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        A Study on the Effectiveness and Improvement of Simulation Training for Apprentice Officers

        Myoung-ki Lee,Young-Soo Park,Weon-Jae Ha 해양환경안전학회 2018 해양환경안전학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        In accordance with the stipulations of the STCW Convention, simulation training has been enforced in order to develop practical skills so as to prevent accidents by predetermining the risks in special marine environments. Simulation training is a useful way to acquire navigation abilities, and can continuously measure the ability of a trainee by applying an appropriate evaluation. However, the result of training is evaluated by the instructor's subjective judgment without quantitative criteria. Therefore, this study aims to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of simulation training. For this purpose, evaluation items were derived by analyzing legal standards, earlier studies, and the current status of MET institutions. The simulations were then performed three times in the same scenarios and analyzed the results. As a result, it has been shown that the objectively analyzed ability to keep the route and to make safe passage with other vessel, as well as subjectively evaluated ability by the apprentice officer has been improved as training progressed. Through the evaluation of simulation training results, it can be derived that simulation education needs supplementation, and can be provided as a basic form of data to quantify the evaluation results of the simulation training in the future.

      • 시뮬레이션 교육이 응급구조과 학생의 기본소생술 수행능력에 미치는 영향

        고종현,Ko, Chong-Hyeon 한국응급구조학회 2007 한국응급구조학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Purpose : The simulation-based training in this research consists of theory and practice. Before the training, target students took a test on the competence of basic life support. Based on the result, they were separated as the subject group and comparison group. The simulation-based training was offered to the subject group and the traditional training was given to the comparison group. As soon as the training was completed, a follow-up study was conducted. Methods : This research aimed to figure out the effect of the simulation-based training on the competence of basic life support of the students Emergency Medical Technology. To this end, the nonequivalent pretest-posttest-quasi-experimental design using a comparison group was conducted. Results : The first hypothesis was that 'The group who took the simulation-based training would show higher points in the knowledge of basic life support than the group who took the traditional training.' Among those who took prior theory education, the subject group showed $69.38{\pm}20.43$ points while the comparison group showed $76.25{\pm}21.33$ points(t = -0.658, p = 0.531). Among those who took prior theory education and training, the subject group showed $82.86{\pm}10.86$ points while the comparison group showed $79.33{\pm}15.45$ points(t = 0.705, p = 0.487). Since there were no significant statistical differences between the two groups, the first hypothesis didn't hold. It showed few differences between the two training methods. The second hypothesis was that 'The group who took the simulation-based training would show higher points in the basic life support skills than the group who took the traditional training.' Among those who took prior theory education, the subject group showed $65.75{\pm}7.66$ points while the comparison group showed $46.88{\pm}13.48$ points(t = -3.442, p = 0.004). Among those who took prior theory education and training, the subject group showed $79.50{\pm}11.40$ points while the comparison group showed $62.13{\pm}11.44$ points(t = 4.091, p = 0.000). Since there were significant statistical differences between the two groups, the second hypothesis held. It showed substantial differences between the two training methods. Conclusion : The group who took the simulation-based training showed more positive effects on the competence of basic life support than those who took the traditional training. Therefore, it is confirmed that the simulation-based training is a useful method to improve clinical work performance of the students Emergency Medical Technology.

      • KCI등재후보

        시뮬레이션을 응용한 심폐소생술 훈련의 반복이 피교육자의 교육에 대한 만족도에 미치는 영향

        변경조,이현정,김해규,송봉재,김재연,염석란 대한마취통증의학회 2011 Anesthesia and pain medicine Vol.6 No.2

        Background: Simulation-based training is becoming more widespread in clinical education because of the increased technology of patient simulators in conjunction with their increased use by many medical centers. Simulation-based training enhances the learning,clinical skills and judgment of the trainees. However, the effect of repetition of simulation-based training has not yet been evaluated. The purpose of this presentation will be to examine whether the number of experiences could have an influence on the interest of the trainee. Methods: Simulation-based training was designed as an introductory course for new interns and residents. The training course was divided into three sessions: Airway management training, cardiac massage training and advance cardiac life support mega code training. All the trainees were divided into the new interns and residents group. The two group’s performances during conducting the three sessions were monitored by video equipment. All the trainees were debriefed and given a post intervention survey to assess their satisfaction with the simulation-based training. Results: A total of 110 trainees completed the survey. On a four point scale, the students rated their stimulation of interest, the usefulness of the knowledge that they learned and if they enjoyed the simulation. There were no significant differences in the effectiveness of the three sessions of simulation-based training among the groups. Conclusions: Simulation is a powerful tool to get trainees excited about applying the skills they learned in the classroom. Most trainees in both groups agreed that the exercises were a great experience helpful and exciting. We postulate that the repetition of simulation-based training will not decrease the effectiveness of the training. (Anesth Pain Med 2011; 6: 195∼201)

      • KCI등재

        구급대원의 전문심장소생술 시뮬레이션훈련이 직무수행융합능력에 미치는 영향

        박유나,조병준,김경용 한국융합학회 2019 한국융합학회논문지 Vol.10 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of the simulation-based professional cardiac resuscitation training on the performance of professional cardiac resuscitation performed by paramedics in the pre-hospital stage and to provide basic data for effective cardiac resuscitation. This study is an experimental study of the design before and after the control of non-equality. The subjects of this study were 16 newly recruited paramedics from K firefighting school. The simulation training program and evaluation papers used as the evaluation tool were reviewed and commented by 6 ACLS simulation experts (2 emergency medical doctor, 2 emergency medical professors, 2 KALS instructors)Respectively. The training consisted of 30 minutes of theory and 150 minutes of practical training. The lecturer first demonstrated for 5 minutes, and after training by individual debriefing after individual training, individual and team education was conductedThe evaluation scale was given a 5 - point Likert scale. The SPSS 22.0 program for Windows was used. The general characteristics of the subjects were analyzed for frequency, the examination of homogeneity between the experimental group and the control group wasfulfilled by t test, and the difference test between the groups of the two groups was performed using the paired t-test. The homogeneity test was able to confirm the homogeneity between experimental group and control group. In the evaluation of six ACLS techniques, it was proven that the experimental group that received the simulation training had better performance in all aspects than the non - training control group. The following are the technical items to be performed. 1. Electrocardiogram 2. Specialized instrument 3. Treatment of fluid 4. Leadership and teamwork 5. Medical guidance 6. Evaluation during transfer. It was proved that paramedics who received simulation training were improved on their job performance ability than general lecture and training group. Therefore, if simulation training and education are applied to a student in the synthetic course or an emergency resident who is engaged in clinical practice, he / she will be able to perform his / her duties more proficiently. It is expected that emergency services provided to patients with cardiac arrest will be improved. 본 연구는 시뮬레이션을 기반으로 한 전문심장소생술 교육이 병원 전 단계에 구급대원이 환자에게 시행하는 전문심장소생술 직무수행에 미치는 영향을 분석하고 효과적인 전문심장소생술을 시행하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 그 목적이 있다. 비동등성 대조군 전후 설계를 기초하였으며 연구대상은 K소방학교의 신규 임용된 구급대원 16명이 참여하였다. 평가도구로 사용된 시뮬레이션 교육 프로그램과 평가지는 ACLS 시뮬레이션 전문가 6인(응급의학 전문의 2명, 전공교수 2명, 전문강사 2명)에게 사전 검토 및 의견을 받아 본 연구에 적합한 도구로 개발하였다. 교육은 이론 30분, 실습 150분으로 구성하여 4인 1조 1개팀으로 구성하였다. 강사가 5분간 시연을 한 후 개인별 실습 후 디브리핑(debriefing)을 통한 교정을 거친 후 개별, 팀별 교육을 실시하였다. 평가척도는 5점 리커트(Likert) 척도로 수행능력 평가 점수를 부여하였다. 자료분석은 Windows용 SPSS 22.0 프로그램을 사용하였으며, 대상자의 일반적 특성은 빈도분석을 하였으며, 실험군과 대조군의 동질성 검증은 t검정을 하였고 두 그룹의 집단의 차이 분석은 대응표본 t 검정(paired t-test)으로 분석하였다. 동질성 검사에 실험군과 대조군의 동질성을 확인 할 수 있었다. 전문심장소생술(ACLS) 수행기술 6가지에 대한 평가에서 시뮬레이션 교육을 받은 실험군이 교육을 받지않은 전통적 교육 방식의 대조군보다 모든 면에서 수행능력이 우수하였음을 증명하였다. 수행기술은 1. 심전도 2. 전문기기 3. 수액처치 4. 리더십과 팀워크 5. 의료지도 6. 이송중 평가 이상 6가지 이다. 일반적인 강의와 실습을 한 구급대원보다 시뮬레이션 교육을 받은 구급대원이 직무수행 능력이 향상된 것이 검증되었다 따라서 종합술기 과정에 있는 학생이나 임상에 종사하는 응급구조사에게 시뮬레이션 훈련과 교육이 확대 적용된다면 더 능숙하게 직무를 수행해 나갈 수 있을 것이며, 심정지 환자에게 제공되는 구급서비스가 향상될 것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        육군 과학화훈련체계의 한계와 발전방안: 메타버스 개념을 적용한 LVCG훈련체계를 중심으로

        박상근 ( Park Sang-geun ) 미래군사학회 2023 한국군사학논총 Vol.12 No.1

        본 논문은 육군의 교육훈련에서 점차 비중이 높아지고 있는 LVCG훈련체계와 최근 대두되고 있는 메타버스 개념의 연관성을 분석하고 향후 메타버스 개념을 적용한 LVCG훈련체계 발전방안을 알아보기 위한 것이다. 메타버스란 가상과 현실이 상호작용하며 공진화하고 그 속에서 사회·경제·문화 활동이 이루어지면서 가치를 창출하는 세상을 의미한다. 메타버스에는 가상현실, 증강현실, 미러월드, 라이프 로깅 등으로 구성된다. LVCG 훈련체계는 1990년대부터 육군의 교육훈련에 도입되었다. LVCG훈련체계는 실제환경에서 훈련하는 Live simulation과 가상환경에서 훈련하는 Virtual, Constructive, Game simulation 등으로 나뉜다. 특히 V·C·G simulation은 전에는 별도의 훈련환경으로 구분되었으나 지금은 합성훈련환경(Synthetic Training Environment)이라는 단일한 가상공간으로 통합되고 있다. LVCG훈련체계는 가상현실, 증강현실, 미러월드, 라이프 로깅 등의 속성을 모두 포함하고 있어 그 자체를 메타버스로 볼 수 있다. 미래의 LVCG훈련체계는 가상과 현실이 상호작용하는 메타버스로 진화할 것이며, 이를 위해 다양한 기술의 발전과 훈련체계에 대한 통합된 개념정립이 요구된다. This study is to analyze the relationship between the remerging metaverse concept and the LVCG training system, which is gradually increasing in importance in the army training and education, and to find out how to develop the LVCG training system applying the metaverse concept in the future. The metaverse refers to a world in which virtual and reality interact and co-evolve, and social, economic, and cultural activities take place in it, creating value. The metaverse consists of virtual reality, augmented reality, mirror world, and life logging. The LVCG training system was introduced into Army training and education from the 1990s. The LVCG training system is divided into live simulation training in real environment and virtual, constructive and game simulation training in virtual environment. In particular, V·C·G simulation was previously classified as a separate training environment, but is now being integrated into a single virtual space called the Synthetic Training Environment. The LVCG training system includes all properties such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mirror world, and life logging, so it can be viewed as a metaverse itself. The future LVCG training system will evolve into a metaverse where virtual and reality interact, and for this, development of various technologies and establishment of an integrated concept for the training system are required.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 간호영역에서의 방문간호 시뮬레이션 실습교육의 효과

        김윤정,박정하 한국간호시뮬레이션학회 2016 한국간호시뮬레이션학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify effect of visiting nursing simulationbased training for community nursing. Methods: Participants for this study were 56 nursing college students in Busan. Data were collected and measured for the general characteristics, students’ responses regarding simulation experience, students’ self-assessment, self-confidence, and problem solving ability. Results: In nursing college students, the scenario experience in community - based nursing simulation training was the most lacking communication area with the subject, so it was necessary to supplement it. The experience of the visiting nursing simulation scenario showed satisfactory results in all areas. The confidence of the nursing college students after learning the simulation training was 7.6 points out of ten. As a result of comparing the degree of problem solving ability before and after the simulation training, the degree of problem solving ability of the nursing college students after the training was increased compared to before the simulation training. Conclusion: Simulation training before clinical practice contributes to improvement of nursing assessment, performance, confidence and problem solving ability. Through simulation training, students will be able to provide qualitative nursing care and coping with problems from an integrated perspective.

      • KCI등재

        연근해 선원을 위한 맞춤형 레이더 시뮬레이션 교육

        박태건(Tae-Geon PARK),김석재(Seok-Jae KIM),추영수(Yeong-Su CHU),박태선(Tae-Sun PARK),류경진(Kyong-Jin RYU),김형석(Hyung-seok KIM),이유원(Yoo-Won LEE) 한국수산해양교육학회 2018 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.4

        We conducted questionnaires for customized radar simulation training for coastal and offshore (CAO) crews about customized radar simulation training according to domestic and international guidelines. The survey results showed that more than 80% of the respondents were aboard CAO fishing vessels and domestic tugboats, and their embarkation career was more than 10 years, but they had relatively lower deck officer certificates less than six classes. Since the current training is organized for all deck officers and small vessel operators, it has a limitation in providing customized training for crews in the CAO fishing vessels. Therefore, the radar simulation training for CAO crews is needed to be separated from both international and domestic sailing vessels. While the training for international sailing vessels are conducted for 30 hours and 5 days according to the IMO model course, the training time for domestic sailing vessels can be reduced to 20 hours and 3 days by adjusting the radar plotting and simulation training time. In addition, since the age of trainees is currently most in 50s and 60s (more than 65.2%), it can be desirable to reduce the time for principle and theoretical education and to increase the time for practice-oriented training. In the simulation training, scenario needs to be constructed for realistic waters such as southern and western coasts of Korea, and training program also needs to be restructured with commercial radar and GPS plotters using newly developed small vessel models. For these, it is necessary to construct a radar simulator centered on CAO vessels. Even if the function is somewhat lower than the computer-based ARPA in the system configuration, it is desirable to use the real radar for an effective radar simulation training that can contribute to the collision casualty reduction.

      • KCI등재후보

        Tube thoracostomy training with a medical simulator is associated with faster, more successful performance of the procedure

        정태녕,김선욱,유제성,정현수 대한응급의학회 2016 Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine Vol.3 No.1

        Objective Tube thoracostomy (TT) is a commonly performed intensive care procedure. Simulator training may be a good alternative method for TT training, compared with conventional methods such as apprenticeship and animal skills laboratory. However, there is insufficient evidence supporting use of a simulator. The aim of this study is to determine whether training with medical simulator is associated with faster TT process, compared to conventional training without simulator. Methods This is a simulation study. Eligible participants were emergency medicine residents with very few (≤3 times) TT experience. Participants were randomized to two groups: the conventional training group, and the simulator training group. While the simulator training group used the simulator to train TT, the conventional training group watched the instructor performing TT on a cadaver. After training, all participants performed a TT on a cadaver. The performance quality was measured as correct placement and time delay. Subjects were graded if they had difficulty on process. Results Estimated median procedure time was 228 seconds in the conventional training group and 75 seconds in the simulator training group, with statistical significance (P=0.040). The difficulty grading did not show any significant difference among groups (overall performance scale, 2 vs. 3; P=0.094). Conclusion Tube thoracostomy training with a medical simulator, when compared to no simulator training, is associated with a significantly faster procedure, when performed on a human cadaver.

      • KCI등재

        모호함의 관용, 불안, 시뮬레이션 간호역량, 학습만족도 간의 관계

        고은정(Eun Jeong Ko),김은정(Eun Jung Kim) 한국자료분석학회 2020 Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 간호대학생의 모호함의 관용, 불안, 시뮬레이션 간호역량, 시뮬레이션 학습만족도 간 관련성을 파악하고 시뮬레이션 교육 전후 모호함의 관용 수준을 비교하기 위해 시도되었다. 일 대학 간호대학생 95명을 대상으로 구조화된 설문지를 이용하여 대상자의 모호함의 관용, 불안을 측정한 후 8주간 시뮬레이션 기반 교육을 진행하였다. 코스가 끝난 후에 모호함의 관용, 간호역량, 시뮬레이션 학습만족도를 측정하였다. 수집된 자료는 기술통계, 대응 표본 t 검정, 카이제곱 검정, 상관관계 분석을 시행하였다. 연구결과, 간호대학생의 모호함을 견디는 능력은 65점 중 36.76±5.13으로 중간 수준이었다. 시뮬레이션 교육에서 학생의 불안 수준과 시뮬레이션 학습만족도는 음의 상관관계(r=-.21, p=.048)가 있었고 시뮬레이션 교육이 끝난 후 측정한 모호함의 관용 수준과 시뮬레이션 간호역량은 양의 상관관계(r=.24, p=.021)가 있었다. 8주간의 시뮬레이션교육 전후로 모호함의 관용 수준은 37.71±5.71점으로 유의한 변화가 있었다(t=-2.06, p=.042). 시뮬레이션 학습만족도는 시뮬레이션 간호역량과 강한 상관관계(r=.42, p<.001)를 보여서 시뮬레이션 교육의 설계 및 운영의 중요성을 확인하였다. 개인의 심리적 특성이 시뮬레이션 기반 교육의 학습 성과와 관련이 있으므로 추후 이를 고려하여야 할 것이다. This study was conducted to identify the relationships of ambiguity tolerance, anxiety, nursing competency, and satisfaction with simulation training. A total of 95 senior nursing students currently studying at a university participated in the study in 2016. Students completed a questionnaires before and after 8-week simulation training course. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, Chi-square, and paired t-test. As a result of the study, nursing students ambiguity tolerance was moderate. The higher the learner s anxiety, the lower the satisfaction with simulation training, and the higher the level of ambiguity tolerance, the higher the nursing competency. Satisfaction with simulation training showed a strong correlation with nursing competencey, which confirmed the importance of simulation education design and operation. The 8-week simulation training has developed the ambiguity tolerance of students, which can be helpful in making decisions in actual clinical practice that are unfamiliar and complex to resolve. The findings suggest that the psychological factors of learners should be taken into account to maximize achievement in high fidelity simulation training.

      • KCI등재

        Congenital Heart Surgery Skill Training Using Simulation Models: Not an Option but a Necessity

        Yoo Shi-Joon,Hussein Nabil,Barron David J. 대한의학회 2022 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.37 No.38

        Congenital heart surgery (CHS) is technically demanding, and its training is extremely complex and challenging. Training of the surgeon’s technical skills has relied on a preceptorship format in which the trainees are gradually exposed to patients in the operating room under the close tutelage of senior staff surgeons. Training in the operating room is an inefficient process and the concept of a learning curve is no longer acceptable in terms of patient outcomes. The benefits of surgical simulation in training of congenital heart surgeons are well known and appreciated. However, adequate surgical simulation models and equipment for training have been scarce until the recent development of three-dimensionally (3D) printed models. Using comprehensive 3D printing and silicone-molding techniques, realistic simulation training models for most congenital heart surgical procedures have been produced. Newly developed silicone-molded models allow efficient CHS training in a stressfree environment with instantaneous feedback from the proctors and avoids risk to patients. The time has arrived when all congenital heart surgeons should consider surgical simulation training before progressing to real-life operating in a similar fashion to the aviation industry where all pilots are required to complete simulation training before flying a real aircraft. It is argued here that simulation training is not an option anymore but should be a mandatory component of CHS training.

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