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      • KCI등재

        The Changing Patterns of Demand-Supply and Role of Mineral Resources in Economic Growth during Industrialization of the Republic of Korea

        윤석규,Yun, Suckew The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1985 자원환경지질 Vol.18 No.1

        A total of 12 mineral commodities significant in domestic output, economy and/or strategy of the Republic of Korea are chosen to examine the structural changes in production and demand-supply of these minerals during the last two decades of her industrialization. These include iron and manganese ores as the raw materials for iron and steel making, copper, zinc and tungsten ores among other non-ferrous metallic minerals, limestone (cement), kaolin, talc, pyrophyllite and graphite among other non-metallic minerals, and anthracite coal as the only domestic source of fossil energy. These are reviewed historically in time-series based on the statistical data which are tabulated and graphed in terms of domestic output, export, import, apparent demand-supply, its increasing rate, and self-sufficiency rate of each commodity. The increasing rates of demand-supply (IRDS) of some more important commodities are compared with those of Gross Domestic Production (GDP) and Economic Growth Rate (EGR) to evaluate how the IRDS contributed to the GDP and EGR. The major results revealed are as follows: Among the 12 commodities, the domestic output of 8 commodities appeared to have grown with steady upward trends: they are ores of lead, zinc and tungsten, limestone (cement), kaolin, talc, pyrophyllite and anthracite coal. Two commodities, ores of iron and copper, continued with unchanging or slightly declining trends and varied fluctuations, in spite of their cardinal importance to the heavy industry and strategy of Korea. The remaining two, graphite and manganese ore, have gradualy declined in domestic output in which the former has still enough resource potential but the latter has not and virtually ceased its domestic output. Trade patterns for mineral commodities in the Republic of Korea during the last two decades have changed greatly, being marked by a shift from mineral-exporting to mineral importing, mainly because of increasing consumption of mineral raw materials for industrialization rather than beceuse of decreasing output of domestic mineral commodities in quantity. In terms of trade patterns, the 12 commodities concerned in this study can be classified into the following four groups. The 1st group - ores of lead and tungsten have only been exported without imports. The 2nd group - amorphous graphite, and pyrophyllite have mainly been exported but partly been imported. The 3rd group - kaolin, talc and crystalline graphite have equally been exported and imported, but quantity of imports have rapidly been increased with time. The 4th group - ores of iron, manganese and zinc have shifted from exports to imports during the industrialization, particularly owing to the initiation of iron and steel making by the Pohang Iron and Steel Company in the middle 1970' s and the new establishment of the Onsan Zinc Refinery in the late 1970' s. All of the 12 commodities under considerations were far above 100% in self-sufficiency rate before or in the early 1960' s. Recently, however, most of them have been declined to below 100% except for those of limestone (cement) and pyrophyllite. It is particularly serious to identify that the self-sufficiency rates of the three important metallic minerals, iron, copper and manganese ores in 1982 appeared to be 5.1%, 0.5%, and 0.01%, respectively. The average self-sufficiency rate of the total domestic minerals produced in 1982 was 14.4% (in value) for that year. Mining industry appeared to be extremely high in its intermediate demand rate whereas its intermediate input rate to be quite low indicating that mineral raw materials have been exerted strong forward linkage effects upon the other industries rather than backward linkage effects. In comparing the curves of increasing rates of demand-supply of several major minerals - iron ore, manganese ore, copper ore, limestone (cement), kaolin, and anthracite coal - with those of Gross Domestic Production and Economic Growth Rate drawn on every graph, it is clearly s

      • KCI등재

        Changes of Tree Growth and Fruit Quality of “Yumi” Peach under Long-Term Soil Water Deficit

        윤석규,김성종,남은영,권정현,정경호,최인명,김기석,신현석 한국농업기계학회 2017 바이오시스템공학 Vol.42 No.4

        Purpose: This paper presents the effects of soil drought stress during the growing season and pre-harvest period on tree growth and fruit quality of “Yumi” peach, an early season cultivar. Methods: Soil drought stresses were treated with four levels of -30, -50, -60, and -70 kPa during long term (LT) and short term (ST). For LT treatments, soil water was controlled for nine weeks from May 1 to July 5, which was assumed as the full growing season. For ST treatments, soil water was controlled for four weeks from June 10 to July 5, which was assumed as the pre-harvest season. Tree growth and leaf photosynthesis were measured, and fruit characteristics such as fruit weight and diameter, soluble solid and tannin contents, and harvest date were investigated. Results: Soil water deficit treatments caused a significant reduction in tree growth, leaf photosynthesis, and fruit enlargement. LT water stress over -60 kPa during the full growing season caused significant reduction in tree growth, including shoot length, trunk girth, leaf photosynthesis, and fruit enlargement. ST water stress over -60 kPa during the pre-harvest period also induced significant reduction in leaf photosynthesis and fruit enlargement, while tree growth was not reduced. In terms of fruit quality, water stress over -50 kPa significantly reduced fruit weight, increased soluble solid and tannin contents, and delayed harvest time in both LT and ST treatments. Conclusions: As a result, it is assumed that LT water stress over -60 kPa can reduce both tree growth and fruit enlargement, whereas ST water stress over -50 kPa can reduce fruit enlargement without reducing tree growth. From an agricultural perspective, moderate water deficit like -50 kPa treatments could have positive effects, such increased fruit soluble solid contents along with minimal reduction in fruit size.

      • KCI등재

        Geomorphological Approach in Geological Mapping of the Miocene and Post-Miocene Formations in the Albudeite Area, Spain

        윤석규,Yun, Suckew The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1973 자원환경지질 Vol.6 No.3

        동남(東南) Spain의 지중해(地中海) 연안(沿岸)에 위치(位置)한 Albudeite 지형적(地形的)으로 잘 표현(表現)된 Miocene의 marl 및 석회암층(石灰岩層)과 이를 덮는 Pliocene 및 Ouaternary의 다양(多樣)한 퇴적층(堆積層)이 잘 노출(露出)되어 복잡(複雜)한 분포(分布)를 보이고 있다. 즉(卽) 본지역(本地域)의 중앙부(中央部)를 서(西)에서 동(東)으로 흐르는 Mula강(江)을 사이에 두고 북부(北部)에는 NE 및 NW계(系)의 단층운동(斷層運動)에 의(依)해 이루어진 경근지괴(傾勤地塊)로서의 Upper Miocene의 marl과 석회암(石灰岩) 협층(挾層)으로 된 tableland가 연(軟)한 marl층(層)을 덮는 굳은 아어란상(亞魚卵狀)~아쇄설성(亞碎屑性) 석회암층(石灰岩層)의 capping effect에 의(依)하여 이루어져 있고 지역남부(地域南部)에는 이 tableland의 지표면(地表面)(석회암(石灰岩) cap)과 거의 동사적(同斜的)인 bevelled cuesta가 연(軟)한 marl과 굳은 석회암(石灰岩)(아쇄설성(亞碎屑性) 합(合) Ostracod) 또는 사질암(砂質岩) 협층(挾層)의 차별침식(差別侵飾)에 의(依)하여 이루어져 있어 이들을 지형적(地形的)으로 돌출(突出)된 양(兩) 석회암층(石灰岩層)을 Key bed로 하여 Upper Miocene을 다시 하부(下部), 중부(中部) 및 상부(上部)를 삼분(三分)하였다. 남부(南部) Cuesta의 scarp slope에 이루어진 격심(激甚)한 양곡측면(兩谷側面)과 북부(北部) tablelanl의 남측(南側) footslope에 급재(級在)하는 퇴화구준(退化丘俊)의 침식측면등(侵蝕側面等)에 노출(露出)되는 marl과 이를 덮는 colluvium, alluvium 또는 capped gravel과의 복잡(複雜)한 boundary tracing에 있어서와 또한 Mula강(江) 유역(流域)에 상봉(相逢)한 고도(高度)로 분포(分布)되는 일련(一連)의 단구상(段丘狀) 충적층등(沖積層等)에 대(對)한 층서(層序) 수립(樹立)과 mapping에 있어서는 이들에 대(對)한 지형(地形) 발달사적(發達史的) 이해(理解)와 항공사진해석의 적용(適用)이 매우 효과적이어서 임존지질천(臨存地質踐)에는 Mula강(江)의 channel에 따르는 협장(挾長)한 사기층(四紀層)을 제외(除外)하고는 Upper Miocene (M3) 일색(一色)으로 되어 있었으나 이번 시도(試圖)에 의(依)하여 총(總)9개(個)의 층서적(層序的) 단위(單位)로 세분(細分)하여 mapping할 수가 있었다. Gemorphological and photogeological techniqes are applied to the problem of geological mapping of a semi-arid area, Albudeite, Southeastern Spain. As a result of this, a geological and surface materials map is made which shows the upper Miocene formation, which mainly consists of marl, limestone and sandstone, is further subdivided into three members, i. e. lower, middle and upper, and the post-Miocene deposits were differentiated into seven stratigraphic units, and mapped. The relationships between geology, landforms and land comlexes previously reognized have been reviewed. The methods adopted have proved to be valuable in interpreting and mapping a compex relationship in which highly variable bedrock outcrops and shallow surface materiales produced under sub-aerial conditios.

      • KCI등재

        태백산광화대(太白山鑛化帶) 연화(蓮花)-거도광산(巨道鑛山)에 있어서의 스카른과 광석광물(鑛石鑛物)의 수반관계(隨伴關係) 및 상평형(相平衡)

        윤석규,Yun, Suckew 대한자원환경지질학회 1983 자원환경지질 Vol.16 No.1

        The Yeonhwa (I, II) and Keodo mines, neighboring in the middle part of the Taebaegsan mineral belt, contain three distinct classes of skarn deposits: the zinc-lead skarn at Yeonhwa (I, II), the iron skarn at Keodo south (Jangsan orebodies), and the copper skarn at Keodo north (78 orebodies). The present study characterizes the three classes of skarn deposits mainly in terms of skarn/ore associations examined from chemical compositional point of view, and applies existing quantitative phase diagrams to some pertinent mineral assemblages in these mines. At Yeonhwa I the Wolam I orebody shows a vertical variation in skarn minerals ranging from clinopyroxene/garnet zone on the lower levels through clinopyroxene (without garnet) zone on the intermediate levels, and finally to rhodochrosite veins on the upper levels and surface. Ore minerals, sphalerite and galena, associate most closely with the intermediate clinopyroxene zone. At Keodo, the Jangsan iron skarn hosted in quartz monzodiolite as a typical endoskarn, shows a skarn zoning, from center of orebody to outer side, magnetite zone, magnetite/garnet zone, garnet clinopyroxene zone, and clinopyroxene/epidote/plagioclase zone. The 78 copper skarn in the Hwajeol limestone indicates a zoning, from quartz porphyry side toward limestone side, orthoclase/epidote zone, epidote/clinopyroxene zone, and clinopyroxene/garnet zone; chalcopyrite and other copper sulfides tend to be in clinopyroxene/garnet zone. Mioroprobe analyses of clinopyroxenes and garnets from the various skarn zones mentioned above revealed that the Yeonhwa zinc/lead skarns are characterized by johansenitic clinopyroxene (Hd 25-78, Jo 15-23) and manganoan andraditic garnet (Ad 13-97, Sp 1-24), whereas the Jangsan iron skarn at Keodo by Mn-poor diopsidic clinopyroxene (Di 78-93, Jo 0.2-1.0) and Mn-poor grossularitic grandite (Gr 65-77, Sp 0.5-1.0). The 78 copper skarn at Keodo is characterized by Mn-poor diopsidic-salite (Di 66-91, Jo 0.2-1.1) and Mn-poor andraditic grandite(Ad 40-74, Sp 0.5-1.1). The compositional charateristics of iron, copper, and zinc-lead skarns in the Yeonhwa-Keodo mines are in good correlations with those of the foreign counterparts. Compiling a $T-XCO_2$ phase diagram for the Jangsan endoskarns, a potential upper limit of temperature of the main stage of skarn formation is estimated to be about $530^{\circ}C$, and a lower limit to be $400^{\circ}C$ or below assuming $XCO_2=0.05$ at P total=1kb. Applying a published log $fS_2$-log $fo_2$ diagram to the Keodo 78 and Yeonhwa exoskarns, it is revealed that copper sulfides and zinc-lead sulfides do not co-exist stably below log $fS_2=-4$ and log $fO_2=-23$ at $T=400^{\circ}C$ and ${\times}CO=1$ atm.

      • KCI등재후보

        u-City에서의 정보보안 설계 방안

        윤석규,장희선 한국융합보안학회 2011 융합보안 논문지 Vol.11 No.4

        본 논문에서는 유비쿼터스 도시(Ubiquitous City, u-City) 건설시 고려해야 하는 정보보안의 설계 방안을 제시한다. 이를 위하여 먼저, u-City에 대한 정의, 개념 및 주요 유비쿼터스 서비스를 정리한다. 그리고 유비쿼터스 서비스를 제공하기 위해 필요한 u-City 통합운영센터의 주요 구성요소 및 기능을 제시하고, 정보 수집, 가공, 교환시 개인정보의 보호를 위해 준수해야 하는 관련 법률을 분석하며 통합운영센터에서의 네트워크 보안 설계 방안을 제시한다. 개인정보 보호를 위하여 통합운영센터에서는 Router/Switch, Firewall/VPN(Virtual Private Network),IPS(Intrusion Prevention System)의 3단계 보안을 적용해야 하며, 1단계에서는 비정상적 패킷의 유입 차단, 2단계에서는 서비스별 접근 통제, 3단계에서는 실시간 네트워크 침입 감시 기능을 수행한다. 끝으로, 제시된 3단계 보안 방법론의 검증을 위하여 실제 적용 사례를 제시함으로서 u-City에서의 효율적인 개인 정보보호 방안을 제시 한다. In this paper, the design methodology of information security is analyzed to implement the ubiquitous city (u-City). The definition, concept, and main u-services of u-City are presented. The main components, functions and offering services of u-City management center are presented, and the laws and network security requirements related to protect the personal information in collecting, processing, and exchanging are also analyzed. Three step security levels of Router/Switch, Firewall/VPN, and IPS are applied where main functions of interception of abnormal packets(1st level), access control for each service(2nd level), and real-time network monitoring(3rd level) are performed. Finally, application cases are presented to validate the security of personal information in providing the u-City services.

      • KCI등재

        대전서남지대(大田西南地帶)에 있어서의 옥천대(沃川帶) 우라늄광상(鑛床)에 대(對)한 광물학적(鑛物學的) 및 지화학적(地化學的) 연구(硏究)

        윤석규,Yun, Suckew 대한자원환경지질학회 1984 자원환경지질 Vol.17 No.4

        Uraniferous black slates of the Okchon sequence occur in Koesan (northeast) through Miwon-Boun (middle) to the southwest off Taejon (southwest) within the Okchon fold belt. The Uraniferous balck slates in the southwest off Taejon are particularly well developed in Chubu (northeast) and Moksso-ri (middle) areas whereas they are less developed in Jinsan (southwest) area. The uraniferous beds range from less than a meter to 40 meters in thickness and range from less than 0.02% $U_3O_8$ (cut-off-grade) to 0.05% $U_3O_8$ in the southwestern district off Taejon. Electron microprobe analysis of uranium-minerals found in graphitic slate samples enables to estimate their major compositions semi-quantitatively so that uraninite, ferro-uranophane and chlopinite are tentatively identified. Uranium-minerals are closely associated with carbon and metal sulfides. Correlation analysis of trace element concentrations revealed that U and F.C., and U and Mo are lineary correlative respectively and their correlation coefficients are positively high whereas those of U and V, U and Mn, and U and Zr are negatively low, implying that uranium mineralization has been closely related with concentrations of carbon and molybdenum. Stable isotope analyses of pyrite sulfur range widely from +11.5% to -23.3% in ${\delta}^{34}S$ values whereas those of graphite carbon fall within a narrow range between -23.3% and -28.9% in ${\delta}^{13}C$ values. The wide range of ${\delta}^{34}S$ values suggests that the sulfur could be of meteoric origin rather than of igneous source. The narrow range of ${\delta}^{13}C$ values, which are close to those of coal, indicates that the graphite is organic carbon in origin. Therefore, it is concluded that the uranium mineralization in the Okchon sequence took place primarily in sedimentary environment rich in organic matter and sulfide ion, both of which served as the reducing agents to convert soluble uranyl complex to insoluble uranium dioxide.

      • KCI등재후보

        내부 그린SCM실행이 외부 그린SCM실행과 국내 제조기업의 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        윤석규,이문수,장익근 대한설비관리학회 2018 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        Recently, utilizing the supply chain among companies, major companies support their sub-vendors to establish an environmental management system and transfer the clean production technology(know-how) to them for strengthening of environmental competitiveness. Thus, Green Supply Chain Management(GSCM) became a key successful factor for companies to be environmentally sustainable. This research endeavors to identify the relationship among the inside and outside GSCM implementation activities of Korean manufacturing companies and their financial, operational and environmental performances. Based on a the review of previous research findings, twenty one hypotheses are developed and examined. Total 251 valid responses from 1,634 survey responses are identified and the structural equation models(SEM) are developed and analysed for examining our hypotheses. The result shows that inside GSCM has a positive effect on outside GSCM. Also, it reveals that companies’ performances are more positively affected by inside GSCM than by outside GSCM.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        YIG, Bi:YIG, TbBi:YIG 단결정 후막의 성장과 특성

        윤석규,김근영,김명진,이형만,김회경,윤대호 한국세라믹학회 2003 한국세라믹학회지 Vol.40 No.7

        Y$_3$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$(YIG), $Y_3$Fe$_{5}$O$_{12}$(Bi:YIG), TbBi:YIG를 (GdCa)$_3$(GaMgZr)$_{5}$O$_{12}$ (SGGG)기판 위에 Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE)법으로 단결정 후막을 성장시켰다. 기판회전속도, 과냉도, 성장시간을 고정하여 치환되는 원소의 종류와 양에 따라 가네트 단결정의 격자상수, Bi 치환양, 표면형상, 자기적 특성을 조사하였다. TbBi:YIG 조성의 경우 격자상수는 12.500 $\AA$으로 기판의 격자상수인 12.496 $\AA$에 근접하게 나타났으며, 포화자계는 150 Oe로 향상된 결과가 나타났다. The single crystalline thick films of Y$_3$Fe$\sub$5/O$\sub$12/(YIG), Y$_3$Fe$\sub$5/O$\sub$12/(Bi:YIG), (TbBi)$_3$(FeAlGa)$\sub$5/O$\sub$12/ (TbBi:YIG) were grown on (GdCa)$_3$(GaMgZr)$\sub$5/O$\sub$12/ (SGGG) by Liquid Phase Epitaxy (LPE). The change of lattice mismatch, Bi concentration, characteristic of magnetic and surface morphology were investigated in the thick film growth as a function of species and amount of chemical element, while substrate rotation speed, supercooling and growth time were kept constant. It was observed that the lattice constant of garnet single crystalline thick films of TbBi:YIG (12.500 ${\AA}$) is closed to the one of the substrate (12.496 ${\AA}$). Besides magnetic field of saturation exhibits excellent results (150 Oe).

      • KCI등재

        A Land Resources Survey of the Mula Area, S. E. Spain

        윤석규,Yun, Suckew The Korean Society of Economic and Environmental G 1973 자원환경지질 Vol.6 No.1

        아건조지대(亞乾燥地帶)인 동남(東南)스페인 Mula지역(地域)에서 약(約)$400km^2$에 걸쳐 1972년(年) 봄에 실시(實施)된 본조사(本調査)의 주목적(主目的)은 지형학(地形學)을 응용(應用)하여 조사지역(調査地域)을 유사(類似)한 지질(地質), 지형(地形), 토양(土壞) 및 식물(植物)로서 특징(特徵)지어지는 일련(一連)의 land complex로 분석(分析) 결합(結合)하여 내재(內在)된 토지자원(士地資源)(land resources)의 특질(特質)을 연구(硏究)함에 있었다. 본지역(本地域)은 서북부(西北部)의 삼(三)첩~백악기(白堊記) 석회암(石灰岩), Eocene 암석암(岩石岩) 및 Oligocene 사암(妙岩)으로 된 습곡산맥(褶曲山脈)과 구릉지대(丘陵地帶), 중앙부(中央部)의 Miocene marl과 이를 덮는 석회암(石灰岩)의 개암층(蓋岩層)으로 된 일련(一連)의 탁상지군(卓狀地群)과 이에 병행(倂行)하는 동(同) marl과 충적층으로 된 Mula 강(江) 유역(流域)의 저지대(低地帶), 그리고 동남부(東南部)의 Miocene marl 및 석회질(石灰質) 또는 묘질암(妙質岩)의 호층(互層)으로 된 cuesta 지대(地帶)로 구성(構成)되어 있으며 이들은 동북동일서남서(東北東一西南西)의 방향(方向)으로 평행배열(平行配列)을 이루어 기반암층(基盤岩層)의 동사구조(同料構造)와 이에 대한 차별침식(差別浸蝕)의 결과(結果)를 나타내고 있다. 총(總) 26개(個)의 land complex로 분류(分類)된 본지역(本地域)의 토양(土壞)은 대체(大體)로 담색(淡色) 석회질(石灰質) 광물성토양(鑛物性土壤)으로 pH 7 이상(以上)의 강한 알칼리성(性)을 띰으로서 주(主)로 이회질(泥灰質) 모물질(母物質)로 부터 이루어 졌음을 반영(反映)하고 있으며 지표(地表)의 기복(起伏) 조건(條件)에 의(依)해 slope catena를 이루고 있다. 본지역(本地域)에 있어서의 토지이용(土地利用)은 주(主)로 Sequra 및 Mula 강(江) 유역(流域)의 단구상(段丘狀) 충적층상에서의 영구관개(永久灌漑)에 의(依)한 Citrus 재배(栽培)와 저구배(低句配) 경사지(傾斜地)에 있어서의 건륙(乾陸) 곡물경작(穀物耕作)으로 특징(特徵)지어 진다. 고구배지대(高勾配地帶)나 shrub 지대내(地帶內)에서의 선구적(先驅的) 개(閒)간은 주(主)로 천수(天水)가 모이는 배수곡(排水谷)을 따라 이루어지고 있으나 이미 그 한계(限界)에 달하고 있다. 아건조기후하(亞乾燥氣候下)에 있는 본지역(本地域)에 있어서 물의 혜택(惠擇)은 천연(天然) 및 경작식물(耕作植物)의 소장(消長)에 있어서 가장 근본적(根本的) 요인(要因)이며 표토유실(表土流失) 및 우곡작용(雨谷作用)은 자연보존(自然保存) 및 토지자원관리상(土地資源管理上) 기본적(基本的)으로 고려(考慮)해야 할 중요(重要)한 요인(要因)이다. A land resources survey in the semi-arid area, Mula in S. E. Spain, of $400km^2$ is compiled. The basic aim of the project is to investigate the intrinsic qualities of the land resources of the area by means of applying an integrated method of natural resources survey mainly concerning with analysis and synthesis of land complexes, each of them represents an area or a group of areas with similar patterns of landforms, soils and vegetation, based on a geomorphological approach. The area is characterized by a linear arrangement of relief pattern with an asymmetric homoclinal repetition of slope attitudes elongating WSW-ENE, dipping steeply on the NW sides and gently on the SE sides, which have been resulted from the post-Alpine folding of the Triassic to Cretaceous limestone, the Eocene limestone, the Oligocene sandstone and the lower Miocene limestone and marl, and the post-lower Miocene faulting, tilting and subsequent differential erosion of the Miocene sedimentary formations. An integrated body of information in geology, landforms, soils and vegetation, which are significantry interrelated as an environmental complex, has been obtained. Using this data, 26 land complexes developing on the various situations of landforms, such as folded mountain ranges, tilted tablelands, bevelled cuestas, degraded hill-lands associating with enormous foots lopes, undulating terrains and terraced or flat plains, have been differentiated, mapped and described. The soils of the area are mostly light colored calcic lithosols which have been derived dominantly from the marly parent materials and developed into remarkable slope catenas in some places depending on the relief conditions. The land uses of the area are mainly characterized by the perennially irrigated cultivation of citrus orchards along the terraced alluvial deposits fringing the Segura and Mula River, and the dry-land cereal cultivation on gentler slopes. Pioneer dry-land cultivations within the shrubs on steeper slopes are restricted to the unchannelled tributary drainage floors. The availability of water is a fundamental controlling factor for existence of native and cultivated vegetation as a whole, and a number of active processes including sheet wash and gully erosion, especially on the scarp slopes, are the other important factors to be considered in conservation and management of the land in the area.

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