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      • 스웨덴 정치발전의 경험과 가치 공유

        이헌근(Lee Hyen-Kuen) 국제지역연구학회 2010 국제지역학논총 Vol.3 No.1

        Sweden is commonly known as a strong but small country, a social democratic welfare state, a third way or a mixed economy, a country of Robin Hood, etc. for its various characteristics. From a political and economic point of view, the country is characterized as a state-led society, a mixed economy, a third way between capitalism and socialism, a country of Robin Hood (advanced tax system and welfare for redistribution) or a country with many people falling into the middle class. Besides, Sweden is clearly serving as a model of upholding an equal society. It may be viewed that the Swedish society could put an emphasis on equality at the national level because it utilized its status as a neutral country well. In other words, Sweden was able to reflect not only its domestic matters of interest but also post-materialist values such as justice, equality and freedom on its policy priorities amid the situation where national security issues including wars were not matters of concern due to its neutrality. It is my view that the Swedish society's strength, among others, is a social consensus on human rights, equality and justice already in place. That is, there is a social consensus needed to build “a society where people live together” and “a society that people should make together”. It is easy to look at the Swedish model simply from an economic perspective and to say the model's characteristic is an agreement between Labor and Management. However, it should be kept in mind that the model contains a social consensus on “distribution through growth”. Such consensus could be possible on the basis of sharing values for a strong society or an equal society. Sweden has traditionally had a unique political culture based on compromise and moderation. This led to a struggle for female suffrage and then further to a struggle for gender equality in public life (Hyen-Kuen Lee, 1999: 143-149). A clue to understand Swedish gender model and gender politics can be found in the country's historical tradition (Eduards, 1991: 167-169). Yeoman culture, education, strong organizations related to popular movements and features found in the economic development process are the major factors that have changed Sweden into what it is today, a society in which women participate. It is notable that they are in line with the historical background of Swedish democratic civic education. Democracy is maintained and developed by the interest of democratic citizens in upholding democratic values. Considering this, the 2010 local elections should be the opportunity for the political arena and the civil society to look at conflicts facing Korea, underdeveloped country in terms of politics, reflect on themselves and design for the future. It is my hope that the tragedy in 2009 stated above can offer the historic opportunity for the Korean democracy to further develop from 2010 and on. However, this wouldn't be easy in reality. Above all, it is critical to share the values for turning the society divided into two into a society of coexistence and symbiosis. How much the citizens are awakened and how much they study determines how strong or weak the foundation for democracy is. This implies that democratic civic education should go to the direction towards education on universal values needed to build a trusted society. It is because the level of social development is in proportion to the level of trust in the society. In summary, the important lesson learnt from Sweden's experience is that only when the three things, making a social consensus on a society where people live together", providing the right education and reform systems, are in harmony, we can achieve what we want. In comparing Sweden and Korea, I realized that before discussing institutional systems, we should go back to ask a basic question to ourselves - Why we should go toward the society where we live together. In addition, we should not forget the simple truth that How much the c

      • 전후소설의 문학사적 재조명 : Focusing on Chang-seop Sohn and Yong-hak chang

        조현일 서울大學校 師範大學 國語敎育科 2005 先淸語文 Vol.33 No.-

        This study focusing on Chang-seop Sohn and Yong-hak Chang examines the historical meaning of post-Korean war novels. Post-Korean war novels were evaluated negatively in the term of the history of literature, because the coterie of 『68 Literature』whitch is dominant in the literature ever since did not regard them as literature. But the coterie of 『68 Literature』failed to notice the two aspects of post-Korean war novels. Firstly, the post-Korean war novels pursuit 'the new'of the important category in modern art, then are avantgarde which tries to combine art with life. Secondly, they are based on the experience of catastrophe, then product the aesthetic of the catastrophe. Sohn's novels are characteristic of the aesthetic Trauer in the non-time of vacuum and Chang's novels are characteristic of the Dionysian as the aesthetic phenomenon in present-point. The post-Korean war novels are not rightly estimated by the realism (『Creation & Criticism』nor by the modernism(『Literature and Intelligence』). It is by focusing on the two aspect of post-Korea war novels that they will be valued positively in the term of the history of literature.

      • Thomas Mann의 "Der Tod in Venedig"에 관한 연구

        황현수 釜山大學校 1983 人文論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        Zusammenfassung Die Novelle ist 1911/12 entstanden. Es ist kein Zufall, daß sich ahnliches wie im "Tonio 'Kröger" auch im "Tod in Veaedig" nachlesen laBt. Die Novelle ist zwar beinahe zehn Jahre spater geschrieben; aber das alte Thema hat nichts von seiner Aktualitat verloren und erscheint nur in anderer Einkleidung. und in veranderte Konfiguration. Die Essenz ist geblieben. Im "Tod in Venedig" und in "Tonio Kröger" ist zum ersten Mal ein Schaffender die Zentralfigur. Die beiden Werke vervollstandigen das Bild von Thomas Manns damaliger Ansicht uber den Kunstler und das Kiinstlertum. Zwei Hauptgedanken sind in diesen Novellen enthalten: die, daB der Kunstler krank ist, im Gegensatz zum gesunden Burger, auch die, daB der Kunstler ein Verfluchter ist, durch seinen schopferischen Drang verflucht, sich dem Gefahrlichen und dem Bosen auszusetzen, verflucht, vom Leben aus- geschlossen und seinen Mitmenschen entfremdet zu sein. Aschenbach ist sich des verdachtigen Charakters des Kiinstlerlebens bewuBt. Das Hauptthema seines Lebenswerkes war immer: Das fragwiirdige Wesen der Kunst, des Kunstlertums. Fur Aschenbach wird der Kunstler schuldig durch seine Neigung zum Bosen: er fiihit, daB er eine Etappe in seinem Leben erreicht hat, wo er nur durch ein Erstarken zum Bosen, Verbotenen, zum sittlich Un- moglichen angetrieben wird. Was ihn nach Venedig treibt, ist, mit einem Wort, "Flucht- drang", Reiselust, die Aschenbach selbst als "Sehnsucht ins Ferne und Neue" diagnostiziert, als "Begierde nach Befreiung, Entbiirdung und Vergessen". Sie ist verstandlich nur von der Haltung her, die Aschenbach bis dahin an den Tag gelegt hatte: einer Haltung des Tapfer-Sittlichen, zur standigen Anspannung bereit, der "Durchhalten" zum Lieblingswort geworden ist. Aschenbach hat sich immer "versichern durfen, daB "Zucht" das angeborene Erbteil von vaterlicher Seite war, "Willensdauer" und "Zahigkeit". Selbstbeherrschung ist seine Starke und das eigentliche Kennzeichen seiner Haltung, er selbst ein "Moralist der Leistung", der Wurde gewonnen hat und dem deswegen kimstlerliche Form das Hochste ist. In Venedig, an der Grenze von Europa und Asien, fand Aschenbach jene "todliche Vollkommenheit", jene plastische Perfektion und makellose Selbstgemigsamkeit, die, er, als eine ebensO gefahrliche wie verfuhrerische Moglichkeit, zeit seines Lebens in immer neuen Variationen zu umkreisen suchte. Schon der "Tod in Venedig", Ausganspunkt jeder Betrach- tung, die sich mit Thomas Manns Verhaltnis zur antiken Welt beschaftigt, erhellt die Problematik des Schon-Vollkommenen in exemplarischer Weise: Griechisches erscheint hier zum ersten Mal als Inbegriff jener reinen Verklarung, deren Meister der Ted ist. In seinem Zeichen macht Aschenbach sich auf, die Schonheit zu suchen. Als er eines Maiabends iiber den Friedhof geht, begegnet er einem Mann, der einen Spazierstock schrag gegsn den Boden stemmt, dessen Lippen zuruckgezogen sind, so daB die Zahne weiB und lang hervortreten: kein Zweifel, daB hier auf die antike Gestalt des Todes. Es ist auch Hermes in der Gestalt des Totengeleiters, der durch das Wanderhafte der Erscheinung den Zogernden folgen heiBt und ihn zu jener Reise ermutigt, von der er nicht mehr zuriickkehren soil. Aschenbach unternimmt eine Reise in die Bezirke des Hades, aus denen allein die gottlichen Figuren des Mythos ans Licht der Sonne emporsteigen konnen. Von Charon in der Gestalt eines Gondoliere, der keine Lizenz besitzt, wird Aschenbach dorthin gefahren, wo ihn Hermes, nun in der Gestalt des sconen Gotterkindes, erwartet. Tadzio, der polnische Knabe, ubernimmt die Rolle des von weither kommenden Fremden und gleitet den Folgsamen, erst langsam, dann schneller, zum vorausbestimmten Ende. Der Knabe Tadzio, Hermes, wird zum Padagogen, der den alternden Aschenbach ins Reich der Schonheit einfuhrt und ihn auf diese Weise vernichtet... ein Grundgedanke Thomas Manns, der das nur Schone stets mit MiBbehagen und Zweifel betrachtete und seit dem "Tod in Venedig" zu wissen erklarte, daB das Schone in der Vollkommenheit des Griechischen, das Griechische wiederum in der Anbetung der makellosen Plastizitat des Leibes kulminiere. Schonheit und Vollkommenheit verbinden sich leicht mit damonischer Kalte, und der Ubergang ins Grenzenlose des Todes ist schwer erkennbar. Am Beispiel der problematischen Schonheit und mit Hilfe des Eros-und Katabasis-Motivs entwickelt Thomas Mann die Ziige des, Katabasis, Schonheit, Eros und Hermes sind die stereotypen, sich in den Zentralwerken wiederholenden Zitate der Antike … wobei zu beriicksichtigen ist, daB Eros(im platonschen Sinne) und Hermes als die beiden Vermittler zwischen Mensch und Gott, als Verbinder von hiiben und driiben und Verwalter segensreichen Austausches einander von vornherein verwandt sind, ja, im Grunde fiir Thomas Mann nur ,als verschiedene Erscheinungsformen eines Phanomens figurieren, so daB Hermes, der

      • KCI등재

        간행물과 청소년 윤리 : 도서, 잡지, 만화를 중심으로

        구현서 서강대학교 생명문화연구원 1994 생명연구 Vol.2 No.-

        Man is a social animal, who is learned the way to live by the education and tradition of society. Nowadays mass-media has the great influence on our consciousness and activity because of its excellent effect of transmisson. When we consider various instances of juvenile delinquency, most of the negative events accompanied by sex and violence are caused by the distorted fluence to massamedia. For it is transmitted to them without filtering. Further we can't overlook that the content of massmedia is related to the industry of enjoyment which make money by producing sex on a commercial scale. The proper role of massmedia in informationized society is to furnish us with useful information. But on the one hand, if massmedia transmits directly the reality of sex and violence without filtering, it does incurable harm to human mentality. Further, if it is transmitted repeatedly information on crime and violence by Massmedea, it is worried over insensibilization about it. What comes into question is the fact that these pheonomena extend to younger generation as well as adults. On the other hand, though masmedia may not embellish sexual crime and viloence, readers or viewers little by little become insensible while uncritically reflected without value - judgment and treated merely for amusement or too much real. This make increase insensible men who don't feel guilty while commiting a crime. Ethic of massmedia begins from not 'what should do with'. but 'how to do with it', because it is expression of attitude regarding to moral sense of the persons concerned massmedia and social responsibility of massmedia and press. To live a life worth of man, we must have at least intelligence to controll material desire. Modern society, however, degrades to be threatened our existential life because materialistc value becomes superior standard but spiritual value falls down inferior standard. How to protect the youth from the degraded publication reinforces the law and penalty so as to block radically it's publication, and it should be established the law restricting selling besides special place or reader. The problem of lewdness and decadence can be solved by the reformation of our consciousness as recipient as well as that massmedia. Therefore it is required urgently education of the value or moral for judgement media-recipients.

      • 은행경영지배구조 개선에 관한 연구

        오현탁,이재갑,김병용 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 2001 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 논문집 Vol.32 No.1

        경영진견제 측면만이 부각된 현 사외이사제도 중심의 은행경영지배구조는 주주가치의 극대화 및 경영효율성 제고와 투명성 확보차원에서 보면 다음과 같은 문제점이 있다. 첫째로 이사회 및 경영진의 역할이 불명확하여 경영의 성과제고를 어렵게 하고 있으며, 둘째로 대부분 위원회 의결기능이 결여되어 제 기능을 발휘하지 못하고 있고, 셋째로 개별이사 및 이사회를 평가할 수 있는 구체적인 기준이나 절차가 거의 없어 이사의 교체방안이 없다. 마지막으로 대부분 은행의 경우 경영진의 성과평가 절차 및 기준이 없거나 명확하지 못하여 경영진에 대한 보상이 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이와 같은 문제점에 대한 개선책으로는 첫째로 은행은 은행장과 이사회의장 및 이사회와 위원회의 역할과 의무를 구체적으로 명시하는 문서를 구비할 필요가 있으며 이사회 지원기능을 강화하고 경영진과 이사회간의 창구를 단일화시킬 필요가 있다. 둘째로 각 위원회에 권한을 대폭 이양하여 위원회의 기능을 활성화시킴과 동시에 이사회로의 보고체계를 확립시킬 필요가 있고, 셋째로 각 은행들의 이사회는 이사회 및 이사에 대한 성과평가를 매년 의무적으로 실시하고 평가 결과를 바탕으로 이사회의 재구성이 가능하도록 해야 할 필요가 있으며, 마지막으로 각 은행들은 은행장과 임원의 경영성과가 충분히 보상될 수 있도록 합리적인 성과평가 절차를 구축하고 보상수준과 구조를 개선할 필요가 있다.

      • 인터넷 방송에서의 트래픽 에이전트 시스템에 관한 연구

        김현기,고주영,이인수,이하운 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        An internet broadcasting technology is to transmit various multimedia contents to a variety of customers on internet. It supports interactive services and on-demand services unlike TV broadcasting. In this paper, we study on the traffic agent systems for internet broadcasting. It requires to save backup path addresses for the efficiency and stable transmissions, The backup paths are searched on the same level in each node's parents level, If the node is not connected, the traffic agent connects primary node and backup paths rapidly. Proposed system can save the nodes for backup paths efficiently and reconstruct backup path rapidly.

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