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      • 한국 문학사에서 중국 조선족 시문학의 의미

        윤여탁 서울대학교 2007 先淸語文 Vol.35 No.-

        本文旨在說明中國朝鮮族是韓民族的重要分支,朝鮮族文學是韓國文 學的主貴財産,朝鮮族及朝鮮族文學的存在也是世界任何民族及國家都 不存在的特有現象。中國朝鮮族及朝鮮族文學由于种种原因正陷于危机當中,所以在更大的危机席卷而來之前,有必要對朝鮮族文學投入更多 的關注和進行更深層次的硏究。鑒于此,本文立足于韓國詩文學史的角度,考察了改革開放以后長篇釵事詩人抒情詩在朝鮮族詩文學中的 意義。 本文闡明了應將中國朝鮮族詩文學納入韓國詩文學史的理由和諫据。 本文的論述可謂是丰富旣盛碩又貧瘠的韓國詩文學史的一個方法。本文說明了朝鮮族文學旣是韓國近現代詩文學史上出現的多科傾向之一,也是韓國近現代詩文學發展過程中的一部分。零外,筆者還表述了一個小 小的愿望,卽希望今后朝鮮族詩文學也能聚永保其獨特性。

      • 역사적·사회적인 실천으로서의 시론 : 김기림 문학론의 선택 金起林文學論的選擇與變化

        윤여탁 서울대학교 국어교육과 2002 先淸語文 Vol.30 No.-

        本文主要欲通過對韓國現代主義詩運動理論家兼先驅者金起林?篇詩論的介紹, 了解金起林詩論的發展軌迹, 闡述其詩論所具有的歷史意義, 進而達到對金起林的文學論進行縱向考察的目的. 1933年7月, 縱日本留學歸國的金起林在 <<新東亞>> 上發表了詩論一 <<特性與現代性>>. 該文以圖表的形式對以往的詩與新詩進行了比較, 幷對作爲西方現代主義流派之一的意象主義進行了具體的介紹. 在此后的1935年2月, 他又發表了 <<對詩的技巧主義的反省與展望>> 一文, 對偏內容主義予以批駁, 指出技巧主義的具體面貌是强調音樂性的純粹詩與强調繪畵性的形態詩, 認爲今后的近代是應該是可以同時體現技巧和時代精神的整體詩. 這篇詩論不僅爲后來發表的 <<午前的詩論>> 提供了理論依据, 同時也爲也日后同其他理論家進行有關技巧主義的論爭埋下了伏筆. 同年, 金起林在 <<朝鮮日報>> 上發表 <<午前的特論>> 一文, 强調詩人不僅要主義形式上的技巧, 還應具有批判精神和淸醒的理智, 他的這篇文章與先前發表的 <<詩性與現代性>> 一起, 成爲知性主義與意象主義理論的核心, 他在 <<午前的詩論一技術篇>> 中, 不僅提出了詩的創作方向, 還對整體詩論進行了具體闡述, 指出應努力克服意象主義詩論中體現出來的技巧主義, 主張形成思想與技巧的統一體. 他的這一整體詩論到后來發展爲科學的詩學, 成爲對現代主義詩論進行全面反省的良好契機. 金起林雖然在 <<現代批評的兩難境地>> 中第一次提到 "科學" 這一用語, 但對與文學和詩相關的 "科學" 的具體闡述則是在 <<科學, 批評與詩一現代詩的失望與希望>> (1937) 一文中. 在這篇文章中, 他借用 "科學", "科學的方法", "科學的態度"等用語, 提出了 "科學的詩學" 這一槪念, 主張在文藝學中采用科學的方法論. 此后, 他又在 <<作爲科學的詩學>> 中對科學的詩學做了更進一步的闡釋, 指出以往的詩學是形而上學的詩學, 應該形成新的, 科學的詩學. 金起林在主張意象主義, 知性主義, 整體詩論及科學的詩學的同時, 還不斷深素新的道路. 他指出對自己的國家所處的社會和現實視而不見的文學不値得提倡, 他的這一觀点在他的 <<韓國詩的方向>> 一文中得以深刻體現 1945年 解放后, 奔起林병棄了自己主張現代主義, 整體詩論以及科學詩學的曖昧不淸的態度, 奔赴到曆史與民族所要求的斗爭前線. 他在對以往的詩進行反省的同時, 還不斷探索時歌創作的方向, 這種反省與探索具有重要的曆史意義與比同時, 他還通過創作實踐而進入了寫實主義的時歌世界, 在 <<新歌曲>> 一文中指出在新的曆史時期, 詩不應是爲能讀詩的讀者所做的詩, 更應是爲廣大人民大衆所做的, 可以廣泛傳播的歌曲. 金起林就這樣, 從一名現代主義的實踐者轉變爲一名寫實主義的實踐者, 他的這一轉變是通過詩歌創作而實現的意識形態的轉變. 他之所以在1950年選擇了朝鮮, 似乎在此也可以?到其思想根源.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육의 연구사의 비판적 검토와 전망

        윤여탁 한국문학교육학회 1997 문학교육학 Vol.1 No.-

        As a preliminary work, this study explored the history of Korean literary education and was designed to find a new direction in literary education. For this goal, this study first analyzed results and limitations obtained from many existing studies on Korean literary education. This analysis showed that full-fledged studies on Korean literary education began ten years ago and that all of preceding studies had just a 'prehistoric' meaning. Then, this study explored some efforts to establish the academic independency and identity of Korean literary education in the area of Korean language education. Specifically, results and findings obtained from doctoral dissertations in Korea were analyzed. On the basis of the analysis, this study showed the following suggestions for a new direction of Korean literary education. First, new research approaches toward new-born discourse education and ideology were suggested. The second suggestion was that literary education could be discussed in the context of culture education-viewing literature as an aspect of language culture. Third, the close reading of a text supported by the strength of New Criticism, which had been neglected in the area of literary education, was still an effective method in literary education. Finally, this study confirmed the proposition that 'open' literary education should be realized through this research methodology of literary education. This study also specified the prospect of Korean literary education, in terms of literary education through writing as well as reading and reader's active learning of literature.

      • KCI등재

        CIGS 태양전지의 윈도우 층에 적용 가능한 스퍼터링으로 증착한 AZO 박막의 공정압력의 영향에 따른 특성 연구

        윤여탁,조의식,권상직 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2017 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        For various process pressures, aluminum doped zinc oxide(AZO) films were deposited by in-line pulsed-DC sputtering. The deposited AZO films were optically and electrically investigated and analyzed for the window layers of CIGS solar cell systems. As the pressure was increased from 9 mtorr to 15 mtorr, the thickness of AZO was decreased as a result of scattering and its sheet resistance was rapidly increased. The transmittance of AZO was slightly decreased as the pressure was increased and the calculation of figure of merit(F.O.M) was dependent on the sheet resistance. The structural characteristics of AZO thin films analyzed by X-ray diffraction(XRD) showed no significant dependency according to the pressure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비판적 문화 연구와 현대시 연구 방법

        윤여탁 한국시학회 2007 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.18

        이 글은 일상생활 속에서 생산되는 유통되는 문화라는 확대된 문화 개념의 맥락에서 한국 현대시를 보고, 이 문화의 소통 맥락에 주목하고자 하였다. 아울러 문화 연구의 관점을 도입하여 한국 현대시의 소통 과정(생산, 분배, 소비)에 작용하는 현대시 연구 방법을 문화적 실천이라는 관점에서 재해석하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 그동안 우리 학문계에서 이루어진 현대시 연구 방법론을 비판적인 관점에서 검토하고, 이의 대안으로 문화적 관점에서 시를 연구하는 시각과 방법으로의 전환을 제안하고자 했다. 다만 이 경우 기존의 정전(canon) 또는 준정전(pseudo-canon)이라고 할 수 있는 한국 현대시보다는 민중 문화(popular culture), 대중 문화(mass culture)로 간주되는 노동시, 여성시, 키치(kitsch)시, 패러디(parody)시나 대중가요 등을 대상으로 해야 하지만, 이 글에서는 현대시 연구 방법의 대안적(代案的)을 제안한다는 측면에서 확대된 문화 현상의 하나인 대중 문화의 관점에서 현대시를 연구하는 방법을 중심으로 논의를 전개하였다. A Study on the Critical Cultural Studies and the Research of Methodology in Modern Poetry

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        리얼리즘 시와 시론의 창조적 수용

        윤여탁 한국시학회 2000 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.3

        The development of realistic poetry in history of Korean literature has not been a smooth one. In the outer literature, it had to resist against the Japanese Imperialism and the deteriorated ideology of liberal democracy, whereas in the field of literature itself, against sentimentalism, mannerism, pure lyrics and abstruse poetry. Though. in its due course, realistic poetry experiencing rise and fall and growing competitive enough has now gained a somewhat firm position in the history of Korean literature. Speaking of the development of realistic poetry as a way of ensuring itself in Korean literature, it would be of value to discuss its significances and shortcomings. One of its foremost benefits would be the formation of stories or events that are easy to understand into poetry, which succeeded in attracting a larger group of readers than ever. Instead of writing poems that are rather technical-, and rhetorical-oriented, realistic poetry seeing its readers also as non-professional has opened a new scope of mind that poetry is not something difficult to approach at all. Through this, realistic poetry has played a prominent role in the contribution to the popularization of poetry. As for the next. realistic poetry as a mirror of reality has shown besides personal usefulness its capacity for powering change to its society as well as for confronting with the political and social reality. In other words. broadening the meaning that a poetry can possess into the scope of social aspect. realistic poetry in effect has pronounced itself to be able to play a role in the social sphere and not only in the sphere of personal creation such as expressing personal thoughts and feelings. The political piece of literature. the proletarian(?) poetry which transcended the class partisanship and the poetry of civil movement of the 1970's which stood against the dictatorship are examples for this. Hence considering such significances of realistic poetry. one cannot criticize realistic poetry as for having been politically oriented. Even though. it is undeniable that realistic poetry has failed in realizing poetic implications. which is the characteristic of poetic language. Seeing poetic language and its characteristics as not wholly speaking things that can be spoken and thus. stimulating readers' imaginations. realistic poetry on the other hand telling about stories and events in a much blunt way has blocked the free play of imaginations that should have taken place in readers' minds. This weakness already pinpointed with the rise of pro poetry is not an exception for the poetry of civil movements that followed later. These benefits and shortcomings, though, are both positive products in history of modern Korean poetry in the aspect of inheritance and conquest, respectively. Seen from this perspective, the legacy of realistic poetry is our portion to enjoy, i.e. it is not something which we can leave to someone else, but rather the honor and the load which we should enjoy for our future of Korean literature.

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