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      • KCI등재

        The Relationship Between Parents’ Literacy Behaviors and Emergent Literacy Skills of Children in Multicultural and Non-multicultural Families

        김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),김명순 ( Myoung-soon Kim ) 한국유아교육학회 2021 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify parents’ literacy behaviors and children’s emergent literacy skills, as well as the relationship between them, in multicultural families and non-multicultural families with four- to six-year-old children. Fifty-one children and their mothers in multicultural families and 51 children and their mothers in non-multicultural families, all of whom were living in Seoul or Gyeonggi Province, participated in this research. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1) parents in the multicultural families engaged in literacy behaviors (e.g., helping to read books and environmental print, and teaching writing) with their children less frequently than those in the non-multicultural families; 2) compared with the children in the non-multicultural families, the children in the multicultural families had smaller vocabularies, lower scores on knowledge of the Korean alphabet (e.g., principles of consonant addition and alphabet composition), and lower writing scores; 3) there was a positive correlation between parents’ literacy behavior and children’s vocabulary in both the multicultural and the non-multicultural families. In non-multicultural families, the parents’ literacy behaviors were associated with their children’s knowledge of the principle of alphabet composition and writing ability.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 의사소통 발달지체 영아와 부모 양육에 대한 보육교사의 인식과 부모양육 참여도와의 관계분석

        김은경,최지영 한국지식정보기술학회 2022 한국지식정보기술학회 논문지 Vol.17 No.3

        The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between the perception of childcare teachers for infants and multicultural parents with communication development delays in multicultural families and their participation in parenting. First, what is the perception of childcare teachers for infants and parents with communication development delays in multicultural families? Second, what is the degree of participation in parenting for infants with communication development delays in multicultural families? Third, what is the relationship between the perception of childcare teachers and participation in parental care for infants with communication development delays in multicultural families? As a result of the study, there was a significant positive correlation between the perception of the parents of multicultural families and the participation of parents in parenting, and the communication ability of infants with developmental delays in multicultural families. In addition, it was found that the positive perception of multicultural families by childcare teachers had a positive effect on parents' parenting participation and delayed communication development. In addition, it was found that support for parenting and support through praise and affection of parents of multicultural families had a positive effect on the communication ability of infants. Therefore, the active participation of parents in raising children in multicultural families positively affects the communication ability of multicultural families, so it is necessary to continue education to improve the awareness of multicultural families and to provide programs for families and daycare centers.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 장애학생의 교육 관련 문헌분석

        윤형준 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2020 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.0 No.34

        In order to examine the trends of research related to the education of students with disabilities from multicultural families, 13 studies published in domestic degrees and academic journals are quantitatively analyzed according to four variables: research year, research participant, research method, and categorization title. In addition, it was analyzed according to two content characteristics: the experience and perception of the education of disabled students from multicultural families and the educational support and direction of the disabled students from multicultural families. First, looking at the general study of education-related studies of students with disabilities from multicultural families, a total of 13 papers are published every year except for 2010, 2016, and 2018. You can see that it is being done. By study participant, there were 8 studies targeting parents, with 3 studies targeting teachers, and 2 studies targeting students with disabilities. By research method, qualitative studies were the most with 8 articles, and literature studies were 4 articles. By research subject, there were 8 studies on topics related to parents' experiences and perceptions on education of students with disabilities from multicultural families, with 3 studies related to the educational approach and experience of teachers, and education of students with disabilities from multicultural families. There were two studies on the overall support involved. Second, as a result of analyzing the content characteristics of the research related to the education of students with disabilities from multicultural families, foreign mothers are experiencing the limitations of the socio-economic background that they experience because they are multicultural families. They experienced difficulties in communication and teachers' low perception of multicultural students with disabilities. In terms of the educational needs and support of students with disabilities from multicultural families, it was found that parental education was first necessary for the education of children with disabilities. In order to expand the program and educate students with disabilities from multicultural families, the need for professional manpower at the level of local education offices was demanded. The purpose of this study is to present the direction and implications of future research related to education of multicultural families by analyzing the papers related to education of students with disabilities from multicultural families in Korea. Implications for demand and support were explored, and the direction of follow-up research was presented. 본 연구는 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육과 관련된 연구의 동향을 살펴보기 위해, 국내 학위 및 학술지에 게재된 연구 13편을 연구수행연도, 연구참여자, 연구방법, 범주화 제목 등 4가지 변인에 따라 양적으로 분석하였으며, 이와 함께 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육에 대한 경험과 인식과 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육적 지원과 방향의 두 가지 내용적 특성에 따라 분석하였다. 첫째, 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육관련 연구를 개괄적으로 살펴보면, 총 13편이 논문 중에서 2010년, 2016년, 2018년을 제외하고 매년 1~2편의 논문이 게재되어 많은 양의 편수는 아니지만, 꾸준히 연구가 이루어지고 있음을 알 수 있다. 연구참여자 별로 살펴보면 부모를 대상으로 한 연구가 8편으로 가장 많았으며, 교사를 대상으로 한 연구가 3편, 장애학생을 대상으로 한 연구가 2편이었다. 연구방법 별로 살펴보면, 질적연구가 8편으로 가장 많았으며, 문헌연구가 4편으로 나타났다. 연구주제별로는 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육에 대한 부모의 경험과 인식과 관련된 주제의 연구가 8편으로 가장 많았으며, 교사의 교육적 접근과 경험과 관련된 연구가 3편, 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육과 관련된 전반적인 지원에 대한 연구가 2편이었다. 둘째, 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육과 관련된 연구의 내용적 특성들을 분석한 결과, 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육과 관련하여 외국인 어머니들은 다문화가정이기에 겪게 되는 사회・경제적 배경의 한계를 경험하고 있었으며, 이와 함께 의사소통의 어려움, 다문화 장애학생의 대한 교사의 낮은 인식 등을 경험하고 있었다. 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육적 요구와 지원에서는 장애자녀의 교육을 위해 먼저 부모 대상의 교육이 필요한 것으로 나타났으며, 이와 함께 다문화가정 장애학생을 위한 경제적인 지원의 확대와 교육과 돌봄을 위한 기관과 교육프로그램의 확대, 그리고 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육을 위해 지역교육청 차원의 전문인력이 필요함을 요구하였다. 본 연구는 국내에서 이루어진 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육과 관련 논문을 분석함으로써, 향후 이들의 교육과 관련된 연구의 방향과 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였으며, 연구 결과를 바탕으로 다문화가정 장애학생의 교육 관련 요구와 지원을 위한 시사점을 탐색하고 후속연구의 방향성을 제시하였다. 논문투고일: 2020.07.29 논문심사일: 2020.08.17 게재확정일: 2020.08.22

      • 다문화 가족에 대한 사법적 지원 방안에 관한 연구

        홍진표 ( Hong Jin-pyo ),변지영,서용성,최유나 사법정책연구원 2018 연구보고서 Vol.2018 No.2

        Multicultural families ordinarily tend not to be familiar with the law, court, trial procedure and other aspects of our judicial system which is partly due to language barriers. Similar to the handicapped or North Korean defectors, multicultural families should be able to gain access to the justice system without restriction so as to assist their settlement in and assimilation with the society in general. It is imperative that multicultural families enjoy the right to fair trial and not be marginalized in the trial process and enforcement of judgment due to the lack of language skills and an understanding in the Korean justice system. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia which are generally well known for their immigrant-friendly practices, and Great Britain, Germany and France where there has been a surge of refugees from Africa and Syria, and Japan which is in many ways similar to Korea, all have various policies that facilitate equal access of foreigners to the local judicial systems. Despite certain differences, all these countries strive to enable foreigners to equally enjoy access to justice. Such policies implemented to support foreigners can provide invaluable and substantive implications for developing concrete measures in Korea in administering legal aid. It is also necessary to heed to the various calls of lawyers and other legal aid providers who can, due to their extensive experience in the field, identify the problems of our judicial system and recommend ideas for finding solutions. Establishing policies for enhancing access to justice for foreigners requires a proper understanding of multicultural families, based on which a special purpose team would implement plans in successive stages and supervise the process. In order to provide specialized aid to multicultural families and foreigners in general such a team should develop a roadmap and continuously track its implementation. Moreover the team should also collect and analyse the exact statistics regarding the information multicultural families need. In order to provide fair and equal access to justice for multicultural families the following concrete measures are to be considered. ① For multicultural families unfamiliar with the language and the judicial system of Korea who want to receive information provided by the judiciary via the internet, it is necessary to improve online access, enhance the content and structure of the court website for their convenience, increase public relations so as to encourage online visitors. ② For multicultural families coming in person to the court and submitting various applications or taking part in trials, foreign language support should be enhanced by writing signs in various languages, and increasing the number of service desks with multilingual staff, as well as making available translated forms, applications and necessary brochures. ③ Offer better and more efficient court interpretation by boosting the number of interpreters, managing a separate list of interpreters who are registered in the court from those who are not, and increasing both groups of interpreters, providing training so as to improve the overall quality of interpretation. ④ For multicultural families facing financial difficulties and lacking a good understanding of our judicial system, enhance and expand litigation aid, as well as strengthen ties with other institutions and groups that provide legal aid. ⑤ Judges, court staff and court-appointed mediators who are in charge of multicultural-family related work should be familiar with its special nature and be made aware of the need for enhancing their human rights through special training. ⑥ Ties with other organizations and institutions that work with multicultural families should be strengthened by expanding cooperation and increasing joint collaborative efforts. Hopefully the general public will continue to show interest in improving equal access to justice for multicultural families and give advice and recommendations for such purposes, thereby providing support and protecting their human rights. All of this would be conducive to enhancing public trust in the judiciary.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Educational Support for Children from Multicultural Families

        Park, Hye Sung(박혜성),Kim, Wha Soo(김화수) 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2019 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.9 No.2

        본 연구에서는 다문화사회로서의 한국이 어느덧 ‘성장의 전환기’를 맞고 있는 현 시점에서, 그간 선행 연구나 자료들에서 종합적으로 제시되지 못하였던 국내 다문화 사회 현황 및 10여년 간(2006 · 2017)의 국가적 지원 흐름과 변화를 체계적, 개괄적으로 총괄 정리 · 비교해 봄으로써 현재를 반추하고, 미래를 위한 다문화 한국 사회에 대한 기본 인식을 형성해 보고자 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 우리나라의 다문화사회 현황을 인구 실태와 특성, 관련 법제와 정책형성 중심으로 살피고, 더불어 그 내용을 다문화가정 자녀로 좁혀서 이들의 현황과 교육지원경로 및 내용에 대해 분석하여, 관련 문제점이나 비판점을 새롭게 재정리해 보고, 관련 선행연구들의 고찰을 통해 이를 해결할 수 있는 방안과 고민 등을 성찰해 보았다. 즉, 이러한 연구의 핵심적 실행을 위해 한국 다문화 사회로의 변화 흐름을 국가적 정책 변화 흐름 중심으로 살펴보고자, 관련 내용 확인 및 분석의 기준 시기는 여성가족부의 ‘제 1차(2008 · 2012년) 및 제 2차(2013 · 2017년) 다문화가족정책기본계획 수립과 추진 시기’를 기본 바탕으로 삼았다. 이는 2008년 「다문화가족지원법」 제정 이후, 결혼이민자 정착지원, 다문화가족 및 자녀지원, 다문화가족에 대한 수용성 제고 등 관련 정책을 포괄하는 시기라는 점에 의거한 것이다. 또한 제 3차 다문화가족정책 기본 계획 수립 추진 시기는 2018 · 2022년으로서 아직 시행(추진) 중에 있음을 감안하는 등의 이유로 분석 중심 기준 시기에서 제외하되, 2018년도와 2019년도 최신 자료들을 통해 개별적 변화를 비교 · 분석하고자 노력하였다. 더불어 본 연구자들은 다문화가정 자녀(학생)에 대한 교육부의 주요 정책 기조 흐름과 그 내용을 좀 더 파악하기 위하여, 반영하였던 분석 중심 기준 시기(10여 년; 2006 · 2017년) 를 본격적인 다문화가족 자녀의 교육 지원 정책 실행 시기 및 내용에 근거하여 초기(2006 · 2008년), 중기(2009 · 2012년), 최근/후반기(2013·2017년)라는 관점으로 구분하였고, 또 이러한 시기 동안의 교육부 정책 내용이 잘 드러나고 있다고 판단되는 초기의 ‘다문화가정자녀 교육지원 대책(2007)’ 내용과 중기의 ‘다문화학생 교육 선진화 방안(2012)’ 내용, 그리고 최근의 ‘다문화가족 자녀지원 종합 대책(2016)’ 의 핵심 내용들을 중심으로 정리하여 제시해 보았다. As a multicultural society, the Republic of Korea is now entering into ‘Growth Transition’. Under these circumstances, this study attempted to ruminate current situations and form basic perceptions on a multicultural society for the future by summarizing and comparing government assistance trends and changes in a systematic and comprehensive manner from 2006 to 2017 and domestic multicultural society situations which have been examined in previous studies. For this, study investigated the current populations and characteristics of a domestic multicultural society and examined related laws and policies. Then, it analyzed their current situations, educational support channels and details, focusing on children from multicultural families. Then, it aimed to reconsider current problems and criticisms and contemplate ways to solve them by reviewing previous studies. In other words, to implement this kind of study, this study attempted to investigate changes in government policies for transition to a multicultural society. For this, the related data were analyzed based on the ‘first-(2008-2012) and 2nd (2013-2017)-stage Multicultural Family Policy Master Planning and Promotion’ set by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. The above period includes the related polices such as support on married immigrant women’s settlements, assistance to multicultural families and their children and improvement of acceptance of multicultural families since the enactment of the ‘Support for Multicultural Families Art’ in 2008. Furthermore, the 3rdstage Multicultural Family Policy Master Planning and Promotion is set to ‘2018-2022’. Since it is still in progress, this period has been excluded from the analysis. Based on the latest data from 2018 and 2019, however, this study targeted to compare and analyzed individual changes. This study also attempted to examine and analyze a trend in the policies of the Ministry of Education on children from multicultural families. For this, the period(2006-2017) was divided into the early-(2006-2008) and mid-(2009-2012) and recent/late-(2013-2017) stages based on the time of the implementation of educational support policies for children from multicultural families and their details. This study also summarized and suggested the early-stage ‘Educational Support Policies for Children from Multicultural Families(2007)’, mid-stage ‘Educational Advancement Plan for Children from Multicultural Families(2012)’ and recent ‘Master Support Policies for Children from Multicultural Families(2016)’, which reflect the policies of the Ministry of Education.

      • KCI등재

        다문화적 갈등 완화를 위한 학교다문화교육의 방향 -다문화학생에 대한 일반학생의 인식을 중심으로-

        고민정 ( Go Min Jung ),염미경 ( Yeum Mi Gyeung ),김일방 ( Kim Il Bang ) 한국법교육학회 2013 법교육연구 Vol.8 No.3

        이 논문은 학교다문화교육의 현주소를 다문화가정 학생에 대한 일반학생의 인식을 중심으로 살펴보고, 분석 결과를 바탕으로 향후 학교다문화교육의 방향에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. 구체적인 분석 대상은 제주시 다문화교육 정책연구학교 두 곳에 재학 중인 총1,143명의 일반학생이며, 이들에 대한 자료는 질문지법을 통해 수집하였고 이외에 일반학생과 교사와의 심층인터뷰방법도 병행하였다. 이 논문의 분석 결과, 남학생이 여학생보다 다문 화가정 학생에 대해 좀 더 긍정적으로 생각하는 것으로 나타났는데, 다문화교육 프로그램 운영 시 성별 특성을 고려해야 할 것이다. 다음으로 다른 학년에 비해 2학년 학생이 다문화 가정 학생에 대해 긍정적으로 생각하고 있는 것을 알 수 있었는데, 일반학생이 다문화가정 학생에 대한 편견이나 고정관념을 갖지 않도록 다문화교육에서 학생의 연령대를 고려해야 한다. 다음으로 일반학생의 다문화가정 학생과의 같은 반을 한 경험이 다문화가정 학생에 대한 관심도, 적응도, 호감도, 친밀도에 미친 영향을 살펴본 결과, 일반학생의 다문화가정 학생과의 같은 반을 한 경험 여부는 적응도와 호감도에 영향을 미치고, 일반학생이 다문화가정 학생을 잘 알고 지내는 것은 다문화가정 학생에 대한 관심도, 적응도, 호감도, 친밀도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 알 수 있다. 이것은 일반학생이 다문화가정 학생과 서로 어울려 생활할수록 다문화가정 학생에 대해 긍정적으로 생각하는 경향이 강화된다는 것을 말해 준다. 따라서 일반학생과 다문화가정 학생이 서로 어울리면서 친구관계를 맺을 수 있도록 하는 학교 환경을 조성할 필요가 있다. 이와 함께, 다문화가정 학생과 같은 반을 한 횟수가 다문화가정 학생에 대한 관심도, 적응도, 호감도, 친밀도에 미치는 영향에서는 일반학생이 다문화가정 학생과 같은 반을 한 적이 없을 때보다 있을 때 다문화가정 학생을 긍정적으로 생각하는 경향이 있지만 같은 반을 한 횟수의 증가가 반드시 다문화가정 학생에 대한 긍정적인 생각을 강화시키는 것은 아니라는 것을 알 수 있다. 이와 관련해서는 수업 시간에 다 문화가정 학생과 일반학생이 함께 학습할 수 있는 소집단 활동 기회를 확대해 상호 간 협력 경험을 통해 관계에서의 성공 경험을 쌓아나가도록 하는 것도 하나의 방안이 될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to plan some educational measures in order for students from multicultural families to adjust to school life by investigating a perception of normal students on students from multicultural families. For the purpose of the study, statistical analysis with questionnaires collected from total 1,143 students from Baekrok elementary school and Suwon elementary school which are multicultural education research schools in Jeju island. And in-depth interviews method with students and teachers based on research data. A brief result of the study is as follows. Firstly, as a result of looking at interest, adjustment, favorability and familiarity of normal students on students from multicultural families according to gender, male students showed higher rates than female students. Thus, it is necessary to consider the gender characteristics when designing multicultural education programs in order for students from multicultural families to adjust to school life. Secondly, the study shows that normal students who have school life together with students from multicultural families in the same class think they adjust to the school life well; however, they have a lower favorability on students from multicultural families. Thus, there is a need for an educational program that helps normal students andstudents from multicultural families get along with each other and form friendship in the school as this is their main activity place. Thirdly, as a result of analyzing to see if normal students knowing students from multicultural families effects on interest, adjustment, favorability and familiarity towards to students from multicultural families, normal students who know students from multicultural families have higher interest, adjustment, favorability and familiarity than normal students who don`t. Thus, there is a need to make a school environment that normal students and students from multicultural families can get along with each other during their school life. Finally, there is a need for a program that enables normal students to spend time with students from multicultural families during their school life and feel closer to them.

      • KCI등재

        초등 1, 3학년 학령기 다문화가정 아동의 다의어 이해 특성

        김수경,정경희 한국언어치료학회 2024 言語治療硏究 Vol.33 No.1

        Purpose: This study aims to investigate the characteristics of the ability to understand polysemy according to the meaning type and the word-class type in children from multicultural families and non-multicultural families. Methods: The participants were 42 school-aged children from 21 multicultural families and children from 21 non-multicultural families. The test tool consisted of a total 40 questions, including 20 polysemous verbs and 20 polysemous nouns. The vocabulary used in the test was selected form high-frequency words in elementary school Korean language textbooks. Results: First, it was found that children from multicultural families had a significantly lower ability to understand polysemy than children from non-multicultural families. Second, there was a significant difference between children from multicultural families and children from non-multicultural families according to the meaning type (central meaning, surrounding meaning), but the performance of the two groups showed similar patterns. Third, there was a significant difference in comprehension ability between children from multicultural families and children from non-multicultural families according to the type of word-class (polysemous verbs, polysemous nouns); the interaction effect between the group and the type of word-class was significant. Children from multicultural families did not have a large gap in performance between polysemous verbs and polysemous nouns, while children from non-multicultural families showed a large gap in performance between polysemous verbs and polysemous nouns. Conclusions: This study is meaningful in that it provides basic information on lexical ambiguity vocabulary learning in children from multicultural families, and clinical implications for qualitative vocabulary intervention based on understanding the differences in polysemy understand ability and utilization.

      • KCI등재

        은유분석을 통해 본 예비유아교사의 `다문화`에 대한 인식

        김순환 ( Soon Hwan Kim ),구비성 ( Bi Sung Ku ),김지은 ( Ji Eun Kim ),하민경 ( Min Kyung Ha ) 성결대학교 다문화평화연구소 2017 다문화와 평화 Vol.11 No.1

        본 연구는 서울과 경기지역의 예비유아교사 154명을 대상으로, 예비유아교사의 `다문화`에 대한 개념 분석을 통해 `다문화`에 대한 인식을 점검하고, 유아다문화교육 및 교육의 대상자에 대한 전반적인 이해를 탐구하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 설정한 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 예비유 아교사의 `다문화`에 대한 개념에 대한 인식은 어떠한가? 둘째, 예비유아교사의 `다문화 가정의 유아`, `다문화 가정`, `유아다문화교육`에 대한 인식은 어떠한가? 셋째, 예비유아교사의 `다문화` 개념에 따른, `다문화 가정의 유아`, `다문화 가정`, `유아다문화교육`에 대한 인식은 어떠한가? 연구대상자들의 언어적 은유를 자료로 수집하고 범주화하여 주제에 대한 사고 유형과 이해를 알아보는 은유분석방법을 통해 `다문화`, `다문화 가정의 유아`, `다문화 가정`, `유아다문화교 육`을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 예비유아교사는 `다문화`에 대해 `통합`, `동화`, `주변 화`, `분리` 순으로 인식하였다. 둘째, 예비유아교사의 `다문화 가정의 유아`에 대한 인식으로 통합이 가장 많이 나타났으며, 가능성, 숙제, 주변화 등의 순으로 나타났다. `다문화 가정`에 대한 인식 또한 통합이 가장 많이 나타났으며, 주변화와 숙제, 현재 존재 등의 순으로 나타났다. `유아 다문화교육`에 대해서는 교육의 당위성, 다문화교육에 대한 현실비판, 다문화교육의 목적, 다문화교육의 내용, 다문화교육의 가치 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 예비유아교사의 `다문화` 개념에 따른 `다문화 가정의 유아`, `다문화 가정`, `유아다문화교육`에 대한 인식은 일치하지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 예비유아교사는 `다문화`에 대한 개념과 `다문화 가정의 유아`, `다문화 가정`, `유아 다문화교육`에 대한 일관성 있는 이해를 가지지 않고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이는 예비유아교사 양성과정에서 다문화 교육에 대한 방향성을 제시할 때 `다문화`에 대한 개념을 토대로, 다문화교육의 목적, 대상, 범위, 내용 등에 대해 구체적인 논의가 필요하다는 것을 시사한다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to inspect early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of multiple cultures and explore general understanding of early childhood multicultural education and subjects in education by analyzing the concept of `multiple cultures` targeting 154 persons in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Subjects of study set for this are as follow: First, how is early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of the concept of `multiple cultures`? Second, How is early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of `children in multicultural families`, `multicultural families`, and `early childhood multicultural education`? Third, how is early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of `children in multicultural families`, `multicultural families`, and `early childhood multicultural education` according to the concept of `multiple cultures`? The results that analyzed `multiple cultures` `children in multicultural families`, `multicultural families`, and `early childhood multicultural education` are as follow: First, early childhood pre-service teachers recognize `multiple cultures` in order of `integration`, `assimilation`, `marginalization`, and `separation`. Second, early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of `children in multicultural families` has found that integration is highest, followed by possibility, homework, and marginalization. The perception of `multicultural families` has found that integration is also highest, followed by marginalization, homework, and the current existence. `Chidren multicultural education` has found to be in order of the appropriateness of education, criticism about reality of multicultural education, purposes of multicultural education, contents of multicultural education, and values of multicultural education. Third, early childhood pre-service teachers` perception of `children in multicultural families`, `multicultural families`, and `early childhood multicultural education` according to the concept of `multiple cultures` has found to be in discord with each other. Based on these results of study, it has found that early childhood pre-service teachers do not understand the concept of `multiple cultures`, `children in multicultural families`, `multicultural families`, and early childhood multicultural education consistently. This can imply that detailed discussions on purposes, subjects, ranges, and contents of multicultural education based on the concept of `multiple cultures` when the directivity of multicultural education is suggested in early childhood pre-service teacher training courses.

      • KCI등재

        다문화가정 학생의 학교폭력예방 및 대책에 관한 연구

        김갑석 ( Gim Gab-seok ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2018 法과 政策 Vol.24 No.1

        The school constitutes a small community within it, thus many social problems occur in the school. The biggest social problem in schools now is violence. One of the biggest problems of school violence is bullying, and one of the reasons for being a target for bullies is those who have a different opinion. A student with a different opinion or appearance can be considered as a minority or socially vulnerable in school. In this aspect, school violence victim students are likely to be a minority or a socially weak person in the school. Many of the students from multicultural families, whose proportion in school is continuously increasing, are exposed to school violence and become victims. Among the students of multicultural families, some students decide to be bullies because of structural reasons which could make them victims otherwise. In particular, students from multicultural families become victims due to discriminatory reasons that are not related to the cause of the victim of general school violence. This indicates that students from multicultural families are in a more vulnerable position from school violence than regular students due to these discriminatory causes. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education in 2017, the number of students from multicultural families continues to increase, and school violence continues to occur. This year, there were cases in the media where students from multicultural families lost eyesight or broke their nasal bone. School violence in multicultural families must be a task that the government and society must solve. As a measure to prevent school violence against multicultural families, first, multicultural human rights education should be extended to students, school members, and their families both quantitatively and qualitatively, so that a school culture without discrimination against multiculturalism can be created. Second, through legislation, the provision of ‘Protection of students of multicultural families’ should be established in the School Violence Prevention Act, to protect students of multicultural families in the system. Third, in order to propose correct prevention and countermeasures, it is necessary to extend the language support to all countries to investigate the actual school violence. The problem of the minority and the socially weak within the school should be solved by the government and the school to guarantee students from multicultural families receive their education in the school safely and happily.

      • KCI등재

        베트남 결혼이주여성이 속한 다문화가정의 식생활 관련 행태, 인식 및 선호음식 양상 분석

        소지선(Ji Sun So),한성림(Sung Nim Han) 대한지역사회영양학회 2012 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.17 No.5

        The Korean society has gone through a dramatic change in its population, with rapidly increasing number of multicultural families through international marriages since 1990s. This study investigated the differences between multicultural families and Korean families in three areas related to dietary behaviors: diet-related behaviors and perception, and food preferences. A cross-sectional analysis was performed in 500 Koreans from Korean families and 104 couples from the multicultural families with Vietnamese wives. More subjects from multicultural families grew up in the countryside, received less education and also had lower income than the subjects from Korean families. Multicultural families ate traditional Korean meals more often at home and dined out less often than Korean families. The multicultural families focused more attention on nutritional aspects of their diets than Korean families. The Vietnamese wives in multicultural families favored Vietnamese foods but they rarely ate those foods in Korea despite an easy accessibility to Vietnamese ingredients. In conclusion, the multicultural families had more traditional Korean dietary patterns than Korean families, which could have been influenced by their socioeconomic factors. Further research with a quantitative analysis is needed in future studies to understand the effect of dietary patterns on nutritional status and quality of life in multicultural and Korean families.

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