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      • KCI등재

        근대 일본 화폐 양식의 서양화

        김판수 한국사회사학회 2009 사회와 역사 Vol.0 No.81

        This paper suggests a new perspective for the studies on modern money by analyzing the money-forms. In general, the representations of territorial money are considered to be commonly related to the construction of national identity. However, they, indeed, have worked to promote cultural intimacy to the historical world-system in non-Western countries. To show the role of the money-forms in world-system, this paper is mainly to analyze three different money-forms - the shape, language, and descriptive method of letters - focussing on changes in modern paper money of Imperial Japan. The Western money-forms had been introduced and inscribed in Japanese paper-money from the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century. At the beginning, the Meiji government positively transformed the shape of traditional paper money to western way for modernization of money system in 1873. Second, in 1885, the Meiji government inscribed convertible words in English in both sides of paper money since Meiji government wanted to be consolidated to world-system and certificated as the civilized country by the Western powers. Third, after World War II, the Us occupation forces had deprived the money-issuing right of Japanese government until 1953 and transformed the descriptive method of letters to the Western way in 1948. 이 글은 근대 화폐 표상 연구에서 분석 대상 확장 및 영토적 한계를 넘어서기 위해, 근대 일본 화폐 양식의 서양화 과정을 고찰하였다. 이 글에서는 화폐에 각인된 다양한 표상들을 구분하여 각각의 ‘화폐 양식’으로 정의한다. 화폐 양식은 도안, 단위, 문자, 언어, 문자기술방식, 위조방지장치, 일련번호, 화폐 형태 등 화폐에 재현된 모든 표상들이다. 이 글은 화폐 표상 분석으로 도안만이 고려되는 것에서 탈피하기 위해, 19세기 중반 미국에 의한 일본 강제 개항 무렵부터 20세기 중반 미 점령군에 의한 일본 점령기까지 발행된 일본 지폐의 형태, 언어, 그리고 문자기술방식을 중심으로 화폐 양식 변화 과정을 분석하였다. 지폐 형태는 미국에 의한 개항 이후 일본이 근대적 국가 만들기 과정에서 적극적으로 서양화를 추구하면서, 언어는 일본이 제국주의적 권력 관계 틈에서 동아시아 공간을 식민화 하는 과정에서, 문자기술방식은 2차 대전 이후 미국에 의해 일본이 점령된 이후 미국 점령군총사령부에 의해 전환되었다. 이처럼 일본 화폐 양식의 서양화 과정은 일본이 제국주의 국가들과 맺는 권력 관계의 변화에 따라 능동·수동·강제적 방식 등 복합적 양상을 보인다. 이를 바탕으로 화폐 표상이 단순히 국민국가 단위 통합성과 관련된 것이 아니라, 권역적, 전지구적 세계체계의 위계적 통합 및 친밀성의 확장과도 깊은 연관이 있음을 밝혔다. 즉 오늘날 대다수 국가가 발행하고 있는 지폐에는 국가적·권역적·전지구적 표상들이 다양한 화폐 양식으로 분산되어 각인되어 있다. 이는 19세기 이후 서양 제국주의에 의해 비-서양 국가들이 직·간접적으로 식민화되는 과정에서 수용·동화·이식 등의 복합적인 방식으로 고착 및 변형된 결과이다. 근대 서양적 화폐 양식은 19세기 제국주의를 통해 비-서양 국가들의 화폐 양식에 위계적으로 각인되었고, 자본주의적 세계 체계의 확장과 더불어 사회 도처에서 유통되었다. 화폐는 단순히 수평적 교환의 도구가 아니라 자본주의적 세계 체계의 위계 구조에서 특정한 방식의 사회적 상호작용을 강제하는 효과적인 도구이자 매체이다. 따라서 화폐 양식의 식민지적 이식 및 확장은 세계 체계 내의 문화적 친밀성 증대에 있어서 중요한 조건을 조성한다.

      • KCI등재

        짐멜의 『돈의 철학』에 나타난 "돈"과 "종교"

        최현종 ( Hyun-jong Choi ) 한국사회역사학회 2016 담론 201 Vol.19 No.3

        본 논문은 짐멜의 『돈의 철학』을 중심으로 현대사회에 있어서의 돈과 종교의 관계를 살펴보고, 이에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이것을 위하여 먼저 짐멜이 설명하는 돈의 본질적 요소를 그의 『돈의 철학』을 중심으로 살펴보고(2장), 또한 다른 고전적 분석가인 마르크스와 비교하였고(3장), 다시 짐멜의 『돈의 철학』에 나타난 종교에 대한 언급을 통해 돈과의 관련성을 생각해 보았다(4장). 이러한 고찰을 통하여 필자는 현대사회에서 1) 다양한 가치 척도의 존재 가능성과 필요, 2) 풍요 사회로의 발전에 따른 돈의 효용성 변화, 3) 현재의 돈의 역할에 대한 종교의 제어기능의 문제 등에 대해 논의하였다. This paper will examine the relationship between money and religion that Georg Simmel has described in his book The Philosophy of Money and s earch f or implications in modern society. Although The Philosophy of Money was not written about religion, Simmel reveals his views on religion in comparing money to religion, in particular, under the basic categories of ``content`` and ``form``. In this paper, the relationship between money and religion in The Philosophy of Money is considered in the following topics: 1) money and r eligion v iewed f rom t he standpoint o f objective ‘ f orm’ a nd subj ective ‘content’, 2) similarity of money and religion and the dangers due to that, 3) human value problems in money and religion, and 4) other problems arising from the similarity of money and religion. In conclusion, the following questions are discussed: 1) needs of a variety of value measure vs. standardization of value by money, 2) the possibility of utility change o f money a ccording to the postmaterialization o f society, and 3 ) the possibility of control function of religion on the current role of money.

      • KCI등재

        체홉 작품에 나타난 돈의 모티프

        문석우 한국러시아문학회 2010 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.35 No.-

        The aim of this work is to study a motif of money that appears in works of Chekhov at time of decadence of the second part of 19th century, when capitalism has come to Russia from Western Europe and began its growth. Money almost always has a close connection with human's behavior and really became an essential element of our lives. It entered literature and, following literature standards, has become a meaningful formal element, has become a motif connected with literary works' themes both directly and indirectly. Therefore we got interested in question of what meaning and function money has in literature, and particularly how it is reflected in the mirror of Russian literature. Money is a main cause and motive that makes people face the real world. The characters of literary work make mistakes not when they possess money or trying to possess it but they do mistakes when they do not understand clearly what it means to have money and what their desire to possess it signifies. People do not know the substantive power of money. That is money can get out of control of people who possess it or try to possess and by its own power can create a completely new situation that no one could presuppose. In literature there have been formed new ways that use a motif of money, and by that functions of money began to appear in more diverse forms. Most of money motifs accomplish multi-level composition of a literary work and help along in development of action. In addition to that, the motif of money along with development of psychologism, can be sensed in personality portrayal of negative characters, in such characteristics as propensity to calculating, greed and miserliness which result from strong obsession about riches and instigate to performing a criminal act. In such topics as money, wealth, inheritance, dowry it often creates motives for sincere or deceitful actions and provides characters with roles. In Russian literature the motif of money has a long history that takes its roots in Slavic mythology. Orthodox church way of thinking, which separates wealth and poverty, integrity, mercy and sympathy, had an especially strong influence on the people. Even in modern literature, influenced by western Europe, there are reproduced and repeated consistent ideas of obsession about money, wealth, miserliness and greed, connected with human's weakness and sins, good deeds of the poor and evil deeds of the rich. As a result of study of Chekhov's short stories and plays we can say that subject of influence of the motif of money took an important place in realistic literary works of the author who expressed various nature of life in social and economic conditions of second part of 19th century in Russia. 돈은 실제로 우리 생활에서 없어서는 안 될 중요한 요소이다. 그것은 문학에 들어와 문학규범을 따르면서 내용이 풍부한 형식요소가 되었고, 작품의 테마와 직- 간접으로 관련을 맺은 모티프의 하나가 되었다. 돈은 우리 인간들을 현실세계와 부딪치게 하는 삶의 강력한 동기요인임을 증명해준다. 작품에 등장하는 주인공들의 잘못은 그들이 돈을 소유하고 있거나 소유하려고 노력하는 데 있는 것이 아니라 그 돈을 갖거나 원한다는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지 분명히 인식하지 못한다는 데서 출발한다는 사실이다. 사람들은 돈의 보다 실체적인 힘을 알지 못한다. 즉 돈은 그것을 소유하고 있거나 소유하려는 사람들의 통제를 벗어나 그 자체의 힘만으로도 누구도 예측하지 못하는 전혀 새로운 상황을 만들어버린다는 사실을 말이다. 문학에서 돈의 모티프를 이용하는 새로운 방법들이 생겨나면서 그 기능은 좀 더 다양한 형태로 나타나기 시작했다. 대부분 돈의 모티프는 작품의 시공간적인 구성을 이루면서 행위의 발전을 촉진시킨다. 그것은 도시의 하층민과 농촌의 빈곤, 노동자들의 삶의 모습을 표현하는 데에서 느낄 수 있다. 또한 문학에서 돈의 모티프는 심리주의의 발전과 더불어 ‘재물에 대한 강한 욕망’에서 기인하고, 범죄행위를 부추기는 계산적인 성향, 탐욕, 인색함과 같은, 특히 부정적인 등장인물의 성격묘사에서 느껴진다. 돈, 재산, 유산, 지참금 등의 주제는 자주 진실하거나 거짓된 행위들의 동기를 만들어내며 등장인물들의 역할을 제공하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 러시아 문학에서 돈의 모티프는 슬라브족의 신화에 뿌리를 둔 오랜 역사를 갖고 있었다. 부와 가난, 청렴, 자비와 동정, 정신적 가치와 물질적 가치를 분리시키는 그리스정교적인 사고는 민중들의 사고에 특히 강한 영향을 주었다. 서유럽의 영향을 받은 러시아 근대문학에서는 돈에 대한 욕망, 인간의 약점이나 죄악과 관련된 부, 인색함과 탐욕, 가난한 자의 선행과 부자의 악행이라는 일관된 사상이 재현되었다. 따라서 체홉의 중-단편들과 희곡을 고찰한 결과 19세기 후반 러시아의 사회적, 경제적인 제약 속에 살고 있는 삶의 다양한 특성을 보여주려고 했던 체홉의 사실주의 문학에서 돈의 모티프의 역할은 물질적인 욕망이나 속물근성 등 부정적인 면을 벗어나 성찰의 계기를 갖도록 하는 중요한 테마로 자리 잡고 있음을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        경조사 부조금

        조은성(Cho, Eunseong),변숙은(Byun, Sookeun) 한국문화산업학회 2014 문화산업연구 Vol.14 No.4

        체면을 중시하는 한국 사회에서 부조금 지출이 가정 경제에 큰 부담이 되고 있으나, 부조금에 대한 학술적 조사는 거의 찾기 힘들다. 본 연구는 연령, 종교가, 소득, 자산, 학력, 직업, 주관적 사회지위, 자녀 결혼가능성, 체면민감성, 미혼자녀수가 부조금에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 연령대별(30, 40, 50, 60대) 및 성별에 따른 할당 표본추출을 실시하여 308명의 유효표본을 얻었다. 부조 횟수를 종속변수로 하는 회귀분석에서 직업, 자산, 자녀 결혼가능성, 주관적 사회지위가 유의하였다. 1회당 부조금에 연령, 연령제곱, 성별, 소득이 유의한 관계를 보였다. 부조금 총액에는 연령, 연령제곱, 직업, 자녀 결혼가능성, 주관적 사회지위가 유의하였다. 부조 횟수와 1회당 부조금에 영향을 미치는 요인은 서로 다르며, 부조 횟수와 1회당 부조금은 서로 상충 관계임을 제시하였다. 또한 흔히 알려진 것과는 달리 부의금보다 축의금 지출이 훨씬 더 많다는 것을 발견하였다. There has been little research efforts on spending behaviors of congratulatory or condolence money in Korea, despite its practical importance in the society. This study examined such spending behaviors by lifetime-event types (i.e., wedding, funeral, first-birthday party, and sixtieth-birthday party). This study is unique in that we examined the factors that are related to the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money, and the average amount of such spending per event, aswell as the total amount of such spending per year. Both positive and inverted-U relationships were hypothesized for the effects of age on the expenditure on congratulatory or condolence money. For the effects of the number of unmarried children, both positive and negative relationships were considered. Men were expected to give more money and give money more frequently for others" lifetime events, compared to women. Those who have a religion were expected to give money more frequently than those who do not have a religion. Income, asset, education level, occupation, subjective social position, the likelihood of their children’s wedding in the near future, and susceptibility for social face were also expected to have relationships with congratulatory or condolence money spending behavior. After excluding untrustworthy responses, 308 valid samples were obtained. We ran a series of regression analyses with three different dependent variables: the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money, and the average amount of such spending per event, as well as the total amount of the spending per year. Occupation, asset, and the likelihood of their children’s wedding in near future were significantly associated while subjective social position was marginally significant with the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolencemoney. Age, square of age, gender, and income were significantly related with the average amount of the spending per event. Age, square of age, occupation, and the likelihood of children’s wedding in near future were significantly associatedwith the total amount of the spending per year. Theoretical implications. Fist, the determinants of the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money are different from those of the average amount of spendingmoney per event. Second, there is a tradeoff between the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolencemoney and the average amount of spending per event. Third, people tend to spend more money for others" congratulatory events than condolence events. Lastly, more than half of the consumers seem to give less amount of money per event and give money less frequently than the fact known to everyone. 체면을 중시하는 한국 사회에서 부조금 지출이 가정 경제에 큰 부담이 되고 있으나, 부조금에 대한 학술적 조사는 거의 찾기 힘들다. 본 연구는 연령, 종교가, 소득, 자산, 학력, 직업, 주관적 사회지위, 자녀 결혼가능성, 체면민감성, 미혼자녀수가 부조금에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 연령대별(30, 40, 50, 60대) 및 성별에 따른 할당 표본추출을 실시하여 308명의 유효표본을 얻었다. 부조 횟수를 종속변수로 하는 회귀분석에서 직업, 자산, 자녀 결혼가능성, 주관적 사회지위가 유의하였다. 1회당 부조금에 연령, 연령제곱, 성별, 소득이 유의한 관계를 보였다. 부조금 총액에는 연령, 연령제곱, 직업, 자녀 결혼가능성, 주관적 사회지위가 유의하였다. 부조 횟수와 1회당 부조금에 영향을 미치는 요인은 서로 다르며, 부조 횟수와 1회당 부조금은 서로 상충 관계임을 제시하였다. 또한 흔히 알려진 것과는 달리 부의금보다 축의금 지출이 훨씬 더 많다는 것을 발견하였다. There has been little research efforts on spending behaviors of congratulatory or condolence money in Korea, despite its practical importance in the society. This study examined such spending behaviors by lifetime-event types (i.e., wedding, funeral, first-birthday party, and sixtieth-birthday party). This study is unique in that we examined the factors that are related to the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money, and the average amount of such spending per event, aswell as the total amount of such spending per year. Both positive and inverted-U relationships were hypothesized for the effects of age on the expenditure on congratulatory or condolence money. For the effects of the number of unmarried children, both positive and negative relationships were considered. Men were expected to give more money and give money more frequently for others" lifetime events, compared to women. Those who have a religion were expected to give money more frequently than those who do not have a religion. Income, asset, education level, occupation, subjective social position, the likelihood of their children’s wedding in the near future, and susceptibility for social face were also expected to have relationships with congratulatory or condolence money spending behavior. After excluding untrustworthy responses, 308 valid samples were obtained. We ran a series of regression analyses with three different dependent variables: the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money, and the average amount of such spending per event, as well as the total amount of the spending per year. Occupation, asset, and the likelihood of their children’s wedding in near future were significantly associated while subjective social position was marginally significant with the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolencemoney. Age, square of age, gender, and income were significantly related with the average amount of the spending per event. Age, square of age, occupation, and the likelihood of children’s wedding in near future were significantly associatedwith the total amount of the spending per year. Theoretical implications. Fist, the determinants of the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolence money are different from those of the average amount of spendingmoney per event. Second, there is a tradeoff between the frequency of giving congratulatory or condolencemoney and the average amount of spending per event. Third, people tend to spend more money for others" congratulatory events than condolence events. Lastly, more than half of the consumers seem to give less amount of money per event and give money less frequently than the fact known to everyone.

      • KCI등재

        행복한 삶과 돈의 의미: 짐멜의 돈의 철학을 중심으로

        홍경자 한국하이데거학회 2015 현대유럽철학연구 Vol.0 No.38

        본 논문은 어떤 근거에서 돈이 문화적 삶의 행위와 사회적 상호작용을 가능케 하는지, 나아가 어떤 방식으로 돈이 삶에 의해 발전하고, 삶의 전체적인 부분들이 돈에 의해 발전하는지를 짐멜(G. Simmel)의 돈의 철학을 통해 구명하고 있다. 여기서 그의 중심적 논지는 모든 인간을 단순한 경제적 역할과 기능의 담지자가 되도록 강요하는 자본주의 사회에서 돈의 이중성, 즉 돈이 지닌부정적인 측면뿐만 아니라 돈이 지닌 긍정적이고 건설적인 측면 또한 부각시키는 데 있다. 짐멜에 따르면 화폐경제의 물적 토대 위에서 돈은 현대사회에 적합한 정신문화를 발전시켜 개인의 정신적 세계, 즉 인격을 심화시키고 영혼을보존할 수 있는 가능성을 제공한다는 것이다. 여기서 돈과 영혼이 결합되는데, 그 이유는 현대사회를 지배하는 돈이라는 물질문화가 자신의 물적 토대를 기반으로 하는 정신문화와 상호작용하기 때문이다. 어떻게 이것이 가능할 수 있는가? 이러한 물음에서 출발하는 본 논문은 현대사회의 문화적 공간에서 돈이 어떻게 개인의 인격을 발전시키고 영혼을 보존할 수 있는지에 대해 돈의 철학 을 통해 심층적으로 고찰해봄으로써 현대사회에서 삶의 질 향상과 연관된 행복한 삶과 돈의 상호 연관성을 밝혀 보고자 한다. This paper will research how money allows the action and social interaction of a cultural life, how money advances one’s life, and how money advances all aspects of one’s life. In a capitalistic society that pressures all human beings to become a simple financial role as well as a technological bearer, G. Simmel highlights the duality of money; in other words, he sharply criticizes the negative aspect of money while praising money’s positive and constructive side. If we follow G. Simmel, money, in the material foundation of our monetary economy, shows its capability of advancing the moral culture suitable for our modern society, intensifying one’s personality and preserving one’s soul. Here, money and soul are combined; the reason for this is our monetary culture in which money governs the monetary economy, as well as interacting with our moral culture based on one’s material foundation. On what grounds do we do that? From this question, this paper starts focuses on contemplating in-depth how money develops one’s character and preserves one’s soul in the cultural space of a modern society using the ‘philosophy of money’. It will also reveal the quality improvement of life in our present society, as well as the related interconnectivity of money and a happy life.

      • KCI등재

        한국주식시장에서 House-Money효과: Day Trader 중심으로

        정성훈 한국기업경영학회 2012 기업경영연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Investors who have experienced a gain or profit are often willing to take more risk. Gamblers call this “playing with the house’s money.” Since they don’t yet consider the money to be their own, they are willing to take more risk with it. The house money effect predicts investors will be more likely to purchase risky stocks after closing out a profitable trade. According to behavioral finance, the results arising from past decisions affect current decisions. If some through investment the interests gained and if you have some experience The following pseudodetermines the situation, risk in the who like to live on the edge, but it the past, investment losses from the This and if you have some experience, and then decision-making In situations where the risk of less willing will attempt to. Behavior of financial stakes in the casino, which means “house money ‘uses the term, past profits from the sale due to the investment risk preferences, and then as the house money effect has been referred to. Previous research studies abroad as a way of experiments with house money effect exists, but the actual look any results appearing in the market for the research is lacking. This study, based on actual data to individual investors buying and selling of individual investors showing the house money effect verifying that the characteristics and performance in any of these properties as a result of this investment appears to be the main goal is to verify. Conclusions drawn from experimental studies that were happening in the real stock market from which to determine the significance of this study can be found. The primary objective of this paper is to find out whether the house-money effect exists in stock trading by individual day traders and whether they actually commit perceptive errors in their stock trading. To achieve this objective, I have tried to assess the likelihood of attaining the house-money effect by taking a behavioral finance approach by studying some samples of individual day traders’ stock trading in the Korean stock market. In doing so I have taken the house-money effect as a theoretical backbone of my study. The data for the empirical study contained in this paper have been randomly collected from a Korean securities company’s transaction records. I took 500 cyber accounts from the active accounts between February of 1999 and February of 2005 (the accounts more than at least one-year old). Through the empirical analysis, the results attained are as follows; First, the day trader are more aggressive after they got gain in prior investment. If they had loss in prior investment, the day trader invested more passive. This phenomenon could be called ‘house-money effect’. Second, day trader would invest more actively as the gain increased. Third, ‘house-money effect’ strategy couldn’t increase day trader’s wealth. This paper support prior literature of the house-money effect. For the stable gain, investors have to overcome psychological bias. 본 연구는 주식시장에서 개인투자자, 특히 데이트레이더가 어떠한 투자성향을 보이는지를 실제 매매자료를 통해 분석하고, 이러한 투자행태로 인해 수익에 어떤 결과를 가져오는가를 Fama-French 3 factor 모형을 이용하여 분석하였다. 분석기간은 1999년 2월부터 2005년 2월까지의 83개월간이었으며, 실제 매매가 이루어진 10,000개 개인투자자 계좌 중 데이트레이더로 정의할 수 있는 500개 계좌를 대상으로 분석을 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 첫째, 데이트레이더들은 과거 매매에서 이익을 본 경우 위험선호도가 증가하는 성향을 보이고 있으며, 이를 하우스머니효과(house-money effect)로 정의하도록 한다. 즉, 이익에 대해 과도한 자신감(overconfidence)을 가지게 되고, 이는 주식에 대한 이익을 하우스머니로 인식한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 하우스머니효과는 과거 매매에서 얻은 이익의 규모가 커질수록 증가하는 것으로 확인했다. 즉, 손실이 발생되면 심리적으로 위축되어 위험선호성향이 감고한다는 것을 알 수 있다. 셋째, 데이트레이더의 하우스머니 투자행태로 인한 사후 투자수익률은 단기적으로는 양(+)의 초과수익률을 보였으나, 장기적으로는 손실을기록하는 것으로 확인되었다. 즉, 하우스머니효과로 인한 위험 선호적 투자가 성과에 좋지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구가 지니고 있는 한계점으로 데이트레이더로 한정하여 분석을 실시하였는데 일반 개인투자자의 경우 다른 특성을 보이는가를 확인할 필요가 있다

      • KCI등재

        사이버머니 품질과 이용의도간의 관련성: 사이버머니 이용빈도와 이용규모의 조절효과를 중심으로

        윤종수(Jongsoo Yoon) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2019 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.24 No.5

        While there have been a lots of studies on the use of cyber money, few researches proposed the results on relationships among quality factors, usage intention, and usage characteristics of cyber money in online business environment. Therefore, this study investigates the relationships between cyber money quality and usage intention of cyber money, and examines whether the usage characteristics(frequency, amount) of cyber money has moderating effect on the relationship between cyber money quality and usage intention of cyber money. Firstly, multiple regression analysis tells significant causal relationship between functional and emotional factors of cyber money quality and usage intention of cyber money. Secondly, dummy regression analysis shows usage characteristics of cyber money has the moderating effect on the relationship between cyber money quality and usage intention of cyber money. This paper concludes with some implications for both theory development and cyber money practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        전자화폐의 확산에 따른 주요 쟁점에 관한 一考

        송경석,김영훈 한국통상정보학회 2003 통상정보연구 Vol.5 No.2

        The main issues addressed in this paper are as follows : First, this paper makes a distinction among types of e-money, IC card type versus Network type, open-loop type versus closed-loop type, online type versus offline type and accountable type versus unaccountable type, and analysis the clear and accurate criterion. Second, generally speaking, e-money is a claim on originator of e-money and not legal tender, so, delivery of e-money by itself does not relieve of monetary obligation. Because it is not easy to define e-money, by now there are many definitions of e-money. there is a legal uncertainty accordingly and then it is not easy to find proper law applicable to resolve a particular issue. As a result, many problems relating to e-money would be solved through analogical application of the most proper law among the laws that apply to the cash, checks, credit card, or fund transfer after analyzing type of e-money at issue. This paper studies the methods on diffusion of the utilization of electronic money. To diffuse the usage of electronic money, it needs prerequisitely as a basic conditions independence of electronic money, non-reusability, and anonymity. And also as a additional conditions it needs usability in the offline commerce, transferability, divisibility. And now electronic money is used very actively, but still has many law problems such as protections of consumer, law enforcement, supervisory, etc. So electronic money has called as money, but it is sure that electronic money is not a legal tender. So to facilitate the economic function of the electronic monet it is need to supplement the electronic money in the legal sides.

      • KCI등재

        정책금융의 효율성 제고에 관한 일고찰

        손영화(Son YoungHoa) 한양법학회 2008 漢陽法學 Vol.23 No.-

        Policy money means the finance enforced with the purpose of specification with the government which can be said to be support of a governmental preference fund. It will be said that policy money is the finance enforced in order that the government may develop environment of a financial market under the environment which is not perfect. What is called the market failure is eased and economic efficiency and fairness are improved. However, since the government leads artificial resource distribution by the interference to governmental finance, policy money has a problem which can restrain economic efficiency. We have to carry out within limits which set to enforce policy money and do not restrain the efficiency of private economy. Moreover. which must be realized within limits with which the imperfect nature of a financial market is compensated. Then, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of policy money as this. Reform of Japanese policy money these days is referred to greatly to improve the policy money of our country from now on. Which is going to carry out presentation of the method proposal of an improvement of the policy money of our country to 4 points greatly. First, it is made to carry out policy money in the suitable range. As for policy money, it is desirable to reduce the scale of the operating funds as much as possible. Second, the long-term financial policy is required for reducing the policy money. As for policy money, if possible, managing by the system which expects system efficiency is more desirable than a direct financial support system. And it is more desirable than the system based on public sectors to adopt the system for market functional activation. Third, the policy money needs to be concentrated. Probably, it will be desirable to localize to industry certainly required of a social politics dimension or a national economy dimension, and to offer policy money. Forth, As for the policy money, it is desirable to make it the special bank which is not a general commercial bank take charge.

      • KCI등재후보

        Online Money Laundering in the U. S.- Recent Cases, the Related Law, and Psychological Deterrence of the Money-Launderer -

        Junseob Moon,문준섭 한국범죄심리학회 2015 한국범죄심리연구 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 다양한 돈세탁 방법을 소개하고 이러한 범죄행동에 대응할 수 있는 보다 효과적이고 효율적인 대응 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 특히, 이 연구를 통해 최근 급증하고 있는 온라인을 통한 돈세탁의 추세와 그러한 범죄의 위험성을 미국의 사례를 통해 소개하고 있다. 이 연구는 돈세탁을 저지른 범죄자의 각기 다른 수법을 통한 돈세탁 방법을 소개하고, 그러한 행동에 대응하는 미국의 법안들을 소개하고자 한다. 안타깝게도 이러한 돈세탁의 부정적인 방법으로 인하여 그 누구도 어느정도의 금액이 돈세탁이 되고 있는지는 알려지지 않고 있다. 지난 15년간 온라인상에서 이루어 지고 있는 돈세탁 범죄는 급격하게 증가하고 있기에, 본 연구를 통하여 새롭게 나타나고 있는 돈세탁의 위협과 범죄형태, 그리고 그 행위를 규제하기 위하여 미국 정부는 어떠한 규제 조치를 사용하고 있는지를 소개하며, 이러한 규제는 온라인 돈세탁과 관련된 잠재적인 범죄자들에게 어떠한 방법으로 심리학적인 억제 효과를 주는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구를 통해 다양한 방법의 돈세탁 기술과 이에 대응하는 정부의 대응방안에 대한 의견을 제시하였는데, 이는 한국에서 새로운 정책개발과 형사사법시스템 내에서 법집행을 할 때 유용한 정보를 제공할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to make objective description on various money laundering techniques and to put forward countermeasures in order to fight online money laundering more effectively and efficiently. Especially, this study explores emerging trends and threats in [online] money laundering in the United States. The current study based on simplified money laundering cases with different techniques analyses the methods launders used and introduces the relevant statues and regulation against these activities. Unfortunately, given its convert nature, no one knows actual amount of laundered money. During past 15 years, Online money laundering has been a significantly growing issue; therefore, this study explores emerging online money laundering regulations, threats, and trends, especially focusing on how the U. S. government regulates against these activities and how it affects psychologically to deter the potential online money laundering activities. This study comments on various money laundering techniques and efforts to be made in combating money laundering, which would be beneficial to policy makers, enforcement authorities, and criminal justice professionals in Korea.

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