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      • 농촌경관보전직불제 성과 분석과 발전과제 도출

        성주인(Joo-In Seong),박주영(Ju-Young Park) 한국농어촌관광학회 2008 농어촌관광연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study evaluates the effects of the Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation and proposes the improvements to the program. For that, we firstly examined the present condition of the Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation. Secondly, we specified the effect factors of the Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation based on the literature review and evaluated the effects. Lastly, we made the suggestions for improving the Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation and the policy measures for management of rural landscape. The Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation gets the considerable results. But it is the limitation that the target village residents seldom act in order to manage the rural landscape except the cultivation of landscape plants. In the shot term, the Direct Payment Program for rural landscape conservation should be enlarged through improving the problems. And in the long term, it is important to provide the target village residents with incentives in order to act voluntarily for the rural landscape management.

      • 2012 지역발전지수를 활용한 농어촌 실태 분석과 정책개선방안 연구

        송미령(Mi-Ryung Song),김광선(Kwang-Sun Kim),성주인(Ju-In Seong),채종현(Jong-Hyun Chae),최용욱(Yong-Woog Choi) 한국농촌경제연구원 2012 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        이 연구는 공식적인 통계자료를 기반으로 지역의 발전 정도 및 잠재역량을 파악할 수 있는 지역발전지수를 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이미 우리 연구원에서 개발하였던 지역발전지수를 수정·보완함으로써 중앙정부나 지자체에서 지역발전정책을 수립하는 데 어떤 분야에 역점을 둘 것이며 어떤 분야 간 조합을 이뤄낼 것인가에 관한 정보를 제공하고자 하였다. 지역발전지수는 특별시 및 광역시의 구 단위를 제외한 161개 시·군 지역을 대상으로 하며, 이 지역들의 발전 정도 및 잠재역량을 측정하는데 선택한 20개의 지표를 삶터, 일터, 쉼터, 공동체의 터의 4가지로 분류한 후, 전문가 조사에 따른 가중치를 부여하여 영역별 지수를 개발하였다. 또 영역별 지수를 종합하여 종합지수를 도출하였다. 2012년 지역발전지수를 분석한 결과, 우선 삶터(생활서비스 지수) 영역에서는 여전히 인구가 많지 않은 농어촌 지역의 생활서비스 공급 기반이 취약하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 주거, 교육, 복지 여건은 사람이 살아가는데 가장 기초적인 여건이라는 점에서 정책 선회의 필요성을 확인하였다. 둘째, 일터(지역경제력 지수) 영역에서는 수도권과 부산 주변과 남동임해공업지대에 위치한 시·군이 주로 상위권을 차지하였다. 셋째, 쉼터(삶의 여유공간 지수) 영역에서는 백두대간 및 해안지역에 위치한 시·군 중심으로 상위권이 구성되었다. 문화생활 및 쾌적하고 여유 있는 삶을 추구하는 최근의 경향을 고려해 볼 때, 도시공원, 문화·체육 시설 등을 조성하여 환경을 개선시킴으로써 상위권으로 도약한 일부 지역들의 사례는 주목할 만하다. 넷째, 공동체의 터(주민활력 지수) 영역에서는 대도시 인근에 위치한 시·군이 주로 상위권에 분포하였다. 도시 지역에서의 일자리 집중과 농어촌 지역에서의 고령화 및 인구감소 추세를 반영한 결과이다. 시계열 변화를 살펴보면, 생활서비스 지수에서 상위권을 차지한 지역은 대체로 도시 지역으로, 2010년과 2012년 사이에 큰 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 지역경제력 지수에서도 상위권은 2012년 역시 2010년과 유사하게 수도권과 대도시권에 분포하였는데, 50위권에 신규 진입한 시·군이 6곳에 머물 정도로 순위가 견고히 유지되는 경향을 보였다. 그러나 중하위권에서는 순위 변동이 많았으며 순위가 큰 폭으로 상승한 지역의 경우 농어촌형 산업에서의 창업에 기인하는 경우가 많았다. 삶의 여유공간 지수는 2010년에는 강원도에 상위권이 주로 분포했던 반면, 2012년에는 경남북 및 전남북 일부 지역으로 확산되는 모습을 보였다. 주민활력 지수를 보면, 2012년 역시 2010년과 유사하게 수도권과 대도시 중심으로 상위권이 형성되었으며 지수의 순위 변동 폭 역시 크지 않았다. 다만, 농림수산식품부에서 시행해 온 지자체별 ‘도시민 농촌유치 지원사업’시범사업에 참여한 시·군 10곳 중 9곳 지자체들의 지수 상승 폭이 크거나 최소한 타 지역 대비 주민활력 지표가 우수하다는 점은 주목할 만하다. 2012년 특별 지수로는 근래 사회적 현안에 맞추어 ‘일자리 창출’을 그 테마로 정하였다. ‘지속가능한 일자리 창출 지수’를 신규 창업, 창업 안정성, 대안적 일자리의 지표로 설정하였다. 신규 창업 지표에 있어서는 수도권 등 대도시 인근 지역, 창업의 안정성 지표에 있어서는 전라도와 경상도 지역의 농어촌 지역, 대안적 일자리 지표에 있어서는 고른 지역이 각각 상위권을 차지하였다. 일자리 창출에 있어서 삶터, 일터, 쉼터, 공동체 터로서의 지역 조건들이 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대하여 살펴본 결과, 각 조건들이 다양한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 예를 들어 기업의 신규 창출을 통해 일자리를 늘리기 위해서는 신규주택 공급, 비고령 인구 유입, 지자체 재정기반 확충 등이 매우 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 이에 덧붙여 지적재산권과 일자리 창출 간 상관관계에 대하여도 간략히 살펴보았으며, 정부가 최근 몇 년간 시행하였던 재정 지원형 일자리 창출 정책의 맹점을 살펴보았고 이에 따른 시사점을 도출하였다. The purpose of this study is to develop 2012 Regional Development Index(RDI) for improving the policy-making processes and strategies for rural development. The target of this study was 161 cities and counties nationwide excluding the districts of Seoul and other six metropolitan cities in South Korea(out of consideration for comparability). RDI, a comprehensive index, is composed of four sectoral indices; ‘Living Service Index’, ‘Regional Economy Index’, ‘Space for Relaxation Index’, and ‘Resident Vitality Index’. To reflect experts’ perspectives and further ensure this study’s robustness, we utilized analytic hierarchy program(AHP) in judging each index’s weighted values. According to 2012 RDI, three sectoral indices among the four except the ‘Space for Relaxation Index’ showed that the cities and counties around metropolitan areas were ranked high compared with others places. The result illustrates government policy’s tendency for concentrated investment around densely populated areas, jobs that have been created around cities, and the aging trend and decrease of rural population nationwide. It inevitably directs policy-makers towards reconsidering their regional development strategies. This study also includes a specialized index, ‘Job Creation Sustainability Index(JCSI)’, in which we tried to analyze the extent of correlation between RDI and job creation around the cities and counties. This time it first tracked down how the target cities and counties fared in three categories of the index (to understand the trends in job creation in South Korea); ‘Newly-created Jobs’, ‘Job Creation Sustainability’, and ‘Alternative Job Creation’. Then, in the analysis of the correlation between RDI and job creation, we found out that factors like the provision of new housing, the influx of “non-aged” population, and the extent of the soundness of regional governments’ financial status were crucial for increasing the number of jobs created.

      • KCI등재후보

        세침 폐생검 세포검사의 진단적 의의

        김영철(Young Chol Kim),박용주(Yong Ju Park),김두섭(Doo Sub Kim),홍득민(Duk Min Hong),양윤식(Yoon Shig Yang),심원보(Won Bo Shim),윤중근(Jung Geun Yoon),김종인(Jong In Kim),성주(Seong Joo Lee),이태원(Tae Won Lee) 대한내과학회 1991 대한내과학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        N/A Seventy-five patients with either pulmonary nodules or masses that could not be confirmed with sputum examination or bronchoscopic examination underwent transthoracic fineneedle aspiration with 22 or 23 gauze needles under fluoroscopy for cytologic diagnosis. There were 51 men and 24 women, and the age range was 43-78 years old. The lesion distribution and sizes were as follow: 48 cases in the right lung, 2l cases in the left lung, 23 cases under 4 cm in size, and 52 cases over 4 cm in size. There were no meaningful correlations in lesion size or site with malignant or benign cytologic findings. Among the 46 malignant cases squamous cell carcinoma was 32 cases, large cell carcinoma 5 cases, small cell carcinoma 4cases, lymphoma 3 cases, and bronchioalveolar carcinoma 2 cases. Among the other cases, pulmonary tuberculosis was. 11 cases and lung abcess 3 cases. Among the 49 cases proven malignant after operation or follow-up by now, 46 cases were malignant at fine- needle aspiration biopsy cytology (sensitivity 93.9%), and among the 23 cases proven benign after follow up, all showed no malignancy by fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology (specificity 100%). Three cases failed in the follow-up due to various causes. In the benign cases, there were some who had difficulty in being diagnosed with this procedure alone, but we were helped a great deal in differentiating malignancies by this procedure. Complications were minimal, but 5 cases of pneumoth-orax occurred, and 2 cases among these needed closed thoracotomy and soon improved. In conclusion, transthoracic fine-needle aspiration biopsy cytology is very helpful in diagnosing patients with lung nodules or masses that failed to be confirmed with sputum examination or bronchoscopic procedure and in differentiating a malignant state from a benign one, with minimal complications. So, active clinical trial of this procedure is recommended.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        페놀베타인 유도체합성: 프로토베르베린에서 C-환의 관능기도입 및 BC-환의 화학적 변환

        성주(Seong Ju Woo),황순호(Soon Ho Hwang),박예진(Yea Jin Park),홍유화(You Hwa Hong),이마세(Ma Se Lee),김인종(In Jong Kim),김신규(Sin Kyu Kim) 대한약학회 1996 약학회지 Vol.40 No.6

        Betaine was treated with hydrochloric acid and then with sodium borohydride to give a hydroxy compound 2. The reaction of 2 with thionyl chloride followed by thiourea led a compound 5. Oxidation of compound 2 with pyridinium dichromate(PDC) and succesive treatment with Lawesson''s reagent also afforded the same compound 5. Cleavage of N-C14 bond compound of 7 was carried out via two reaction sequence from the compound 4. Finally, compound 10 was sythesized by a series of transformations from the compound 4.

      • 웨이퍼 단면 연삭기 구조물의 최적설계 및 강성평가

        최영휴(Young-Hyu Choi),김인수(In-Su Kim),성주(Seong-Ju Choi),하상백(Sang-Baek Ha),안대균(Dae-Kyun Ahn) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.6

        In this paper, an optimum design method based on G.A. with variable penalty was applied to the structural design optimization of a wafer grinding machine for minimum weight and maximum stiffness. The contradictive objectives were converted into a single objective function by using weighting method and introducing compliance instead of stiffness. The design optimization conducts static- and dynamic-optimizations successively. In the dynamic optimization, the solution having best fitness is selected among GDS(Good Design Solution set), which is the set of solutions having relatively higher fitness. GDS is obtained from static design optimization process. after design optimization, the dynamic compliance of the machine structure was reduced by 14.6% with a little increase of weight by 2.3% than before. The measured compliance of the optimum designed wafer grinding machine showed good agreement with the theoretical optimization result.

      • KCI등재

        페놀베타인 유도체합성 및 항암 활성검토: 프로토베르베린에서 C-환의 화학적 변환

        성주,박예진,황순호,홍유화,이마세,김동현,김인종,김신규,U, Seong-Ju,Park, Ye-Jin,Hwang, Sun-Ho,Hong, Yu-Hwa,Lee, Ma-Se,Kim, Dong-Hyeon,Kim, In-Jong,Kim, Sin-Gyu 대한약학회 1996 약학회지 Vol.40 No.5

        The 13-hydroxyberbine(1), derived from berberinephenolbetaine, has been derivatized to furnish a variety of compounds such as 13-oxoberbine(2), 13-thioberbine(3), 13-chloroberbi ne(4), 13-(2-methylaziridine)berbine(5) and 13-carbolactoneberbine(6). Antitumor activity of these compounds was tested.

      • KCI등재후보

        낙동강 하구 저서층의 환경요인과 저서미생물의 분포

        김성한,윤인길,성주,김영의,권오섭 ( Seong Han Kim,In Kil Yoon,Seong Ju Song,Young Eui Kim,O Seob Kwon ) 한국하천호수학회 1996 생태와 환경 Vol.29 No.3

        Depth profiles of physico-chemical parameters and distributions of benthic microorganisms were measured at the sediments of Ulsukdo, Naktong Estuary to identify the relatedness with the anaerobic degradation of sedimented organic matters. The organic contents, total nitrogen, and total phosphorous were decreased with increasing depth, but the patterns of inorganic nutrients of porewater showed no distinct profiles. Among inorganic sulfur compounds, the concentration of sulfide was varied with the depth. The observation that the highest cell numbers of total bacteria, heterotrophic bacteria, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria, and sulfate-reducing bacteria were found in the uppermost layer of the sediment was well coincided with the depth profiles of parameters of nutrient loading. At the upper layer of sediments, the density of methanogens was lower than that of sulfate-reducing bacteria, but at the lower layer, the former was higher. With this result, it could be supposed that at the upper sediments layer of Ulsukdo the fermentation products of organics were degraded mainly by sulfate-reducing bacteria but at the lower layer methanogens were the main degrading ones. Although the depth profiles of organic contents and sulfur bacteria had similar patterns, the distributions of inorganic sulfur compounds except sulfide were nearly constant and the cell numbers of sulfur bacteria were only a very few portions of total bacterial counts. These resulsts suggest that the effects of sulfur bacteria on the cycling of sedimented organics might be negligible at Ulsukdo of Naktong River Estuary.

      • 페놀베타인 유도체합성(XI)

        성주,박예진,황순호,홍유화,김남재,김인종,김신규 慶熙大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.25 No.-

        Tetrahydroberberine-13-one was treated with ethylchloroformate to give the C_8-N bond cleaved product 1. On the treatment with Lawesson's reagent (LAS), chloroketone 2 derived from the hydrolysis of 1 afforded the thioketone 3. On the other hand, spirotype-chloroketone 4 was transformed to diaziridine 8 by a reduction, chlorination and aziridine introduction. Also, spirotype-chlorothioketone 6 was obtained from chloroketone 4.

      • 건강 무증상인에서 상부 위장관 내시경 소견

        이재준,오성웅,정배기,윤중근,김종인,성주,설상영 인제대학교 1989 仁濟醫學 Vol.10 No.4

        건강 신체검사를 위해 내원한 73례의 무증상 건강인에서 상부 위장관 내시경검사를 실시하여 23례에서 이상 소견을 관찰하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고한다. In a prospective study, 73 asymptomatic healthy persons, who were received routine physical examination, 18 to 60 years of age, were screened by esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Twenty-three (31.5%) showed abnormal endoscopic findings. Some volunteers had more than one of lesion or more than one grade of lesion in each anatomic location. In 6 (8.2%) of these subjects the esophagus was a site of lesion, while in 20 (27.4%) the stomach was involved, and in 15 (20.5%) the duodenum was involved. Endoscopic diagnosis of these asymptomatic subjects were 5.5% for erosive esophagitis, 17.8% for erosive gastritis, 1.4% for gastric ulcer, 12.3% for duodenitis and 2.7% for duodenal ulcer.

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