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      • KCI등재

        중국어 상태심리동사의 범위

        윤강수(Gangshou Yin) 한국중원언어학회 2016 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        There has been a controversy over approaches to classifying psychological verbs in Chinese. This study made an attempt to solve this problem by expanding state psychological verbs in Chinese semantically and syntactically. First of all, based on a comprehensive review of the literature, this study examined the validity of the standard of distinguishing psychological verbs from other verbs: The standard employed the method of examining verbs in regard to the probability of being psychologically modified. After the in-depth review, this study sought to finalize the categorization of psychological verbs in Chinese by verifying the theoretical perspective that the process of forming Chinese verbs is on a chronical continuum with three time periods: beginning, duration, and final. This study found that Chinese state psychological verbs can be combined with other psychological verbs, thus identifying 52 state psychological verbs in Chinese. Other interesting findings were fully discussed in this study. The researcher of this study concluded this study by arguing that the approach to categorizing psychological verbs in Chinese could provide a more comprehensive understanding of Chinese psychological verbs.

      • KCI등재

        ADHD 아동의 마음상태 동사 이해 능력

        정미란(Jeong, Miran),임종아(Lim, Jong Ah) 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2019 특수교육 Vol.18 No.4

        연구목적: 마음상태 동사(mental state verb)는 인지, 감정 및 지각 등 내적인 마음의 상태를 나타내는 어휘를 말한다. 본 연구에서는 ADHD 아동이 마음상태 동사를 이해하는데 어려움이 있는지 일반아동과 비교하여 조사하였다. 연구방법: 초등학교 3∼6학년 ADHD 아동 12명과 생활연령 및 언어 수준을 일치시킨 일반아동 12명을 대상으로 두 가지 유형의 마음상태 동사(감정, 인지)가 포함된 마음상태 동사 이해과제를 실시하였다. 각 문항마다 1점씩 총 48점(유형별 24점씩)만점으로 채점한 점수를 기초로 집단과 동사유형의 반복측정 분산분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과: ADHD 아동은 일반아동에 비해 마음상태 동사 이해과제에서 낮은 수행을 보였으나 동사 유형과 아동집단의 수행 간의 상호작용효과는 나타나지 않았다. 결론: ADHD 아동들은 마음상태 동사이해의 어려움으로 타인의 마음상태에 대한 이해, 발언의 확실성 정도를 추측하는데 어려움을 겪을 가능성이 있다. 이러한 결과에 대해 마음상태 동사의 중재를 중심으로 논의하였다. Purpose: Mental state verbs(MSVs) describe abstract inner cognitive, emotive or perceptive events. The purpose of this study was to investigate comprehension of MSVs in children with ADHD compared with typically developing children(TD). Method: Twelve ADHD children in the third-sixth grade in elementary schools and 12 TD who matched their age and language level participated in this study. They were asked to choose a mental state verb for complete sentences. They read to a total of 48 sentences involving emotion and cognitive verbs. The repeated measures analysis of variance of group(2) × type(2) was performed with the obtained score. Results: The ADHD children showed lower scores than the TD. However, there was no interaction effect between verb type and group performance. Conclusion: The results show that children with ADHD may experience difficulty in guessing the degree of certainty and inferences about the state of mind of others due to difficulties in comprehension the mental state verbs. Thus, the necessity of intervention on mental state verbs is discussed.

      • KCI등재

        학령기 ADHD 아동의 인지 동사 이해

        임종아(Jong Ah Lim),정미란(Miran Jeong) 단국대학교 특수교육연구소 2021 특수교육논총 Vol.37 No.4

        연구목적: 인지 동사는 ‘알다’, ‘생각하다’, ‘판단하다’와 같은 정신적이고 심리적인 내면의 흐름을 표현하는 어휘를 말한다. 이러한 인지 동사의 이해는 타인의 의도와 판단 등의 정신 활동의 추측과 관련 있다. 본 연구에서는 타인의 마음이해와 화용능력에 특히 어려움이 있는 것으로 알려진 ADHD 아동의 인지 동사 이해능력을 살펴봄으로써 이에 대한 평가와 중재의 필요성을 확인하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 3~6학년 ADHD 아동 12명과 일반아동 12명이 본 연구에 참여하였다. 아동들은 제시된 문맥에 맞는 인지 동사를 선택하는 24개 문항의 과제를 수행하였다. 채점된 점수는 두 아동집단 간 비교를 위해 독립표본 t검정을 실시하였고 오류 유형과 오류 문항의 빈도 분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과: ADHD 아동은 일반아동에 비해 문맥에 맞는 인지 동사를 선택하는 능력이 저조하였다. 오류 유형은 일반아동과 유사하게 대체로 의미 관련 오류를 선택하는 것으로 나타났으나 몇몇 문항의 오류 빈도가 특히 높아 일반아동과는 다른 양상을 보이기도 하였다. 결론: 이러한 결과에 대해 인지 동사의 구문 및 의미적 특성과 ADHD 아동의 화용적 어려움을 관련지어 살펴보고 인지 동사를 포함한 마음상태 어휘의 평가와 중재의 중요성에 대해 논의하였다. Purpose: Cognitive verbs refer to expressions of a person’s mental and psychological state, such as ‘know’, ‘think’, and ‘judge’. The understanding of such cognitive verbs is related to speculation about mental activities such as the intentions and judgments of others. In this study, we aimed to confirm the need for evaluation and intervention by examining the cognitive verb comprehension abilities of children with ADHD, who are known to have particular difficulties in understanding others" minds and issues with pragmatics abilities. Method: A total of 12 children with ADHD and 12 typically developing children in the 3rd to 6th grades participated in this study. The children performed a task that included 24 questions involving choice of appropriate cognitive verbs for a given context. The scores were compared by performing an independent sample t-test and a frequency analysis of the error types and items. Result: The children with ADHD had a lower degree of understanding of cognitive verbs that fit the context than typically developing children. Similar to typically developing children, the error type for the children with ADHD was found to generally be choice-meaning-related, but the frequency of errors for some items was especially high, showing a different pattern from that of the typically developing children. Conclusion: Regarding these results, the syntactic and semantic characteristics of cognitive verbs were considered in relation to the pragmatic difficulties of children with ADHD, and the importance of the evaluation of and interventions for mental state-related vocabulary, including cognitive verbs, was discussed.

      • KCI등재

        러시아어 심리적 상태 동사의 의미파생 메커니즘 연구

        권용재(Yongjae Kwon) 한국슬라브어학회 2023 슬라브어연구 Vol.28 No.2

        This paper is devoted to the study of the role of context in the process of the semantic derivation. By distinguishing between “semantic derivation” which is a dynamic process in which new word meanings emerge, and “polysemy” which is the result of this process, research methods can be diversified according to the stages of semantic derivation. In polysemy, which is the completed result of semantic development, the context functions as a means of identifying specific lexico-semantic variants. On the other hand, changes in the contextual environment are the necessary conditions for the emergence of new meanings, and these changes occur under the conditions of creative use of words by language users. The method of changing the context in the semantic derivation process depends on the part of speech to which the word belongs, and the emergence of a new meaning in the predicate verb implies that the thematic class of the actants in the typical situation indicated by the verb has changed. One of the main mechanisms of semantic derivation as a dynamic process is described - a shift in the focus of attention. The results of the analysis using examples of Russian mental state verbs clearly show how, in the process of semantic derivation, they change the thematic class of the actants in the situation, forming the derived meaning of the type of speech act. Therefore, the syntactic and lexical context that emerged in the process of analyzing Russian mental state verbs confirms the regularity of semantic derivation according to the “mental state → speech act expressing it” model. Of course, the frequent and customary use of mental state verbs in the meaning of speech acts does not guarantee the status of the derived meaning described as part of the entry in the explanatory dictionary. However, this semantic derivation model is meaningful in that it reflects the dynamic characteristics of language and provides the possibility of describing the operating principles of words under actual usage conditions.

      • KCI등재

        한국 자폐 아동에서 살펴본 틀린 믿음과 보문의 관계

        이현진,HyeKyeung Seung,제프리파라,정성훈,정운선,김경아,권은영 한국심리학회 산하 한국발달심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 발달 Vol.22 No.2

        본 연구에서는 언어가 틀린 믿음 수행을 예측해 주는지를 밝히기 위해 14명의 자폐 아동을 대상으로 실험을 실시하였다. 언어 능력은 마음상태 동사(생각하다)를 포함하는 보문, 의사소통 동사(말하다)를 포함하는 보문, 관계절 문장에 대한 이해를 측정하였고, 틀린 믿음 이해는 틀린 믿음 위치 과제와 내용 과제를 사용하여 측정하였다. 틀린 믿음 수행을 종속변인으로 삼고 마음상태 보문 이해, 의사소통 보문 이해, 관계절 이해를 예측 변인으로 하여 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 마음상태 동사를 포함하는 보문에 대한 이해가 틀린 믿음 수행을 예측해 주었지만, 의사소통 동사를 포함하는 보문이나 관계절 문장에 대한 이해는 틀린 믿음 수행을 예측해 주지 못했다. 이러한 결과는 보문과 같은 특정한 구조에 대한 이해가 틀린 믿음 이해와 관련된다는 입장을 지지해준다 하겠다. 특히 마음상태를 표현하는 동사를 포함하는 보문만이 틀린 믿음 수행을 예측해 주었다는 점은 선행 연구 결과와 비교하여 논의할 필요가 있을 것이다. 또한 본 연구에 참여한 자폐 아동들의 틀린 믿음 과제에서의 수행은 정상 아동보다 저조하였는데, 이러한 결과는 자폐증의 마음이론 가설을 지지해 주는 것으로 해석될 수 있을 것이다. This study examined the relationship between language and false belief in Korean children with autism (n=14). Specifically, it aimed to explore whether understanding of sentential complement structures could predict performance on false belief tasks in Korean children with autism. The children were tested with two kinds of false belief tasks (i.e., location change and content change tasks) and three kinds of language tasks (i.e., complement structure with a mental verb (think), complement structures with a communication verb (say), and relative clause structures). The tasks were presented as short stories with picture descriptions on a laptop computer. Questions were asked after each short story presentation. The data showed that the Korean children with autism performed lower than the typically developing Korean children did. Furthermore, multiple regression analyses indicated that the understanding of complement structures with a mental verb (think) predicted false belief task performance. But understanding of complement structures with a communication verb (say) and the relative clause comprehension were not predictive. The results support the view of de Villiers that false belief task performance is preceded by understanding of sentential complement structure. The lower performance of the Korean autistic children can also be interpreted as evidence that supports Baron-Cohen's theory of mind deficit hypothesis of autism.

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