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      • 人 諸臟器 Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme의 電氣泳動 및 定量

        金在植,金京善,金重明,金榮泰,蔣卓仙,李鉉基 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1980 慶北醫大誌 Vol.21 No.2

        著者들은 家兎와 人體로부터 採取한 血淸과 諸臟器組織을 使用하여 ALPI 電氣泳動像을 觀察하고 生化學的 定量法을 利用하여 ALP의 活性度를 測定試圖하였으며 臟器特異性 沮害因子에 對한 影響을 觀察하였다. 家兎 血淸 및 諸臟器組織 ALPI電氣泳動에서 血淸은 ±의 活性度를 가진 α2와 α2/β分劃을 나타내었으며 肝組纖은 血淸보다 빠른 移動度를 가진 ??의 α_1과 α_2分劃을 나타내었다. 그리고 肝, 骨, 腎 淋巴腺, 脾臟 및 腸組織에서는 顯著하게 높은 活性度를 나타내는 各各 서로 相異한 分劃을 볼 수 있었으며 人體諸 臟器와大體로 類似하였으나 家兎 血淸의 ALP는 사람에서 와는 다르게 肝組織의 分劃과 一致하지 않고 오히려 骨組織과 더 잘 一致되는 것 같았다. ALPI 活性度에 있어서 家兎의 諸臟器는 生化學的 定量法으로 腎 ALP의 活性度가 49.5B.L. units로 다른 臟器組織에 비하여 顯著하게 높았으며, 그 다음은 脾臟, 脊椎骨, 肝, 肺淋巴腺 및 脾 順으로 높은 活性度를 나타내었으며 人體에 있어서는 胎盤, 骨, 小賜, 脾臟, 肝 및 腎臟의 順으로 높았다. 臟器 特異性 沮害因子에 對한 影響에 있어서 胎盤分劃은 特有하게 耐熱性을 나타내었고 보다 urea低抗性이며 肝分劃은 neuraminidase에 對하여 移動度의 遲延을 招來하였다. The studies upon cellulose acetate microzone electrophoretic patterns, quantitative estimation and effects of organspecific inhibitor on ALP isoenzyme of rabbit and human sera and various organ tissues were performed. On electrophoretic pattern the tissue ALP from the liver bone kidney lymph node spleen and intestine showed the characteristic fraction of high activities. The electrophoretic mobility of rabbit serum ALP was not correspond to the liver ALP as observed in human serum and it appeared to be rather corresponded to the bone ALP, which seemed to be the origin of ALP in serum of rabbit. In the quantitative measurement of tissue ALP activity the kidney ALP showed the highest level and the activity of the skeletal muscle ALP was the lowest(1.5 B. L. units), while higher activities were observable in placenta, bone, intestine, spleen, liver and kidney in order. On the effect of organ specific physico chemical agents the placental ALPI was highly stable to the heat and relatively resistant to urea while other organ ALPI were on the contrary. The neuraminidase seemed to effect to the motility of liver fraction.

      • KCI등재

        니체의 불교이해

        김정현 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2005 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        Das Problem der Peligion bei Nietzsche gehort zum Kernbereich seiner Gedanken. Seine Kritik am Christenturm ist bisher viel untersucht worden, nichtsdestoweniger haben wir seine gedankliche Bewegnung mit dem Buddhismus fur unwichtig gehalten. In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich zuerst zu betrachten, wie Nietzsche den Buddhismus aufgenommen und ihn im Zusammenhang mit dem Nihilismus verstanden hat. Nietzsches gedankliche Bewegnung mit dem Buddhismus stand auf der kulturellen geschichtlichen Horizont des Abendlandes. Zum einen bewegte er sich auf der Hautrichtung der romntischen Forschung uber Indien, die durch Denker wie Voltaire, der Bruder Schlegel und Eugene Burnouf gefuhrt worden ist, zum anderen stand er unter dem Einfluss der Buddhismusforschung, die mit dem Nihilismus Hand in Hand gegangen war. Unter dem Einfluss von Denker wie Schopenhauer, Paul Deussen und Friedrick Koeppen trat er in die buddhistische Welt ein. Es liegh auf der Hand, dass der buddhistische Diskurs in seinen ganzen Schriften enthalten ist. Er charakterisiert den Budhismus wie folgt: Erstens, der Buddhismus ist eine nihilistische Religion wie das Christentum. Zweitens der Buddhismus hat eigentlich den Charakter der Hygiene. Seiner Meinung nach ist das Christentum aus dem Ressentimen geboren, wahrend der Buddhismus sich gegen das Ressentiment wendet. Auf der Einstellung des Letzteren versucht Nietzsche eine Moglichkeit neuer Zivilisation herauszufinden. Des weiteren ist hier zu berucksichtigen, dass Nietzsches Dekonstruktion des Subjektes und der buddhistische Gedanke des an?tmans(nir?tm?no dharm?) einander ?hnlich klingen. Nietzsches buddhistisches Denken ubt Kritik and die Moderne, die 'Subjekt und Objekt', 'Ich und Du' und 'Mensch und Natur' ect. dualistisch unterscheidet, und er findet einen neuen ontologischen hygienischen Weg, sie zu heilen.

      • KCI등재

        기초직업능력표준 제도화 방안

        나승일,정철영,김주섭,구자길,김강호,장현진 한국농업교육학회 2008 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.40 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 기초직업능력표준의 활용성 제고를 위해, 직업교육훈련 및 자격제도에 기초직업능력표준의 도입 방안과 법적·정책적 제언을 하는데 있었다. 연구목적 달성을 위해 문헌고찰, 내용분석, 조사연구, 전문가협의회 등의 연구방법이 활용되었다. 기초직업능력표준 제도화 방안 개발을 위해 기초직업능력표준의 자격도입 및 교육훈련에의 활용에 필요한 인프라를 구축하고 이를 법적으로 규정하는 것을 기본방향으로 설정하였다. 기본 방향에 따라 ① 기초직업능력 자격은 국가기술자격에 표준을 반영하거나 신설하되 응시자격에 제한을 두지 않고, 결과인증 방법을 통해 3등급으로 구분한다. 단, 직업윤리는 등급을 구분하지 않고 합격과 불합격의 단일동급을 적용한다. ② 기초직업능력표준을 학교 교육과정 및 훈련기준에 반영하되 기존 교과에 반영하거나 별도 교과를 신설한다. 이를 위해 학습자, 교육훈련기관, 자격검정기관, 인프라 차원의 지원이 요구된다.③ 기초직업능력 교육훈련과 자격의 연계를 위해 교육훈련이수자에게 자격시험의 일부 또는 전체를 면제하도록 한다. ④ 기초직업능력표준의 관리 · 운영은 한국산업인력공단에서 담당하되 주요 심의사항은 자격정잭심의위원회에서 주관하도록 한다. 제도화 방안의 실제 적용을 위해 자격기본법, 근로자직업능력개발법 등의 관련 법제 정비를 위한 제언을 제시하였으며, 제도화의 효율적인 추진을 위한 정책적 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to develop the introduction plan and to identify the revision points of laws and the political implications related with basic competencies standards for improving utilization based on vocational training and qualification. For the purpose, literature reviews, contents analysis, survey and experts council were conducted. This study suggested the basic framework which was building infra and legislation consolidation required on establishment qualifying system and improvement utilization to institutionalize the basic competencies standards. According to this, ① basic competencies qualification should be considered on national technical qualification and be graded 3 levels through summative evaluation without application requirements. But vocational ethics must be under the pass-fail system. ② It should be make the best use of basic competencies standards on schooling curriculum and vocational training standards by means of modifying existing courses or creating new courses. For this, it need to support learners, training and education institutions, qualifying test institutions, and infra. ③ Individuals who complete the course should be exempt on whole or partial exam for linking between training and qualification. ④ Management and operation of basic competencies standards should be controled by Human Resource Development Service of Korea, and the right to deliberate need to be authorized by Qualification Policy Deliberation Committee. To realize institutionalization, this study suggested consolidating the related laws including Framework Act on Qualifications, Workers' Vocational Competency Development Act, and so on. Moreover, it recommended political proposal for effective actualization of institutionalization.

      • KCI등재

        광주광역시 전문계 고등학교 특성화 및 종합발전방안

        나승일,정철영,김진모,안강현,한홍진,김기용,민상기,장현진 한국농업교육학회 2008 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.40 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 광주광역시 전문계 고등학교의 특성화 및 종합발전방안을 수립하는데 있다. 이 연구는 ① 전문계 고등학교 관련 선행연구 분석,② 인력육성 및 특성화 방향을 설정하기 위하여 광주광역시,전라남도,우리나라의 산업여건 분석,③ 광주광역시 전문계 고등학교에 대해 Malcolm Baldrige 평가모형에 의한 진단평가와 SWOT 및 활용전략 분석, ④ 광주광역시 전문계 고등학교의 개편 요구 분석,⑤ 광주광역시 전문계 고등학교의 특성화 및 종합발전방안 설정 등의 과정을 통해 수행되었다. 이 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째,비전은 광주광역시 전문계고 특성화와 발전 역량 구축을 통한 산업체 요구에 부합하는 우수 인력 양성이며,이를 위한 전략은 특성화 체제구축,학교교육 혁신,인적 자원 혁신,학교경영 혁신,인프라 구축으로 설정하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 특성화 체제 구축은 특성화 체제 개편,교육과정 중심 특성화,학과 재배치 통합형 고교 도입,특성화고 신설을 통해 추진할 수 있 는데 특히,교육과정 중심 특성화가 적극 도입되어야 한다. 셋째,학교교육 혁신은 교육과정 개편,교수 학습 개선,진로지도 개선,시설 및 기자재 개선을 통해 추진할 수 있다. 넷째,인적자원 혁신은 학교 관리자 역량 강화,교원 역량 강화,학생 역량 강화를 통해 추진할 수 있다. 다섯째,학교경영 혁신은 경영 리더십 제고,경영 성과관리 강화,학교 재정 혁신을 통해 추진할 수 있다. 여섯째,인프라 구축을 위해 지자체,대학,산업체,지역주민과 연계 강화를 통해 추진할 수 있다. 일곱째,13개 전문계 고둥학교의 여건 및 특성에 적합한 단위학교별 특성화 및 종합발전방안을 수립하였다. The purpose of this study was to suggest strategies to specialize and develop vocational high schools in Gwangju Metropolitan City. The study was orderly performed as follows: (1) reviewing literature about vocational high school, (2) analyzing the condition of industries, (3) diagnosing the vocational high school through Malcolm Baldrige model, (4) analyzing the SWOT and application strategies, (5) analyzing the needs of reform, and (6) establishing the strategies for the specialization and development of Vocational High Schools in Gwangju Metropolitan City. The major findings of this study were as the following: First, the vision was to bring up excellent human resources to corresponds industrial needs through specialization and development of vocational high schools in Gwangju Metropolitan City. Five strategies to achieve it were creating the specialization system, innovating the school education, human resources, and the school management, and building the infrastructure. Second, creating the specialization system can be performed through five tasks which were restructuring the specialization system, creating curriculum-based specialization, trading departments in inter-schools, introducing an integrated high school, and building a new specialized high school. Especially curriculum based specialization needs to be accepted. Third, innovating the school education can be performed through four tasks which were reorganizing the curriculum, improving the teaching and learning, improving the career guidance, and improving the facilities and equipments. Fourth, innovating human resources can be performed through three tasks which were enhancing each competencies of a school manager, a teacher, and a student. Fifth, innovating the school management can be performed through three tasks which were improving the management leadership, developing the performance management, and innovating the school finance. Sixth, building the infrastructure can be performed through four tasks which were enhancing the relationships with a local government, colleges, industries, and local residents. Seventh, individual strategies for the specialization and development of thirteen vocational high schools were also developed by corresponding to their conditions and characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        응급센터 입원환자의 통증처치에 대한 응급의학적 고찰

        도병수,김현정,정준영,도호석,이창현,이삼범 대한응급의학회 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Study objective: To recognize importance of pain management in ED and properly manage the ED patients complaining pain by analyzing the intervals between arrival time in ED and pain medicine starting time, the types and the administered routes of pain medicine. Design: Retrospective review of ED charts Setting: University teaching hospital Participants: The patients had admitted in ED of Yeungnam University Hospital with a chief complaint of acute abdominal pain or pain due to bone fracture between June 1, 1995 and December 31, 1995. Results: The study group consisted 256 patients, 161 of them female. ED administrations of analgesics were 103 cases, 17 of them administered more than two times. The average time interval between arrival time and medication time was 169.02±120.25 minutes. Each types of perceived analgesics were antispasmodics 55 cases(53.40%), NSAID 26 cases(25.24%) and opioid 19 cases(18.45%). Every analgesics were administered through intramuscular routes, except only 3 cases. Violences of patients or relatives due to delayed pain control were occured 32 cases, 5 cases of them self-discharged and looked for other hospitals. Conclusion: Emergency physicians including interns and residents delayed management so long and ordered inappropriate administration routes and types of analgesics. So we thought proper protocols about pain management in ED were established.

      • KCI등재

        외상성 간손상과 비장손상시 CT분류의 의의

        정준영,이창현,김현정,도호석,이삼범,도병수 大韓應急醫學會 1997 대한응급의학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        The Organ Injury Scaling Committee of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma recently published a consensus classification of hepatic and splenic injuries. The hepatic and splenic injury scales, based on parenchymal laceration and intrahepatic hematoma, include grade 1 to 6 and grade 1 to 5 respectively, representing the least to most severe injury. Forty-eight patients with hepatic and splenic injury were evaluate by abdominal CT from January 1995 to May 1996 and we compared abdominal CT grading with operative grading. Four CT grades did not correlate with operative finding. CT grading showed a sensitivity of 80%, specificity 80% in regard to operative grading. We conclude that 1) CT is an accurate technique to determine the extent of hepatic and splenic injury. 2) CT grading of hepatic and splenic trauma has a high correlation with operative grading.

      • KCI등재

        급성흉통으로 내원한 환자에서 심근경색증을 조기 발견하기 위한 TROP-T?Rapid Assay의 유용성

        정준영,이창현,김현정,도호석,이삼범,도병수 대한응급의학회 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Study Objectives : In the past, measurement of cardiac enzymes(i.e. CK and/or CK-MB, GOT, LDH)and myoglobin, cardiac specific serum troponin-T were widely used for the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, but it need a long time and have low specificity. Thus new diagnostic modality, TROP-T?? Rapid Assay, is very easy and rapid qualitative methods, is needed for the early detection of acute myocardial infarction. Methods : Total CK, GOT, LDH, myoglobin and serum troponin-T activities were measured in patients presenting with acute chest pain at the emergency department and at the same time TROP-T? Rapid Assay was done. Final diagnosis and diagnostic usefulness was evaluated. Results : Overall diagnotic sensitivity and specificity of initial results were as follows; TROP-T? Rapid Assay, 77.3, 100.0; myoglobin, 63.6, 70.4; CK, 95.5, 96.3; GOT, 86.4, 96.3; LDH, 90.9, 92.6; serum troponin-T, 86.4, 96.3, respectively. Conclusion : The TROP-T?? Rapid Assay is simple method and has a short time and nearly same sensitivity and specificity compared to other cardiac enzymes. Thus this is considered useful method in the early detection of acute myocardial infarction at emergency department.

      • KCI등재

        2인과 3인의 기본 심페소생술 비교

        정준영,이창현,김현정,도호석,이삼범,도병수 大韓應急醫學會 1997 대한응급의학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Study objectives: To compare the quality of CPR provided by medical students and pre-EMTs perfoming three-rescuer CPR with that achieved by same students trained to provide standard two-rescuer CPR and to find the most effective method of resuscitation and to educate this methods to students. Material and methods: From July 1 to September 30, 1996, we had trained 60 groups consisted of the medical students, students of EMS technology and pre-EMT. Each group practiced two-rescuer CPR and three-rescuer CPR for 120 minutes with Resusci? Anne and perfomed CPR for at least 3 minutes without feedback. To eliminate any visual cues of perfomance the mannequin's recorder was hidden. Each actions were recorded by Resusci? skillmeter and Laerdal printer. To compare the quality of two-rescuer CPR and three-rescuer CPR, we analyzed the data by SPSS with paired t-test. Results: Three-rescuer teams delivered a mean minute ventilation and a mean minute cardiac compression substantially greater than that produced by two-rescuer teams(11.30±1.85 vs 9.09±2.22, p<0.001; 99.22±12.42 vs 95.12±15.75, p<0.001). Three-rescuer teams produce the more correct actions in chest compression and ventilation(93.84±7.56% vs 83.49±16.94%, 90.90±9.33% vs 77.00±17.06%). Conclusion: Three-rescuers can produce better CPR than two rescuers when a bag-valve-mask devices is used and the technique is easily learned and readily retrained, so we think that repeated education and training of this CPR methods to students is needed.

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