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      • KCI등재

        요한 스투움(Johann Sturm, 1507-1589)의 사상과 교육 개혁 연구(111)

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2014 역사신학 논총 Vol.27 No.-

        As a German educator, influentialin the design of the Gymnasium system of secondary school, Johann Sturm was born in Schleiden in 1521 or 1522. He started his studies at the school of St. Jerome at Liege, and went on to the University of Leuven. He exercised a profound effect over education, especially a humanistic education method. The so-called Latin school, had spread all over Europe, and was especially flourishing in Germany. He directed the school for 43 years, and the school attained a wide celebrity. Sturm founded Strassburg Gymnasium in 1537. The Gymnasium is a model for secondary schools in the 16th century Europe. His humanistic education method is an experience from the school by `the brethern of the common life` in Holland. In Feb 24, 1538, hestated that "the Strassburg Gymnasium is a model and impact from the Liege school". The Gymnasium introduced a new system of class and grade promotion. Sturm implemented a gradation course of study and novel methods of instruction. His system of classes, his classification of literary material for use in the schools, his writing of textbooks, and his organization of school management shaped the practice of secondary education, not only in the German schools, but also in the secondary schools of England and France. In the Gymnasium, students were able to take classes, such as rhetoric, mathematics, poetry, Greek, theology, and law. The Gymnasium was a 9 year course, providing classes in the arts, philosophy, classical languages, history, mathematics, theology philosophy. Sturm was generally regarded as the greatest educator connected with the Reformed Church. The school he directed and his art of teaching were a humanist model for one century in all of Europe. His ideal education was to direct the aspiration of the scholars towards God, to develop their intelligence, and to render them into useful citizens by teaching them the skillsto communicate their thoughts and sentiments with persuasive effects. Sturm was the first great headmaster of the Gymnasium. He lived and worked till the age of eighty-two. The chief energy of his life wasdevoted to teaching. He drew his scholars from all over Europe; Portugal, Poland, England sent their contingent to his halls. His pupils would write elegant letters and deliver elegant Latin speeches. His idea and method of the humanistic education in Strassburg Gymnasium is a model for Christian schools and educational methods in both the present and the past all over the world.

      • 스코틀랜드 선교사 존 로스(John Ross)의 역사이해

        권태경(Tae Kyoung Kwon),허은철(Heo Eun Chul) 신학지남사 2015 신학지남 Vol.82 No.2

        A Scottish Missionary John Ross (1842-1915) is the person that contributed to the modernization of China and Korea. Ross is a pioneer for introducing Protestant history in China Manchuria. It is noted that he is translated the Bible into Korean. In Korea and China, Ross was as a missionary, as well as an educator who founded the school in China. Moreover, Ross was a historian described the culture and history of Korea and China. This paper is write to introduce Ross’ life and ideas of the unknown in the Christian history of Korea. As a Bible translator, Ross have contributed more than anything in the history of Christianity in Korea. But this study is to postpone this subject to the next, this paper is to review the recognition of his work through 〈A history of Corea〉 in 1879. To do this, first I will deal with his life ad the thought as a missionary and educator, and scholars, and finally to review his book as a historian, 〈A history of Corea〉. It is noted that Ross’ activities are as follows. Introducing with the Christian culture in Korea and China, Ross understand and respect the culture and traditions of the two countries. He introduced the values and ethics of Christian culture on the soils of Korea and China. His deep understanding of the traditional culture of Korea and China will be one of the reasons that contributed greatly to the development of Christianity in Korea and China. Ross recognized that it is important to understand the history and culture of Korea for evangelizing Korea. His interests of culture and mission were reducing the need for writing a Korean history. Features of Ross authored 〈a History of Corea〉 was descriptive narrative history of Korean history in East Asia, including Manchuria, from the point of view of Korean culture and traditions. Above all, Ross did not forget that his book, 〈a History of Corea〉 written for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ross’ book is a textbook to understand Korean culture and history and a first book of Korean history written by foreigners. His way to evangelize a country as a missionary is to understand and respect their traditional culture and history and then proclaim His gospel in their soils.

      • KCI등재후보

        루터와 칼빈의 두 왕국론과 역사 이해

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 한국복음주의신학회 2009 성경과신학 Vol.51 No.-

        루터와 칼빈의 두 왕국론은 이들의 역사이해에 기초가 되는 중요한 개념이다. 루터와 칼빈은 자신들의 두 왕국론을 통해, 세상의 정치적인 권위도 하나님의 경륜하에서 바라보는 기독교적 역사관을 시사하였다. 루터와 칼빈은 모든 정치 권위가 하나님으로부터 온 것임을 주장하며, 기독교 사관의 핵심인 역사에서 하나님의 행위와 주권 그리고 하나님의 섭리를 강조하였다. 칼빈은 역사에서 하나님의 목적과 의지를 강조하며 역사에서 `하나님`, `그리스도`, `하나님 나라`의 개념을 강조했다. 주목할 만한 것은 칼빈의 역사이해는 루터보다 하나님의 시간(카이로스)과 역사의 현재성을 강조하였다. 무엇보다 사학사적인 면에서 루터와 칼빈의 역사이해는 중세 스콜라주의자들의 비역사성과 근대 인문주의자들의 역사 한계를 극복하고, 성경적인 통찰력에 근거한 역사의 의미와 목적을 제시하였다는데 그 의의가 있다. 루터와 칼빈은 역사의 동인을 하나님의 주권과 섭리로 보면서 동시에 역사에서 인간의 역할과 책임을 강조하였다. 이는 분명 이전 시대와는 다른 근대 새로운 역사의식의 변화를 조장하였다. 주목해야 할 것은 인간과 역사에 대한 바른 기독교적 이해가 종교적인 영역에 국한되지 않고, 우리 삶의 전 우주적 영역을 포함한다는 것이다. 루터와 칼빈에게 역사는 하나님의 뜻을 실현하는 하나의 역동적인 무대였고, 동시에 하나님의 주권과 섭리를 선포하는 것임을 기억해야 한다. 결국 이러한 인간과 역사에 대한 기독교적 안목은 이원론적 사고를 극복하고, 나아가 기독교적 학문이 지향하는 신앙과 삶, 그리고 학문과 경건의 균형을 갖게 한다. 이것이 종교개혁자들이 우리에게 남긴 역사의 교훈일 것이다. The theory of the two kingdoms of Luther and Calvin is the key term to understand their view of history. There are two kingdoms, the church as the spiritual power and the state as the secular power. However, Luther and Calvin point out that both the church and state is God`s appointment. In addition, they insist on the Christian view of history which all history is in God`s administration and works. We can see their Christian views of history as God`s activity, sovereignty, and providence. For Luther, his idea of history is based on his theology. His basic idea of history is that history happened in time and man`s experience is from God. For Luther God is a hidden God. He says that we need faith in order to know God`s revelation. Then, the hidden God will become a revealed God to those who have faith. His main idea of theology and history is justification by faith through Jesus Christ (Rom 1:17). So we can say that Luther`s idea of history focuses on Christ. Another Luther`s view of history is eschatology. For Luther, history is a drama from creation to judgment. Let us look at the three Calvin`s concepts of history. These are the concepts of God, Christ, and the Kingdom. Calvin revealed God`s purpose and will in his thinking of history. Calvin searched out God`s signs and His time, the kairos of our day. Lastly, for Calvin, man is a participant, not just a watchman in history and the world is a place to be transformed by his sovereignty. In the historiography, the attitudes of historical writings and interpretations of two reformers are different from medieval scholasticism and modern humanism. They suggest God`s works in history based on the biblical insight and Christian view of the world. They regard the dynamics of history as His providence and sovereignty. At the same time, they emphasize on the role and responsibility of man in history. This is quite different from the medieval view of history. The Christian view of history is not only a limited religious sphere but a political, social, economical, and cultural sphere. History is where God reveals His will and fulfills His providence. As we examine Luther and Calvin`s idea of history, they do not stand on the separation idea of God and the world and give us a balance of God and the world, faith and life, scholarship/learning and piety. This is the legacy of two reformers` view of history.

      • KCI등재

        마포삼열(Samuel A. Moffet)의 교육 활동의 전개

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2015 복음과 선교 Vol.32 No.-

        20세기 초 한국의 근대 교육은 선교사들이 교육 발전에 중대한 역할을 하였다. 이 글은 한국의 대표적인 선교사 마포삼열의 교육 활동에 대한 연구이다. 지금까지 마포삼열에 대한 연구는 그의 선교 활동에 대한 것이거나, 다른 선교사들과의 비교 분석 정도에 그치고 있다. 따라서 본고는 마포삼열의 교육 활동에 집중하고자 한다. 이러한 인식을 바탕으로 본고에서는 크게 세 가지의 문제 제기를 통해 논지를 전개해 나가고자 한다. 첫째, 마포삼열의 서신을 통해 그가 어떠한 교육 활동을 계획하였으며, 진행하였는지를 파악하고자 한다. 둘째, 그가 설립했거나 운영에 참여한 학교들을 분석함으로써 그의 교육 사역의 중점적인 목적과 방향을 살펴본다. 셋째, 그가 제시한 교육 활동이 이후 한국사회에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지를 밝히고자 한다. 마포삼열은 선교사로서 한국의 근대교육과 민족 교육에 기여한 인물로 교육자로도 평가되어야 한다. 그는 실제로 평양신학교와 숭실대학교 그리고 숭의학교의 설립자와 학장으로 재임한 교육자였다. 그가 평양에서 진행했던 평양신학교를 중심으로 보여준 성경·신학교육 그리고 숭의학교를 통해 드러낸 여성교육, 마지막으로 숭실학교를 통해 한국의 고등·전문 교육 등의 발전에 영향을 준 것은 교육자로서의 면모를 잘 드러내고 있다. 마포삼열은 한국의 근대 교육 발전에 기여한 것과 더불어 이 시기가 일제강점기의 식민지 통치기였으므로, 결국 그의 교육 활동은 민족 교육 발전에 투신한 한국 근대역사의 산 증인이었다. 이처럼 한국근대사에서 마포삼열과 같은 선교사들의 교육 활동이 단순히 근대 교육을 한국에 도입하였다는 의미를 넘어서, 그의 교육 활동이 항일 민족 교육의 운동에 기여하였다는 점은 매우 중요하다. In the early 20th century, missionaries in Korea played an important role in developing Korean modern education. This paper deals with educational work done by Samuel Austin Moffett, one of the most famous missionary in Korean modern history. Most studies on him in the past were about his missionary work or comparision with other missionaries. This paper tries to focus on Moffett’s educational work. This paper focuses on three aspects of his work. First, his plans for education and how he developed them throughout his letters. Second, his goals and orientations in educational ministry by analyzing on schools he founded or administrated. Third, the effects his educational work he presented on Korean society later on. He has to be evaluated not only as a missionary, but also as an educator who contributed to Korean modern and national education. In fact, he is a founder of Pyongyang seminary and Soongeui school and, served as a dean of Soongsil school(university). His role as an educator is well shown in various educational works in these schools. He engaged in theology education in Pyongyang seminary, women education in Soongeui school, and developed Korean higher and professional education in Soongsil school(university). Samuel Austin Moffett contributed to developing Korean modern education and his educational work also plays a role as an witness of a period of Japanese colonial rule where we were enthusiastic about developing national education.

      • KCI등재후보

        "르네상스와 종교개혁"의 역사 서술의 문제: 한국의 역사 교과서 분석을 중심으로

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 개혁신학회 2011 개혁논총 Vol.19 No.-

        이 논문은 역사적 사실에 대한 집필자의 이해 부족으로 나타난 기독교 역사 서술의 문제점을 지적하고자 한다. 이 논문은 한국 중고등학교의 역사교과서의 내용과 서술에 있어서, 기독교에 대한 서술의 문제 특별히``르네상스와 종교개혁``사건과 관련된 서술 내용을 검토하는 것에 그 목적이 있다. 본 논문은 교과서 역사(상)과 고등학교 세계사 교과서를 통해 나타난 르네상스와 종교개혁``에 대한 서술의 문제를 분석하고, 르네상스와 종교개혁에 대한 객관적인 역사 서술의 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 2011년도 중학교 역사교과서와 고등학교 세계사 교과서가 다루고 있는 르네상스와 종교개혁에 대한 내용을 전반적으로 살펴본다면, 역사적 사건의 총체적인 면을 다루기보다는 부분적인 면만을 다룬 한계를 보게 된다. 또한 종교개혁의 문제를 다룸에 있어서도 16세기 유럽의 종교개혁이 국가별로 다양한 성격의 운동이었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 교과서의 종교개혁의 내용은 역사적인 다양성을 드러내지못하고 개혁의 성격을 일반화하고 단순화하는 경향이 있다. 이것은 역사의 다양성을 제한하고 역사적 사실을 깊이 있게 설명하지 못하고 단순하게 하는 서술의 문제점을 야기한 것이다. 역사 교과서 서술의 다른 가장 큰 문제는, 종교적인 문제에 대한 편향과 종교적인 교리와 같은 중요한 주제에 대한 설명 부족의 모습이 드러나고 있다. 그리고 교과서 집필자들이 자신들의 기독교 서술에 대한 무관심으로 인해, 종교개혁과 같은 역사적인 사건을 종교적인 성격으로 규정하여 간략히 서술하는 한계를 여실히 보여주고 있다.중고등 학교 현장에서 사용하는 역사 교과서를 분석해 볼 때 가장 심각한 문제는, 내용상 기독교 서술에 대한 무관심과 이로 인한 편향성은 문제가 있다고 보여진다. 실제로 역사교과서 서술에 나타난 기독교는 외세 문화의 영향으로 인식되어 기독교와 관련된 사건의 편견과 왜곡으로 기술되는 경향이었다. 이에 역사 교과서에 나타난 기독교 역사 서술의 편향에 대한 대안으로 창조, 타락, 구속의 기독교 세계관에 기초한 기독교사관의 정립과 이에 기초한 역사 인식과 서술이 필요하다고 본다. 주지하다시피 기독교 세계관에 기초한 역사관은 섭리와 구속과 종말론적인 관점에서 바라보는 역사 인식을 말한다. 이에 한국의 역사 교과서 집필과 관련하여, 한국 문화와 역사에 기여한 기독교의 영향과 역할을 객관적으로 바르게 서술함이 필요하다. 이에 가장 시급한 것은기독교 사건(종교개혁) 서술과 관련하여 교과서 집필 구성 내용에 있어서 먼저 부분적인 개정 내용의 보완이 필요하고, 미국과 유럽의 기독교 학교에서 사용하는 교과서처럼, 기독교적 서술의 왜곡을 극복할 만한 기독교적 관점의 새로운 역사교과서 집필이 국내에도 시급히 필요하다고 본다. This thesis is an attempt to address the issues related to Christian history writings on the History`s Authorized Textbook in Korea. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the issues that exists in the middle and high school history text books regarding the description of Christianity, especially the writings related to the ``Renaissance and Reformation history``. When we generally examine at the renaissance and reformation contents in the 2011 middle school history text book and the high school world history textbooks, we could see that only partial and limited side of the historical incident is shown rather than the whole part. And though there were other issues related to the reformation, but still there were several movements that took place in many countries through the reformation in the 16th century Europe. Irrespective of this fact, instead of revealing the diverse historical events about the reformation, it tends to write a very general characteristic of the reformation. Other serious problem that can be seen in the history textbook`s description is that, there is a shortage in the explanation of the important issues like the prejudices found in the reformation and its doctrines. To be very specific in this deficiency of the explanation found in the history textbook contents are for example, insufficient explanation of the theological term like indulgence and the reformation`s central idea of Bible centeredness are the main issues related to salvation, this ideas are not explained. And also the explanation of salvation is not treated in detail. And also during the reformation, the importance of the originality of the bible and the necessity of the reformation has not been historical explained. It could be seen that in this text book, there is a limitation of historical understanding of the reformation in the 16th century. It clearly shows that because of the textbook` authors disinterest towards the Christian historiography, they have briefly prescribed the historical incident of reformation as a simple religious event and have limited its description. The great serious problem that can be clearly seen from the analysis of the history textbook used by the middle and high schools are that, there is a problem of prejudice in showing disinterest towards the contents of Christian narrations. Hence, it could be seen that, it is necessary to present the basic Christian thoughts of creation, depravity and salvation within the Christian worldview instead of a prejudiced view on Christian historic narration. This will help to understand the Christian view of history correctly and objectively. Accordingly, in relation to the Korean history textbook writings, it is necessary to mention the contribution of Christianity towards the Korean culture and history and the role it played in its influences need to be described with right objectives.

      • KCI등재

        요한 스투움(Johann Sturm, 1507-1589)의 사상과 교육 개혁 연구

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 한국복음주의역사신학회 2013 역사신학 논총 Vol.26 No.-

        As a German educator, influential in the design of the Gymnasium system of secondary school, Johann Sturm was born in Schleiden in 1521 or 1522. He started his studies at the school of St. Jerome at Liege, and went on to the University of Leuven. He exercised a profound effect over education, especially a humanistic education method. The so-called Latin school, had spread all over Europe, and was especially flourishing in Germany. He directed the school for 43 years, and the school attained a wide celebrity. Sturm founded Strassburg Gymnasium in 1537. The Gymnasium is a model for secondary schools in the 16th century Europe. His humanistic education method is an experience from the school by `the brethern of the common life` in Holland. In Feb 24, 1538, hestated that “the Strassburg Gymnasium is a model and impact from the Liege school”. The Gymnasium introduced a new system of class and grade promotion. Sturm implemented a gradation course of study and novel methods of instruction. His system of classes, his classification of literary material for use in the schools, his writing of textbooks, and his organization of school management shaped the practice of secondary education, not only in the German schools, but also in the secondary schools of England and France. In the Gymnasium, students were able to take classes, such as rhetoric, mathematics, poetry, Greek, theology, and law. The Gymnasium was a 9 year course, providing classes in the arts, philosophy, classical languages, history, mathematics, theology philosophy. Sturm was generally regarded as the greatest educator connected with the Reformed Church. The school he directed and his art of teaching were a humanist model for one century in all of Europe. His ideal education was to direct the aspiration of the scholars towards God, to develop their intelligence, and to render them into useful citizens by teaching them the skillsto communicate their thoughts and sentiments with persuasive effects. Sturm was the first great headmaster of the Gymnasium. He lived and worked till the age of eighty-two. The chief energy of his life wasdevoted to teaching. He drew his scholars from all over Europe; Portugal, Poland, England sent their contingent to his halls. His pupils would write elegant letters and deliver elegant Latin speeches. His idea and method of the humanistic education in Strassburg Gymnasium is a model for Christian schools and educational methods in both the present and the past all over the world.

      • 존 낙스의 <역사> 덱스트 분석과 그 성격

        권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 한국기독교어문학회 2011 기독교와 어문학 Vol.8 No.1

        Generally John Knox considered as a reformer and preacher, not a writer of books. It seems that he was essentially a propagandist, God`s mouthpiece, and a trumpet as a pastor. But if we have reviewed his book, we can see his image of writer. His book of consists of 5 books, Knox wrote most actively for publication when the Reformation in England or Scotland was suffering reverses, especially if the setbacks excluded him from the pulpits in which he most wished to preach, He wrote books 1 through 4 of the during 1559-1560 and 1565-1566, two periods when the ultimate success of the reformation was n doubt, and he himself was in quasi-exile. Thus, Knox began the first book of his in 1559-1560 when the reformers fortunes had badly ebbed, It originated as a much needed propaganda tract, In language and his style the is a masterpiece, written by a man who could marshal words to meet his mood. Knox`s belief in the cause for which he strove undoubtedly inspired his pen in the story of that cause and his vicissitudes. But the genius is deeper than that. Imaginative powers, a sense of dramatic values, and simplicity of narrative all combine to form a living picture in the readers mind. In conclusion, his is a literal sources and materials of the Scottish reformation. For the Knox`s book, we can see a diverse political and religious drama of the Scottish reformation. We will forget the history and culture of Scotland if not having Knox`s History. Knox`s ideal mind set up and writes a perfect image and biblical worship for the Scottish reformation.

      • KCI등재

        계층적 모바일 IP 망에서의 적응형 부하 제어 기법

        백상헌,권태경,최양희,Pack Sang heon,Kwon Tae kyoung,Choi Yang hee 한국통신학회 2004 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.29 No.10A

        In Hierarchical Mobile Ipv6 (HMIPv6) networks, the mobility anchor point (MAP) handles binding update (BU) procedures locally to reduce signaling overhead for mobility. However, as the number of mobile nodes (MNs) handled by the MAP increases, the MAP suffers from the overhead not only to handle signaling traffic but also to Process data tunneling traffic. Therefore, it is important to control the number of MNs serviced by the MAP, in order to mitigate the burden of the MAP. We propose an adaptive load control scheme, which consists of two sub-algorithms: threshold-based admission control algorithm and session-to-mobility ratio (SMR) based replacement algorithm. When the number of MNs at a MAP reaches to the full capacity, the MAP replaces an existing MN at the MAP, whose SMR is high, with an MN that just requests binding update. The replaced MN is redirected to its home agent. We analyze the proposed load control scheme using the .Markov chain model in terms of the new MN and the ongoing MN blocking probabilities. Numerical results indicate that the above probabilities are lowered significantly compared to the threshold-based admission control alone. IP 기반의 이동 통신망에서는 사용자들에게 연속적인 이동성을 제공하기 위해서 여러 이동성 에이젼트가 사용된다. 대규모 모바일 IP 시스템의 경우 이러한 에이젼트의 확장성과 규모성이 중요한 문제가 될 수 있다. 모바일 Ipv6에서의 시그널링 부하와 핸드오프 지연 시간을 줄이기 위해서 제안된 계층적 모바일 Ipv6에서는 MAP이라고 하는 지역 홈 에이젼트를 사용하여 위치 등록을 지역적으로 처리 가능하도록 한다. 하지만 한 지역 내에서의 움직임이 많은 경우 이러한 MAP이 성능상의 병목 지점이 될 수 있다. 이는 MAP이 시그널링 트래픽 뿐만이 아니라 이동 단말기에게 전달되는 데이터 트래픽에 대한 터널링 기능도 담당하기 때문이다. 따라서 보다 안정적인 서비스를 위해서는 이러한 MAP에서 서비스 받는 단말기의 수를 제한할 필요가 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 무선망 자원 할당에서 사용되던 수락 제어 기법과 SMR (Session-to-Mobility Ratio)에 기반한 교체 기법을 이용하여 MAP의 부하를 효과적으로 제어할 수 있는 적응형 부하 제어 기법을 제안한다. 성능 분석을 위해서 제안한 기법을 마르코브 체인을 통해 모델링하여 핸드오프 이동 단말기 봉쇄 확률과 새 이동 단말기 봉쇄 확률을 분석하였다. 그 결과 제안한 기법은 두 봉쇄 확률을 아주 낮은 수준으로 낮출 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 교회 고등학생의 기독교세계관 실태와 세례 유·무와 신앙경력과의 관계에 대한 연구

        정희영 ( Hee Young Jeoung ),권태경 ( Tae Kyoung Kwon ) 기독교학문연구회 2012 신앙과 학문 Vol.17 No.1

        본 논문의 목적은 교회 고등학생의 기독교세계관 실태와 세례 유·무와 신앙경력과의 관계에 대 한 조사를 통해 헌재 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교세계관에 대한 현 주소를 파악하고 이를 근거로 앞으로 우리나라 교회 고등학생의 기독교세계관 확립을 위한 방향을 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구의 문제는 첫째, 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교 세계관은 어떠한가? 둘째, 우리나 라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교세계관과 세례의 유· 무와의 관계는 어떠한가? 셋째, 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교세계관과 신앙경력과의 관계는 어떠한가? 등이다. 본 연구의 도구는 설문지로서 5명의 학자들의 기독교서l계관의 기본 틀을 비교 분석한 것에 근 거하여 기독교세계관에 대한 6가지 질문을 중심으로 23문항과 일반적인 문항 6문항으로 총 29문 항으로 구성되었다. 조사 대상자는 805영이며 자료 분석은 SPSS 12.0을 사용하여 빈도 분석과 t-test. 그리고 one-way ANOVA로 통계처리 하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교 세계관은 대체로 긍정적이라고 평가할 수 있다. 둘째, 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교서l계관은 제례의 유·무와 관계가 없다. 셋째, 우리나라 교회 고등학생들의 기독교세계관은 신앙경력과 관계가 없다. 본·연구의 결과를 통해 얻은 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이원론적인 삶의 방자를 위해 창조의 계속성에 대한 교육이 꾸준히 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 교리에 치우친 이론적 지식이 아닌 실제 삶에서 적용할 수 있는 살아있는 지식을 가르치는 교육이 필요하다. 셋째, 응답자들이 진화론과 포스트모던 사상에 영향을 받고 있음을 고려한 교육이 요구된다. 넷째 세례 전·후의 교육과 강조되고 확장되어야 한다. 다섯에 일반 교육과 세상의 특징을 뛰어 넘는 영향력 있는 교회교육이 필요하다. The purpose of this paper is to examine the current status of the Christian woridview, the relationship between the Christian woridview with baptism and their periods of Christian life among the young people of Korean churches through a study on their Christian worldview, and to provide a suggestion as to how to establish a proper Christian worldview among the high school students of Korean churches. This paper dealt with the following questions: What is their Christian woridview like? What is the relationship between the Christian woridview of the high school students of Korean churches and their baptism? What is the relationship between their Christian world view and their periods of Christian life? This study used a survey based on questions drawn from S scholars`` frames on the Christian worldview, and the survey was composed of 29 questions: six questions on the general background of the surveyee and 23 questions on the Christian worldview. Data analysis was performed by using SPSS 12.0 and was analyzed according to frequency, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results of this study are as follows: First, Christian world view of Korean church high school students is positive approximately. Second, the Christian world view of high school students of Korean churches is not related with their baptism. Third, the Christian world view of high school students of Korean churches is not related with their periods of Christian life. The suggestions of the results are as follows: First, in order to prevent dualistic life styles, education on the continuation of the creation must constantly take place. Second, it is necessary to have an education that is applicable to real life instead of a theoretical one that is focused on doctrines. Third, an education that takes into account the fact that the surveyees are under the influence of the evolution theory and postmodernism thoughts is required. Fourth, education before and post baptism must be enforced and enlarged. Fifth, church education must be more effective than secular education and at the same time, needs to differentiate itself from the pattern of this world.

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