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      • KCI등재

        과학 소설과 융합 교육

        윤대석 구보학회 2017 구보학보 Vol.0 No.16

        This paper suggests literature education using science fiction as a possible convergent education in the field of literary education. For this purpose, I examined the nature of convergent education and the function of science fiction, and suggested the directions and examples of using science fiction based on the analysis of using science fiction in current curriculum. Convergence means an attempt to reorganize the humanities into knowledge that can be used as science and technology by the demands of science and technology. But the convergence in humanities is an attempt to read science and technology not from its autonomy but from social relevance, and this must be extended to the convergence in literary education. In order to do that, it needs a discourse that exists between science and technology and other discourses and mediates them, and it can be called a sort of detour. Science fiction can role as detour in literature education. Science fiction reflects the future by describing the social conditions that science and technology can bring to the future. However, science and technology, which is the subject of science fiction, is the current science and technology and trends rather than that of the future. In the present curriculum, the convergent education of science and literature is hardly carried out. In science education, literature is used only to activate the schema not the literary view. Literature education only shows the scientific thinking that made possible the literary works, but does not reflect on it. From the viewpoint of constructivist philosophy of science, science fiction is a hybrid of science and literature, and has the original function of making the detour of science and technology through virtual experiment and simulation. In this regard, convergent education in literary education should translate science and technology into literature and reflect on it. 이 논문은 문학 교육의 분야에서 가능한 융합 교육으로 과학 소설을 활용한 문학 교육을 제안하고 그 방향을 제시하고자 했다. 그를 위해 융합 교육의 성격과 과학 소설의 기능을 살펴보고 현재의 교육 과정에서 과학 소설이 활용되는 양상 분석을 토대로 과학 소설을 활용하는 방향과 사례를 제시하였다. 융합이란 과학 기술의 요구에 의해서 과학 기술로 활용될 수 있는 지식으로 인문학을 재편하고자 하는 시도이다. 그러나 인문학에서 바라보는 융합은 과학기술을 그것의 자율성에서가 아니라 사회적 관련성에서 읽고자 하는 시도이고 문학 교육에서의 융합도 이 연장선에서 이루어져야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 과학기술과 여타 담론 사이에 존재하며 그것들을 매개하는 담론이 필요하고 그것을 일종의 우회라 할 수 있는데, 문학 교육에서는 과학 소설이 그 몫을 할 수 있다. 과학 소설은 과학 기술이 미래에 일으킬 수 있는 사회 상황을 묘사함으로써 미래를 성찰한다. 그러나 과학 소설의 대상이 되는 과학 기술이란 미래의 그것이라기보다 현재의 과학 기술과 그 경향이다. 과학 소설은 미래를 이야기함으로써 미래를 매개로 드러난 현재의 과학 기술 패러다임에 대한 비판과 성찰을 수행한다. 한편 현재의 교육 과정에서는 융합 교육을 당위로 내세우면서도 과학과 문학의 융합 교육은 거의 이루어지고 있지 않다. 과학 교육에서는 문학적 시각은 도외시하고 스키마를 활성화하는 데만 문학을 이용하고 있고, 문학 교육에서는 문학 작품을 가능하게 한 과학적 사고를 보여주기만 하고 그에 대한 성찰은 이루어지고 있지 않아 문학 교육의 본래적 성격을 잃어버리고 있다. 구성주의적 과학 철학의 관점에서 보면 과학 소설은 과학과 문학이 혼종된 것으로서 가상적인 실험과 시뮬레이션을 통해 과학 기술의 우회를 만들고 그것을성찰하는 데 본래적인 기능이 있다. 그런 점에서 문학 교육에서의 융합 교육도 과학 기술을 세속화한 과학 소설을 통해 과학 기술과 사회를 관련짓고 과학 기술을 성찰하는 방향으로 진행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 과학교육 종합 지표 개발 연구

        홍옥수 ( Oksu Hong ),김도경 ( Dokyeong Kim ),고수영 ( Sooyung Koh ),강다연 ( Da Yeon Kang ) 한국과학교육학회 2021 한국과학교육학회지 Vol.41 No.6

        지능정보사회가 요구하는 역량 함양을 위해 과학교육의 중요성은 점차 강화되고 있으며, 과학교육에 대한 국가의 역할 및 책무성은 법으로 명시되어 있다. 과학교육을 효과적이고 효율적으로 지원하기 위해서는 관련 정책에 대한 지속적인 모니터링이 필수적이며, 이를 위해 과학교육의 현황을 종합적으로 분석하기 위한 지표 개발이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 과학교육 정책의 성과를 지속적이고 체계적으로 진단·점검할 수 있는 종합 지표를 개발하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 문헌연구를 토대로 ‘학습자’와 ‘과학교육 맥락’의 2개 차원과, ‘투입’, ‘과정’, ‘결과’의 3개 범주로 구성된 과학교육 종합 지표체제를 도출하였으며, 국내외에서 개발된 과학교육 관련 지표의 내용을 검토하여 지표의 요소와 세부요소를 도출하였다. 이후 과학교육연구, 초·중등 현장교육, 과학교육정책, 교육과정, 과학기술 분야의 전문가 25인을 대상으로 총 2회에 걸친 델파이 조사를 실시하여 지표의 체제와 요소의 적합성과 타당성을 검증하였으며, 과학교육 종합지표의 조사대상 및 조사도구를 확정하였다. 연구 결과, ‘투입’ 범주에 대해서는 ‘학생 특성’, ‘교사 특성’, ‘교육 인프라’의 3개 요소가 도출되었으며, ‘과정’ 범주에 대해서는 ‘과학 교육과정 운영’, ‘과학콘텐츠 보급 및 프로그램 운영’, ‘교사 전문성 신장 프로그램 운영’의 3개 요소가 도출되었고, ‘결과’ 범주에 대해서는 ‘과학 역량’, ‘참여와 실천’, ‘정의적 성취’, ‘인지적 성취’, ‘만족도’의 5개 요소가 도출되었다. 또한 학생, 교사, 교육청/기관으로부터 데이터를 수집할 수 있는 조사도구를 개발하였으며, 문항양호도 및 신뢰도를 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 ‘과학교육 종합 지표’는 우리나라 과학교육의 여건, 성과, 인식 등을 종합적으로 측정할 수 있는 지표로서 보다 효율적이고 효과적인 과학교육 정책 수립 및 추진에 기여할 것으로 기대된다. The importance of science education for cultivating the competencies required by an intelligent information society is gradually being strengthened. The government’s roles and responsibilities for science education are stipulated by laws and policies in Korea. In order to systematically support science education, continuous monitoring of related policies is essential. This study aims to develop indicators that can be used to systematically and continuously monitor the national policies on science education in Korea. To achieve this goal, we first derive the framework for the indicators that has two dimensions (learner and science education context) and three categories (input, process, and outcome) from literature reviews. In order to derive the components and subcomponents of the indicators, the contents of science education-related indicators developed in Korea or abroad were reviewed. In order to verify the suitability and validity of the framework and components of the initial indicators, a two-round Delphi method was conducted with 25 expert participants with five different professions in science education. Finally, three components of the ‘input’ category (student characteristics, teacher characteristics, and educational infrastructure), three components of the ‘process’ category (science curriculum implementation, science educational contents and programs implementation, and teacher professional development program implementation), and five components of the ‘outcome’ category (science competency, participation and action, affective achievement, cognitive achievement, and satisfaction) were derived. An instrument to collect data from students, teachers, and institutions was developed based on the components and subcomponents, and content validity and internal consistency of the instrument were analyzed. Korea’s Science Education Indicators developed in this study can comprehensively measure the current status of science education and is expected to contribute to a more efficient and effective science education policy planning and implementation.

      • KCI등재

        과학교육진흥법의 변천

        임용우 ( Yong Woo Leem ),김영수 ( Young-soo Kim ) 韓國生物敎育學會 2016 생물교육 Vol.44 No.4

        The Science Education Promotion Act was legislated in 1967 in order to promote the science education. After legislation, the main department dealing with science education was organized in our government and that department built the national science education development plan and made a budget for science education. This act has clarified the differences between science and other subjects and played a role as legal base in science education policies. But its practical effects have declined due to deletion of clause about science education fund and science education council during many revisions until 2016. The purposes of this study were to organize the changes of this act systematically and to see the influences of this act on Korean science education in historical context. For those purposes this study organized the backgrounds, directions and contents on enactment and revisions of this act. Finally this study searched for the directions to strength the act in the future. For stronger and more practical act, it is necessary to revive the deleted clause about national science education council. Though that council, national interest in science education could be continued. Also it is necessary to insert the new penalty clause for violations like `Early Childhood Education Act` or `Act on Special Education for the Disabled Persons, etc`. In historical context, science education, cultivation of individuals and economic growth were linked closely and cycled virtuously. When revision or alternative legislation could be taken place, it wishes that the Science Education Promotion Act would have to be changed more strongly in consideration of that how science education contribute to cultivate individuals leading the 4th industrial revolution.

      • 과학교과에서의 인성교육에 대한 교사들의 인식과 접목 방안 탐색

        손연아(Yeon-a Son),박예진(Ye-Jin Park),서은아(Eun-A Seo,),양자연(Ja-Yeon Yang,),장진희(Jin-hee Jang),김동렬(Dong-Ryeul Kim) 조선대학교 교과교육연구소 2014 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.35 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate science teachers’ perception of character education and to devise plans of applying their perception to science class so that students may have character education naturally through science class. To develop plans of applying character education to science class, this study conducted a survey on character education with 30 science teachers currently working for middle schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, and based on the results, this study verified its validity through 2 experts in the field of education. It appeared that science teachers have much interest in character education, but they found it difficult to carry out character education through science class in reality. However, they perceived it important to carry out character education in science class, and they thought that it would have positive effect on students in various aspects when character education is conducted through science class. When it comes to plans of applying character education to science class, they were devised being largely divided into two different plans,character education based on scientific concepts and character education based on teaching methods. One plan of applying character education based on scientific concepts was devised to deliver character factors, helpful for students’ character education, by connecting these factors with scientific concepts figuratively. On the other hand, the other plan of applying character education based on teaching methods was devised for students to naturally build character factors through all the activities done through science class, such as group study and discussion class.

      • 제3부 발표3 : 전인과학교육을 위한 "희망의 과학문화관" 공동건립 모형

        박승재 ( Sung Jae Pak ) 대구대학교 특수교육문제연구소 2015 한국특수교육문제연구소 학술대회발표자료집 Vol.2015 No.1

        Science is a socio-cultural process by which as meaningful coalition of hands and minds curious about nature and the necessities of life engage in creation and empirical study. Though science has been progressing towards“Big Science,” and based on the prosperity of human life through cooperation with technology, the threat remains of the misuse of science resulting in the massacre of human beings. The sometimes destructive aftermath of scientific progress on society has a kind of karmic effect that cannot be rehabilitated by scientists alone; instead, because all are affected, this karma must be addressed by all human beings. As such, the comprehensive education of all people has become an urgent task. Though the government has pursued formal school science education and proclaimed high achievement to be a national project, and though professionals have made fancy assertions about education and have received lofty praise for their efforts, school science education still lags behind the fast-paced progress of science and technology in society. Even though school science education has been expected to meet these demands, it has shown time and again to fail to innovate quickly enough. The purpose of this presentation is to propose the guiding principles of Science Culture Education, an approach that contributes to harmony and the progression of dignity in the field of Whole-Education, and to develop aco-constructing model of the Inspiring Science Culture Enquirium, a science center that follows in the philosophical direction of Science Culture Education. The Enquirium would accommodate all students, including those with disabilities, in science culture literacy. The Enquirium provides not only opportunities to review and prepare for science study in school, but also various informal science education opportunities such as surprising exhibitions and inquiry activities that schools cannot or may not be able to provide students. The aim of the Enquirium is to harmoniously present cognitive, affective, and psychomotor tasks to secondary level science students, including those with disabilities. By integrating math, science, engineering, and technology whenever possible, the human body, daily tasks, and social problems will be addressed by exhibits using modertechnical methods that provide joint inquiry activities that allow communication between students. The Science Enquirium will be firstavailable to secondary students, students with disabilities, teachers of integrated science classes, and university students studying to becomescience teachers. In the future, the Enquirium will also be open to laymen and foreign visitors, furthering the Korea wave in the field of informal science education. Planning of the Enquirium includes the following zones: The Brain, The Source of Life, Enquiring in the Dark, Enquiring in Silence,Life and Death, Body Movement, and The Energy Saving House. There will also be exciting outdoor exhibitions. An example of one of these zones, Enquiring in the Dark, is described in the Appendix. This is a specially designed exhibit for visually impaired students, and all students in generalthat would be performed while in complete darkness. National science museums receive a lot of support from the government, such as Gwachon Ntional Science Museum that received about $500 million. A city or province’s small scale science museum may need a few million dollars. However, the dilemma is to predict how worthwhile it would be to invest such a large amount of financial support in establishing big buildings. How can we create the Inspiring Science Culture Enquirium? Co-construction of the Science Enquirium by students, parents, teachers, professors, laymen, politicians, and government officials would bein the spirit of Science Culture Education and would also be a meaningful method as student collaboration, peer instruction, co-teaching, and co-learning. People who understand the needs of the Science Enquirium will create a community and start to study, plan, fund-raise, and contribute to garner the proper amount of official finance. Co-construction of the Inspiring Science Culture Enquirium raises hopes for students with disabilities to embrace the challenge of covering their weaknesses and also for all students-with or without disabilities- through the appreciation of nature and the inspirational study of science that feels both aspects of intellectual pleasure as well as vocational study basics; those with behavioral issues may find opportunities to reflect on their ways of thinking and their habits; those who have never appreciated their keen eyesight may find the beauty of observing nature; those who have never appreciated their hearing may discover the melody of music and communication among friends; and those with bodies healthy enough to run around and play sports may have an opportunity to reflect and say thanks. Students who were scared to study science and who found it difficult mayfind pleasure in the simple hands-on activities and gradually progress to tackling sophisticated tasks together with friends. If the Science Enquirium can achieve these above goals, it will both bring pleasure to the parents of these children and meet the nation’s expectations for scientific achievement.

      • KCI등재

        형평성 관련 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육 연구 경향 탐색 : 네트워크 분석법의 다학제적 적용

        기경미(GyeongMi Gi),마틴 산야(Sonya Martin),하경균(Gyeong-Gyun Ha),박은지(Eun Ji Park) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2019 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.37 No.5

        이 논문은 석사학위 논문을 일부 논고를 수정, 보완하고 요약한 논문임을 밝혀 둔다. 학습에 관한 패러다임의 변화와 함께 학교 밖 학습을 일컫는 비형식 학습이라는 용어가 등장하였고, 관련 분야에 대한 관심도 비약적으로 증가하였다. 본 연구는 학교 교육 환경에 비해 제약이 없는 비형식 학습 환경이야말로 "모두를 위한 과학"이 가장 잘 구현될 수 있는 곳이며, 다양한 학습자의 학습을 포용할 수 있는 가능성이 있다는 점에서 시작되었다. 그러나 여러 선행 연구들에 따르면, 실제 비형식 학습 환경에서의 참여 양상은 다소 편향되어 있는 것으로 나타났다. 과학기술이 쇄도하는 오늘날 과학에 접근할 수 없는 것은 새로운 사회적 소외라 할 수 있으므로, 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육에 대한 형평성 문제는 반드시 이해되어야 하는 동시에 설명해야 할 핵심 과제라 할 수 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 국외 형평성 관련 비형식 과학학습·교육의 연구 동향과 그 특징을 파악하는 것이다. 이를 위해 다학제간 연구에 활용되는 네트워크 분석기법을 도입하여, 현재까지의 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육 연구물들을 지식 네트워크의 형태로 이해하고, 그안에 형평성 문제에 대한 지식 구조를 보다 다양한 양상으로 규명하고자 시도하였다. 분석 결과를 바탕으로 한 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중심 주제 ‘프로그램’, ‘관람객’, ‘경험’, ‘전시’, ‘개발’, ‘교사’는 기간에 따른 변화 경향을 보였다. 2000년대 초에는 ‘관람객’, ‘전시’ 연구가 가장 활성화된 반면, 2006년 이후로는 ‘프로그램’이 새로 등장하였다. 또한 이 중심 주제들은 상호 연관성의 긴밀함에 따라 6개의 하위 주제 집단으로 나뉘었다. 둘째, ‘형평성’ 주제는 ‘교사’, ‘프로그램’, ‘커뮤니티’ 주제와 가장 연관성이 높았으며, 관련 연구는 주로 형평성 있는 비형식 과학학습을 제공함에 있어 교사가 중요한 역할을 한다고 보았다. 때문에 교사의 역량을 중점적으로 조명하는 한편, 교육프로그램이나 커뮤니티를 통해서 형평성 있는 비형식 과학교육의 기회를 다양한 학습자에게 제공하고자 하였다. 반면, ‘관람객·전시’, ‘경험·접근성’ 2개 하위 주제어 집단과는 직접 연관성이 없는 것으로 나타났으며, 후자의 집단에 속한 에듀케이터 주제 또한 같은 결과를 보였다. 셋째, 비형식 과학교육 연구에서 ‘다양성’ 주제는 전 네트워크에 걸쳐 다방면으로 연구가 이뤄지고 있었다. 특히 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육에서의 형평성은 다양한 학습자의 사회적, 문화적 배경을 이해함으로서 출발하므로 대상의 다양한 특성을 이해해야 함을 조명하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 형평성 관련 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육의 실행과 연구에 대해 다음과 같이 제언하였다. 첫째, 다양한 학습자의 특성을 반영한 비형식 과학 학습 또는 교육 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 둘째, 형평성 있는 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육에 대한 에듀케이터의 역할과 역량이 증진되어야 한다. 셋째, 국내 비형식 과학 학습 및 교육계는 형평성 문제를 보다 활발히 거론하는 것은 물론, 구체적으로 다룰 필요가 있다. Some content reported in this paper has been adapted from parts of a master degree thesis. With the paradigm shift in learning, the term informal learning, which refers to learning that takes place outside of school, has emerged, and interest in related fields has increased dramatically. The informal learning environment has fewer limitations than the school education environment and is the best place to implement “science for all” and embrace the possibilities of the learning of various learners. However, according to previous studies, the pattern of participation in the informal learning environment is somewhat biased. Currently, some people lack access to newly emerging science and technology which can result in decreased opportunities to learn about and participate in these rapidly changing fields. Therefore, the issue of equity in informal science learning and education are key areas that must be examined and understood. The purpose of this study is to identify the overseas research trends and characteristics in informal science learning and education related to equity. We attempted to understand the informal science learning and education research in the form of a knowledge network and to identify various aspects of the knowledge structure from the perspective of equity. To do so, we used a network analysis which is used for multidisciplinary research. The findings from our data analysis are as follows: First, the main themes ‘program’, ‘visitor’, ‘experience’, ‘exhibition’, ‘development’, and ‘teacher’ have tended to change over time. In the early 2000s, ‘visitor’ and ‘exhibition’ studies were the most prominent, however, since 2006, ‘programs’ addressing equity issues began to appear. We divided these main themes into six sub-theme groups that are most closely related to each other. Second, the topic of ‘equity’ was most relevant to the topics of ‘teacher’, ‘program’, and ‘community’, Related research showed that teachers play an important role in providing equitable learning experiences in informal science education. Therefore, while focusing on the competence of teachers, the study aimed to determine what opportunities have been provided to diverse learners via equitable informal science education as specially developed educational programs or specially designed learning communities. There were, however, no direct associations with the two sub-keyword groups, ‘visitor, exhibition’ and ‘experience, accessibility’. In informal science education research, the topic of ‘diversity’ has been studied in many ways throughout the network. A related study has highlighted that equity in informal science education starts with understanding the social and cultural backgrounds of various learners. Therefore it is necessary to understand the various characteristics of those who have diverse backgrounds. Based on these findings, we suggests the continued research on the implementation of equity-related informal science learning and education. Our findings suggest it is necessary to develop informal science learning and educational programs that reflect the characteristics of diverse learners. In addition, the role and competencies of educators in equitable informal science learning and education should be enhanced through professional development and education focused on understanding diversity and how to teach using equity-based pedagogical strategies. Finally, domestic informal science learning and education communities need to address the issue of equity in Korea more actively and deal with issues related to diversity in more detailed and consistent ways.

      • KCI등재

        이스라엘의 중학교 창의적인 과학기술교육의 체제 분석을 통한 한국 과학교육의 개선 방향

        김영란,이무상 慶北大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 2002 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.26 No.-

        The 21st century of the globalized and information-oriented society emphasized the creativity. Education should provide the means of producing the creative next generation, especially in scientific areas. This thesis analyzed the science and technology education and it's curriculum for the middle school of Israel, one of the leading country in the creativity-orientied science education. The syllabus of the science and technology education was developed in the wake of the Harari report, which recommended combining the study of the sciences and technology at all age levels, from kindergarten to senior high school. The teaching-learning process included varied methods of instruction and learning, such as learning through investigation and discovery, lectures, discussions, demonstrations, laboratory activities, field trips and activities, projects, simulations, and so forth. All Science & Technology studies were to be held in the Science and Technology room. The curriculum for grades 7-9 within the framwork of 8 main topics, each of which in turn contains topics and sub-topics of study. Seven main topics were defined as required studies, eighth main topic could be learned within the framwork of elective sutides. A minimum of 540 hours were allotted to reqired studies and about 60 hours to elective studies. Through Science & Technology subject, pupils were given to understand the mutual relations between the sciences, technology, and society, called STS education. Techonology system and products', 'Information and communication', and 'Ecosystems', not dealt with in Korean science subject were the areas where Israel's general aim of science from primary to secondary education was clearly showing that science was put in pracitce in real life. According to the nature of four fields of science, time was differently allotted. Especially time of geophysics was allotted littel(12%), which rerely has the nature of basic study. (Physics(23%), Biology(38%), Chemistry(27%)). In Israel, the science education was desired to naturally develop the students' creativity. In its education for the talented, there were many institutions for them from 1970's, and a lot of organized programs with various ways and levels. Futhermore, to the talented they had different point of view from ours. In our science education, the importance of creativity should be related to the students' ways of study, various methods of teaching and learning. And we should match the theory and practice through the connection of science and technology. When we decide the contents of science and distribution of class hour, we should not allot time evely in all cases but we should do by nature of four fields of science. Creativity is not a magic word to solve all the problems of education. And Israel has the different social-cultural background from us, so we should adopt their course of study, which is suitable to ours.

      • KCI등재

        비정규환경의 과학탐구활동과 학교교육과정의 연계성 분석: 대한민국과학축전을 중심으로

        이윤정,임성민 한국물리학회 2012 새물리 Vol.62 No.3

        Several forms of science education programs have existed in informal educational settings or informal science education activities in Korea, and such a kind of informal science education has been increasingly emphasized internationally and domestically. Scientific activities in informal educational settings can foster scientific literacy for youth, so it can complement science education with school science education. Though there informal science education has been emphasized, little has been studied of the connection between informal science education and school science education. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the connection between scientific activities in informal educational settings and school science education, especially focusing on the school science curriculum. For this, the authors investigated the 'Korean Science Festival', which might be the biggest informal science education program in Korea, and analyzed how the activities in such an informal science education program were related to the 2009 revised National Science Curriculum of Korea. 우리나라에는 여러 형태의 비정규 환경의 과학활동 또는비정규과학교육이 이루어지고 있으며 최근 그 중요성이 국내외적으로점점 강조되고 있다. 비정규 환경의 과학활동은 학교과학교육과상보적으로 청소년들의 과학적 소양 함양에 공헌할 수 있다. 그러나 학교안 및 학교 밖 과학교육의 연계에 대한 강조는 있어왔지만, 이 두 형태의과학교육활동이 얼마나 서로 상보적으로 연계를 맺고 있는지에 대한 연구또는 고려는 그리 많지 않다. 따라서 이 연구를 통해서 우리나라에서진행되고 있는 비정규환경의 과학활동이 학교과학교육, 구체적으로과학교육과정과 어떤 연계성을 갖고 있는지를 분석하고자 한다. 구체적으로 우리나라 최대 규모의 비정규 과학활동이라고 할 수 있는`대한민국과학창의축전'을 중심으로 여기에 포함된 다양한 형태의과학활동이 과학교육과정(2009 개정과학교육과정)과 어떤 연계가 있는지분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        초등과학교육 연구의 동향

        장병기 ( Jang Byeong Gi ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2003 초등과학교육 Vol.22 No.2

        The Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education has been developed in both quantitative and qualitative aspects during twenty years since first published year 1983. This study was intended to survey the research trend of the journals, which has been published so far. it will give an orientation of science education research and suggestions towards research to improve science education. The 243 articles of the journals, which were published from 1983 to 2002 by Korean Elementary Science Education Society, were classified into 7 categories including science teaching, science learning, assessment in science, science teacher education, science curriculum, educational facilities & materials, and general science education. The results are as follows: 1. The articles published last decade are increased four times compared with the first decade. 2. The half of articles published so far concentrated on science teaching and learning. The articles on educational facilities & materials or general science education are few. 3. During the last decade, the articles on science teacher education, educational facilities & materials, assessment in science, and science learning relatively increased than the first decade. The number of articles on science curriculum was fluctuated every five years. 4. Most of articles were focused on the narrow subject areas. For example, the articles on science teaching, science learning, assessment in science, science teacher education, science curriculum, and educational facilities & materials were largely focused on the teaching strategies, pupils` conception, affective assessment and teaching practice survey, teachers` appreciation about the nature of science or instruction, analysis of science textbooks, development of the experimental materials or the audiovisual aids respectively. 5. The subject areas highlighted so far in science education, for example, inquiry or experimental activities, STS instruction, environmental education, gifted education, instruction with multimedia, problem-solving or reasoning, experimental skill assessment, etc. were not much researched.

      • KCI등재

        과학과 수학의 통합교육에 대한 유아교사의 인식연구

        김다래 한국열린유아교육학회 2019 열린유아교육연구 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to investigate recognition towards integrated education of science and mathematics of early childhood teachers by carrying out the focus group interviews. As a result first, the of integrated education of science and mathematics appeared as ‘the research process that solves the problem’, ‘the grafting of the contents of science and mathematics’, and ‘the consideration of the diversity of the learner’. Second, the need for integrated education of science and mathematics, it appeared as ‘the reflection of the flows of the times’, ‘the special characteristics of the development of the little children’, and ‘the link with the elementary school’. Third, Regarding the teaching-learning method of integrated education of science and mathematics, it appeared as ‘the teaching-learning planning led by the teacher, the utilization of the community resources, and the linkages with the original events and the national memorial days’. Fourth, Regarding the activity materials of the science and mathematics-integrated education, they appeared as being ‘the science and mathematics-integrated education utilizing the story books’, ‘the science and mathematics- integrated education utilizing the natural objects’, and ‘the science and mathematics-integrated education utilizing the multimedia’. Fifth, Regarding the recognitions of teaching capabilities of science and mathematics-integrated education, it appeared as ‘the insufficiency of the knowledge regarding the integrated education’, ‘the questioning worry for the integrated thoughts’, and ‘the consideration of the forms by group for the integrated education’. Lastly, the demands of the teacher education in relation to science and mathematics-integrated education, they appeared as ‘the teacher education regarding the game training centered on the activities’, ‘the teacher education regarding the consulting training utilizing the world curriculum’, and ‘the teacher education regarding the case example presentation training through a teaching-learning method’. 본 연구는 포커스 그룹 면담을 실시하여 유아교사의 과학과 수학의 통합교육에 대한 인식을 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 연구결과 과학과 수학의 통합교육의 개념은 ‘문제를 해결하는 탐구과정’, ‘과학과 수학의 결합’, ‘학습자의 다양성 고려’ 로 나타났다. 과학과 수학의 통합교육 필요성으로 ‘시대적 흐름의 반영’, ‘유아의 발달특성’, ‘초등학교와의 연계’로 나타났다. 과학과 수학 통합교육의 교수-학습 방법은 ‘교사 주도로 교사-학습 계획, 지역사회 자원 활용, 원 행사 및 국가기념일과 연계’로 나타났다. 과학과 수학 통합교육의 활동자료는 ‘이야기책을 활용한 과학과 수학의 통합교육’, ‘자연물을 활용한 과학과 수학의 통합교육’, ‘멀티미디어를 활용한 과학과 수학의 통합교육’으로 나타났다. 과학과 수학 통합교육의 교수능력 인식으로는 ‘통합교육에 대한 지식 부족’, ‘통합적 사고를 위한 발문고민’, ‘통합교육을 위한 집단별 형태의 고려’로 나타났다. 과학과 수학의 통합교육에 대한 교사교육의 요구로는 ‘활동중심 놀이 연수에 대한 교사교육’, ‘누리교육과정을 활용한 컨설팅 연수에 대한 교사교육’, ‘교수학습 방법의 사례발표 연수에 대한 교사교육’으로 나타났다.

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