf, wenn in den Rosedgedichten noch einmal and jetzt ausfuhrlicher vom `Narcisse exauce' die Rede ist. Die Rose erscheirt hier als das zuberhafte Wesen, das bei alley Hingabe doch zugleich in rich selber ruht, auf rich selber ;suruckbezogen, "mit sich beschaftgt". Es ist die Art, wie in der Rosenblute mit unendlicher Zartheit Blutenblatt ruhrt. Es ist die Art, wie sie im Umkreis ihres stromenden Duftes bleibt, der sick nicht ganz verliert, sondern sick wie eine schutzende Hulle um sie legt and sie am weiteren Verstromen hindert. Insofern ist die Rose dann wirklich ein neues Bild fur das, was zuvor in der Gestalt des Narziss gefasst wurde. Ihre Vollkommenheit besteht darin, loss sie im `Gleichgewicht' zwischen Geben and Zuruckempfangen in sich selber ruht. Und so wind man beim Grabspruch im Bild von dem in den taused Lidern schlafenden Schlaf zugleich auch die andere Vorstellung mit hinzunehmen mussen: des begluckt im Genuss des eigenen Gleichgewichts ohne Anstrergung and ohne Verkrampfung nur mit such selber beschaftigten reinen Seins, als Ausdruck einer letzten Lebensbejahung.

      • KCI등재

        토양 - 식물계에 대한 방사성핵종의 거동에 관한 연구 : Ⅰ. 대두작물에 의한 Cs - 137 의 흡수이행 1) On the Uptake of Cesium - 137 by Soybean

        이영일,김재성,류준 한국환경농학회 1983 한국환경농학회지 Vol.2 No.1

        原子力施設에서 放出될 수 있는 주요 核種中에서 Cs^(137)을 인위적으로 土壤에 處理하여 作物體에 吸收, 移行 및 濃縮關係를 究明하고자 pot(土壤10㎏)當 0.5∼60 μCi로 處理한 후 大豆를 栽培하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1) 供試된 Cs^(l37)의 上記 處理濃度에서는 大豆作物의 生長沮害 영향을 볼 수 없었다. 2) 處理濃度 增加에 따라 大豆作物의 Cs^(137)吸收는 增加하였으나 K含量은 減少하였으므로 두 이온間의 拮抗性을 보였다. 3) 生育時期別 吸收量은 pod 形成期까지는 增加하다 收穫期에는 減少하는 경향을 보였고 種實에 비해 莖葉部에 높은 蓄積을 보였다. 4) 大豆作物의 Cs^(137) 吸收率은 0.069∼0.005의 범위로 Cs^(137)處理濃度에 따라서 減少하였고, 移行率은 平均 38.6%였고, 種實에의 濃縮係數 또한 濃度의 增加에 따라 減少하였으며 20 μCi 處理區를 基準으로 할 경우 농축계수는 0.04 였다. The present study was carried out to determine the effect of a radionuclide, cesium-137, in soybean, which is an element released usually from nuclear facilities. Soybean plants were grown on the pots treated with cesium-137 0.5∼60 μCi/10 ㎏ soil and the uptake, translocation and accumulation of the radiocesium in the plant parts were measured at different growth stage. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Visual toxic symptoms on the plants due to treatment of radioactive cesium were not observed up to 60 μCi/10 kg soil in a pot. 2) The uptake of cesium-137 in soybean plant was increased with increment of concentration applied, while the uptake of potassium was proportionally decreased, indicating to have an ion antagonistic relationship between them. 3) The absolute amounts of cesium-137 in the plants were gradually increased by the pod setting stage, but rather reduced at harvesting stage. The accumulation occurred more in the leaves and stems than the soybean seeds. 4) The rate of uptake was ranged from 0.069 to 0.005 with proportional decrease by increasing concentration applied and the rate of Cs-137 translocation from plants to seeds was averaged 38.6% in soybean plant. The concentration coefficient was 0.04 in the soybean seeds from the pots treated with 20 μCi of cesium-137 and decreased with increment of cesium-137 applied.

      • KCI등재

        답토양(畓土壤)에서 수도(水稻)의 Strontium - 90 흡수와 수도체내 분포

        이영일,임수길,김재성 한국환경농학회 1986 한국환경농학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        原子力産業의 發達에 따라서 이들 施設로부터 放出될 수 있는 放射性物質에 의한 環境汚染과 放射性廢棄物處理, 처분에 관한 문제가 야기되고 있으며 農業環境에서는 특히 半減期가 긴 核種의 土壤, 植物系를 통한 人體로의 移行經路가 매우 중요하다 따라서 본 연구는 畓土壤의 理化學的特性과 粘土鑛物등을 고려하여 國內에 分布된 5개 土壤統을 선정하여 Sr^(90)을 處理한후 pot 栽培로 水稻體內의 吸收와 分布를 조사하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1) Sr^(90)은 처리량에 비례해서 水稻體內에 吸收量 增加를 보였으나 土壤 10㎏ 當 40μCi 處理하여도 水稻의 生育障害는 볼 수 없었다. 2) 水稻體內 部位別分布에서 Sr^(90) 은 잎(84.5%)에서 가장 높았고 줄기(13.5%)와 種實(2.0%) 순서로 낮은 분포를 보였고 Sr^(90) /Ca 비는 잎(872)과 줄기(667)에서 높고 種實(89)에서 낮았다. 3) 水稻의 Sr^(90) 吸收率은 0.15∼0.30% 범위였으며 土壤 pH, 置換性陽 ion 含量의 增加에 따라서 水稻에 의한 Sr^(90) 吸收는 減少되었으나, 土壤中 질소, 유리물 및 粘土含量의 增加에 따라서는 吸收도 增加되었고, Illite가 적고 Vermiculite가 많은 土壤에서 Sr^(90)吸收가 많았다. Because of the drastic development of nuclear industries, the contamination of natural environments by the disposal of radioactive materials which are released from nuclear facilities have aroused a considerable concern in relation to agricultural practices. Therefore the present investigation, through pot experiment, was performed to find out the aspect of the uptake of Sr^(90) by rice plants and its distribution in them in five different types(physicochemical and minerallogical properties) of paddy soils. The results obtained were as follows; 1) Visual toxic symptoms on the growth of rice plant due to treatment of Sr^(90) up to 40μCi/10㎏ in a pot were not observed even though uptake of Sr^(90) by rice plant was proportionally increased with the Sr^(90) treatment. 2) Distribution of Sr^(90) in the rice plant was the highest in the leaves (84.5%) followed in the order by stems (13.5%) and rough grain (2.0%). The ratio of Sr^(90) to Ca was higher in the leaves (872) and stems (667) than in the rice grain (89). 3) Sr^(90) absorption in the rice plant ranged 0.15∼0.30% at harvesting time. Uptake of Sr^(90) by rice plants decreased by the increase of soil pH and exchangeable canons in the soils, but Sr^(90) uptake increased when nitrogen, organic matter and clay content in soil was high, and uptake of this nuclide in the rice plant was higher with low Illite and Vermiculite content in the soils.

      • KCI등재

        이식신의 혈관조영술

        이영일 대한영상의학회 1977 대한영상의학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Selective angiography of transplanted kidney in recipient is the unique procedure to detect renal rejection, obstruction or stenosis of anastomotic site of renal artery and vein, renal venous thrombosis, and other renal complications. The materials consists of the transplanted kidneys in 6 patients who have been performed selective common or internal iliac angiography through the contralateral femoral catheterization between March 23, 1975 and July 27, 1976 at St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Medical College. The patients are between 21 and 53 year old men. The clinical and postoperative pathologic diagnosis in the recipients prior to transplantation are 4 cases of chronic golmerulonephritis and 2 cases of chronic pyelonephritis. The transplanted kidneys in 6 recipients ar diagnosed angiographically 1 chronic pyelonephritis. The transplanted kidneys in 6 recipients are diagnosed angiographically 1 case of hyperacute rejection, 2 cases of acute rejection, 2 cases of chronic reject on and 1 case of occlusion of two polar arteries with edema. Final pathologic diagnoses of transplanted kidneys by biopsy are same as those of angiographic diagnoses except for Case 1 (acute rejection). The angiography of the transplanted kidney is the greatest value in evaluation of renal vascular system, infarction, and differentiation of renal rejections.

      • KCI등재

        점토 광물 조성이 점토기반 분리막의 곡강도에 미치는 영향

        이영일,엄정혜,김영욱,송인혁,Lee, Young-Il,Eom, Jung-Hye,Kim, Young-Wook,Song, In-Hyuck 한국세라믹학회 2014 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.51 No.5

        Clay-based membranes with submicron pore size were successfully prepared by a simple pressing process using low-cost starting materials(e.g., kaolin (K), bentonite (B), talc (T), and sodium borate). The green bodies were sintered at $1000^{\circ}C$ for 2 h in air. The effect of clay-mineral composition on the flexural strength of clay-based membranes was investigated. The porosity of the clay-based membranes could be controlled within the range of 34 - 42% by adjusting the starting composition. The flexural strength of the low-cost membranes depended on both the porosity and the ${\alpha}$-quartz content. In turn, the porosity and ${\alpha}$-quartz content were affected by the (B+T) /(K+B+T) ratio. The plot of strength relative to this ratio, showed a maximum when the ratio was 0.4. The typical flexural strength of these clay-based membranes (with ratio 0.4) was 28 MPa at 34% porosity.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 스포츠이벤트 인식과 지역사회발전과의 관계

        이영일 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between sport event recognition and the community development. the 550 subject who reside in seoul, incheon, kwangju, taegu were collected by stratified sampling and Analysis were made use of frequency, t-test. one way ANOVA, multi regression. The results are follow as 1. As to sport recognition on population analytical characteristic variable and community development, there are significant difference between necessity and successful participation in sex and self watching, cheering, necessity and successful participation in sex in age. 2. As to sport recognition on population analytical characteristic variable and community development, there are significant difference not only imagination, public information, economical development, funding in sex but also public information, economical development, funding in age; according to job, there are significant difference in economical development, funding economical development, funding, in academic career. 3. As to the relationship between sport recognition and community development, the affection of sport event recognition to imagination, there are significant influence in hearing, necessity and cheering, the factor of participation; according to the affection of sport event recognition to public information, there are significant influence in hearing, self watching and the factor of successful participation; According to the affection of sport event recognition to community, there are significant influence in hearing, necessity and self watching, cheering, successful factor; According to the affection of sport event recognition to funding, there are significant influence in hearing, necessary factor.

      • KCI등재

        기호와 해석: 동시대 중국 미술에서 모택동기호에 대한 재-약호화

        이영일 한국기초조형학회 2014 기초조형학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        모택동사상이 곧 중국식 마르크스주의와 등치된다면, 그것은 모택동과 중국홍색혁명의 불가분한 관계를 의미하는 것이기도 하다. 바꾸어 말하면, 모택동기호는 줄곧 중국재현(再现)체계의 중핵으로 자리잡아왔다는 이야기겠다. 아울러 동시대미술에서 탈-규범화(Decanonization)경향과 더불어서, 중국예술가들은 모택동 기호를 다양한 방식으로 전유하고 비틀고 재해석하고자 한다. 이를테면, 절대적 권위였던 모택동사상/홍색문화의 규범·정전·경전 등에 반하여, 그것의 경직성과 폭력화를 비판하고(80년대) 더 나아가 ‘신의 죽음’을 다양한 방식으로 희화화하는 방식으로 현실세계에 개입하는 것이다(90년대). 특히나 이런 흐름은 문화상품화의 논리와 더불어서 복합적이고 양가적으로 전개되는 양상을 보인다. 아울러 이런 모택동기호를 재-약호화하는 일계열의 작품은, 과거(의 기호)를 통하여 역사의 지평을 재조명하고 확장하고자 한다는 점에서 현실에 관여하고자 하는 충동을 중층적으로 드러내 보이겠다. 이를테면, 모택동의 죽음과 함께, ‘신’의 기호를 재-약호화하고자 하는 다양한 욕망은 작은 사람들(Kleine Leute)을 통해서 실현된다면, 그 작은 사람들의 서사란 기존의 언어(재현체계)로 담아낼 없는 것, 즉 언어 밖에 것에 대한 사유라고 해야 할 것이다. 즉 기존언어에 대한 수정·확장과 새로운 언어에 대한 구축작업인 것이다. 언어란 ‘대화’가운데서 생산되고 파생되는 것이다. 이러한 팽팽한 긴장을 수반한 대화를 둘러싸고 진행되는 기존기호의 재-약호화와 그 전개방식에 대한 분석에 초점을 맞추고자 논문제목을 “기호와 해석”이라고 하였다. With Mao ( Mao tsetung) Thought is regarded as the Chinese Marxism, it can also reveal the inseparable relationship between Mao and the Chinese Red Revolution. In other words, Mao mark has had a core status in the Chinese representational system all the time. Meanwhile, Chinese artists try to take sole possession of, twist and re-explain the Mao mark in different kinds of ways, together with Decanonization in the contemporary art. For example, Chinese artists opposed the absolute authority – the standards, classics of Mao Thought/ Red Culture, and even criticized the rigidity and violence of them (1980s). Furthermore, they intervened in the reality by satirizing “God Death” in various ways (1990s). Particularly, these trends show some multiple and opposite conditions together with the logic of the cultural commercialization in the present. So a series of products of re-symbolizing the Mao mark mainly show the thought of intervening in the reality by reintroducing and expanding the area of history through former marks. For instance, if various desires of re-symbolization of the sign of “God” is fulfilled through little people(Kleine Leute), their narrative is what cannot be expressed in the existing language(representational system), that is, a thought on the thing which resides out of the language. That is, the corrections, expansions of the existing languages and also away of creating new languages. While language is produced and derived through the “dialogues,” the purpose of this article is focused on the analysis of the re-symbolization of the existing mark carrying with dialogues and its developing method. Therefore, the author has entitled the article “Mark and Analysis.”

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