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      • Study of the Surface Functionalization of a Micro-fluidic Chip with Various Polymer Coatings

        윤지원,Nguyen Thi Thuy Chau,이수진,양성윤 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.1

        We fabricated micro-fluidic devices for the study of a model drug efficacy and cytotoxicity. For the study, drug-encapsulated hydrogel beads were synthesized and placed within a micro-channel of the device. We also utilized layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition method to modify the surface of the micro-channels in the device in order to prevent bio-fouling as well as provide the better cell culturing condition. Since the cancerous cells were concentrated in the specific areas without contamination, this system performed as the optimal environment for the clear monitoring of pure drug efficiency. We also evaluated the drug efficacy toward cancer cells over normal cells. The results of this study indicate that the micro-fluidic device suitably surface-functionalized has high potential as the in-situ drug monitoring system.

      • KCI등재

        Changing Environments of the Arctic Region and Korea′s Arctic Policy : Restrictions and Prospects

        윤지원 조선대학교 사회과학연구원 부설 동북아연구소 2016 동북아연구 Vol.31 No.1

        The Arctic Region is a region where important values, risks, opportunities, and international cooperation coexist, so it must be approached with utmost emphasis on development and protection. The five coastal countries’ claim of dominion over the North Pole region is the subject of an international legal dispute, as there is currently no actual occupancy or practical governance over the region. These countries lead in the development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and resources, but a national border treaty has yet to be concluded. Currently in the Arctic Region the sovereignty of individual countries over the waters is not recognized by the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, and 200 nautical miles of economic zone is applied to these coastal countries. Defrosting of the Arctic Region has been accelerating due to global warming, which has led Korea to acknowledge the importance of the pole and prompted it to initiate various activities. In future mid-to-long term projects, Korea will have to expand its participation and role in the strategic sense concerning the expansion of territorial space, resource development, native and environment protection, and significant financial support for the active use and commercialization of the NSR as a permanent observer of the Arctic Council (AC) since May 2013. A responsive plan must systematically be established to enhance international cooperation concerning the construction of global governance, and the relativity of the coastal countries of the Arctic Region must be considered, particularly with cooperation with Russia. In this context, this article is to analyze the geopolitical and spatial properties of the Arctic region and the restrictions on developing Arctic resources, and consider the problems and means of commercializing the Arctic Ocean route and the role of Korea in the AC. Based on which, counter plan tasks required for a mid-to-long term initiation of an efficient Arctic Policy by Korea will be proposed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        취소소송에서의 원고적격 확대방향에 관한 고찰

        윤지원 사단법인 한국국가법학회 2020 국가법연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Nowadays, administrative functions are more active than in the past, meanwhile, the area of administration is getting stronger and expanding. If we consider this reality, the criteria for eligibility of plaintiffs should be appropriately changed in accordance with specific matters. The issue of plaintiff's standing to institute litigation deals with the matter of who can bring administrative litigation. Especially, the issue of deciding the person who can institute such suit has been discussed a lot in relation to revocation suits. Article 12 of the Administrative Litigation Act of South Korea states that “Revocation litigation may be instituted by a person having legal interests to seek the revocation of a disposition, etc.” Article 12 of the Administrative Litigation Act stipulates standing for a revocation litigation is “a person with a legal interest”. However, the scope of the plaintiff is too narrow in this law, therefore ‘those who have legal profits’ should be amended, and at the same time the scope of the plaintiff should be broadened. These discussions have been going on for decades, but it is not decided. In this paper, I examined the meaning of the standing system and the need to expand it. Also, the trends of the theories and precedents of our country and foreign counties about the plaintiff eligibility was examined. Finally, I examined the legislative proposal for expanding the standing. 오늘날 행정의 기능은 과거에 비해 보다 적극적인 양상을 띠고 있다. 현대사회에서 행정활동은 사회복지행정, 환경행정, 소비자행정, 도시계획행정 등 국민생활에 깊이 닿아 있고, 이러한 행정활동의 다양성으로 인하여 특정개인의 이익이 침해되는 경우 뿐 아니라 소비자, 지역주민, NGO 환경단체 등 다수인 일반에게 공통되는 집단적 이익이 침해되는 경우도 있다. 이처럼 행정의 영역이 확대되는 현실을 감안한다면, 행정소송이 갖는 행정에 대한 적법성의 통제기능 뿐 아니라 국민에 대한 주관적 권익구제 기능도 등한시해서는 안 될 것이다. 국민의 권리 구제 기능을 충실히 수행하기 위하여 취소소송의 원고적격을 어떻게 확대할 것인지에 대한 논의가 활발하게 이루어지고 있으며 최근 제3자의 원고적격을 확대하는 판결들이 늘어나고 있다. 취소소송에서 원고적격은 처분 등의 취소를 구할 수 있는 자격을 의미한다. 행정소송법 제12조 제1문은 취소소송의 원고적격을 ‘법률상 이익이 있는 자’로 규정하고 있는데, 원고적격을 확대할 필요성이 커지면서 원고적격을 ‘법률상 이익이 있는 자’에서 ‘법적으로 정당한 이익이 있는 자’로 행정소송법을 개정하자는 논의가 계속되어 왔으나 여전히 답보 상태이다. 본고는 행정에 대한 적법성의 통제기능과 국민에 대한 권리구제 기능이라는 행정소송의 양기능을 충실하게 이행하기 위하여 행정소송 특히 취소소송에 있어서 제3자의 원고적격을 연구대상으로 한다. 이하에서는 우리나라의 원고적격에 관하여 학설 및 판례의 동향, 외국의 원고적격에 관한 법리, 단체소송 등 제3자의 원고적격, 원고적격의 확대 방향 등을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        장기요양기관 종사자의 직무교육 및 치매전문교육에 대한 중요도, 수행도 및 요구도

        윤지원,장숙랑 한국노인복지학회 2019 노인복지연구 Vol.74 No.3

        This study was to examine the importance and performance of on-the-job training and professional dementia education in long-term care employees an effort to determine their needs. Long-term care facilities were selected from each region, and 396 people who received on-the-job training and 324 people who received professional dementia education were investigated. The data gathered by the self-administered survey were analyzed by t-test to investigate differences between importance and performance. The Borich index and the schematization of quadrant was fulfilled by IPA model to figure out their needs. As for each item of the detailed educational content, there were high needs for fracture treatment, basic life support and Parkinson disease in terms of on-the-job training, and for nutrition management, emergency situations and behavioral and psychological symptoms in terms of professional dementia education. It could be interpreted that the areas for which there were high needs require improvement, and these areas were mostly related to service behaviors. Given the findings, it's requested to select the kind of educational content that deals with specific coping skills for various actual cases rather than to provide theory-based education. To offer more practical education for long-term care institution employees, their needs should be monitored scientifically on a continual basis, and the results should continuously be reflected as well. 장기요양기관 종사자의 직무교육 및 치매전문교육에 대한 중요도와 수행도를 확인하고이를 바탕으로 요구도를 파악하고자 시행한 연구이다. 지역별 장기요양기관을 표본추출하여직무교육에 참석한 396명과 치매전문교육에 참석한 324명을 조사하였다. 자기기입으로 수집된 자료는 t-검정으로 중요도와 수행도 차이를 분석하였고, Borich 지표를 통한 우선순위와IPA 모형을 통한 4분면 도식화를 통해 요구도를 도출하였다. 교육 내용별 모든 항목에서 수행도보다 중요도가 높게 나타났으며, 교육 세부내용별에서 직무교육의 골절처치, 기본소생술, 파킨슨병과 치매전문교육의 영양관리, 응급상황, 정신행동증상 항목이 높은 요구도 순위와 개선 필요성을 확인하였다. 교육내용 항목들은 중요도에 근거하여 수행도를 높이고 둘간의 차이를 줄이는 방안이 필요하다. 요구도 순위가 높은 영역은 개선이 필요하다고 해석할 수 있으며, 주로 서비스 행위와 관련된 내용으로 나타났다. 이는 이론 중심의 교육보다는현장의 다양한 사례별 구체적 대처 기술에 대한 내용 구성이 요구된다. 장기요양기관 종사자들에게 실질적인 교육 방안을 위해 과학적인 요구도 모니터링과 결과 적용이 지속적으로이어져야 하겠다

      • KCI등재

        『莊子』에 나타난 마음(心)과 몸(身)에 대한 고찰

        윤지원 중국학연구회 2012 중국학연구 Vol.- No.60

        由春秋末期到戰國中期,是古代曆史上的大變局。在那苦難的時代,戰爭頻仍,政局動蕩不安,人民長期陷於生死存亡的極限困境中。莊子對於心的議題的關注,反映了那個特定時代對如何安頓生命的迫切需求。莊子認爲心是精神活動的主題,因而可以說,對心的重視也就是對於生命的重視。與老子一樣,莊子以道爲最高範疇的前提下展開他的思想。然而兩者對於道物關系的表述卻不相同。老子強調道與物是演化過程中的兩極。道是演化程序的起始點,由形上之道而形下之器的演化程序產生萬物。萬物將經曆“大”“逝”“遠”“反”的曆程各複歸其根。就道物關系而言,莊子認爲,道與物之間是沒有分際的,萬物都在於自化之中。從這個的角度來說,道本身已含攝萬物,萬物已融攝在道之中。莊子特強調道的遍在性與宇宙一體的全體性。莊子認爲,與物無際的道通過質變來產生萬物。道變而有氣,氣變而有形,形變而有生、有死。氣則是道與萬物的中介。氣本身蘊含了陰陽兩股原理原則,陰陽二氣“交通成和”產生質變。因此人與有形萬物的生理結構都是由陰陽二氣之‘和’與‘聚’而成。人心生而有知,而心知主要有兩個層次。其一,逐於物欲而產生主觀知見的心。其二,靈符 靈臺之心。心雖然有兩名,但人心之自覺與不自覺,都是同一顆心靈。心與形最基本的關系就是內外關系,心在內,形在外,內外會交互影響。如果人能自覺地防杜身心之異化,便能自然達致形之長生。心之作爲一身之主的地位確立了,身體的各組成部分也會隨之安置,自然達致身心的和諧與安頓。

      • KCI등재

        지형과 지표효과를 고려한 나로 우주센터의 국지규모 바람장 수치모의

        윤지원,민경덕 한국지구과학회 2004 韓國地球科學會誌 Vol.25 No.8

        Microscale wind fields were simulated by MUKLIMO at the Naro Space Center, where complicated mountainous terrain and trees exist. In order to test the model’s sensitivity with the effects of terrain and trees, experimental simulations were conducted under the various initial conditions. The experiments showed that the effects of trees were more significant on flat surfaces than on mountain cliffs. Based on the results, an actual 10 m level microscale wind field was simulated at the Naro Space Center, which has complicated mountainous terrain. Simulations of wind fields before and after the construction of the launching site were also conducted. It was found that MUKLIMO was successful in representing the microscale wind field at complicated mountainous terrain and finding characteristic features of the mesoscale wind fields at the Naro Space Center.

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