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      • KCI등재

        15세기 국어 ‘N1+ㅅ+N2’ 구성 속 사이시옷의 정체성과 관련한 제문제

        김정인 ( Kim Jung-in ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.83 No.-

        본고는 15세기 국어의 ‘N1+ㅅ+N2’ 구성에 출현하는 속격의 ‘ㅅ’과 사잇소리의 두 개념으로 존재하였다면 사잇소리의 구체적인 음운론적 기능과 출현 환경, 기원은 무엇인지를 규명하고 훈민정음 창제 당시의 문헌에서 ‘ㅅ’ 외에 ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅸ, ㆆ’ 등의 표기가 보이는 이유와 이들의 정체는 어떻게 규정할 수 있는가에 목적을 두고 기술되었다. 구 구성에서 합성어로의 변화와 맞물려 15세기 음절말 ‘ㅅ’의 외파화에서 불파화로의 변화가 발생하면서 N2 두음의 음운 변화를 유발하는 ‘ㅅ’은 본래 속격의 문법형태소에서 비롯되었으나 음운론적 기능을 갖는 사잇소리로서 언중들에게 새로이 인식되었을 것으로 보인다. 이러한 관점은 ‘바믈’ 등에서 출현하는 ‘ㅅ’ 역시 이미 문법형태소로는 인식되지 않았지만 그것이 출현하는 음운론적 환경을 보았을 때, 음가 실현은 불가능하나 해당 구성이 이미 합성어로 굳어진 관계로 단지 표기로만 존재했었다는 추정을 가능하게 한다는 점에서 주목된다. 한편 그 당시 합성어와 구 구성을 구분하는 어떠한 기준에 의하여 당대의 표기자들은 이를 ‘ㅅ’과 ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅸ, ㆆ’ 등으로 나누어 전자는 속격의 문법형태소 ‘ㅅ’을 위한 표기로, 후자는 사잇소리를 나타내기 위한 표기로 사용하였는데 이는 음절말 ‘ㅅ’의 불파화와 맞물려 이들 표기의 실제 발음이 유의미한 차이가 나지 않게 되어 궁극적으로는 ‘ㅅ’으로의 합류를 초래하였다. 궁극적으로 이는 사이시옷이 개재된 표기를 두고 해석상의 여러 혼선을 빚게 된 주요 원인으로 지목될 수 있다. In the 15<sup>th</sup> century, Sait-Sori, inherently rooted in the genitive, appeared as glottalization or nasal assimilation by unreleased ‘ㅅ’ at the end of a syllable in ‘N1+N2’ composition. Since Sait-Sori did not have anything to do with compounds and unreleasing, it is assumed that phrases and compounds coexisted even before unreleasing appeared. The change from phrases to compounds and from releasing to unreleasing made the public recognize ‘ㅅ’ which caused phonological change of initial sound of N2 as Sait-Sori that had phonological function. This aspect is deserved to be noticed because it can make an assumption- ‘ㅅ’ of ‘바□믈’ was not also recognized as the genitive but based on its phonological situation, it was just a writing without any phonetic value as it was already a compound in the 15<sup>th</sup> century- possible. At that time, some criteria distinguishing phrases and compounds made writers use ‘ㅅ’ and ‘ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅸ, ㆆ’ separately, or the former was written when genitive marker was necessary and the latter was for Sait-Sori. These two were not distinguished anymore because ‘ㅅ’ was unreleased at the end of a syllable. As a result, this can be figured out a main reason to cause confusion in interpreting ‘ㅅ’ in the 15<sup>th</sup> century.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        복수가 동반된 간경변증을 가진 말기 신부전 환자에서 복막투석의 안정성

        김정인 ( Jung In Kim ),이정은 ( Jung Eun Lee ),백현정 ( Hyun Jeong Baek ),최성철 ( Sung Chul Choi ),도정호 ( Jung Ho Do ),허우성 ( Woo Seong Huh ),윤구 ( Yoon Goo Kim ),대중 ( Dae Joong Kim ),오하영 ( Ha Young Oh ) 대한신장학회 2007 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose : When liver cirrhosis patients accompanying ascites need renal replacement therapy because of chronic renal failure (CRF), peritoneal dialysis (PD) can allow direct removal of ascites and prevent anticoagulants use. However, since PD might aggravate hypoalbuminemia and increase chances of peritonitis, clinicians tend to hesitate to apply it to those patients. The aim of the present study is to assess the outcome and stability of PD for the treatment of CRF patient with cirrhosis accompanying ascites. Methods : A retrospective study based on the clinical records was performed in cirrhotic patients with ascites in whom PD was performed for the treatment of CRF and who were followed up at Samsung Medical Center unit, between January 1995 and July 2005. Results : In our study, 15 patients were enrolled. Child-pugh class was worse in non-survival group than survival group (p<0.01). One-year patient survival was 40% in Class C and 75% in Class B, and patient survival differed between Class C and Class B (p=0.0014). Causes of death were terminal liver failure (n=6) and sepsis due to pneumonia (n=1). Total 27 episodes of peritonitis occurred, and the peritonitis rates were 0.91 episodes/patients-year. Conclusion : Although the peritonitis rates turned out somewhat high, the use of PD for the treatment of CRF in patients with liver cirrhosis accompanying ascites seems to be safe and effective. Main cause of death in our study seems to be related to liver disease.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전반기 普天敎의 浮沈과 民族運動

        김정인 ( Kim Jung-in ) 한국민족운동사학회 2001 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.29 No.-

        There are still plenty of debates and discussions addressing the matter of quasi-religions going on in the society, and BoChunGyo, the typical example of one of the so-called ‘New Religions' which had come into existence in the Occupation era, is undoubtedly one of the hot spots. This study intended to shed some light on the rise and fall of the BoChunGyo faction, which tried to reform itself into a modernized religion and to affiliate themselves with the National Movement front but instead only failed in the end. This study also noted the fact that BoChunGyo faction was recognized as being a quasi-religion not only by the oppressing Japanese authorities or other quasi―religion factions which were embroiled in their own power struggles, but also by the National Movement front which already had their own point of views able to classify healthy religions(which required to possess certain qualities of modernity and nationality in it) and unhealthy heresies. Though after the 3.1 Movement the size of the BoChunGyo faction was enlarged, its efforts for reformation and attempts to join the National Movement front have eventually failed with their organization of a Pro-Japanese party named ShiGook DaeDongDan. The progressive members have parted company with the BoChunGyo faction in the process, and the faction itself was alienated by other political parties, but for different reasons. The Japanese authorities recognized the faction as being a heretical religion with anti-Japanese agendas, and the National Movement front(including the Socialists) condemned the faction for acting against the cause of the National Movement and also being just so premodern in its nature. The negative sentimentality against BoChunGyo religion which nowadays is still pretty active, was already firmly established in those times. It should be noted that, it was not only because BoChunGyo faction lacked some critical and necessary elements for being a modernized religion nor the Japanese authorities intentionally spreaded malign propaganda to oppress the faction, that they were condemned of being a premodern and anti-social, heretical quasi-religion. It was also because the faction actually conducted many political actions which demonstrated their agendas were indeed against the cause of the National Movement. So it becomes clear that the fact that BoChunGyo suffered heavy damage by the concentrated oppression of the Japanese authorities, or the fact that they attempted to launch some petty joint effort with the National Movement, or the fact that many of its believers and followers were peasants, does not necessarily mean or indicate that there were any significant redeeming quality within the faction.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 귀족의 예절, 평민의 예절, 그리고 규율, 에라스무스와 드 라 살의 예절서

        김정인 ( Jung In Kim ) 호남사학회(구 전남사학회) 2015 역사학연구 Vol.58 No.-

        노르베르트 엘리아스는 1939년에 발간된 그의 책 『문명화과정』에서 예절이 만들어지고 확산되는 과정을 중세 봉건사회의 쿠르투와지와 근대 절대주의 시대의 시빌리테, 그리고 19세기 시민사회의 시빌리자시옹의 단계로 구분하여 설명한다. 그리고 그의 설명에서 에라스무스의 『어린이의 예절에 관하여』라는 작은 책과 장-밥티스트 드 라 살의 『기독인의 예의범절에 대한 규칙들』이라는 책은 200여년의 차이를 두고 이 예절들이 궁정귀족으로부터 부르주아지 상층부로 그리고 다시 일반 평민들에게 전파되는 방식을 보여주는 중요한 근거로 이용되고 있다. 중세로부터 19세기로 이어지는 근대국가 형성의 대서사시와 연결된 문명화과정을 수많은 예절서들을 근거로 설명하는 데 주력했던 이 저서는, 아동기의 발견이라는 다른 관점에서 출발했지만, 비슷한 자료와 방법론을 이용했던 필립 아리에스의 성공 이후 재발간되어 심성사의 한 축으로 간주되었다. 이제는 고전이 되어버린 이 저서들은 중세로부터 19세기로 이어지는 수많은 예절서들을 함께 분석하면서 파노라마와 같이 전개되는 예절의 변형을 서술하고 있다. 이 방식을 따르는 대신, 이 논문에서는 앞의 두 권의 책만을 대상으로 하여 그 공통점과 차이점을 분석할 것이다. 에라스무스의 책은 귀족의 아이에게 헌정된 책이고 따라서 귀족층의 예절을 설명하고 있다. 반면 장-바티스트 드 라 살은 먼저 교사가 될 수도회의 수사들과 이들이 가르칠 아이들을 독자로 하여 책을 썼기 때문에 민중들에게 예의범절을 확산시킬 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 후자의 책이 에라스무스의 예절을 차용하면서도 지금에 와서는 우스꽝스럽게 여겨질 내용들을 상세히 규정하고 있는 것이나, 윗사람과 아랫사람의 구분을 항상 분명히 하고 그 우선순위를 강조하는 것이 이 때문이다. 한편 그의 예의범절은 학교 규율과 관련하여 특히 주목할 만하다. 이 수도회에서 운영하는 학교들에서 진행되는 모든 일들이 규칙에 따라 엄격히 규정되어 있기 때문이며 그 바탕에 이 예의범절이 깔려 있기 때문이다. In his book The Civilizing Process(1939), Norbert Elias explained the process of creation and diffusion of the manners in three stages, such as the courtoisie in the middle ages, the civility in the modern absolutism, and the civilization in the nineteenth century. He made wide use of two works for the key evidence of his analysis that the manners had spread from the court noblesse through the elite of bourgeoisie to the common people for 200 years. One is Erasmus`` On Civility in Boys and the other Jean Baptiste de La Salle``s The Rules of the Christian Decorum and Civility. Elias`` book explicated the civilizing process connected with the epopee of the modern state formation from the middle ages to the nineteenth century. His work has been reprinted and regarded as a classic of history of mentality, after the success of Philippe Aries who tried to find out a different concept of childhood while utilizing similar sources and methodology as his. These classics show in what way the manners had been transformed like a panorama, analyzing a great number of etiquette books from the middle ages to the nineteenth century. Instead of following that approach, however, the paper will examine the similarities and differences of the civility and the decorum which were attributed to the nobles and the commons, only looking at the works of Erasmus and La Salle. Erasmus`` book, dedicated to a son of nobility, described the manners of the nobility while La Salle aimed to spread the manners to the people, bearing in mind the church brothers and their future students as his readers. Thus the latter, drawing on the manners of Erasmus, regulated the contents of manners in more detail, which seems ridiculous in our days. It also gave a great emphasis on the distinction between the superiors and the inferiors. His civility and decorum deserve particular attention with regard to the school discipline. Because the whole life of church schools were strictly regulated by the Congregation in accordance with the rigorously defined rules based on those civility and decorum.

      • IRMA 검사법 중 알고리즘 변경에 따른 장비 간 결과값 비교분석

        김정인,권원현,이경재,Kim, Jung In,Kwon, Won Hyun,Lee, Kyung Jae 대한핵의학기술학회 2019 핵의학 기술 Vol.23 No.2

        목적: 분당서울대병원 검체 검사실에서는 노후화된 전자동방사면역측정기의 교체로 인하여 새로운 자동화 장비가 도입이 되어, 검사원리가 IRMA법인 Insulin 검사로 장비 간 비교실험을 하게 되었다. 실험결과 장비간에 동일한 알고리즘인 선형 보간법을 적용하였음에도 불구하고 특히 저농도값에서 현저한 값 차이를 보였다. 이에 실험실내 보유중인 SR300, Gamma 10, Gamma Pro, Cobra 감마카운터 각각의 장비에 2가지의 알고리즘을 다르게 적용시켰을 때 값 차이를 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 검사원리가 IRMA법인 검사법 중 주로 자동화 장비에 검사가 시행 되고 있는 TSH, Ferritin, C-peptide, Insulin 4종목을 각각 10검체씩 저, 중, 고농도 값으로 선별하여 총 30개씩 동일한 검사항목에 대해서 SR300, Gamma 10, Gamma Pro, Cobra 카운터 장비에 선형 보간법과 스플라인 보간법으로 적용했을 때의 결과 값 차이를 비교하여 보았다. 결과: TSH, Ferritin, C-Peptide, Insulin 항목의 결과값에 선형 보간법과 스플라인 보간법을 다르게 적용시켜 장비간 상관성 검사를 시행한 결과 결정계수 $R^2$ 값은 0.9이상으로 모든 장비에서 상관성은 우수한 결과를 나타내었지만 통계적으로 유의성 검증결과 장비간 비교에서는 TSH를 제외하고 Ferritin, C-Peptide, Insulin 항목은 P값의 유의성이 0.001 미만으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 선형 보간법과 스플라인 보간법 간의 결과값 비교에서는 TSH, ferritin, insulin을 제외하고 C-peptide 항목만 P값의 유의성이 0.03으로 보간법 간에 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. Insulin 낮은 값 영역에서 장비간 비교한 결과 P값의 유의성이 0.001 미만으로 Gamma Pro, Gamma 10, Cobra, SR300 카운터 장비간에 유의한 차이가 있었고 선형 보간법과 스플라인 보간법 간의 결과값 비교에서도 P값의 유의성이 0.001 미만으로 보간법간에 서로 유의한 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 결론: 연구결과 검사원리가 IRMA법이면서 linear 보간법인 검사결과를 살펴보면 장비마다 Curve Fitting 방식 차이에 따라 Standard 0값을 설정해주는 기대치와 실측치의 값에 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 원인으로 인해서 저농도 결과값에 영향을 미치고 장비 간에 차이가 유발됨을 알 수 있었다. Purpose The principle of nuclear medicine test is divided into two main categories: competition(radioimmunoassay, RIA) and noncompetitive reaction(Immunoradiometric assay, IRMA). It is known that the curve fitting method, which is commonly used in inspection field, uses Spline interpolation in RIA method and Linear interpolation method in IRMA method. Among them, the insulin test using the IRMA test showed a significant difference, especially at low concentrations, despite the same algorithm of linear interpolation between fully automated radio immunoassay analyzers. In this study, we aim to obtain results from applying two different of algorithm using fully automated radio immunoassay analyzers including Gamma pro, Gamma 10, Cobra, and SR300. Materials and Methods A total of 30 test samples were selected for the test of TSH, ferritin, C-peptide, and insulin serum levels. Test was performed by IRMA method. We compared the difference in the results of applying the linear interpolation method and the spline interpolation method to Gamma Pro, Gamma 10, Cobra, and SR300 equipment. Results Two-way ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The significance level was applied as P <0.05. The results of TSH, ferritin, C-peptide, and insulin tests were compared between the fully automated radio immunoassay analyzers. There was a significant difference between ferritin, C-peptide, and insulin serum levels(P<0.001). TSH didn't show any significant different between the devices(P=0.29). In the difference between linear and spline interpolation, there was no significant difference between insulin test(P=0.08), TSH test(P=0.81), and Ferritin test(P=0.06). However, C-peptide test showed a significant difference(P=0.03). Especially, the insulin test showed significant difference in lower ranges. As a result of comparing and analyzing the difference between the two interpolation methods, the devices in the low concentration group showed significant difference(P<0.001). Conclusion In case of new equipment in the laboratory it is necessary to recognize that there is a difference in the curve fitting method for each automated radio immunoassay analyzers in the low concentration area when the principle of inspection is IRMA method.

      • KCI등재후보

        국소 허혈성 뇌졸중 모델 흰쥐의 인지기능에 반복경두개자기자극이 미치는 효과

        정인 ( Jung In Lee ),계엽 ( Gye Yeop Kim ),남기원 ( Ki Won Nam ),이동우 ( Dong Woo Lee ),기도 ( Ki Do Kim ),경윤 ( Kyung Yoon Kim ) 대한물리의학회 2012 대한물리의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose:This study is intended to examine the repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on cognitive function in the focal ischemic stroke rat model. Methods:This study selected 30 Sprague-Dawley rats of 8 weeks. The groups were divided into two groups and assigned 15 rats to each group. Control group: Non-treatment after injured by focal ischemic stroke; Experimental group: application of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(0.1 Tesla, 25 ㎐, 20 min/time, 2 times/day, 5 days/2 week) after injured by focal ischemic stroke. To assess the effect of rTMS, the passive avoidance test, spatial learning and memory ability test were analyzed at the pre, 1 day, 7th day, 14th day and immunohistochemistric response of BDNF were analyzed in the hippocampal dentate gyrus at 7th day, 14th day. Results:In passive avoidance test, the outcome of experimental group was different significantly than the control group at the 7th day, 14th day. In spatial learning and memory ability test, the outcome of experimental group was different significantly than the control group at the 7th day, 14th day, In immunohistochemistric response of BDNF in the hippocampal dentate gyrus, experimental groups was more increased than control group. Conclusion:These result suggest that improved cognitive function by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation after focal ischemic stroke is associated with dynamically altered expression of BDNF in hippocampal dentate gyrus and that is related with synaptic plasticity.

      • KCI등재

        귀족 혁명가 앙토넬 혁명의 순간들을 질주하다

        김정인(Jung-In KIM) 한국프랑스사학회 2015 프랑스사연구 Vol.- No.33

        1747년 기사 당토넬로 태어난 피에르 앙투안 앙토넬은 혁명에 적극적으로 가담하여 아를 국민방위군 장교, 최초의 민선시장, 입법의회의원, 혁명재판소 배심원 등으로 활동했다. 테르미도르 반동 이후 평등주의자의 음모에 가담했으나 실패하여 투옥되었고, 이후 급진적인 야당지인 『자유인일보』의 언론인으로서 대의 민주주의를 고안했던 그는 제정 수립 이후에도 자코뱅의 신조를 버리지 않고 저항함으로써, 1817년에 죽을 때까지 귀족이지만 변하지 않는 예외적인 인물로 남았다. 기존의 혁명사 서술에서 잊혀진, 혹은 잘못 알려진 그를 콩도르세와 당통, 로베스피에르 등과 함께 같은 반열에 세운 세르나는 그의 전기를 통해 정통주의와 수정주의의 대립을 벗어나서 프랑스 대혁명을 보는 다른 관점을 제시한다. 귀족으로서 앙토넬은 구체제의 우울증을 앓았으며, 지역에서의 자발적인 지자체 혁명을 이끌었고, 자코뱅에 가담했지만 로베스피에르와 대립했고, 소유의 평등에 대항하여 1793년 헌법의 시민적 평등을 주장함으로써 바뵈프와 달랐으며, 대의 민주주의라는 정치체제를 구상하여 혁명을 평화적으로 완성시키려 하였다. Pierre-Antoine Antonelle, born knight d’Antonelle in 1747, took part in the Revolution, being successively officer of the National Guard, first elected mayor of Arles, deputy in the Legislative, juror of Revolutionary Court in Paris. Under the Directory, he was imprisoned after the failure of the conspiracy of Equals. Out of the prison, he became the editor of the organ of the left opposition and developed the concept of representative democracy. Under the Empire, he retired to a silent dissent, maintaining his jacobin cause as “exceptional invariable” until his death in 1817. Serna place this man, forgotten or ignored until then in revolutionary historiography, alongside with Condorcet, Danton, Robespierre and offers another way of telling Revolution beyond the opposition between ‘marxism’ and ‘revisionism’. Aristocrat, Antonelle suffered from melancholy under the Ancien Regime. He led the autonomous municipal revolution and he was an actively member of the Jacobin but opposed Robespierre. He was different from Babeuf by emphasizing the civil equality of the Constitution of 1793 against the equality of property. Finally, he developed the political system of representative democracy to end the Revolution by building the process of stabilizing it.

      • KCI우수등재

        초급 한국어 통합 교재의 자모 관련 교육 실태와 제언 - 모음(자) 교육을 중심으로 -

        김정인(Kim, Jung-in) 국어국문학회 2020 국어국문학 Vol.0 No.190

        본고는 국내 12개 대학의 부설 기관에서 출간한 한국어 통합 교재를 대상으로 자모 교육, 그중에서도 모음(자) 교육과 관련한 내적 문제를 살펴보았다. 2) 모음(자) 교육의 내적 문제로는 기술 및 용어상의 오류 등의 문제와 함께 학습 효과의 신장을 위하여 고려할 필요가 있는 모음의 제시 순서 및 구성과 관련한 문제가 있다. 자모 교육은 자음자와 모음자 교육을 의미하지만 글자 학습을 진행하면서 발음학습을 병행하게 되므로 자모 교육은 사실상 글자 교육과 발음 교육 모두를 함의한다. 그런데 이 과정에서 둘의 개념에 대한 혼동이 교재 내의 기술 및 용어상의 오류로 나타나 문제가 되어 수정이 불가피하다. 이어서 모음(자)의 제시 순서와 관련한 문제를 살펴보았다. 기존의 교재는 모음(자)를 모음의 음성적 특징 내지는 모음자의 제자 원리라는 기준을 토대로 모음을 제시하고 있다. 그런데 실제로는 상기한 기준이 일관되게 적용되지 않아 학습에 효율적이지 않다. 이에 본고에서는 모음자의 제자 원리와 모음의 음성적 특성 모두를 고려하되 시각적 학습에 도움이 될 수 있게끔 하나의 표에 모음을 제시하는 방안을 제시하였다. In this paper, we focused on internal issues about Korean vowel letters and vowels teaching by Korean integrated textbooks published in 12 universities in Korea. The internal issues are related to errors of description about Korean vowel letters, vowels and terminological errors. Although teaching alphabets means teaching letters, learning alphabets basically involves their pronunciation. Considering this, teaching alphabets has to connote teaching both alphabets and their sound. Nevertheless, many textbooks are confused by the concept-Korean alphabets, Hangeul, and its sound. As this confusion results in description and terminological errors in textbooks, it is inevitable to revise them. We also looked into the issues regarding alphabetical and vowel order. Existing textbooks indicate Korean vowel letters and vowels based on the phonetic features or principle of creating vowel letters. However these criterion can’t play their role at all because they are applied inconsistently. We devised therefore two methods considering both the principle and phonetic features. As each method is visualized in one table, it is efficient for students to study Korean vowel letters and vowels.

      • KCI등재

        내병성 다수성 흰색 참깨 품종 ‘유미’

        성업(Sung-Up Kim),이명희(Myoung-Hee Lee),배석복(Sug-Bok Pae),오은영(Eun-Young Oh),김정인(Jung-In Kim),하태정(Tae-Jung Ha) 한국육종학회 2020 한국육종학회지 Vol.52 No.1

        Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is a traditional oil seed crop grown in Korea. Sesame cultivation in Korea, however, is difficult and the yield is still very low. As such, a sesame variety, ‘Yoomi,’(Sesamum indicum L.) with disease resistance and high yield was developed in 2012. It was obtained by crossing ‘Yangbaek’ and SIG950480-6-3-1 in 2001. ‘Yoomi’ has few branches and a triple capsule per node. Notably ‘Yoomi’ exhibited a resistance to Phytophthora blight disease and a lodging resistance in the field. The yield of ‘Yoomi’ was about 1.06 ton per hectare, 8% higher than that of ‘Yangbaek’. ‘Yoomi’ crude fat content was 49.7%, and lignan content was 6.62 mg/g. This variety will contribute to increasing sesame production in Korea and will be utilized in sesame breeding programs.

      • KCI등재

        일한기계번역에서 진행형てぃる의 번역처리

        김정인(Jung In Kim),문경희(Kyong Hi Moon),이종혁(Jong Hyeok Lee) 한국정보처리학회 2001 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.8 No.6

        This paper describes how to disambiguate the aspectual meaning of Japanese expression ´-te iru´ in Japanese-Korean machine translation. Due to grammatical similarities of both languages, almost all Japanese-Korean MT systems have been developed under the direct MT strategy, in which the lexical disambiguation is essential to high-quality translation. Japanese has a progressive aspectual marker ´-te iru´ which is difficult to translate into Korean equivalents because in Korean there are two different progressive aspectual markers : ´-ko issta´ for ´action progressive´ and ´-e issta´ for ´state progressive´. Moreover, the aspectual system of both languages does not quite coincide with each other, so the Korean progressive aspect could not be determined by Japanese meaning of ´-te iru´ alone. The progressive aspectual meaning may be partially determined by the meaning of predicates and also the semantic meaning of predicates may be partially restricted by adverbials, so all Japanese predicates are classified into five classes : the 1st verb is used only for ´action progressive´, 2nd verb generally for ´action progressive´, but occasionally for ´state progressive´, the 3rd verb only for ´state progressive´, the 4th verb generally for ´state progressive´, but occasionally for ´action progressive´, and the 5th verb for the others. Some heuristic rules are defined for disambiguation of the 2nd and 4th verbs on the basis of abverbs and abverbial phrases. In an experimental evaluation using more than 15,000 sentances from ´Asahi newspapers´, the proposed method improved the translation quality by about 5%, which proves that it is effective in disambiguating ´-te iru´ for Japanese-Korean machine translation.

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