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      • KCI등재

        현대슬라브어 문법적 남성의 형태적 표지

        정정원 충북대학교 러시아 • 알타이지역 연구소 2022 러시아학 Vol.- No.24

        This paper examines the morphological markers revealing the grammatical and semantic markedness of the masculine gender in modern Slavic languages and discusses how these morphological markers have been developed narrowing down to the markers for the human male gender. All modern Slavic languages with six or seven-case declension systems have a masculine singular genitive-accusative syncretism found when the referent is animate. Almost all Slavic masculine genitive plural nouns, except BCSM, are also morphologically marked, and their one-syllable endings are apparently distinguished from the zero endings of their feminine and neuter equivalents. Unlike the East and South Slavic languages, the West Slavic languages have specific means in plural to differentiate masculine animate or masculine human referents from others. The Czech masculine animate accusative and nominative nominal plural endings and verbal past plural endings contain specific morphological markers, and the Polish and Slovak counterparts indicating a human referent are also marked with specific morphemes. West Slavic and Ukrainian also can morphologically mark masculine nouns in the dative singular. Polish and Ukrainian masculine dative singular nouns have an ending different from that of the neuter gender, and Czech and Slovak masculine animate dative singular noun endings are morphologically distinguished from those of the neuter and the masculine inanimate gender. Additionally, Slovak masculine nouns have distinct dative, instrumental, and locative plural endings. Thus the grammatical feature of the masculine gender [+Masculine] is reflected in some distinct morphological markers in Modern Slavic languages. Especially in West Slavic, it gave rise to the morphological markers for the semantic category of male humans, i.e., the virility with the additional semantic features [+Animate] and [+Human]. These Slavic morphological markers for [+Masculine], [+Animate], or [+Human] are closely related to the recognition that the animate objects and human males stand out as the cognitively more significant and marked Figure.

      • KCI등재

        (In)animate Subject and Ey or Eykey Marking: With Reference to Morphological Passives

        이두원 미래영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학 Vol.24 No.4

        The by-phrase in English passives is marked either with eykey, ey, or ey uyhay in Korean morphological passives. The ey-marked NP in the morphological passive can be an individual human entity only when it is monosyllabic. The eykey-marked NP in the morphological passive must be animate. However, they have something in common in that they can have an animate or inanimate syntactic subject. The eykey-marked goal in the ditransitive construction and the eykey-marked causee in the morphological causative must be animate. The ey-marked NP in the morphological passive may or may not be animate, while the ey-marked goal or causee must be inanimate. What is more important here is that the morphological passive, the ditransitive construction, and the morphological causative all permit animate or inanimate subjects.

      • KCI등재

        일본어 수동표현의 한국어 대응 양상–지다形를 중심으로-

        김현숙,손동주 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.72

        This paper targets to identify Korean equivalents of Japanese passives, focusing on 250 examples of -jida (meaning becoming) type translation. 250 examples of ラレル type equivalents are classified into 9 categories, with the ratio of 25(19.8%), 22(17.7%), respectively, for -jida type equivalents, and the share is found not to be significantly big. Further focusing on Korean translations of -e type and -jida type, subjects and agents of ST, or Source Text, sentences are divided into animate/inanimate, respectively, to analyze specific conditions or linguistic contexts for different combination. The analysis shows that -e type translation is possible regardless of subject classification and -jida type tends to be possible mostly for sentences with inanimate subjects and the relevant verbs do not have -e type verb inflection. Through these analyses, it can be concluded that -jida passives correspond to ラレル type as a support for -e type in sentences with inanimate subjects. The analysis continues concentrating on -jida type-only equivalents. Targeting to identify the influence the agent has on the object, the subjects and the agents are divided into animate/inanimate, with the agents further sub-classified. In inanimate-subject sentences, agents are the following: a. a majority of people or groups of people b. general people c. person or natural phenomena with no need for identifying, for (-/+) sentences. Natural phenomena and causes for (-/-) sentences, implying lack of activity on the part of the subject, unconscious of the agent. Further, in animate-subject sentences, the agents are a. general people and b. animate agent with no concrete action implied for (+/+) sentences, and causes for (-/-) sentences. In consideration of features of animate-subject sentences, the sentences share certain characteristics with inanimate-subject sentences; the agents do not show any direct or concrete action in the realization of the event. -jida translations produce expressions in combination with emotive adjectives, which can be still carried into passives. Sentences denoting the subject’s voluntary psychological change can have translation equivalents of -jida, and it’s because -jida type expresses psychological change of the animate subject.

      • KCI등재


        韓静妍 한국일본학회 2015 日本學報 Vol.103 No.-

        본고에서는 종래 논해져 온 동작주 표시 「に」의 성격이 비정물 주어 수동문에도 적용되는지를 검토하는 것을 목적으로 하여, 동작주 표시 「に」와 수영성(affectivity), 유정물 동작주 제약, 필수 동작주의 관계에 대하여 고찰하였다. 우선 「피해」를 나타내기 위해 사용되어 온 유정물 주어 수동문과는 달리 비정물 주어 수동문의 경우에는 수영성이라는 개념도, 그에 대립하는 중립성ㆍ객관성이라는 개념도 적용되지 않음을 기술하였다. 비정물 주어 수동문의 경우, 「に」와 「によって」는 문체에 따라 선택되기보다는 동작주가 문장의 필수성분인지 여부에 따라 필연적으로 선택되고 있는 경우가 대부분이었다. 또한 유정물 동작주를 「に」로 표시할 수 없다는 제약은 상당히 강하게 작용하고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있었지만, 그러한 제약을 회피하기 위한 「によって」의 사용이 근대 이후 수동문의 구조적인 변화 및 확장을 야기하여 수동문의 발달을 가져왔다는 견해에는 문제가 있음을 지적하였다. 마지막으로, 「に」로 표시된 동작주를 동반하여 주로 「피해」를 나타내는 유정물 주어 수동문과는 달리, 「に」로 표시된 동작주를 동반하는 비정물 주어 수동문은 상황 묘사에 사용되는 용례가 많으며, 이들 용례의 경우 동작주를 「に」대신 「によって」로 표시할 수 있음에도 불구하고 「に」에 의한 표시가 여전히 선호되는 경향이 있음을 밝혔다. The work described in this thesis aimed to determine whether the characteristics of the agent marker 「ni」are also applied to the inanimate-subject passive by examining the relationships between the agent marker「ni」, affectivity, restriction of the animate-agent, and the indispensable agent. First, in the case of the inanimate-subject passive, it has been determined that neither the concept of affectivity nor its conflicting concept ─ neutrality and objectivity ─ is applied, unlike the animate-subject passive, which has been used to describe 「inconveniences」. In the case of the inanimate-subject passive, in most cases, 「ni」and 「ni-yotte」were inevitably being selected, and this depended on whether the agent is an indispensable constituent in the sentences, rather than being selected according to the styles of the sentences. In addition, it has been confirmed that the restriction determining that an animate-agent cannot be marked with 「ni」was relatively rigid. However, in this thesis, it has also been noted that there is a problem with the opinion that the inanimate-subject passive developed because its structural change and expansion were caused by the use of「ni-yotte」in modern times, with the purpose of avoiding such a restriction. Lastly, this thesis clarifies that, unlike the animate-subject passive which mainly describes 「inconveniences」with the accompaniment of an agent marked with 「ni」, there are many instances in which the inanimate-subject passive accompanying the agent marked with 「ni」is used in the description of circumstances, and in the case of these instances of usage there is a tendency that the mark with「ni」is still preferred, even though the agent can be marked with 「ni-yotte」instead of 「ni」.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국전쟁과 여성가장: '가족'과 '개인' 사이의 긴장과 균열-1950년대 박경리와 강신재 소설의 여성가장 형상을 중심으로

        이선미 한국여성문학학회 2003 여성문학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        I studied on the relationship of Korean-War and Matriarch. Patriarches have a family responsibility, at the same time they have authority. Because of this fact, Patriarch and Matriarch had become the assaulter/victim, Also the famillies are suffered of their self-consciousness. The figures of Matriarch, created by Gan shin-jac and Park gyung-ree in 1950s, are another. They trusted absolutely on the Romantic Love, and married. But after thier husband died in Korean-War, they proved that they were isolated in patriarchal famdy. Windowes are regarded of the loser and are reduced to the sexual partner. They could get a job by means of these ideas, They insisted on self-respect. And then, they chose voluntarily hopelessness and poverty. And they resisted on prejudice, They despaired seriousely, but were animated. These feelins developed sympathy with a person. Sympathy are stimulated the new 'relationship'. And then this sympathy is without responsibilty. This is very new and considerable. 이 글은 한국전쟁과 여성가장의 관련성을 살펴본 글이다. 가부장적 가족 관념이 이상화되어 있는 한국사회에서 가장은 가족에 대한 권위를 지니고 있음과 동시에 책임감도 느낀다. 책임감과권위는 동전의 양면이 되어 가족들에게나 가장 자신에게 피해의식을 줄 수 있다. 이 가장신화로인해 여성가장의 신화도 만들어진다. 모성신화는 한국전쟁과 같은 남성부재의 상황으로 인해 강화된다. 1950년대 강신재와 박경리 소설의 여성가장들은 전쟁 이후 강조된 여성가장 신화와는 다른방식의 여성가장 형상을 보여준다. 박경리 소설의 여성가장은 가족의 생계를 위협하는 상황에서도 인간으로서의 존엄을 지키려 애쓴다. 박경리 소설의 저항의식은 여성가장의 특성이다. 남성이부재한 상황에서 비로소 갖게된 남성적 권위와 부조리에 대한 저함의식은 결국 가족을 형성함으로써 남성의 책임 속에 안주하는 것이 가부장적 질서에 편입되는 것과 같다는 것을 자각할 수 있게 한다. 강신재 소설에서 가부장적 가족의 이상을 내면화한 여성들은 천쟁으로 인해 남성이 부재한 상황에서 가부장적 가족의 동력이 된 낭만적 사랑을 의심한다. 가부장적 가족을 거부함으로써 혼자라는 절망적 상황에 빠지지만, 동시에 가부장적 규범에서 벗어나 활기있게 생활한다. 흔자 남겨짐으로써 극도의 가난과 절망에 처할 것을 알면서도 그 절망을 택하는 여성들은 동시에 활기를 지님으로써 오히려 독립적인 자아의 면모를 복원한다. 그러나 이들은 가족을 부정하지 않는다. 혼자 남겨지는 절망을 이는 자들끼리 고통을 공감함으로써 사랑을 꿈꾼다. 새로운 가족은고통을 나누려하기보다 고통을 공감하는 자들의 관계에서 기대할 수 있다고 보는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        생물 분류와 무생물 분류과정의 두뇌 활성 비교를 통한 예비교사의 분류전략에 대한 인지적 분석

        변정호(Jung-Ho Byeon) 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2021 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.11 No.2

        The classification is one type of convergent problem-solving in the context of creative problem-solving. The classification learning method in curriculum and textbook is not discriminate using the animate and inanimate object as learning material. However, the classification of animate and inanimate is related to the different neurological systems of the human brain. For the success of classification learning in class, we need to clarify pre service teacher’s cognitive strategy during animate and inanimate classification involved categorization. The researcher recruited 24 pre-service teachers to investigate brain activation during the classification of animate and inanimate using fMRI. As a result of this study, the researcher could find the similarity and difference of brain activation between animate and inanimate classification. The activation of DLPFC, PMC, the secondary visual cortex in the human brain equally checked out on animate and inanimate classification. Also the activation of LIP in the parietal region was showed on inanimate classification, and the activation of the occipitotemporal cortex was confirmed on animate classification. Consequently, pre-service teachers’ animate classification was related to the frontal temporal path of information processing, and inanimate classification was related to the frontal-parietal path of information processing.

      • KCI등재

        ‘유생 종점’에서 ‘유생 기점’으로의 환유적 확장―현대 중국어 전치사 ‘跟’, ‘向’을 중심으로

        SHEN XUE 한국중국어문학회 2021 中國文學 Vol.109 No.-

        In this paper, we would like to reveal a cognitive mechanism in which the prepositions gen and xiang in modern Chinese can not only entail a "animate goal" but also represent the expression of "animate source". Based on analysis of the characteristics of the verbs and the context in which gen and xiang were used, it was argued that the function of the reference to "animate goal" is changed from "animate source", with the process of the conversational implicature changed to the conventionalization of implicature because of the metonymy mechanism. Furthermore, that the same expression can express both "animate goal" and "animate source" is found not only in Chinese but also in -ege, -hante in Korean. We hope that the results of the study can contribute to the study of typologically related phenomena. 본고에서는 현대 중국어의 전치사 ‘跟’, ‘向’이 ‘유생 종점’을 수반 가능할 뿐만 아니라 ‘유생 기점’까지 수반할 수 있는 현상으로부터 서로 상반된 방향을 나타내는 ‘유생 종점’과 ‘유생 기점’이 동일한 표현으로 나타낼 수 있는 인지적 기제를 밝히고자 한다. ‘跟’, ‘向’이 ‘유생 기점’을 수반하는 경우, 동사의 방향성과 ‘跟’, ‘向’ 형식이 사용되는 문맥에 대한 분석을 근거로 연구를 진행하였고, 데이터 분석과 원어민 화자의 언어적 직관에 대한 설문조사 방법을 사용하였다. 이러한 분석에 근거하여 ‘跟’, ‘向’의 ‘유생 기점’ 수반 기능의 생성은 환유로 인한 대화적 함축 의미에서 발전한 것이라고 본다. 또한 ‘跟’, ‘向’의 통사적 특징에 근거하여 이러한 대화적 함출 의미는 취소 불가한 관습적 함축 의미로 변화되었다. 더 나아가 ‘유생 종점’과 ‘유생 기점’이 동일한 표현으로 나타낼 수 있는 현상은 비단 중국어뿐만 아니라 한국어의 ‘-에게’, ‘-한테’에서도 발견되는데 본고에서의 연구결과가 유형론적인 관련 현상 연구에 기여할 수 있기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        생물 분류와 무생물 분류에서 나타나는 고등학생과 예비교사의 시선집중 및 시선이동 패턴 분석

        변정호 한국생물교육학회 2020 생물교육 Vol.48 No.2

        The purpose of this study is the analysis of attention patterns on animate and inanimate classification between general high school students and pre-teacher. The animate and inanimate classification are related to different brain systems. Therefore they could promote the different responses on classification learning and activity. However, it is confused to use the animate and inanimate classification on textbooks and curriculum to enhance student's competence. So Researcher analyzed classification quotient and attention patterns during animate and inanimate classification between general high school student and pre-teacher by using the eye-tracking method. As a result, the first, it was revealed the difference between animate and inanimate classification ability between high school students and pre-teacher. Second, the case fixation pattern was affected by the main effect of animate and inanimate more than group effect. Third, the difference between the two types of classification was caused by the difference of categorization strategy as like rule-based or similarity- based strategy. Consequently, teachers should consider object and strategy when they construct a classification learning activity, because of the cognitive difference between animate and inanimate classification. Also teachers need to prepare the inquiry activity for classification learning on their students.

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 생물 기르기 경험의 의미

        김지혜 한국영유아교원교육학회 2011 유아교육학논집 Vol.15 No.5

        This study aims to explore the meaning of the experience and changes in pre-service teachers through raising animate creatures. In the results, the experience raising animate creatures gave the opportunity for pre-service teachers to improve their scientific inquiry ability and scientific knowledge. Specifically, it means the inspiration of inquiry motivation and the expansion of inquiry ability. Besides, pre-service teachers can expand their knowledge of animate creatures and acquire new empirical knowledge through various communicate networking with the owners who have practical knowledge. In addition, They can even gain a wide range of knowledge about raising animate creatures through a variety of information sources. In addition, they can experience the knowledge of the natural world and ecosystems. Furthermore, pre-service teachers can raise their science process skills and inquiring ability. Besides, they can have the opportunity to increase scientific sensibility through raising animate creatures. In this study, the experience of raising the animate creature gave psychological effects to pre-service teachers. The activity contributed to restore their presence and confidence and to create a culture of harmonious family. In addition, the animate creatures conducted a role of pre-service teachers’ friends and spiritual haven. This study has its significance for pre-service teachers to set the content and to provide the direction on science education. 본 연구는 예비교사의 생물 기르기를 통한 예비교사의 변화 및 경험의 의미를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 연구 결과 예비교사의 생물 기르기 경험은 예비교사에게 탐구능력과 지식의 향상을 가져다주었는데, 이는 생물 기르기를 통한 탐구동기 고취 및 탐구능력의 확장을 의미한다. 또한 예비교사는 생물 기르기에 대한 실천적 지식을 확보할 수 있었는데 이는 다양한 루트를 통한 실천적 지식 소유자와의 네트워크 구축과 직접적인 체험을 통해 이루어질 수 있었다. 그리고 생물 기르기는 예비유아교사에게 자연과의 교감을 이루게 하였는데 생물의 생태적 삶에 공감하게 하고 자연에 대한 감수성과 심미감을 형성하도록 하였다. 한편, 생물 기르기 활동은 예비유아교사에게 심리적 효과를 가져다주었다. 즉, 예비교사 자신의 존재감 및 자신감을 회복하도록 도왔고, 가족이나 교수와 원활한 소통의 장(場)을 마련하였으며 정신적인 안식처와 정서적 교감의 기회를 제공하였다. 본 연구는 예비교사를 위한 과학교육의 내용을 설정하고 방향을 제시하는데 그 의의가 있다고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        On the Distribution of Resumptive Pronouns in Chinese Relative Clauses

        Jing Qin,Yangsoon Kim 한국중원언어학회 2017 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.45

        This paper is to examine the syntactic influence of the animate feature on the distribution of resumptive pronouns in Chinese relative constructions. In Chinese, overt resumptive pronouns are obligatory in the relativization of the indirect object, the object of preposition, the possessive, the object of pivotal construction and the object of comparison, but not obligatory in the relativization of the direct object and the embedded clause subject. In this paper, we newly propose the Animate Feature Hypothesis that a resumptive pronoun can appear only if it has the [+animate] feature when the subject of embedded clauses or the direct object is relativized. In a word, an overt resumptive pronoun can appear only if it has the [+animate] feature. To explain the distribution of resumptive pronouns in Chinese relative clauses, three principles are needed: Keenan & Comrie (1977)’s Accessibility Hierarchy, McClosky (1990)’s Highest Subject Restriction and our proposal of the Animate Feature Hypothesis. The Animate Feature Hypothesis is one of the important principles which decides the distribution of resumptive pronouns in Chinse relative clauses.

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