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      • KCI등재
      • 지방자치단체 지리정보시스템에서 재사용을 위한 응용 서비스 컴포넌트의 설계 및 구현

        김광수,조대수,김도현,최혜옥,Kim, Kwang-Soo,Cho, Dae-Soo,Kim, Do-Hyun,Choi, Hae-Ock 한국공간정보학회 2001 개방형지리정보시스템학회 논문지 = Journal of the Korea Open Geogr Vol.3 No.1

        컴포넌트 소프트웨어의 가장 큰 장점은 응용 소프트웨어사이의 컴포넌트 재사용이다. 본 논문에서는 컴포넌트 재사용의 장점을 지리정보시스템 분야에 접목하여 지방자치단체에서 지리정보시스템을 빠르고 효과적으로 구축하기 위한 컴포넌트의 설계와 구현 방법을 설명하였다. 구현된 컴포넌트는 응용 서비스 컴포넌트로 부산시에서 1999년도에 수행한 사업과 1999년과 2000년에 개방형 GIS 컴포넌트 S/W 개발 과제의 결과물을 기반으로 지방자치단체에서 수행하는 서로 다른 업무 사이에 공통적으로 적용 가능한 기능을 도출하여 구현하였다. 분석 대상이 된 업무는 지방자치단체에서 지리정보시스템으로 구축하는 빈도가 높은 상수도관리 업무, 하수도 관리 업무, 도로 관리 업무, 도시 계획 업무, 지적 관리 업무이다. 분석 과정을 통하여 5개의 업무들 사이에 11개의 공통 기능을 추출하였으며 이 중 7개의 기능을 5개의 응용 서비스 컴포넌트로 구현하였다. 구현된 컴포넌트는 Authority, GISReport, MapService, SymbolManager, AttributeDisplay등 5개로써 사용자 관리, 측정, 검색, 출력, 인덱스 창, 심볼 관리, 속성 정보 표현, 출력 등의 기능을 수행한다. The advantages of using components result from their reusability between applications. Applications can be easily implemented by adding components. In this paper, we described the design and implementation process of ASC(Application Service Component) for component-based GIS applications. In our project, there are 5 applications : Road Facility Management, Urban Planning, Cadastral Map Management, Water Supply Management, and Sewerage Management. All of them use MapBase component which supports common GIS functionality. Although they are different applications, some parts of them are same. We analyzed the developed results in 1st and 2nd year, and the achievement of UIS(Urban Information System) project in Busan Metro City in Korea. The UIS of Busan was consisted of 5 applications to equal with our project. Then, we extracted 11 common used components between 5 applications, and implemented 5 common components of them and 2 additional components. They were Authority, GISReport, IndexMap, Measurement, Search, Symbol Manager, and Attribute Display. As we offered them to companies developing application components, they were able to reduce the development time.

      • KCI등재

        국내 해양시설의 신고 현황과 관리 방안에 관한 연구 2. 지역별 및 시설종류별 현황을 중심으로

        김광수,Kim, Kwang-Soo 해양환경안전학회 2010 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        2009년 말 기준의 국내 해양시설 신고 현황을 지역별 및 시설 종류별로 분석하고 국가차원의 관리방안을 제안하였다. 여수청에 신고한 시설이 8가지 종류로 가장 다양하였으나 포항청, 대산청 및 제주해양관리단에 신고한 시설이 각각 3가지 종류에 불과하였다. 기름 및 유해액체물질 저장시설은 모든 지방청의 신고 실적이 있고 시설의 수도 가장 많은 종류이며, 여수청과 마산청이 각 38개소로 공동 1위를, 평택청이 11개소로 최하위를 차지하였다. 오염물질저장시설은 마산청이 4개소, 동해청과 목포청이 각 2개소, 여수청, 군산청 및 평택청이 각 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 선박건조 수리 해체시설은 모든 지방청의 신고 실적이 있는 종류이며, 전국 시설(조선소)의 45%가 마산청과 부산청 관할의 남해 동부해역에 집중되었다. 하역시설은 부산청과 목포청이 각 3개소, 대산청이 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청은 신고 실적이 없었다. 폐기물저장시설은 울산청이 5개소, 군산청이 4개소, 인천청이 2개소, 여수청이 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 취수 배수시설은 전국의 65%가 포항지역과 목포지역에 집중되었고, 유어장은 전국의 78%가 마산지역에 집중되었다. 그 밖의 시설은 동해청이 4개소, 마산청이 3개소, 여수청과 평택청이 각 2개소, 인천청과 울산청이 각 1개소였으며 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 종합해양과학기지는 제주해양관리단이 3개소, 여수청, 울산청 및 군산청 각각 1개소였으나 나머지 지방청에는 신고 실적이 없었다. 해양시설에 대한 국가차원의 관리방안으로는 지방청별 여건을 고려한 관리, 시설 종류별 특성을 고려한 관리, 관계 법령 및 규정의 개정, 해양시설 종류별 이행사항 숙지 및 준수, 국가적 견지의 적극적 관리조치 등을 제안하였다. Present state of nationwide marine facilities reported to 12 regional maritime affairs and port offices of MLTM in Korea for two years 2008 and 2009 was analyzed based on region and type of facilities, and national management plan was proposed in this study. As of the end of 2009, 8 types of marine facilities were reported to Yeosu regional maritime affairs and port office, while only 3 types of facilities were reported to Pohang, Daesan and Jeju regional offices, respectively. Oil and noxious liquid substances storage facilities belonged in the type of facility which was reported to all of 12 regional offices, and ranged from 11 facilities reported to Pyeongtaek regional office to the respective 38 facilities to Yeosu and Masan regional offices. In pollutants storage facilities, 4 facilities were reported to Masan regional office, 2 facilities to Donghae and Mokpo regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Yeosu, Gunsan and Pyeongtaek regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. Ship construction, repair and scrap facilities belonged in the type of facility which was reported to all of 12 regional offices, and 45% of the facilities were concentrated in Southeastern Sea of Korea centering around Busan and Masan. In cargo handling facilities, 3 facilities were reported to Busan and Masan regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Daesan regional office, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. In wastes storage facilities, 5 facilities were reported to Ulsan regional office, 4 facilities to Gunsan regional office, 2 facilities to Incheon regional office, 1 facility to Yeosu regional office, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. 65% of nationwide water intake and drainage facilities were concentrated in the areas of Pohang and Mokpo, and 78% of nationwide fishing spots at play were concentrated in the area of Masan. In other marine facilities, 4 facilities were reported to Donghae regional office, 3 facilities to Masan regional office, 2 facilities to Yeosu and Pyeongtaek regional offices, respectively, 1 facility to Incheon and Ulsan regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. In integrated marine science base facilities, 3 facilities were reported to Jeju regional office, 1 facility to Yeosu, Ulsan and Gunsan regional offices, respectively, and none of facilities to the other regional offices. The management based on the circumstances of regional offices, the management based on the characteristics of the type of facilities, the amendment of the relevant rules and regulations, facility owner's full knowledge and observance of the relevant rules and regulations with regard to the relevant type of facilities, and positive management actions from national point of view were proposed for national management plans of marine facilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내 가축분뇨 해양배출의 현황과 대책

        김광수,Kim, Kwang-Soo 해양환경안전학회 2007 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        국내에서 가축분뇨 폐기물의 해양배출에 관한 현황 및 정부와 업계의 입장을 살펴보고, 정부(해양수산부 및 농림부)와 업계(대한양돈업협회 및 해양배출협회) 간의 갈등을 해결하는 대책을 검토하였다. 갈등해결을 위한 대책으로서 첫째, 가축분뇨 전량 육상처리의 가능성에 대한 사전 검토, 둘째, 가축분뇨 육상처리에 따른 민원해결방안의 강구, 셋째, 법제화된 규칙의 시행 가능성에 대한 사전검토, 넷째, 양돈업계나 해양배출업계와 같은 관련 업계를 위한 지원 방안의 강구, 다섯째, 국가차원의 폐기물해양배출제도 전면 재검토 등이 제시되었다. In order to take measures for solving conflicts between the relevant Ministries of Korean government such as MOMAF(Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and MAF(Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) and the relevant industry circles such as KSA(Korea Swine Association) and KODA(Korea Ocean Dumping Association) regarding the prohibition of ocean dumping of livestock excreta wastes from land, the present conditions of marine disposal of livestock excreta wastes and the standpoints of MOMAF, MAF, KSA and KODA were reviewed in Korea. As measures for solving the conflicts, the followings were proposed; A prior examination into the possibility of the treatment and/or disposal on shore for the total amount of livestock excreta wastes in Korea, measures for solving civil appeals against the problems arising from the treatment and/or disposal on shore of livestock excreta wastes, a prior examination into the possibility of the execution of the amendments to the relevant rules and regulations of Korean marine pollution prevention law for the prohibition of ocean dumping of livestock excreta wastes, measures for supporting the relevant industry circles such as KSA and KODA which were expected to suffer from the prohibition of ocean dumping, and an overall review of the national system for ocean dumping of terrestrial wastes in nationwide level.

      • KCI등재

        대형 기름유출사고와 방제조치에 관한 연구 -1. 국내외 해양기름오염사고 건수와 유출량

        김광수,Kim, Kwang-Soo 해양환경안전학회 2013 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        해양기름오염방지를 위한 정량적 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 최근 20년간(1993년-2012년) 국내 및 세계의 해양에서 발생한 기름유출사고에 관한 통계자료를 수집하고 분석하였다. 최근 20년간 국내 연안에서 발생한 기름오염사고건수는 총계 6,608건으로 평균 약 330건/년이었고 기름유출량은 총계 57,328 kL로 평균 약 2,866 kL/년이었다. 국내에서 유조선의 대량기름유출사고로 인하여 연간유출량이 1993년에 15,388 kL, 1995년에 15,773 kL, 1997년에 3,428 kL, 2007년에 13,008 kL로 크게 증가하였다. 최근 20년간(1993년-2012년) 세계의 사고건수는, 기름유출량이 8 kL(7톤) 이상인 경우, 총계 420건으로 평균 21건/년이었고, 세계의 기름유출량은 총계 약 800,000 kL(704,000톤)로 평균 약 40,000 kL(35,200톤)/년이었다. 특히 2012년에는 800 kL(700톤)을 초과하는 기름유출사고가 발생하지 않았다. 그러나 기름유출량이 8 kL(7톤) 이상인 사고에서 유조선의 대량기름유출사고로 인하여 세계의 연간기름유출량은 1993년에 약 159,000 kL(140,000톤), 1994년에 약 147,600 kL(130,000톤), 1996년에 약 90,900 kL(80,000톤), 1997년에 약 81,800 kL(72,000톤), 2002년에 약 76,100 kL(67,000톤)로 크게 증가하였다. 국내와 세계를 비교하면, 국내적으로나 세계적으로 공히 20년간 연간사고건수와 연간기름유출량과의 상관관계는 명확하지 않았으며 사고건수와 유출량이 모두 연도별로 변동 폭이 크지만 해가 거듭될수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 2008년부터 세계의 사고건수와 유출량은 모두 크게 감소하였고, 특히 2012년에는 800 kL(700톤) 이상의 기름유출사고는 발생하지 않았다. In order to obtain quantitative basic data for marine oil pollution prevention, the statistics of oil spill incidents in Korea and in the world for 20 years from 1993 to 2012 were collected and analyzed with relation to the number of oil spills and the amount of oil spilt. In Korea for 20 years, total number and average annual number of oil spills were 6,608 cases and nearly 330 cases/year, respectively, and total volume and average annual volume of oils spilt were 57,328 kL and nearly 2,866 kL/year, respectively. Due to major oil spills from oil tankers, annual volumes of oils spilt in Korea were sharply increased to 15,388 kL in 1993, 15,773 kL in 1995, 3,428 kL in 1997 and 13,008 kL in 2007. In case of worldwide oil spills for 20 years, total number and average annual number of oil spills of 8 kL (or 7 tonnes) and above were 420 cases and 21 cases/year, respectively, and total amount and average annual amount of oils spilt 8 kL (or 7 tonnes) and above were about 800,000 kL (or 704,000 tonnes) and about 40,000 kL/year (or 35,200 tonnes/year), respectively. Major oil spills from oil tankers increased massively annual amounts of oils spilt worldwide to about 159,000 kL (or 140,000 tonnes) in 1993, about 147,600 kL (or 130,000 tonnes) in 1994, about 90,900 kL (80,000 tonnes) in 1996, about 81,800 kL (72,000 tonnes) in 1997 and about 76,100 kL (or 67,000 tonnes) in 2002. Obvious correlation between annual number of oil spills and annual amount of oil spilt was not found in both Korea and the world, while both annual number and annual volume tended to decrease with the lapse of year in both Korea and the world, though there were wide fluctuations from year to year in both annual number of oil spills and annual amount of oils spilt worldwide and in Korea for 20 years. From 2008 to 2012 worldwide, there were sharp decreases in both annual number and annual amount of oil spills. In particular, no oil spill of 800 kL (or 700 tonnes) and above occurred in the year of 2012.

      • KCI등재

        왕겨활성탄의 흡착특성

        김광수,최희철,배영진,안재환,조형래 ( Kwang Soo Kim,Hee Chul Choi,Young Jin Bae,Jae Hwan Ahn,Hyung Lae Cho ) 한국물환경학회 1997 한국물환경학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        An experiment was conducted to compare the adsorption capacity and characteristics between activated carbon made of rice-hull(RHAC) and F-400 by Calgon to remove phenol, heavy metal and ammonia-nitrogen. While F-400 could not remove ammonia-nitrogen, RHAC was able to adsorb it. This is considered to be due to the ion exchange capability of SiO₂ remaining on the surface of RHAC. From the isotherm equilibrium test, it was found that RHAC has higher adsorption capacity than the existing activated carbon. In column tests, however, the slope of breakthrough curves of RHAC which represent the affinity of adsorbent, was observed to be more gradual than F-400. This may be attributed to the competitive reaction between ion exchange and physical adsorption. For heavy metals, F-400 would remove Cr and Pb except Cd, whereas RHAC was able to remove Cd, Pb except Cr.

      • KCI등재

        A<sup>2</sup>/O공정과 수정 Phostrip공정과의 질소 및 인제거 특성비교

        김광수,김이태,Kim, Kwang-Soo,Kim, I-Tai 한국물환경학회 2005 한국물환경학회지 Vol.21 No.6

        An experimental study for the comparison of nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies between $A^2/O$ and modified Phostrip (M-Phostrip process) were carried out with bench-scale reactors. In case of nitrogen removal efficiencies both of processes showed similar ones when influent organic loadings were high. However, M-phostrip process was more effective than $A^2/O$ at low organic loadings. This is why M-phostrip process consumes the whole mass of influent organics as a carbon sources for denitrification in anoxic reactor but the anoxic reactor of $A^2/O$ process utilizes the residual carbon followed by consumming a part of influent carbon for phosphorus release in anaerobic reactor. $A^2/O$ process required the influent COD/T-P and COD/TKN ratios were more than 56 and 10, respectively, to take place the phosphorus release in anaerobic process and phosphorus uptake in oxic process. However, the luxury uptake of phosphorus in M-phostrip process was not affected by influent COD/T-P and COD/TKN ratios and the adverse effect of nitrate in return sludge introduced to the p-stripper from the 2nd clarifier was not significant due to the configurational advantage of the p-stripper.

      • KCI등재

        LOHAS 인증이 기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        김광수,박수덕,정순석,Kim, Kwang Soo,Park, Soo Duk,Chung, Soon Suk 한국벤처창업학회 2014 벤처창업연구 Vol.9 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to identify the expected effects of LOHAS certification on business management performance. LOHAS certification which Korean Standards Association adopts and operates, contributes to improve the quality of healthy and happy life through the spread of eco-friendly and social responsible products and supports company's continuous growth and development through product value and image enhancement. The object of certification is divided into products and non products which is like services and space. In this study, empirical method using Questionnaire survey is used to look through the expected effect of LOHAS certification on business management performance focused on the manufacturing companies which acquired LOHAS certification. 본 연구는 LOHAS 인증이 기업경영성과에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 연구이다. LOHAS 인증은, 한국표준협회가 도입 운영하고 있는 인증제도로서, 소비자에게는 친환경적이며 사회공헌적인 상품의 확산과 보급을 통해 건강하고 행복한 삶의 질 향상에 기여하고, 기업에게는 상품 가치와 이미지 제고를 통해 기업의 지속적인 성장과 발전을 지원하는 인증 제도이다. 인증의 대상은 제품과 서비스 공간 등 비제품으로 나눠지며 본 연구에서는 제품을 생산하여 인증을 취득한 제조 기업을 대상으로 LOHAS 인증이 인증기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위해 설문조사를 통해 연구하였다.

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