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        우리나라 先史∼古代水利施設의괮型과 發達過程

        성정용 한국상고사학회 2015 한국상고사학보 Vol.87 No.-

        수리(水利)란 무엇인가? 인간생활에 이로움을 주기 위한 수리시설은 농경이 시작된 이래 필수적으로 필요한 것이었으며, 관개체계의 발달은 곧 농경발달의 역사라 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 또한 농경은 한 사회 내에서 인구증가를 해결할 수 있는 불가피한 수단이자 경제적 부를 축적할 수 있는 원천가운데 하나로서, 풍요로운생산을 뒷받침할 수 있는 효율적 수단이 바로 수리 관개시설인 것이다. 우리나라의 수리시설은 청동기시대부터 발달하기 시작하였으며, 이는 수도작의 실시와 불가분의 관계를 갖고 있다. 이는 크게 洑와 같이 하천의 물을 막거나 물길을 돌려 관개하는 引水灌漑괮型, 제방[堤]을 축조하여 물을 저수하고 충적지 전체를 경작지로바꾸어 관개하는 築堤貯水灌漑괮型, 방파제 등과 같이 물의 유입을 차단하여 경작지를 확대하거나 보호하도록만드는 築堤保田괮型으로 대별할 수 있다. 이들은 단순한 관개방식의 차이가 아닌 시기에 따른 발달과정도 담보하고 있다. 우리나라 관개시설의 발달과정은 크게 4단계로 구분할 수 있을 듯하다. Ⅰ단계는 수도작농경이 본격화되는청동기시대의 관개시설로서, 소규모의 引水灌漑시설들이 작은 하천들마다 설치되고 이를 지역집단들이 소규모로 관리·운영하는 체계였던 것으로 생각된다. 이 인수관개유형은 이후 시기에도 규모를 달리하며 계속 만들어진다. Ⅱ단계는 원삼국시대 후기∼삼국시대 초기로서 고고학적 증거는 아직 명확하지 않으나, 문헌기록을볼 때 하천과 하천을 연결하여 물의 공습과 배수를 하는 인공적인 수로의 존재가 예상되는 등 저습지 개발의서막이 오는 시기로 생각된다. Ⅲ단계는 山間계곡에 대규모 제방의 건설을 통해 하천 하류 충적지 전체를 개발하는 築堤貯水灌漑괮型이 성립하는 단계이다. 이를 포함하여 늦어도 A.D.5세기 무렵에는 이전과는 차원을달리하는 관개체계가 성립되어 삼국시대 국가간 경쟁의 경제적 토대가 되었다고 보인다. Ⅳ단계는 고려시대후기의 기록을 통해 저습지를 개발하는 더욱 발달된 관개체계가 이루어졌을 가능성이 있으나, 이에 대해서는아직 고고학적 증거가 없어 검토의 여지가 있다. What is irrigation? The irrigation facility which is to give benefits to human life has been an essentialthing since the dawn of agriculture, and it is not much to say that development in the irrigation systemis the very history of development in agriculture. Also, agriculture is an inevitable means to resolve theproblem of increase in the population within a society and is, at the same time, one of the sources fromwhich economic wealth can be accumulated, and the efficient means to ensure abundant production isthe very irrigation facility. The irrigation facility in Korea began to develop from the Bronze Age, andwas inseparably related to rice farming using water. The irrigation facilities in Korea can be largelyclassified into the Water-guiding Type Irrigation where the farmland is irrigated by blocking orrerouting the water in a river with a weir, the Farmland-forming Embankment Type Irrigation where abank is built to store water and the entire alluvion is changed to a farmland and irrigated, and theFarmland-protecting Embankment Type Irrigation where the farmland is expanded or protected byblocking inflow of water with a breakwater. These show not only the simple difference in the irrigationmethods but also the development processes changed over time. It seems that the development process of irrigation facilities in Korea can be largely divided into 4stages. The first stage was the irrigation facility of the Bronze Age when rice farming started in earnest. A small Water-guiding Type Irrigation facility was thought to be installed on every small river, whichwas managed and operated by a local group in a small scale. These Water-guiding Type Irrigationfacilities continued being made even after this period in different scales. The second stage was betweenthe latter part of the Proto-three Kingdoms Period to the early part of the Three Kingdoms Period and,though the archaeological evidence is not clear yet, it is thought to be the period when the developmentof low marsh started, as the existence of artificial watercourses used to supply and drain water byconnecting two rivers is expected from the literature record. The third stage was the stage when WaterstoragingEmbankment Type Irrigation appeared where the entire alluvion on the lower part of a riverwas developed by constructing a large scale embankment in a valley. Including this, it is presumedthat, around the 5th century A.D. at latest, irrigation systems of different levels from that of the pastwere formed and became the economic basis for competition between the states during the ThreeKingdoms Period. As to the fourth stage, it is found through the record in the latter part of the GoryeoPeriod that a more advanced irrigation system of developing low marsh might have been possiblyachieved; as there is yet to be any archaeological evidence, it needs further reviews.

      • KCI등재

        무경운과 분할관수가 시설 유기재배 고추 생육에 미치는 영향

        양승구,신길호,김희권,김현우,최경주,정우진 한국유기농업학회 2015 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.23 No.4

        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage and split irrigation on the growth of pepper plant under green house condition in Jeonnam province. Moisture content of soil at whole quantity irrigation in tillage was increased rapidly regardless of soil depth for initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. Deviation of moisture content in soil was decreased with increasing depth of soil. Moisture contents of top soil and subsoil (20 cm) at whole quantity irrigation in no-tillage were increased with sunrise, and then decreased with sunset. Moisture contents of top soil in tillage, and top soil and subsoil (20 cm) in no-tillage at half quantity irrigation indicated a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of soil was increased after initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. With increasing depth of soil, increases of salinity in soil was delayed. Salinity of top soil in no-tillage was increased between AM 11:00 and AM 12:00, and then showed the highest level between PM 2:00 and PM 6:00 on a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of subsoil (30 cm) in no-tillage was not measured a cyclic diurnal variation. Moisture content and salinity of soil was positive correlation regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. Growth of pepper in no-tillage cultivation was higher than that in tillage cultivation. Main branch Length and stem diameter of half quantity irrigation plot was higher than that of whole quantity irrigation plot regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. After harvesting, the number of pepper fruits of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 49% and 47%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively. Pepper yield of no-tillage cultivation plot was higher by 8% than that of tillage cultivation plot. Pepper yield of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 36% and 39%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        Assessing Metallic Toxicity of Wastewater for Irrigation in Some Industrial Areas of Bangladesh

        Md. Mokhlesur Rahman,Md. Abu Sayem Jiku,김장억 한국환경농학회 2011 한국환경농학회지 Vol.30 No.2

        BACKGROUND: Wastewaters were collected from 25 sites of two industrial areas of Mymensingh and Gazipur in Bangladesh to assess metallic toxicity of wastewater for irrigation usage. METHODS AND RESULTS: The analyzed wastewaters were slightly alkaline to alkaline in nature and were problematic for irrigation except 3 samples. As per TDS values, 9 samples were rated as fresh water and the rest 16 were classified as brackish water. EC and SAR reflected that all samples were medium salinity (C2), high salinity (C3), very high salinity (C4) and low alkalinity (S1) hazard classes expressed as C2S1, C3S1 and C4S1. Wastewaters of different industries were graded as excellent, good, permissible and doubtful for irrigation purpose as per SSP. According to hardness (HT), wastewater were under moderately hard, hard and very hard classes. Cd, Cr and Cu ions were treated as toxicant for irrigating soils and crops. Zn was problematic for long-term irrigation. The concentrations of Pb, Fe and Na were far below the toxic levels. Synergistic relationships were observed between pH-EC, pH-TDS, EC-TDS, SAR-SSP and SSP-hardness. CONCLUSION(s): If wastewater is applied for irrigation due to the fresh water shortage, it can contaminate soil due to some toxic metal ions. BACKGROUND: Wastewaters were collected from 25 sites of two industrial areas of Mymensingh and Gazipur in Bangladesh to assess metallic toxicity of wastewater for irrigation usage. METHODS AND RESULTS: The analyzed wastewaters were slightly alkaline to alkaline in nature and were problematic for irrigation except 3 samples. As per TDS values, 9 samples were rated as fresh water and the rest 16 were classified as brackish water. EC and SAR reflected that all samples were medium salinity (C2), high salinity (C3), very high salinity (C4) and low alkalinity (S1) hazard classes expressed as C2S1, C3S1 and C4S1. Wastewaters of different industries were graded as excellent, good, permissible and doubtful for irrigation purpose as per SSP. According to hardness (HT), wastewater were under moderately hard, hard and very hard classes. Cd, Cr and Cu ions were treated as toxicant for irrigating soils and crops. Zn was problematic for long-term irrigation. The concentrations of Pb, Fe and Na were far below the toxic levels. Synergistic relationships were observed between pH-EC, pH-TDS, EC-TDS, SAR-SSP and SSP-hardness. CONCLUSION(s): If wastewater is applied for irrigation due to the fresh water shortage, it can contaminate soil due to some toxic metal ions.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Sprinkler, Surface Drip and Subsurface Drip Irrigation Methods on ‘Fuji’/M9 and ‘Fuji’/M26 Apple Orchards Growth, Soil Properties, and Water Consumption

        Seung Gab Han,Gopal Selvakumar,Pyoung Ho Yi,Seong Eun Lee 한국토양비료학회 2018 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.51 No.4

        Conventional irrigation methods require high amount of water to meet ‘Fuji’/M9 and ‘Fuji’/M26 apple orchards irrigation requirement. In this study, the efficiency of sprinkler, surface drip and subsurface drip irrigation methods on water use efficiency, tree growth, yield, and canopy volume were compared. Experiment I (‘Fuji’/M9 apple orchard) consisted of sprinkler, surface drip and subsurface drip irrigation methods. Subsurface drip irrigation method consumed 37% and 27% less irrigation water to maintain same matric potential compared to sprinkler and surface drip irrigation methods, respectively. In addition, subsurface drip irrigation method showed less sunburn fruits and contained less weed growth compared to sprinkler and surface drip irrigation methods. In experiment II (‘Fuji’/M26 apple orchard), subsurface drip irrigation method at different depths (0, 15 and 30 cm) were compared. The results showed that irrigation at 30 cm depth consumed 52% less water to maintain the same matric potential compared to 0 cm (or surface drip)irrigation. However, apple tree stem circumference, new shoot length and canopy volume were not significantly different between treatments. These results suggest that subsurface drip irrigation can be used as an efficient method to reduce the irrigation water in ‘Fuji’/M9 and "Fuji"/M26 apple orchards and to reduce weed growth.

      • KCI우수등재

        새만금 간척지 밭 토양의 관개 방식별 관개용수량과토양 용적수분함량 변화 분석 연구

        손재권,송재도 한국농공학회 2023 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.65 No.2

        This study was conducted to analyze changes of irrigation water and soil volumetric water content by irrigation method of field soil in Saemangeumreclaimed tideland. The main test irrigation methods was surface drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, and sub drip irrigation. In addition, the correlationbetween irrigation amounts and crop yield by irrigation method was investigated. For soil volumetric water contents increases by 25%, surface dripirrigation took 1.5 hour, sprinkler irrigation took 2.0 hours, and sub drip irrigation took 3.0 hours. As a result of analyzing the irrigation amountsaccording to the yield, the surface drip irrigation was 2.66 mm/day in the seedling stages, 3.31 mm/day in the vegetative growth stages, and 5.09mm/day in the flowering stages. Sprinkler irrigation was 2.90 mm/day in the seedling stages, 3.87 mm/day in the vegetative growth stages, and 7.11mm/day in the flowering stages. Sub drip irrigation was 2.42 mm/day in the seedling stages, 3.09 mm/day in the vegetative growth stages, and 4.87mm/day in the flowering stages. It was analyzed that there was a statistically significant difference in irrigation amounts by fresh weight and irrigationmethod (F=4.002, p=0.022), and irrigation amounts by dry weight and irrigation method (F=3.499 p=0.034). Surface drip irrigation was judged to bemore appropriate than sprinkler irrigation or sub drip irrigation for field crops in Saemangeum reclaimed land.

      • KCI등재

        Influence of Deficit Irrigation on Soil Water Distribution and Water Use Efficiency of Waxy Maize Under Rain-Shelter Cultivation

        Yuan Chengfu,Wang Xue,Zhou Miao 한국농업기계학회 2024 바이오시스템공학 Vol.49 No.1

        Purpose In order to study the defi cit irrigation eff ect on waxy maize under rain-shelter cultivation, fi eld experiments were conducted in southern China. Methods The eff ects of defi cit irrigation on soil moisture distribution and water use effi ciency of waxy maize were studied by measuring soil moisture content, plant height, leaf area index, yield, and yield composition. Results The results showed that under diff erent irrigation quotas, the soil water content of defi cit irrigation was lower than that of suffi cient irrigation. Defi cit irrigation can improve the utilization effi ciency of soil water. The soil water content was mainly distributed in the water absorbing layer of crop roots (20–60 cm). 2/3 ET c defi cit irrigation had little infl uence on the plant height, leaf-area-index, yield, and yield components of waxy maize. Compared with suffi cient irrigation, the overall growth index of waxy maize decreased by less than 10%, the water consumption of waxy maize decreased by more than 20%, and the water utilization effi ciency and irrigation water utilization effi ciency of waxy maize increased 25–40%. Compared with suffi cient irrigation, the water consumption of glutinous corn has decreased by more than 20%, and the water use effi ciency and irrigation water effi ciency have increased by 25–40%. Conclusion Waxy maize was irrigated for fi ve times throughout its entire growth period, and total irrigation quota was 370 mm (2/3 ET c ) during the whole growth period, which was a better defi cit irrigation schedule for waxy maize under rain-shelter cultivation. Irrigation wax corn fi ve times, with a total irrigation quota of 370 mm (2/3 ET c ), is a better defi cit irrigation system for wax corn under shaded cultivation conditions.


        Effects of Irrigation Methods on the Growth, Water Holding Capacity of Substrate and Nutrient Uptake of Lettuce, Chicory and Endive Grown in an Extensive Green Roof System

        Young Yeol Cho,Ki Young Choi,Yong-Beom Lee 한국원예학회 2010 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.51 No.4

        This study aimed to determine the effects of irrigation methods, including reservoir-drainage, wick irrigation and drip irrigation, on the growth, water holding capacity of substrate and nutrient uptake of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. cripspa), chicory Cichorium intybus L. var. folisum Hegi) and endive (Cichorium endivia L. var. endivia) grown in an extensive green roof system. Two independent experiments were carried out during summer and autumn seasons with and without supplying mineral nutrients. In both experiments, the ranking of substrate water holding capacity was in the order of drip irrigation>wick irrigation>reservoir-drainage method. Only the wick irrigation method constantly maintained the water content in the substrate during the growing period. In the summer experiment, not only fresh and dry weights and relative growth rate (RGR) of all three vegetables, but also total nitrogen (T-N) and magnesium (Mg) contents of the leaves were the highest at the wick irrigation treatment. The contents of phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) in the leaves were the highest at the drip irrigation treatment. In the autumn experiment, shoot fresh weights of all three vegetables were the highest at the drip irrigation treatment, while shoot dry weights of lettuce and chicory were the highest at the wick irrigation treatment. The RGR of lettuce and chicory were the highest at the drip irrigation treatment, while the RGR of endive was the lowest at the wick irrigation treatment. In the both experiment, dry matter contents (DMs) were the highest at the reservoir-drainage treatment. There was no effect of irrigation treatments on the photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of the lettuce and chicory. These results suggest that the wick irrigation is more efficient for growing leafy vegetables in the extensive green roof system compared to the reservoir-drainage and drip irrigation.


        Detecting global irrigated areas by using satellite and reanalysis products

        Zohaib, Muhammad,Kim, Hyunglok,Choi, Minha Elsevier 2019 Science of the Total Environment Vol.677 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Despite the importance of irrigation in meeting the world's food demand and as an essential human modification to water and energy cycles, the reliable extent and distribution of the global irrigated areas remain undefined. In this study, an intuitive method is proposed, based on the aftereffects of irrigation, to detect global irrigated areas by combining satellite and reanalysis datasets. The proposed methodology assumes that irrigation is an unmodeled land surface process, while satellite observations can effectively detect irrigation signals in near real-time. The spatial extents of irrigation were derived by calculating the difference between the remotely sensed and reanalysis datasets. To detect the irrigated areas, three irrigation-dependent variables, soil moisture (SM), land surface temperature (LST), and surface albedo (A<SUB>L</SUB>), were used. In the absence of reliable ground truths, the proposed irrigation map was compared to the commonly used global irrigation maps, namely Global Map of Irrigated areas, Global Irrigated Area Map, and recently developed Global Irrigated Areas by Meier et al. (2018). Individual detection by SM, LST, and A<SUB>L</SUB> has discrepancies in detecting irrigation signals in highly irrigated, urbanized, and semi-arid regions. However, by combining the individual detection maps, the proposed method showed reasonable agreement with the reference irrigated maps overlapping with approximately 70% of the irrigated areas. We believe that the proposed method, as stand-alone or in combination with the existing irrigation maps, will benefit the studies regarding water and energy balance closure in near-real time for large-scale land surface models by minimizing the uncertainties in model parameterization.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Global irrigated areas are identified by combining satellite and reanalysis datasets. </LI> <LI> Soil moisture-based irrigation detection has omitted highly irrigated areas. </LI> <LI> Temperature-based irrigation detection counteracts urbanization. </LI> <LI> Our results demonstrate reasonable accuracy of the proposed irrigation map. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        Water Use Efficiency of Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Furrow Irrigation

        송인홍,피터 월러,최연식,권순국,Song, In-Hong,Waller Peter. M.,Choi, C. Yeon-Sik,Kwun, Soon-Kuk The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers 2007 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.49 No.2

        The primary objective of this study was to compare water use efficiencies between subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation. The uniformity of used drip lines was tested to determine if clogging would be a threat to the long-term success of a subsurface drip irrigation system. Three crops, cantaloupe, lettuce, and bell pepper, were grown in four plots for each irrigation system. Significantly less water was applied with subsurface drip irrigation than with furrow irrigation (29.5 % less for cantaloupe and 43.2 % less for bell poppet) in order to produce similar crop yields. Water use efficiencies with subsurface drip irrigation were significantly higher than those with furrow irrigation fur cantaloupe (P-value = 0.018) and bell pepper (P-value ${\leq}$ 0.001). Drip-irrigated lettuce, a shallow-rooted crop, had moderately higher water use efficiency during the first two seasons, while no difference was observed in the third season. After the experiment, the uniformity of the drip lines was 92.1 % on average and classified as good. The high values fur water use efficiency and uniformity indicate that subsurface drip irrigation can be a sustainable method for conserving irrigation water.

      • KCI등재

        한국 근현대 낙동강 유역의 수리조합 연구 - 경상북도 칠곡군의 수리조합을 중심으로 -

        손경희 대구사학회 2013 대구사학 Vol.111 No.-

        Founded in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Chilgok this time, the Irrigation Association, both established before the fierce opposition movement that happened was common. Indong Irrigation Association has driven the establishment in 1927. At the time, it hasn’t been established by protest of people of a township until 1931. When Indong Irrigation Association was established, the rate of opposition reached up to 27%, the movement of antagonism wasn’t occurred. Yakmok Irrigation Association was established in 1934. In 1924 the Irrigation Association tried to apply for the 38m irrigated area establishment but it ran into strong opposition. The counter action was not temporarily occurred and it was kept for a long time. In early 1925, a petition which requests the annulment for the unfair Association establishment through people of a township’s joint of signature. The people have objected actively and the injustice of the business came out so that the Government General finally has pulled back the Irrigation Association approval. After that, Yakmok Irrigation Association applied for the 155m irrigated area establishment once again in 1926. But Yakmok Irrigation Association wasn’t established at the time. Yakmok Irrigation Association has been pushed ahead fully 11 years later. After the establishment, the counter action was still on. Sukjeok Irrigation Association was established in 1944. But, on 12 February 1938, a Irrigation Association establishment movement has been occurred in this area. Sukjeok Irrigation Association member was total 361 including 196 assentient and 165 dissenters which has only 54% of assentient. Buksam Irrigation Association has been established in 1944, it has already been worked with the establishment in 1931 however, it was cancelled by a counter activity. The purpose of this association was irrigation improvement and the irrigated area was 290m. Wheguan Irrigation Association was established on 25 March 1952. As Land Improvement project law 948, it has been renamed and combined as Land Improvement Association on 30 December 1961. Indong, Sukjeok and Wheguan Irrigation Association was combined as Chilgok Land Improvement Association, Yakmok and Buksam Irrigation Association was combined as Yakmok Land Improvement Association. The purpose of Wheguan Irrigation Association Establishment was Improved irrigation. Wheguan Irrigation Association was about 207m and as an irrigated area, it was 200m. Wheguan Irrigation Association has 75% subsidy, 18% of region burden charge, 6% of loan flotation so that the establishment of Irrigation Asscociation was mostly relied on the government. Repair policy which was in progress under Japanes imperialism was not changed much and continually happened.

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