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      • ICT 발전트렌드에 대응하는 공간정보의 환경이슈 적용 체계 구축 : 빅데이터 분석과 위성영상 활용을 중심으로

        이명진 ( Moung-jin Lee ),이정호 ( Jeongho Lee ),윤정호,심창섭,김근한,채성호,이선민 한국환경정책평가연구원 2017 기본연구보고서 Vol.2017 No.-

        본 연구는 다양한 환경공간정보 중 위성영상을 중심으로 최근 주요 이슈가 되는 ICT(Information and Communication Technology) 기술 융합을 통하여 해외 선진 사례와 국내 주요 환경 이슈에 대응하는 시범연구를 수행하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 전년도 연구 성과를 통하여 위성영상이 환경공간정보 전체에서 가장 많이 활용되는 것을 분석하였다. 또한 국내외 위성영상의 특징을 분석하고, 환경 분야에서 활용되는 사례를 고찰하였다. 더불어 해외 선진 사례 중 실제 위성영상과 ICT 기술을 융합한 사례(토양수분 변화 분석을 통한 가뭄 감지)를 국내에 적용하기 위하여 적용할 수 있는 기술지도를 작성하고, 이를 바탕으로 시범연구(전북지역)를 수행하였다. 전년도 연구 결과를 통하여 피력한 바와 같이 최근 다양한 환경이슈의 해결을 위하여 실질적인 도구로서 위성영상의 활용이 두드러지고 있으며, 이에 정밀 지구관측을 통한 환경문제 대응을 위하여 우리나라는 2020년까지 총 8대 이상의 위성을 운용할 예정이다. 이러한 기조에서 위성영상의 환경공간정보와 ICT 기술의 융합·활용이라는 연구주제의 기술적 특성을 고려하여, 지구관측 위성, 기상·해양·환경 위성, 정지궤도 환경위성으로 분류되는 위성영상 비교 분석 및 이기종 위성영상의 활용 사례 특히, 위성영상과 ICT 기술의 융합 활용의 해외실증 프로젝트 사례를 조사하였다. 더불어 빅데이터(Big Data) 분석 중 텍스트마이닝(Text Mining)을 활용하여 기존의 국내 위성영상의 활용 현황에서 보다 구체적으로 어떠한 위성영상이 주류로 활용되고 있는지, 시기별·분야별로 정밀 분석을 수행하여 이기종의 위성영상의 환경공간정보와 ICT 기술의 융합 활용을 통한 환경이슈 대응 방안을 실증적으로 검토하는 다면적인 분석을 시도하였다. 이를 기반으로 토양수분의 실질적 사례에 대한 위성영상과 ICT 기술 융합 활용의 기술적 체계인 기술지도를 작성하였으며, 기술지도 내용을 실질적으로 구현하기 위하여 연구지역을 선정하여 시범연구를 진행하였다. 위성영상을 활용한 관측 및 검증에 필요한 정보를 ICT 기반으로 연계하여 분석·활용하는 방안을 구현하였다. 추가적으로 향후 발전된 ICT 기술과 위성영상의 융합 활용에 대하여 재구성을 통한 활용 방안을 제시하였다. 현재 및 향후 환경 분야에 활용할 수 있는 국내외 위성영상의 특징을 분석하여 정리하였다. 지구관측 위성(아리랑 시리즈, Landsat 시리즈) 및 기상·해양·환경 위성(천리안 시리즈 등), 정지궤도 환경위성(TEMPO, 천리안-2B GEMS 등)으로 대분류하여 국내외 위성의 제원을 조사·정리하였다. 이기종 위성영상의 활용 사례 조사에서는 국내 지구관측(아리랑 시리즈) 위성, 기상·해양·환경(천리안 시리즈) 위성, 환경 주제도를 활용한 55건의 문헌을 대상으로 하였다. 국내지구관측 위성의 활용 사례는 수문학적 재난 등 총 15건, 국내 기상·해양·환경 위성의 활용사례는 토양수분 증발량에 관한 연구를 포함하여 총 18건, 환경 주제도의 활용 사례는 토양 침식계수 선정 등 총 22건이 조사되었다. 이와 같이 조사된 총 55건의 융합 활용 사례는 재난재해, 농업, 산림, 해양, 수질, 및 기후의 6개 분야로 구분되어 분석되었다. 국내의 대표적인 아리랑과 천리안 위성 사례 및 환경주제도 사례를 분석한 결과, 55건의 사례 중 약50%의 연구가 토양수분과 직·간접적인 연관이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 구체적으로 재난재해분야에서 14건 중 9건, 농업분야에서 7건 중 7건, 산림분야에서 8건 중 3건, 해양분야에서 3건 중 1건, 수질분야에서 17건 중 5건, 기후분야에서 6건 중 1건에서 토양수분과의 직·간접적인 연관성을 나타냈다. 이를 통해 국내 위성과 환경분야 주제도 중심의 융합 연구로서 토양수분에 대한 연구가 적합하다는 것을 제시하였다. 이를 기반으로 토양수분 관련 위성영상과 ICT 융합 활용 실증 사례를 조사하였다. 분석된 위성영상 및 ICT 융합 활용 해외 선진 사례는 ‘Afsis 프로젝트’, ‘WEAM4i 프로젝트’, 및 ‘ERMES 프로젝트’ 등이 해당된다. 각각의 사례에 대하여 위성영상과 ICT 기술이 토양수분의 환경이슈 부문에서 어떠한 기술적 역할을 담당하며 활용되는지 조사·정리하였다. 빅데이터를 활용한 이기종 위성영상 융합 활용 분석에서는 빅데이터 분석방법 중 비정형 데이터 및 자연어 분석방법인 텍스트마이닝 방법을 활용하였다. 이는 전년도에 개발한 R프로그램 기반의 텍스트마이닝 프로그램의 자체 개선을 통한 네트워크 분석으로 수행되었다. 기존의 국내 위성영상의 활용 현황에서 좀 더 구체적으로 어떠한 위성영상이 주류로 활용되고 있는지, 시기별·분야별로 정밀 분석을 수행하였다. 또한 이기종 위성영상 융합의 이론적 배경을 분석하였다. 이는 위성영상의 공간해상도, 분광해상도 및 시간해상도로 구분하여 융합 방안을 제시하였다. 이를 통하여 향후 이기종의 위성영상의 환경분야 융합 활용에서 기반이 되는 중심 분광 파장대역, 공간 해상도 등을 도출하였다. 이기종 위성영상의 융합 활용방안으로서 공간해상도가 좋은 지구관측 위성과 시간해상도가 좋은 기상·해양·환경 위성을 융합하여 보완 활용이 필요하며, 특히 향후 천리안 2B호에서 제공하는 300~500nm 파장대역에서 융합 활용할 수 있는 지구관측 위성의 활용이 필요하다. ICT 기술을 반영한 위성영상 중심의 환경공간정보 활용 재구성에서는 전술된 융합 활용방안을 토대로 토양수분의 실질적 환경이슈를 해결하는 방안을 제시하였다. 이를 위하여 우선적으로 토양수분에 대한 위성영상 및 ICT 기술의 적용 및 활용 체계 구축을 기술지도 작성을 통하여 제시했으며, 이는 토양수분 관련 해외 실증 프로젝트(위성영상과 ICT 융합)의 국내 적용을 목적으로 한다. 구체적으로 해외 실증 프로젝트의 1) 위성영상 이용 토양수분 정보 획득, 2) ICT 플랫폼 구축을 통한 외부데이터 연계, 3) 분석·활용 서비스 제공의 세 단계의 구성을 통한 토양수분 관련 위성영상 및 ICT 기술의 융합 활용을 국내에 적용하기 위한 기술체계를 구축하여 제시하였다. 기술지도 내용 중 국지적 토양수분 관측 및 ICT기반 외부데이터 연계를 통한 분석·활용하는 방안을 구현하기 위하여 실제 시범 연구지역을 선정하여 시범연구를 수행하였다. 최종적으로 위성영상 중심의 환경공간정보 및 ICT 기술을 융합하여 토양수분의 환경이슈를 해결하는 활용 방안을 토양수분 시공간 모니터링 시스템으로 재구성하여 제시하였다. 토양수분에 위성영상 및 ICT를 활용한 환경이슈 적용 체계는 우선적으로 지구관측 위성 및 환경관측 위성의 이기종 위성영상을 중심으로 기후·대기 관측정보, 토양수분 관련 실측자료 및 관련 주제도가 필요하다. 각각의 활용 가능한 환경공간정보는 한국항공우주연구원, 국가기상위성센터, 국가환경위성센터, 기상청, 농촌진흥청 및 KEI 등에서 생산 및 관리하고 있다. 이들 정보를 바탕으로 ICT 기술 중 ‘빅데이터 플랫폼’, ‘인공지능인지컴퓨팅’, ‘클라우드컴퓨팅’, ‘IoT(Internet of Things)’, ‘5G 유·무선 네트워크’의 기술을 활용하여 농업생산량 예측, 가뭄피해 예측, 농사정보 등 수요자 맞춤형 서비스 및 정책적 의사결정을 지원할 수 있을 것이다. 정책제언에 대한 검토는 네 가지 관점에서 이루어졌다. 첫째, 환경주제도 갱신(내용 및 주기) 고도화의 필요성이다. 현재 환경주제도의 가장 기본이 되는 것은 토지피복지도이고, 토지피복지도는 위성영상 및 항공사진을 기초로 제작된다. 즉, 향후 토지피복지도 갱신, 더 나아가 환경주제도 갱신 및 고도화를 위해서는 위성영상 중심의 기본 자료 및 최신 ICT기술이 적재적소에 융합되어야 한다. 이는 4차 산업혁명 기반 일반 국민 대상의 신산업가치 창출을 위한 기초자료로 적극 활용할 수 있으므로 토지피복지도 및 관련 환경주제도의 갱신을 위한 적극적 기술 개발 투자 및 연구가 필요하다. 둘째, 위성영상의 제도적 위상 재정립의 필요성이다. 현재 위성영상과 관련한 국내 법·제도적 규정에서는 위성영상은 위성정보(통신, 음향 및 음성 등을 포함)의 일종이며 위성의 정보 생산 목적 및 활용에 따른 위성정보의 구분 및 정의는 명시하지 않고 있다. 원격탐사 방식의 위성영상 정보는 환경뿐만 아니라 기상, 국토 관리, 교통, 재난재해, 기후변화 등 다양한 국민생활 이슈에 공간정보 형태로 활용이 가능하고, 이종 원격탐사 위성 간의 자료 융합 및 분야별 융합이 비교적 쉽게 이루어질 수 있으며, 향후 이에 대한 수요처가 증가할 것으로 분석되었다. 즉, 원격탐사 방식의 위성정보에 대한 관리와 이용에 대해 별도의 새로운 제도적 체계가 필요하다. 셋째, 위성영상 정보 접근성 확장의 필요성이다. 위성영상의 고유의 활용 및 ICT 등 타분야 융합을 통한 정책 적용 잠재성을 현실화하기 위해서는 현재와 같은 위성정보의 접근 통제 환경을 점진적으로 완화할 필요가 있다. 위성영상 정보 관련 법 및 제도 내 정보 보안에 관한 조항 등의 수정은 물론, 정보보안 및 군사안보와 관련된 정부부처 및 산하기관에서 운용하는 위성영상 관련 보안규정 역시 정보 접근성 완화를 골격으로 한 개선이 시급히 수행되어야 한다. 넷째, 신정부 정책의 실천을 지원하는 민간기업의 참여 확대의 필요성이다. 신정부 100대 국정과제 내 주요 전략은 일자리 창출이며, 이는 원격탐사 방식 위성정보 활용 서비스의 핵심인 처리 소프트웨어의 개발은 미래 신성장 동력의 핵심 기술로서 충분히 인정받을 수 있다. 또한 시장 규모로 볼 때 대기업이 아닌 중소 전문기업 또는 스타트업 규모에서 집중적으로 추진할 수 있는 아이템이다. 따라서 원격탐사 분야와 ICT 분야, 이를 융합 활용하는 분야에서 활용 서비스 스타트업 및 전문 중소기업의 육성을 신정부 내 국정운영의 한 축으로 하는 게 중요하며, 원시 위성영상 생산 이후 자료 처리 및 유통 단계서부터 정부 또는 국가기관 주도가 아닌 민간기업의 참여를 정책적으로 장려하여야 한다. This study aims to conduct a case study of best practices overseas and a pilot study to deal with major environmental issues in Korea through integration of ICT that has recently become a major issue, focusing on satellite images among various kinds of environmental spatial information. The study analyzed the case in which satellite images were most frequently used in all of environmental spatial information based on the study results made in the previous year. In addition, it analyzed the characteristics of satellite images in Korea and overseas, and examined the cases in which they were used in the field of environment. Furthermore, an applicable technology roadmap was drawn up to apply the case in which satellite images and ICT are integrated ― detecting drought by analyzing the variation of soil moisture ― to Korea, and a pilot study was conducted on the basis of the roadmap in Jeonbuk. There is more and more use of satellite images as an actual tool to resolve various environmental issues as shown in the previous year’s research findings. Thus, to cope with environmental problems through precise earth observation, South Korea will manage at least 8 satellites by 2020. Considering the technical characteristics of the research topic which is integration and use of environmental spatial information of satellite images and ICT, this study comparatively analyzed satellite images classified into earth observation satellites, meteorological/ocean/environmental satellites, and geostationary environmental satellites. In addition, it studied cases in which multi-sensor satellite images are used, especially verifiable projects from overseas about integration and use of satellite images and ICT. Moreover, multifaceted analysis was attempted to empirically review measures against environmental issues through integration and use of environmental spatial information of multi-sensor satellite images and ICT by conducting a detailed analysis by period and field in order to determine which satellite images in particular are mainly used in Korea, using text mining among big data analysis. Based on this analysis, a technology roadmap was drawn up, which is the technical system of integration and use of satellite images and ICT in the actual case of soil moisture. A pilot study was conducted to select the study area for actual implementation of the technology roadmap. Then a method was implemented to analyze and use the data required for observation and verification using satellite images based on ICT. In addition, an application plan was presented based on restructuring of integration and use of ICT and satellite images developed later. The characteristics of local and global satellite images were analyzed and summarized, which can be utilized in the current and future environment field. Data of local and global satellites were also investigated and summarized by classifying them into earth observation satellites (Arirang series, Landsat series), meteorological/ocean/environmental satellites (Chollian series, etc.), and geostationary environmental satellites (TEMPO, Chollian-2B GEMS, etc.). In the case study of using multi-sensor satellite images, total 55 literatures were examined, which used domestic earth observation satellites (Arirang series), meteorological/ ocean/ environmental satellites (Chollian series), and environmental thematic maps. Total 15 cases including hydrologic disasters were examined in the case of using domestic earth observation satellites, total 18 cases including studies on soil moisture were examined in the case of using domestic meteorological/ocean/environmental satellites, and total 22 cases including selection of soil erosion factor were used in the case of using environmental thematic maps. These 55 cases were analyzed in 6 fields: disaster, agriculture, forest, ocean, water quality and climate. As a result of analyzing cases of Korea’s leading satellites Arirang and Chollian as well as environmental thematic maps, about 50% of 55 cases were directly or indirectly related to soil moisture. More specifically, direct or indirect correlation with soil moisture was found in 9 out of 14 cases in the disaster category, 7 out of 7 cases in the agriculture category, 3 out of 8 in the forest category, 1 out of 3 in the ocean category, 5 out of 17 in the water quality category, and 1 out of 6 in the climate category. This showed that research on soil moisture is adequate for research on integration and use of domestic satellites and thematic maps in the field of environment. Based on the above, a case study was conducted on the integration and use of soil moisture-related satellite images and ICT. The advanced cases about integration and use of satellite images and ICT included ‘AfSIS project’, ‘WEAM4i project’, and ‘ERMES project’. This study examined and summarized which technical role is performed by satellite images and ICT in the environmental issues of soil moisture for each case. In analyzing the integration and use of multi-sensor satellite images using big data, the text mining method was used, which is a method of analyzing unstructured data and natural language among various methods of big data analysis. This was conducted in a network analysis through the self-developed text mining program based on the R program developed in the previous year. A detailed analysis was conducted for each time and field regarding which satellite images are mainly used in Korea. In addition, the theoretical background of the integration and use of multi-sensor satellite images was analyzed. This was categorized into spatial resolution, spectral resolution and temporal resolution to present integration method. Based on the above, central spectral wavelength range, and spatial resolution were elicited, which form the basis of integration and use of multi-sensor satellite images in the field of environment. It is necessary to integrate and use the earth observation satellites with good spatial resolution and meteorological/ocean/environmental satellites with good temporal resolution as a integration and utilization of multi-sensor satellite images. In particular, it is necessary to use earth observation satellites that can be ingegrated in 300-500 nm wavelength band provided by Chollian 2B. In restructuring the use of environmental spatial information focusing on satellite images that applied ICT, a measure to resolve actual environmental issues of soil moisture was presented based on the aforementioned plan of integration and use. To this end, a technology roadmap was drawn up to establish the application and utilization scheme of satellite images on soil moisture and ICT, which is intended to apply global advanced projects related to soil moisture (integration of satellite images and ICT) in Korea. More specifically, a technological system is established and presented to apply the integration and use of soil moisture-related satellite images and ICT from overseas verifiable projects in Korea through the following steps: 1) acquiring soil moisture data using satellite images, 2) linking external data by establishing the ICT platform, and 3) providing analysis and utilization services. A pilot study was conducted by selecting an actual study area for demonstration in order to implement the method to analyze and use the data by linking ICT-based external data and observing local soil moisture among the content of technology roadmap. Finally, this study restructured the plan to integrate environmental spatial information focused on satellite images with ICT to resolve environmental issues of soil moisture into a soil moisture time-space monitoring system. The system to apply to environmental issues using soil moisture satellite images and ICT need soil moisture data and climate/air observation data derived from multi-sensor satellite images of earth and environmental observation satellites, as well as in-situ data on soil moisture and related thematic maps. The available environmental spatial information are produced and managed by Korea Aerospace Research Institute, National Environmental Satellite Center, Korea Meteorological Administration, Rural Development Administration, and KEI. Based on this data, ICT such as ‘big data platform,’ ‘artificial intelligence cognitive computing,’ ‘cloud computing,’ ‘IoT (Internet of Things),’ and ‘5G wired and wireless network’ can be used to predict agricultural production, forecast drought damages, provide customized services for consumers such as farming data, and support policy decision making. Review of policy suggestions was carried out in four views. The first is the need to renew and upgrade the environmental thematic maps (content and cycle). The most fundamental element of the environmental thematic map is land cover map, which is made based on satellite images and aerial photographs. In other words, to renew and upgrade the land cover maps as well as environmental thematic maps, it is necessary to integrate basic data focusing on satellite images and latest ICT in the right place. This can be actively used as the basic data to create new industrial values for the general public based on quaternary industries. Thus, it is necessary to actively invest in technological development and conduct research to renew land cover maps and related environmental thematic maps. The second is the need to reestablish the systematic status of satellite images. In the current legal-systematic regulations related to satellite images in Korea, satellite images are a type of satellite information (including communications, sound and voice), without providing their purpose of creating information and distinguishing or defining satellite information according to their use. Information from satellite images in the form of remote sensing can be used as spatial information in various issues of national life, such as environment, climate, land management, transportation, disaster and climate change. integration of data among multi-sensor remote sensing satellites and integration among different fields can be relatively easy, and demands for this is expected to grow in the future. In other words, there is a need for a new system regarding management and use of remote sensing satellite information. The third is the need to expand accessibility to satellite image data. To actualize the potential for policy application with the use of satellite images as well as integration with other fields like ICT, it is necessary to gradually ease the current access control of satellite information. Provisions about information security in laws and systems related to satellite image data must be amended. In addition, security regulations related to satellite images managed by government departments and affiliated agencies related to information security and military security must also be improved immediately, with focus on alleviating access to information. The fourth is the need to increase participation of private enterprises supporting the implementation of the new government policies. The major strategy in the 100 major government projects by the new government is creating jobs, and development of processing software, which is the essence of remote sensing satellite information service, can be acknowledged as the key technology of new future growth engine. Furthermore, not large companies but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or startups can focus on this business in terms of market size. Therefore, it is important to nurture service startups or specialized SMEs in the fields of remote sensing, ICT and integration and use of these fields as a major part of governance in the new government. It is also necessary to politically encourage the participation of private enterprises instead of having the government or a national institution lead the entire project from data processing and distribution after producing raw satellite images.

      • KCI등재

        생태전시관의 친환경 공간 이미지에 관한 연구

        오지영(Oh, Ji-Young),박혜경(Park, Hey-Kyung) 한국실내디자인학회 2012 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        After The Ramsar Convention took place in Korea in 2008, public interest in environment heightened, and the government has been allocating its budget for conserving our environment. Therefore, the present study focuses on eco-friendly spatial images particularly shown in ecological museums in Korea which recognizes the value of the environment and the ecology and tries to both protect them and alert people about it. The purpose of this study is proving what consist of eco-friendly spatial images by analyzing the expressive word of eco-friendly images and the image of space, providing a basic data for future space planning of ecological museums. To do this, the present study proceeds in three steps. First of all, the base of research in analyzing stage is firmly established by grasping general theories and terms regarding spatial image. As a second step, the composition and the characteristics of exhibition is clarified through on-spot investigation to provide comparative data for spatial image assessment in the future. Also through this step, we could understand how the exhibits are designed currently. In the last stage of research, expressive words regarding eco-friendly spatial images are extracted and used to analyze the spatial image of ecological museums. And the following three conclusions is deduced. First, the expressive words of eco-friendly spatial image that are extracted are as following: “healthy”, “coexisting”, “clean”, “blending”, “warm”, “soft”, “lively”, “pure”, “cool”, “fresh”, “comfortable”, “relaxed”, “mild”, “free”, “harmonious”, and “healing”. As the second conclusion, color, and material, the formation which is an architectural factor did not have a great impact on forming eco-friendly image, but the color and the material did. The third conclusion was that the display with natural aspects actively utilized increased eco-friendly spatial image.

      • Correction of Parameter Error in Rotating Linear Probe Using Image Registration for Ultrasonic Diagnostic Imaging

        Myoung Hwan Choi 제어로봇시스템학회 2008 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10

        Spatial compounding has been used in ultrasonic imaging for suppressing speckle noise. The technique generally involves electronically steering the ultrasonic beams. In this paper, we present a spatial compounding approach where the component image is acquired by mechanically rotating the probe element. A linear transducer array is rotated about an axis in the plane of the image. The goal is to avoid the problems associated with the electronic beam steering at a large angle such as decrease in the effective aperture size, grating lobe effect, and decrease in transducer sensitivity caused by obliquity factor. In the computation of the ultrasound image, we need the values of the axis of rotation and angular position of the transducer array. However, the construction of the rotation mechanism and the control system accompanies the inevitable uncertainties in these values. These parameter errors result in the target position error, and the consequence is the blurry compounded image. We present the spatial compounding for rotating linear probe in the presence of parameter error using image registration. The effect of the uncertainty in the mechanical parameters was compensated by registering the wire target images before spatial compounding. An efficient registration algorithm was developed to compute the transformation matrix required for the registration. The component images were registered by the transformation matrix before spatial compounding and the effect of the parameter errors were removed.

      • KCI등재

        웨이브릿 기반 텍스처 융합 영상을 이용한 위성영상 자료의 분류 정확도 향상 연구

        황화정 ( Hwa Jeong Hwang ),류희영 ( Hee Young Yoo ),이기원 ( Ki Won Lee ),권병두 ( Byung Doo Kwon ) 大韓遠隔探査學會 2007 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        지금까지 위성영상 정보 처리 분야에서는 분광정보를 이용한 영상분석과 시각적 해석 및 자동 분류에 대한 연구가 주로 수행되었으나, 최근에는 영상자료에서 시각적으로 나타나지 않는 특성이나 공간정보의 추출을 위한 여러 시도가 이루어지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 영상정보의 특성 추출기법인 텍스처 영상 생성기법과 웨이브릿 변환을 연계하여 웨이브릿 기반 텍스처 융합 영상에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 또한 이러한 영상이 분류 정확도에 어떻게 기여하는 가를 분석하기 위한 적용 사례로 도심지 공간분석과 칼데라 주변지역의 지질학적 구조분석을 수행하였다. 영상 분석 시 공간정보 활용을 위한 텍스처 영상 생성기법과 웨이브릿 기반 텍스처 융합 영상 생성기법을 시용하면 원본영상만을 사용하였을 때보다 높은 분류정확도를 보였다. 고해상도 영상을 사용한 도심지의 경우 원본영상에 텍스처영상과 웨이브릿 기반 텍스처 융합 영상을 모두 활용한 경우의 분류정확도가 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 이는 상세화소의 변화가 매우 중요한 도심지의 특성상, 세밀한 공간정보가 최대로 활용되었기 때문으로 해석되어진다. 또한 중 저해상도 영상을 사용한 지질학적 구조분석의 경우 원본영상에 텍스처 영상만을 활용한 경우가 가장 높은 분류정확도를 보였다. 이는 칼데라를 중심으로 한 비교적 크기가 큰 지질학적 구조 분석 시 고도변화와 지열분포 등의 정보가 적당히 단순화 될 필요가 있었기 때문인 것으로 해석된다. 따라서 이러한 기법들을 실제 연구에 적용하기 위해서는 연구의 목적과 위성영상의 해상도 등의 정보를 모두 고려하여 적절한 기법을 잘 적용하는 것이 중요하다. The spectral information based image analysis, visual interpretation and automatic classification have been widely carried out so far for remote sensing data processing. Yet recently, many researchers have tried to extract the spatial information which cannot be expressed directly in the image itself. Using the texture and wavelet scheme, we made a wavelet-based texture fusion image which includes the advantages of each scheme. Moreover, using these schemes, we carried out image classification for the urban spatial analysis and the geological structure analysis around the caldera area. These two case studies showed that image classification accuracy of texture image and wavelet-based texture fusion image is better than that of using only raw image. In case of the urban area using high resolution image, as both texture and wavelet based texture fusion image are added to the original image, the classification accuracy is the highest. Because detailed spatial information is applied to the urban area where detail pixel variation is very significant. In case of the geological structure analysis using middle and low resolution image, the images added by only texture image showed the highest classification accuracy. It is interpreted to be necessary to simplify the information such as elevation variation, thermal distribution, on the occasion of analyzing the relatively larger geological structure like a caldera. Therefore, in the image analysis using spatial information, each spatial information analysis method should be carefully selected by considering the characteristics of the satellite images and the purpose of study.

      • KCI등재

        납엽송 간벌 임분의 공간 이미지 분석

        송형섭,명재갑,박민우,손종은,이선 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2000 농업과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The main purpose of this study is to obtain spatial image information toward forest thinning process in Larix forest stands. Thirteen different alternatives were simulated to visualize on the basis of actual thinning work photos. The options were illustrated as photos produced by photoshop program. Each alternatives were evaluated by forest visitor group with total 244 respondents after reliability test. Spatial images of 13 thinning photos were measured by 12 semantic differential scale as broad-narrow, ordered-tangled, friendly-unfriendly, monotonous-divers, dry-refreshing, relieved-stifling, healthy-sickly, uniform-scattered, dead-alive, opened-closed, bent-straight, and beautiful-ugly. In comparison with thinning stands and natural stands, thinning works were visual improvement effects of spatial images. Seemingly, this trend is due to definite form beauty, straight and clear length from of coniferous forest. As can be expected, slash and downwood were negatively related to improvement effects of spatial images. The 60% ratio of stem/tree height and 450-950 trees/ha was positive in attraction of spatial images. Results indicate how to conduct forest thinning system for spatial images on Larix forest stands.

      • KCI등재

        Super-spatial resolution method combined with the maximum-likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm for alpha imaging detector

        김건아,임일한,송강현,김종국 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.6

        Recently, the demand for alpha imaging detectors for quantifying the distributions of alpha particles hasincreased in various fields. This study aims to reconstruct a high-resolution image from an alpha imagingdetector by applying a super-spatial resolution method combined with the maximum-likelihoodexpectation maximization (MLEM) algorithm. To perform the super-spatial resolution method, severalimages are acquired while slightly moving the detector to predefined positions. Then, a forward modelfor imaging is established by the system matrix containing the mechanical shifts, subsampling, andmeasured point-spread function of the imaging system. Using the measured images and system matrix,the MLEM algorithm is implemented, which converges towards a high-resolution image. We evaluatedthe performance of the proposed method through the Monte Carlo simulations and phantom experiments. The results showed that the super-spatial resolution method was successfully applied to the alphaimaging detector. The spatial resolution of the resultant image was improved by approximately 12% usingfour images. Overall, the study's outcomes demonstrate the feasibility of the super-spatial resolutionmethod for the alpha imaging detector. Possible applications of the proposed method include highresolution imaging for alpha particles of in vitro sliced tissue and pre-clinical biologic assessments fortargeted alpha therapy


        Spatial Compounding of Ultrasonic Diagnostic Images for Rotating Linear Probe with Geometric Parameter Error Compensation

        Myoung Hwan Choi,Moo Ho Bae 대한전기학회 2014 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.9 No.4

        In ultrasonic medical imaging, spatial compounding of images is a technique where ultrasonic beam is steered to examine patient tissues in multiple angles. In the conventional ultrasonic diagnostic imaging, the steering of the ultrasonic beam is achieved electronically using the phased array transducer elements. In this paper, a spatial compounding approach is presented where the ultrasonic probe element is rotated mechanically and the beam steering is achieved mechanically. In the spatial compounding, target position is computed using the value of the rotation axis and the transducer array angular position. However, in the process of the rotation mechanism construction and the control system there arises the inevitable uncertainties in these values. These geometric parameter errors result in the target position error, and the consequence is a blurry compounded image. In order to reduce these target position errors, we present a spatial compounding scheme where error correcting transformation matrices are computed and applied to the raw images before spatial compounding to reduce the blurriness in the compounded image. The proposed scheme is illustrated using phantom and live scan images of human knee, and it is shown that the blurriness is effectively reduced.

      • 의료기관 문화예술 공간 특성이 의료서비스의 구매 후 행동에 미치는 영향

        박해인(Hae-In, Park) 실천경영학회 2017 실천경영연구 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the cultural and artistic spatial characteristics of medical institutions on the post-purchase behaviors by mediating the attachment to the space and the brand image. For this purpose, the differences in the influence level of the cultural and artistic spatial characteristics based on the cultural consumption behavior onto the attachment to the place and the brand image were empirically analyzed. The data used for this study were collected from August 1, 2016 to August 30 of the same year. The subjects of the study were selected among the residents of Busan and Gyeongsangsnamdo region who used medical institutions. To these subjects, a total of 400 questionnaires were distributed, of which 357 were recovered. After excluding 14 of them due to incomplete answers, a total of 343 valid questionnaires were used as the data for the statistical analysis. The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics version 22.0 for windows and AMOS 22.0 software. The result of the verification of the hypothesis of this study was as follows; First, the result of the analysis of the hypothesis that the cultural and artistic spatial characteristics would affect the attachment to the place showed that the aesthetic values, emotional empathy, spatial structure, and classy symbolism were all affecting the attachment positively with a significance. Second, the result of the analysis of the hypothesis that the cultural and artistic spatial characteristics of the medical institute would affect the brand image was that the emotional empathy, spatial structure, and classy symbolism all affected the brand image positively with a statistical significance. The aesthetic value did not affect the brand image with a significance. Third, the analysis of the hypothesis that the attachment to the place of the medical institute on the post-purchase behavior showed that the attachment to the place affected the intent of the ‘word of mouth’ and the revisit intent significantly and positively. Fourth, the analysis of the hypothesis that the brand image of the institute would affect the post-purchase behavior showed that the brand image affected the ‘word of mouth’ and the revisit intents significantly

      • KCI등재

        UAV 기반 TIR 영상의 융합 기법 정확도 평가

        박상욱,최석근,최재완,이승기 한국측량학회 2018 한국측량학회지 Vol.36 No.6

        열적외선 상은 육안으로 식별 할 수 없는 물체를 감지할 수 있는 특성을 가지고 있으며, 접근 불가지역의 정보 를 쉽게 얻을 수 있는 장점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 열적외선 상은 상대적으로 낮은 공간 해상도를 지니는 한계점 이 있다. 본 연구에서는 무인 항공기를 활용하여 취득한 상에 대하여 위성상에 적용되는 상융합 알고리즘의 적용 가능성을 연구하다. RGB 상은 TIR (Thermal InfraRed) 상보다 높은 공간 해상도를 가지고 있다. 본 연 구에서는 상대적으로 낮은 공간 해상도를 갖는 TIR 상에 상융합 알고리즘을 적용하여 RGB 상과 같은 공 간 해상도를 가지며 온도정보를 가지는 융합상을 생성하고자 한다. 실험결과, PC1 밴드와 RGB 밴드의 평균값을 이용하여 상융합 알고리즘을 수행한 경우, 다른 밴드를 활용하여 연구를 수행한 경우보다 정량적 평가에 대해서 더 좋은 결과가 나타냈으며, ATWT (À Trous Wavelet Transform) 기법에 의한 융합상이 HPF (High-Pass Filter) 및 SFIM (Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation) 기법에 의한 융합상보다 더 뛰어난 분광해상도 및 공간 해상도를 나타냈다. Thermal infrared images have the characteristic of being able to detect objects that can not be seen with the naked eye and have the advantage of easily obtaining information of inaccessible areas. However, TIR (Thermal InfraRed) images have a relatively low spatial resolution. In this study, the applicability of the pansharpening algorithm used for satellite imagery on images acquired by the UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) was tested. RGB image have higher spatial resolution than TIR images. In this study, pansharpening algorithm was applied to TIR image to create the images which have similar spatial resolution as RGB images and have temperature information in it. Experimental results show that the pansharpening algorithm using the PC1 band and the average of RGB band shows better results for the quantitative evaluation than the other bands, and it has been confirmed that pansharpening results by ATWT (À Trous Wavelet Transform) exhibit superior spectral resolution and spatial resolution than those by HPF (High-Pass Filter) and SFIM (Smoothing Filter-based Intensity Modulation) pansharpening algorithm.

      • A Novel FCM Algorithm Incorporating Spatial Information for Color Image Segmentation

        Li Ling,Song Yingwei,Yin Zhongnan,Yang Xiuhua 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Vol.9 No.8

        Fuzzy c-means clustering (FCM) with spatial information (FCM_S) is an effective algorithm for image segmentation. However, the FCM_S algorithm is not used for color image segmentation and also it produces over-segmentation results. In this paper, we present a novel fuzzy c-means algorithm named nFCM_S that incorporates spatial information into the membership function and cluster center function for segmentation of color images. Firstly, HSV color space is used for decomposition of color images. Then, to label the data points reliably, a linearly-weighted sum image is calculated on each HSV component before clustering process. Finally, spatial information is incorporated in the standard FCM algorithm and nFCM_S is applied separately on each component of HSV color space. Experiment results have shown that the nFCM_S algorithm achieves competitive segmentation results compared to other FCM-based algorithms.

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