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      • KCI등재

        스마트 시티(Smart-City)의 지속가능한 지하공간 계획에 관한 연구

        김민설 ( Minseol Kim ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        (Background and Purpose) Urban development, which began with rapid industrialization, improved urban functions and living conveniences. It has also led to environmental damage and the loss of the city’s inherent historical and cultural identity. The population concentration in cities and urban systems centered around vehicles have caused traffic difficulties and various environmental problems. Recently, methods to revitalize underground roads and idle underground spaces have been announced. These underground plans are changing from high-rise, high-density vertical city developments to underground, low-density horizontal urban developments. In addition, smart city technologies, have emerged to improve the quality of life and are applied to the development of underground spaces in Korea. The use of such technologies aims to expand the scope of sustainable cities from above ground to underground. (Method) Since 2008, we have analyzed underground spaces that are planned to be constructed in Korea by analyzing concepts and plan elements that are important in underground spaces. In addition, we analyze cases of smart technologies that can be applied in the development of underground spaces and organize them by focusing on sustainable underground space development. (Results) This study is a theoretical review of the smart city concept, which aims to improve the quality of life in cities, along with the necessity of development of the underground space that has recently emerged. First, four advanced cases of domestic and overseas complex development of underground spaces were selected and the types and elements of underground space planning in each case were analyzed, as well as the application of smart technologies in these projects. The applicability of smart technology can be predicted by cases that have already been developed as well as those that are in development. (Conclusions) This study analyzes underground spaces from the perspective of the smart city concept. Through this analysis, the applicability of underground space planning factors and smart technologies can be predicted to some extent. Furthermore, this study may be used as basis data in future, when underground spaces are expected to be more developed and when smart city elements are expected to have expanded.

      • KCI등재

        『우리 시대의 영웅』과 『지하로부터의 수기』 간의 상호텍스트성 연구: 페초린의 패러디로서 지하인

        홍대화 ( Daehwa Hong ) 한국외국어대학교 러시아연구소 2015 슬라브연구 Vol.31 No.4

        본 논문은 『우리 시대의 영웅』의 패러디의 관점에서 『지하로부터의 수기』를 분석하고 있다. 우선 『지하로부터의 수기』는 작품 전체의 각주에서 작품의 허구성을 확인하고 시대의 주인공을 제시하고자 하는 목적을 밝히고 있으며, 새로운 이야기로 넘어가기 직전에 주인공들의 고백의 진실성을 독자들에게 인식시키기 위해 루소의 『고백록』을 언급하고 있다는 점에서 『우리 시대의 영웅』을 패러디한다. 지하인은 ‘악인’과 ‘미신’의 코드, 낭만주의적 우월감과 소외의식, 부정과 회 의의 모티브, 낭만주의적 갈등 등을 계승하고 지배와 복종의 관계로서의 우정과 사랑에 대한 이해, 여인의 마음을 얻기 위한 연극적 언행, 그 연극이 한계에 도달했을 때 터뜨리는 통곡 등에서 페초린적 모습을 보여준다. 다만 지하인은 페초린이 지닌 낭만주의적 아우라를 지니지 않는다. 그는 철저히 사회적으로 짓밟힌 약자로서 포프리신과 아카키 아카키예비치, 제부쉬킨의 후예이 기도 하기 때문이다. 페초린이 타인의 삶을 심판하는 망나니의 역할을 한다면, 지하인은 그의 삶의 현주소를 적나라하게 폭로하는 자신의 망나니 하인 아폴론의 멸시를 감내하며 살아야 한다.지하인은 20대 때 자신의 것으로 내면화한 낭만주의적 세계관과 주인공의 형상을 모방하여 회의와 의심, 부정, 우월감과 소외를 겪으면서 그것을 자신의 지하 세계로 가지고 들어가 악의를 품고 세상에 대한 전의를 불태운다. 그는 모든 아름답고 고원한 이상의 관점에서 주변세계를 거부하고 조롱하며 자신의 변덕스런 의지를 실천하다가 추악한 행동을 하는 데 빠져들고 거기서 쾌감을 느낀다. 목적 없는 비이성적 욕구에 따른 자신의 행동을 보면서 그는 인간은 유익과 이성, 과학적 법칙에 대한 깨달음에 따라 계몽될 수 있는 존재가 아니라, 어리석은 변덕과 독단적인 자유의지대로 살기를 선택하는 배은망덕한 존재라고 강변한다. 지하인은 1860년대에 대두된 합리적이기주의를 반박하기 위한 논변을 자신이 모방하고 실천한 낭만주의, 그 중에서도 레르몬토프의 악마적인 낭만주의로부터 끌어오고 있다. 지하인은 낭만주의이든, 새로운 사조인 계몽적 합리주의이든 모든 것이 책으로부터 온 것이며, 모두가 책을 모방하면서 살려고 하기에 삶으로부터 유리되어 있다고 비판한다. 도스토옙스키는 레르몬토프가 발견한 동시대 귀족 인텔리의 문제점, ‘고독, 소외, 권태, 사랑을 받기만 하려는 자기중심적 욕망, 타인에 대한 지배욕구, 짓밟고 파괴하는 데서 느끼는 쾌감, 끊임없는 의심과 부정, 자기비하가 담긴 자기성찰, 지루함을 이기기 위한 방편으로 삶을 문학처럼 창작해내려는 ‘연극성’ 등을 인공적인 근대 도시 페테르부르크를 살아가는 ‘현대인’의 문제점으로 파악하고, 그 현대인에게 사회적 약자로서의 환경을 부여함으로써 뒤집어진 영웅(анти-герой)의 일그러진 ‘의식’과 ‘자의식’을 파헤치고 있다. 이 페초린적 낭만주의적 형상은 이후 도스토옙스키에게서 다양하게 변주된다. 스비드리가일로프, 스타브로긴, 로고진, 드미트리 카라마조프로 이어지는 선과 악 사이에서 갈등하는 인물들이 그 후신들인데, 이들은 지하인과 마찬가지로 그리스도와의 만남이 필요한 ‘악인’들이다. 그뿐 아니라 지하인은 ‘비범인의 사상’을 주창하고 그 이념에 의거해 살아가는 이념의 주인공들, 라스콜리니코프, 표트르 베르호벤스키, 이반 카라마조프, 입폴리트, 키릴로프 등의 전신이기도 하다. 그 이유는 지하인 자신도자신이 습득한 낭만주의 세계관에 매몰되어 그 이데올로기에 따라 살아가고자 하는 ‘이념’의 사람이기에 그러하다. This paper analyzes “Notes From Underground” as a parody of “A Hero of Our Time”. First, “Notes From Underground” parodies “A Hero of Our Time” in that the author states in footnote to “Notes From Underground” that the work is fiction and that its purpose is to propose a protagonist of our time and the underground man mentions Rousseau`s “Confession” in order to impress the sincerity of the protagonists` confessions upon the readers. The Underground man shows Pechorin characteristics through the codes of ‘evil person’ and ‘superstitions’, romanticist feelings of superiority and alienation, motifs of negation and skepticism, the succession of romanticist conflicts, an understanding of love and friendship as a dominating and dominated relationship, theatric words in order to gain a woman`s heart, and the wail that erupts when the theatric act has reached its limits. However, the underground man does not have the romanticist aura that Pechorin has. This is because he is also the successor of Poprishchin, Akaky Akakievich, and Devushkin, the weak that have been oppressed by society. If Pechorin was an executioner that judged other people`s lives, then the underground man has to endure the contempt of his servant Apollon who acts as his executioner by exposing his true life. The underground man undergoes skepticism, doubt, negation, and feelings of superiority and alienation as he mimics the romanticistic world and protagonists that he has made his own in his twenties, takes these feelings into his underground world, and reinforces his will to fight with an evil intent. He first rejects and ridicules the world around him from a perspective of all things beautiful and ideal and acts upon his fluctuating will. Then he is drawn into doing hideous acts and begins to feel pleasure from doing so. By looking at his actions that result from his purposeless, nonideal desire, he states that humans are not beings that can be enlightened by instruction, rational thought, and understanding of scientific laws, but ungrateful beings that choose to live according to foolish whims and an arbritrary free will. The underground man derives his argument against the concept of rational egoism that came to th fore in the 1860s from his own mimicked actions of romanticism, in particular Lermontov`s demonic romanticism. The underground man criticizes that whether it is romanticism or the new trend of thought, rational enlightenment, all such things are detached from life because they are all from books and they try to live by mimicking such books. Dostoevsky identifies the problems that Lermontov discovered in the aristocratic intellectuals of the same time, ‘loneliness, alienation, boredom, self-centered desire to only receive love, the wish to dominate others, pleasure derived from destroying, endless doubt and uncertainty, a self-ridiculing self-reflection, theatric tendencies to act as though in a protagonist in a literary work in order to overcome the boredom as the same problems found in modern men living in the artificial modern city of Petersburg and by bestowing upon the modern man the environment of the socially disadvantaged, examines the consciousness and self-consciousness of anti-hero. The Pechorinisitic romantic protagonist is changed in many ways by Dostoevsky. Characters that struggle between good and evil, Raskolnikov, Stavrogina, Rogozhin, and Dmitri Karamazov can be seen as the later versions. These are as the underground man was ‘evil men’ that needed to meet Christ. Not only this, but the underground man is also the predecessor of characters of ideology that propound ‘the extraordinary man`s way of thought’ and live according to such an ideology, Raskolnikov, Peter, Verkhovensky, Ivan Karamazov, Kirillov. This is because the underground man is a man of ideology that is buried in his romanticist world view and experiments on it.

      • KCI등재

        지하도로 내 교통 지·정체 발생 가능성 판단 지원 방법 개발

        박수빈,문재필,김진국,양충헌 한국도로학회 2022 한국도로학회논문집 Vol.24 No.4

        PURPOSES : It is necessary to implement traffic-control strategies for underground roads. In this study, the application criteria for traffic control were developed to minimize actual traffic congestion on underground roads before it occurs. In particular, the traffic congestion judgement criteria and procedure (TJCAP) were developed. They can specifically classify the possibility of traffic congestion underground. METHODS : A microscopic traffic simulation model was used to analyze different scenarios. With the scenario simulation results, a hierarchical clustering analysis was applied to produce quantitative values from the TJCAP for each experimental network case. RESULTS : For network case (a), it was concluded that the possibility of traffic congestion on underground roads increases when the speed of the ground road connected to the main underground road and the connected ground road after the outflow of the ramp section is low. When the connected road is an interrupted facility after entering the underground roads, the red time is long, and when the section travel speed is 15 km/h, the possibility of traffic congestion underground is highest. A cluster analysis based on these results was performed using two techniques (elbow and silhouette) to verify the final classification. CONCLUSIONS : The TJCAP were designed to operate traffic flow with stricter criteria than traffic congestion management on ground roads. This reflects the difference in the driving environment between underground and above-ground roadways.

      • KCI등재

        『지하로부터의 수기』 연구

        권철근(Kwon, Chol-kun) 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2006 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.22

        Notes from the Underground is a key work in which Dostoevsky develops the main themes of his great novels. These themes may be broadly stated as criticism of the idea that society can be reorganized on a permanently happy basis by means of reason. The Underground Man occupies a transitional position in Dostoevsky's works. He represents in part the continuation of the theme of "little man" and represents as well the beginning of Dostoevsky's critical examination of the anti-hero and social apostate. In other word, it is in the Underground Man that the timid rebellion of Makar Devushkin takes on the destructive character that the author will condemn in Raskolnikov. In Crime and Punishment and subsequent works the theme of anti-hero and social apostate is separated from the theme of "little man". Instead, "spirits endowed with intellect and will" introduce moral chaos and destruction into society, just as "reason" lead Raskolnikov, Stavrogin, and Versilov to moral disaster, which means that reason alone provides no foundation for behaviour. This idea is first developed in Notes from the Underground. The central fact of rationalism is its inevitable violation of the individual. This idea is illustrated by the tragic drama of Ivan Karamazov. The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor is the intellectual fruit of the last and greatest anti-hero. The Underground Man's rejection of the rationalists' "crystal palace" world harmony is related to Ivan's rejection of God's world. The Underground Man rejects the world harmony of the rationalists because it is based on ignoring and negation of suffering. Ivan with "Euclidian reason" cannot accept the world harmony that is based upon tears and suffering of children. He cannot accept the world that is not justified by reason. Thus, both the anti-rationalist Underground Man and the rationalist Ivan arrive at the same conclusion - the conclusion of uncompromising idealists. Pessimism and despair about the fate of man unite the Underground Man and Ivan. But the despair that leads the Underground Man to the idea of never-ending rebellion of the individual against any and all encroachment on his freedom evokes Ivan's creation of The Legend of the Grand Inquisitor.

      • 지하상가 근무자의 건강 장애에 관한 실태조사

        주 리,사공 준,정종학,박상환,김동희,김동민,최은경,조현근 영남대학교의과대학 1998 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.15 No.2

        대구의 경우 최근 지하철의 개통과 대규모 지하상가가 건설 중에 있어 지하공간 근무자의 급속한 증가가 예상되며 이에 따른 보건학적인 문제에 관한 증가가 예상되며 이에 따른 보건학적인 문제에 관한 관심과 준비가 필요하다. 이 연구는 지하상가를 중심으로 지하공간 근무자들의 건강양상을 파악하고 지하공간 실내공기의 오염원을 추정함으로써 지하공간 생활자의 보건학적인 문제점을 규명하고 대책을 세우기 위한 자료로 활용하기 위하여 이루어졌다. 1998년 8월에 대구 중앙지하상가 근무자 130명과 대명동 지역 지상상가 근무자 60명을 대상으로 미국 국립산업안전보건원에서 개발한 실내공기오염 설문지를 이용하여 건강 및 증상(예; 천식, 알레르기질환 이환여부, 눈, 코, 목, 호흡기, 피부 등의 비특이적 증상 등), 근무환경에 관한 사항(예; 환기, 온도, 습도, 냄새 등)을 조사하였다. 실내공기질의 측정은 지하상가를 6개 구역으로 나누고 구역별 온도, 산소, 이산화탄소, 일산화탄소와 포름알데히드를 측정하고 기존자료를 활용하였다. 대조군에 비해 지하상가에서 근무하는 고위험군은 기관지염과 먼지알레르기를 경험한 율이 유의하게 높았다. SBS의 진단기준은 NIOSH의 기준과 동일한 지난 한 달 동안 일주일에 하루 이상 눈, 코, 목, 호흡기 등의 증상과 두통, 피로감을 한가지 이상 경험하였고 지하공간을 벗어나면 증상이 호전되는 경우로 하였다. 지난 한달 동안 경험한 증상에 관한 조사에서 눈이 건조하다, 가렵다, 따갑다, 목이 따갑거나 건조함을 느낀다. 가슴이 답답하다, 눈이 피곤하고 충혈된다 및 피부가 가렵다, 건조하다 항목에서 두 군의 유병률은 유의한 차이가 있었다. 18개의 SBS 증상 중 1주일에 1-3회 이상 경험하는 증상의 개수는 고위험군에서 대조군에 비해 유의하게 많았다. 이상의 조사 및 분석결과를 종합하면 일부 지하상가 근무자들은 지하의 제한된 공간에 장기간 근무함으로써 부적절한 인간공학적 환경, 물리적 환경, 부족한 환기량 등에 의해 실내공기 오염으로 인한 증상 경험이 대조군에 비해 유의하게 높았으며 68.5%의 지하상가 근무자가 SBS를 경험하고 있었다. 그러므로 지하공간 근무자의 SBS 발생을 예방하기 위해서는 실내공기질의 정확한 평가를 통한 예방대책 수립이 필요하다. 또 의료인의 관심을 통해 SBS의 진단, 치료 및 예방 등과 같은 적절한 의학적 조치 및 연구가 이루어져야겠으며 근무자들의 환경에 대한 교육이 필요하다고 생각된다. A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between sick building syndrome(SBS) and the environmental factors affecting SBS on 130 underground workers and 60 controls. The study consisted of 1) a review of environmental condition 2) measurement of temperature, O₂, CO₂, CO, and formaldehyde and 3) a questionnaire survey of symptom prevalence and perception of environmental condition using indoor Air Quality questionnaire recommended by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Bronchitis and dust allergy were more prevalent in underground workers significantly(p<0.05). Among the 18 symptoms related to the indoor air pollution, the experience rate of dry, itching or irritated eyes, sore or dry throat, chest tightness, tired or strained eyes and dry or itchy skin symptom was significantly different between the underground workers and controls. The diagnostic criteria of SBS was defined as at least 1 symptom is experienced 1-3 times a week during the last 1 month among 18 indoor air pollution related symptoms which can be relieved by moving out of the underground. Applying the criteria, the mean symptom score was significant higher in underground workers than controls slgnificantly(p<0.05). These resalts indicated that underground workers are under inappropriate ergonomic and physical condition and inadequate ventilation. Their experience rate of symptoms related to indoor air pollution and prevalence of SBS was significantly higher than controls. To reduce the prevalence of SBS of underground workers, the surveillance system of indoor air quality, restriction of using of using fuel in underground and legislative regulations for the environment are needed to establish a better indoor air quality. Early detection, treatment and prevention of SBS through medical attention is also needed.

      • KCI등재

        광기, 전복된 영혼의 세계 - 러시아 광기의 역사

        이병훈 ( Lee Byoung-hoon ) 연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과 의학사연구소 2016 연세의사학 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to summarize and evaluate the history of russian madness. The main analysis of this work is the record of russian madness and Dostoevsky`s Notes from Underground. Madness provides a starting point for explaining the overturning or the transvaluation of modern values. Restoration of madness is to recover the true value of man hidden in madness. In other words, there is a human value, nature, and a message of salvation that humans have given up in madness or oppression of madness. The best examples of these points are russian history and literature. The 19th century was the renaissance period of russian madness. Especially in the area of literature, Dostoevsky shows what russian madness means. Dostoevsky`s the underground man is the most ideal and meaningful hero among the many figures of madman who appear in Western literature. The underground man is the intellectual living in the russian capital Saint-Petersburg in the 1860s. The underground man is a form of so-called `modern man` that is torn by European civilization and deviates from russian people and earth. So what is the reality of illnesses that the underground man are suffering from? It is an excess of consciousness. Excessive consciousness destroys emotions, destroys will, and paralyzes behavior. He does not live in reality but lives in ideas. He pursue idealistic truths without pursuing the truth of reality. He practice, but the driver of that practice is in idea, not reality. Excessive consciousness prevents him from adapting to everyday reality and makes his own space. `The underground` is the center and epicenter of the closed circuit that is disconnected from reality. According to Dostoevsky, human abandons humanity based on belief in the ultimate victory of reason and give up free will. The underground man argues that reason is nothing but a part of human being. He claims that human is not a reasonal being, but an irrational being, driven by his humanity, free will. The revolt of the underground man ends with failure. Madness still can not escape from `the underground`. However, he becomes a model for modern man, because of the madness trapped in `the underground`.

      • KCI등재

        지하주차장 보행안전 평가 프레임워크 개발 및 적용

        한재성(Jaesung Han),박기정(Kijung Park) 대한인간공학회 2019 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.38 No.3

        Objective: This study aims to develop a pedestrian safety assessment model for underground parking facilities that comprehensively measure the pedestrian safety level of an underground parking facility. Background: Although underground parking spaces have many potential risks that can cause pedestrian accidents, assessment frameworks that enable to comprehensively measure and monitor the risk levels of underground parking facilities have not been widely discussed in the literature. In this regard, it is necessary to develop a safety assessment framework that can objectively and quantitatively capture the safety level in an underground parking facility. Method: 381 indicators that are associated with general pedestrian safety were extracted from the extant literature first. Then, these indicators were streamlined and standardized based on the importance of each indicator. Finally, a total of ten identified major indicators with sub-indicators and three safety factors categorizing these indicators were derived as a basis of a safety assessment framework. A weighted average scoring system using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed for the indicators measured in a Likert scale and their associated factors to quantify the overall safety level. The proposed framework was applied to a case study of a Korean university. Results: The results showed the overall safety level of the undergraduate parking facility at the university is in a range of "requiring minor treatment". However, the visibility factor had a low safety score, which requires immediate treatment. Based on the assessment results, a sensor system was proposed to improve the safety score of visibility. Conclusion: This study proposed an assessment framework that can objectively measure the safety level of an undergraduate parking space based on multi-criteria for pedestrian safety. The proposed framework can be a useful basis to continuously monitor the progress of underground-parking safety. Application: The proposed framework can be applied to any type of undergroundparking spaces.

      • KCI등재

        BIM을 활용한 증강현실 기반 지하시설물 관리 시스템 개발에 관한 연구

        신재섭,안송강,송정욱 사단법인 한국터널지하공간학회 2022 한국터널지하공간학회논문집 Vol.24 No.6

        In Korea, safety accidents are continuously occurring due to the aging of underground facilities and lack of systematic management. Moreover, although the underground space is continuously being developed, the current status information is not clearly recorded and managed, so there is a limit to the systematic management of underground facilities. Therefore, this study developed an augmented reality-based system that can effectively maintain and manage underground facilities that are difficult to manage because they are located underground. In order to develop an augmented reality-based underground facility management system, three essential requirements, ‘precise localization’, ‘use of BIM information’, and ‘ensure usability’ were derived and reflected in the system. By utilizing Broadcast-RTK, the positional precision was secured to cm level, and the configuration and attribute information of the BIM was converted into the IFC format to construct a system that could be implemented in augmented reality. It developed an application that can optimize usability. Finally, through simulation, the configuration and attribute information of structures and mechanical systems constituting underground facilities were implemented in augmented reality. In addition, it was confirmed that the accurate and highly consistent augmented reality system works even in harsh environment (near high-rise building). 우리나라에서는 지하시설물의 노후화와 체계적인 관리 부족으로 인한 안전사고가 지속적으로 발생하고 있다. 하지만 지하공간이 지속적으로 개발되고 있음에도 지하시설물의 관리 주체가 다양하고 이에 대한 현황정보가 명확하게 기록 ‧ 관리되고 있지 않아, 체계적인 지하시설물 관리에 한계가 있는 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구는 지하에 위치해 확인하기 어려운지하시설물을 증강현실로 구현하여 유지관리 과정에서 효과적으로 사용할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하였다. 증강현실기반지하시설물 관리 시스템 개발을 위해 세 가지 필수 요구사항인 ‘정밀 위치파악’, ‘BIM 설계정보 활용’, ‘사용성 확보’를도출하여 이를 시스템 개발에 반영하였다. Broadcast-RTK를 활용하여 위치정밀도를 cm급으로 확보하였고, BIM 모델의 형상 및 속성정보를 IFC포맷으로 변환하여 증강현실로 구현하는 시스템을 구성하였다. 또한 사용성을 최적화할 수있는 Application을 개발하였다. 마지막으로, 시뮬레이션을 통해 지하시설물을 구성하는 구조체 및 기계 시스템의 형상,속성정보를 증강현실로 구현하였다. 또한 가혹한 환경(고층 빌딩 인접)에서도 정밀하고 정합성 높은 증강현실 시스템이작동함을 확인할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        『지하로부터의 수기』와 『황야의 이리』에 나타난 호모 파티엔스 연구

        조혜경 한국노어노문학회 2024 노어노문학 Vol.36 No.2

        본 논문은 도스토옙스키의 소설『지하로부터의 수기 』와 헤르만 헤세의 소설『황야의 이리 』에 나타난 주인공들의 고통의 양상을 비교하는 것을 그 목적으로 한다. 지하인과 하리 할러의 고통은 그들의 분열된 자아에 기인한다. 그들은 자아정체성의 혼돈 속에서 고통스런 삶을 살아간다. 지하인은 ‘다중적 정체성’을 지녔으나 그것을 수용하지 못하고 자신을 타인과의 관계에서 지배자로 규정하고 자신이 받은 모욕과 고통을 타인에게 갚아주려 시도하지만 성공하지 못한다. 지하인의 고통은 다중적인 자아를 수용하지 못한 결과일 뿐만 아니라 타인과 자신을 구별 짓기 위한 노력의 과정에서 비롯된 것이다. 반면에 하리 할러는 지하인과 달리 자신 안에 존재하는 인간적인 속성과 이리적인 속성과 더불어 또 다른 속성들을 타인과의 상호작용을 통해 깨닫고 그것을 수용한다. 뿐만 아니라 그는 주변인과 불멸의 예술가들을 통해 유머를 배우는데, 유머는 서로 대립되는 것들의 조화와 화합을 가능하게 하는 요소로 작용한다. 결론적으로 지하인에게 고통은 타인과의 구별 짓기를 강화하는 요인으로 작용하였다면, 하리 할러에게 고통은 자아에 대한 이해의 지평을 확장함과 동시에 타인과의 경계를 허물고 그들에게 다가서는 계기가 되었다고말할 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to compare the aspects of suffering of the main characters in Dostoevsky's novel『Notes from Underground』and Herman Hesse's novel『The SteppenWolf』. The suffering of the Underground Man and Harry Haller is due to their divided selves. They live painful lives in confusion of self-identity. The underground person has ‘multiple identities’, but is unable to accept them and defines himself as a ruler in relationships with others, and attempts to repay others for the insults and pain he has received, but is unsuccessful. So, the suffering of underground people not only comes from not being able to accept multiple selves, but also from the process of trying to distinguish oneself from others. On the other hand, unlike the underground man, Harry Haller realizes and accepts the human and rational attributes that exist within him as well as other attributes through interactions with others. In addition, he learns humor through people around him and immortal artists, and humor acts as an element that makes harmony and harmony between opposing things possible. If for underground people, pain acted as a factor that strengthened the distinction from others, for Harry Haller, pain could be said to expand the horizon of understanding of self and at the same time serve as an opportunity to break down the boundaries with others and approach them.

      • KCI등재

        아파트 단지 지하주차장 범죄위험요인 분석에 관한 연구

        최동식;이경훈 경찰대학교 2010 경찰학연구 Vol.10 No.1

        Recently in Korea, most parking lots for apartments are being placed underground. Although this creates a lot of problems, there is a need for more parking space. If, however, we make underground parking lots for apartments without the proper safety measures, crime is inevitable. The purpose of this study is to find the factors of crime risk in underground parking lots for apartments to reduce crime and the fear of crime. First, articles regarding crimes in apartments and survey research were conducted to understand the current state of crime within apartments. Then, research on the actual conditions apartments were performed. The results from the article research confirms the high occurrence rate of crime accidents in underground parking lots and most crimes in underground parking lots for apartments were theft from car or sexual assault. A comparative study between CPTED guidelines in Korea and other countries found that CPTED guidelines in Korea were insufficient and many strategies found in existing CPTED guidelines outside of Korea can also be applied. As a result of this research, most underground parking lots for apartments in Korea have adopted some form of the CPTED strategies for the safety of the residents. The underground parking lot which adopted only parts of the CPTED strategies are still vulnerable against crimes. They have to apply more of the CPTED strategies in consideration for the safety of the residents. In this study, investigation of the current state of crime in apartments was not with accuracy, because the articles were not classified in categories according to crime, time and place. In the future, research of various parking lot must be studied.

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