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        동사이동과 비국면범주의 매개변인

        김대익(Dae-ik Kim) 현대문법학회 2019 현대문법연구 Vol.102 No.-

        The position of a finite verb depends on languages. It is located in the v* domain in such a language as English, in the TP domain in such a language as French and in the CP domain in such a V2 language as Swedish. In this article, after showing that verb movement occurs in the syntax, we argue that the parametric difference of verb inflection and movement is attributed to whether T and V in each language are specified to Category. A finite verb in French moves to T after a fully inflected verb is merged in VP whereas a finite verb in English does not move to T due to the fact that T and V are not specified to Category. On the other hand, in Swedish a finite verb moves to C because there is no TP projection in such a language as Swedish. Thus in this article a finite verb moves to T or C according to the status of non-phase categories of T and V.

      • KCI등재

        보편성과 제 2 언어 습득

        여경희 현대문법학회 1995 현대문법연구 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to discuss and compare two approaches to using linguistic universals in the explanation of second language acquisition. The first approach is “Universal Grammar approach” within which the notions of parametric variation and markedness have been applied to second language acquisition. The second approach is “typological approach” which used the notion of implication to explain universals in second language acquisition. It is suggested that both the UG and the typological approach make many of the same fundamental assumptions about the nature of interlanguage and how such data are to be explained and that two approaches make different claims as to whether the grammars of primary languages and interlanguages are identical with respect to universals. More evidences are needed to decide which approach is better in explaining universals in second language acquisition.

      • KCI등재

        인지 및 지각동사의 문법화

        이성하 현대문법학회 2001 현대문법연구 Vol.24 No.-

        Seongha Rhee. 2001. Grammaticalization of Verbs of Cognition and Perception. Studies in Modern Grammar 24, 111-135. This paper is an exploration of the grammaticalization phenomena displayed by the verbs of cognition and perception. Drawing upon cross-linguistically attested data, this paper shows that verbs of cognition and perception predominantly grammaticalize into epistemic markers. This is a natural consequence because the grammaticalized markers exhibit semantic residue of the source items, which, in this case, make direct reference to the sources of the human construal of the world affairs. This paper explicates how other grammatical functions are developed from these verbs. In so doing it also argues that the features that are selected for grammaticalization are those that are experientially salient features in conceptual event schemas.

      • KCI등재

        L2 영어 교과서를 ‘학습’한 L2-신경망 언어 모델의 문법 일반화 양상

        구건우,박명관 현대문법학회 2022 현대문법연구 Vol.113 No.-

        Recent studies employing state-of-the-art neural network language models (NLMs) have reported their human-like performances in ‘understanding’ various linguistic phenomena particularly through the Benchmark of Linguistic Minimal Pairs (BLiMP), which is a challenge test dataset of sentences to be used for evaluating the linguistic knowledge of NLMs on major grammatical phenomena in English (Warstadt et al., 2020). Adopting the methodology at hand, this paper aims to assess the level of linguistic knowledge acquired by L2-NLMs trained on English textbooks (alias the K-English datasets) published in Korea and compare it with the corresponding different levels in English native speakers and L1-NLMs. Assuming that an NLM is also a language learner, we used the BLiMP to evaluate the grammaticality rating performances of L2-NLMs based on Generation Pre-trained Transformer-2 (GPT-2) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that the L2-NLMs have attained a substantially lower level of grammatical generalization than L1 counterparts as well as English native speakers. The results imply that the K-English training datasets are not robust enough for L2 NLMs to make substantial grammatical generalizations. .

      • KCI등재

        태의 부호화 체계와 한영 번역에서의 변조

        김은일(Eun il Kim) 현대문법학회 2014 현대문법연구 Vol.77 No.-

        This study discusses how different coding systems of voice cause modulation in the translation process.Previous studies (Kim 2005, Suh 2013 among others) show that more than half of Korean passives are translated into English actives and more than half of English passives are translated into Korean actives. They try to provide explanations for the voice modulation, which don t seem to be satisfactory in a sense that their accounts are not as comprehensive as this study tries to reveal in the framework of Functional Grammar (Givón 1993, 2001). This study argues that English and Korean passives code discourse-pragmatic function (such as topicality defocusing) as well as language-specific semantic functions (such as volitionality defocusing, responsibility defocusing, empathy defocusing), which are the main cause of the modulation in Korean-English translations. It also shows that typological differences between DO-language and BECOME-language (Ikegami 1991) and other language-specific grammatical systems can be other causes of the voice modulation.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        어린아이 문법의 근부정사와 일치 자질 점검

        주영숙 현대문법학회 2012 현대문법연구 Vol.70 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to investigate agreement-feature checking and English root infinitives in child language from the perspective of Minimalist Program. To explain this apparent derivation from the target adult gram- mar, researchers have elaborated two main models. One is the Tense Omission Model and the other is the Truncation Model. Wexler (1994) proposes in the former that an optional infinitive clause arises when the child leaves the tense feature underspecified in a given clausal represen- tation. Rizzi (1993/1994) proposes in the latter that the Root Infinitive reduces structures that result from the option of truncating structures at different levels of the clausal architecture. A further expectation would be that nominative Case is not assigned properly if AgrP is not yet projected. In the Minimalist Program, T inherits Agree-feature from C, but root infinitive clauses don`t have TP. Therefore, in children`s speech, functional projections are truncated below CP. The phenomena of early language acquisition reflects the process of acquiring functional categories as children grow.

      • KCI등재

        유사분열문의 최근 변화: 미국영어를 중심으로

        김혜리(Hyeree Kim) 현대문법학회 2018 현대문법연구 Vol.97 No.-

        This article deals with the diachronic change of pseudo-clefts in which the clefted constituent, i.e. focused part, is realized as a verb, i.e. to -infinitive, bare-infinitive, -ing . (e.g. What/All he did was help/to help her. What/All he was doing was helping her .) The analysis of the Corpus of Historical American English (COHA, 1820-2009) shows that to -infinitive is the oldest construction but was not frequently used until the early 1800s from which its use rapidly increased until the early 1900s. It was then overtaken by its competitor, the bare-infinitive, in the 1950s-1970s and fell into decline. The bare-infinitive is the early 20th century innovation rarely used before then and shows a rapid rise throughout the 1900s. The occurrence of -ing is found from the early 1900s and gradually increases until now. The replacement of to -infinitive by bare-infinitive was lead by all -clefts rather than what -clefts: All -clefts are not only higher in the overall frequency but earlier in the innovative use of bare-infinitive.

      • KCI등재

        품사분류의 방법론에 대하여

        노종균(Jong kyun Noh) 현대문법학회 2014 현대문법연구 Vol.80 No.-

        The study on identification and definition of parts of speech or word classes began from Greek/Latin tradition in early days. Most approaches on parts of speech were based on semantic criteria. As time passes, it has changed into the study on the relation between words in a sentence, and on function and form. The approaches, however, have not fully gained appreciation among scholars. Even though many attempts have been made to set up proper parts of speech systems, the clear classification of them has been known to be far from perfection. This paper provides an overview of parts of speech or word classes and diverse parts of speech systems of some languages, and suggests that typological approaches to parts of speech classification depending on the syntactic properties of languages are the ideal way.

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