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      • KCI등재

        조사 ‘은/는’, ‘이/가’의 의미와 기능—정언문/제언문의 구분을 중심으로—

        김경화 한글학회 2022 한글 Vol.- No.336

        This study serves to identify the functions and meanings of the particles ‘Eun/Neun’ and ‘I/Ga’ in Korean as numerous research studies have over the past century, based on the thetic/categorical distinction. A similar study was conducted by Kuroda (1972). However, Kuroda (1972) focuses on the perception of a phenomenon to explain the semantic and logical structural differences of the categorical/thetic sentence, while this paper focuses on the process a speaker goes through to produce the two types of sentences. I assert that a speaker selects a NP to be predicated of during the first judgment and affirms or denies the predicate in the second judgment based on the definition of the categorical sentence, while the speaker only describes the event/phenomenon with the given NP and VP in the event/phenomenon based on the definition of the thetic sentence, and this applies to all sentences not only to the ones created when recognizing an event. My research also observes that a speaker describes what they perceive not only through sight but also through all senses such as touch, smell, etc. Another notable feature of the paper is that it categorizes sentences into three types of sentences instead of two. The third type is a compound of the two, that is, the categorical and the thetic. This third type is formed when either the NP or the VP of a thetic sentence is unknown, creating a focus on the missing part as in ‘Who opened the door?’-‘Mom (did).’ Based on these observations, it identifies ‘eun/neun’ as the marker of a categorical sentence when attached to the NP in the subject position, indicating that the NP has been chosen among candidates through the first judgment; and ‘i/ga’ as the marker that indicates the 1:1 exclusive relationship of the NP and its predicate, where the NP and the predicate are not selected by the speaker, but instead given in a situation/fact/phenomenon etc.(i.e., a context). It also demonstrates that the two particles may be attached to parts of speech other than the NP in the subject position, such as an adverb or a certain verb ending (e.g.‘-ji’ as in ‘-ji anta’), adding the same meaning to it as when they are attached to the NP in the subject position. While ‘eun/neun’ attached to other parts of speech does not affect the type of a sentence, ‘i/ga’ attached to any part of speech in a queston and its answer makes the sentence a compound one with a focus since it indicates the 1:1 relationship of the NP and its predicate. Also, this is the reason that ‘i/ga’ is attached to an adverb only in limited types of environments, and not to a NP in the object position. 이 논문은 한국어의 조사 ‘은/는’과 ‘이/가’의 의미와 기능을 정언문/제언문의 구분에 근거하여 밝히는 데에 목적이 있다. 우선 두 문장의 정의를 적용하여, 국어 문장을 정언문, 제언문, 그리고 제언문이지만 그 심층 의미는 정언문인, 즉 두 문장이 혼재하는(‘그건 식은 죽 먹기이다’처럼 중의적인) 혼합문으로 구분한다. 이후 그에 근거하여 ‘은/는’과 ‘이/가’의 의미와 기능을 밝힌다. 기본적으로 ‘은/는’은 그것과 통합한 체언구가 ‘발화자가 여러 후보 항목 중에서 선택한 항목임’을 지시한다. 따라서 주어와 통합할 때 ‘~은 ~이다’의 이분된 정언문의 표지 역할을 한다. 한편 ‘이/가’는 하나의 특정 체언구와 용언구가 서로 호응하는 구조/관계를 표시해 주는 역할을 하므로 제언문과 혼합문(관형절 함유문, 즉 ‘초점-전제’의 문형)에 실현된다. 그리고 같은 이유로 목적어 뒤에는 실현되지 않고 보어나 제한된 환경에서의 부사어 뒤에만 실현된다.

      • KCI등재

        접속부사어 ‘이때/그때’ 연구

        서반석 ( Seo Ban-seoc ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.81 No.-

        본고는 접속부사어로 사용되는 ‘이때/그때’의 특성을 다각적으로 살피는 것을 목적으로 한다. ‘이때/그때’는 ‘이때에/그때에’에서 조사가 생략된 형태인 것으로 흔히 취급되어 왔다. 그러나 본고에서는 ‘이때/그때’의 용법 중 ‘이때에/그때에’의 조사생략형에 해당되는 경우도 있지만 그렇지 않은 경우도 있다고 보고, 전자를 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’, 후자를 ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’라 하였다. 본고에서는 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’과 ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문이 각각 배경적 정보, 전경적 정보를 나타낸다고 보았다. ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 경우 후행문에 비완망상이 주로 나타나지만, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’는 완망상이 나타난다. 또한 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’은 지시하는 시간 간격이 넓은 편이지만, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’는 선행문 사건의 한 순간을 좁게 포착한다. 그리고 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 후행문은 화제-초점의 구조를 가진 정언문이며, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문은 초점 정보만을 가진 제언문에 해당된다. 결론적으로 ‘이때/그때<sub>1</sub>’의 후행문이 ‘비완망상, 넓은 시간 간격, 정언문’의 특성을 갖는 것은 배경적 정보를 나타내기 때문이며, ‘이때/그때<sub>2</sub>’의 후행문이 ‘완망상, 좁은 시간 간격, 제언문’의 특성을 보이는 것은 전경적 정보를 갖기 때문인 것으로 보았다. This study aims to observe the characteristics of conjunctive adverbial '이때/그때' in multilateral perspectives. The adverbial '이때/그때' is used to consider as an adverbial '이때에/그때에' and regarded as an elliptic form that omits the adverbial case marker. However, the characteristics of '이때/그때' vary, thus in this study, they were labeled as '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' and '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>'. In this paper, I argue that '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' is related to the background information, and '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' is associate with the foreground information. Sentences with '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' are generally accompanied with an imperfective aspect; however, sentences with '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' accompany a perfective aspect. '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' refers to a wide temporal space of the event of the preceding sentence; however, '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' refers a temporal spot in the event of the preceding sentence. In addition the sentence following '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>' is an categorical sentence, which has a 'topic-focus' structure within it. In contrast, the sentence following '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>' is a thetic sentence, which only has focus information. As a result, the characteristics of '이때/그때<sub>1</sub>', which are 'being accompanied with an imperfective aspect, referring a wide temporal space, and occurring with an categorial sentence', are related to the background information; and the characteristics of '이때/그때<sub>2</sub>', which are 'being accompanied with an perfective aspect, referring a temporal spot, and occurring with an thetic sentence', are related to the foreground information.

      • KCI등재

        한국어, 영어, 스페인어, 러시아어에 나타난 초점구조와 정보분절성

        조은영 현대문법학회 2004 현대문법연구 Vol.37 No.-

        This paper aims at revisiting the information structure of sentences in languages such as Korean, English, Spanish and Russian. For this purpose, we refered to three types of focus structure, suggested by Lambrecht (1994), which include predicate-focus, argument-focus and sentence-focus structures. The information structure can be represented by the categorical statement and the thetic statement. The first is divided into two information segments— <topic> and <comment>, which typically corresponds to predicate-focus structure, while the second can not be divided but constitutes only one unit <comment>, which represents the sentence-focus structure. Given that the existence of topic is the factor of determining categorical/thetic statements, there ll be possibility of interpreting certain argument-focus structures as secondary thetic sentences and of considering some of Lambrecht s thetic structures as categorical sentences. On the other hand, the linguistic ways to realize the information division vary across languages, even if they are commonly available in affirming or negating the existence of ‘topic’.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 정보구조와 사용역

        한정한(Jeonghan Han) 사단법인 한국언어학회 2017 언어학 Vol.0 No.78

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the correlations between each pair of an informational status and a linguistic form showing a wide range of variation according to the types of register (conversation, monologue, novel, newspaper, academy). This was done by conducting quantitative research using processing Sejong modern Korean corpus files. Information structure is composed of the two components, that is, absolute(referential) information structure and relative information structure. The former concerns a speaker’s assumption on the cognition status of the entity a given linguistic expression refers to in a hearer’s mind, meanwhile relative information structure concerns the relation between the parts of a sentence; that is, new information is called focus, and old information is called topic, And the topic can also be defined as the object of categorical judgment. The main findings in this paper can be summarized as follows: Korean information structure and its linguistic forms are closely correlated with the different types of registers(conversation, monologue, novel, newspaper, academy). We have found these facts by way of separating two different information structures. First, for absolute information structure, we have examined (1)interrogative pronouns, interrogative modifiers, (2)personal pronouns(1st, 2nd, 3rd), (3)demonstrative pronouns, (4)indefinite/nonspecific pronouns, (5)‘X iranun Y’ construction. Second, for relative information structure, we have examined (6)categorical sentence, (7)thetic sentence, (8) ‘i/ka’ sentence, (9)cleft sentence.

      • KCI등재

        문두 ‘沒(有)+NP+VP’ 구문에 대한 일고찰 - ‘有+NP+VP’와의 비교를 중심으로

        오유정(Oh, You-jeong) 한국중어중문학회 2021 中語中文學 Vol.- No.84

        This paper reconsiders previous academic discussion on ‘YOU(有)+NP+VP’ subjectless construction as a ‘topic’ structure. Based on this, I explored the information structure and discourse function of ‘MEI(YOU)(没(有))+NP+VP’, which is a negative version of ‘YOU+NP+VP’. ‘YOU+NP+VP’, as a presentational construction, introduces a new referent into the discourse. Through the investigation in this paper, it was found that ‘MEI(YOU)+NP+VP’, as the negative version of ‘YOU+NP+VP’, fulfils a variety of pragmatic functions through the contradictory structures that present ‘non-existent’ referent. Such functions include: emphasizing negative situations, expressing negative emotions such as ‘discontent’ and ‘lethargy’ and conveying a strong positive meaning. It is generally believed that the use of negative sentences is more restrictive than affirmative sentences. However, according to the corpus analysis, the use of negative ‘MEI(YOU)+NP+VP’ was more frequent than that of affirmative ‘YOU+NP+VP’. Furthermore, according to different language registers, the distribution of ‘YOU+NP+VP’/‘MEI(YOU)+NP+VP’, the nouns and verbs of each sentence pattern are different. It can be noticed that language register is an important basis for the investigation of linguistic facts and deserves further attention.

      • KCI등재

        주격중출 구문에 대한 일고찰

        김건희(Kim, Keon-hee) 우리말글학회 2018 우리말 글 Vol.76 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 주격중출 구문의 형성 동기를 술어나 명사의 특성으로 본 선행 연구에 대해 비판적으로 고찰하고 ‘주격중출 구문이 왜 나타나는가?’를 정보구조 및 문장 확대 구성의 관점에서 설명하는 것이다. 본고에서 다룬 주격중출 구문의 문두 화제는 특수한 정보구조적 지위를 가져 화제가 먼저 주어지는 경우로 이러한 화제가 새로운 유형의 술어 (서술절/종속절)를 유인하여 문장 확대 구성이 이루어졌다고 보았다. 곧 전통적인 정보구조 개념에서는 테마적 화제(thematic topic)이며 최근의 정보구조 개념에서는 매달린 화제(Hanging topics), 외부적 화제(external topics)인 명사구가 존재하고 이러한 화제 명사구가 오히려 새로운 유형의 절을 선택하였다고 본 것이다. 본고의 문장 확대 구성 관점에서는 존재 술어가 생략된, 명사구만 있는 특이한 절이 다른 절과 이어져 문장이 확대되었다고 볼 수 있는데, 첫 번째 명사구는 어순뒤섞기, ‘-시-’와의 일치 관계 등에서 후행하는 절과 독립적인 양상을 보이므로 단문이 아닌 복문으로 제시한 것이다. 다음으로 문장 종류와 관련된 정보구조 관점에서 ‘NP1 (있다)’와 같은 특수한 존재구문은 정언문(categorial sentence)의 엄격한 주어-술어 구분이 약화되어 술어 ‘있다’가 생략되고 이에 문장 전체가 초점이 되는 사건 보고(event report)의 제언문(thetic sentence)이 다시 연결되는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to re-examine the double nominative case construction. In the previous studies, the formation motivation of the double nominative case construction has been ascribed to the characteristics of predicate or nominal phrase, but this study is to clarify the formation motivation of the double nominative case construction in the viewpoint of forming the complex sentence construction and information structure. The topic as thematic topic, hanging topic, external topic in the initial position of the sentence chooses the another clause, in other words, unusual clause where is composed of the topic phrase and is lacking of (existential) predicate is connected to another clause in the viewpoint of forming complex sentence construction of this study. The double nominative case construction in this study is consisted of topic and focus in the information structure, in particular, focus is a thetic(all-new) sentence which shows the event-reporting.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 제언문/정언문 구별과 정보구조

        전영철 ( Jun Young-chul ) 국어학회 2013 국어학 Vol.68 No.-

        본고는 한국어의 제언문과 정언문을 조사 ‘는’과 ‘가’의 정보구조적 기능에 기대어 논의한다. 제언문과 정언문은 주어-술어의 이분적 구성을 가지는지의 여부에 따라 결정되는데, 본고는 이 ‘주어’와 ‘술어’를 관계적 구정보인 화제와 관계적 신정보인 초점으로 파악한다. 따라서 본고는 정언문은 화제와 초점의 두 가지 정보로 구성되는 반면에 제언문은 초점만으로 구성된다고 구별한다. 이 과정에서 관계적 주어짐성이 지시적 주어짐성과는 다르며, 정보구조는 관계적 주어짐성에 입각하여 정의되어야 함을 강조한다. This paper examines thetic and categorical sentences in Korean in terms of information-structural characteristics of nun and ka. It claims that the information structure of categorical sentences has topic as well as focus, whereas that of thetic sentences has focus only. Topical or focal properties of nun and ka have a strong influence on the distinction bewteen thetic and categorical sentences in Korean. On the other hand, relational givenness is distinct from referential givenness; information structure should be based on relational givenness.

      • KCI등재

        현대 중국어 빈어를 수반한 자동사 구문 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’의 정보구조에 대한 고찰

        조은경(Cho eun-kyung) 동아인문학회 2016 동아인문학 Vol.35 No.-

        본 논문은 현대 중국어의 자동사가 빈어를 수반하는 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’의 정보구조에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 일반적으로 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ 구조의 전체적인 의미가 ‘발생’에 있으므로 문장 전체가 초점인 사건 중심적 단정문으로 보기 쉬우나 본고가 BCC 말뭉치 예문을 대상으로 분석한 결과, 담화 맥락에 따라 화제-평언문, 제시문, 사건 중심적 단정문으로 다양하게 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 본고는 또 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ 구문의 성립과 관련된 통사, 의미적 제약과의 관계를 살펴보았다. 비대격 동사가 출현한 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’는 서술어 부분이 사건일 경우 하나의 완료된 사건, 제시문일 경우 하나의 장면이나 배경의 제시를 나타내므로 반드시 완료상을 나타내는 상표지 ‘了’를 수반하여야 하며, 발생된 일을 나타내므로 동사가 결과 상태까지를 나타낼 수 있어야 한다. 반면 결과 상태를 나타낼 수 없는 ‘病’과 같은 비능격 동사는 ‘NP1Vi了NP2’구문에 출현한다 할지라도 NP1에 ‘Vi了NP2’한 사건이 일어났음을 나타내는 것이 아니라 전체집합 ‘NP1 중에서의 부분집합인 NP2가 Vi하였다’라는 상태를 기술할 수 있을 뿐이다. This paper examined the information structure of ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ in which an intransitive verb in Mandarin Chinese takes an objective. In general, as the overall meaning of the structure of ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ is ‘occurrence’, this construction is easily looked upon only as an event-focused thetic sentence whose whole constituent is focused. However, the result of the analysis by this paper of the example sentences of BCC corpus showed that it took various types of sentences depending on discourse contexts: a topic-comment sentence, a presentational sentence, and an event-focused thetic sentence, for example. In addition, this paper looked at the relationship between the semantic and syntactic constraints related to the establishment of an ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ construction. As an ‘NP1Vi了NP2’, in which an unaccusative verb emerges, indicates a completed event if its predicate part is an event; and the presentation of the scene or the background if it is a presentational sentence, it must take the aspect marker ‘了’, and its verb has to be able to indicate the result state at the same time because it indicates what occurred. On the contrary, though unergative verbs like ‘病’, which cannot indicate the result state, emerge in an ‘NP1Vi了NP2’ construction, they don’t indicate that an event in the form of ‘Vi了NP2’ occurred in NP1, but can merely describe the situation in which NP2, one of the subsets of the universal set, Vi (past tense).

      • KCI등재

        명사구와 관련된 정보구조와 한정성의 상관관계

        최정진 한국어의미학회 2016 한국어 의미학 Vol.54 No.-

        There is no article system in Korean, so it is not easy to discern the definiteness of NP immediately. Nevertheless, the definiteness is discernible with correlations of other linguistic categories such like informational relations, topic/focus markers, and so on. Henceforth, it is needed to describe the relations between information structure and definiteness more accurately. In this paper, I described the correlations of information structures and definiteness in some types of sentences; categorical, thetic, defining, and cleft.

      • KCI등재후보

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