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      • 스프레이 菊花의 왕겨경 循環式 養液栽培에서 養液의 濃度 및 供給回數의 영향

        黃仁澤,金光秀,金月洙,金道翊,金正根 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        본 실험은 스프레이 국화 왕겨 배지를 이용한 순환식 양액재배에 있어서 양액의 적정농도와 공급횟수를 구명하고자 실시한 결과 양액 농도 처리에서는 원시표준액의 1.6배 처리구가 초장, 화경장, 경경, 화경수, 엽장, 엽폭, 절화중에서 가장 양호하였고, 1일 공급횟수는 표준농도(1.0배)는 12회가 좋았고 1.3배와1.6배 처리구에서는 6회공급구에서 절화품질이 좋았다. 양액농도별 개화기는 표준농도에 비해 1.3배는 2일, 1.6배 처리구는 3일정도 지연되었다. 양액 농도별 T-N함량은 1.3배 농도에서 많았고 양이온치환용량은 농도가 높은 1.6배 농도에서 높았으며 양액 농도별 엽록소 함량은 1.0배 농도에서 가장 높았다. This experiment was conducted to determine the optimal ionic strength of nutrient solution and fertigation frequency affecting growth and development of spray chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum) in recycling system using rice hull. Growth parameters in terms of plant height, flowers diameter, stem diameter, number of flowers, leaf length and width and flower weight were shown better in thd 1.6 ionic strength of nutrient solution than those of 1.0 ionic strength of nutrient solution. Fertigation frequency was good at 12 times during day and night in the standard solution (1.0 ionic strength) while 6 times per day and night were good in both 1.3 and 1.6 strength of nutrient solution. Flowering time was postponed up to 2 day in the treatment of 1.3 ionic strength of nutrient solution, and 3 day in 1.6 ionic strength of nutrient solution. The content of total nitrogen was higher in the 1.3 ionic strength of nutrient solution. Cation exchange capacity was high in the 1.6 ionic strength of nutrient solution and chlorophyll content by the concentrations of nutrient solution was highest in the standard nutrient solution.

      • KCI등재후보

        비대칭형 보강재 간격에 따른 주기구조물의 SPL모드 해석

        김택현,김종태 한국공작기계학회 2002 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to study the vibration and acoustic pressure radiation from a thin isotropic flat plate stiffened by a rectangular array of beams, and excited by a time harmonic point force. These constructions on aircraft and ship structures are often subjected to frequency dependent pressure fluctuations and forces. Forces from the these excitations induce structural vibrations in a wide range of frequencies, which may cause such things as acoustic fatigue and internal cabin noise in the aircraft. It is thus important that the response characteristics and vibration modes of such periodic structures be known. From this theoretical model, the sound pressure levels (SPL) in a semi-infinite fluid(water) bounded by the plate with the variation in the locations of an external time harmonic point force on the plate can be calculated efficiently using three numerical tools such as the Gauss-Jordan method, the LU decomposition method and the IMSL numerical package.

      • 독일의 개정 임대차법에 관한 연구 : 주택임대차에 관한 규정을 중심으로 Zum Wohnraummietrecht

        윤기택,김종현 청주대학교 학술연구소 2004 淸大學術論集 Vol.4 No.-

        Die deutsche Mietrechtsreform fu¨hrt durch die Zusammenfassung des bisher in verschiedenen Gesetzen geregelten mietrechtlichen Vorschriften im Bu¨rgerlichen Gesetzbuch (BGB) und ihre jetzt u¨bersichtliche Gliederung insbesondere im Bereich der Wohnraummiete zu einer erheblichen Vereinfachung fu¨r die Betroffenen. Daneben entha¨lt das im BGB zusammengefaβte Wohnraummietrecht aber auch wichtige inhaltliche A¨nderungen. Wa¨hrend der Mieterschutz an einigen Stellen ausgebaut wird, wird die Vertragsfreiheit gesta¨rkt. Das im deutschen BGB zusammengefaβte private Mietrecht finden sich jetzt in den §§ 535 ff. BGB. Eingeleitet werden sie durch allgemeine Vorschriften fu¨r Mietverha¨ltnisse, also Vorschriften, die unabha¨ngig von der Art der gemieteten Sache fu¨r alle Arten von Mietverha¨ltnissen gelten. Daran anschliβend gliedern sich die Vorschriften u¨ber Wohnraummiete, und schlieβlich u¨ber andere Sache (z.B. Gescha¨ftsraummiete). Das deutsche Wohnraummietrecht ist die Vorschriften u¨ber die Miete und Betriebskosten ausfu¨hrlich geregelt. Fu¨r frei finanzierte Wohnungen werden die Mieten bei Abschluβ des Mietvertrages und bei spa¨teren Mieterho¨hungen grundsa¨tzlich frei vereinbart. Falls Vermieter und Mieter Wohnungen sich aber nicht auf eine frei vereinbarte Mieterho¨hung einigen, kann der Vermieter eine gerechtfertigte Mieterho¨hung nach dem Vergleichsmietensystem durchsetzen. Betriebskosten bleiben insoweit auβer Betracht. Bei der Mieterho¨hung wegen gestiegener Vergleichsmiete darf er die Miete aber innerhalb von 3 Jahren nur maximal 20% erho¨hen. Hat der Mieter das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen erhalten, kann er das Mietverha¨ltnis schriftlich ku¨ndigen. Nach einer vorgesehenen Modernizierung dart der Vermieter die Miete auch erho¨hen. Der Mieter hat dabei ebenfalls ein spezielles Ku¨ndigungsrecht. Bei der Abrechnung der Betriebskosten bringt die Mietrechtsreform durch die neue Regelung mehr Klarheit. Nach dem deutschen Wohnraummietrecht endet ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf bestimmte Zeit mit Ablauf der vertraglich vereinbarten Mietzeit, und ein Mietverha¨ltnis auf unbestimmte Zeit durch eine wirksame Ku¨ndigung nach Abaluf der Ku¨ndigungsfrist. Hier gibt es verschiedene Ku¨nigungsarten. Das Gesetz unterscheidet zwischen ordentlicher und auβerordentlicher Ku¨ndigung (also die fristlose Ku¨ndigung). Bei der ordentlichen Ku¨ndigung kann der Vermieter nur dann ku¨ndigen, wenn er ein berechtigtes Interesse an der Beendigung des Mietverha¨ltnisses hat. Diese Ku¨ndigung des Vermieter muβ der Mieter nicht in jedem Fall hinnehmen. Vielmehr kann er unter bestimmten Umsta¨nde widersprechen und die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisse verlangen. Auβerdem kann der Vermieter oder der Mieter das Mietverha¨ltnis fristlos ku¨ndigen, wenn sich ein Vertragspartner so schwerwiegende Vertragsverletzungen zuschulden kommen la¨sst, daβ dem underen Teil die Fortsetzung des Mietverha¨ltnisses nicht zugemutet werden kann. Zwischen deutschem und koreanischem Wohnraummietrecht bestehen die rechtsvergleichend bemerkenswerten Unterschiede im Hinblick auf das Mieterho¨hungsverlangen und das Eintrittsrechtbei Tod des Mieters. Wa¨hrend nach deutschem Wohnraummietrecht fu¨r die Mieterho¨hung sog. die ortsu¨bliche Vergleichsmiete (und auch sog. die Kappungsgrenze) in Betracht kommt, wird im koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht nur prozentuale Obergrenze beru¨cksichigt. Zudem hat im deutschen Mietrecht der Vermieter einen Anspruch auf Zustimmung zur Mieterho¨hung bis zur ortsu¨blichen Vergleichsmiete. Dagegen wird in Korea dieser einfach als Gestaltungsrecht angesehen. Fu¨hrt in Deutschlund der Mieter mit seinem Lebenspartner einen gemeinsamen Haushalt, so tritt mit dem Tod des Mieters der Lebenspartner in das Mietverha¨ltnis ein. Wenn er nicht eintreten will, so wird es mit den Erben des Mieters fortgefu¨hrt. Aber nach dem koreanischen Wohnraummietrecht treten in diesem Fall der Lebenspartner und den Erben des Mieters gemeinsam ein.


        Volatile Flavor Compounds in the Leaves of Fifteen Taxa of Korean Native Chrysanthemum Species

        Kim, Su Jeong,Ha, Tae Joung,Kim, Jongyun,Nam, Jung Hwan,Yoo, Dong Lim,Suh, Jong Taek,Kim, Ki Sun Korean Society of Horticultural Science 2014 원예과학기술지 Vol.32 No.4

        This study was conducted to compare the volatile flavor compounds found in the leaves of 15 taxa of Korean native Chrysanthemum species. The volatile flavor compounds from the taxa were collected using a simultaneous steam distillation and extraction technique and were analyzed using gas chromatography/mass selective detector (GC/MSD). A total of 45 volatile flavor compounds were identified with six functional groups: 14 alcohols, 4 ketones, 19 hydrocarbons, 5 esters, 2 acids, and 1 aldehyde. The main functional group in 15 taxa of Chrysanthemum species was alcohols, accounting for 28.7% of volatile flavor compounds, followed by ketones (21.2%) and hydrocarbons (13.2%). Camphor, which is known for its antimicrobial properties, was the most abundant volatile compound (30%) in C. zawadskii ssp. latilobum and var. leiophyllum. In particular, C. indicum subspecies and C. boreale contained ${\alpha}$-thujone, which has outstanding anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, and anti-diabetic efficacies. C. indicum var. albescens could be used in perfumes, since it showed 21 times more camphene than C. indicum. In addition, C. indicum var. acuta contained a fairly high content of 1,8-cineole, which has an inhibitory effect on mutagenesis. C. lineare contained only pentadecanoic acid compounds, whereas other taxa hexadecanoic acids. Overall, the Korean native Chrysanthemum species had considerable variation in volatile flavor compounds in their leaves. This study provides a good indication of specific potential use for various applications.

      • KCI등재

        좌심방의 원발성 미분화성 육종 1예

        김영신,최새로운,이문희,김인호,주영채,김정택,김철수 대한내과학회 2004 대한내과학회지 Vol.66 No.4

        원발성 미분화 심장육종은 그 빈도가 매우 드물고 공격적인 국소진행을 보인다. 그러므로 수술로 완전절제를 하고, 이후 보조적 항암화학요법 또는 방사선 치료를 하더라도 예후는 아주 불량한 것으로 알려져 있다. 저자들은 33세의 여자 환자에서 원발성 심장종양 중 미분화성육종을 확인한 경우로 수술 후 항암화학요법과 방사선 치료를 하였음에도 불구하고 재발하여 진단 후 11개월만에 사망한 증례 보고와 이에 관한 문헌고찰을 보고하는 바 있다. Primary undifferentiated cardiac sarcomas are extremely rare, and typically undergo aggressive local spread. The prognosis of undifferentiated sarcoma is reported to be very poor even if surgical resection, with or without adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy, is performed. Here we present our case of primary undifferentiated sarcoma of the left atrium. A 33-year-old woman presented with a month history of progressive breathlessness and exertional chest pain. Transthoracic echocardiography showed a large mobile mass obstructing much of the left atrium. At surgery a superseptal approach to the atria enabled removal of all the left heart tumor which was attached to the left upper pulmonary vein. Immunochemistry staining revealed the undifferentiated atrial sarcoma. She received three cycles of darcabazine and adriamycin and after three months three was evidence of tumor recurrence. Eleven months later from operation, she died with congestive heart failure.

      • KCI등재

        가로주택정비사업의 사업성에 관한 연구 -시뮬레이션을 통한 실증분석을 중심으로 -

        정대택(Joung, Dae Taek),김행조(Kim, Haeng Jo),최광영(Choi, Kwang Young),김성수(Kim, Sung Soo) 대한부동산학회 2016 大韓不動産學會誌 Vol.34 No.1

        This study focuses on Viability Analysis through Simulation based on the Profitability Analysis with the Street Housing-Led Housing Renewal. The spatial range of this study is limited in the Myeonmok-dong Housing Redevelopment Area which area is less than 10,000㎡. The content range is Profitability Analysis of the Street Housing-Led Housing Renewal focused on Viability Analysis based on Simulation. The factor that most influence on the Sensitivity Analysis due to the Proportional Rate is Housing Price. That is the next factor that affects Construction Costs and Floor Area Ratio. In reality, however, upward and downward adjustment of Housing Price and Construction Costs should be calculated in a fair cannot be arbitrarily adjusted according to the real estate market. Realistically than the ways to utilize the Floor Area Ratio factor for the development of the Street Housing-Led Housing Renewal may affect the Feasibility improved. Through this study is presented and the results of main factors that will supply the new homes in the metropolitan area led by discussing alternatives. This can be a solution to the housing shortage and the lease of a house on a deposit basis of the metropolitan area.

      • KCI등재

        대형경유자동차의 NO₂/NO<SUB>X</SUB> 비율과 NO<SUB>X</SUB> 배출특성에 관한 연구

        정택호(Taek Ho Chung),김선문(Sun Moon Kim),문선희(Sun Hee Mun),홍희경(Hee Kyoung Hong),이승환(Seoung Hwan Lee),서석준(Seok Jun Seo),김정화(Joung Hwa Kim),정성운(Sung Woon Jung),김인구(In Gu Kim),이종철(Jong Chul Lee),이종태(Jong Tae 대한환경공학회 2019 대한환경공학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        대형경유자동차에서 배출되는 NOx는 국내 NOx 배출량 중 높은 비율을 차지하고 있으며, NO₂는 인체에 유해하며 대기환경을 오염시키는 물질로 알려져 있다. 본 연구에서는 대형경유트럭과 대형경유버스에서 배출되는 NOx를 실시간으로 측정하였으며, 다양한 조건에 따른 NO₂/NOx 비율과 NOX 배출특성을 파악하였다. 실시간으로 NOx의 농도를 측정한 결과 NO와 NO₂의 농도는 높은 출력을 요구하는 가속구간에서 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 시험모드별 대형트럭의 NOX 배출량은 WHVC>NIER 9>UDDS 순으로 낮은 평균속도에서 높게 배출되었다. 반면, 대형버스의 NOx 배출량은 평균속도가 증가할수록 높게 배출되는 것을 확인하였다. 엔진 상태에 따른 대형트럭과 버스의 NOX 배출량은 엔진 미가열조건에서 23%, 78% 높게 배출되었다. 대형트럭과 대형버스의 NO₂/NOx 비율은 엔진 가열조건에서 각각 0.7~1.0%, 7.7~7.8%로 확인되었다. 본 연구의 결과는 도로변대기측정망의 NO₂ 농도 산정을 위한 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 기대한다. NOx emitted from heavy-duty diesel vehicles has a high percentage of domestic emissions in Korea. It is known that the NO₂ emission was polluted the atmospheric environments and was harmful to humans. Therefore, investigation on NO₂//NOx Ratio and NOx Emission Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles were carried out. In this study, NOx emissions from heavy-duty trucks and buses were measured by chassis dynamometer for heavy-duty vehicle in real time. Also, NO₂/NOx ratio and NOx emission characteristics were analyzed by emission analyzer according to various conditions. It is revealed that NO and NO₂ concentrations were increased in the acceleration section from results of NOx concentration in real time. The NOx emissions of heavy-duty trucks in test mode was confirmed a high level in order the average speed, but NOx emissions of heavy-duty buses were increased as the average speed increased. The NO₂/NOx ratio of heavy duty trucks and buses was 0.7~1.0% and 7.7~7.8% at hot start engine condition. The results of this study will contribute to be used as basic data for the estimation of NO₂ concentration in the roadside air monitoring network.

      • Life-cycle maintenance cost analysis framework considering time-dependent false and missed alarms for fault diagnosis

        Yoon, Joung Taek,Youn, Byeng D.,Yoo, Minji,Kim, Yunhan,Kim, Sooho Elsevier 2019 Reliability engineering & system safety Vol.184 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Fault diagnosis aims to diagnose system failures and to enable timely maintenance that, in turn, can minimize system maintenance costs. In order to evaluate and maximize the benefits from fault diagnosis, the life‐cycle maintenance cost should be analyzed. This paper presents a framework for life‐cycle maintenance cost analysis that considers time‐dependent false and missed alarms in fault diagnosis. First, time‐dependent false and missed alarms are proposed. The false and missed alarm rates are not static but vary depending on the health state of the engineered system, which changes over time. Second, a life‐cycle maintenance cost analysis framework is proposed. This is based upon a stochastic simulation method that can incorporate time‐dependent false and missed alarm rates and various uncertainties, such as health degradation and health restoration through maintenance. Third, a fault diagnosis model design method is proposed, based upon the proposed life‐cycle maintenance cost analysis framework. The proposed method incorporates optimal false and missed alarm weights into the life‐cycle maintenance cost. As a result, the proposed ideas enable accurate estimation and minimization of the overall life‐cycle maintenance cost. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is demonstrated via a numerical example and an electro‐hydrostatic actuator case study.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A life‐cycle maintenance cost analysis method for fault diagnosis is proposed. </LI> <LI> Time‐dependent false and missed alarms in fault diagnosis are considered. </LI> <LI> A false and missed alarm weight optimization method is proposed. </LI> <LI> A life‐cycle maintenance cost is minimized with the proposed methods. </LI> </UL> </P>

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